McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, April 30, 1885, Image 7

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    . .
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
, . .
liuriiM , NcnltU , I-'routltllo.
Godl//Ilrucsl > t iiiitIeilrriicvrrTwli < Te.
(3txiKr UiA.rcOUXBtCO. ) B lU cr f S.L , f. 8. A.
The finest tonic for
nrrvouH people It
HoHtctlcr'H Stomach
Illtterw , which In-
Miren perfect dlpres-
tlou und nsHimlla-
tlon , nnd the. active
perfoi nianco of their
f unct IOIIH by the
liver and bowclK. As
the nyktrni ncnulrci
tone thronj ; ) ) tnu In-
llueiicf of this be
nign medicine , the
nerves grow ( stronger -
er and morn tran
quil , head chei
t-eatte. and that
namalcM anxiety
wlilrli lit a jHTiiIIarl
ty of the dyspeptic
Klvcs way to cheer
fuInrFH. To estab
llhh health on asure
foundation use the
pcerlefs , Invlsorant-
t'or tale by
jrliti nml Denlcrs cea
Doctor. "Yes ; yon are bilious. Just tret a bos of
Wright's Indian Vegetable rills ; they vvilicureyou. "
Bilions Complaints arc caused by torpidity , con-
CCbtion , or the ulceration of the liver.
The symptoms arc dark , greasy , velow ! Elan , a
brown or whitish coat to the tongue , appetite irreg
ular , often a dry cough at night.
The skin sometimes breaks out into pimples and
f ores.and the whole system ia out of order.Vrl KU t'a
Indian Vegetable 1'iIN are one of the very best
remedies known for any form of these troubles , and
will certainly relieve the sufferer. They arc purely
vegetable , made from the best drugs by competent
hands , and Rive satisfaction. They are very gentle
In their action , causing no priping or unpleasant feelIng -
Ing to the most delicate. A trial will convince any
one troubled with biliousness that Wrislit'a In.
flJan Vegetable Pills is the medicine ho needs.
Xhe majority oftJta ills of the human
body arise from- derangement of the.
.lver , affecting both the stomach and
bowels. J.n order to effect a CKre , it ia
necessary to remove the cause. Irregu
lar and Sluggish action of the Soteels ,
JJ.eadacheBickne33 at the Stem ach , fain
in theSackandIoinsetc.f indicate that
theIAwriaatfaultand thatnaturere-
guires assistance to enable UUa organ , to
throw off impurities.
jprie&ly Asli Bltterscra especially
compounded f or thia purpose. Xheyara
mild in their action and effective as a
cure ; are pleasant to the taste and taken
easily by both children and adults , Xa-
feen according to direction * , they are s.
eafeandplrasantcureforTijrepCpSla ,
General Debility , X3abitual Con *
stlpation. Diseased Kidneys ,
etc. , etc. A Elood. Scarifier they
are superior to any other medicine )
cleansing the ayttcm thorough , and
imparting new life and energy to theln-
valid. It if a Esedicine and not en
I stozLlcntc r beverage.
: ASS TOOB osoaaisT FEZ raicstT ASH BITTEBS ,
cad take no other. I5JIC3. SLO3 per Bottle.
, r.d Karsan City. Zip.
This remedy contains no injurious drug * .
Ely's Cream Balm
when applied Into the nos-
Irtls , will be ali crbed.
effectually clcanslnfr the
head of catarrhal virus ,
rauslrp healthy secretions.
Itallavs Int'.aiumatlon. jiro-
lects the membrane from
fresh colds , completely
tieals the sore * and restores
I lie sense * of ta te , smell
and lieurln ; . It is
Xot a Liquid or Snuff.
A few applications re
lieve. A thorouch treat
ment will cure. Agreeable
to use Price 0 cents by r-pHie
( or circular. f K. V
ELY BKOS. . Drurglsts. OWCKO. X. 1"
Bro , Jonathan's Jokes
Sample Beoi. Preinrnra Llrt. Price Lin
Many a Lady
is beautiful , all but her skin
and nobody has ever tok
her how easy it is to pu
beauty on the skin. Beam-
on the skin is Magnolu
Fortune ? JIadn In the ItuslncoE , niu ! Where the
Jlost Kxrcnslve TniUe Is Done.
With the near approacli of summer
the various Hoda-watcr fautorius in the
city arc busily , n a od in preparing
for the coming hot season , when
enough of thu cooling lluiil will be
quailed to lloal the Great Eastern and
the American navy thrown in. "The
soda-water business has grown to im
mense proportions. " remarked a
wholesale manufacturer of soda-water
and apparatus up-town to a reporter.
"Fifteen years ago it began to boom
and since then lias more than doubled.
Each hamlet , village , and town in the
far west , on the mountain slope , in
the valley and amid the burning sands
of the plain , all have their soda-water
fountains and squirt the 'foaming bev
erage during thulongsummcrmonths.
Millions of dollars are spent and lor-
tunes are made in the course of sever
al summers. A man at Coney island
last summer cleared over 820,000 alone
on soda-water.
"How much marble do you use in
your factory per annum ? "
"Last year we ground 3,374 tons of
white marble into dust to generate
carbonic acid gas. It cost $1.25 per
barrel of120 pounds. This marble is
quarried at I'leasantville , N. Y. All
the year round we have a machine
pounding it to Hue dust , getting a
largo quantity ready for the summer
rusli. ll is a popular fallacy that so
da-water is made of sulphuric acid and
marble dust , but the fact is they never
come in contact with the beverage.
Soda-water is simply pure water
charged or saturated with carbonic
acid gas.
"Why don't you use cheaper mate
rial than marble to generate cairbonic
acid gas ? "
'It is cheaper to use when conve
niently near than bicarbonate of soda.
Bicarbonate of soda is utilized when
marble can not be had. In England
whiting is used extensively , and atone
time it was universally used both here
and there. This whiting is a carbonate
of lime-fossil ami the fossil
nate - , con
tains aniinalctila. ' , which often give the
water a fishy taste. On that account
we dropped" it. So much soda-water
is consumed every year , and so many
scares have started about its being un
healthy from contact with copper and
other metals , that the chief aim now
of manufacturers is to produce appa
ratus so lined with pure sheet block-
tin containing no admixture of lead or
other injurious metal , that absolutely
no danger is apprehended. Last year
the board of health passed an ordinance
forbidding the use of fountains lined
with brass , leadcopper , or other metal
or metallic substance that will be
ail'ccted by liquids , so that dangerous ,
unwholesome , or deleterious com
pounds are formed therein. The re-
.sult of this ordinance has been bene
ficial , although many fountains had to
be relined and overhauled. "
"Do you expect to do a large busi
ness this summer ? "
The present indications are that
more soda-water will be used the
coming season than ever before.
Grand preparations at Coney island
and all the watering places are going
forward to receive thousands of pleas
ure-seeker ? , and as last season was
somewhat broken by cold spells this
one is expected to be line and un
broken. "
"Do you sell manv fountains in the
south ? "
"Yes , a great many. We have seven
or eight men traveling- that section
all tbe time , The women and chil
dren driuk soda-water , and the men , as
a rule , prefer something stronger.
Hut the lountain is frequently made
to pour forth good old rye instead or
sirup of Sarsaparilla. These , though ,
are used in this prohibition counties.
But herein New York during the dead ,
hot , still summer days the great drink
ing of soda-water is done. The factory
is kept running all the time , marble by
the ton is ground to dust , ten thousand
gallons of water is filtered and puri
fied u day , and many hundred gallons
of extracts and truit flavors are pre
pared daily. This great rush lasts
frequently four months without cessa
tion , and often five. As Col. Sellers
said , there are millions in it , if once
started with the proper trim in the way
of capital and energy.1' A ew York
Mail anil Express.
The Cliiuese Infantry Soldier
The economical habits of the
Heathen Chinee are notorious , and
they are well illustrated by a corre
spondent who , writing from Tien-Tsin ,
says : "The Chinese infantry soldier is
paid once a month , when he receives
3i taels of silver. This sum , which is
equal to about $4.75. is given to him
in scrap bullion ; and during the night
preceding each pay-day the paymas
ters arc busily engaged in weighing
out silver aml'making it up into neat
little packages for distribution. As
soon as he has obtained his share , the
soldier takes it to the nearest shop
keeper or money-changer , who , in re
turn for it , hands him 3,500 copper
cash , the aggregate weight of which
is quite as much as he can convenient
ly carry. Out of this the soldier has
; b keep himself in food and clothing ;
and the pay can not. therefore , be
called excessive. A Chinaman , how
ever , lives almost exclusively upon
rice , a month's supply of which costs
ess than 1.000 cash , and many a pri
vate not only supports a family upon
; he balance of his earnings , but puts
jv a few hundred cash every month. "
A New Postal Card.
Large numbers of people suffer from
an almost unconquerable repugnance
to letter writing , and for their Benefit
a country "publisher in England has
prepared , a special post card which ,
lie thinks , will overcome the difficulty
to some extent. The back of the card
is divided lengthwise into ten unequal
spaces , and the energies of the reluc
tant scribe are spurred by the follow
ing suggestive headings , one of which
is conspicously printed to the left of
each of the divisions : 1. Date. 2.
Excuse for not having written sooner.
3. State of health ( a ) of self , ( b ) of
family. 4. The writer's recent ex
periences. 5. Xews. 6. Family gos
sip. 7. Questions to be answered in
your next. 8. Love to . 9. Love
from . 10. Signature.
A Clear Head nnd a Strong Heart.
If you muddle your brains with any
of the whisky compounds which arc sold
under the name of "bitters , " and which
topers delight in for stimulants , you do
your system irreproachable mischief.
Brown's Iron Bitters is not one of these.
It promotes healthy action of the heart ,
liver and stomach. It cleanses and en
riches the blood , and fits the brain for
the best mental work. The best physi
cians prescribe it , and it is well worthy
of a trial by all.
Between a Married Coaple.
"Take mo to the opera to-night ,
dear ? "
"I'm afraid I can't , pet. "
"Why not , love ? "
"I'd rather not , sweet. "
"But why not , darling ? "
" Because I cannot afford it , precious. "
" Why can't you afford it , Mr. Smith ? "
"Because it costs too much Mrs.
Smith. "
" Costs too much ! Why , the Browns
nnd Joneses go ever so many times a week ,
mnn. "
"The Browns and the Joneses are
fools , then , woman. "
"You needn't be more common than
you can help , sir. "
" J 'lon't mean to be , ma'am. "
: If you won't take me , I'll go all the
came , husband. "
"I think not , wife. "
Hero they found they could call one
another nothing worse , so dropped the
( subject.
Mr. E. R. Hoyt , a mechanical engi
neer at the New Orleans exposition , was
severely injured by a huge derrick polo
falling on his foot. lie was conveyed
to his residence , and after only three
applications of St. Jacobs Oil , all the
swelling and pain disappeared , and he
rcumed his duties.
Singleness of Purpose.
"Wlion two young people , with a eingle-
jiess of purpose and a doubleness of
yffectiou , sit up with each other , and
: hen the clock elrikes 12 , he says , " Is
it possible ? " and she says , " Why , I
ilidn't know it was fie late ! " yon may
draw your conclusions that , if the busi-
i ess boom continues , a unified couple
ill be hunting a house to rent in the
rostinaster-Ccncral prefers pretty
names for postoiliei-s.
When a woman makes a "telling speech"
she generally { jives away a secret.
A Jersey City er'rl has a pet mouse. X. B.
It is stuii'ed an < T ki-pt in a. burglar-proof i-nfe.
Mark Tivaiii hated school when he was a
Brown's Little , loke.
"Why. Brown , how short your coat
is , " said Jones one day to his friend
Brown , who wittily replied : "Yes ;
but it will be long enough before I get
another. " Some men spend so niiich
for medicines that neither heal nor help
them , that new clothes is with them
like angels' visits few and far be
tween. Internal fevers , weakness of
the lungs , shortness of breath and lin
gering coughs , soon yield to the rnagic
influence of that royal remedy , Dr. It
'V. Tierce's "Golden Medical Discov
ery. "
In an English cavalry regiment of JiOO sa
bres there are utually but &JO horses ready for
$ > ( ) < ) llcwanl.
Tlic former proprietor of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy for years made a
standing , public ofl'er in all American
newspapers of $500 reward for a case
of catarrh that he conld not cure. The
present proprietors have renewed this
oiler. All the druggists sell this Rem
edy , together with the "Douche , " and
all other appliances advised to be used
In connection with it. Xo catarrh pa
tient is longer able to say ' ! cannot be
cured. " You get .9-300 in case of failure.
A New York skating-rink keeper has been
arrested for admitting women dressed as men.
* * * * Stricture of the urethra in its
worst forms speedily cured by our new
and improved methods. Pamphlet ,
references and terms , two three-cent
stamps. World's Dispensary Medical
Association. , 63 Main Street , Buffalo ,
N. Y.
Elephants -won't take medicine unless it has
a drop of the "craythur" in it.
' -Rongh on Coughs" Troches , loc. Liquid Sic.
VTclIs' Health Kcnewer" for Dellcaie Women.
A son of Charles Dickens is a captain in the
Canadian mounted police.
For Sick Hraclache tiTkc Allen's Iron
Tonic lilttrr * . Al ! genuine bear the signature of J.
1 * . Allen , DniUKM. St-l'uul. Minn.
France ha * about completed war vessels
costing over $20,030,000.
For Dyspepsia , Indigestion , depression of
fplrlts nnd erncral dehillty. In their various forms :
nlso as a preventh e a ainit frvcr and ague and otncr
Intermittent feere. . the "Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir
of fBlt avii" made by Ca weII , Hazard & Co. , XPT
Yorlc. f.nd sold by all Druggists. Is the best tonic ; snd
for patients recovering from feer or other sickness ,
It has no equal.
There were lu"ky people long before horsc-
ehoes were im eutcd ,
A CAKit. To all who are suffering from
errors nnd ndiscretions of youth , nervous
weakne , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. ,
1 will send a receipt that will cure. FKEE OF
CHAHGE. This great remcdi'vas discovered
by a missionary in South America. Send sclf-
ntldressed envelope to Kcv. JOSEPH T. INMAN ,
Station 1) , Newyork.
George Eliot's favorite room in a house was
a clean kitchen.
I ! : > Irjiueii Preler It.
s. Wnir.s , KICHAHDSON & Co. :
Since ihe introduction of your Improveil
Htitter Color amonfr my cuEtomers it has
given n n vi-rsal Fatifactlon. The leading
ttairjmfnin this section who have used it
pivo it the preference over all other colors , of
whatever name or nature.
They are especially pleased with the fact
thnt it docs not become rancid , like other oil
colors , and their product brings h phestpricea
in market. W. S. NAY , Druggist.
UMJEHUII.T.I , VT. , April 5 , IfcSI.
In India it cost more to get married than to
From Death's Door.
M. Jr. Devercaux , of Ionia , Mich. , was a
ficht to behold. He says : "I had no action
of the Kidm'3's and suffered terribly. My legs
were as big as my body and my bod'y as big as
a bjrrel. The best doctors gave me up. Fi
nally I tric-i Kidney-Wort. In four or five
days a chancf came , in eight or ten days I was
on my feet , ind now I am completely cured.
It was ctriainlya miracle. " All druggists
keep KidneWort , which is put up bottt in
liquid and dry form
Abe Buzzard , the Pennsylvania outlaw ,
doesn't like to be called a bird"of prey. .
CiTTlie Simple and Perfect Dyes.
Nothing so sithple and perfcct-for coloring as
Diamond Dyes. Far better and cheaper than
any other dye. lOc. Druggists sell them.
Sample Card for 2c stamp. Wells , Rlchnrd-
eon & Co. , Burlington , Vt.
onrala'ToroiedriaMcr lie. I.fqotd 21a.
"Well1 Health Kenewer" for Djipepiia , Debility
Senator Ulacklmni , of Kentucky , pmokc
thrci'-for-a quatttr cigars sonc : of which
burn black.
_ "Joucli ! on Corns" Imrcl or noft corn , Imnlon _ _ I'iC. i
"liucliu pallu. " ( irrat Kldiicrgiul Uiluary Cure.
Mr. Gladstone generally feels rocky after a
council of war.
Throat Diseases commence with a Cough
Cold or Sore Throat. "Jirotm'ti JroneM <
Trochex" give Immediate relief. Kojd vnly in
Price 2o cents.
Attorncv-ficncrnl Garland drlnles nothing
stronger than sweet cider.
Mr. fianz , the famous clothier on Main
street , Kansas City , has had a daughter about
fourteen years of age allllctcd with curvature
of the spine. We are pleased to note that
Drs. DIckerson it Stark , of the Surgical In
Btitutc , have U3eu succ ssful In correcting her
Secretary liayaril is considered the Apollo of
the Cabinet.
H M.KOII > S WOE The most ilcllcluii ! ) relish m trie
world. 1'nlnialilu and ln-altliy.
The empress of Austria thinks a tramp's lot
is not a particularly unhappy one.
When you visit New York City , via Central
depot , save Baggage Expressage and ? : $ Car
riage Hire , and stop at the Grand Union Hotel ,
opposite said depot. Six hundred elegant
rooms fitted up at a costof onemillion dollars ;
Sland upwards per day. European plan. Ele
vator. Restaurant supplied with the best.
Horse-cars , stages and elevated railroad to all
depots. Families can live better for less
money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any
other'flrbt-elass hotel in the city.
Colonel Tom Ochlltree doesn't smoke , al
though some say he is a fire-cater.
If afllicted with Sore Eves , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. "Druggists sell it
President Cleveland smiles when he shakes
hands , except w hen the hand-holder is a plate
11. Itowji 4X , AMitalmaO.fays hi * horseV foot was
hncllv fiackcil finni the froR to ton of lii-el ami badly
drlril up. Veterinary C.ulmllal\c completely cured
it , nnd there is no sl ns of lamcuct * cen after hard
driInu. .
Senator Bayard is a capital boxer , but he
can't box the compass so well as the secretary
of the uavy.
"Rough on Ttati" clears out Ka t. Mice. 75c.
"Wells * Health Hener/cr" for weac men.
SluERor Sullivan threatens to settle in Phil
adelphia. Which is why the Quaker City
bhakcs with fear.
PIUCKLY Asit BITTJIS : is not au intoxicating
beverage , but a pleasant , mild laxative anil
eflicient Tonic , actinc directly on the Liver ,
Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Wigsins , the weather wrestler , always winks
at his reflection in a mirror when he predicts a
stupendous storm.
"Roiiph or TootharliP. " InMrnt relief. 15.
"Kotiglion Itch. " cures humors , eruption" , rl
\voiin , letter , salt rheum , f rimed feet , chilblains.
It is sail that the woman who never asked
her husband for money is in a liinat'e asylum.
Can trll you the benefit you will ilcilvc from Hood's
San-an.irllla , If you arc in need of a Rood sprint ; medl
cine. It will strain nil impurities from the blood ,
rou ctlie torpid liver , inIgorite : the digestive orcana
nnd impart new life to r\ery function of HIP body.
We only ask you to tryn single bottle to provo the
positive merits of Hood's Sarsaparlla , as an honest
and reliable medicine.
"My daughter received much benefit from the use
of Hood's Sarcaparllla as nn excellent tonic nftcr a
I retracted attack of bronchial pneumonia. " F. H.
ADAMS , Xew Hartford , Conn.
"I cannot find words strong enoiiKh to express my
feelins in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has done
i \ erj thins for me , curing me of dyspepsia , with
which I had suffered many years. " M1IS. S. M.
I'.KEDE. Marhlehcad , Mass.
"I have used Hood's Sarsaparilla for ablbod purifier
Jn my family several year * , and cannot speak too
highly of It. " J. E. COLLINS , IMqua , O.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by a ! urnpslsta lsivforS" . Made only by
U. I HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries Lowell. Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
AndUniispitelin Us BROAO CLAIM clCeiigtla
Ever offered to the public.
CUKE fat 1UI.
twain * .
Morphine Habit Cared In 10
OPIUM to 20 days. If opaj- till cured.
D * . J. Srzrnrxs. Lebanon. Ohio-
W. N. U. , Omaha ,
the advertisement in this papar
H. H. WAHNEE & CO. , Rochester , N. Y. I
si. OO
H , H , WARNER & Co. , Rochester. H , Y.
IJEV.W.S. BISATIIWAITr : . Kcd nnnk. X. . ! . . was
tm-tlof ilvspepi-Ia , and other stoniacli dlhurdfi > , by
Warner's TJITEOA-NOK , Iho llest.
$1.00 A. J3 O T 'JL1 L E.
H , H , WARNER & CO. . Rochssier. , Y ,
HOX.D. P. S. THCOWX. Rochester. X.Y. , used War-
ner'hTiri'KC.\.voE. Tlio Host , lor ptouiacli ih'rmigc-
liicuts , and was iistonNIici ! at tilt piucl It did him.
-THE g
This medicine , combining Iron with pure
Vegetable tonics , quickly completely
Cari'9 I.vhi > cisn JndiKtntlon , XVenkni-M ,
Impure Blond , HInJn.ria, : Fevers ,
and Neurulfjia. .
It is an unfuiiins : remedy for Diseases of the
KiilnejB nnil Liver.
It is invaluable for Disen es peculiar to
Women , and all who lend wujntary lives.
It does not injure the teeth , COHMJ henduehe.or
produce constipation otliT Iran medicines do.
It enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates
the appetite , aids the assimilation of food , re
lieves Heartburn and liclchine , and strengthens -
ens the muscles and nerves. . . , . , .
For Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack of
Energy , &c. , it has no equal.
JZ3Tbe genuine has above trade mark nnd
crossed n-d lines on wrapper. Take 110 other.
Hui.n.i.i. , llltOMN CllEillCAL iO BALTiauIiZ , 3D-
* * - | : * * - * * * * * * *
. . LYD1A E. PINKKAM'S . .
AH tliosc piiuful Complainis
* and \ \ cakiifssri so common *
* * * to our ii'st * T *
* * * * * *
I'rlrc $1 In II jant , pill or luxe nge form.
Jls purpose solely far the legitimate licaltny oj
disease and the relief of pitin , and that it does all
tt claims to do , thousanrltof turtles car jlailly testify.
* It irill cure entirely ell Ovarian tro-i ; > Inlamtn&- ! -
tion and Ulccration , Killi. ? nnd Ili-platcmcnt * , and-
coiiquent Spinal ITcakuess , and u particularly
adapted to the change of life. * . * . * . * . * * * *
Itremoves Folntiuru , Flat jlcm-y.dc-troyf all craiinff
for btimulant-i , and rchovis Wcafcne i of thu Stomarh.
It cures Bloating. Htadachtra , Jfmoai 1'ra-trjtion ,
Ueneral Dubihty , Slelplessness , Uepre ioa and Indi
gestion. That lcelin.i ot l > c.irir.r ) i ! wn.rmuins . pain ,
* - -
- - - - - -
and bickachc
* Send stamp
Inquiry conn Je
Send for CircularGEO.TMJATHBCRX , Principal.
CHEAPEST Oil Tube Colors , 90c. doz. ; Sable M fl I
Brushes , Sc. up ; Bn tles , "c. up , I'laque .Sc. up. pallets ,
Me. ; EaselS.SOa ; Ariats. ' Uoxei , SIM , I'an K lOc. up.
Oils , 12 l-2c. ; Varnish , 23C. ; Gold or Silver Paint. 25c. :
Canvass.75c. yard ; Pottery and Xorelties for Decoratinjt
Ic. up ; Studies rented , HOc. per week. Gold Plush Frames ,
Mouldinjts. Palntmirs. Engraving ; Cord and NaiM ; PI
ANOS and ORGANS , from * 25upiolmj.S5. . GultAn.SJ ;
ft/I 11 CM f * Banio , S3 SU , Fifes. Zithers , Sheet MuslC [ l-J
III U OIO off lit. Instructors for all instruments.a.j.
_ . . . A. UOSPiOmaha. .
„ „
Sends cast Stamp for Catalogue.
Downright Cruelty.
To permit yourself and fsinily to
"Stiller I"
U'ith nickness when It can be prevented a
ctin-il M > 'n < ll } '
With Hop Hitters ! ! !
IFavIrit : exticrlcnccil n great deal of
"Trouble I" from Indlccstlou , so much ao
tluit I came near losing my
.My tumble always came nftcr eating anj
Ilowi-vor llR'it
Kor two or three hours ut a time I had to go
through thu most
Excruciating pains ,
"And thu only way I ever got' '
"Kelief ! "
Was by throwing up all my stomach ccn-
taitu-i ! . No one can conceive the pains that I
had to go through , until
"At last : "
I was taken ! "So that for three week * 1 laj
in red and
Could cat nothing !
My suffering * \\crc so tliat I culled two doe
tors to give me something that would stun the
pain ; their
Efforts w re no good to me.
At lust I heard u good deal
"About your Hop Hitters !
And determined to try them. "
Got a bottle in lour hours I took the con
tents of
One !
Next day I was out of bed , and have not
seen a
"Sick ! "
Hour , from the same rausc , since. _
I have recommended it to hundrcus of oth
ers. Von have no such
"Advocate as I am. " ( Jco. Kendall , Alls-
ton , Hoston , Mass.
Columbus Atliwiitf , Texas , April til , 'SX
Dear Editor : I have tried your Hop Hitters ,
and liml they arc good lor any complcint. Thu
best medicine 1 ever used in "my family.
nllhout nhunrti of crecn Ilooi
en the " li" ' lu'ii'I ' Minn all tinvile. . polMonuu
with "IIoi > " or "Hopin their u.imu.
Thniwn in nnd oat of Kind
ruvoivinK the pump nxl. d
civtiy uilh nil leverimlloyd , rhnlnn , nnil
ivircs pvcuhnr to all other mill * . Uu a DKAU
LOCK to'.i.Tsvent Khrcl ruuninKwhcii out of gear.
Siiiiplf. t-tronu , and lliirablir. Fullj \ \ nr-
rnnted. tf-lVK AliKNTVANTKI ) .
la fiata
! aIarGrsiuat3 is llciicia * . 17 jripracthi
I 12 In Chicago Authorized to treat all
Chronic , Nervous nod Special Diseases ,
Kominal Weakness ( Night I > osses.Sex )
ual Ueliilltr [ Loss df Sexual I'oncrl.Ac.
OiutrantrCmor nionfjr refundnl. Chanel
, _ . , . - low Ageundezper.rnce are important. I.'o
mercury or Injurious medieinei utcd No time lustfrniu
tmilnfis. Fiticnti from a dislxnee tr ttril by mill Jltdl-
cmnf tnttTprjrwhere free from tart or brcnVaire Stteyour
rueind fnd fur tf nnt. OfiiFUttationfrrcanuconfldentiftl.
A llOOli fur beta euej , illu.t d , cent tcaledfurCciu tumpi.
ii'fiic ( itiir Ei r icnri a ICIT uwicn ic
xnovea fevprand { jam injo > nt * t < ureconipictHliii 5to Tdayi.
Send ttatnnrntofcn * ? wltlntampfor CirruUri. Call , or ail.
Ur.Hcr.cierscm , CGGWyanJotto St. . Kansas City.Mo.
I have n r isltlre rom rtr f r the above disease ; br lt
thnusaLusorca aot the woraL ilnU andof fonj
-.ndtn" have 1-een cured. I n.'exl. to utroneM my faltli
lnUr"fflcaeTttIwl I iPn-ITWO nOTTMCS fKEB.
tS-ethcr wun V A I-fA BI.CTKEATISE on thlsdiuuo
Lorillard's Glimas Plug
a red tin tarj ; that Lorillardl
It owe Leaf One cut ; thnt Ix > rlllard'
Navy Cllpplnirn. nnil thnt Lorillard's Hn
the belt ind cbea cst , quality considered ?
Our Famous WQRIBH , if5Sws
CIcrnmiT. Marlon Harlind. Harrlrt-K'-f--hfr Stowi- .
nnd 17 other eminrni n"tpr Unequ illca In autlio-
Rhip. f nf lliits'nrtiont. low price , and o | i | > iiln
tlutnRcnts.irrliul.ln'i Iiuiuii * o ! ! ul > . Send
for circular" und CCJT trrrl'orv
HffilXES , ; SHERSSiMl14
Horse Powers ClarerHnllers
{ Sult > d to all sections , i WritcforFnCEinus-Piinphlei
tfO. Price * to The Aultmin & Tar lor Co. . Itonnfleld.Ohla.
\VhoIesaIo and Ketail
OE EY & STOHB , - Ooihi , Heb ,
A k TOUT dealer for a CAPITAL.
( .m * WHIl * and be urnrlacd.
They are something wonderful. In
flstoayourdealcrorderlnp thiCAIITAL cixr WHIP. \ '
they do not carry them In stock. A. J. Gustln d : Co .
Lincoln. Xeb. _ _
College. A. L. TVyman , TrlncIpaT
Catalogue fn-e. Writi- for terma to National
( olleff. Kansas City , ilo
ryant Jlusinofs Collejjp , St. Joseph. Mo.
established. WA. tatalojrur freeIVrke tut
tcnm to A ( OOX , I'rc-ildent
lie Best
> i " 4X & * A fvLU IC4 U U U i I
The FISH BRAND SLICKER in irarrarted - terpt > or and -vcill kf p yea dry
inrthehardtstBt jrm. The new POMuklj SLICKER ii a reflect riding con
and cox era the entire saddle. B w re ot imitation * . Sorir genuine vitnout th
"FishBrand"trade-mark. Illuitrated
- Cataloguefrt-e.
i " "
TThohare triCedntraj-theIryonthfaIvIeoi and porrer , trho are
crinp from terrible UltAINS and J.OSSKS. who are weak.
IMPOTENT and unlit for raarrloge.
MEN of all a.Sftvlio lin l their POWKIl
and vitality. vi rv - and sEXt'AL ST1JEXGTII weakened br eirlr
hahltsor t.VCEbSES.can recelvi-a. positive and lastingCtritg ,
NO matter of how Ions standing 'liei - may be. or who has failed to
cure , by a few- weeks or inunths UM ; of the celebrated
are pro.-aptly removed by this treatmeur.and vigorous manhood restorcdT
Married men , t > r those who intend to marry ,
RKMEMlSER , perfect sexual means health , vigorous
offspringionjr life and the 1 > ve and respect of a faithful
wife. Weak men shoitiu be restored : o vigor and m .nlio . > d before marriage. Proof * , tea-
tlmonialfe and valuable treatise 2 sumps. 'Established in 1HT7. )
Address , Climax Medical Co . 175 , St. Louis , Mo.
Recommended by lending physicians for
fmpurities of the Blood. Indigestion , General
3ebihty ; alee valuable for
Prlce , $1.OO.
Clarke Drag1 Co. , Omaha , Eole "wholesalo
Men Think
they know all about Mustang Lin
iment. Fe\r do. Not to know is
net to have.