McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, April 30, 1885, Image 3

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T/ie Xatlotial Government Taking Active
Jntereitl Therein *
A Washington dispatch suys tbo national
government hns begun to take an notlvo In
terest In the St. Louis Southern liotol trngo-
dy. Tlio department of stiito lias been busily
engaged on such International preliminaries
as will bo necessary to secure tbo capture of
Wnltcr Lennox Maxwell , and bring him to
Justice for tbo cruel murder of Charles Arthur
Prollcr. Secretary Bayard prepared a formal
application upon tbo British government ,
which was presented to Minister West , for
England to join in the pursuit of Maxwell to
the fullest extent of tbo consular and police
system. Tbo American consuls at Honolulu ,
.Auckland , and nil other points along the line
of Maxwell's flight have been notified by the
department of state to use every available
means for tbo capture of Maxwell , and are
further instructed to communicate promptly
with the authorities at all accessible points.
The eecrc-tary ot state has suggested that ibo
offlccrB of St. Louis prepare immediately n
formal application for the extradition of
Maxwell , both from tbo British government
and the Hawaiian .islands , nnd that those pa
pers be sent to Washington lor prompt
use. The police have received a photo-
prnph of Maxwell as ho appeared
In his academical robo. The photograph ho-trs
his autograph. A comparison between the
accompanying signature and the scrawl on
the Southern hotel register discloses a very
apparent discrepancy. That on the picture
Is a neat , ladylike autograph , while the hotel
entry is it hurried jumble of letters , without
the shade or character to identify them. Max
well never were tbo spectacles around thq
hotel , although in his subsequent Iligbt ho
was noticed to wear them constantly. The
steamship City of Sydney was duo to arrive
at Honolulu on the 2Jd , and it is barely possi
ble that the Alaraoda. which is the fastest
steamer on the Pacific ocean , overhauled thu
Australian boat and arrived in harbor in ad
vance , when tbo arrest of Maxwell could bo
effected without trouble. As to the pursuit
and capture of Maxwell , the general impres
sion is that it was he who. under the alias of
D'Auguler , took passage for Auckland on the
City of Sydney. If it was Maxwell it is be
lieved that hia capture is certain. The ques
tion of getting lunds to bring him back still
agitates tbo police department , but the boarder
or supreme oiliccr seems determined to leave
nothing- undone toward getting what money
may be necessary. Mr. Blair , acting presi
dent of the police board , has written to Gov.
Jiarmaduko to know If any part of the S10-
000 appropriated by the last general assembly
for pursuit of criminals can bo used for tbo
"jurpose of bringing Maxwell back.
Tlte Endangered People in lite Indian Coun
try Rescued.
"Winncpcs dispatch of the 24th : All Winnc-
peg gave a sigh of relief to-day when it was
announced that a portion of Colonel Otter's
force was camped across tbc river from Battle-
ford and that tbe siege of that place had been
raised. Otter's main force is only a sliort dis
tance behind the advance guard. The long
tlie garrisomat
the Insurgents. The Tenth Koyalsnau
arrived as the messenger was leaving.
3Igr. A. JT. Glorleux Consecrated at Balti
With all the pomp and ceremony usually
attending the elevation of a priest of the
Catholic church to the blgher orders Mgr. A.
K. Gloricux was , on the 20th , at Baltimore ,
consecrated in the cathedral as bishop in
partibus Infidelium and vicar apostolic of
Idaho. Every portion of the spacious ediflco
was occupied. Archbishop Gibbons was the
consecrator , and the attending priest was the
llev. A. .Magnien. The deacons of honor
were the Hevs. Messrs. B. S. McManus and A.
Boyer , S. S. , of St. Mary's seminary ; assist
ant consecrating bishops. Bishop William
Go-s , of Savannah , archbishop-elect of Oregon
gen , and Bishop J. Maes , of Covincrton , ICy. ;
chaplains to Bishop Gloreaux , the Kov. Fath
ers DeWolf and Peter McCoy ; chaplains to
Archbishop Gross , two redemptionistfathers ;
chaplams to Bishop Mae * , Father Walsh , of
Washington , and llev. J. L. Andries. The
archbishop were the pontifical robeg. 'While
seated upon the archepiscopal throne his lap
was covered with a white silk cloth embroid
ered in gold. After the ceremonies of an-
nomttng the now bishop ho was escorted to
the episcopal chair. He was then led by the
assistant bishops through the church and be
stowed his blessing on the kneeling people.
Bishop Kane , of Richmond , preached the
sermon. At nleht Bishop Glorieux celebrat
ed solemn vespers.
The new bishop Is a native of Belgium and
41 years old. He was educated at the Ameri
can college of Lourain , and was ordained by
Cardinal Sterchx at Malines , in 1807. Two
months afterward he left Belgium for Oregon
gen as a missionary. He became rector of
St. Paul's French parish In 1809 , and in 1871
president of St. Michael's college , Portland.
In 1884 ho was appointed vicar-general of
ricitro-Fneutnonfa Amomj the Cattle in
Missouri Increasing.
H. M. Taylor , agent of the United States bu
reau of animal Industry , arrived In St. Louis
on the 0h : from Washington , and has secured
the co-operation of the Missouri Pacific , Wabash -
bash and Chicago and Alton railroads in plac
ing an embargo on all cattle from Galloway
county. In that state. The agents have issued
instructions to their local agents to refuse all
shipments of cattle from Calloway and con
tiguous counties unless accompanie 1 by a cer
tificate of health bv a government inspector.
Col. Hunter , president of the national cattle
and borse growers' association of the United
States , sent the following telegram :
Hon. N. J. Colman , Commissioner of Agri
culture , Washington : Contagious pleuro-
pneumonia is spreading tn this stato. and as
individual efforts are powerless to check its
progress , I ask you to please see the attorney
general Immediately and get a decision < * t
once as to your power under the law to use
the funds appropriated for the bureau of ani
mal Industry to stamp out this contagion ,
which threatens our entire cattle industry.
Prompt action is necessary. Answer.
_ . . . HONTEH.
To this Col. Hunter received the following
reply :
Coi. R. D. Hunter , President : I have asked
toe opinion of the comptroller of the treasury ,
and the attorney general also , as to my power
to destroy cattle that have been exposed to
' pieuro-pncumoma , and am promised a writ
if ten opinion to-day or to-morrow. As soon as
obtained I will Inform the public.
Commissioner of Agriculture.
THE date of tbe earliest eclipse of the
sun recorded in the annals of the Chi
nese , -when "on the first day of the last
month of autumn the sun and moon did
not meet harmoniously in Fang , " or in
that part _ of the heavens defined by two
stars in the constellation of the Scorpion ,
has been determined by Prof. Von Op-
poiser , of Vicuna , to have been the
morning of Oct. i52137 B. 0.
An Old. Indlqn Jlt'jwrt * thai a Jlattle Jfaa
Winnnlpcg dispatch : Battleford scouts
from Fort PHt report finding it abandoned
and wrecked. An Indian told them a light
had occurred and that two police were killed ;
that the police and others In the fort had
taken to boats In the hope of reaching Battle-
ford. They have been out five da3s and should
have been here long ago. It looks us If the
whole party had been captured or killed from
the river banks. Besides the police , tinder Inspector
specter Dickon , there were Factor McLean , of
the Hudson Bay company , and family of eight ,
and James Simpson , Stanley Simpson. W. U.
Cameron and Dupresne , employes ; Kev. C.
Qulnn and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Mann and three
children , Alfred Qulnn and several others.
The story of the escape is extremely improba
ble , as It is not likely that such a large party
would be allowed to escape. The Indians
threatened to take Battlefonf very soon. Col.
Morris will put a trench around the barracks
for greater protection against the threatened
attack by the Indians. The following dispatch
was received last night by Commissioner
Wrcgley : "A messenger sent from here on
Friday last for Ft. Pitt has returned and re
ports Ft. Pitt taken by the Indians. Two po
licemen were killed but McLean and others
escaped to the river and started by boat for
Battleford. This was five days ago and they
Lave not arrived. Serious fears of their safety
are entertained. "
TJie Treasury Investigation.
The trcMSury Inquiry commission , of which
Assistant Secretary Falrchild is president ,
has virtually concluded its inspection of the
internal revenue bureau. The result of the
work of the commission in this bureau Is
awaited with much interest , as it is supposed
to give an indication of the policy to bo ob
served in the reorganization of o herbureaus
of the treasury departmenr. The commission
has virtually decided to make its recommen
dations in regard to Improving the methods
of business mid reduction of force at the
close of their investigations In each bureau
before beginning work in another. It is ex-
ppotes ! the commissioners will investigate the
affairs of the sixth auditor's oQice as soon as
the pecretnry shall have acted on their report
on the internal revenue bureau. It is likely the
commissioners will conclude to recommend
the transfer of clerks from the overcrowded
bureaus to the bureaus where the clerical
lorce is too small instead of dismissingsuper-
lluous clerks in one bureau and - an
other bureau with clerks certified by the civil
service commission. It is believed , however ,
the comm ssioners will report the number of
clerks as being on the whole In excess of the
needs of the service.
Sales of Public Lands.
Commissioner "Williamson , of the
General Land Office , has had prepared
a statement showing the number of acres
of public lands disposed of for cash and
under the Homestead and Timber-Cult
ure acts during the last ten fiscal years
1871 to 1880 inclusive. Prom this
statement it appears that there was a
falling off in the number of acres dis
posed of in all three classes of land from
1871 to 1875-76 , and that since the latter
year there has been a gradual increase
in the number of acres disposed of.
Tor the fiscal year ended June 30 , 1871 ,
there were disposed of for cash 1,389-
982 acres , and under the Homestead
acts 4,600,326 acres. The sales grad
ually fell off each succeeding year until
1875 , when but 2,356,057 acres were dis
posed of under the Homestead acts , and
in 1876 only 6iO,691 acres were sold for
Since that period there has been a
gradual increase in sales and allotments ,
resulting in 1880 in the sale of 1,455,724
acres for cash , and the disposal of 6,070-
507 acres under the Homestead acts.
The Timber-Culture law was not enact
ed until 1873 , and under it , in 1875 ,
464,870 acres were disposed of. Since
1875 the same noticeable increase ob
served in the sales for cash and allot
ments under the Homestead laws had
occurred in the disposal of lands under
the Timber-Culture act , so that in 1880
the allotments under this law aggregated
2,129,705 acres.
Churches as Savings Banks.
There are in the city three penny sav
ings banks in connection with churches.
They belong to St. Andrew's , St. James'
and All Saints. The banks receive any
amount , from 2 cents iipward , but do
not encourage the depositing of large
sums , the object in view being to pro
mote habits of economy among the
poorer classes. Trustees and officers
have been appointed for each bank , the
former being responsible for all moneys
received. The bank is kept open every
Saturday evening from 7 to 9. A com
mittee of twelve manage the institution ,
giving their services gratuitously. Any
amount from 2 cents upward may be
deposited , 4 per cent , interest being al
lowed on every even dollar from the day
of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
Toronto Globe.
WHEAT No. 2 71JI0 717a
BARLEY No.2 50 © 51
HYE No. 3 52 © Wt
Cons No. 2 mixed 33 @ . ' 54
OATS No. 2 27 © 28
BDTTER Fancy creamery 25 © 26
BDTTER Choice dairy 35 © 39
BDTTER Best country 31 © 1 °
CHEESE Young-America 34 © 34J5
Eccs-Fresh 30 © H
ONIONS Per bbl 2 50 & 275
CHICKENS Per doz. . alive. . . . 200 © Sii5
CHICKENS Dressed , per lb. . . . 30 © 11
APPLES Barrels 375 © 425
LEMONS Choice 350 © 375
BANANAS Choice 2 00 © 3 so
CHANGES Mesina 325 @ 350
POTATOES Per bushel 50 © 75
SEEDS Pimothy 310 © 220
SEEDS Blue Grass 130 © 150
HAY Baled.per ton 650 © 00
HAY-Inbulk 600 © 700
WHEAT-NO. 2 red 1 COS © 101
WHEAT Ungraded red > © 1 OH *
CORN-NO. 3. " 55 © ; 5 *
OATS Mixed western 40 @ 44
PORK 1300 © J3 2o
LAUD 712i ; ® 7 20
FLOUR Choice Winter 475 © 553
FLOOR Spring1 extra 675 @ 4oO
WHEAT Per bushel S3a © bJSJg
CORN Per bushel 46 > J © 4i
OATS Per bushel 34a © 33
PORK 31 70 © 11774
LARD 6 PO © 6 97ji
HOGS Packing and shipping. 4 45 © 4 < a
CATTLE Stockers 340 © 480
HHEEP Medium to ffooil 375 © 4 7o
WHEAT No. 2 red 1 01 @ 1
CORN Per bushel 4454 ® 45
OATS Per bushel 33 © 34
CATTLE Kxports SCO fo > 500
SHEEP Medium to extra 350 @ 475
HOGS Packers 450 © 465
WHEAT Per bushel 77 © 78J }
CORN Per bushel 33Ji © 3)
OATS Per bushel 3Hi © 3.
CATTLE Exports 015 © 540
HOGS Mediumsto choice 401 © 430
SHEEP Fair to eood 210 © 323
AT the gambling establishment of
Monte Carlo the police have strict orders
to search the grounds every night for
the bodies of suicides , and to remove
them as quickly as possible , that visitors
may not be sheeted by discovering the
Origin of .Familiar Proverbs.
"Truth is stranger than fiction , "
was invented by an editor as : i heatt
line to a twenty-line lie so monstrous
ly extravagant that ho knew nobody
would believe ten words of it. The
original use of this proverb is contin
ued until this day. Whenever you see
that line in a newspaper don't "believe
: i word you read under it.
"I'll make a spoon or spoil a horn , "
was the thought of a man who never
made a spoon in all his life , and who
knew perfectly well that he couldn't
makc enc , and only took a mean man's
malicious delight in spoiling a horn.
I * . S. For a man who likes to take his
horn straight the introduction of a
spoon always spoils it.
"A wink is as good as a nod to a
blind horse , " was said by a man with
a stiff neck , who wanted to nod , but
couldn't. Although why any sane
man should wish either to "wink or nod
at a blind horse no man can tell.
"A little more sleep and a little more
slumber , " commonly attributed to the
Sluggard , was stolen from the night
watchman who invented it in his
"Fast bind , fast find , " was remark
ed by a police justice when he bound
the tough over to keep the peace , and
lined him $15.85.
"All's'Veil that ends swell , " was
said by a murderer who killed a dude.
The name of the murderer is suppress
ed lest he should bo overrun with
more orders than he could fill , and
thus bo compelled to hire a clerk ,
who would eventually run off with all
the money.
"All's fare in love and war , " was
the inspired thought of a railroad con
"One swallow docs not make a sum
mer , " was the brilliant remark of a
man who was trying to see how many
swallows do make a summer. Nota
lione If the thermometer got half so
high as the experimenter did , the dog
days came right along on the heels of
Christmas that year. The record of
the swallows , however , was lost in the
dim mists of O'Blivion , the great Irish
swal lower.
"Dead men tell no talcs , " was the
joyous exclamation of the first editor
who slew a man who came in with a
continued story in sixty-live chapters.
It was the same editor who , upon re
ceiving a demand for 10 cents from a
poet for an epic poem upon which he
had labored twelve years.said : "Write
makes smite. " And then he smote
him , that he died. 7o& llunlclte.
The Dumb Jhide to Speak.
"Nearly every hospital and house of
correction in the country' has its regu
lar attendance of malingerers , " says a
physician at the Episcopalian Hospital ,
Philadelphia. "Some are most cun
ning in their schemes to become pa
tients. The comfortable bed , the good
food , and the kind attention they re
ceive are the temptations to try these
"Why I once saw a case of feigned
muteness. A youth of 17 was
brought to us. Ilis parents said he
had spoken well enough until he was
11 years old but since that he had
never spoken a word. He had his
hearing perfectly. Wo tried a good
many things galvanism , tonics , and
even , because we thought it was stub
bornness , we had a clergyman to talk
to him , but all was of no avail. At
lust we came to the conclusion that
the young rascal was hoodwinking us ,
and'we determined to try a trick upon
him that had been tried with success
before. Two of the physicians stood
at his bedside as if consulting about
his case. One of them said in a loud
whisper to the other :
" 'Well , I'll toll you what we'll do.
First of all we'll cauterize the whole
under surface of his tongue , and , if
that does not succeed , we will cut out
his tongue and examine it under a
microscope. ' Then , turning to an
assistant , he continued : 'Mr. Wilson ,
please get the iron red hot. We will
use it at oncn upon this boy. '
"The fellow didn't say anything ,
but he tried by signs to beg the doctor
not to perform the operation. The
iron was brought and the surgeon be
gan arranging the patient. The sight
of the instrument on its spirit ftarne.
almost at a white heat , brought forth
a terrible cry from the boy , the lirst
sound in six years. Then one assistant
hold his logi another his arms , a third
his head , and a wedge was thrust into
his mouth. Still not a word. The hot
iron was lifted and brought near to
his face , so that he could feel the heat.
Whether the operation would have
been performed or not I am unable to
sa } ' . but there was no necessit } * , for
the instant he felt the heat he shouted :
" 'Oh , don't doctor dear , please
don't ; I'm not dumb. I will speak I
will , indeed. '
"And he left the hospital that very
afternoon. " Philadelphia Times.
Pictures of Waves of Sound.
Some remarkable photographs of a
pistol bullet in its llight , under the
illumination of an electric spark , have
been secured by Prof. E. Mach , of
Prague. He has also photographed
the air streams which one may see
over a Bunsen burner placed in stin-
shinfi , and has even obtained pictures
of waves of sound , these last being
made visible by a method in which
advantage is taken of the irregular re
fraction of light by the waves set in
vibration by sound. Although these
experiments may not have any practi
cal value , they are interesting as show
ing the great degree of perfection to
which the photographic art has been
The Time to Wear Glasses.
When persons find their eyes be
coming dr } * and itching in reading , as
well as those who find it necessary to
place an object more than fourteen
inches from their face to read , they
need spectacles. Spectacles sold by
peddlers and jewelers generally are
hurtful to the eyes of those who read
much , as the lenses are made of in
ferior glass and are not symmetrically
ground. Unless the lenses are mount
ed in a suitable frame and properly
placea before the eye discomfort will
arise from their prolonged use. The
proper time to begin wearing glasses
is just as soon as the eyes tire on being
subjected to prolonged use. Medical
Leather book-bindings may be re
vived by nibbing them with "while ot
The grated rind and the juice of an
orange add much to the flavor of gin
ger cake.
liurnt umber , with a little Venetian
red mixed with porter , makes a dark
oak stain.
Flat fish , as : i rule , keep better than
round : they should bo chosen for
their thickness rather than for their
Velveteen makes very handsome
table scarfs. It may be embroidered
in the same way us velvet and may be
lined with sateen.
Drass , when corroded and black
ened , may be cleaned with rottenstone
ten-stone , moisteded with oxalic
acid and water ; polish with whiting
or silicon.
A sure test for eggs is the following :
Dissolve one ounce of suit in ten ounces
of water and put ( he eggs in.
Good eirgs will sink and bad ones will
Vegetables , when fresh , are crisp.
Cucumbers must bo perfectly firm and
stiff. Celery breaks oil' clean when
fresh ; if it is stringy it has been kept
too long.
In choosing mutton or veal from the
carcass the quality may bo deteniinetl
from the fat inside the thigh. If there
bo plenty of clear , firm fat there , the
meat is good.
A few drops of ammonia will be
effectual in removing grease from the
dishpan , and it is a good plan onee in
a while to add a little to the water used
to cleanse the sink.
While it is conceded by most cooks
that winter squash is best when baked ,
it is always necessary to'usc judgment
about it , for if the squash is very
dry it is rendered almost tasteless
by cooking. In this case it should bo
Veal should have firm white la . and
the lean have a pinkish tinge. If the
barbarism of bleeding has been prac- '
ticcd , the flesh will be quite white.
Veal should be six or eight weeks old
before it is killed , else it is unwhole
some. Too young1 veal may be de
tected by a bluish tint.
An old and reliable test for the pur
ity of milk is 'to dip a smoothly-pol
ished knitting needle into a cup of
milk and withdraw it in an upright
position. If the milk be pure a pendu
lous drop of the liquid will hang to the
end of the needle ; there will bo no
drop adhering to the needle if even : i
small quantity of water bo mixed with
the milk.
To clean and freshen old Platting
rub it with a cloth wet in salt water ,
being careful not to allow any drops
of water to dry in the matting , as they
will leave spots difficult to remove.
Heavy , varnished furniture should
never rest directly upon the matting ,
for even good varnish , becoming soft
in warm weather will stain the straw.
Matting mabe turned if the loose
ends of the" cords are threaded in a
large needle and drawn through to the
other side.
Chickens prepared in this way arc a
change from the usual fricassee : Cut
up two young chickens , cook them for
half an hour in a saucepan with a little
bacon cut in dice , adding thyme , two
bay loaves , a small onion , parsley and
a piece of butter , moistening with
white wine. Mix' the yolk of three
eggs in half a cup of cream and pour
the mixture over the chickens , takin
the saucepan instantly off the fire.
Arrange the pieces of chickens sym
metrically on a dish and serve.
In choosing fish see that the gills
are bright pink , the fins stiff , and the
ojes clear and full ; the scales and skin
must be bright. Lobsters and crabs
must bo chosen by their weight as
compared with their size. When
fresh , the tail of a lobster will quickly
spring back into position after it is
straighened. A medium-sized lobster ,
with narrow tail and heavy for its
size , will be found to be choice. In
buying part of a largo fish , its fresh
ness may be known by the bluish
tinge of the flesh and the iridescence
of the cut part. It is not fresh if the
llesh be yellow.
This dessert is easily made and is
very nice : One quart of apple sauce
or eight tart apples stewed soft , with
one cupful of water and strained. Add
one cup of granulated sugar , half a
teaspoonful of vanilla or lemon ex
tract and the yolks of four eggs , Avc
beaten. Put the mixture in a buttered
pudding dish and bake twenty minutes
in a quick oven. Beat the four whites
to a stiff froth and add two tablespoou-
fuls of powdered sugar , Spread this
over the hot pudding and brown very
lightly. Serve when ice cold , with
sp'onge cake or delicate buscuits. It
may bo eaten with cream.
Good beef , when fresh , has a line
grain and is of a vermilion color , with
a slight tint of purple on the cut sur
face. It is lirrn , but tender to the
touch , and is so elastic that no mark
is left after pressure from the finger.
The fat is yellowish-white , like fresh
butter , and firm. Sometimes the lean
is slightly veined with fat , but it must
have'no flavor of suet. The surface
must be quite dr } * when cut. scarcely
moistening the finger. If a clean
knife be pushed up to the handle into
the raw meat , the resistance will bo
uniform if it be fresh ; but , if some of
the parts are softer than others , it has
begun to decompose. When beef is
lean , coarse and sinewy-looking , it is
old and tough. Cow-beef is coarse-
looking and has white fat.
Europeans in China.
An Englishman residing at Pekin
writes to the London Times that tne
position of Europeans in China is not
materially altered by the war with
franco , because the people are ignor
ant of the affairs of State and have no
interest whatever in matters which
concern their country. With the ex-
seption of the absence of the French
Legation , European society in China
presents the usual features" Skating
the chief
After Years of Lcsjtl Proscription , the Sain of
StlmuliiiHs Hat } /t'o ; UIivl Out A Hitter
FIslU In Progress ,
Does prohibition prohibit ? This is a
question that has boon mooted ever
Nineu the prohibitory liquor law was
first put on the statute-book years ago.
Gen. Neal Dow and his co-laborers in
the field of temperance reform take
.tin : ground that prohibition has proved
a great success. The old white-haired
father of the Maine law , who is now
81 years of ago , and who , despite his
years , is as active and zealous in his
war on the grog-shops as over , will
tell you that prohibition has crushed
out every distillery and brewery in
Maine , and such is the truth. He will
tell you that under the operations of
the law liquor-soiling has boon nearly
suppressed in the rural towns , which
embrace nearly three-quarters of the
state , and ho will point with pride to
the evidences of thrift ami prosperity
as compared with the condition of
things in the old rum times , when that
beverage ( lowed as freely as water ,
and , as the result , poverty and degra
dation wore to be soon on every hand.
There arc many grains of truth in this ,
and yet , at the same time , liquor-sell
ing has not boon abolished in tliocriin-
try towns. The trafiu has otih" been
circumscribed and driven into narrow
er limits. Any respectable looking
person , oven though he bo a stranger ,
can find no difficulty in buying all Ihc
liquor ho wants of the village apothe
cary , should lie fail to get it at the
country inn. The druggists , in fact ,
carry on the liquor bushiest in Maine.
Registered druggists keep liquor on
hand for the compounding and manu
facturing of medicine , but arc not al
lowed by law to soil liquors of any
Kind unless compounded and manu
factured in good faith.
The great weapon of the law is the
search "and seizure clause , which re
quires proof of two elements first , of
the keeping , and second , of an intent
to sell liquor in violation of the law.
With the ordinary rumsollor the more
fact of finding liquor in his shop ii
usually enough to convict , because it
is not kept there for any legitimate
purpose. With druggists , however ,
there must be proof of sale. As a re
sult they have a constitutional right to
sell liquor , and , as it is now heading ,
they are fast obtaining a monopoly of
the rum trade in Maine , on account of
the Inherent defect in the constitution
which no law can get around. But it
is in the cities and large towns whore
liquor is principally sold , and whore
the evils of the traffic- arc more plainly
seen. There is no doubt but what pro
hibition has accomplished a great deal
of good in the way of suppressing
the rum traffic , and it is oquallv true
that the men , women , and children of
to-da } ' are more abstemious than wore
their fathers and grandfathers. Still
the rum trallic flourishes ; ollicers are
unfaithful in enforcing the laws , and
when they are executed the chances
are that from some defect or loophole
in the law the rum-seller escapes. The
situation to-day docs not show that
Maine is the prohibitory state that she
is represented to be. It was only a
few days ago that Gen. Dow was
forced to admit that "it is not over
stating the matter to say that in
Maine to-day the liquor traffic is in
flicting upon the people far more mis
chief , wretchedness , and ruin than
they suffer from all the robberies and
burglaries , frauds of whatever kind ,
from incendiarisms , conflagrations ,
and murder. "
For the past six months the city of
Bangor has practically enjoyed "free
ruin. There are over one hundred
places there where liquor is sold and
no attempt has been made to enforce
the law. The law is a nullity. In
Lewistown , Bath , Augusta , and"other
cities no difficulty is experienced if
otic wants to wet his whistle. In the
city of Portland , under Gen. Dow's
own ej'os , the liquor traffic flourishes ,
and yet at the same time in no other
city has the law , for the past ten years ,
been more faithfully enforced. To
illustrate how hard it is to break up
the business in Portland , the prohibi
tion ! Is for five years pursued a rum-
seller in that city. They made him
pay fines more than forty times , and
then got him in jail. But this did not
break up his business , for his brother
took charge of it. Then the prohibi
tionists weiit for him , and when , after
a protracted siege , ho was forced to
retire , his brother-in-law took his
place , and carries on the business to
Since the first week m January the
prohibitionists have renewed the war
on Portland grogshops , and the cam
paign is to extend throughout the
state , under the auspices of the Law
and Order league. Rev. Mr. Munson ,
the agent of the league , is now enforc
ing the law with more vigor than was
ever known before. Already he has
sworn out more than six hundred war
rants , at an expense of over § 2,500 to
the taxpayers of Cumberland county ,
and in return , the amount of fines paid
into the citv treasury will not exceed
8200. Last year there were nearly one
thousand prosecutions of liquor deal
ers in the state , and , while there were
numerous convietiotis , the number of
grogshops was not diminished. Dur
ing the last fourteen years some
twenty-three thousand persons have
been arrested in thiscit } ' for drunken
ness , and yet one would be puzzled to
find one rumsoller the less. Gen. Dow
himself says there are as many rum-
shops as ever. Mr. Munson will find
it exceedingly difficult to exterminate
the last vestige of the liquor traffic ,
as he has announced he will do.
This onward movement thus far
has not panned out well. The
liquor dealers understand their
business so well that they are not eas
ily scooped. The } * may be put to
trouble or expense , but somehow they
always manage to hold the fort. Men
whos"e breath is redolent of cardamon
seed or snake root , rarely if ever given
in their evidence against the parties of
whom they obtained their snifters.
Municipal officers are loath to have the
law enforced , and even the governor
is not disposed to appoint special con
stables for the enforcement of the liq
uor law. The friends of the Law and
Order league came before the legisla
ture this winter , and it was only by
the casting vote of tbe president of the
senate that they aucci'oilod in Dot
ting tlio prohibitory legislation uskod
for. ( Ji'ii. Dow was not pleanod with
thu measures that worn passed. Thaiv
wore not teeth enough in tlioni to suit
him. and yet they increase tliu penal
ties for liquor-soiling , making it Im
prisonment as well as a line for tliu
lirst offense. Then if : i man who is
drunk is arrested itml given a term of
imprisonment ho can bo released if ho
will onlv disclose whore lie got
his liquor. The "dump , " or "hopper , "
or an- contrivance which the rum-
seller uses to destroy his liquors is evi
dence of illicit salcs'and can bo used
against him. Even the watchmen who
stand at the door to give warning at
thu approach of ollicers can bo ar
rested as partners in the crime of rum-
selling. Drumming for liquors is pro
hibited , and so is tlio advertising of
liquors in thu newspapers : Still ( Jon.
Dow is not satisfied with this legisla
tion , and as one of the results he has
cut himself adrift from the re-publican
party , through whose agency alonu
prohibition has become thu fixed policy
of the state.
Gen. Dow and Mr. Miinson are de
termined to make hot work of it in
their present crnsndi * , of crushing out
the traffic before the national encamp
ment of the Grand Army of thu Ile-
puhlic takes place here next June ,
which it is estimated will bring hero
Jifty thousand people from all over
tlio country. The Law and Order
league in waging their battle are us
ing all the weapons of procedure they
can to annihilate ruinsellmg. Mr.
Munson is willing to sacrifice his lit'u
in the conflict , lie was characterized
a few days ago in the court-room as : : u
"ecclesiastical crank , " but , whether
lie is or not it is evident that he is go
ing to fight the battle to the bitter end
and let the taxpayers pay the bills.
Last September the people of Maine ,
without regard to part } ' , settled the
question of constitutional prohibition ,
but this does not signif } ' that prohibi
tion is a success. Un the contrary ,
the liquor prosecutions of the past , as
well as now instigated by the
Law and Order league , are ineffectual
in stopping the tratlic and in making
aints of our people. It certainly
looks as if prohibition does not and
will not prohibit in Maine. I
( Jor. Ncto York Herald.
The Key ot Death.
in the collection of curiosities pre
served in the arsenal of Venice there
is a key , of which the following singu
lar tradition is related : "About the
year 1(590 ( , one of those dangerous men
in whom extraordinary talent is only
fearful source of crime and wicked
ness beyond that of ordinary men ,
came to establish himself as a mer
chant or trader in Venice. The stran
ger , whose name was Tebaldo , be
came enamored of the daughter of an
ancient house , already affianced to
another lie demanded her hand in
marriage , and was , of course , rejected.
Enraged at this , he studied lio\v to be
revenged. Profoundly skilled in the
mechanical arts , he allowed himself
no rest until he had invented the most
formidable weapon which could b
imagined. This was a key of large
size , the handle of which was so con
structed that it could be turned round
with but little difficulty ; when turned ,
it discovered a spring , which on pres
sure , launched from the other end a
needle or lancet of such subtle fineness -
ness that it entered into the llcali
and buried ibelt there without leaving
external trace. Telnildo waited m
disguise at thu door of the church in
which the maiden whom he loved was
about to receive the nuptial benedic
tion. The assassin sent the slender
steel mi perceived into the breist of
ot the biidi'goom. The wounded man
had no suspicions of injury , but , seized
witii a sudden and sharp pain in the
midst of the ceremony , lie tainted and
was carried to his house &uid the la
mentations of the bridal part } .
Vain was all the skill of the physic
ians , who could not divine the cause
of thi.-J strange illnes- . and in a few
days he died. Tebaldo again demand
ed the hand of the maiden from her
parents , and received a second re
fusal. They too peri.-hed miserably
-in a tew days. The alarm \\hich these
deaths , which appeared utmost mi
raculous , occasioned excited the ut
most vigilance of the magistrates , and
when , on close examination of the
bodies , the small instrument was
found in the gangrened lesh ! , terror
was universal ; everyone feared for his
own lif-.1. The maiden thus cruelly
orphanea had passed the first months
of her mourning in a convent , when
Tebaido , hoping to bend her to his
will , entreated to speak to her at the
gate. The face of the foreigner had
ever been displeasing to her , but since
the death of all most dear to her it
had become odious ( as though she
had a preemption of his guilt ) , and
her reply w.n most deeivive in the
negative. Tebaldo , beyond himself
with rage , attempted to wound her
througn the gate , and succeeded ; the
obscurity of the place prevented his
movement being observed. On her
return to her room the maiden felt a
pain in her breast , and uncovering it
she found it spotted with a single drop
of olood. The pain increased ; the
surgeons who hastened to her assis
tance taught by the past wasted no
time in conjecture , but , cutting deep
into the wounded part , extracted the
needle before any mortal mischief had
commenced , and saved the life of the
lady. The state inquisition used every
means to discover the hand which
dealt these insidious and irresistible
blows' . The visit of Tebaldo to the
convent caused suspicion to fall heav
ily upon him. His house was carefully
searched the infamous invention dis
covered , and lie perished on the " -jb-
bet. "
A 3Iattcr of Money.
"My daughter will receive live
thousand dollars on the day she mar
ries you. " said an Austin father to a
suitor for his daughter's hand , "she
will receive live hundred dollars and
the rest from time to time as my cir
cumstances justify it. "
"That's all right , my dear sir , " re
plied the mercenary youth , "but
hadn't we better wait with the marry
ing until we get everything togeth
er. " Texas Sittings.