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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1885)
f Off THE FfELD OF JJATTLE. The JTalf.Jirf.cdJi Met by Gen. Mtddletoti- Kho U'foojiy Encounter Desperate Heals- fence. A correspondent who Is accompanying Gen. Mlddlcton's army In the campaign against the half-brccds telegraphs the following account of a battle In which the forces ot MIddlctou and Ilcll engaged : We left camp at 0 o'clock this morning , leaving all supplies and tents behind. We marched seven miles without seeing or hearing anything of. the enemy. The morning wai bright and warm. Suddenly there came the sound of a steamer's whistle blowlnc con tinuously. Aa we drew near we beard the Bound of heavv firing on our front In thu direc tion of the river. Thu gun steamer , scouts , and galling gun then pushed rapidly ahead and teen came upon two horses near thu bank of the river' winch here Is very precipitous. Ihc advance party of the rebels were met. lliey flrcd uud retired behind a house toward the hollow. The galling gun was brought to bear on them , when they ran in a hou = e near Iho church of St. Laurent , which was also fired on by the g.itling gun , when they ran out Into bush. Battery A by this tune came up with : i rush and got Into position , Bending several shells a ter the rebels. The grenadiers now advanced , marching steadily into action and deployed into line , continuing to advance in skirmishing order till the church was reached , when the pi lest came out of the house 'ravins' a white flag. Gen. Middlctou and his stall ad vanced and shook hands , when three other priests and live sisters of charity came out. A number of half-breed children , were also inside in charge of the sisters. Father Jionliu said that our steamer arrived' at a point a little above Batouchu at 5:20 a. m. The rebels immediately commenced the lire on itftoni both banks. It shortly after struck on a mud bank but swung clear asralii , find just before our arrival passed the crossing. He also said thu rebels had six killed aud twelve wounded at Fish Creek. The grenadiers advanced , skirmishing through-thu bneh on the right of the trail , the galling gun being pushed forward down a declivity towards Batouches , now plainly vis ible In the valley below. Here a battery un- llnibcrcd ou top"of the ridsje sen Jlng shells into them , and whilst doing so was almost surprised by u number of rebels who crept up through the but-h , not being discovered until twenty yards distant. They made a rush for the guns , firing aud yelling as they ran. Capt. Howard , who operates the gatling gun , saw the dangcj , ran the gun a couple of yards in front ol the battery , and opening fire , literally mowed the rebels down. Those remaining turned and ran from it , reaching the shelter ol the bush , where the- opened lire : igainbut Capt. Capt. Howard gallantly maintained his posi tion aud the rebels , unable to slaud Ihe ter rible fire , returned to the pits constructed iu a ravine ruuniug from Ihe river. At 11 it. in. Capt. French , with his scouts -and a part of the dismounted men of * 'A" batterywent down into the ravine and opened a continuous lire ou the left aud the center , but a scattered one on the right. After gallant but vain efforts to drive the rebels from the rillc pits , French's scouts and the batteryinen retired. At noon the list of killed and wounded on our side is as follows : A battery ( Juuncr Phillips , shot through the stomach while in thu ravine ; died while being brought iu. Thomas J. Stout , run over by a carriage ; not fatal. Chappatlcr , shot through both legs , one fractured. Gunners Fairbanks and Toohey also shot in the legs. Grenadiers Capt. Mason , Xo. 2 Company , slight wound in the thigh. French scouts K. Cook , slightly wounded in the leg. Curley Allen , shot in shoulder. At 2 o'clock the rebels were gradually ceasing their fire , but our troops were gradually keeping up a scattered fire all alons the line. It gradually slackened until 4 o'clock , when only a few dropping shots were heard. No more of our troops were hurt. hurt.William William Bruce , lately prisoner of Kiel , but who escaped on Tuesday , was brought in to day by the scouts , lie says that Riel's force is a little over 400 , half of whom were ou the other side of the river when he left. He also says that when the ammunit'on was served only one keg of powder remained. Bullets were also scarce. The women aud children had been sent to the other side of the river. The prisoners are safe so far as he knows. Beardv Is not with Kiel , but has been sent for. lllel , Dumont , Garncau and other leaders are in Kiel's camp on the other side of thu river. A body ot rebels at 7 o'clock opened fire from the bluffs ucar the ravine on our skir mishers. They fired three volleys but shot too high to reach-us. The Winnepeg battery resumed its shelling of Ihe bouses in Ihe dis tance where a large number of rebels gathered. The second shell crashed through the first house and the rebels rushed out. Another shell blew the roof off the hous ? beyond. As these dispatches leave a scatlered firing is going on. TILE WHITE HOUSE * 'Tlie Most Persistent ami Thoroughly Ad- visrd ll'oinaii in America. " Washington special : "Miss Cleveland is the most persistently and thoroughly advised woman in America , " said a lady from New York , who is well acquainted with the mis tress of the White House. "She gets an im mense number of letters from all parts of the country about every blessed thing of which a cranky woman can think to write. One wants her to sternly frown down the nefarious practice of permitting intoxicating liquors to be served at the president's tiblo. Another mildly assures her that society is looking upon the president's sister as the proper per son lo institute a much needed reform In woman's dress. An earnest lover of her BOX intimates that it would be well if the first lady were to issue a sort of court circular , pre scribing the costume regarded as most fitting to bo wore by women at presidential recep- ti ns , and hints that she trusts the goodness which has always characterized MksCleveland will induce her to mark with her disapproval the abomination ot low neck dresses , which have been borrowed fiom immoral and im proper European courts. The writer declares we should have some distinctively American fashion , and that the position she occupies would make it cosy for .Miss Cleveland to in troduce them. A woman from a far western state Bays she has heard that Miss Cleveland resembles very much Mis Ellen Terry , es pecially in respect to the cboveliero of tbo two. and adds that as 'the Bible teaches that the glory of a woman is in her long hair , ' a omjlinnco with sacred injunctions would in dicate that her shorter locks should bo al lowed to grow. I.never dreamed there were so many leminine fools on earth as scorns to have been developed since Miss Cleveland entered tie presidential mansion with her brother. " Another of the While Cross Ztne Steatitcrs Goes to theJiattom. Halifax dispatch : The Helvetia arrived In the Gulf of St. Lawrence over a week ago , and has been knocking about in the ice for * oven or eight days. Her bows were steve in and she was badly damaged otherwise by ice1 -and was leaking badly. On Friday Captain Schooneman left Capo Ray and bore up for Sidney , having all ho could do to keep the boat ulloat. On Saturday a heavy sea sprung up and he bailed the Alien line steamer Arca- rtmr. , which was passing while on the voyage iron. Halifax'Sidney. . The Arcadian took tno Helvetia in tow and headed for Lomburg , but bad not gone far before Captain Schoone man called out that she was sinking. The boats wcro lowered aud tbo passengers and crew got into them as eoon as possible , but none too BOOH , for the last bout had hardly oiteuclnar before the Helvetia careened over and sunk. The Eteamer Arcadian then put back to the strait of Canso and landed the rescued party at Port Hawkesbury. This 1s the fourth steamer which the White Cross line has lost within as many years. A rather remaikable coincidence is that Captain Scnooncinan was in command of the Daniel -Stoinman when she crushed on a rock at - Sambrols thirteen months ago. This was his first trip acroiS the ocean alncp that Umo. 'The Helvetia carried a cargo Tttluea at * 4W- & .Q , and sank in deep water. A'JSn'S ASD NOTES. Slattcrs of Intercut Touched Upon l y 1'rcas Aietrs ( lathererg. A strange disease , resulting fatally , Is prevailing in Seward and neighboring vil lages iu Schoharle countyN.Y. It made its ap pearance last month and a number of persons have since died. The symptoms are swelling of the throat , paralysis of the tongue , Inabili ty to cat and double vision. Starvation fol lows in the course of the disease. 4Tho strike at Eau Claire is practical ly over. An attempt was made to prevent the mills from resuming , but after a few arrests the efforts to interfere with the mill employes were abandoned. It is not" expected that there will be any further trouble. In Pike county , Kentucky , while Mount Clark was trying to elope with Miss Stratton , he encountered Frank Stralton , her brother. Stratton. stabbed Clark , who shot bolh fatally. A Lcmont , Illinois , special , says : "All the strikinsi quarrymen at Lemont went back to worlc and the trouble Is now believed lo be cnde'l. Only two companies of troops now remain on the scene. The swcnty-sixth annual convention of the Young Men's Christian Association of the United States and Canada met in the Bap tist church at Atlanta , Ga. About four hun dred delegates were in attendance. Ten In ternational secretaries the most of the state secretaries , and nearly all of the general sec retaries were present. Nine hundred and fifty cattle be longing to F. W. Fryc , of Arkansas , have been quarantined at Sentinel Butte , near the Mon tana line. The cattle have been loose and scattered. The reason for the quarantine is supposed , possibly , to be pleuro-pneumonia. The cattle are apparently healthy , however , but very poor. The owners declare the quar antine unwarranted. lirassnoppers are destroying large quantities of corn in Panola county , Tcxus , near the line of the Galvcston , St. Louis & Longview railroad. One field was complete ly dcstoyed by them in a short time. This is their first appearance there. A fire destroyed the most of the busi ness portion of the town of Darlington , near CrawforJsvilleInd. About eight of the leading business firms of the city were burned out , Loss , about 24,000. "William Allen Story , who ran awa\r from Batavia , Ohio , with another man's wife six3'cars ago , has just returned from Nebras- ba. lie is now consulting an attorney for the purpose of bringing suit against a number ol citi/.ens who took hjm from jail to the rail road bridge , fastened a rope arouud his neck , and threw him over. The rope broke , howev er , aud he managed to escape the vengeance of the mob. For several days a strike has been iu progress among the ore shovelers of Ihe Joliet Iron and Steel Works , Chicago. James Lcmar , James Selliuger and John Meyer beat John Mitchell , a non-unionist , with the butt end of tluir revolvers until he w ? uncon scious. They were all arrested and held un. der § 1,000 bonds pending fcne result of Mit chell's injuries. The amount of money required by the directors of the southern exposition at Louis , ville , Ky. , has been fully made up and the ex position will open August lo. Over one-half of tbe space has been applied for already though the building covers filtc.u acres. A number of the most noteworthy exhibits at New Orleans have been promised. Danireset , has been engaged for two concerts during five weeks , aud Capta's seventh regiment baud will succeed him , the season lasting ten weeks. The exposition promises to be the most brilliant ever held in the interior. A committee with the president of the exposi tion leaves for New Orleans in a few days. is expected that tbe president of the Unite I States will visit Louibyille during the expo , s.tiou. John l eneighbor , a young man who has been living iu Springfield , Ohio , went to the vicinity of his wife's mother's house , four miles north o the city , and taking a place bj- hind a tree , awaited the coming of his wie who was driving the cows home. Confront ing her he asked her to return to his home and liv with him. She refused , w hereupon he drew a revolver , and saying , ' 'Thon we die together , " fired. She fell with an ugly wound in her head. He then shot himself. Some time after the woman revived sufficient ly to reach home , where she told the story. Neneighbor died in an hour. His wife is alive , with some hope of recovery. The sepa ration had not bren of long duration ana was based on triiliug differences. Fcrrlblo Story of a. Stepfather's Bru tality. A horrible story of cruelty comes from Phil- idelphia. At the inquest oil the body of Lot- lc Cook Onofri , the revesting story > f her cruel death was told by parties un- ler oath. Her stepfather , the Italian con- ortionistC. Achille Onofri , who is accused of cilling her , was present as a prisoner , and ; eemod overwhelmed by the predicament n which his brutal nature Lad brought him. Che child was only nine years old ; her body ras covered with cuts and bruises. The Cor- mer's physician testified that her veins were ilmost empty and that the child had literally > een starved and beaten to death. On Mon- lav it was shown Onofri had flogged little jo'ttie nearly all day , usinir a thick rope , a icavy strap and a shovel , the handle of the atter bein-r broken ou her head or body. Her ten-father tied her hand and foot and com- iclied her to kneel down for hours. At night sbe crawled up stairs to bed and icciuse she moaned and complained of her lack Onofri beat her asain with a shovel. Af- cr Ivin" quiet a while'the dying child again ic an 'to moan , when her step-father in a . reat ra"-e fell upon her , smothered her head inder the pillow and sat upon it. When re- eased , tbe youns victim , as her sister Maoel , aid. lay -cry quiet Onofri then struck her n tl [ . . . . . icmxzauiiJ ituuo u * * * .AAi i.w - 0. j- , songress gave the executive branch of the fovernment the authority to disburse this noney , it limited the rate of subsidy to 51 sents per nautical mile. If the subsidy i ? , loalt out proportionately to'the lines entitled o a share of it the rate will not exceed ! cnts per mile. The Post soya that tbe preal- lent has called upon the cabinet for advu e n disbursing the appropriation. The various iteamsbip lines are strongly represented inJ iVuhington. I YKKY niGU 2'JllCEJ ) SEED. Discoveries That nave Keen Made by the Jfew Coininlsslonef of Agriculture Useless Ex penditure of Money. Commissioner Colcman says of the condlllon of affairs In Hie'department of agriculture that soon after he entered upon his duties his attention was called lo the fact that the laboratory fund was nearly exhausted , and ho was therefore compelled to furlough several employes until the end of the fiscal year with out pay. Now It appears that several other specific appropriations arc In a like condition of exhaustion and many minor branches of Ihe work wlll be lemporarlly suspended. The statistical division suffers the loss of all its state agents and other such suspensions must ncccssa'rily be made in the seed division. The appropriation for the current fiscal year was § 100,000. On. the first of tbe present month there remained only $12 of this fund in the treasury. An estimate made in detail by the beads of this division for the purchase of seeds , called for an expenditure of $70,000 , which would leave $30,000 to pay Ihe expeuse of packing and distribution. The amount actually expended for seeds from this fund seems to have been § 8'V 000. As a result there arc several kinds of seeds ou hand In large quantities with no money to pav the expense of packihg and dis tribution. There are thus in excess thirteen thousand pounds of beet sugar seed , between seven aud eight hundred btis hels of peas , and between six and seven hundred bushels of sorghum seed. There have been distributed the past year about five thousand pounds of boot sugar seed , and Ibc supply on hand is sufficient to last nearly three years at that rate. Some of tbe peas on hand cost $7 a bushel. Part of tbe sorghum seeds has been emptied from sacks upon the lloor , and two boys are employed to stir them round to keep them from spoiling. A wide variety of prices were paid lor seed ; -for example , seventeen hundred bushels of sorghum faced were pur chased from a New York firm at prices rang ing from ? 3'J13 to § 2.95 a bushel , while three hundred bushels of the same variety were obtained from a western man for $ L a bubbel. The attcnllon of the chemist of the depart ment was called to this fact lo-day and be was asked as an expert what would have been a fair price for the seed at tbe time this stock was purchased. He said it sold as low as twenty-five cents per bushel in Ne braska , but that 61 a bushel would be an ex ceedingly good price for the very best quality ready prepared for planting. He was asked how large a quantity of sorghum seed he would have purchasc'd had the matter been left to him. ' "Not a pound , " bo replied. "There was no reason for the purchase of cither sonzhum or beet send. There was no purpose in view. There was no new vailcty to be tried. There was no more reason for disturbing an old variety than for sending out white wheat. " The chief of the seed division once last summer called the attention of the chief clerk of the department to the fact that he hud more than 200 ladies cmploved in the seed room and piotestsd this force could not be economically used , but there seems to have been no efficient reiorm. There seems to have been a very liberal distributiou of turnip seed. So far this year the amount purchased is stated to be 15,15 ( ; bus-hcls. Yet the amount on hand is not reported in exiess. The largest amouut previously purchased within five vcarj was ! i,800 bushels. These discoveries have been made incidentally , and no formal investiga tion was undertaken. ! itii ! tic.s cf the Agricultural Depnn- inciit lor I3ay. The montbU slalislical publication of Ihe Agricultural Department for May which will be issued within two or three days , conlains .1 eomnrchciibrve statement of Ihu wages paid farm laborers in all parts of Ihe eounlrybasud on what Mr. Dodge , thu slatieiau of Ihe de- inirtmcnt , believes to i e entirely trustworthy data : The Eastern States , $23.0J ; Middle Sttes : , S2J.19 ; Southern States , $11.27 ; sraeL"A ( ; The amount of I.bor seckimr employment in agriculture at the present time is unusually laiirc , yet there are many localities iu almost every tectijii of the country iu w'jich there is more or lc-j > s complaint of scarcity. Thu re port doseb with tue practical suggestion that in towns and cities ollices should be opened , cither by li.bor uuious or by beiievol.-nt i iti/.ens , through which com- niunuati < n may be opened between unetn ploveil eitv workmen and fanners needing help , so that a reputable and worthy city la. borer may have the means of making known his true character instead of starting out on fc ot at a venture , subject to the risk of being for a professional Irump. Settling With the Half-EreeJs. A dispatch from Cnlgarri says : The half breed commifBion mot to-day in pursuance to notice. The half-breeds of the district at tended in largo numbers. There was some doubt at flrst whether they would accept the terms. The heads of families were desirous that the sen' ] ) should represent land or that he should be given land Instead of scrip. They also wished that the terms shou'd be granted to children born since JS70. Some wished to have the right to select hind ou un occupied or cancelled lease ranches. The commission informed them that the terms offered were those which had been settled upon after a consultation with the half-breeds ot Queappelle and that they were selected for the conference as being largely half- breeds. The settlement on the basis of the original terms suggested by the half-ureed ; of Qut-appolle had been accepted by the gov ernment and the otfcr had been deemed i-atis- factory to the half-breeds. It was not-pos siblo. nor was it desirable to innke different terms at Calgarri or elsewhere. After a con sultation among the Calgarri claimants , a good number of them took the terms and it is expected that a majority of them will accept scrip. The Appointments Reing Made. The postmaster general appointed Clarence Maekey postmaster at Buena Vista , Pennsyl vania. Henry C. Bulcs , of Iowa , special swamp and agent of the land otlico. and Jacob A. Swan , special examiner of the pension oflice , iavc resigned. Zachariah Montgomery , u prominent California lawyer , called at the In- : orsor department in company with Attorney jcnoral Garland and was introduced to the jmployes of the law oflice by Secretary I amar is the assistant attorney general ni" the de- lartment. tt is understood a formalappoiut- nent will bo made iu a fcM ? days , as his ireclcct'ssor's resignation takes effect the :4th : inst Secretary Lamar appointed the "ollowiugr persons as special agents of the jureau of labor : Charles II. Jurtii. of Colorado ; Joints Libby , of New York ; Elgin Ci. 11. Gould , of Maryland : Henry C.Vil on , ) f Now Jcrsoy : Win. H. Hinson , of New Hampshire ; Jniccs Weed , of Ma sa'husetts ; \rthur 15. Woorli'ord , of Connecticut ; J. I. Graves , of Delaware : H. L. Thomson , of 'cnnsylvnnia ; George Fox. of Pennsylvania : : has. F. Gillian , of Ohio : Wm. S. ManOley.of ) hio ; Kinpold W. Browning , of Maryland ; i\'m. C. GreenhoLm , of South Cnrolina ; Henry Newman , of Missouri ; Henry .Tone ? , of Jeorgi.i ; Filns O. Ward , ot'N'cw York. Tt is earned in makinir these appointments the secretary acted without r. p-urd lo the party iHilintious of the persons to lie appointed , ind they wore eoloctcd without respect to my theories they might entcitum upon econ- > mio questions. The districts tu which these ippointees nro to bo assigned have not yet jceu fully determined upon. A. Wall from. Utah. The church organ of Salt Lake bewails the iardnc. = s of heart of President Cleveland in iot promising to stop the enforcement of the iw anil send a commission of investigation , t urges continued appeals to the authorities f the nation against the oppression of ty- ants , and closes : "Tho Loiil ot hosts will isten to the cry of the oppressed and make n adjustment that will make the ears of the aillions tingle. In the meantime the saints nust do the bc5t they can under the circum- lances , standing firm in their integrity , pa- iently awaiting developments that arc at the ioor. and finally , alter a season of more or 233 gloom , seeing the salvation of the God o : sraeL" A Creole Duel. A duel occurred near Now Orleans between two cicolo young men of good social and business standing. The quarrel arose over a game of cards and blows pusfoJ. At 10 o'clock In the morning the two principals , Messrs. Edward Thcard and Bon Tolando , loft Now Orleans with their seconds , Clmrloa Do Lasus and M. Honvuo for Mr. Thoard and for Tolando Messrs. Charles Lebretonno and William Jacquet. Do Gruy's plantation In Jefferson jmrlsh , about 11 vo miles from Iho city , WHS selected for the encounter. Alter ail the prolimln < rles wore completed , which was about IS o'clock , the two principals wore plac'cd In position. The command was Klvon. aud the two men fought for about ton min utes , when the seconds noticed Mr. Thcard was wounded in the right wrist. Mr. Tolando then dcclnrol that bis honor bad been satis- fled , and the encounter closed. Dr. DoMahey dressed the wound of Mr. Tueard and pro nounced it ellght. Both men uro said to have fought bravely und skillfully. JTc Made Too Many Threats. In the woods near Dixie station , on the East Tennessee , Virginia and Georgia railroad , thirty miles above Sclma , Alabuma , the body of Sciplo Atehison ( colored ) was found i id- died with buckshot. Last week Atchison's son .lames outraged u white woman ucar the tame place , .lames was pursued by white men , who failed to find him. sfcipio was ter. ribly onia''ed at the white men and threat ened to kill them. On Friduy last he went to the houtoj of some white people and said : "This is your day , but to-monow is mine. 1 will got your sculps. " These ihrcnts tuo hu- lieved to have been Hie cuuso of Uis death. Tha son will bo lynched if caughu THE MABKETS. OMAHA. WHEAT No.2 72 ! < 3 72 BAHLEY No.s 52 © 53 KYI : No. S 59 © 60 CoiiN-No.2 mixed HS@ : OATS-NO. 2 37 4 < 8 27 BUTTKK Fancy creamery 22 23 BUTTEII Choice dairy 35 © 17 BuTTini Best country 11 © 16 CHKESK Young America 14 © EGOS Fresh 10 © H ONIONS Per bbl 3 59 © 375 CHICKENS Per doz. . alive. . . . 350 © 375 CHICKENS Dressed , per lb. . . . 10 & 11 Ari'MJS Uarrois 350 © 3 75 LEMONS Choice 4 00 © 450 U ANANAS Choice 275 © 3 fiO OHANGES Mcsina 325 © 350 POTATOES Per bushel 00 © 75 SEEDS Timothy. . ? 210 & 220 SEEDS Blue Grass 1 ai © 1 40 HAY Baled , per ton 650 © 700 HAY In bulk 000 © 7 00 NEW YORK. WHEAT No. 2 red 1 05 © 1 05 J WHEAT L'nirraded red 87 © 100 CoitN No.2 54J © flfiU OATS Mixed western 40 © 43tf Pome 1200 © 123) LAIIU -15 © 7 is CHICAGO. FLOUR Choice Winter 475 © rl FLOUR Spring extra i75 & l5o WHEAT Per bushel Kiva < 2 > bi ! CORN Per bushel 47 © 47 } $ OATS Per bushel 3t'/ © 31 PORK 11 0 ' ' . © 11 12 LARD 6 .co © 005 HOGS Packing and shipping. 4.2J © 440 CATTLE Choice 4-75 © 575 SIIEEP Medium to good 250 © 400 ST. LOUIS. WHEAT No. 2 red 1 071/ © 1 03 CORN Per bushel 47" © 47'/ $ OATS Per bushel 37 © 37-i ; CATTI.U Exports 5 0 © COO SHEEP Medium to extra 225 © 4iO HOGS Packers 4:0 © 4Co KANSAS CITYr. WHEAT Per bushel fiSJi © 84 CORN Per bushel 45 © 4V,4 OATS Per bushel 40 © 477J CATTLE Kxporte 530 © 540 HOGS Mediumsto choice 3 to © 400 SHEEP Fair to eood 1 00 © 375 AmusingCourtRoom Incidents. The following ninusing examination recently occurred in a court-room in one of the blue-grass counties of Kentucky : Gen. H. , a prominent lawyer of that re gion , was defending a prisoner charged with horse-stealing , and the -witness Avas swearing as to the identity of the stolen horse. Gen. H. How do you know thisis the same horse ? "Witness ( hesitating ) "Well , I just know it is. Gen. H. Well , how ? Witness I can't tell exactly how ; but I know it as well as I know you , Gen. H Gen. H. Well , how do you know that I am Gen. H. ? Witness Because , just before dinner , I heard Mr. G. say , "Gen. H. , let's go and take a drink , " and you went. The identity was satisfactory to the bine-grass jury. A lawyer in Bridgeport , Ct. , who has , perhaps , the largest professional prac tice in the -vicinity , is very fond of inter larding his pleadings with the phrase , "If your Honors please. " Xot long ago , in a case before the Superior Court , he addressed the jury as follows : "And Avill you , gentlemen , sit calmly by and see this wrong perpetrated upon my client ? God forbid that such injustice should be done ! God forbid if your Honors please ! " His conception of the will of the Al mighty depending upon that of the Judges of the Superior Court of the State of Connecticut is a little unique. Ifaiyer's Drawer. 3Iow to Be Health ? . H you want to do well , keep well , if you possibly can. Do not let even your education rob you of your health. It is about the worst thing you can do under the whip and spur of a noble purpose , and it is what vast numbers do to their life-long regret. When a fine painter took the butcher to see one of his pict ures , he said , "Aye , Maister Hayden , it's a grand picture , but I doubt whether you could have done it if you had not eaten ray beef. " And I think there was a grain of truth in the remark. They say that base-ball is getting into the hands of the gamblers , and that young men are shy of it of a' good breeding. I should be very sorry to think so. It is the handsomest game that ever was played , and one of the healthiest. Play base-ball , and pull a boat , and get your chance in vacation at long tramps and hard beds and rough , wholesome fare ; eat well and sleep well ; be as clean all through and all over as you are in a drawing-room , and then you will not only be able to do your day's work in this world like a man , but when the years bring their inevitable burden you will be able to say with Adam in the play : Tboush I look old , yet am I strong and lusty , For in my youth I nc\er did apply Hot and rebellious liqiicrs to my blood ; Nor did with imbasuful forebead woo The means of weakness and debility ; Therefore my a e is as a luoty winter , 1'rosty , but kindly. Eemember this , too , that , with health and strength to back you , life means hard work , and hard work on long lines , with native ability and good conduct , means success. AVr. Robert Colluer. An old maid in Nashville 'keeps a parrot which swears and a monkey which chews tobacco. She says , between " tween the two , she doesn't miss "a hus band verv much. " AGNES. "Como , Miss Agnea , or your luncli'll bo coli as a stono. " An tbo kind old housekeeper looked into the room her face took on an anxious expression , aa she saw tbo bowed young bead , and bcari tbo smothered sobs of the mistress of whom olio was so unselfishly fond. "What ia it , dear ? Did tbo letter bring bad news ? Toll mo all about it , and maybe tbo telling of your troublo'll make it easier to bear.1 Agues raised her bead and looked a Mrs. Willaru in a dazed sort of way for an in stant Then , with an effort , she controlled herself suilicicntly to sneak and unburden her mind of tbo sad truth which pressed so heavi ly upon it "We'll soon bo without a homo , Mrs. Wil- lard. Tbo money that papa left mo is all lost. The loiter is to mo. " "Well , Miss Agnes , you have your cousin Ernest to look to. Uo will take care of you. ' A crimson tlush chased away the girl's pal lor. "Hush , Mrs. Willard ! Don't speak to mo of him again ; ho id married. The uowa came this morning. " "Bad luck to him , and ho engaged toj-ou. lie is a black-hearted " "No , Mrs. Willard ; bo's only fickle and thoughtless. Ho fell desperately in love with the pretty young thing he has married , and they have niado a runaway match. I am glad bo found out the nature of his liking fcr me before instead of after our union bad taken place. Ho had a cousinly feeling for mo , thai was all. " -with silent which silenced Agues spokewith a dignity lenced her listener at onco. "Well , come and have your lunch now. ] broiled a bit of chicken foryonandi hope it will taste good. Sitting here and fretting won't mend things a bit" She succeeded in coaxing Agnes into the dining-room , and , poured her a. cup of fragrant Mocha , laid the morning paper beside horplato and then loft her alone. Agnes sipped the coffee and tasted the chick en. Then sue glanced over the columns of the newspaper. An advertisement attracted her attention. It was this : "Wanted . She must bo , a housekeeper. ac tive and good-tempered , as well as competent to direct the domestics under her particular charge. " "I will have to earn my living now , " thought Agnes , with a sigh ; "And I kept house for papa , so _ why can't 1 for some one else ? At any rate I will auqwcr this advertisement audfind out what kind of duties afo renuired. " She wrote a no to and sent it to the address given. The following day brought a reply from Mr. Duraut , requesting her to call at the writer's house , giving its number and the name of the street After a long walk she reached the place. It was fjuite an imposing looking structure. A carriage was drawn up before it , and a liveried footman ran up the steps and gave a. tremendous pull at the'cloor-bell , glancing at Agnes curiously as bo did so. 4 servant came to the door. Agnes gave him her card , and he moved noiselessly away , returning to say , "please Miss , walk into the hbrarj- . " A gentleman was seated at a writing table , he turned his head as Agnes entered , care lessly at first , then curiously. His eyes wore very dark and bright , and their expression was one of unmistakable surprise. "I hope you will pardon me , " said he , "for saying your youth is against you. " Agnes tried to make her voice steady as ehe answered , but in spite of her efforts it trem bled. UI never had any trouble with our own ser vants , sir , sol thought I might manage other people's ; but I see my mistake. " "I must again ask pardon for intruding my opinions upon you. Hut why , may I ask , have you selected this particular'kind'of eniploy- mentV" "It was a sudden impulse which led me to answer your notice. 1'oor papa has been gone ' from me a whole year , and'now I have just heard that all the money he left is lost I must earn my living some way. " "I like your spirit The taking of such a responsible place as that of the directing spirit of my household machinery would not be feasi ble ; but I have an invalid aunt who is about to part with her companion a lady who has come into small property lately , and does not need the position any longer. If you succeed in making a favorable impresfeion upon the old lady , who is rather qucer'in her way , it will be a much easier employment than that of a house keeper. Iyill conduct you to her. and see how the plan is likely to succeed. " * Agnes' modest face at once attracted the in valid's fancy and she was engaged to take the place on the following week. She fulfilled her duties every day , and after several months became very much attatchud to her , and she had every reason to make her journey through life as" happy as it could be while enduring so much pain. Her death came suddenly , and was auch a shock to the kind young "care-taker that at first it put all other thoughts out of her mind. Then she awoke , to the knowledge that she must leave the ho'apitablo home that had shel tered her. When she broached the matter to Mr. Durant , however , he would not listen to it , and to her great mirprhe supplemented his re fusal with an offer of marriage. "I never thought to put trust in woman again , ' ' he said : "but I have learned to hko to see you about this lonesome old house. You are still on the sunny side of life , and I am for ty ; but I will try to make you happy. Do not answer me now. Think of what I have said , and give me my reply to-morrow at this time. " Surprised and bewildered at the sudden prop osition , Agnes withdrew from Mr. Durant's presence. "Was there such a thing as true love in the world ? " she questioned herself "that is in a man's heart ? " Her own sad experience taugbther to answer , "Xo. " She did not love Mr. Durant , but she was conscious of a feeling of respect and admira tion for him. He had not professed to love her. It would lie purely friendly union and was it not the truest kind of marriage after all ? Thus she reasoned her conscientious scru ples , and at last made up her mind to tell Mr. Durant that if he would take her for his wife knowing that her heart bad once received a blow which bad given love its death-wound , and to accept friendship and respect in&tead , she would oe to him a true and laithful com panion throughout life's journey. Mr. Durant was pleased with ifer candor , and after a brief delay they were married. Tha young wife pro'ved like a ray of sun shine m the grand old houte. Everv room showed tokens of the change that had been in augurated with its new mistress ; and , beet of all , Agnes learned to love her buabaad , not with the romantic devotion which had char acterized the first love , and had ended to disastrously , but with a calm , enduring affec tion , which was far better calculated to make its object happy. One morniiig'wbile looking over some old- fashioned daguerreotypes packed away in the drawer of an old cabinet , Agnes came upon an exquisitely painted miniature of a young girl.The The artist had depicted the sweet facf , curving the delicate lips , dimpling the pink cheeks , and laughing roguishly out of the eyes as blue as tbs flax-flower blossom. Agnes hastened with her new-found treas ure to the library , her husband's favorite haunt She held tip the picture toward him. "See what I have found ! What a shame for such a beautiful face to be hid away in a place which is so seldom visited. " Mr. Durant glanced up with a preoccupied look , but as his eye rested on the picture , with a sudden darkening of his usually calm face , and with a lowering brow , he caught it from Agnes and threw it across the room. Then seeing by his wife's pallor that he had startled her , he calmed himself by a supreme effort , and said : "It is through your igno rance of mv past , Agnes , that you have civen me such a wound. That picture represents my daughter Grace. Her very existence cost the life of her fair young mother , and when at hist j " 7 - ' " ' ff\ ' ' 11 orgavo hot that debt , andgavohor the warmest - - ' / " est place in my benumbed heart , nuo deserted - " mo for a stranger , and again I was desolate. - / " She proved an ingrate. Never mention her tome mo again , Agues. I have to depend upon < e ' your love aiid sympathy. Do not disappoint me. " Agnca stood for an instant in mute Hurpriao , longing but not daring to plead for fprgivoiosH , for the discarded child of whoao existence aho had now heard for the first time. It seemed so cruel for her to be enjoying the beautiful homo of her noblo-hcartod husband , while his daughter was an exile from it But Agnea bad the rare gift of patience. So she aid nothing until nho could BOO tbo way clear not to injure the cause of the absent one. But from the time when her husband iirat disclosed to her the carefully guarded secret at hia heart , she determined to eventually ef fect a reconciliation. Bv inquiries she learned the whole bitter trutk Grace Durant bad fallen in love with the son of Mr. Durant'a bitter enemy , and hopeless of gaining her father's consent to their marriage , had yielded to the ontroatiea ot the young lover and had made a clandestine match with him. He had lived but a few years , and then had loft hia darling to battle with the world , and to try and wrest a living from it for herself and her boy baby. Surely Agnea had something to work upon. Who could resist the thought of a little . grandson. * Again she wont to her husband with a like ness ; but this time of a dimpled , dark-eyed boy. boy.He received it from her carelessly ; looked at it first in a listless "Who is this ? " The young wife trembled , but who answered bravely , "It ia your grandrtjn and name-child. His father is dead , and his mother , your only daughter , is supporting herself by giving mu sic lessons. Oh , my husband , if you love mo forgive and forget the past Take your dear ones into your heart and homo. " Mr. Durant looked at the fair young pleader curiously ; a suspicious moisture.dimmed for an instant the brightness of bis dark eyes. Then ho said alowly , "Do you know what your mterccHsion will cost you that ia , if I accede to your request ? Agnea ? think well of what you are doing. My will is made and it 14 in your favor. " "Burn it ! It ia unjust ! Horoia your right ful heir ! " and AKUCS pointed to the blooming childish face with an earnest beseeching gest ure. ure."You are a good little thing , Agues. lam not deceived in you. I read it in your face when I first aw yon. Bo it aa you say. I have enough for all. " Thus Agnea made poaca between the father and daughter , and when the sweet gift of a young soul clad in mortal Ruiso came to her own arms a few month's later , ho was received with a joy which was not dimmed by the feel ing that her own little son was an interloper taking the inheritance from tbo rightful heir ; and the blessing which ia promised to all 'peacemakers' descended upon the happy home , making it like a. foretasfto of heaven to live within its boundaries. For all was har mony and love. Beheading' Two Prussian Anarch ists. Berlin Correspondence of the London Time * . Yesterday Eeinsdorff and Kuchler , who were sentenced death for the part they took in the Niederwald dyna mite plot , were executed at Leipsic. The sentence of Ilupscli , on whom the same judgment was passed , had been comnvuted by the Emperor into penal servitude for life. About sixty persona were admitted to witness the execution , which , in Prussia , is done by decapita tion. Eeinsdorff , who was the first to suffer for his crime , smoked a cigar and hummed a snatch of a serio-comio song before lie was led out to the scaffold. His demeanor is described as having been cool , unrepentant and self-possessed to the very last. Having listened to the reading of his death warrant and been shown the Emperor'a signature attached to it , he exclaimed , "Neider mit der barbarei , hock mit der anaichie" ( "Down with barbarism" long live anarchy"j , and then bent his head to the block. All traces of his execution having been swiftly removed his companion in- crime , Kuchler , who was much more broken down and affected by the prospect of his doom , was then led on to the scaffold , opposite which , by the way , stood a section of soldiers with fixed bayonets , and in a few seconds he , too. paid the penalty of his treasonable ) offense. f Hodel , the tinker , was the last to suffer in the same way for a similar crime , but up to that time , such was the Emperor's leniency , capital punishment in Prussia may be said to have been practically abolished. All sentences of death were invariably commuted , and Bismarck himself once confessed it was to General Grant , when the latter was here at the time of the Berlin Con gress that one of the main reasons which had induced him to surrender the reins of executive power in Alsace-Lor raine to Marshal Manteuffel was his con scientious scruples against countersign ing sentences of capital punishment. The Chancellor steadily and uncom promisingly opposed the abolition of the death sentence for high treason when the Beichstag of the North German Con federation declared for this change in the Spring of 1S70. The New Iffistress of the White House. Albany Letter. ' She ( Miss E. E. Cleveland ) has besn an earnest and industrious woman , and never contemplated a life of luxury , much less one of conspicuous position before the country. She is as unique in her way as her brother is in his , though they are apparently not at all alike in general character , nor does she physically resemble him. She is of medium stature and build , with a shape ly and highly intellectual face. She is good-looking , but not pretty. She Iresses neatly , but plainly , and wears few ornaments. She has for a long time been a lecturer by profession , her spe cialty bfing educational subjects , and iier audience usually pupils of girls' schools. She has , for example , just lectured at the Elmira Seminary on 'Joan of Arc. " She speaks several Ian- guages , is exceptionally well informed n history and the arts , and has that de gree of confidence in herself and the jnowledge she possesses to be able to irmly take the lead in conversation , and to hold it against the bright men and women who have come in contact with her. Yet in some respects she is notably shy , and always so modest and amiable as to win friends easily and quickly. "Why , she's a perfect dic- ; ionary , " saii ex-Gov. Cornell , when le returned from a visit to Miss Cleve- and , recently. "She's one of the Brightest women I ever met. "