McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, April 23, 1885, Image 5

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The Tribune
Thursday , April 23d. ' 885
CS All locals under thin hcn l at t ! o rnto (
.Oo. for llrst Insertion , and f c. per lint. for cue
subsequent Insertion , tind finino will bo ru
until ordered out. unless time is Rpccillci
Job work spot cosh. Statements will bo pn
scntcd at the end of each month.
CONGUEGATIONAL.-Sundny School at 1
A. M. every week. Preaching services over
Sunday night nt 7.30. M. T. Also , ovcry nltc
nato Sunday morning tit 11. M. T. Exception
to the above will bo noticed in locals.
METHODIST. Services every Sunday at ]
A. M. nnd 7:30 P. M. . mountain time. Simda
School at 3 P. M. The services and Sunda
pcliool will bo held for the future in the Opor
Hall. All are cordially invited. Scats t'rci
, W. S. Wheeler , Pastor.
r _ _ _ . . _ - - - . _ .
CATHOLIC.-Scrviccs will bo Lcld in th
Opera Hall once every four weeks.
Josr.i'H Cknur , Pastor.
A. F. & A. M. McCook Lodge , t
I ) . , meets on the flrst and third Tue :
days of each month.
G. L. LAWS , W. M.
T. G. NEBS. Secretary.
B. & M. R. R. Time Table.
No.a . 7:10 , A. M. I No. 40 . HMO , P. 3) )
No. : i ! ) . 1:00 , P. M. | No. 1 . 0:35 , P. M
C2y"Enstbound trains run on Central Time
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers.
CHAS. UEES , Agent.
Local Intelligence.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
E. M. Briclcey & Co. for clothing.
New Orleans Syrup at Wilcox Bros
Spanogle & Rinker have the Gras :
Hopper Bed Breaker.
Five more car-loads of stock west
bound , Friday evening.
Eight car-loads of stock , Wednesday
afternoon , for the west.
Chickens every Saturday at Churcl
& Bohanan's meat market.
A new Smith & Wesson revolver foi
sale. Inquire at this office.
Fresh fish at Church & Bohanan'i
meat market every Thursday.
II' ' Spring stock at C. H. Rogers. ' Every
thing fresh , new and stylish.
Spanogle & Rinker keep hose , hose
nozzles , 4 and 8 arm lawn sprinklers.
Pike sells strictly up to Chicago
grades. No culling or picking over.
Jennings & Starbuck have plenty of
V money to loan on real estate for 5 years.
/FOR SALE 3 teams of horses. In-
I 'quire at stable opposite Chicago Lum-
/ beryard.
FARM LOANS Col. Snavely informs
us that he is now procuring farm loans
quite easily.
A fine line of gents' furnishing goods
at C. H. Rogers' . An elegant lot of
hats just received.
Choice cuts of beef and pork at
Church & Bohanan's. Corn-fed beef
best in the market.
The Chicago Lumber Yard is receiv
ing an addition in the way of a large
sash house some SO feet long.
That baled hay at Olcott's barn is just
the thing for breakers and teamsters ,
besides being bright and eatable.
Close figures and bottom prices given
to cash buyers at Pike's Lumber Yard.
Cash is what talks in this country.
; The patrons of Dr. Kay will find him
for the present , at night , at Geo. Chen-
cry's opposite THE TRIBUNE office.
The City meat market of Church &
Bohanan received a car-load of corn-fed
cattle from Red Cloud , last Thursday.
WANTED Everybody to call and in
spect C. H. Rogers' stock of dry goods ,
clothing , gents' furnishing goods , etc.
Stock boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also buys and sells stock on commission.
An excellent quality of sweet Michi
gan cider at City Bakery. Also , a car
load of Apples which will be sold cheap
by the bushel.
If you want a suit of cloths cut and
made in first-class style , call on R. A.
Cole , first door west of B. & M. Pharm
acy , McCook , Neb.
The heavy rain of Monday night was
followed by strong wind , Tuesday , which
scattered out-buildings and fences
around rather indiscriminately.
First-class legal cap for sale at this
office. Also the celebrated , Omaha
Mills Note Paper , with envelopes to
match. All at reasonable rates.
. The Great Western Furniture Empo
rium is displaying a fine lot of baby
carriages for public inspection. Remem
ber the place , when you want a carriage.
WANTED A few more pupils to re
ceive instruction on the piano and or
gan. I also teach voice culture. Call
at Dr. Boyle's Dental Office.
Gospel temperance meeting at tl
Hall , Sunday afternoon , at4:30 : o'clocl
mountain time.
(5 ( ft. and 8 ft. Stock Boards , just tl :
thing for stables , or "claim shacks ,
at Pike's Lumber Yard.
Tuesday's zephyr flirted with the Ch
cage Lumber Yard's fence and snialh
buildings rather familiarly.
What a sorry spectacle whiskey doe
make of old age and dignity sometime :
What mockery and foolishness.
The amount of business transaote
at this depot is astonishing. Doubl
force is now employed , and the boys ar
kept rustling in earnest at that.
A number of Russian colonists hav
been wandering around town , the las
few days , "taking in the sight , s" ani
being the observed of all observers.
We have a fine lot of apples on ham
that must be sold at once to make roor
for other stock. We will sell them a
$1.25 per bushel. PROBST BROS.
Drop in the Great Western Furni
ture Emporium and inspect that hand
some assortment of new Window Blinds
They am beauties and reasonable ii
A crank of some kind was paradin ;
around town , Monday and Tuesday
frightening women and children by hi
actions , which indicate a softening o
the brain.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. wil
meet with Mrs. Dungan , Friday after
noon , from 3 to4 o'clockmountain time
All interested in the temperance causi
are cordially invited.
For the accomodation of local traffic
which has increased amazingly at thi
station , in the past few months , the com
pany has extended their side-track be
tween the depot and round house.
Car-load of Grand Island Flour jus
received at the City Bakery. Will b <
sold at from $1.00 to $3.00 per hun
dred. Also , a fresh supply of Whit <
Bolted Corn Meal and Graham Flour
THE TRIBUNE has the very best facil
ities and workmen for doing Job Wort
in Southwestern Nebraska. We guar
antee neat and tasty work , and entire
satisfaction in execution and prices.
A most unfortunate custom witl
many of the boys is that of borrowing ,
Truly does the Bard of Avon say :
"Neither a borrower nor a lender be ;
For loan oft looses both itself and friend \
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. "
The dearest spot on earth is home ,
sweet home. The cheapest spot on earth
to furnish a home is at J. P. Mathes1
Furniture Emporium. Everybody is in-
sited to call and see him in his new quar
ters , at McCook.
DENTISTRY Dr. Gibson is prepared
to receive calls in his new office , oppo
site the post-office. If you want first
jlass , reliable dental work , at moderate
prices , give him a call. Perfect satis-
? action guaranteed.
H. W. Pike started a Lumber Yard
n McCook , Neb. , January , 1884 , and
las come to stay. Full assortment of
Lumber , Sash , Doors , Lime and Build-
ng Material , sold at close prices , con-
iidering the freight.
What a hollow mockery is the sight
laily witnessed of a woman of the town
> arading our streets dressed in the sol-
imn garb of mourning and yet how pe-
mliarly befitting a costume indicative
if sorrow for lost virtue.
The members of the Christian Church
, re making a move in the direction of
iroviding a house of worship. A few
f the people have been approached
elative to the matter , and quite a fund
3 being subscribed for that purpose.
We are prepared to prove that THE
'RIBUNE has one of the largest lists of
ubscribers , not only in the county of
led Willow , but in the Republican Val-
2y , although she has not reached the
bird year of her existence. Unfortun-
tely gamin does not make actual sub-
Two accidents occurred on this divis-
) n of the B. & M. , Tuesday. Conduc-
jr Sanborn's head brakeman met with
n accident west of here , in which he
) st one finger. Another brakeman by
lie name of Odell , slipped and fell
rom a train at Oxford , and was more
r less used up by the fall.
The hail storm west of here , Sunday
ight , broke nearly all the windows in
Conductor Sanborn's way car. The sec-
on house at Eekley also suffered the
cstruction of a score or more panes of
lass. A heavy snow fell , Tuesday ,
id cars coming into this station from
ic west bore evidences of the storm
irough which they had passed.
The storm of Monday night eems I
have raged furiously in the neighbo
hood of Obcrlin , where it resolved Use
into a small cyclone , blowing down tl :
large rink , recently built , and a larg
building near town , and a number <
smaller buildings , the meanwhile rait
ing terribly.
White Russian Soap , 5c. per bar ,
Wilcox Bros.
Stockmen who have been riding tli
range for the past two or three weeli
report the percentage of calves , this ses
son , as being already large. This ma
be taken as a good omen , indicative c
smaller loss on the range than man
have anticipated. Cattlemen feel jub :
lant at the prospect.
Call and see Spanogle & Rinker's to
The social dance given by Chaa. Fisl
er of the Palace Rink , on Thursday.nigb
of last week , was largely attended by ou
young folks , and just as largely enjoyec
The evening was pleasantly cool , an
with the smooth , even floor , and exce !
lent music provided , every requisite fo
a pleasurable occasion was enjoyed.
Th City Livery Stable , B. F. Olcot
proprietor , for fine teams.
ic Archibald has purchased 9 head o
blooded Holstein cattle in Illinois , whic
he will shortly ship to his farm a fe >
miles southeast of here. They are al
within a shade of being full bloods , es
cept a yearling bull , which is a thorough
bred. "Neighbor" will fence in a hali
section and prepare stabling and feed f o
his fine-haired stock in due season.
A full line of Pumps and Pump fit
tings , at Spanogle & Rinker's.
If we mistake not the feeling of th
new board , the health committee will b
after those parties who have been haul
ing manure , etc. , just east of town
There are a number of localities in thi
city that need and will doubtless receiv <
the attention of the board. We hopi
the old adage may be fulfilled , "A nev
broom sweeps clean. " There is room f o
the manipulation of a very stiff broom
AU grades and qualities of Shinglei
at Pike's Lumber Yard.
Assuming the prerogatives of a Ches
terfield , let us observe : Proper deco
rum , in the presence of ladies , shoul <
be observed ever in skating rinks as ii
the ball room. No young men can af
ford to be otherwise than the embodi
ment of the title they fain would proud
ly claim as theirs. A little amusemeni
adds zest and spice to enjoyment bui
too great care cannot be taken lest the
boundary , moderation , be overstepped.
Don't commit breaches that will make
the cheek tingle in calmer moments.
For pumps and pipes go to Spanoglc
& Rinker.
The M. E. brethren are making an ef
fort to build a church and parsonage ai
this place. The Lincoln Land Co. Las
given the society a lot in the neighbor
'iood ' of the public school block , and a
subscription paper is being circulated
iround town for the purpose of ascer
taining what the members and friends
) f the church are willing to give. It is
proposed to build a church building cost-
ng about $1,600 and a parsonage f oi
i > 500. S. W. Johnson has drawn hand
some designs for the proposed buildings.
Standard Hallady wind mills at Spangle -
) gle & Rinker's.
We are informed that the publishers
if the Hayes Centre Pioneer ( published
n McCook ) have sold out ( what they
iold deponent sayeth not ) and that they
vill establish a paper at Benlcelrnan in
) undy county. One of the publishers
if the "Blow Hard" wasinBenkelman
in Sunday with that object in view.
? his leaves Mr. Abbott of the Hayes
Centre News in sole possession of the
ield of journalism in Hayes Centre ,
rhich we have -no doubt he can fully oc-
upy to the satisfaction of her citizens.
Remember ! Clothing at cost at Wil-
ox Bros.
Considerable interest was manifested
t the first meeting of the new board of
rustees by a number of our citizens.
! he sportive antics of JoeBraxin , whose
teutonic blood was aroused by reason
f the board laying his petition on the
ible the petition not having the re-
uired number of resident property
wners' names thereon were amusing
nd laughable in the extaerae. The at-
losphere in our usual' y demure sanc-
im was redolent with suJphurous fumes
-with a delicate tint vermOion no-
ceable along the edgeo.
A choice lot of can < Jv just received.
t the City Bakery.
C. Rider was but is no more amen |
the many readers of THE TRIBUNE
Simply because we peremptorily rcfusei
to exceed our prerogatives as clerk o
this village in a matter in which Mi
Rider has largely and strangely inter
edted hipiself , that individual invade ;
our office , and after applying the com
plimentary sobriquet of "damn fool1
from his choice and ever chaste vocab
ulary , pays us$1.75 due us on.subscrip
tion , and discontinues his paper. No
only does he discontinue his own paper
but that he is bringing his influence t <
bear on others to have them discontinui
their papers is also apparent. We hav <
never attempted to publish a paper tha
would meet with H. C. Rider's approval
and never expest to make that attempt
We have treated him with probably
more than merited consideration in tin
past out of a desire to live peaceably
with all men. But , we will not cr )
peace , peace , when there is no peace
H. C. Rider , with all the influence
and just now it is not necessary to speals
specifically he represents don't seen
to be able to appreciate honorable anc
decent treatment , and has for sonic
time been directing his mud batteries
at THE TRIBUNE. ] f we are forced intc
this matter though we are unfortun
ately in full possession of our sense ol
smell we will hold up our end. Nc
man , it matters not what amount ol
money he may have accumulated in one
way and another , can come into this of
fice and black-guard its proprietors witli
impunity , although this is a favorite waj
in which H. C. Rider displays his dislike
New goods just arrived at C. H.
Rogers' .
We never could quite understand
some of the Courier's nonsense , at anj
rate. This week's issue vouchsafes
the astonishing information that Indian-
ola is the starting point of all stages in
Southwestern Nebraska and North
western Kansas. The case is just about
like this , either the Courier is densely
ignorant of the fact that there are three
or four daily stages running out of Mc-
Cook'to Oberlin , Hayes Centre , etc. ,
or else its localizer purposely prevari
cates and misrepresents. Either is in
excusable. It is beyond our ken why
any such statement should ever appeal
in ap ner that pretends to give reliable
information. The fact is undeniable
that while Indianola does have good
stage facilities , that there are none bet
ter in the entire Republican Valley than
those possessed by McCook. In addi-
iion , this town is considerably nearer
many of the objective points for land-
seekers , and has the best of roads. If
the Courier will just simply approxi
mate the truth as near as possible we
will be with him always , but we object
emphatically to misrepresentation in
every direction whatsoever.
Boston Brown Bread at the City Bak
ery constantly.
George Irving passed through Mc
Cook , west-bound , Tuesday. In get
ting off the train to get his dinner , he
eft his valise , containing valuable pa-
jers in a car that is side-tracked at this
station of which fact he was unaware.
When he came from dinner he missed
lis valise , which of course , was in the
car on the side-track , and not having
time to look after the matter he told
loadmaster Phclan of the circumstances
and boarded the train. It appears that
Mr. ' instructions
a young boy overheard Irving's
structions , and he immediately went to
he car and got the valise and carried
t away. Some time thereafter parties
who started in search of the valise ,
'ound it near the track a short distance
west of town , where the kid had left it
after tearing in many pieces some of the
most valuable reports and papers , which
will have to be reproduced from the
fragments somehow or other at head
Fh-st-class 12 in. Stock Boards at
Pike's Lumber Yard.
) rother-in-law of B. F. Olcott , met with
i narrow escape from death , Monday ,
light , during the storm. He wasbreak-
n < r on a freight train , and while pass-
ng from one car to another , fell be-
; ween them. He fell with the greater
) ortion of his body on the outside of
; he rail , and with great presence of mind
le quickly threw himself backwards
n time to escape the wheels. The night
ivas of Egyptian darkness , with strong
rind and torrents of rain , a dangerous
light for brakemen. He was pretty
; ? ell bruised and shaken up , but will
; ake his run in a few days as usual.
Two setts of harness , ( one light and
3ne heavy. ) for sale at B. F. Olcott's ,
rery cheap.
w vwrxx x s x % XXS " " XX XX \ > XXV * > x xvx
Mrs. E. M. Kendall ia entertaining hcrslstc
T.J. Wrayof Culbortson , spent Sunday 1
A. A. I'rohmof Danburywoslntownon bui
IUCSB , Wednesday.
J. M. Ferguson went up to his claim lion
Trenton , Tuesday.
S. II. Colvln and wlfo returned from Platti
mouth , Tuesday night.
V. Franklin took a run down to the countj
scat , Wednesday evening- .
Judge J. H. Stockton of Fremont county
Iowa , was in town , Tuesday.
J. C. Blrdsall ciuno up from Oxford , Sunday
to scoeomc of the boys , you know.
Judge Ashmoro was up from the countj
seat , Wednesday , on land business.
Col. T. J. Plckett of the Illoomlugton Guari
was In town , between trains , Sunday.
Mr. and Sirs. rl. W. Pike went down to Indi
anola , Wednesday evening' , on a short visit.
W. II. nuydon made a flying trip to town , 01
Sunday. Coming up on W and returning on 4 (
Mrs. J. J. Dunbar wont down to DoWitl
Thursday. She will make quite an oxtondei
Senator Dolan , Dr. J. S. Shaw and M. Y. Stat
buck were county-seat visitors in town
Wm. Fischer of Carrico was down from tin
Willow , the first of the week , after supplie
for the ranch.
Mr. Jones of the Dispatcher's Oflice return
cd from a visit to his parents at Plattsmouth
Tuesday noon.
D. M. Tomblin , cashier of the First Natlona
Bank , Arapahoe , made a short visit in town
last Thursday.
C. H. Rogers returned from Chicago , when
he has been purchasing his spring stock , thi
first of the week.
Mrs. Wiley Cornutt of Culbertson was li
town , a few days , hist week , the guest of Mrs
W. C. LaTourette.
Tom O'Rourke went down to Oxford , Frida ;
evening , to take Charlie Suitor's run on thi
cut-off for 10 days.
J. H. Perkins of Flushing , L.I. , who lias boci
In town , the last two or three weeks , startci
to Now York state , Wednesday morning.
Benj. Bird and Geo. Bcnkelman , were west
bound passengers , Sunday , ontheirwayhomi
from a visit to the eastern part of the state.
Geo. W. Bangs , of Odell , Neb. , was in town
the first of the week , on the lookout for a lo
cation. He will probably remain with us am
engage in speculation.
iMi'HOVED Mrs. T. H. Helm , who has beer
very near death's door for a number of days
is now improving slowly , and hopes for her ul
timate recovery are entertained.
Mrs. Cooper of Emporia , Kansas , mother o :
Mrs. T.H.Helm , arrived in town , Sunday , ant
is now watching at the bedside of her daughter
who at this writing is much improved.
Eev. Stewart of Hastings , State Agent of th <
Congregational Sunday School and Publishinj
Association , spoke in the Congrcgationa
Church , Sunday evening , on the subject of th <
R. E. Hawley , roadmaster's clerk , D. O. Bri
in , and E. D. Mamell of the News , of Nebras
ka City , ircre in town Thursday and Friday o
the past week. All were out skirmishinj
ifter land.
Editor Woodruff of the Democrat and Mr
Knott , a merchant of York , this state , were ir
town , Tuesday. They were on a land seeking
jxcursion. and went out to Stratton on 30
Tuesday afternoon.
Rev. and Mrs. Dungan were absent Wednes
lay and Thursday attending a meeting of the
llepublicau Valley Association of the Congre
jational Church , which convened atlndianok
Dn the above-named days.
Mr. Swan returned Tuesday night , from s
jusiness trip to Chicago , Cincinnati , Burling
; on and other points , after furniture , etc. , foi
: he Oxford Eating House , which will be open
; d to the public early in May.
Frank Hudson went over to Atwood , Kan
sas , Monday , in charge of some goods for W ,
a. Hayden's new store at that point. FranL
ilso took along some household goods , and
; hc family altar will be set up at once.
John Sanders of Kearney , Neb. , formerly oi
he B. & M. Eating House , titthis place , was in
own , Thursday and Friday of last week on
Business. John has engaged in the hotel busi-
icss again , at the above named place.
"Father" Dresser , well-known to many oi
: he people of our town , preached an interest
ng sermon in the Congregational Church ,
Sunday morningHev. . Dresser also spoke
verds for the church school at Franklin , in
vhich he is deeply interested.
Conductor Coy , who has been quite ill at
lastings for the past three weeks with erysip-
las , came up to McCook , on 39 , Saturday. He
las had a serious time , and his health will not
> ermitof active duty for some weeks yet.
le returned to Hastings , Sunday on 40.
Ed Wilson , manager of the Circle ranch , was
n town , Thursday last , on a short business
rip. He reports settlers making rapid inroads
m his range , but thinks all can live together
n harmony and with profit to all parties. He
ilso made a flying visit , Friday.
T. H. Barnes , B. & M. right-of-way man and
me of Tobe Castor's right hand men , came up
o town , Saturday night on No. 1 , and went
iast again the following morning. Tom has
lis eye on the receivership of the U. S. land
iffice at this place , and if Castor has influence
inough he will most surely get the appomt-
Sometime between the 15th and 20th
if May , Stuart Rogers , the renowned
mperponator.will give one of his enter-
wit humor sen-
ainments , combining , ,
iment and pathos , at the Opera Hall ,
mder the.auspices and for the benefit of
; he public schools.
Great Reduction in Watches and
Fewelry at McCrackcn's.
What's the matter with the citizens
.ppointing a day or a week , if need be ,
f fasting and prayer and memorializing
he post master general relative to our
iresent needs.
Hunyadi Janos ,
Or , Hungarian Mineral Water , for
he prevention and cure of consumption
nd dyspepsia , at the B. &M. Pharmacy.
Village Affairs.
The following members-elect of the
board of trustees met , Monday evening ,
the 20th inst. , qualified and were sworn
in : W. 0. LaTourotte , Thos , Mclnroy ,
0. T Brewer , R. B. Archibald and Chos.
Noble. The board then organized with
W. C. LaTourette as Chairman , F. M.
Kimmell , clerk , and F. L. McCrackcn ,
treasurer. Petition of Jos. Brnun , not
having the legal number of resident
free-holders thereon , was hud on the ta
ble. Petition of W. M. Lewis & Bro. ,
read , accepted , and clerk ordered to
prepare and publish for two consecutive
weeks notice of such application for
liquor license. The following commit
tees were appointed by the chair :
FINANCE Trustees Noble. Brewer
and Mclnroy.
FIUE Trustees Archibald , Mclnroy.
ble , Brewer and Archibald.
HEALTH Trustees LaTourette , Mc
lnroy , Brewer , Noblu and Archibald.
ORDINANCE Trustees Brewer , Noble
and Mclnroy.
Since Bro. Bishop has resigned his
post-office appointment , and built him
self a building , and enlarged his paper ,
and secured the valuable services of his
brother as local rustler , his list of sub
scribers has suddenly become so large
that he has actually found it necessary
to reduce his price of subscription for
fear of being overwhelmed with new
subscribers , you know. The only prec
edent for such untold occurrences we
know anything about is the circumstance
related of Lord Byron , who retired one
night and awoke the following morning
and found himself famous. So with the
Courier , whose list of subscribers seems
to have doubled in numbers in a single
ni ht. Come , come , QS. . , we will take
a few facts in ours.
Concluding from the torrent of rain
that fell Monday night , Jupiter Fluvius
evidently in a moment of forgetfulness
let the flood gates open. IfJ. P. will
give us a little notice before we have a
repetition of Monday night's perform
ance , we will do a little calking about
our establishment first.
The sale of city lots has been so large
for the past few weeks that we under
stand the Lincoln Land Co. is contem
plating laying out another addition to
the town on the north. The most of
the desirable residence lots seem to bo
already out of the market.
A gentleman from Iowa , we are in
formed , was in town , Monday , looking
up a location for a democratic newspa
per. We also understand that he pur
chased a half interest in this paper , but
have no definite knowledge of the trans
action ourselves.
Some of the residents of South Mc
Cook are complaining bitterly about the
performances of a soiled dove , who re
cently built a house down in that neigh-
aorhood. She will receive a visit from
our Deputy Sheriff.
Persons contemplating buying a solid *
wheel wind mill should buy one with a
srake to hold the wheel still when out
of the wind. The Woodmanse has &
brake , and is for sale by W. M. Irwin ,
McCook , Neb.
E. M. Farnsworth , war claim attor
ney , has gone to Decorah , Iowa , on bus
iness , and will return before long. Ad
dress him as usual , P. 0. box No. 60 ,
McCook , Red Willow Co. , Neb.
Teachers' Meeting.
The Red Willow County Teacher's
Association will meet at this place on
the 8th and 9th of May. A good pro
gram is prepared , and all live teachers
are expected to be present.
L. C. STEPUENSON , President ,
[ ndianola , April 21,1885.
Last Call.
All parties owing me will please call
ind settle at once , either at my old stander
or at Golfer's law office. All accounts
aot paid within ten days will be put in
Thos. Golfer's hands for collection.
April 1C , 1885. JOHN FARLEY.
Choice Family Flour , $1.75 cwt.
Gold Dust Flour , $2.00 „
Legal Tender Flour , $2.15 . ,
" 84. " Patent Flour , $3.00 . ,
Cheap Buggy.
Single top buggy , with new pole ; al
so , a single harness. Both for $75.
An Answer Wanted-
Can any one Was us a case of KWncy or Ltyer
"ompialiit that K'.ectric Bitters will not speedily
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