McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, April 23, 1885, Image 7

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Oen. Garland Kelt Forth nig t'ttint Concern *
ta mnnebaijo Itrgrreatlnn
1 Attorney-General Garland's
opinion on tbq
"Winncbago reservation has been made public.
He recites tbat Clark Thompson , under an act
of congress of February 21 , 1603 , and by direc
tion of the Indian commissioner , removed the
" \VJnncbogocs from Minnesota to what Is now
known as the WInnebngo reservation , and also
under an act of March 3 , 1803 , he removed the
members of the Sisseton , Afedawakatton ,
Wahpeton anil Wahpaltonta Sioux to what Is
known as the Crow Creek agency ; also the
Wlnnebagoes , on March 8 , 1865 , ceded their
lauds to the United States and west to Ne
braska , and In I SCO the various bands of Siour
on the Crow Creek reservation were removed
to Nebraska , and wandering bands of Sioux
j\ mcnt unon nm * occuPled the abandoned lauds.
- jf Hie opinion Is substantially as follows :
These reservations have not been merged
In the public domain. The Indian commis
sioner's mup for 1848 shows them among the
various reservations In the United States.
When the treaty of 18 JS was made the wan
dering Sioux on these lands were parties to
it through the chiefs of the tribes from whom
they had wandered. They have remained
ever since on these lands with the consent of
the United States. The questions submitted
for opinion turn upon the Interpretation of the
words of the second article of the treatv , that.
Is to ssiy , "and In addition thereto alf exist
ing reservations on the eastern bank
ot the river shall be and the same Is
i sic ] set apart for the absolute and undisturbed
use of the Indians herein named. If the old
V lunebago and Crow Creek reservations an
swered to the description of tne existing res
ervation on the east bank of the river at the
time the treaty was entered into , they arc pro
tected by it and the executive order of Febru
ary 2" , 1884 , restoring portions of them to the
public domain , is inoperative and void , bcluir
in violation of the treatv I find by the third
and fourth articles of the treaty with the Lis-
Efitons and Wabpctons , February 19 , 1 ( J , that
reservations are set apart for certain members
of said band , who were not sent to the Crow
Creek reservation. In proclaiming this treaty ,
thus excepting from Its operation members of
the tribes who were parties to it , on the ground
that they had already been provided with a
settlement on the Crow Creek reservation , the
executive necessarily recognized and adopted
till that had been done toward establishing the
reservation now in question. This action was
EUbsequent to the removal of \Vinnebagoes
and Sioux , and the cession of the former of
their lands. At the time of the treaty tho.
lands In question had been validly appropri
ated as Indian reservations , and being ou the ]
cast bank of the Missouri river , fell ,
within the treat- , and was protected by !
It from the power of the exec
utive to throw open lands to entrv. But if II
am wrong in this view ; if the argument of the'
executive order of February 27 , 1885 , thn
treaty of 1803 , in so far as it professes to secure - .
cure lands to the Sioux on the east bank is'
made to have no effect whatever , because there'
is no land so situated which answers to the (
description used in the treaty , and the emin-i
cnt and In tclligentgeulleme'u who represented ,
the government in concluding the treaty arc1
placed in the somewhat embarrassing position
' of having ottered to the Indians reservations
on the cast bank when there was none there ,
for it is a fact that if the lands in question
were not reservations there was no reserva
tion on the cast bank , except the Tankton
reservation , wliii-h , however , could not pos-
puily have been In contemplation , because it
was established by a previous treaty , made in
3S59 , with the Yaukfouias , who were not par
ties to the treaty of 1SOS. and could not. there
fore , be affected by it. If , then , it be true that
these lauds were not technical reservations at
the time of the treaty of 1S ! > 3 , It is obvious the
contracting parties must have used the term
"reservation" in some secondary sense ; and
when we see that there has been an uninter
rupted practical appropriation of the lands as
ludlan reservations from 1803 to the promulga
tion of the executive so described in the
, Indian commissioner's maps and the reports of
the secretary of the Interior to congress , wo
cannot for a moment be at a loss to know what
that sense Is. Nobody is better established in
reason or authority , that when the expounder
of a statute or other indictment is satisfied
that a term in it is not to be taken in its nor
mal acceptation , it becomes bis duty to give it
the sense in which it appears to have been
used. So here , if these lands are found not
to be reservations in a strict legal sense , bui
understood to have bten such generally and
by the government itself , the grant must be
held to refer to such lands as were reputed to
be reservations. The words in the treatv arc
nmply sufficient to point out the portion o'f the
public domain intended to be ceded. To thesci
considerations may be added that Indian trca-1
ties are not construed strictly but liberally in'
favor of the Indians. (2 ( opinion , 405 , "the
Kansas Indians ; 5 Wallace , 737. ) In conclu-
lion. I am of the opinion tbat the lands in
quest'on ' are covered by the treaty of the 21tU
of April , 1838 , and consequently that the exe
cutive order of the 127th of iruary , 1SS5. is
inoperative. I have the honor to be yours ,
very rf specif ully ,
( Signed ) A. H. GARLAND ,
A ttorney-ReueraL
To the Secretary of the Interior.
\ Commissioner Sparks of the ZctmZ Office
JlulcM in. a Planner JFavorallc to Settlers.
Commlsssoner Sparks , of the general land
office , sent the following communication to the
register and receiver at "Walla Walla , Wash
ington Territory :
Gentlemen On March 0th a diagram was
ransmittcd to you with an office letter advis
ing you of an amendment of the terminal limit
of the wrthdrawal of land in your district on
the definite location of the line of the North
ern Pacific railroad and you were instructed in
effect that the railroad company would be per
mitted to select lands under its zrrant within
such extended limits. It appears that this
change was asked for in the interest of certain
alleged purchases Iroin the railroad company
of lauds not subject to selection or sale by the
company under the order of the'commissioners
of the land office of August 10,1SS1 , fixing the
terminal limit of said withdrawal. My atten
tion has been called to the matter by a com
plaint referred to ms on the itth int.
by the secretary of the interior , alleging that
the interests ol the settlers upon 14,7CO ! ) acres
V of land Were prejudiced by this action in favor
of the purchasers of 2,000 acres from the rail
road company. I am satisfied that the action
of the HOio ult. was taken under a misconcep
tion of the purport of the letter from the sec
retary of the interior ot the 13th ult. in reply
to a fetter ot the prrceding day from the com
missioner of this office , asking instructions in
the premises. The secretary said the fix u. ;
of the terminal limit was a matter of mathe
matical ascertainment and if a correction was
necessary to truly represent the grant on
cithtr side of the" road , this office was com
petent to make it. Buch limit was fixed by the
commissioner's order of August ICth , ISSl , in
accordance with the rule used in the adjust
ments of the early land grants , end adhered to
from tbat peiiou to the present time. It is not
shown that any eiror was made in the ascer
tainment of that l.mlt in the present case. It
is clearly not the purpose of the secretary
to change the rule for fixing the terminal
terms which had been applied t-j all railroad
grants , nor to authorize the extension of the
withdrawal of the definite location beyond
such terminal points when already fixed by
mathematical ascertainment , In which no er
ror Is discovered. The action and instruction
of March 20,1SS5 , being erroneous , are hereby
In of this Commissioner
speaking subject to-day ,
sioner Sparks said the order oE "March 20 ,
ought not to have been made. It brought into
the land grant what I thought should not have
been brought In. When my attention was
drawn to tbe subject by a letter of tompla'iit ,
after a i.-onference with the secretary I decided
to revoke that order. It is stated at the land
office that the amount of land involved in the
change of the limit was 126COO acres and thai
two-thirds of it had already been patented to
settler ? , thus placing It beycnl thcreicho
the railroad company.
It is reported that strawberries in Indiana
are not much injured by the severe winter.
lathe Old Hero Dying Because ol
Medical Intolerance.
The American Jlornocopathisl has an
article on the treatment of General
Grant by the Allopaths , in which it
saj's :
"General Washington was murdered
by his medical attendants ; but at least
they were heroically too heroically
endeavoring to extinguish the disease.
Their brutality was of the active sort ,
and in purpose commendable , though
disastrous In result. General Garlield
was maltreated for months under an
error of diagnosis , and at last escaped
beyond the reach of his eminent tor
turers , Hero , also , there was much
medical heroism and activity displayed ,
albeit misdirected. Other illustrious
patients have suflered from eminence
in the profession ; but General Grant
seems reserved as a shining example
of cold-blooded expectancy. To him
the little group of eminence have noth
ing to offer but a diagnosis. For him
they propose no relief but in the grave.
Ignoring the only sourc of therapeutic
salvation , they gather around his bed
side to observe his unaided struggle.
The liat has gone forth that nothing
can be done ; and nothing will be per
mitted to be done. Those who ques
tion such a decision are quacks
and cranks ; but who ought not
to be proud of such a designation from
such a source ? Scholarly , refined , cul
tured , earnest gentlemen as they are ,
of what avail are all these good qual- .
ties in the presence of Such therapeutic
bankruptcy ? On the contrary , while
so-called scientific medicine is to the
fore , well may the daily papers an
nounce in startling headlines , "A bad
day for General Grant Seven doctors
in consultation.1'
Yes , the hero of Appomattox is
dying !
He who knew no fear in war , knows
no fear in suffering. His quiet fortitude
wins universal admiration.
President Lincoln , in visiting a hospi
tal during the late war , noticed a poor
Confederate boy , mortally wounded.
With his native tenderness he puts his
arms around his neck in sympathy.
The sight melted the hospital to tears ,
The heart of the American people in
like manner bleeds for Grant , the silent
sufferer. It would have him get well ,
by any effective means.
His physicians say he cannot recover.
They fill him with anodynes , but despite
their favorable bulletins , he is daily
growing worse.
A specialist who has won reputation
in the treatment of cancer visits his
bedside. The opposition he encounters
from tho. attending physicians brings
painfully to mind the story of the dog in
the manger.
And General Grant , perhaps , mus
die because of this intolerance ! Is i
possible that there is no hope of cure
outside of the medical profession ?
Preposterous !
For years medical men insisted tha
certain fevers were incurable , but Chin
cona proved the contrary. For centu
ries they have protested that certain
ienal disorders were incurable and ye
a special preparation has cured and per
manently cured the very worst cases.
Why may it not be possible in lik
manner to cure a case of cancer ? B
F. Larrabee , of Boston , was doomed to
death by many eminent Boston physi
cians. t. B. Henion , M. D. , of Roches
ter , N. Y. , was given up by the bes
doctors of all schools. Elder J. S
Prescott , of'Cleveland , Ohio , was grave
ly informed by them , that he could no
live , and yet these men and thousands
like them have been cured and curec
permanently , of serious kidney dis
orders , by a remedy not officially
known to the code.
What has been done may be done
General Anson Stager died of Bright1 s
disease in Chicago last week. ' 'Joe
Goss , the Boston pugilist , died of it.
Hundreds of thousands of people perish
of it every year , while in their doc
tor's hands. The cause of death may
be called blood poisoning , paralysis ,
heart disease , convulsions , apoplexy ,
pneumonia , or some other common ail
ment , but the real difficulty is in the
kidneys. Physicians know"it but they
conceal the fact from their patients , re
alizing their inability to cure by any
"authorized" means. The remedy that
cured Larrabee and Henion and Pres
cott ( i. e. , Warner's safe cure ) is a spe
cial , independent discovery. Its record
entitles it to recognition , and it gets it
from intelligent people. Its manufac
turers have an unsullied reputation
and are entitled to as great considera
tion as any school of pnysicians.
Professor R. A. Gunn , M. D. , Dean
of the United States Medical College of
New York City , rises above profession
al prejudice and on its personally
proved merits alone gives it several
pages of the warmest commendation in
his published works the only instance
on record of a high professional en
dorsement of such a preparation.
The unprejudiced people do not
want General Grant to dio. If there is
in all nature or anywhere in the world
a remedy or a man able to cure his
cancer , give them a chance.
Will they do it ?
Why ?
Is it not too often the case that many
excellent physicians , who are greatly
devoted to the code , would prefer that
their patients should die rather than
that they should recover health by the
use of any remedy not recognized un
der their code ?
He Found His Match.
"I will admit my ignorance , so far as
your question is concerned , " said a
young lady to a dude simpleton , who
was catechising Ler for the purpose of
drawing her out ; "but I think I know
what the height and breadth of impu
dence is. " "And what is it , my dear ? "
After surveying his proportions for a
moment she said : "Well , sir , I should
judge that the height of impudence is
about 5 feet 4 , and the breadth of it is
about the width of your cheek. " Carl
Pretzel's Weekly.
Behold the. conqueror of all kidnev , liver ,
and urinary diseases Hunt's Eernidy. Sure
Speedy cure to all diseases of the kidneys or
urinary organs by using Hunt's Remedy.
What an appetite it gives ; how restful it
makes my sleep , by using Hunt's Remedy.
Minneapolis girls have red ribbon dabs ,
vlth the motto , ' 'The lips that touch wine
ihall never touch mine. "
1 * * * Secret , involuntary drains
ipon the system cured in thirty days.
Pamphlet g ving particulars , three let-
: er stamps. Address , World's Iis-
jcnsary Medical Associatoin , Bufialo ,
& . Y.
Save money and be in the heart of
'he city by stopping at the Metropolitan
Hotel when you visit Omaha , the only
2.00 per day house. Tables as good
is any other house in Omaha. No
jharge for "style. " We don't have
my.Miss '
Miss ClevelandTsrpraiscil'foThaving
IVblte House etiquette and made several in-
'orinal calls.
When youvIslFNcw York CltyTvia Central
Icpot , save Baggage Expressage and $3 Car
riage Hire , and stop at the Grand Union Hotel ,
> ppositc said depot. Six hundred elegant
rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars ;
U and upwards per day. European plan. Ele-
rator. Restaurant supplied with the best.
[ Forsc-cars , stajres and elevated railroad to all
lepots. Families can live better for less
Jiouey at the Grand Union Hotel than at any
> thcr"lirst-class hotel In the city.
Aeronauts are of t n very much taken up
vith their profession , like tramps and house-
"KniiElion Toothache. " InFtnut relief. 15.
itcli , " cures liumorf , eruptions , ring-
Venn , tetter , talt iliciim. frosted feet , chilblains.
Omaha has several high priced Hotels
but the Metropolitan is the only $2.00
per day house centrally located. Try
Johnson siys marriage is not a benediction ,
Tor the benediction follows the sermon.
iard or soft conis , bunions. 15e.
" "
"Bucliu palbn , " Great Kidney nntlUrlnary Cure.
A couch of the lightest down may support a
leart as heavy as home-made bread.
IlAl.Koitn SAUCE. Try It on your bcnns. It Is do-
iclous. Sold everywhere. _
The burglar , like his friend the philosopher ,
"takes it . "
everything just as conns.
AVith Ely's Cream Balm a child can be
treated without pain or dread , and with per
fect safety. Try the remedy. It , cures
Catarrh , Hay Fever and Colds in the Head. It
Is easily applied with the finger and nives re
lief from the first application. Price 50 cents.
At drugcists. ( JO cents by mail. Ely Bros. ,
Dwego , N. Y.
The bottle of Ely's Cream Balm that I
rjbtained of you last summer has entirely
ured my little boy of a severe attack of ca-
iarrh. Mrs. Sallie Davis , Green Postollice ,
One ol my children , a girl about nine years
old , had a very bad discharge from her head
ind nose of : \ "thick yellowish matter , and was
growing worse. We had two different physi-
iians prescribe for her , but without benefit.
\Ve tiled Ely's Cream Balm , and much to our
surprise in three days there was a marked im
provement. We continued using the Balm
and in a short time tlie discharge was appar
ently cured. 0. A. Cary , Corning , N. Y.
Ex-Governor Sprague , of Rhode Island , is
courting the big , big dollar in Mexico.
It's the man with the big head who has not
room for a brick in his hat.
' -Rough on Coughs" Troches. ISc. Liquid aic.
Wells' Health Ilcncwcr" for Delicate Women.
One of Murray Hill's rare and radiant maid
ens gained 10 pounds during Lent , and lost
three dozen buttons.
A man lowers himself , even i lie does get
"high" on whisky.
An Extended Popularity. BROWN'S
BRONCHIAL TROCHES have been before tue
public many years. For relieving Couirhs and
Throat troubles they arc , superior to all other
articles. Hold only in bo'ze . _
Jay Gould is said to beso ] fond of it tha't lie
sometimes forgets the letter "u" in his name
when signing checks.
The gathering darkness must come to a head
at daybreak.
WM. HAXSCOjirOshfco liTwis. . who was for seven
rears so afflicted with1 jillus that he was unable to
attend to business , is1 entirely cured by the use of
Cole's Cariiollsalve. Price .SandtOccnts. at Druggists.
Prince Bismarck believes in bald-headed
men. " * \ t
Mrs. Harriet Beecher "Stowe rites a firm
hand. _
"Rough on Hats" clears out Kast. Mice. l.'c. _
"Wells' Health Kenewcr" for weak men.
Arabi Bey Is growing fat , and sleeps like an
Dairymen Preler It.
Since the introduction of your Improved
Butter Color amongmy customers ir. has
given universal satisfaction. The leading
dairymen in this section who have used it
give it the preference over all other colors , of
whatever name or nature.
They are especially pleased with the fact
that it does not become rancid , like other oil
colors , and theirproduet brings hijdiestprices
in market. W. S. NAY , Druggist.
UNDERHILI. , VT. , April 5 , 1882.
Mrs. Pamelka , of Chatfield , Minn. , has
reached her 103th year.
_ _ "Rouch on Pain" Porosed Plaster loc. Liquid 23c
"Wells' U ealth Renewer" for Dyspepsia , Debility
The ex-Khedive of Egypt has sent ? 500 to
the General Gordon fund.
Ex-Governor Hubbard , of Texas , tbe new
United States Minister to Japan , weighs SSO
preparation of beef containing Its XXTIKK NUTRITIOUS
PROPKKTIES. It contains blood-inaklni ; force , { jencr-
and life-sustaining properties : invaluable for
Indigestion , dyspepsia , nervous prostration , and all
forms of general debility : also. In all enfeebled con
ditions , whether the result of exhaustion , nervous
prostration , overwork or acute disease , particularly If
resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell , Haz
ard & Co. , Proprietors. Xcw York. Sold by druggists.
WHEAT No. 2 G71/ * ® 63
BARLEY No.a r > 'J < a fl
KTE No. 8 52 fei 52
CORN No. 2 mixed 30 < & lil
OATS-NO. 2 223 < La 23
BUTJ ER Fancy creamery 28 @ 30
BUTTER Choice dairy 15 < & 19
UOTTER Best country 11 © 3K
CHEESE Young America 14 @ J4'
EGGS Fresh 10 ©
ONIONS Per bbl 250 © 275
CHICKENS Perdoz. . alive. . . . too @ 225
CHICKENS Dressed , per lb. . . . 10 fo if
A.PPLES Barrels 375 @ 425
LEMONS Choice 350 © 375
BANANAS Choice 200 @ 3 a )
ORANGES Meeina 325 © 350
POTATOES Per bushel 50 © 55
SEEDS Timothy 1 90 @ 200
SEEDS Blue Grass 1 30 © 150
HAY Baledper ton 050 © 700
HAY In bulk COO © 700
WHEAT No. 2 red 03493'i
IVHEAT Ungraded red W © 103
20RN No. 2. " . " . 512i © 52
OATS Mised western 3) © 40
PORK 3300 © J325
LARD 7 CO © 7 00
FLOUK Choice Winter 475 © 553
FLOUR Spring extra 75 © 45o
WHEAT Per bushel SJ ©
Sous Per bushel 45 < & .
OATS Per bushel XJ © 34
PORK 1175 © 1200
LARD 70255 © 7 is
aocs Packing and shippiug. 4 5n © 4 65
BATTLE Stockcrs 350 © 4 65
SHEEP Medium to gooil 3 25 © 4 40
[ VHEAT No. 2 red 303 © 101
Soiuf Per bushel 44 © 44J
DATS Per bushel 34 © 35
IvrrxE Exports 5 50 to 575
SHEEP Medium to extra 3 25 © 4 50
HOGS Packers 4CO © 465
KANSAS crur.
iVnEAT Per bushel TS. © 73 ; ;
: ORN Per bushel 3" © 33
DATS Per bushel 3J5 ! © 33
3ATTLE Exports C20 © 635
iiocs Medium to choice 3 JI5 O 4 00
SHEEP Fair to good 2 10 © 325
Worse Than Firearms.
The editor of an Omaha paper , in
commenting on several csisea in that
city where children died from the effects
of taking cough syrup containing mor- ,
phia , remaVks that opiates , poisons and
narcotics are more dangerous than fire
arms. Mothers should1 note this and
lurlhermore that different Boards of
Health , after making careful analysis
have certified that the only purely vcg-j
etable preparation of this kind , and one
that is in every way harmless , prompt
and effective , is Red Star Cough Cure.
Mayor Latrobe of Baltimore , and the
Commisssioner of Health , have publicly
endorsed this valuable discovery.
The Heal Dixie.
It is a curious and jrenerally unknown
fact that Dixie , the Utopia of the form
er southern slaves , was not the states
of the south , but the Island Manhat
tan. A slave holder named Dixie , who
lived here when New York was still a
a slave state , became so unpopular on
this account that he removed to the
south with his negroes. There they
had to work so much harder , and wore
so much worse off in ever } ' way than
here , that they were ever longing for
the dear old land of Dixie , from whicii
they had been torn. As time went on ,
this place was more and more ideal
ized ; indeed it grew to be a delightful
tradition , and at last expressed itself
in a popular song of that emotional
race. Dixie was an ideal , an imagin
ary Eden , literally an Utopia , because
it was nowhere.
The May number of Harper's prom
ises to be very strong in its stories.
Miss Woolson's story of "East Angels"
grows in the strength of its study of
characters as well as in interest as it
proceeds ; and "At the Red Glove , " the
anon3'mous story , illustrated from
sketches made at Berne , the scene of
the story , by Mr. Reinhart , draws to its
close. The short stories include "Con
stance Royal , " a strongly dramatic
story , told in three pages , by Jeanie
Spring Pcet ; a humorous love story set
forth in "Passages from a Diary of a
Hong Kong Merchant , " by F. J. Stiru-
son ( "J. S. of Dale" ) ; and a charming
ing story by Lucy C. Lillie , with a full-
page illustration by C. D. Wcldon.
Gen. Grant's Pathetic Dream.
Soon afterward the general called
Mrs. Grant to him and said that he had
had a strange dream. He smiled sadly
as he spoke and when several members
of the household had gathered around
him he told them lie had been on a ,
journey in the night. "I had on no
clothing , " he said , "when I left home.
In my hand I carried a cai'pet-bag in.
which was a pair of shoes. The jour
ney was long and arduous and on the
way I grew tired , but there seemed to
be no place to rest. After a weary
tramp I reached a broad iliglit of steps
which led upward to some region I
could not see. A white-haired man
stood upon the first step , and asl placed
.my foot upon it he held out his hand
and stopped me.
< * H 'What is it ? ' I asked.
rJ ' ' * Your toll , ' he answered gravely ,
as he advanced a step toward me.
" 'How much is it ? '
" 'Seventeen dollars and a half , ' he
"I reached for my pocket-book , but
it was in my coat , whicii I had left be
hind. I had not a cent with me. He
would not pass me without the money ,
so I had to return to you [ addressing
his wife ] for the necessary amount. The
long tramp had to be made again ,
but I finally reached the place , foot
sore and broken down. The toll was
paid , and I stood once more upon the
first step. As I raised my foot to the
next one the toll-keeper stopped me
again and demand a dollar. I gave it
to him and started on , but at every step
I was compelled to pay one dollar ,
climbed the flight and was about to
knock at the door on the landing when
I woke. "
There was a hush over the small
audience when the sick man had ii
ished. He only smiled , and attempted
to turn the dream into a joke. The
others were too sad to smile. N. Y.
A CARD. To all who are suffering from
errors and indiscretions of youth , nervous
weakness , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. ,
1 will send a receipt that will cure. FKEE OF
CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered
by a missionary in South America. Send self-
addressed envelope to KEV. JOSEPH T. INMAN ,
Station D , New York.
Why is an old joke like a chestnut ? Who
can tell i
Mrs. Kan Di , the new empress of China ,
never gives her husband any taffy.
About 1.500,000 Irishmen havc left Ireland
during the last ten years.
Japanese girls are said to have small plump
hands and to use their finger-nails as pens
when writing love-letters.
The powerful action -which Hood's Sarsaparllla has
upon the hlood and the entire system speedily expels
all impurities and gives new vigor to the whole body.
Boils and all humors arc thus quickly cured , and all
danger of their reappearance is avoided.
"I was troubled with bolls almost two months , have
about 23 or SOon the back of my neck. I used scveraj
blood medicines , hut found norellef till I took Hood's
Sarsaparllla. After taking one bottle I am free from
the pets. " J. O'XEiLL , with S. D. Kendrlck , drug
gist , Glens Falls , X. V.
"Last spring I was troubled with holls. caused by
my blood heln ? out of order. Two bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparllla cured me , and I can safely recommend
II to others troubled with affections of the blood.1'
JOSKPH Scuocii , Peorla , 111.
"Hood's Sarsaparllla has cured me of blood poison. "
TV. H. BABK , Steubenville , Ohio.
Hood's Sarsapariila
Sold by all druggists. $1 ; ST for So. Made only by
C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries. Lowell , Mass.
! OO Doses One Dollar.
Men Think
they know all about Mustang Lin
iment. Fc\7 do. Not to know is
not to have.
Professional Etiquette
prevents some doctors from atlverUaing
their skill , but we arc bound by no such
conventional rules , and think tbat if we
make a discovery that is of benefit to
our fellows , weorght to spread the fact
to the whole land. Therefore we cause
to be published throughout the land the
fact that Ir. ) It. V. Piercu's "Golden
Medical Discovery1' is the best known
remedy for consumption ( scrofula of
the lungs ) and kindred diseases Send
two stamps for Dr. Pierce's complete
treatise on consumption , with unsur
passed means of self-treatment. Ad
dress , World's Dispensary Medical As
sociation , Buffalo. ! N.r. .
Electricity Is to be used in Lo *
Cal. , to spring the traj > < > ' : i scalTolil upon
which two men are goon to bo executed.
Composed of Suiarteed , Jamaica
Ginger , Camphor Water and best
French Brandy , Dr. Piorce's Extract of
Smart-Weed Ys the best remedy for
diarrhoea , cholera inorbus , dysentciy or
bloody-llu.v , colic or cramps , and to
break up colds.
"No man can serve two masters" is the
Scriptural Injunction against polygamy.
free from Opiates , JJmetlcs and 1'olsons.
For Coughg , Sere Throat , lloarsencsn , Influenza ,
Cold * . Ilronchltl * , Croup , IVUoopInff Couch ,
Asthma , Quinsy , 1'nlnn In Che t , nJ other
jLtrctlon9 of the Throat ami Lung * .
Tricp 50 cents n bottle. Sold by Drnzzlsts and Deal
ers. Piirtlex nnabte to induce their dealer to promptly
get it for them iclll rereire tire liotiesL'jfpreincfiara < 3
paid , tending one dollar to
Solo Owner ] ami Manufacturer * .
IlalilmorU.rilVn J. U. S.-i.
This medicine , combining Iron with pnro
Vegetable tonics , quickly and completely
Cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion , WeaUnchS ,
Impure Blood , MalariaChills and Fevers ,
and NcuralRia. ,
Itis an unfailins remedy for Diseases of the
Kidneys and JLIvcr.
It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women , and all who lead sedentary lives.
It does not injure the teeth , cause headache.or
produce constipation other Iran medicines an.
It enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates
the appetite , aids the assimilation of food , re
lieves Heartburn and Belching , and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lacfc of
Energy , &c. , it has no equal.
JKS-'Tl'e genuine has above trade mark and
crossed rod lines on wrapper. Take no other.
Used by the Chiet
Mechanician of the
U. S.Coast Survey :
by the Admiral
commanding in the
U. S.Naval Observ
atory , for Astro
nomical workand
by Locomotive
Kiisciiioors , Con
ductors and Kail-
way men. They are
ali uses In which close
time and durability are re-
quisites. Sold in principal
cities and towns by th > COM-
PANY'S exclusive Amenta
-who irivo a Fu.I Warranty-
This is the Easiest Running
ql fP fell ML
ever mads. It brinjrs the cutting
to the surface at each stroke of the
drill. Sendforourcircularondi-eo
why tliehorso 13 taken away and a
' '
: nan pir'
the lever.
Circular *
EC tliejrYonnfcoroUUmvIni
Lost tliojc atnibutenor
j.M3Uj-uec".r :
ProcreativQ Ability
Jean ttvtale. 11 Y Tl 1 1 : US K O V
Thi-v cunt i > Tcnr truef DEBILITY , 8PERHATOR-
P.HtEA , VARlCOCELEn < lyri'Jr f imof 'iiiiimlTo < n
mi , I wouknt'iit whether line to Youthful Folly.ln i nr
Xntunxl Kalltirr. ThU tn > atini-nt iirliriimUtl I'VPRpF.
OIVIALE , ftilonU-d In . verj ; HOSPITAL In FRAlfCB
anil uniitinlltlmllvriuloivi'il l v tin * Mnllriil rrolcwitoii ,
\C \ 'I'l \ A I ,1 . nun receipt of evnlt
lliJ J.U A.111J. In | Hi.taio utaniix. v
will * cnd fn-o to any earnrst Ituiulirr our tpU'iialit 111.
UKtrntiilftl | > aa < > mi-dlntl work Kit Inif "yMl > t m of all
forms uf Soiunl lMica.ii > . ( lecrlptlcm of tlilu treatment ,
price * . tentlmonlaU and nnw | < .iMr cinlonciiifiitii , Ac.
We arr also airentx fcr tli n wAmt curtain to cure.
Self tidjustlnff and Ulorc Fitting Onillti Ciiiiiin' | ' " 'ir for
the thorough and raillr.ili m . without nrgi-rv. of
The moit Elegant Blood Purifier , Llrer InylRorator
Tonic ixnd Appetizer ever known. The first Hitters
containing Iron ever adTertlaeil In Amcrlcx Un
principled personi are Imitating the name ; look out
lor fraudi. See thnt the
following Mgnaturu It on
every bottle and take none
other :
ST. PAUL , Druggist & Cnamlst
Ttocnrnmondcd by lead'ntr ' physicians for
Impurities of the IJIood. Indigestion , General
Debility ; uiso viiluiible for
I'rlcc , § 1.00.
Clarke Drug Co. , Omaha , solo wholesale
ujro nts.
Sold by ALL DEALERS throughout the World
Gold ITIcdal Pnrln Exposition , 1878.
Oldest Medicine the World
Is probably ir. Isaac Thompson's
This article ! n carefully prepared iihy lelaifn pre
scription , anil lias been In constant use for wtrly u
century , anil notwltlistandln tlie many other prrriar-
atlnns that have been fntroiluccn Into the marker
the Hale of this article Is constantly Increasing. If
thedirccdon.s arc followed It will never fall. WV
partli.Mil.irIv Invite the attention n { physicians to It *
inerlls. JOHN L. TJIOJII-UOX , fco.vs & Co. , Tioy , N.
Thirty-Three fAIM 9 I J * ' .
& Our Wild Indians !
liy Gen. IS. I. DODOE , with Introduction by Ger > .
Slirrnrnn. liful Ini > ' ; Hiragcnts ever pnollKhctl
OverT'O.OOOJ-ioljI. Assents sell 1O to UO a day
% OO jYcrntaTViiiHtMl. hcnd focirculars. . Term-
Lorillard's Olimaz Plug
bearing a. red tin tny ; that LoriUord'3
RoatJ lienf flne cut ; that LorJllard'a
Ttarr Clippings , and. that Lortllard'g Hnnfl * .
the beat and choapeat , quality considered ?
employment and good Halary
selling QUCJI CHy Shirt and
outfit 1'reo. Address Cincinnati
Suspender Co. . CincianaU. O
Bro. Jonathan's Jokes
FUN BOpaBea.Illnstratcd. Sent *
! , 2931 B trj aat.Xcwl'ott.
Ask your dealer for a CAPITA !
. CITY/ WHIP anil 1 > < - surprised.
> TheyaresometlilriKwonderful. In-
plstonyourdealerorderlngtlifCAi'iTAi. riTV wiiiiIf
tlicy do not carry them In 8tock. A. J. ( Justin & Co. ,
Lincoln. Nub.
Savliie. Cotton ISoot and other ? oed Moaciily Fcmal
Hcculators. lly mall wrapped In plain -wrapper.
ILCXJ per box. Of w. K. PE ICK. St. Joseph , ilu.
T 40 ff9 pacji.hl U "TTW * Tear ;
cr.Uov X Ui&afe roiltrj. " Telli htw tomaketoia-
rabfttor * Mling frli thfta 9G ; how u bulk ] cbeB [ ql-
trj bovKi. rttre cborr& . u&kt bcaj l&r. if . &c Aa.
C U. BtMiT , jtUVt. . Ku. . lirt'IrrP
| P.- '
SlW.OO.a mnnttfnml
Litest work on thi > Polar and Tropical ri-jrion * . Ovrram
Illustrations ; sells at > i lit. Complete oiitnt SUM. Term-
eiccllent. I ) . I. UIUCC. J
Shnirliitr all Counties ,
To\rn lilps l.'allroacN' . VII-
liiKi'vUI < " < and PiKtofilcej' .
.1. M. WOLFE. Omaha. Neb.
Morphine Habit Cured in 10
to 20 days. > "o pay till cured.
l > i-J. STEi'Hexs , Lob.itKja , Olilu.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
" " - - - - - _
1 tLtunArni FTUNISIIKD. Circulars free.
B VAI..EXTINK . , Jincttiile.Vl .
Vf. N. U. , Omaha ,
tayyou saw the adverti ementm this na
CoTers the entire iddlc , and will keep yea dry-in any stem.
Sold evemvbrra. Illustrated citilotme free. A * J. Towr. Boston.
AT.T. " 5 = >
Sanies' Wire Check Uower *
The Only Entirely Successful Wire Check Rower Ever Invented.
3 an < l J3A.S"5T to O.pc-riito.
The Barnes Wire Check Kower Is the flrt Che-.k
Kowtrthat has c\er accompll-hed the object
of making corn checking a perfection , thus faying
both time and money.
The unprecedented sales of the Barnes Check Row.
erU the lie't and most ; ub < tantal ! evidence of In
merits , a * well as of Its value and Importance to the
fanner as a Labor Saving Machine.
The iclretloen not crijtg the marline , tkwt avoid
ing - . Great AVear and Strain on the Wire
and friction on the pulleys , and making a wire that
iln'x not cross the machine ncveral wires
that do crois. This point Is apparent to refiectluK
CHAMBERS , BEUIXG , QUINX.A3T CO. Exclusive Mannfactnrers. Decatur , Illinois.
Only binsrle King ever invented
CLOSES ON OUTSIDE OF NOSE. tltat c'oses on Outside ol
Oaj EattB 2 ! = s IiTcstsi. the Xosc.
Champion Hog Ringer , Elliptical Ring
Sings and Holder. And Triple Groove ( log and Pig
The onlv Ring- that will effec Only Single Itinjf thatV/o
tually keep hogs from rooting. Xo sharp points on the outside of the nose. No
in the nose. sharp points in the flesh to keep it sore.
Makers . _ _ of all 6t jl i of a CAE2IAa 3.BTJGGHSGFR2t 0 T7AGOJf 8.BIHGZ2 & DOTTEtE TfA7 > KTS5
„ -sve employ no aceata , and if
, -whityou order ia not ontio-
factcry , i-epayall tsrpeniet.
Hat ! Bossy ( see cct ) Is Jest
the eame as other * pell at 3130.
Top Baggies st SK ) , fine as
usually sold for SI25 to alia.
Oar Harness are. all > "o. 1 Oak
Leather. Sn-ie.SS.3OtoS2O.
Everrthins fully wnrrnnted. Eo-
Jora IraymK , send for our Illnstratod
Cl-patr Oatalo nefree. AddreasW. :
PKATT , Sec'y Ellihart , Indiana.
.We Retail at Wholesale Prices , A7.TWIIEEE Examining BeforsSuyiDi.