McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, April 30, 1885, Image 4

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    The Tribune !
F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
Official City and County Paper.
mg * I
THE Obcrlin Eye is undoubtedly the
best paying newspaper within a hundred ' '
miles , judging froin.its advertising pat- j I
ronage. Bonn sees us all and goes at _
least one better. j j
IT is reported that Wlliam II. Vanderbilt - ( ,
derbilt is seriously ill , having suffered t
two strokes of paralysis. He has retired
ed from both business and social life , '
and is rarely seen driving.
SOME of the finest skating rinks in
the west have gone up in smoke , the i
past few weeks , at the hands of inceu- j j
diaries. The Casino at Lincoln is the
latest addition to the list.
ISAAC W. ENGLAND , publisher of the
New York Sun , passed away yesterday ,
after a life of stern devotion to duty.
He was city editor of The Tribune un
der Horace Grcely , and was associated
with Mr. Dana in a journalistic enter
prise in Chicago.
' ; , RUSSIA backs up Komaroff's account
' of the battle of Penjdeh and Gladstone
does not hesitate to say that he believes
Sir Peter Lumsden tells the truth about
, the matter. The accounts differ as much
as the reports about the battle of Shiloh -
loh , and cannot , of course , be reconcil
ed upon any other basis than that one
of the narrators lies. When the war
is over the world will very likely be
lieve the story of the winner.
A GENUINE case of small-pox was dis
covered at the Grand Central Hotel ,
Kearney , last week , the patient being
a St. Joe drummer. The house had just
recently -been purchased by John San
ders , late of the Eating House at this
place , and put in repair at a heavy ex
pense. The hotel has , we understand ,
been put under quarantine regulations ,
which will of necessity occasion Mr.
Sanders considerable loss.
SOME interesting testimony is being
developed at the trial of Mott , the al
leged medium , in Kansas City. A num
ber of witnesses have sworn that they
have seen and recognized the material
ized forms of dead and departed friends
in the cabinet of Mott. One or two of
them testify with an emphasized earn
estness that is puzzling. They evi
dently believe what they say. But on
the other hand it must not be forgotten
that Mott also materialized people who
were not dead and people who never ex
isted with equal ease and dexterity , and
at the same price , $1.50 apiece. A wit
ness for the state swore that Mott ma
terialized for him several forms in an
swer to requests that were purely ficti
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 26 , ' 85.
The appointment of Ed ward J.Phelps ,
Esq. , to the Court of St. James , though
at first favorably received , is beginning
to elicit some very unfavorable criti
cisms even from administration news
papers. It is shown that Mr. Phelps ,
though of late years a Democrat , has
been conspicuous for his indifference to
the success of his party , and one speech
in his own state , ( for -which he after
wards apologized , ) is the extent of his
stump efforts in behalf of the principles
he espoused after he had gone down in
the wreck of the old Whig party. It is
shown also that Mr. Phelps had a hand
in the great "Emma Mine" bubble ,
wherein he figured as the legal expo
nent of principles of addition , division ,
and silence , and which burst with such
effect as to collapse the fortunes of
many of the great capitalists on both
sides of the water. With these com
plaints of our most important Plenipo
tentiary , we have besides the charge
that he is the embodiment of codfish
aristocracy , is a firm believer in royalty
and the todyism pertaining there to , and
generally is anything but a Democrat in
the true acceptation of the word.
The last Congress , under a pressure
of public sentiment that it could not
longer bear up against , passed an act
prohibiting the fencing in of the public
domain , and requiring the removal of all
fences now existing that inclose the
lands belonging to the Government. Of
course the law will not enforce itself , ;
and therefore the same pressure that
bore upon Congress has now been trans
ferred to the President , who has issued
his proclamation announcing that the )
law must be enforced , and that all per '
sons , companies or corporations who are
maintaining fences upon the public lands
of the United States must remove them
at once , in default of which the Presi
dent will take such measures as shal
be necessary under the law to remove
or destroy them. By the fifth section
of the law a sweeping authority is con
fcrred upon the President , to employ
both civil and military force sufficient to
wipe out the last vestige of these un
lawful enclosures. The people of the
country will hail with eminent satisfac
tion the tidings that the executive has
made up his mind to enforce the statute
Now that the cancer that ( jen. Gran
never had is expected to get well , it may
not be out of place to make reference
to the unbosoming of James D. Fish ,
who promises to make a somewhat ex
tended visit to a New York penitentiary
for the hand he took in the downfall o :
the Marine Bank. Fish declares tha
Grant was privy to every one of Ward1 !
rascally transactions , because it was ut
terly impossible for him to have been
imposed upon in the way that he pretends
tends that he was , for no man in hi :
right mind could have conceived the le
gitimacy of transactions upon which
Ward made such enormous returns
where so small an amount of capital wa :
invested. Besides this , did not Gran
sign the guaranty to the genuineness o
Government contracts ? And did he no
permit Ward to use his name to accom
plish successfully many very infamous
transactions , even after the bank hac
demonstrated its inability to keep its
head above water ? When the excite
ment is over Gen. Grant's illness die ;
out , Fish promises to furnish some more
interesting chapters concerning this
great public crime. DOM PEDRO.
[ Atwood ( Kas. ) Citizen. ]
There is an enterprise on hand to lay
out a town in Sherman county , have a
town company and sell lots , and grov
up. The town is to be called iMarch'
because it is in Sherman county , and in
this way it becomes a sort of sentimen
tal monument to Sherman's "march. '
. . Christian Fluhrer , who was freighting
between Atwood and McCook , had his
leg broken above the ankle on Saturday
evening while gn the road from McCook
at the second draw east of Atwood. As
he approached the draw he jumped from
the wagon and walked down the hi
half way when his foot slipped under
the wheel and broke his leg above the
[ York Hcpublican. ]
Our old friend J. A. Snyder came in
from McCook with a part of his girls
and Billy on Saturday night. He i
building a new house at McCook , having
left the railroad Mrs. L S. Shirley
came in from Red Willow county on
Saturday. She rather seems to enjoy
the life of a homesteader.
A RECENT issue of the Cambridge
Monitor contained a long and bitter ar
ticle against the firm of Leyis & Bee ,
real estate agents of that place. We
are not acquainted with the circum
stances surrounding the case , but as the
Monitor refuses the gentlemen thus
savagely attacked the use of its columns
in any form whatever , and being casu
ally acquainted with the editor of the
Monitor , we give the following state
ment , backed by the majority .of the
business men of Cambridge , space in
our columns. At present , however , we
will make no comment :
CAMBRIDGE , NEB. , April 27,1885.
We , the business men of Cambridge , Neb. ,
hereby unite in saying that the statements
made in the Cambridge Monitor of the25thult
regarding the real estate firm of Lewis & Bee ,
to be Avilfull , malicious , unwarranted and un
called for , and a slander upon them as busi
ness men , and we herewith express our disap
proval and condemnation of said article :
W. E. Babcock , C. H. Winters'
C. W. Knights , C. E. Flanery ,
W. H. Failing , B. F. Neiswanger ,
George Williams , B. W. Ingersoll ,
George W. Shaw , I. A. Raining ,
H. H. Northcott , E. R. Bee ,
J. W. Pickle , A. E. Beagor ,
Gco. A. Hobson , Thomas Andrews.
C. J. Hall ,
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Indianola , Neb. , March 28th , 1885. f
The board of county commissioners of Red
Willow county met pursuant to adjournment
of March 20th , 1885. Present , E. J. Allington ,
Henry Crabtreo and S. L. Green , commission
ers , and C. D. Cramer , county clerk. Proceed
ings of last session read and approved.
On motion C. L. Nettleton's land , viz : the
S. Yz S. E. Ji section 29 , town. 3 , range 30 , was
assessed at § 100.00 and clerk instructed to en
ter same on the tax list of 1884.
On motion R. M. Williams was appointed
overseer of road district No. 9.
On motion Wm. Kilgore was appointed over
seer road district No. 10.
On motion Wm. Murphy was appointed over
seer road district No. 13.
On motion overseers' bonds as follows were
approved :
K. M. Williams , dist. 9. Taylor Quigley , dist.5.
On motion claims were audited and allowed
and warrants drawn on the general fund 1884
levy as follows :
D. L. Nettleton , services as Co. Supt § 95 50
E. J. Arlington , services as county com
missioner , date included 1680
Henry Crabtree , same services 1200
G. S. Bishop , publishing treasurer's state
ment and com'rs' proceedings 22 32
( paid in warrants Nos.44,45 , $1116 each. )
[ saac order Sam'J Young , over
seer poor East Valley precinct , board
ing F. J. Mnlone from Jan. 14 , to March
28.18S5 , inclusive 3172
5V. H. McCartney , furnishing supplies for
Flower family by order Clark Ward ,
overseer poor of Indianola precinct. . . 17 53
Brumbaugh & Goodrich , furnishing sup
plies to poor by order Clark Ward , over
seer of poor Indianola precinct.3 70
oil and lamp burnerforclerk's office 40
warrant for. § 4 10 410
On motion the clerk was instructed to ap
point a commissioner to view a county road
Petitioned for by W. H. Smith , A. F. Schrater
md others , commencing at the S. E. corner of
3. W. ; < of N. E. U sec. 3 , town. 2 , range 29 west ,
hence running south on the most practicable
oute to the town , line between towns. 1 and 2.
CONSENT ROADS. Petition of J. P. Kinne , J.
3. Cummiug and others to establish a public
oad granted , provided the county shall be at
10 expense for survey or right of way of same ,
ind it appearing that the owners of all the
and required for same have illed In the clerk's
ffice their written consent to the establish-
nent of same , said road was established as
'allows , to-wlt :
Commencing at the N. E. corner of the S. E.
a section 10 , town. 1 , range 26. running thence
vestl mile of section line and terminating nt
he N. W. corner of the S. W. H of sec. 10 , town.
, range 26 west 6th P. M. , terminating thereat.
On motion board adjourned to meet April
ioth , 1885. E. J. ARLINGTON , Chairman.
Attest : C. D. CBAJIER , County Clerk.
If you want to get the
most goods for your money
go to E. M. BRICKSY & Co.
for Clothing , Gents' Fur
nishing Goods , etc. , where
you will find prices lower
than any place in the coun
try. Bearinmindthathere
you will find an assortment
of all the latest and most
popular goods in market.
Our Clothing surpasses
all in style and make. Our
Fine Suits are continually
being mistaken for Tailor
made goods , so handsome
ly are they made and so
perfect the fit.
We have just received
another large line of Spring
Suits , Pants , Fancy Shirts ,
Summer Goods , Ties ,
a * yalf M i o "B
oys Hats just received.
Here are the Fine Points
of our goods : Elegant Fit ,
Your patronage solicited ,
17\ \
F & MU . CD P P , P P C/ )
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H cl" p PJ CH
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I desire to call the public attention to the fact that my
spring stock , purchased in Chicago , in person , of
Dry Goods and Clothing ,
Boots and Shoes , Hats and Caps ,
Gents' Furnishing Goods ,
Notions of all kinds ,
ions ,
IP mothers would always remember
that from the cradle up virtue and pur
ity are as necessary for their sons as
their daughters , that a lapse from mor
ality was no more for their daughters
than their sons , and train them accord-
im'lv , it would be a different world.
O J t
terrible mandate "ru
Too long has the
ined" been issued for the girls , when
the ruin comes to them with equal guilt
in the other sex. I cannot sec that a
girl is ruined when seduced , even with
all the said irretrievable consequences ,
but I can see how that stern ruined
seems like a wall of iron when she has
wakened from her foolish dream and
asks for help and pit } ' . Poor child , she
turns to the only door that offers con
cealment and that leads to death. No
human soul is ruined by any wrong do
ing. The sin and weakness leaves their
sad scars , that can never be effaced , but
around the poor young girl who has been
astray , and returning , yearns for love
and help. I would throw the strongest
bonds of charity and hope ; I would
help her to pity and respect herself , and
help her make the world respect her.
Uy Mr. James
Payn is now
being pub
lished in our
family weekly paper. Also eiwh week we give
bl Rev. T. DeWittTalmage ,
a tcature alone worth the price we charge lor
the whole year. In addition to the continued .
stories , weekly sermons by Brooklyn's most
noted divine , and general literary miscellany ,
every issue contains the following : Illustra
ted sketches of prominent men ; letters from
all parts of the world , news of the week , hap
penings of interest in Missouri and Kansas ,
tull and reliable market reports , political go
ings-on. Washington news and special depart
ments carefully edited for Farmers , Little
Folks , the Family Circle and business men
generally. The present publishers have con
ducted lira TiMES for 15 years and have learn
ed by experience that genuine merit wins
more friends than anything else. The public
can therefore rely on us to add every improve
ment desirable , and to spare no expense in
keeping our paper at the head. AVe are encour
aged by our largely increased list of subscrib
ers , now numbering over KJ.UUO , to continue the
Reduced Price of $1.00 ffie're -
ceive subscriptions at this low price. EVEUV
will ttnd something every we'ek in THE TIMES
worth our price of § 1.00 a year. Specimen
copies free. Itemit by postal note , money or
registered letter , to
tf-37. THE TIMES , Kansas City , Mo.
Magnetic Cures. i8Dt
man to discover the philosophical principle
that all nervous pains , aches , and debility
should be treated directly irom the "brain
battery , " from whence emanate all nervous * ;
force and will power. All other forms of treat
ment for nervous disorders are failures. Ev
ery person who suffers from nervousness
knows this , and that medicines only palliate ,
but never cure. These appliances are mag
netic , and ditter from all others on the market
which are electric. Magnetism is the life of
man. Their curative qualities are wonderful
in all nervous complaints. The Roman physi
cians practiced magnetic treatment 1,000 years
ago in nervous diseases , but did not treat from
the "brain battery. " Dr. HILL has made this
greatdiscovery , the only sure cure for nervous
Headaches , Kneumatism , Neuralgia , Liver
and Kidney ComplaintsParalysis , Gout , Spin
al weakness. Dyspepsia , Constipation , Cold
Limbs and Feet , and General Debility. Mirac
ulous cures noted every day. The Magnetic
Brush lilts nails , and the only article of the
kind invented. It is the greatest curative
agent known and used in a "brush bath" im
parts tone , replenishes the debilitated system ,
and creates warmth. In chronic cases our
Magnetic Bands , Belts and Pads should be
used. The brushes are warranted to do the r
work , or the money refunded. Send for circu
lar and testimonials. By giving a description
of nervous trouble , we will give advice and ;
directions how to use our appliances. HILL
Lock Box 55 , Washington , D. C. IJ5
THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly curcr
liy Ehlloh's Cure.Vc guarantee It.
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Com
plaint ? Shlloli's Vltallzcr Is guaranteed to cure you.
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS , made miserable by that ter
rible cough. Shlloh's Cure Is the remedy for you.
CATARKH CUKEI ) , health and sweet breath se
cured by Shiloh's Catarrh Ucmcdy. Trice 50 cents.
Xasal Injector free.
For lame Back , Side or Chest use ShiloU's I'orous
Plaster. Price 23 cents. [
SHILOH'S COUGH nnd Consumption Cure Is sold
by us < * n a guarantee. It cures consumption.
SHILOH'S VITALIZE ! * is what you need for Con
stipation , Less of Appetite , Dizziness and all symp
toms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 7. cents per bottle.
CROUP , WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis im
mediately relieved by Shlloh's Cure.
Sold by S. L. Green druggist , .McCook , Xcb.
We do not know of any medicine that has
gained an equal popularity , in such a. short
time , for the instant relief of coughs and sore
ness of the lungs , as UEGG'S CIIEIUIY COUGH
Sviiyi' . It is mild and pleasant to take and will
not injure the most delicate inlant. Sample
bottles free at S.L.Grcen'sand M.A.Spalding's.
NOTICE is hereby given that on the 15th day '
of May , 18S5 , the undersigned , Allen C. Clyde , :
will make application by petition to the Chair
man and Board of Trustees of the Village of
McCook , Ited Willow county , Nebraska , to
grant him , the said Allen C. Clyde , a license
to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in
the said village of McCook , for the next ensu n
ing municipal year , commencing May 1st , lfcsr > , t <
and ending April SUth , Iib6. $ All persons are a
notified to show cause why said petition should tt
not be granted on or belore May 15th , lbS > , or ttM
the iacts set out in said petition will be taken bl
as true. ALLEN U. CLYDE. 1.
Dated April 29th , 1SS5. :
McCooK , NEIL. April 20th. ! NN > . f
Notice is hereby given that on the U'.th day
of April , 1885 , W. M. Lewis and Jerome Lewis
flled their petition at this ollice asking the
Board of Trustees of the Villageot McCook , m
Neb. , to grant them license to bell mult , spirituous i
uous and vinous liquors within the corporate
limits of said village. teM
47 F. M. KIM.MELL , Village Clerk. H
to i
McCook , Nebraska , April 7th , ISM. glM
Complaint haing been entered at this oUlce
by Charles M. Deveny against George McMur-
ry for abandoning his Homestead Kntry 'MM ,
lated at North 1'latte , Neb. , January ' ) . ISx : ,
upon the northeast quarter section 17. town
ship 2 north , range 27 west , in Hod Willow
Bounty , Nebraska , with a view to the cancel 1 }
lation of said entry ; tlie said parties are here si'i
by summoned to appear at this ollice on the ku
? Jth day of May , lt 5 , at 1 o'clock. P. M . to by
respond and furnish testimony concerning j.rl
aid alleged abandonment ?
47 G. L. LAWS , Kegister. cyCo
McCook , Nebraska , April lltli. 1&-5. vlt
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
> y Samuel Unzicker against William II. Price
or abandoning his Homestead Entry 1017 ,
lated at McCook , Nebraska , August Ittli , lN < J , l
ipon the wett Y southwest & of section W , I'01
ownship 4 , north of range 'M wc5t. in lied out
iVillow county , Nebraska , with a view to the ntn
lanccllation of said entry ; the said parties me
ire hereby summoned to appear at thlHottice ca
n the 16th day of May , 1 $ * > > , at 10 o'clock. A. ( lilt respond and furnish testimony cuneura- IMV
! = said alleged abandonment. N > t
10 U. L. LAWS , Kcgfetcr. MCI
April 2.-th , 1885. f
Notlco Is hereby given that the following-
named settler has Hied notlco of his Intention
to make llnal proof In Hupport of lilt ! claim ,
and that said proof will bo iniulu bcforo Heglrt-
ter or Itecclvcr nt McCook , Nob. , on Saturday ,
June Cth. 1885 , viz : James A. Piper , D. S. 027 ,
for the northwest quarter of section a , town
ship 4 north , range 29 west. Ho names the
following witnesses to provu his continuous
rcslduaca upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Jacob Long. A. W. Campbell , Win. Doyle
and Stephen Holies , till of Uox Elder , Neb.
48 G. L. LAWS , Kcglstor. H
April llth , 188T. . f
Notice Is hereby given that the followingms
named settler has Hied notice of his intentionJ
to niaku Hnal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo niudo bcforo Itcgis-
ter or llccclver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday ,
May 2&1,18ST , vi/ : John Calkins. D. S. 430. for
the southeast quarter section ; i" , township 2 ,
north of range 2 ! ) west. Hi names the follow
ing witnesses to provo his continuous reel-
deiico upon , and cultivation of , mild land , viz :
Franklin P. Laverick , William F. Thorp. Wal
lace W. Dunham and Eugene G. Dunham , all
of Stoughton , Neb.
40 G. L. LAWS , Ileglstcr.
March 30th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has flled notice of his intention
to make lliuil proof in support of his claim ,
and that said pr.oof will bo made bcforo Itegls- ?
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday.
May 18thIb85 , viz : Ilenuvlll lioothHomestead
Entry 402. for the east southeast H section
" 4 , township 1range 2 ! > and lots.'iand t section
1J > , township 1 , range 28. Ho names the follow
ing witnesses to provo his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Jacob F.Uoyer , Wilbur F.Saundcrs. William C.
Shockley and Stephen C. Uoyer. all of Stough
ton , Neb. 47 G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
April Kith , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has flled notice of her intention
to make ilnal proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Hcg-
ister or Itcceiver at McCook , Neb . on Friday ,
Juneoth. Ib85. viz : Elizabeth Pollock , widow
of Joseph Pollock , deceased. Homestead 2002 ,
for the Miuth ' / southeast ! t of section 14 and
north Ji northeast H of section 23 , township 1
north , range 28 west. She names the following
witnesses to prove her continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : E. J.
Ailington , H. B. Strowbridge , J. E. Dolph and
Wm. Kendall , all of Danbury. Neb.
47 G. L. LAWS , Register.
April 18th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler lias flled notice of his intention
to make llnal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Regis
ter or Itcceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
June Cth , 1885 , viz : Wilbur F. Saunders , D. S.
075 , for the cast l/i southeast 4 section 10 and
north Yt. southwest h of section 20 , township 1
north , range 28 west. He names the following1 /
witnesses to prove his continuous residence '
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Jacob
F. Boycr , Abram Hammond , James U. Miller
and John L. Sellers , all of Stoughton , Neb.
47 G. L. LAWS , .Register.
. S
March 23d , 18S5. f
Notice is hereby given that the followlng-
nained settler has flled notice of his intention
to make tinal proof in support of his claim ,
tor the southwest quarter of section 31- , town
ship 1 north , range -"J west. He names the
following- witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Gideon Cobbs of Cedar Bluffs. Kas. , John
M. Ford , James A. Gregrey and Amos Gooden-
berger of Stoughton , N'eb.
43 G. L. LAWS , Register.
March : i7th. Jt&5. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has illcd notice of his intention
to make llnal proof in support of his claim ,
ind that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
May fcth , Ibtt , viz : James M. Hcislcr. D. S.
; -M , for the north l' southwest & section 13 ,
township I ! north , range ' } west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon , und cultiviition of , said
land , vIJcnjamin F. McQuav , Daniel Shaw ,
rt'illiam McQuay and James Davis , all of ilc-
Jook , Nebraska.
44 G. L. LAWS , Register.
March 27th , ISSj. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
0 make fliml prool in support of lite claim ,
ind that said proot will be made before Keg-
ster or Receiver at MeCook , Neb. , on Kriilny ,
Iay 8th. lt * . " > , vi/t : Joseph L. Springer , HOIIH-
tead Entry ; ji. ( for the bouthwo t 't north-
vest J4. noi th * southwest ' 4 and northwest
1 southeast Ji section ) , townships , north of
ange 30est. . He names the following wit- |
leases to i > rove his continuous residence
ipon , and cultivation of , said land. vi/ : Irvin (
'paiilding , Daniel H. Doyle. George W. Swig- '
art and Dewitt Swigirart , all of Osborn. Neb. ,
_ tl G. L. LAWS. Register. '
April 7th. US."i. f l
Notice is hereby given that the folio win.- '
amed settler has tiled notice of liih intention
D make Until proof in support of his claim. /
ml that said proot w ill be made before Regis- '
jr or Receiver at .McCook. Neb. , on Saturday ,
lay 10th , l.Vvi / : Charles Knippinjr , Home-
lead 171. lor the northeast quarter ol section
township o north , ranee 3u west. He names
ic tollowmg witnesses to prove hiscontinu-
us residence upon , and cultivation of , said
ind , viz : Frank StoeXhme. Jorrv ' Urilhn , John
IcArthur and F. .Moecc. all ot M'cCook. Neb.
4. > ( . ; . 1 LAWS. Register.
April 4th. lfc . f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
limed hottlcr has HU'd notice of his intention
make t'.nnl puiot In support of his claim ,
id that said proof will be made Iseforo Regis-
T or Receiver at Mcl'ook. Nob. , on Saturday ,
ay lilth. INV. viz : \ \ llbert F. Stockton ,
omestead 1110. tor the northeast quarter of
elIon 1. township 1 , north of range 5 west
h 1' . M. Ho luiinvs the t > llov1ng"witnesses
provo his continuou : * re idence upon , and
iltivntUm of. s-aid land , viz : James E. Win-
t . Sanutol .1. llnstian. Xichohu. Wycoff and
itch Voung. all of Danbuty. Neb.
< .r G. L. LAWS. Register.
An Enterprising , Reliable House.
M. A Sv ; ! tUiip can ! . } s be relleil upon , not on
to carry In Mock tlie bi-nt of CMTjllilnp. but to
L-uro tinKfnty for inch article * a * Imewell-
oun merit , mid are iH > ; mUr ttlth llie people , there-
M talnliiK tlie reputation of liclnu alu.iys enter-
Mag. ami oxer reliable , ll.-ulnj : > ccnreil the Aten-
f r tlio celelirateil Dr. KttiK' * Xow llfco\ery for
BMimptlon.lll sell It on it j\ ltl\e puaramce. It
II aurely cure nny ami cry affection of Throatt
up" . nnJ Chest , nml to Jliuw our conililecce , we ln
e jou to call nnil net a Hottle Free.
An Answer Wanted-
'nn niiy 0110 brlnn ui e < o of KMnry or Urcf
niplAlnt tli.a l.Ii-otric IMlte ! 11 not spcedlli'
re ? W > my tlu-y tan not , n UiouvimU of coc
emly lu-iiimni'titly ciireil nnUla are dully recent-
lullns tacotrlc HUtcr.i , will pruru. UrintuV Uta-
ie , Ill.vbolrs , Wonk HiK , or any urinary com pi slut
okl ) etirotl. They purify the. bloo.1. riulate the
\ el * , ana net Ulrtvily on the UUeaseil p. rt * . E > cry
tk < cimnititi'iM. Kor Jrtlc at W ccnti a bvttle at
i-oltt4U Drui ; tturc.