McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, May 07, 1885, Image 4

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    The Tribune
F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
Official City and County Paper
THE Lariat , a bright little sheet that
has been issued at Brush , Colo. , for the
past year , has suspended operations.
THE Pranklin Echo comes to us in i
new dress and printed on a Cainpbel
press , this week. The Echo is one oi
the very few country papers in the state
that can afford a Campbell.
The'attention of the administration
is called to the factthatMcCookis suf
fering for the want of a postmaster and
several democrats in that vicinity are
suffering for want of a postoffice. Let
the conjunction be made as soon as pos
sible. Journal Topics.
A PENNSYLVANIA millionaire has
been sentenced to five years in the pen
itentiary. The influence of New Jer
sey seems to be spreading. It might
make a trip west to get acquainted with
the country and restore its health to
the vigor of forty years ago.
A CLERK in the auditor's office at
Richmond , Virginia , has been convicted
of stealing $24,000 while in office from
the state. He was sent up for two years
It was lucky for him that he stole noth
ing but public money. Had he taken a
$75 mule he would have been sure of
five years at least.
IT is now beginning to be well known
that Morrison and Logan have an un
derstanding about the Illinois Senator-
ship which will make the selection oi
one of them certain. Neither will with
draw and all outsiders will be kept out
side. This is the first time that the
ownership of Illinois has been firmly
asserted. Philadelphia Times.
RUSSIAN journals are discussing fa
vorably the old proposition to cede a
portion of Russian Poland to Germany.
It will include the ancient capital , War
saw. It would probably be a good thing
for the Poles and would have a tenden
cy t8 reconcile the chancellor to any
little accessions of territory Russia
might acquire were she measurably suc
cessful in the row with England.
LATER dispatches from the seat of
war in Winnepeg indicate that the
charge of General Middleton's forces
on the ten Indians in the ravine was not
entirely successful , as "the leaden
storm" was too much for them , but
they ran away as "coolly as thougli-
they had been on dress parade , " or
words to that effect , and are sure that
they killed one Indian. The next morn
ing , after sleeping on their arms a mile
from the battle field , the general found
that the Indians had left. He is now
waiting for reinforcements.
"FOR years the Pioneer Press , almost
alone among the daily newspapers of
this state , has been fighting prohibition.
To-day we sheath the sword. Henceforth
it will offer no opposition to a constitu
tional amendment prohibiting the man
ufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors
in the stale. Tens of thousands who
have agreed with the Pioneer Press in
preferring the more moderate policy will
accept prohibition as the only means of
emancipating this state from the inso
lent rule of this oligarchy of liquor
dealers. " St. Paul Pioneer Press.
THE Mexican government will not
give any concessions to the Mormons
who contemplate removing from the
jurisdiction of the United States to es
cape the laws against poligamy. It
says that the Mormons may come there
like other people and settle , but that
they will be subject to the laws of the
country , which forbid polygamy. The
doors of the civilized world are closed
to the saints. Africa is about their only
chance. They might find a place there
where they could defy the progress of
civilization for a hall century longer at
IT is now rumored that Attorney
General Garland is in the same box with
General Lawton in the matter of po
litical disabilities , and that never hav
ing had them removed by a two-thirds
vote of congress he is not competent to
hold a federal office. But this can
hardly be true. As a judicial officer , at
the head of the department of justice ,
we would hardly have consented to give
a legal opinion to the President in a
matter that was so personal to himself.
lie has also almost continually held
office for the past ten years. Journal.
THE Grand Army of the Republic has
quietly and without ostentation exer
cised a care and charity for its members
and veteran soldiers that is highly com
mendable. Perhaps in the public opin
ion the purpose of this organization has
been to preserve the memories of the
late war. This is one of the social feat
ures , but the practical work has been
to care for the infirm , bury the dead and
provide for the widows and orphans , and
in this they have done and are now do
ing a commendable work. The posts in
New York City are now adding another
department which may be followed with
great benefit in other sections ef the
country. They have t recently organ
ized an employment b'ureau , through
which they obtain eniploym'ent for all
worthy veterans. Thus far they have
succeeded very well both in obtaining
employment and in giving satisfaction
to those who patronize them. Phila
delphia Press.
Stock Growers' Association Meeting
The regular annual meeting of th
Southwestern Nebraska Stock Growers
Association was held at Benkleruan
Neb. , May 1st , 1885. Meeting was call
ed to order by President Bird. W. J
McGillin , Acting Secretary. Minutes
of called meeting held at MctJook
April 10th ; 1885 , read and approved.
The election of officers for the ensuing
year was the next order of business ,
which resulted as follows : President
Benj. Bird ; Vice-President , W. J. Me
Gillin ; Secretary and Treasurer , J. B
An Executive Committee consisting
of five members was then elected
Benj. Bird , J. G. Stokes , D. Guernsey ,
\V. II. Davenport and J. T. Wray.
The question of the Red Willow As
sociation having advertised their round
up to commence May 15th , was taken
up , and while all the members present
were disposed to concede them the date ,
if possible , it was deemed impossible to
do so , after thorough discussion , as many
members had already planned their work
so as to commence on the 20th , anc
could not change their arrangements seas
as to be able to attend a round-up on
the 15th. Also , that the date had been
so thoroughly advertised that all out
side parties could come and get their
strays out of this county , that it was
considered inexpedient to change the
date at this late day. The Secretary
was instructed to correspond with the
officers of the Red Willow Association ,
and , to urge them to wait until the 20th ,
so that but one round-up shall occur on
the Red Willow.
On motion of W. J. McGillin , the
date of the annual meeting was changec
to the second Monday of April of each
year , and that the place of meeting be
at McCook , instead of Benkleman , as
Motion was made and carried that il
any member of the Executive Commit
tee fail to serve , from any cause , the
President shall have power to appoinl
another to act in his place.
Motion was made and carried that
the matter of fire-guards be left entirely
in the hands of the Executive Commit
tee , and that thev meet at Culbertson
Neb. , on the 18th of May , 1885 , and
hear any suggestions that any member
has to make , and determine , how much
the association shall expend on the same
and make arrangements for plowing by
contract BENJ. BIRD , President.
J. B. MESERVE , Secretary.
County-Seat Clatter.
County Commissioners meet again
June 2d , 1885.
Fred Munsinger , the German who sel
the fire south of the river , which did
so much damage , and who escaped trial
at the time , was brought in by Sheriff
Welborn , last week , from Hamilton
county , Neb. , where he was captured.
Munsinger had his trial , last Monday
before Hon. H. M. Ashmore , County
Judge , p.lead guilty , and was sentenced
to three months in the County Jail anc
to pay a fine of $50.
Hon. Wm Gaslin was in our town ,
Tuesday night , on his way to hold
special term of the District Courc at
C. F. Babcock , paid our city a short
visit on Monday , come often Charles ,
we like to see you. COUNTY-SEAT.
C. E. Perkins , president of the C. B
& Q. R. R. purchased 110,000 acres of
land in northwestern Kansas a few days
ago. This is one of the largest sales
of agricultural lands in this part of th
state. Atwood Citizen.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
INDIANOLA , Neb. , April 25,1885. J
The board of county commissioners of Rec
Willow county met pursuant to adjournment
of March 28th , 1835. Present , E. J. Allington ,
Henry Crabtrcc , commissioners , and C. D.
Cramer , county clerk.
Minutes of last session read and approved.
On motion land of G. F. Randall , N. E. & N.
W. 1/4. and lot 2 of section 33 , town. 3 , range 29 ,
assessed at § 131.00 and clerk instructed to en
ter same on tax list of 1884.
ROAD PETITION James "Williams and oth
ers , and written consent of owners of land ,
read , considered , and on motion road estab
lished as follows : Commencing1 at the S. E.
corner of section 35 , town. S , range 28 , running
thence west 1 mile on section line to the S. W.
corner of section , town , and range.
On motion land of Frank Fritsch , N. E. & N.
E. M section 11 , E. 1A S. E. J section 2 , S. E. J
N. E. J4 section 2 , all in town. 4 , range 28 , as
sessed at § 240.000 and clerk instructed to enter
same on tax list.
Ho AD PETITION George B. Gragg , Frank
Fritsch and others , and written consent of
land owners read , considered , and road estab
lished as follows : Commencing at S. W. cor
ner of the N. W. Ji of the S. W. U of section
11 , town. 4 , range 28 west , running thence east
on the. 8th station line 1 mile , or to section line
between sections 11 and 12 , same tp and range.
On motion land of Wm. P. Burns , E. H S. W.
and W. Vi S. E. X section 4 , town. 2 , range
. assessed at $240.00 , and clerk instructed to
enter same on tax list.
On motion claims as follows were audited
and allowed , and warrants drawn on general
fund 1834 levy :
W. M. Gibboney , setting and boxing trees
atcourt house 5 2 25
Boyer & Shaw , lamp forcourt house 3 00
. H. Purdum , window glass for court
house , pens and legal paper 205
J.H.Goodrich.postalcardsand printing. 6 50
Brumbaugh & Goodrich , supplies to poor ,
per order Clark Ward , overseer poor. . . 1 88
Omaha Bepublican , treasurer's receipts
and court wrappers 10 00
On motion claim of C. A. Hotzc , appraiser
road damages , audited and allowed and war
rant drawn on road fund 1881 levy $3 20
On motion official bonds as follows were
appaoved :
S. B. Howe , Justice , East Valley precinct.
Geo. Huggins , Justice , Gerver precinct.
Wm. Murphy , overseer road district 13.
"W. F. Simpson , overseer road district 6.
William Kilgore , overseer road district 10.
I. S. Yale , treasurer of the 47 Cattle Co. , com-
> lains that the personal property of said Co.
vas assessed fn 1884 in Red willow precinct in
he names of the stockholders of said Co. , that
10 has no authority to pay claims against indi-
iduals holding stock of said Co. , and requests
action by the board to correct the tax books
of 1884 , and accepts service of notice to show
cause why said error should not be corrected.
On motion the clerk was Instructed to make
correction in names , aa requested by said I. S.
On motion the board adjourned to meet Sat
urday , May 2d , 1885.
Attest : E. J. ALDINGTON , Chairman.
C. D. CRAMER , County Clerk.
If you want to get the
most goods for your money
go to E. M. BBICKBY & CO.
for Clothing , Gents' Fur
nishing Goods , etc. , where
you will find prices lower
than any place in the coun
try. Bear in mind that here
you willfind an assortment
of all the latest and most
popular goods in market.
Our Clothing surpasses
all in style and make. Our
Fine Suits are continually
being mistaken for Tailor
made goods , so handsome
ly are they made and so
perfect the fit.
We have just received
another large line of Spring
Suits , Pants , Fancy Shirts ,
Summer Goods , Ties , Un
derwear , etc. A fine line
Boys' Hats just received.
Here are the Fine Points
of our goods : Elegant Fit ,
Your patronage solicited ,
_ .
et. hj PJ P P
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I desire to call the public attention to the fact that my
spring stock , purchased in Chicago , in person , of
Dry Goods and Clothing ;
Boots and Shoes , Hats and Caps ,
Gents' Furnishing Goods ,
Notions of all kinds ,
Groceries and Provisions ,
111JJJJ lilll
Are fighting on the other side of the "big pound/ '
Are fighting HIGH ( PRICES on this , and are
receiving J7ew Goods daily in all ( Departments.
Have received two car-loads of Flour , this week ,
a d while wheat and flour are steadily advancing ,
will sell at reasonable rates , *
* * 4&ie * jt * VWrW < * j < * 4 * SmFr
JJow is your time to lay in a supply. Have just
received a large stock of
Teas Coffee Etc.
, , Syrup , .
Boots & Shoes , Hats & Caps.
New Lawns , Cashmeres , Etc , ,
White Goods All-Over-Embroideries
, - - ,
* j i ntJn vrf * 4inui < * > tfi < * * 1uvfcrkVfc > fe * mvvvtfrf rf.vr
Ail Plug Tobaccoes 500. a Ib.
If you wish goods at Low ( Prices buy of us.
April 5th , 1SS. > . f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has lilcd notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Rcgis-
ter or .Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
June Cth , 1SS5 , viz : James A. Piper , D. S. 'M ,
tor the northwest quarter of section 3 , town
ship 4 north , range 29 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Jacob Long , A. W. Campbell , Win. Doyle
and Stephen Holies , all of Box Elder , Neb.
48 G. L. LAWS , Register.
April 11th. IbSo. f
Notice is hereby given that the iollowing-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make llnal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
May 23d , lbST , vi/s : John Calkins , D. S. 430 , for
the southeast quarter section 35 , township U ,
north of range 20 west. He names the iollow-
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Franklin P. Laveriek , William F. Thorp , Wal
lace W. Dunham and Eugene G. Dunham , all
of Stoughton , Neb.
46 G. L. LAWS. Register.
March 30th , 1883. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday ,
May 18th , 1885 , viBenavill Booth , Homestead
Entry 462 , for the east JJ southeast i section
24 , township 1range 29 and lots Sand 4 section
19 , township 1 , range 28. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resiJ
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
JacobF.Boyer , WilburF.Saunders , William C.
Shockley and Stephen C. Boyer. all of Stough-
ton. Neb. 47 G. L. LAWS. Register.
April 16th , 1883. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
ind that said proof will bo made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb , on Friday ,
June 5th. 1KS5 , viz : Elizabeth Pollock , widow
of Joseph Pollock , deceased. Homestead 2002.
for the south Vi southeast H of section 14 and
north northeast i of section 23. township 1 ,
north , range 28 west. She names the following j
witnesses to prove her continuous residence !
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : E. J.
Allington , H. B. Strowbridge , J. E. Dolph and I
Wm. Kendall , all of Danbury , Neb.
47 G. L. LAWS , Register.
April 18th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
md that said proof will be made before Regis-
north H southwest h of section 20 , township 1
north , range 28 west. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence '
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Jacob
? . Boyer , Abram Hammond , James B. Miller'
and John L. Sellers , all of Stoughton , Neb.
4T G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 4tb , 1885. f !
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
o make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis- ,
er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , '
June 13th , 1SS5 , viz : Agnes E. Wickwire. wid
ow of Ira G. Wickwire , deceased. Homestead
No. 29. for the southeast quarter of section 4 , '
township 3 north , range 29 west. She names
the following witnesses to prove her continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said !
land , viz : Lyman Miller , John Modrell , Wal
ter Hickling and William Johnson.
40 . G. L. LAWS , Register.
. . ' j
LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , ) ' i
April 30th , 1883. f ' i
Notice is hereby given that the lollowing- i
named settler has filed notice of her intention i
to make final proof in support of her claim , i
and that said proot will be made before Register - -
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
June 12th , 1885 , vi/ : Alice Elliott , D. S. 1106 ,
for the southwest quarter of section 11 , town
ship 1 north , range 29 west. She names the t
following witnesses to prove her continuous t
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , t
viz : Adolph Fiillgrabe , John Harris , Jatnes i n
Kilpatrick and Ephraim Green , all of McCook , ( .
jfeb. 4U G. L. LAWS , Register. t
McCook , Nebraska , April 7th , 18M.
Complaint having- been entered at this ofiicc
by Charles M. Deveny against George McMur-
ry for abandoning his Homestead Entry 2KU ,
dated at North Platte , Neb. , January 30,18SJ ,
upon the northeast quarter section 17 , town
ship 2 north , range : J7 west , in lied Willww
county , Nebraska , with a view to the cancel
lation of said entry ; the &aid parties are here
by summoned to appear at this ofiicc on the
2Uth day of May , litoo , at 1 o'clock , P. M. . to
respond and furnish testimony concerning'
said alleged abandonment.
47 G. L. LAWS. Register.
McCook , Nebraska , April llth , 18 > .
Complaint having- been entered at this ollico
by Samuel Unzickcr against William H. Price
' for abandoning his Homestead Entry 1017 ,
dated at McCook , Nebraska , August 14th , 1884 ,
, upon the west 'A southwest J of section 13 ,
township 1 , north of range . ' 50 west , in Red
Willow county. Nebraska , with a view to the
cancellation of said entry ; the said parties
arc hereby summoned to appear at this ollice
on the ICth day of May , 18S5 , at 10 o'clock , A.
M. , to respond and furnish testimony concern-
in ? said alleged abandonment.
46 G. L. LAWS , .Register.
McCooK. NEB. . April 30th , ISM. f I
Notice is hereby given that on the 30th day
of April , 1885 , Allen C. Clyde tiled his petition
at this ollice praying the Board of Trustees of
the Village of MeCook , Neb. , to grant him u |
J license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous 11-
I quors within the corporate limits of said vil
lage for the ensuing municipal year.
40 F. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk.
JICCOOK. NEn. . April 30th , 188. ) . f
Notice is hereby given that on the 30th day
of April , 18&5 , Moses Stern filed his petition at
this oflice praying the Board of Trustees of
the Village of McCook , Neb. , to grant him a (
license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous 11- |
quors within the corporate limits of said village - i
lage for the ensuing municipal year.
4'J F. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk. '
Through courtesy of Sheriff Welborn
we are enabled to present the following
list of jurors drawn to serve May 13th , ,
1885 : ,
J. B. Meserve , James F. Clarke ,
W. A. Winniear , John Gerver ,
S. Bastian. John Connor ,
MitchellToung- , T. C. Teas.
Judson Kcmlngton , James I. Boyer ,
H. W. Parker. E. Peterman ,
Page T. Francis , X. Collinsr ,
John F. Helm , Samuel Young.
IL Stannrd , .1. C. Lafferty ,
George Hugging , W. O. McCool.
Thomas Cat. J. D. Welborn ,
Patrick McKillip , Davirl Moore ,
A. P. nodwcll. Royal Buck ,
F. L. Gibbs. T. J. Iluggles ,
.1. W. Msiikeii , Abraham Utter ,
, „ , V. C. Bodwell ,
Stephen Lyon , ' D. F. Nichols ,
W. Halsey , Thomas Clark ,
GconreLeland. H. II. Pickens ,
Lorenzo D. Hovey , George Fowler.
We do not know of any medicine that has
gained an equal popularity , in such a short
time , for the instant relief of coughs and sore-
neesof the lungs , as BEGG'S CHEKKV COCGH
SVKLP. It is mild and pleasant to tukeund will
not injure the most delicate infant. Sample
bottles freeitS.L.Green'fcandM.A.Spalding'B.
That tired , languid feelin ? . with lo = 3 of am
bition and strength ib caused by impure blood
and poor circulation. BCKJT'S Blood Purillcr
and Blood Maker will cleam-e the blood , vreato
new supply and restore health and vigor.
One hundred does for one dollar anil warnuit-
L'd by S. L. Green and M. A. Bpaldinf.