McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, May 07, 1885, Image 5

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    The Tribune
Thursday , May 7th , 1885.
CONGHEaATIONAL.-Bunday School at 10
A. M. every week. Preaching services every
Sunday night ut 7.30. M. T. Alpo , every alter-
nnto Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exceptions
to the nbovo will bo noticed In locals.
MKTHODIST. Sorvlcos every Sunday ntl
A. M. nnd 7:30 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday
School ut 3 P. M. The services and Sunday
school will be hold for the future in the Oncni
Hall. AH are cordially Invited. Scats free ,
f : W. B. WIIEKLKK , Pastor.
CATHOLIC. Sorvlcos will bo held In th
Opera Hull once every four weeks.
A. F. & A. M.-McCook Lodge. II
D. , meets on the first and third Tues
days of each month.
G. L. LAWS , W. M.
T. G. HEES , Secretary.
B. & M. R. R. Time Table.
No.2 7:10 , A. M. I No. 40 5:40 , P. M
No. W 1:00. P. M. | No. 1 0:35 , P. M
JSTMiaBtbound trains nn on Central Time
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers.
R. It. WOODS , Agent.
Local Intelligence.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
We never speak as we pass pie.
E. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing.
Chickens every Saturday at Churcl
fc Bohanan's meat market.
Sweet Michigan cider of excellent
quality at the City Bakery.
A full line of Pumps and Pump fit
tings , at Spanogle & Einker's.
Adjustable Screen Windows to fit any
window , for sale at Lytle Bros.
Fresh fish at Church & Bohanan's
meat market Mondays and Thursdays.
Spring stock at C. H. Rogers. ' Every
thing fresh , new and stylish.
Teacher's Institute atlndianola , Fri
day and Saturday of this -week.
E. M. Brickey & Co. have a fine line
of furnishing goodsj this week.
Superior writing paper and envelopes
at this office , at reasonable prices.
Go to E. M. Brickey & Co. for cloth
ng. They sell bargains every time.
Spanogle & Binker keep hose , hose
nozzles , 4 and 8 arm lawn sprinklers.
Jennings & Starbuck have plenty of
money to loan on real estate for 5 years.
FARM LOANS Col. Snavely informs
us that he is now procuring farm loans
/quite easily.
ICE John Farley will commence de
livering ice to his customers about the
first of May.
A fine line of gents' furnishing goods
at C. H. Rogers' . An elegant lot of
hats just received.
Choice cuts of beef and pork at
Church & Bohanan's. Corn-fed beef
best in the market.
WANTED Everybody to call and in
spect C. H. Rogers' stock of dry goods ,
clothing , gents' furnishing goods , etc.
Stock boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also buys and sells stock on commission.
Money to loan on improved farms in
Nebraska and Kansas. R. F. Williams ,
office with Judge Lucas , McCook , Neb.
Speculators and schemers have we in
abundance. There are millions in all
these things to get by honest endeavor.
We understand that Wray & Baum
have disposed of their cattle to parties
in Colorado at $31.50 per head all
The month of April has been a rush
ing one at this station. The business
transacted being over $50,000 in the
LOST A red leather hand bag , con
taining some money. The finder will
be suitably rewarded on leaving the same
at this office.
If you want a suit of cloths cut and
made in first-class style , call on R. A.
Cole , first door west of B. & M. Pharm
acy , McCook , Neb.
First-class legal cap for sale at this
office. Also the celebrated Omaha
Mills Note Paper , with envelopes to
match. All at reasonable rates.
The Great Western Furniture Empo
rium is displaying a fine lot of baby
carriages for public inspection. Hemem-
ber the place , when you want a carriage.
They have just received a choice con
signment of candies at the City Bakery ,
and lovers of that toothsome article are
requested to call and sample them by
WANTED A few more pupils to re
ceive instruction on the piano and or
gan. I also teach voice culture. Call
at Dr. Boyle's Dental Office.
Martin , the "Wizard , begins a week's
cngagcmnnt at Menard's Opera Hall ,
Monday , May llth.
Lytle Bros , soil Screen Windows you
can adjust in a moment to fit any win
dow in your house.
Drop in the Great Western Furni-
'ture Emporium and inspect that hand
some assortment of new Window Blinds.
They are beauties and reasonable in
The Lincoln Land Co. , through Thos.
Golfer , agent , has sold eighty lots in Me
Cook since February , the building claus
being attached to most of the agree
in cuts.
Five Hundred head of Northwestern
Texas Mares and one hundred head o
saddle horses will shortly be put on the
market by Messrs. Berger & Mishler , a
McCook and Culbertson.
THE TIUBUNE has the very best facil
ities and workmen foe doing Job Work
in Southwestern Nebraska. We guar
antee neat and tasty work , and entire
satisfaction in execution and prices.
The City Bakery is in receipt of j
car-load of the "Cream" and "Fancy"
brands of the celebrated Grand Island
Flour the house-keepers' delight and
the finest flour offered for sale in the city ,
The friends who had the matter in
charge raised $150 in cash and other
donations for Mrs. Hanlein , whose house
and goods were destroyed , last week ,
by prairie fire , and a new house is about
A representative of the Knights of
Labor was in town , recently , to effect an
organization of that kind in this city.
A meeting was held , but we have not
ascertained what action was taken in
the matter.
The dearest spot on earth is home ,
sweet home. The cheapest spot on earth
to furnish a home is at J. P. Mathes' '
Furniture Emporium. Everybody is in
vited to call and see him in his new quar
ters , at McCook.
DENTISTRY Dr. Gibson is prepared
to receive calls in his new office , oppo
site the post-office. If you want first
class , reliable dental work , at moderate
prices , give him a call. Perfect satis
faction guaranteed.
The Methodist people have broken
ground for their house of worship , and
contracted for stone for the foundation
thereof. They have succeeded in get
ting considerable means , and will push
the building right along.
Two Sisters of the Sacred Heart , Den
ver , were in town , Monday , seeking aid.
As our people have their hands pretty
well full with home subscriptions , etc. ,
we fear they were not as successful as
they might otherwise have been.
The inclination of village boards all
over this commonwealth is to raise the
liquor license to the the maximum.
These educational institutions come
high , but all progressive and enlighten
ed communities must have them.
The Improvement Co. is building a
residence for Mr. Moss , a young attor
ney from Red Oak , Iowa , on Marshall
street , so'uth of J. E. Berger. Mr.
Moss has leased a suit of rooms in the
new bank building for three years.
The Wallace house on Madison street ,
lately occupied by L. B. Stiles , is now
occupied by D. J. Smith and family ,
late arrivals from Concordia , Kansas ,
Mr. Smith purchased the property and
moved into the same , Saturday night.
The festive pony attached to Frank
Allen's delivery wagon took a little spin
on his own account , Tuesday , in the
which the general appearance of the
wagon was not materially improved.
Still we have no blame to attach to the
The new town in Cheyenne county ,
Kansas , Wane by name , is attracting
considerable attention from settlers and
speculators. D. J. Smith of our city was
at that point , last Thursday , and bought
1,000 acres of land in the neighborhood
of the new town.
The liquor license in the town of
Dlysses , Butler county , is $1,500. This
we believe is the highest license de
manded by any town in this state. To
be consistent , towns ough6 to give these
institutions a bonus they are so desir
able in every particular.
Some fell disease seems to take hold
af a horse every now and then , and trans
late the same to horse-heaven without
much preliminary notification. Another
horse weary of life laid down , Saturday
last , bade farewell to earthly cares
ind went hence to the bone yard.
Messrs. Berger & Mishlcr expect their
shipment of 500 Northwestern Texas
marcs and ] 00 saddle horses , the last of
this week. Parties wanting to buy a
good horse cheap for cash should call at
Russell's barn , McCook , and at their
yard between the Frenchman and Re
publican rivers , Culbertson.
The residence now in course of erec
tion by Mr. Rinker of Spanogle & Rink-
er , on Monroe street , north of W. S.
Perry , will be one of the most artistic
and cosy homes in the city , when com
pleted. Mr. Rinker has already planted
a number of trees in his yard , showing
that hrj intends making it a home "for
keeps. "
The Congregational Church was filled
to overflowing , Sunday evening , to hear
the temperance exercises conducted by
the ladies of the W. C. T. U. The pro
gram was largely made up of declama
tions , recitations , dialogues , etc. , by the
children of the Band of Hope , whose
performances never fail to meet the
public's approval.
The trial of Fred Munsinger for set
ting out prairie fires in the pastures of
Clark and Hatfield , southeast of Mc
Cook , took place at Tndianola , Monday
morning. Munsinger plead guilty and
was sentenced to pay $50 , and impris
onment in the county jail for three
months , the extent of the jurisdiction
of the County Judge.
Call on Berger & Mishler for bar
gains in horses.
During a recent trip of R. 0. Phillips
to our city , Frees & Hocknell purchased
the lots 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , and 10 in block
27 , upon which their lumber yard is now
situated. This transaction is one of the
heaviest in the history of our city , as
well as one of the best bargains ever re
ceived , as the property embraced in the
purchase is among the most valuable
within the corporate limits.
Spanogle & Rinker have the Grass
Hopper Rod Breaker.
Two newspaper men from Hastings ,
Messrs. Thompson and Wahlquist , have
been in the city , this week , making a
thorough canvass of the field , and we
understand have decided to put a demo
cratic newspaper in McCook at once.
We also understand that it will be a
dollar paper , and will in three months
have a circulation equal to the 3 papers
now in the field , etc. , ad infinitum.
The City Livery Stable , B. F. Olcott ,
proprietor , for fine teams.
Eleven car-loads of cattle for ranch
men near Pueblo , Colo. , passed through
this station/Thursday evening. The ship
ment was from Iowa. * * Seven car
loads the same evening , for par ties near
Stratton. * * Seven car-loads-of horses
designed for A. L. Emerson at Wane ,
Cheyenne county , Kansas , together with
one or two car-loads of fancy stock for
Ogden , Utah , were attached to No. 83 ,
Saturday evening.
New goods just arrived at C. H.
Rogers' .
The primary department of our pub-
lie school has become so over-crowded
that the principal has found it necessary
to make two divisions of the children
in that department , one division of
which shall attend school in "the morn
ing , and the other in the afternoon.
The above rule went into effect , Tues
day morning. There are 72 children
enrolled , and an average attendance of
63 , more than the room will seat , and
more than one teacher can handle.
Standard Hallady wind mills at Span-
ogle & Rinker's.
People who trade in our city frequent
ly complain to us , and in some cases
bitterly , that no provision is made for
watering stock since the well on Main
Avenue is no more. This matter should
certainly interest some body. Who will
make a move toward securing a water
ing place. Will the city authorities ,
the business men or the Lincoln Land
Co. secure for those who make this their
trading point , what the people justly
iemand , a place to water their teams.
Great Reduction in Watches and
Jewelry at McCrackcn's. ;
The woman of ill-shape , who has lo ;
cated in South McCook , has caused the
citizens residing in that community to
rise up in indignation , and to make expression
pression of that feeling to the board of
trustees. The female's actions , accord
ing to the reports that have reached our
2ars , have been outrageous , and call for
\ction on the part of the authorities ,
svho should not only make an example
jf this dove , but also remember the
house on Railroad , street in their cleaning -
ing up. s
' A number of citizens of McCook met
at the waiting room in the depot ,
Wednesday evening , and completed thv
organization of a fire company. Consti
tution and by-laws were adopted and
the following officers elected :
ForemanR. , B. Archibald ; First As
sistant. , Fred S. Harris ; Second Assist
ant , J. F. Forbca ; Secretary , F. M.
Kimmcll ; Treasurer , J. A. Wjlcox ;
Steward , P. Walsh. Committees were
appointed to wait upon Mr. Hocknell ,
who has offered to present the organiza
tion with a hose cart , and in honor of
whom the company is named , and ac
quaint him with the fact of the comple
tion of the organization , and also to
meet with the next session of the Board
of Trustees and confer with them as to
the disposition of the hose , wrenches ,
etc. , now in the hands of the Board.
Other business was transacted , showing
a disposition on the part of the mem
bers of the company to go right ahead
with the work. It is to be hoped that
if the company shows itself to be de
serving that our citizens will lend a
helping hand in securing what neces
sary apparatus is to be had. We will
make fuller mention of the minutes in
our next issue.
White Bolted Corn Meal at the City
What's the matter with our real es
tate dealers in this city advertising ?
But one firm in McCook advertises the
land business to any extent , ( and the
extensive business they are doing now
gives evidence of the fact , ) while in our
neighboring towns every real estate man
seems to appreciate the value of adver
tising , as the local papers with flaming
ads. bear witness , notably Oberlin ,
where a large per cent , of land seekers
are flocking. Men in any business , who
do not advertise are liable to sit around
until they are weary , and the seat of
their well-polished pantaloons as well ,
while the judicious advertiser takes all
the business.
For pumps and pipes go to Spanogle
& Rinker.
Last week , James Ellison of Ken-
esaw moved his herd of 134 head out to
this section. Mr. Ellison has a ranch
some ten or fifteen miles north of Mc
Cook to which he will move his stock
as socn as he can complete his arrange-
meiM-sJ'-Dr ' a well , wind mill and tanks ,
by'which to provide his stock with water.
His stock are now being held north of
Indianola until these provisions are
made. Mr. Ellison also bought a fine
trotting stallion with him.
Boston Brown Bread at the City Bak
ery constantly.
The sight of the poor old man totter
ing on the verge of eternity , staggering
along the streets , Tuesday evening , only
sustained on his feet by the dumb ani
mals he was leading ( ? ) should have
chilled the very soul of levity , rather
than have caused mirth. Such scenes
may provoke the thoughtless observer
here to laugh , but if there be celestial
beings , who beyond the vale take cog
nizance of such things , their eyes were
moist with tears of pity and their lips
were asking mute benedictions.
House plants for sale at the Metro
politan Drug Store.
If you desire to have your dresses maue
neat and stylish , we would be glad to
have you call and examine our work.
Your patronage will be kindly recogniz
ed and shall have prompt attention.
S. A. & L. C. ROWELL ,
Rooms opposite TRIBUNE office.
Call and see Spanogle & Rinker's top
There will be a call meeting of the
Ladies Union at the home of Mrs. GL. .
Laws , Thursday , May 14th. A full
ittendance is desired.
MRS. CHAS. NOBLE , President.
Two setts of harness , ( one light and
Due heavy , ) for sale at B. F. Olcott's ,
rcry cheap.
One hundred presents distributed
lightly atMartin's entertainment. Marin -
in , the Wizard , should not be confound-
d with one , Prof. Martyne , facial ar-
ist and mimic.
Among the residences in course of
srection north of the school house is
hat of Philip Katzenmeyer.
Reserved seats for Martin's entertain-
nent on sale at Menard's store , Opera
Jail block.
Vegetables and butter and eggs al )
ways on hand at Church & Bohanan's. ;
We will present a more complete
chool report , next week. :
J. E. Merger made Culbertson a visit , Sunday.
! ' . L. Sparioglo of Hcd Cloud was In town ,
C. P. Ilussoll of Atwood spent Saturday and
Sunday in the city.
Mrs. J. E. Uorger went down to the county-
scat , Friday evening.
County Surveyor Dyer , of Hayes county ,
was In town , Monday.
Bert Cromwell and J. C. BIrdsall of O.xfon
spent Sunday In town.
It. F. Williams of Orleans made a buslncs
trip to McCook , Monday.
J. W. Malken and It. M. Snavoly of Indlanol
were In our city , Tuesday.
Her. W. S. Wheeler wont down the road , Sat
urday , returning Tuesday.
J. E. Berber moved Into his now rcsidonc
on Marshall street , Monday.
G. W. Daniels spent a part of Sunday in town
returning to Culbertson on 39.
J. E. Boas of Stockvlllu was registered at th
B. & M. Eating House , Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. LaTourctto iiitulo a slier
visit to Culbertson , Friday afternoon.
Register Laws went down to Orleans , Satur
day evening , remaining there until Sundaj
I. J. Starbuck was down at Indianola , Mon
day , ono of the attorneys In the Muuainge
T. K. Work and F. S. Work of the old Me-
Candlish ranch on the Driftwood wore In town
II. H. Troth of Carrico was down to the city
Saturday , after supplies for the ranch on the
Henry Baxter and Henry Byron , of th
county-seat's business men , were in town
C. E. Chandler and Frank Smith of Oborlin
were registered at the B. & M. Eating House ,
Fred Webster , late of the Webster ranch
passed through this station , Monday noon
Miss Effio McChran of Hamburg , Iowa , ar
rived In town recently , and is living with her
uncle , W. M. Lewis.
Senator Dolan , Sheriff Welborn , U. M. Sib
bett and Clark Ward of the county-scat , were
in town , Monday , on business.
Judge Gaslin made a iiying trip to McCook ,
Tuesday afternoon. Ho was on his way to
hold court In Frontier county.
Sam Ashmoro of Ashmore , Hayes county ,
came dovrn to the city , Monday , and remained
with us until the last of the week.
Mrs. H. M. Ashmore and daughter , Miss Car
rie , came up to town , Saturday , remaining a
few'days , the guests of Mrs. W. W. Fisher.
Jos. Odwtirker of Dorchester moved up to
McCook , Monday , and is now occupying his
residence on the hill , west of Supt. Campbell.
W. W. Palmer of Eed Oak , Iowa , arrived in
the city , Wednesday. Mr. Palmer has consid
erable property here , and will remain with us
a few days.
T. J. Plckett of the Bloomington Guard made
his usual trip to our town , Sunday. The
Colonel seems to be impressed wi th McCook as
M. Y. Starbuck was up from Indianola , Sun
day. Moody has been compelled to take a lay
off his old enemy rheumatism , having taken
hold of him again.
M. J. Abbott went up to Hayes Centre , Mon
day , and will hereafter issue the News from
that town. His newspaper outfit preceeded
him a number of days.
Mr. Oliver of the Fairfleld Herald made us a
short call , Wednesday. Mr. O. is a former ac
quaintance of Mr. Sheppard , the jeweler , who
snowed the editor the city.
Editor Morgan of the York Republican and
his brother of Lincoln were in town a number
of days , last week. They were also accompan
ied by a Mr. Buttcrfleld of Vermont.
Miss Vaughan of Lincoln } sister of Mrs. A.
Campbell and favorably known to many of
the young folks of our city , arrived in town ,
last week , and will visit here this summer.
Noah Mishlor of Culbertson was in town ,
Monday , on business. He and J. E. Berger of
our city will handle a large bunch of horses ,
this spring. The horses will be shipped from
Northwestern Texas , and are expected to ar
rive about the 10th of May.
M. C. Rider and daughter of Fairbury , arriv
ed in town , Tuesday. Mr. Rider has a home
stead about eight miles from town , and a tim
ber claim about two miles distant , upon which
he will start a nursery. He brought with him
over two thousand mulberry trees , among
Benjamin Bird of Benkleman , manager of
the Northwestern Cattle Co. , combining the
Ronud-Top A and Hour-Glass brands , was in
town two or three days , last week , on business.
He also made a trip down the road , investing
largely in steers , sornel.lOO head of which have
already been shipped out to the company's
range on the south fork of the Republican ,
south of Benkleman. Mr. Bird informs us that
the company is making the necessary arrange
ments for taking care of their large herd as
rapidly as possible. The company's range
will accommodate 5,000 or C.OOO head of stock 150
acres of sugar cane will be planted and large
quantities of hay and other leed prepared for
winter use. As the settlers are coming in rap
idly , Mr. Bird is making these changes in the
interest of harmony and for the accommoda
tion of all.
At the last regular meeting of the
Board of Trustees , George Leland was
re-appointed Street Commissioner , and
his bond placed at $500. The Street
Commissioner will shortly be around
after poll taxes , and as the village is in
need of funds it is to be hoped that our
zitizens will pay the same promptly and
svithout grumbling , and thus materially
issist the Board in their work of im
provement , in which every citizen is in
terested. $300 or $400 ought to be rais-
d in this way.
Work has been commenced on Page
Francis' house on Marshall street. * *
Miss Gentry's house on Macfarland
is well under * * Another
street way. t :
louse on Macfarland street , just south
f J. A. Snyder , was started the first of j
he week , and one in H. C. RrJer's west' '
iddition. ' !
Slight snow , this morning , and pretty , s
ool. j
School Matters.
ED. TRIBUNE : Permit mo through
your columns to make a report concern
ing our school. We refer more partic
ularly to the crowded condition of our
primary department. In view of the
largo attendance , wo have adopted the
plan pursued in our larger schools ,
where the accommodations arc limited ,
of dividing the department into two di
visions , and have one division attend in
the forenoon , the other , in the after
noon. That there is severe criticism ,
especially among those who arc not con
versant with the facts , is natural to ex
pect. We subjoin the following report ,
that parents and patrons may be intel
ligently informed :
No. of boys enrolled , ; ti.
No. of girls enrolled , 42.
Wnole No. enrolled , 74.
No. of Blttings , Til.
No. unrolled that are 5 years of age , -I.
No. ciiiolli'tl that at o ( I yours of ago , 21.
No. enrolled that aru 7 juara of agu , 11.
No. unrolled that at u 8 years of ago , H.
No. unrolled that aru U yearn of ago , 4.
No. cm oiled that aru 10 years of aiu , 3.
No. em oiled that aru 11 yearH of age , - .
No. enrolled that are 13 yuars of ngo , 1.
It will be seen from the above enrolment
that about one-third of the
ment , - num
ber are only five years of age , and , while
they are legally entitled to attend , they
are too young to do well , and we believe
that it is physically an injury to many
of that age who are now attending the
public schools of the state. With these
facts before you , is it not better to have
the children of this department attend
alternately each half day , than to crowd
so many together , rendering thu teacher
powerless to do effective work , and in
flicting lasting injury to the pupils , than
to permit them all to attend at the same
time ?
Please consider that we are doing our
best for the trust committed to our
charge , and we respectfully ask your
careful consideration and co-operation.
Very Respectfully ,
Fourth Quarterly Meeting.
To be held at Menard's Opera Hall ,
Saturday and Sunday , May 16th and
17th. The program of the Fourth Quar
terly Meeting of the Methodist Episco
pal „ Church will be as follows :
Quarterly Confen-ncc , Saturday at 8 o'clock ,
P. M. , at pastor's study.
Love Feast , Sunday at 10:1 * ) A. M.
Preaching by Rev. P. C. Johnson , P. E. , at
11 A. M.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at ll:45t
Sunday School at' , ' P. M.
Preaching by Elder Johnson at 7:30 P. M.
We shall be glad to have all the
members of the Quarterly Conference
present. Come one anil all and let us
have a season of spiritual profit.
W. S. WIIEELEU , Pastor.
North Divide.
We have secured the services of E.
J. Hall , who preached to us , last Sat
urday and Sunday evenings. Hereafter
regular services will be held every other
Sunday. We had a large attendance
at Sunday School , there being 53 pres
ent , while 55 attended services. We
feel encouraged , and hope to put up a
school house , where we will be able to
accommodate all who will come.
Co. Q.
Notice to Delinquents.
I will be in McCook , Monday , May
llth , at the office of W. W. Fisher , af
ternoon and evening , for the accomoda-
tion of tax-payers in McCook and west
part of the connty , who have not payed
personalty tax for the year 1884.
County Treasurer.
To the Public.
I wish to inform the public , and my
former patrons in particular , that the
reports that have been gratuitously cir
culated around town , to the effect that
I will be on my ranch , this summer ,
and will not be able to attend to my ice
business promptly , are maliciously false.
Teachers' Meeting.
The Red Willow County Teacher's
Association will meet at this place on
the 8th and 9th of May. A good pro-
zram is prepared , and all live teachers
ire expected to be present.
L. C. STEPIIEXSO.V , President ,
[ ndianola , April 21,1885.
Card of Thanks.
I desire to return my sincere thanks
to all those whoe sympathy for my misFortune -
Fortune has been so generously mani
fested. MRS. R. R. HANLEIN.
Hunyadi Janos ,
Or. Hungarian Mineral Water , for
he prevention and cure of consuuiption-
ind dyspepsia , at the B. & M. Pharmacy
Cheap Buggy-
Single top buggy , with new pole ; al-
io , a single harness. Both for $75.