THE TKIBUNE. Jf. 31. & E. M. K13IMELL , 1'uliH. McCOOK , NEB NEWS Off NEBBASKA. OMAHA OPIUM JOINTS AND SMOKUIIS. A cor respondent writes to the Omaha Republican thus concerning the growing vlco of opium smoking in Nebraska's metropolis : "I note in to-day's edition the reference you malco to the amended charter of the city of Omaha rel- ntiro to the abolishment of opium dens or joints. Hero I will take opportunity to lay special stress upon ono of the greatest evils of our city. To say evil does not express or define the state ol' degradation and iniquity. There are at present no loss than eight of these "Joints" in our midst. At the corner of Thirteenth and Dodgonorthea8tcorncrover ( ) the fruit stand , and operated bv a Chinese the most extensively patron ized ol these "dens , " frequented dally by not less than ono hundred of all classes. The greater portion of these habitues arc degraded and fallen women who reside in that part of the city stigmatized as "Hell's half acre " These women pay to the proprietor or an as sist ant 15 cents and are weighed out or meas ured a certain amount of prepared opium , powdered or gum , and furnished with a bamboo stem with which to in- ha'o its fumes , as I am Informed. They are assigned to an inner compartment or couch where they are associated with companions of vlco and spend their hours in relating vivid and licentious experiences , slumbering , or in a half comatose condition abandoned to some fantasy produced by the insidious drug. There are also several other well known and extensively patronized "dens. " One next door to the "Five Points" of Omaha , or more commonlv known as the Buckingham : an other local * d on Harney street , and still an other under the saloon In the rear of the premises occupied by Charles Hlggins' res taurant on Twelfth street. The class that patronize these places are composed chleily of tin-horn gamblers , and many belonging to the tribe called "skin" or "fly workers" ; also many ox-barkeepers , confidence men , variety performers , ana last , and mostly , those of fallen virtue To say that It is neglect on the part of the officials covers all the charges that can be made , and wcro the municipal officers as vigilant as those of eastern cities , who pull opium joints and impose rigid lines upon those who visit the place , and still more heav ier fines upon the proprietors , there is no room to doubt that it could effectually bo abolished. B. & M. DEPOT DESTROYED. The watchman at the B. & M. Hallway freight depot and yard discovered smoke issuing from the building about 4:20 o'clock yestnrday morning and ran to the office to send in an alarm. By the time that the firemen could reach the spot the building was enveloped in flames , and soon through holes burned through the root col umns of lire shot up to a height of several etories. Toward two directions the firemen exerted their strongest efforts and with success , ono being the north end of the depot containing the offices and records , and the other the train of refrigerator curd standing on the next track but one east of the depot. A switch engine belonging to the TJ. P. railway had al ready reached the yard and pulled a string of cars , which stood next to the buildinsr , out of danger. One detached box car only remained at the corner of the platform , and this emerged looking like a Eingcd cat. In a short time the roof and sides of the building had burned away , leaving the charred skeleton of a frame , and the goods stored inside were burning fiercely. Nothing could bo saved of these except some lots near the north end , which were deluged , like the records , with water. The depot , which stood on Eighth street , and extended Iroin Jackson street nearly to Howard , was built three years ago. It was a story and a half high , about sixty feet In width and 250 in lenth. The loss , it is believed , will not exceed $8,000 ; the insurance was $1- 000. There was $1,500 insurance on the goods in transit. The value of those isestlmated ut about S7.000 , for only a part of which , it is sup posed , the company is liable. Half a car load of muslin lor canvassing bams at the Boyd packing house and six cabinet organs for .Woodbridjre Bros , were totally destroyed. A lot of gallon oil cans filled with whisky for Iowa consumers , and several barrels of coal tar added fuel to the flames. Large quantities of household goods were burnea or ruined. Omaha Herald , ' THE STATE IN BRIEF. The school population of Beatrice is 3,416. The Auburn creamery is now in full opera tion. The city marshal of Greenwood is paid $25 a year. The license ticket carried at Syracuse by a Email majority. Temperance people were successful in the election at Nelson. The city election of Tall City decided in fa vor of licensing saloons. Aurora elected the temperance ticket by seventy-three majority. Several wife-beaters have recently como be- Jore the public at Omaha. The postoffice inspector found the Crcigh- ton office in good condition. V. H. Fry , of Fairmont , is said to have re ntly received a legacy of $35,000. An eighteen pound catfish was caught in the Blue , near Fairbury , last week. An ovarian tumor weighing 35 pounds was removed from Mrs. Hush , of Ponca. Cedar county Is rapidly settling up , and new residences are rising on every hand. The election at Hastings resulted in the success of the law and order element. The prospects are pretty good for another large bvilding boom in Clark's this year. The two elevators ac Greenwood shipped out two hundred cars of corn in ono week. Schuyler has a juvenile brass band , the members of which are said to be quite proficient cient- The entertainment at Red Cloud by the G. A. Ris highly spoken of by the press cf that place. K. Ii. Oxford , of Wayne county , lost his stable and sheds by fire. His loss is about $300. Owners of lots in Cumminsville donate them to people willing to build houses upon them. Arlington contains sixty-ninq American families , one Bohemian , three Irish and one English. The Pawnee auxiliary sent fifty-five dozen eggs as an Easter gift to the Home for the Friendless. Twenty-one residents of Tekama recently went west to look for new homes in California and Oregon. Wayne county is a peaceful community the grand jury having no business whatever to attend to. Heports go to show tbat the usual amount of the planting in Nebraska will be attended to on Arbor Day. A prairie flre in Harlon county recently did considerable damage. One gentleman lost his barn and contents. Hartington is holding out inducements for a practical brickmaker to locate and open a " yard at that place. leterTonnYee , of Fairbury , while trying to break a colt , had matters reversed somewhat. Ihe colt broke Peter's leg. The Unite 1 Presbyterians of Pawnee City kave Just dedicated a church building which , with the grounds , cost 517,331. In Omaha J29 applications have been filed for license t sell liquors. About thirteen are from brewers and wholesalers. An Ashland Justice has decided that aSaun- dcrs county farmer cannot recover damages for evergreens pulled on another man's landj During the month of March the Nebraska' City distillery company paid the government ; ' upwards of $ O.COO as taxes on manufactured' liquors. Mr. Howard , living near Elkton , Nuckolls county , has lost recently about $300 worth of fat hogs , from some disease or cnueo un known. Some unknown coward fired two shots into the drug store of A. McG ill , nt de hlon , few nights ago , one of the bullets narrowly missing Mr. McGJll. The barn and outbuildings of Gustavo Gart ner , near Scotia , wore burned by a prairie fire. Loss , $ T,000. Contributions for his bene fit amounted to $150. The chief of the Omaha flro department has arranged to immediately sound the bell sixty two times in cose of the announcement of the death of Gen. Grant. A skiff load of men upset In the Missouri rlveropposito Brownvllle a few days ago. All were rescued , but it was a narrow escape from watery graves. J. W. Alger , of Wayne , is said to have an car of corn grown from seed picked up on the battle field of Chlckamauga , nearly twcnty-threa years ago. Gen. Thomas M. Vincent , now at San Antonio nio , Texas , will bo transferred to Omaha as assistant adjutant-general to fill the vacancy caused by the death'of Col. Taylor- The belt slippea from the governor at the Nebraska City distillery , the lly whocl flew to pieces , an exhaust pipe was broken , and § 2 , 000 damages inflicted. Nobody hurt. Wm. Hall , of Pawnee , has just learned that a missing brother was killed by highwaymen in Arizona in 1882. Two of the murderers were haagcd by a mob , while the third es caped. A meeting of cattlemen was held on War Bonnet creek , Sioux county , a few days ago to discuss the question of "What shall we dote to be saved ? " from the incoming tide of im migration. Lawyer Kyle , of Omaha , who some time ago assaulted P. A. Gavin , of the Times-Dispatch of that city , was given a flno of § 50 and thirty days In jail. Kyle's attorney gave notice of an appeal. There ore only sixty-eight sections of land left for white settlers on the Santee reserva- lon. They will all be taken by homesteaders , as men who would like to file timber claims will be crowded out. Heny Hamplert of Platt smouth , is the in. ventor of an automatic corn planter that does away with both the old method of marking the field and the more odern method ot using a check-rower. The man arrested in Nebraska City a short time ago for forging the naino of W. V. Nichol to a telegram sent to Ch'nn & New , of Omaha , turns out to be an old offender well known to police circles. nThe Crete Globe says that three children of William Warchow , who lives on the West Blue , died last week from scarlet fever. Two of them died within a half hour of each other One of them was 15 years old. Misses Metta Porter and Louie Letcher have recently been engaged in taking the school census of Central City. They find the number of children of school age to be 420 , being 223 males and 203 females. General Manager Winter , of the Minneapo lis & Omaha , says his company does not ask the exclusive use of the proposed bridge be tween Covington and Sioux City , and has had no negotiations of any kind about it. A ten-year-old daughter of John Wagner , living in St. Charles precinct , Cuming county , has just died from chewing a poisoned weed that grows by the roadside. Another child came near dying from the same cause. Another Omaha family came near being fatally poisoned a few nights ago by partak ing of biscuits in which there was a quantity of "Hough on Rats. " The poison by some means had got mixed with the baklngpowder. Two Sherman county lasses , living on a homestead , took it into their heads to see the New Orleans exposition , and accordingly packed their satchels and boarded the train. They saw the show , had a good time , and asked odds of no one. 5 Ed Burrlss and Pat Collins , of Syracuse , two boys , had a narrow escape while driving home from Palmyra. Their team ran off a bridge , killing both horses instantly and greatly endangering the lives 'of the boys. The horses were valued at over $500. Messrs. M. T. Patrick & Co. , of Omaha , are starting a monster corral at Gilmore for fat tening cattle , A side ti ack 3,000 feet in length is being built from the U. P. main line to the corral. It is intended to feed about 5.0JO head of cattle there and get them in shape for the eastern market. The feeding corral will be ready for business about June 1st. Death is announced at Crete of Miss Grace Andrews , aged twenty , of diphtheria. She was the daughter of S L. Andrews , and was well unown throughout the state as one of the best amateur readers , and has represented Doane college in two contests with the uni versity. A'member of the present junior class , she was faithful in her school duties and took a high rank in her classes. a Postoffico changes in Nebraska during the week ending April 11,1885 : Established Ma- goon , Custer county , RIctiard H. Magoon , postmaster ; Spannuth , Lincoln county , Fred C Spannuth , postmaster ; Steuben , Frontier county , Gustavo A. Roggensees , postmaster ; Tallin , Custer county , John Tallin , postmas ter ; Yucca , Custer county , Christopher F. Co- nant , postmaster. The Aurora Republican says : In the scan dal case spoken of last week no new features have been developed only that it is reported that the woman is dying from the effects of drugs' taken to conceal her shame , and the man who is the cause of her ruin has not been arrested yet. It was reported that he had been seen in Grand Island , and that the of-- fleers were about to arrest him , buthe found It out in some way and gave them the go-oy It has been remarked in the courts that in the three civil damage suits brought in Omaha under the Slocumb law to recover for selling liquor to a drunkard in spite of the warning not to sell , the plaintiffs in each instance have been the wives of Swedish tailors. The Her ald thinks that after one or two more saloon keepers have paid $2,000 to $5OOJ damages they will feel like shutting up shop , whenany tailor from Stockholm becomes a regular cus tomer. The creditable display by Nebraska at th exposition , says the Lincoln Journal , is be ginning to bear fruits. State headquarters are filled every day by people desiring information mation in printed shape regarding the advan tages , resources and general character of the state , and this is furnished them in the shape of a splendi I little pamphlet , to which we have before alluded , "Nebraska ; Her Re' sources , Advantages , Advancement and Promises. " Heretofore the commissioner and the Hon. James T. Allen , who has been assisting him In this field of labor , have been able to keep up with the demand , but it has been tound necessary now to add another speedy and experienced assistant to reply to demands for printed matter , while the per ; sonal calls at headquarters are numbered by hundreds. ' BBIEFI.Y TOLD. Eight five-story houses in Sixty-second street , New York , fell on the 13th. Manj workmen were injured , probably some ol them fatally. Justice Andrew Wylio , of the suprenu court of the district of Columbia , has notlflce the president that bo wishes to bo placed or the retired list. Ho Is 71 years o'.d. Agents of the Pennsylvania railway com' pany have been instructed to restore passen ger rates on all its lines , which is taken tc mean that the Pennsylvania management has got tired.of the rate war. Bud FarrlP , white , and Freeman Ward , col orcd , wcro hanged attho fairground at Union City , N. C. , by a mob of masked men number ing about two hundred. They belonged to t gang of thieves who recently have committed many depredations on the citizens of that place. J.- Henry Shaw , a democratic member ol the lower house of the Illinois legislature from Cass county , was found dead In bed at the Palace hotel , Springfield , Sunday. Thi makes the third death in the legislature since the opening of the session. Shaw's deatL leaves the house "tied. " 1 ho Prince and Princess of Wales , on their way to Cork , received an enthusiastic wel come. At Lismore , In the counties of Cert and Wnterford , 3CO laborers presented an ad dress of welcome. At Dungarron , In Waterford - ford county , when the train passed all vessels in the bay lowered their flags. The Philadelphia Times says John Roacli has been offered $100,000 more for the dispatch boat "Dolphin" than this government haE agreed to pay. The offer comes from the Russian government and Roach demands an immediate answer to his letter requesting final payment by the United States. At Delaware Blue , Indian territory. Frank Roberts , alias Pierce , a notorious desperado of Dcnton county , Texas , with a posse , wag pursuing a band of cattle thieves when they ran upon Roberts on the bank of Red river Roberts opened flre upon the posse and was slain in the fight Hardin Wilson , one of the gang , was captured. In Chicago the state's attorney entered a nolle prossequie in the Cook county criminal court in the case of Hansbrough and Shields , two of the judges in the Eighteenth warfl , where the election frauds were committed last fall , declaring he had no evidence upon which to convict them. An indictment is still pending against them in the United States district court. A. R. Dimmick , charged with being one of the men who set flre to the town of Weston , Oregon , a year ago , when $500,000 in property was burned , was discovered in Gerva's , Oregon gen , recently. The sheriff , with a posse of six , made an unsuccessful attempt to arrest the fugitive. The sheriff presented a double- barreled shotgun and ordered Dimmick to surrender , but the latter sprung on him , tore the gun from his grasp , and covering the crowd with it made his escape. The following figures are taken from a statement compiled by Secretary Stone , of he Chicago board of trade , to show the visi- blesupply of wheat , corn , oats , rye and barley in the United States and Canada on Saturday , April 11 , and the amount of increase or de crease for the week ending at that date : Wheat , 40,851,232 bushels , a decrease of 710- 086 bushels : corn , 94)5S,4CO ) bushels , an increase of 1,072.503 bushels : oats , 2,418,310 bushels , a decrease of 240,188 bushels ; rye , 312,799 bush els , a decrease of 45,142 bushels ; barley , 752,570 bushels. The stocks of grain in store in Ghj > cage April 11 were : Wheat , 15,875,423 bu'sh- els ; corn. 2,3 S,550 bushels ; oats , 425,049 bush els ; rye , 129,073 bushels ; barley , 53,438 bush els. CAPITAI. BRIEFS. The attorney-general has given an opinion to the president sustaining the eligibility of Mr. Lawton , of Georgia , for the appointment as minister to Russia. The silver men expect the whole power of the administration to be brought against them in the next congress , and say that the fight has already begun over the organization of the house. They say Sir. Randall's friends are working for him for the speakcrship , and are backed by the administration. They charge that the influence of the administra- t'on is now being used to strengthen Randall They are very wrathful over it , and say that if persevered in will "bust up" the demo cratic party and they will crush out the ad ministration. They do not think that there is' any danger of Mr. Carlisle being Dcaten , but they expect Randall to exhibit more strength this time than he did before. The combined power of the tariff and the anti-silver men they say , wl'l be exerted to this end for the sake of prestige , and that from twenty to twenty-five members will be drawn over to Randall and the administration by the use of patronage. A decision was rendered by the supreme court of the United States on the 13th in the case of Frances Dcdgeetaf appellant , again&t Thomas Knowles , which presents the ques tions of the liability of a married woman for certain debts contracted by her husband , nominally as her trustee. The court holds that neither liability for provisions supplied at the dwelling house where the husband , wife and their children are living together , nor a provisionary note given by the husband describing himself as trustee for his wife in payment for such supplies can be charged in equity upon the wife's Eeparate estate , with out clear proof that she contracted the debt in her own behalf or intended to bind her separate estate for its payment. The decree of the court below is reversed and tie case remanded with directions to dismiss the bill. Opinion by Justice Gray. CHIMIN"All. AtNewburgh. N. Y. , the grand jury indict ed Hugh McCann , who is blind and over 80 years old , f cr the murder of his wife , aged 73. in February last. Mrs. Lena Stuck jumped off a ferryboat int the Mississippi river at Rock Island , III. She was 62 years old. Bodily infirmities and pov erty were the cause. Elmire Firt'n , of Marshalltown , Iowa , twen ty-one years of age , was struck on the head with an axe by Jacob Seybert , whose house Firth attempted to enter. Firth will die. Sey bert was arrested. Gus Finley was hanged at Prestonsburg , Ky. , on the 17th. His crime was the murder of James Hunt , in August , 18S3. Finley claimed the killing of Hunt was an accident , ! iis intention being to shoot a man named Dagley , with whom he had a drunken quarrel. The story comes from Memeoki , 111. , that on Wednesday night a colored man calling him self Wiggins , went to the house of Robert Williams , also colored , and a farmer , and iisked for lodgings for the night. He was per mitted to remain. He amused the family by telling funny stories until nearly midnight , ivhen he drew a revolver and demanded Wil- llums' money. Williams gave him $9.50. Wig gins demanded more , and upon Williams' re ply that he had no more , shot him twice fatal ly , then shot and killed Williams' little boy ind fired two shots ut Mrs. Williams , who , liowever , escaped. Wiggins fled and at last iccounts had not been captured. Win. Phillips was hanged at Fort Smith , Ark. , fortbo murder of Wm. Hill. Prcsldonl Cleveland had commuted the sentences of tht other four men to be executed at the same time , which led Phlllfpa to expect a commu tation of sentence. The United States mar sbal received a telegram In the morning sayIng - Ing Jho president declined to Interfere in the Phillips' case. The accused strongly asserted his innocence to the last and said Hill's son Bob , who was at first arrested with him , did the killing. "Although I am about to appeal before Almighty God , " said the condemned man , "I swear I am as Innocent of this crime as an unborn babe. " Then ho marched to the gallows and died repeating the Lord's prayer. FOREIGN NOTES. A dispatch to Renter's Telegram company from Cairo says It Is believed General Wolselj1 will soon return to England. Recruiting for the British navy continues with much activity and the admiralty have In vited the navy pensioners to volunteer. Ac tive preparations for war arc making in all the Australian colonies. Lord Edmund Fitzmaurlce , under foreign secretary , in answer to an interrogatory put by Sir Stafford Northcote In the commons , said the government considered Pcnjdeh in Afghanistan proper , but not far from the Russian frontier. It is stated that Turkey has positively as. Biireil Russia that in the event of war no Eng lish iron-clad will bo allowed to enter the Black sea. Turkey has also declared that she could make the Dardanelles impassable in a few hours if necessary. The emperors of Germany and Austria and he czar of Russia are arranging for another meeting to be held this spring. The place chosen for meeting is the castle of a Galacian nobleman in Anstria territory close to the Russian frontier. It is understood that Em peror William desires a yearly meeting of thid kind as a means of preserving peace between the three countries. In the English cabinet council the Anglo- Russian difficulty , it is said , was represented to be as follows : England and Russia have agreed upon a basis for the delineation of the Afghan frontier , subject to a satisfactory ex planation by Russia of the recent attack upon the Afghans. According to this scheme it. is said Pen jdch will be ceded to Russia , provided the ameer consents. General Komaroff has appointed a Russian governor of Penjdch and has put Sarlk offi ciaiS in charge who are Russian subjects. Everybody in St. Petersburg is convinced that if war breaks out the Russians will seize Herat before the English can turn around. "I have the best authority for stating' , " says the London Times' correspondent , "General Komaroff advanced with express orders from the government of the Caucasus , and General Komaroff's telegram to St. Petersburg ex pressly stated this. " Gladstone's hesitation over tbo Kushk river affair emboldened Russia , who is now taking a turn in demanding an explanation and with drawals. The report is confirmed thatDc Giers demanded an explanation of the presence of Captain Yates of General Lumsden's staff at the Kushk river battle of the part he is said to have taken in provoking that enga.ement. Special dispatches from St. Petersburg assert Russia demanded the withdrawal of I.umsdcu himself , on the ground of his pronounced sympathy with the Afarhans in their hostility towards Russia , but this statement is doubt ful. The government H still Avrangling with Turkey over the terms of the proposed Anglo Turkish alliance. ys OF A. CONFLICT. Will the Differences Jlelicecn Enyland and Itii.tsia Haveto be Adjusted by the Sword ? London dispatch : The war oflice is over whelmed with oilers of service sent in by the army , militia and volunteer oilicers. The re cruiting depots in London and the provinces are daily besieged by men anxious to enter the military sen-ice in view of the prospect of war with Russia. Suitable applicants are being accepted as rapidly as can be arranged. All the admirals of the British rsavy have been notified to hold themselves in readiness for active service. A special injunction has been sent by the admiralty to Vice Admiral Lord Hayes , commauding the British squadron in the Mediterranean , to hold himself and his fleet ready for service. A very determined and grave position has been assumed by the Eng lish government toward lluss'a concerning tue Pi'iijdeh incident. The ministrj- appears , have been coerced by the aggressiveness" of public opinion into a' tardy but evidently de termined attitude of pugnacity. At tirst Mr. Gladstone satisfied himself with demanding ot Russia an explanation of Gen. Komaroff's at tack upon the Afghans. He felt sure , it is stated , that Russia was sincerely desirous of peace and would discountenance the action of their commander. No matter bow thoroughly he m'ght have represented the bellicose policy ot the St. Petersburg war party. But when the czar answered that he would explain to England as foon as Gen. Komaroff explained to him , the British pre mier was forced to conclude that the czar was trifling to gain time. To-day. th ( reforu. Earl Granville , British foreign minister , advised Baron De Stanl , Russlau ambassador to Lon don , that the Brit'sh government had decided that whatever the nature the Russian explana tion or Gen. Komaroff's action might be , Great Britain would not allow any further dis cussion of the delimitation of the Afghan frontier to go on until the Russian troops have been withdrawn from their p't sent outposta in the disputed tenitory back to the positions which they occupied at the time Englaud ap pointed her part of the commission to adjust the Afghan frontier. As this was nearly a yearauo , and as almost all the Itussian ad vance has been made in the interval , it is dif ficult to believe that Russia will seriously at tempt to reach an amicabl" understanding. Count Yon Minister , German ambassador to London , is snven as authority for a most significant utterance on the part of the min isters of the British covernment The Ger man minister states that at a conference upon the Afghan question held yjstenlay , Earl Gianville declared that Englaud had declared that it was impossible to consent to a continu ance of diplomatic discussion with Russia un less England was guaranteed security against having'the results of the controversy imper illed by cell sions on disputed frontier such events as has occurn d on the Ktishk , England , Lord Granville said , must refuse to accept Russia's assurance that she desires peace un less the assurance was accompanied with the withdrawal to a line drawn from Tcpi to Sarl- Yasi. At the German and Russian embassy here the opinion Is expressed that the dispute between the czar and Great Btitain has actu ally reached its final phase in diplomacy. M. De Gierrs , Russian prime minister , through Baron De Staal , has offered to abandon the Russian proposal to extend the line of the de batable zone proposed by England , so as to in clude the Parnpamisous mountains , and recur to the line suggested in the L''ssar proposals. This offer on the part of the Russian premier , while apparently containing a concess on , is consder--d ! to be really used to modifv the ef fects of Gen. Komaroff's attack aud to give time. Office Seeliers , be J'uticnt. The civil service commission furnishes the following for publication : We have informa tion that in many of the states the number applying to be examined is greatly in excess ot what is needed to secure competent per sons lor all vacancies likely to occur lor ut least six monttis. While there will probably be a consideraole number of removals vague expectation of sweep ng chaoges , for mere purpose of partizan patronage , does not seem likely to be realized. Tlie commission does not wish to be responsible for many disap pointments which must follow the examina tion of the needless number of icquestsloi examination , which are most excessive in .Mart-land. Virginia. Pennsylvania Onto. Illi- no 5 * Indiana , Iowa , Kansas , Colorado and Lai "fornia. AXOVTLIXEOFI.rXCOr.y'8 T.IPK. . . . . Memorial Services at Hitrlnfjfleld , III. Tin Address of Gen. John A. Luijan. J Th following address was delivered by Gen Logan at the memorial services held in houo of Abraham Lincoln at Springfield , 111. , on thi 15th : . On the 12th day of February , 6eraity-sl ; years ago , In the midst of a hardy pioneer pte pie Jn Harding county , Kentucky , a sou callee Abraham was born unto Thomas aud Mur.i Lincoln. A few years later this son Is foutu with his parents in Indiana , where he labors at farm work in assisting his fathen Then was no opportunity offered him for receiv.'uj. au education. Under the guidance of hi mother , however , he was taught to read um write. He was of studious habits , and care fully read all the books he could borrow fron the neighbors. "All that I am , or hop U be , " he tald , "I owe to my angel mother. ' li his 21st year ne Is located in Illinois , doiuj. manual labor , though at times when he coul < do so ne was always found with a Took Ii hand , storing his mind with useful knowledge He was a constant reader of the tiiblc , as wcl , as Shakespeare's works , and from these he ac .quired a better understaudiugof human actior and that which inllucuces the minds of met than all those who criticised hiu as an uneducated man ever had tin capacity to understand. He served ii the Black Hawk war , afterwards several times in our'state legislature , and one term iu cou- grass , yet until 1S58 , when he joined in the do 'bate with the lamented Stephen A. Douglas , nothing seemed to afford an opportunity foi him to prove to the country his great abil.tvat a lawyer , statesman and debater , ns well as .1 man of thought , research , and ga at power oi analysis. In that great deba'e he displays such wonderful ability as to at once give him t national reputation. "His great mind sccinct : to unfold to his auditors , danger alter danger that then menaced our beloved country. He so held the mirror before the people that they could plainly see the trouble that must come in the future if the then policy should be per sisted in. He forshadowed the disaster am ! suggested the way to avoid it. lie exhibited clearly to the people that if the destruction ol this Uniou must come we ourselves must be the author , and finisher. His arguments were convincing , his deductions and logic were ir resistible. In all the speeches his basis was the right against the wrong. He convinced all who heard him that he was a man of gen erous impulses and great kindness of heart. He seemed to feel the wrongs of all the down trodden aud oppressed humanity as his own. The impression he left upon his hearers was that he had dedicated himself to work in thtir beliHlf. "When elected president of the Unite' ] States he entered upon the duties of that oflice with malice toward none , with charity for all , and although the circumstances were of the most trying character that had ever sur rounded any man in undertaking to administer "the affairs of a nation , yet he grasped a firm hold on the helm of the ship of state and moved on calmly and coolly in the performance of the arduous duties assigned him. He met each condition of thinss as pre sented to him. His great mind took in the situation as it was developed. He proved him self equal to any and all emergencies , and while our country was passing through the severest ordeal he kept apace with the advanc ing sentiments of the people , neither going ahead nor lagging behind , always taking ad vantage of the proper moment to do the right thing , as was exemplified by his proclamation of emancipation giving freedom to au op pressed race. He met all questions at an OJH portune mo'iient , and seemed full of hope as well as confident of the ultimate success and complete restoration of the Union. Twenty years ago to-day , early in his second term as president , and "just as his proud anticipations aud fondest hopes were being realized , he fell at the baud of an assassin , a martyr to the cause of human freedom. As the tallest oak in the forest falls , causing the earth to trem ble at the shock , so his fall caused the nation to tremble. Stalwart men cried aloud and wept , women wrung their hands and appealed to heaven to know why this srreat wrong should iave been permitted. Thus people mourned and would not be comforted. All civilized countries were saddened , deep gloom covered the whole land , an J in grief and sorrow " we mourn him still. In"life this man f taught a lesson that ought to be taught the present and tuttire gen erations which would be of more value than gold that glistens. Coming from the lower walks of life , without any of the advan tages now within the reach of all , he struggled through poverty along the rugged pathway of life , overcoming all obstacles that opposed , un til he attained the highest position among men. His great heart and mind were bent in doing good to his fellow man. Entirely ol > - sorbed by his thought in favor of struggling humanity he had no time to devote to the ac cumulation of wealth. The bsnetits showered upon oppressed man by his great ability and kind heart , by far outrcached those which could have been accomplished by the riches of a Crresus. Wealth revels behind , while pov erty follows us to the grave ; but the wealth that leaves its last'nir Impression upon man kind is that-store of kindness which fills tl e human breast , and the great resources of a giant , intense thought , and the good works live on through time. Soletitbe with Abraham Lincoln. He carved his own wnvup the stej s of aindition's mused heights. He ascended to the topmost round fame's ladder and from thence stepped into the mansion on high pic- pared for the good and true. If we could but see him as his sainted spirit stands to-diy , not in the blood-besmeared temple of human "bond age , but radiant with the light ofliberty and tue "Glory of God , " playing around him , with " ' shattered "fetters andbro'ken chains at his feet , we would behold one of the noblest spirits that ever passed through the pearly gates of the New J. rttsalem into the presence of the great white throne of our Heavenly Father. EXCOUXTERIXG A TIDAT. WAVE. A. Perilous Situation on the Iert , Tcrroriz- itiif I'assetujers to a Ueyree JSonleriny on Frenzy. The White Star steamer Germanic , Captain Kennedy , which sailed from Queenstown for New York a few days ago. returned to the foruier place in a badly disabled condition. Captain Kennedy reports that thestcumcren countered a tenific tidal wave when two days our. The wave , he says , was tremendous , and so sudden was it coming that littie or nothing could be done to ease or trim the vessel. It looked for a time as though the steamer would be engulied. The vessel's head was turned straight toward the approaching mountain of water , and when it finally struck the shock caused the vessel to tremble from stem to stern with such violence as to spring nearly all of the plating. The bulkhead ot the reading-room was stove in and tbe saloon flooded. The boats and everything movable on deck were torn from their lusteniugs. The steamer was thrown on her beam endF. and for awhile so violently did she lunjre Unit it was thought she would purely go to the bet tom. Tlie passengers were terrorized into a state bordering on frenzy. The steamer was finally righted and when the sea calmed some what a thorough examination was made. It was found tha , in addition to the stoving in of the reading-room bulkhead , the fornunl steering gear was so badly injured as to make it useless as a means for further handling ttie ship. The vessel was also badly sprung , and the captain decided that it won I be perilous to further cont'uue ' on his cours. . Therelore he turned for Queenstown. Many of the saloon passengers received severe bruises by beiujf knocked about and struck with pieces of furniture. One of the seamen was washed overboard and drowned. The engines were not injured in the Irost. The passengers are fulsome in their praise of the captain's con duct and the competent manner in which he handled the steamer during the encouuter. They euy iheirescanewas simply miraculous , and are e > f the belief that with a less competent captain the vessel would have surely foundeied. The Germanic landed her mails and tweutv saloon passengers ; it Queenstown and then proceeded on her re- urn to Liverpool , where she will undergo ecessary repairs. Seven Jfeii Hurled Alice. A special from Oscola , Michigan , says : A horrible accident occurred here about four o'clock to-day. While George Fulton. Joe Biddle , Tom Mitchell , George Gordon , Frank Maynurd and John Hartwick were clearing the brick out of the smokestack of John Gram's mill , the bottom tier gave way and the six men were buried under fifty thousand brick. Five were killed outrigiit and the other was severely but not fatally hurt. AltSUJf VILT IQE AffD ItOBIiERT. Particulars of the Hunting of Colon. erAs > jlniealt A Scene of Rl t anil llluoilahed. , ' M Advices by mail from Panama give the story of the burning of Colon or Asplnwall as fol lows : A lawyer named Preston seized the opportu nity of the absence of the prefect of Colon with all the troops who had gone for the pur pose of meeting General ZIpburu , who had at tacked Panama , to seize the city of Colon. He levied forced loans and collected a mixed force , which caused much apprehension among the merchants and citizens. On March 23 tLo the Pacific Ma'l steamer Colon arrived with arms and ammunition. Preston demanded these munitions , and upon the refusal of th demand by the Pacific -Mail otlicere , ho impris oned them. He scut word to the commander of the Galena that these prisoners would bo released If the munitions were delivered to him and they would be shot if the marines were lauded. Commander Kuiic then took charge of Colon In the name of the United States. Preston subsequently had an engagement outside the city the troops from Panama and was defeated , the Pacific : JIail oiliecrs escaping during the light. About noon on the SOth men from Panama numberIng - Ing some 120 advanced upon the town and a heavy fire ensued. The scene in the town heir- gars description. Bullets were Hying In all cll- rtctious , and the terrified populac" , abandon ing their homes and fortunes , w re seeking safely in flight. Tiic town was entirely con structed of wood , and the bullets passed through the houses as if they had bccu card board. When defeat became certain to Pres ton the fires commenced. Many declare that Preston personally fired the go vernmuit house , where the first fire originated. Preston is now together with a companion a close. T rlsoner on board the ( Jalsna. Directly one fife started a dozen were set in different directions. A strong wind was blowing , and a p. .demoulum of fire , robbery , shooting and misery ensued. All who , could , fled on board the ships. Few saved anything , and thousands Hocked to the new town lately built by the caual company on the ground they have formed at the entrance to the ca nal. while others took refuge in a few houses which remained standing ou the bcich. Tha machine shop and round house of the latter company were saved but an iinnicns quantity of rolling stock was destroyed , together with local merchandise and trausit cargoc3. The United States marines and sailors are report ed to have acted admirably. Troops from the English euuboat Lilly were a'so landed and assisted in keeping guard , but were with drawn after the canal company had formed a guard for the protection ot their houses and property whicti had remained Intact. This guard caught many plunderers , as did also the men of the Gale'na. All caught red-hand ed were iinmediatelv tried and on the follow ing day shot. Fifty-eight persons , amoui ; whom it Is belicv < .d were several hmocr-iit per sons , were thus summarily dispatched. Dur ing the L'gbt between the troops which wont hence and Preston's people some twenty or thirty were killed , while many more were wounded. All these were burned during the fire , and the charred remains of allyutcricmu- bi'r the streets. Flames flashed through houses , in hundreds of which pow der , alcohol , liquors aud general merchandise were stored in immense quantities , and the frequent explo sions from which added terror to thu scene. The panic stricken populace were almost with out provisions or water for two days. The Panama Railroad Company's supcrinU-ntlent , Mr. G. A. Burt , and the dircct'ir-gcneral of the Canal Company , Mr. Jules Dingier , have done everything in their power to alleviate the mis ery and d stress , aud vessels in the bay of all nationalities were freely opened to "tho re fugees. Whilst the troops recklcs'ly sent from here by General Gonima to fight in the streets of Colon were thus lending to the destruction of that town , the streets of Panama were re- souudiug with rifle shots. Conferences had been held duriugthe previous days by the com mission sent here to discuss matters'with Gen. Aizpare. He , however , demanded the uncon ditional surrender of Guiiima , which wn finally accomplished after some further s J'J EOKO 1'XKL'JlOXfA IXJIISSO UKT. H'/itit the Commissioner of Ar/ririillure Says Cancrrniny the 1'litijiiK. An Associated Press reporter asked the commissioner of agriculture' lor information icspecting the outbreak of pleuro pneumo nia iu Missouri. He Bald in reply that the liscase had thus far been confined to a single county , and mat the people ot the state were icting energetically and intelligently for its . radication. Their gieat dilliculty was the ack of funds. He thought the legislature of Missouri ought to be called together to make more liberal provisions to m : ct this erner ? cncy , but there was doubt whether itmem jers had been educated up to the point of taking the only efficient means possible for ho suppression of this scourge. It was , he s-id. a fact that no outbreak of this disease , either in the United States or ai > roa-l , had ex er jpcn suppressed without government aid. The bureau of animal industry ot the depart ment , wlnle rendering invaluable services , etill lacked the power under the former in- terpremtioiis ot the law to take the s-tep'- which experience proved to be the most ef- 'ective in case.s ol this kind. There was no cnown way of suppressing pleuro pneumonia but by killing eveiy animal which had been either effected or exposed. Having been tilled they should bo buried deeply , tides and all , for the disorder was communicable after death. 'Jhe original law establishing the bureau of am- nal industry gives authnritv for the expendi- ure ot"sucli portion of the annual nppropria- ion as may be necessary for invest ( rations uid quarantine , but does not in direct terms authorize the expenditures of money to help > ay for cattle to be tilled. Mr. Coleinan is ol he opinion that inasmuch as death only means disinfection where plctuo-pr.cumonia s concerned , a fair interpretation of the law vould sanction the expend.tureot" portion ofv \ : appropriation for this purpose. He ntend ; to lay the matter before Attorney- jeneral Garland for an opinion. Tticinsid- ous and alarming nature of the infection van , lie said , illustrated l > y the origin of the- jresent outbreak. A young bull was pur chased in Ohio or Illinois and taken to Mis- ouri. It was suggestcl as a pot-sibility at he time of purchase that the animal ba < l ieen exposed to plcuro-pneuuionia andTor his reason it was quarantined thre-e months. Tfier whicti it was allowed to run with u herd Lelonginpto the insaue asylum. Almost im- nediately the hcid became disinfected. The entire herd has been slaughtered , about 1W animals being killed , but the com in sooner thinks many more should be fncrificcd. In the expenditure , said the commissioner , or § .7 > .0 ( 0 now may save us nn epidemic which will perhaps cos1' h.'t'f ' a million to suppress twoor three weeks hence. E CHICAGO ELECTION Fll.1 UDS. OneJlallot Jiojc Stolen Controls and Hrcouitti .Voir in Order. Chicago dispatch : The situation growing out of the close municipal election contest in this euy has been compl.cated by the theftot the bitliot box of the third precinct of the third ward. The box was stored in a livery stable ou Twenty-aecon i strett , where the balloting occurred , but the store rrom was broken into and the box carried off. The precinct returned .775 for Smith and 2W for Harris .11 and the theft Is suppised to have been lor the purpose of concealing some ir regularities. The matter has been in ihe- hands of detectives , and it is ru more J that some of the uuilty parties are known. The republicans have < 'ecided to contest Mr. Har rison's ele. tion and Mr. Harrison declares he himsell wishes a recount , and says he believes the recount will increase his majority. The fact of the robbery of the ballot bo.Y natura ly occasioned great excitement In po litical circles , in view of the recent exposure of the Eighteenth ward frauds. Detectives have been put upon the case imd the follow ing facts appear to have been d.scovertd. A coupe was enjruged by a saloon-keeper named Connell. about lour o'clock thw morning , the liriver beiug ordered to go to the corner of ? tate and ' 1 wenty-second streets and wait lor i passenger , bhortly altcrward a man bear ing what was undoubtedly a ballot , box ap peared and entered t he coupe. He was driven ; o the corner of Halstead and Forty-first jtreeis , where he entered a saioon and disapt liearcd. No arrest * have been made. 'lh- oss of tbe ballots seriously allecib there-ule an the mayoralty and iroutii thicagcatteito General Grant deeply regrets the fact that ic is obliged to leave "his war memoirs in au infinisbed state. There are reported to be nearly or quite on mndred farmers' alliances iu Dakota and. core forming. I'- - ,