McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, May 07, 1885, Image 1
McOooK WEEKLY TRIBUNE VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MAY 7 , 188S. NUMBER 49. BUSINESS .DIRECTORY ; UNITED STATES LAND'OFFICE McCook , Nebraska. 0. L. LAWC , BosUter. C. P. DABCOCr , Becchcr. Omen HOUIIS : From 0 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , . GEO. E. JOHNSTON , Pnor. , MACFARLAND STREET , : McCOOK , NEIJ. A now hotel Just completed , and nttcd up with new furniture throughout. Itntes reas onable. COCI1RAN & HELM , ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENTS , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and cnrcful nt tent Ion given to Law Cases la alt Ihc Courts of the State and nil classes of U. S. Land Business transacted before the local olDce nt McCook. Nebraska , and the Interior Department at AVaahlngton , 1 > . C. Contests a specialty. Will pros ecute claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of Pensions. Notarial business done mid lands bought and sold on reasonable terms. { 3 ? 0fllce 1st door south of the U. 8. Land OQlcc. 3.29 THOS. GOLFER , ATTORNEY : AT - : LAW , AND NOTAKY PUBLIC. Agent for the Lincoln Land Company , llcnl Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. t36r-0fllcc , Opposite Postoillco , McCook , Nob. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , BED WILLOW COUNTY. Keeps CRrtlfled plate of all lands In the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence solicited. 2-22- J. E. CASTBEKG. DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR , AND CIVIL ENGINEER. C3y Govcrnment Claims Located and Sur veyed. Correspondence solicited. Office , op posite Menard'B Opera Hull , McCook , Neb. DR. A. J. SHAW , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. { 3 ? 0fllcc for the present in the Stanton Holln building , in rear of Citizens Bank. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , NEBRASKA. McCOOK , - - f&rOIRcB at Churchill House. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND ATFKIST. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. jgETOfllceonEastDennison Street. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , NEBRASKA. McCOOK. - - Jobbing will receive prompt attention at my shop on Dennlson St. , opposite McCook House. Flans and ipeclflcatlons famished If desired. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooK , - NEBRASKA. work guaranteed. Give me n call. WILLIAM MdNTYKE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA. All vrork warranted. All Material furnished ir desired. Work done on short notice. AKE YOU MA DE miserable by Indigestion , Con stipation , DIxzlncss. Loss of Appetite , Ye'low Skin ? Slilluli's Vltallzcr Is a poslth c Cure. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver complaint , you bin e n primed guarantee on every bottle of Sullolf s Vltal- Uer. It ncer falls to cure. THE Rev. Geo. II. Thnjcr. of Bourbon.Ind . My * : "Both myself and wife owe our ll\es to SII1LO11S CONSUMPTION CURE.1 VTHYVILT. . YOU cough when Shllolfs Cure will gh c Immediate relief. Price 10 cts. , SO cts. and $1. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh , Diphtheria and Canker Jtouth. A KASAL IXJECTOR free with each bottle of Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. SIHLOITS CURE will Immediately relle\c Croup , IVhooplng cough and Bronchitis. "HACKMETACK. " a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by S. L. Green druggist , McCook , Jcb. Buoklen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers. Salt Rheum , FeverSores. Tetter , Chap ped Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all Skin Eruptions , snd positively cures Piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at METROPOITAN DRUG STORE. An Enterprising , Reliable House. 51. A. Spaldlng can always be rellc-d upon , not on ly to carry In stock the best of cvcrythlns. but to secure the Agency for snch articles as have well- known merit , and arc popular with the people , there by sustaining the reputation of being always enter prising , and ever reliable. Having secured the Agen cy fer the celebrated Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Consumption , will sell It on a posith e guarantee. It will surely cure nny and e\ cry affection of Throat , Lung * , and Chest , and to show our confidence , we in- vltc you to call and get a Trtil Bottle Free. LYTL : BROS. McCOOK NEBRAKA. SHELF" & HEAVY HARDWARE , Carpenters' ' Tools , Blacksmiths' Tools , STREXLx NA.IKS , BARBED wm Q O O o U 9O O O M o Cook Stoves and Ranges , Bain Wagons and Spring Wagons , Iron Wood Pumps , Screen Doors and Windows , Wheel Barrows , Walter A. Woods Mowers. MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet Iron and Copper Ware a Specialty. McCook , Opp. Citizens Bank , Nebraska. . L. McQRAQKEXN , THE RELIABLE JEWELER MeGOOK , NEBRASKA. cs > tr"o " o P3 PL , tr"3 K > * -3 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 4 win , LUii ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE VEEY LOWRS'T--PRICES : ! Engraving Free of Charge. OUR EXPOSITION LETTER. Among the United States exhibits that of the Fish Commission is of in terest to the whole people. If , as some times claimed , fish is brain food , there can hardly be too much of it , and i ought to be distributed among politi cians , statesmen and newspaper cor respondents ! The exhibit hero rep resents the entire process of fish cul ture , from the taking away of eggs all the way up to the full grown fish A large model includes the efilgy o an operator opening a large salmon when millions of eggs are disclosed and the curious thing about it is , thai the process does not injure the mother fish , which is often replaced in the water alive , and eggs taken from her the next year. The eggs , as here ex hibited , are placed in various jars being removed from one to the othei as they increase in si/c , or are ship ped to order. There are also various models ol inclined ' -Fish Ways , " designed to as- cist fish in swimming over the falls of streams , one representing that in use at the Great Falls of the Potomac , which are 72 feet high , and over which , by means of inclined "Ways , " causing the water to ilow backwards , the fish swim with perfect ease. A singular fact in the life of a Califor nia trout is , that it is sent into the world provided with rations for six we'eks , which are carried in a haver sack affixed to its stomach , and which serves to sustain its life until it is able to work for its own sustenance. If any of your readers wish to estab lish a fish pond and want a supply of carp , they can address Mr. I. F. Ellis , U. S. Fish Commissioner , Exposition Postoffice , New Orleans , when their requests will be promptly attended to. Ours is a fraternal government , and will not permit any of her children to needlessly suffer for fish any "carp- " criticisms to the contrary. So much for fish , and a word about "fowl" may not be out of place. In various legislative bodies next winter , propositions will be made for appro priations to foot a great many bills incurred by various "Commissioners , " in' charge of state exhibits. While dtftibtless most of these bills will be found correct and fair , it has , in more than one instance , been openly charg ed that some have been lavishly and unnecessarily contracted. It has been charged that "deputies" have been and are attached to some commissions , at $9 per day , whose sole duty con sisted in spending a few minutes each morning in dusting the exhibits , a work that any boy could have done as well for a few cents , as some are so engaged. And it is a notorious fact that often , when some of these "deputies or "superintendents" have been really wanted , they were off on pleasure trips , or hidden away in some secure nook , engaged in "sparking , " or in sucking iced brandies through straws. While it is to be hoped that these criticisms cannot be applied to many commissioners , it is certainly true that some so-called assistants , or acting commissioners when they even had duties to perform , have neglect ed them , being absent from their posts when wanted , and of no earthly use , except to draw fat salaries. It might be well for some legislatures , before paying bills , to do as the gov ernment is doing before paying out its late appropriation to the Exposi tion , require an itemized statement of accountjOr appoint investigating com mittees , etc. Honestly conducted commissions could not object , and or namental deputies who have idled the winter away here at § 0 per dav , might look elsewhere for pay for uselessness , or no services at all. But criticism of this sort is not so pleasant as to indulge in just praise , and I leave it for more agreeable sub jects. While "loafing around the throne" the other day and passing through the model educational sys tem of Iowa , I found an exhibit there which , in complication , variety and ornamentation and beauty and finish , rivals the five thousand dollar dress ing case from Mexico. It is a piece , or work , of penmanship , which has never been equaled among its class. In size , it is 5x4 feet , and consists of a dozen varieties of lettering , with winged figures of Mercury , Corinth ian columns , a vine-wreathed border , shading as exquisitely fine as gossa mer , the whole so perfect and pictur esque as to be frequently mistaken for a fine steel engraving. The artist whose work it is , Mr. C. S. Chapman , a student of Prof. Bailie's Commercial College , at Dubuque , was engaged nine months in the production of this splendid "pen picture , " his only in strument being an ordinary steel pen. It has on it his perfect portrait and that of his instructor , and is valued at $1500.00. Among the beautiful let- OX EIGHTH PAGE. ) VERYBODY -GO TO- FOR Studebaker and Moline WAGONS , JOHN DEERE PLOWS , STOVES , TINWARE , HARDWARE , Etc. You will save money by writing or asKing - ing for prices before buying. it DIn jj In Southwestern Nebraska or Northwestern Kansas. BRIOK BTORR , TWO DOORS SOUTH OF P. O.3 MeGOOK , NEBRASKA. THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK -DOES A GENERAL- Collcctions made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-Eesidents. .Money to loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe , CKHESPOOTEKZB : | J. W. DoLAX , President. First National Bank , Lincoln , Neb | , . , The Chase National Bank , New Y rk. J \ r . I'llANKUX , VlCC-Presidcnt. CHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR Power , Simplicity Durability. Estimates made of Mill and Pinnp complete upon application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSE This ir.IllN a "fcolid wheel" i-nd the brst sulf-n-s-Tilator made. The WuoilnMUst * Xo. f ) . pump 1tl.c lM > t hliii'lc : icrii : force pump In the m irket.III work la wells from in to . ' feet fit ilrptti. = inl has liack iittM-hmcms to force uuter Into < .lri.iict ! tai.kf. Can lie u\cd l > y liaml or ulmluiIM. Parties fontuiiiplntliu she i-rcctton of Windmill will consult tlielr licit Interests ! > / at my Ii. : . IJ miles X. W" . of McC'oot. or at 11. J.ilm-jtoa- mileK. . . mid at Il uif' * Market Garden , S. I' , of .McS'ooK , and examine tinorkflii ; of the W. M. IRWIN , Agent , "Wcochnanse "Windmill Co. . Freeport , 111. [ INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAW. ] McGook , Nebraska. Paid up Capital , $50,000. DOES A GENERAL - : - - : - BANKING BUSINESS , Receives and Pays Deposiies. Buys and Sells Exchange on New York , Chicago and Omaha , and all the principal cities of Europe. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN RELIABLE CO.'S. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : EOECS HOKiSIX , Prcndcst , A. CilSBSLL , E. Z. ZSXZZ , Ciiicr. S. & r2SE3. Vse-Frcdicst , ( Of Frees & Hockncll. ) ( Assistant Supt. B. & M. ) ( Of KIrby Tarpenter Co. , Chicago. )