McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, April 23, 1885, Image 1
McOooK WEEKLY TRIBUNE VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , APRIL 23 , 1885. NUMBER 47. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE MeCook , Nebraska. 0. L. LAWS , Scatter. C. F. BA2COCE , Sccdvcr. Omci : Iloniis : From 0 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GEO. B. JOHNSTON , PROP. , MACFAHLAND ST11EET , : McCOOK , NEB. A now hotel just completed , and fitted up with nqw furniture throughout. Kates reas onable. COCHllAN & HELM , ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENTS , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention Riven to Law Cases In nil the Courts of the State and all classes of U. S. Land lluslncas transacted before the local olllce at McCook. Nebraska , and the Interior Department nt WfuhlnKton , U. C. Contests a specialty. Will proa- ccute claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of Pensions. Notarial business done find lands bought nnd sold on reasonable terms. tSr"01Uce 1st door south of the U. S. Land OIHce. 3.29 THOS. GOLFER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTAKY PUBLIC. Ajront for the Lincoln Land Company. Heal Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. e , Opposite Postollicc , McCook , Neb. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , RED WILLOW COUNTY. Keeps certified plats of all lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence 3-23- solicited. - _ J. E. GASTBERG. DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR , AND CIVIL ENGINEER. CSyGovernmont Claims Located and Sur veyed. Correspondence solicited. Olllce , op posite Menard's Opera Hall , McCook , Neb. Dn. A. J. SHAW , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 5301h'ce for the present in the Stanton Holla building , in rear of Citizens Bunk. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , NEBRASKA. McCOOK , - - tSfOfflco at Churchill House. DR. A. J. WILLBY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. JOHN P. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Jobbing will receive prompt attention at my shop on Dennlson St. , opposite McCook House. Plans and specifications furnished If desired. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooK , - NEBRASKA. C A11 work guaranteed. Give me a call. WILLIAM : MCINTYRE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA. All vrork warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crjlng nlth pain of cut- tins teeth ? If so. send at once and get a bottle of H : Visdsw's Ssctkise Syiap fcr Children Tcelhfcg. Its value Is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon It , mothers , there Is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea , regulates the stomach and bowels , cures wind colic , softens the gums , reduces Inflammation , nnd plves tone and energy to the whole system. Mr : . WhsUv's Sccthns Syrsp fcr Children Teethfcg 5s pleasant to the taste , and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians In the United States , aua is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 23 cents a bottle. kfor working people. Send 10 cts. post- gage , and we will mail you fiee , a ruyal , valuable sample box of poods that will put you In the way of making more money hi u few days than you cer thought possible nt any butmcss. Capital not required. Yoncanlhc at home and work in spare time only , or all the time. All of both sc.\es , of all ages , grandly successful 50 cts. to ? 3 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test the business , we make this un paralleled offer : To all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pa > for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars , directions , etc. , sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all w ho start at once. Don't delay. Address STIKSON & CO. . Portland. Malu : . 3-29 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THE WEST SAT.VE in the world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers. Salt Ithcum , KevcrSores , Tetter , Chap ped Hands , Chilblains , Corns and all Skin Eruptions , and poslth cly cures Piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at METROPOITAN DRUG STORE. TIEED. That tired , languid feeling : , with loss of am bition and strength is caused by impure blood and poor circulation. Begg's Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will cleanse the blood , create a new supply and restore health and vigor. One hundred doses for one dollar and warrant ed by S. L. Greeu and M. A. Spalding- . DO YOU KNOW , _ T T _ , rn TT A rp , _ , -I---T- . LORILLARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Ked Tin Ta r : Ee Lif Fine Cut Che win jr ; N 7 ClppiiSS , and Black , Brown and Yellow Bsoffs urc the best and cheapest , quality considered ? V aundry Irons , evels , Ladders , etter ( Boxes , Lead , og Chains , Locks , Lagg Screws , Lines , Lariat ( Pins , Latches. ( Bows , Yoke ( Bows , eke ( Bows , ekes , Ox Yokes , Yokes , Ox Yokes , Yokes , Ox Yokes. Knives , Table , Tea ( Pots , ea ( Pots , Kettles , ape Lines , Twine , Toilet Sets , Twine , Tin Trunks , Tongs. T ard Cans , I oaders Shell , I B eaders Cattle , U afh Hatchets , Ladles , Lifters , Level Glass , Levels. ' 1 Ibows , J xpansive ( Bits , nd Gate ( Rods , ' - * xtractors , Shell , Emery , Cloth/Paper , Everything in line. ells ( Belts , utter ( Bowls , rackets , ( Bits , ill Head Boxes , ( Bird Cages , ( Bolts , ( Bread ( Boxes , ( Bittts. acks , Card , akes , ( Rings , ingers , Hog , azors ( Reamers , ( Rasps , ( Rat Traps , ( Rope , ( Rules , ( Rods. Hers , peners , Can , x ( Bow ( Pins , 1 yster Ladles , Ovens , Ovens , Ovens , Oil Cans and Stoves. taples , Spades , kates , Scrapers , \prings \ , Shelters , ieves , Steel Yards , Scales , Scoops , Shoes , Saws , hand & X = cut. illlTIS OF S. W. NEBRASKA FOE Stoves and Tinware. Carpenters'and ' Blacksmiths' TOOLS I TOOLS ! STEEL NAILS OF - : - ALL - : - SIZES. Iron , Steel andlWagon Timbers. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. The Only Place in Red Willow County where you can buy one of the World Renowned GOLD COIN Cooking Stoves and Ranges , AGENTS FOR THE 0BLBBRATBD BAIN WAGONS AND SPUING WAGONS. BOTH IKON AND WOOD. Lead and Iron Pipe and Pipe Filings. MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet Iron and Copper Ware A SPECIALTY. THE BOSS PLACE IN THE WEST FOR - : - SPOT - : - GASH AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION , "And Don't You Forget It , " IS AT LYTLE BROS. , JIoCOOK , ( Opposite Citizen's Bank , ) NEB. . McCRAQKElN , THE RELIABLE JEWELER , MeGOOK , NRBRASKA. tr1 t- o -3 LARGE ASSORTMENT fl 11 Jq lUli ALWAYS ON EAHD AT THE VERY Engraving Free of Charge. \ OUR EXPOSITION LETTER. Among the impressive paintings it thfi Art Gallery "Waiting for Mon te/uma" by Tavsemier. It derives it interest from the pathetic tradition o the simple Axtec people , who are hen represented as looking forward to the coining of him who was to be theii Messiah , a dream rudely broken ant dispelled by the conquering and mer cenary Spaniard. It is somewhat re markable that artists in all ages have drawn their most interesting subjects from the religious traditions of the people , and as in the "Last Supper , ' the work before us illustrates one oi the most affecting incidents or tradi tions of the people who , until disturb ed by the incursions of a "more relig ious race , " are believed to have lived in the devoted practice of the best principles of all religions , observing the golden rule , and ever repaying the vindictive and monstrous cruel ties of the bigoted and blood-thirsty invaders with offices of kindness and mercy. At least this picture impress es the spectator with such an estimate of the character of the Aztecs. Far different in scene and senti ment is Mignot's "Niagara , " the large canvas painting of an American won der by an American artist. Ilere power , majesty and beauty are blend ed ; mountains of seething waters , whose irresistible plunge over the lofty ledge to the awful depth below , startle the beholder , reassured and composed when he sees the foaming billows changing into gentle waves , flowing peacefully away , crowned and encir cled by a thousand different rainbow hues. Louis Remy Mignot , the artist , although an American , spent most of his life abroad , and died in London fifteen years ago , leaving this immor tal imaije of the eternal Niagara as a rich legacy to Ins - countrymen and the world. In the contemplation of what is really beautiful and instruct ive here , the regret that the whole people are unable to see and study them , is always uppermost in the cor respondent's mind ; about as profita- bje an investment as the government cutfidTiave made would have been an appropriation to have leased the rail roads three months to carry every one to the Exposition free of charge.for after bread and butter are secured of what value is money as compared with knowledge and mental cultiva tion 'i But let us stop moralizing and go over to the states. o "By their fruits we shall know them , " is , I believe , the way it reads in the Bible , and it is thus that the several states make themselves known in this Exposition. In this way , our most southern state , Florida , is pro claiming to the world her matchless character and advantages. There is but one Florida , and the Orange is her Queen , with a most attractive co terie of attendants the fig , lemon , pine-apple , grape , fruit , lime , etc. , while every vegetable , berry , and vine known to the world , flourish in her genial soil and climate , not to men tion sugar-cane , cotton and many other crops. Thousands of northern people have founded pleasant winter residences in "The Italy of America , " and it' is a rare thing to hear of any one who is dissatisfied with his invest ment. A newspaper paragraph re cently noticed the fact that 'Rev. Charles Beecher , of Elmira , N. Y. , had been down there recently , gather ing his orange crop , while his sister , ilso , Mrs. Stowe , spends her winters gathering and enjoying the fruits of ber fine plantation in the same state , together with hundreds of others from the eastern and other northern states. The influx of people seeking homes in Florida is very large , her cheap lands , rare productions and mild cli mate , having charms which few people ple can resist , after a brief , acquaint- ince with them. To the man of limit ed means wishing to make a certain investment , no states offer greater op portunities than the peninsula. While : he climate is such as to make living comparatively cheap and easy , the lature of her products is such that ; he demand constantly keeps pace tvith the increased supply , and so long is a first-class orange sells for five ; ents , there is no danger of a glut in ; he market ; even a really good apple , ifter centuries of cultivation , cannot je bought in New Orleans to-day , for .GSS , while the best oranges on sale lere , also bring GO cents per dozen. Besides , such is the constantly increas- ng demand for winte ; residences and jranfje 3 groves in Flonda , that so soon is one is established in any fairly good pcality , it can be readily disposed of it usually double its cost. Thegrow- ng of figs , lemons , pine-apples , ber- ies and early vegetables , is likewise rery profitable , as the state's exhibit jere slvows ; grain and grasses of all - ( CONCLUDED OX EIUIITJI V E R Y B O D Y > _ IV VN W > > XV. jrQ _ ) J/Cj * ' LxA/TOUR.E FOR Studebaker and Moline WAQONS , JOHN DEERE PLOWS , , Etc. You will save money by writing or ask ing for prices before buying. In Southwestern Nebraska or Northwestern Kansas. TWO DOORS SO UTH OF P. 0 , , " MeGOOK - - - . , NEBRASKA. THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK DOES A GENERAL Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-Eesidents. .Money to loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe , C032BSEOKSSNC3 : 1 J. W. DOLAX. President. First National Bank , Lincoln , Neb I V. FRANKLIN Yice-Presitlent. The Chase National Bank , New York. , - 0HEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR Power , Simplicity , Durability. Estimates made of Mill and Pump complete upon application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSE This minis a "solid wheel" and the best self-regulator made. The Wooilinause Xo. C. Pump la the t > e-t tlnjrlc act Ins forei- pump In the market. "Will v.-ork In wells from 10 : < > 2UO feet In f.r ; > th. and lint > b ick attachments to force water Into eli-.ated tanks. Can Inn cd by hand or windmill. Parties rontemplatintr tl.e rrertion if r. Windmill will con-nit their best Interests by calling at my IIont- : < : -Md. 1V > miles X.V. . of McCook , oral 15. Johnston's. 3 miles ; - . i ; . . and it Hewitt's Market Garden , S. E. of Mcl'ooK , and enamfne the workfln tf the "Wocxlmause. W. M. IRWIN , Agent , Woodmanse "Windmill Co. . Preeport , 111. [ INCORPORATED UNDER , STATE LAW. ] McCook , Nebraska. Paid up Capita ! , $50,000. DOES A GENERAL - : - - : - BANKING BUSINESS , Receives and Pays Deposiies. Buys and Sells Exchange en New York. Chicago and Omaha , and all ihe principal cities of Europe. FIRE' INSURANCE WRITTEN LN RELIABLE CO.'S. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : rSOSOS EOC2T2LL , President. A. CAHT22LL , E. CHr. S. IT. ? 22S3 , 7i:8-IrcJe = i , ( Of Frees & llocknell. ) ( Assistant Sui > t. 1) . & 31. ) ( Of Klr'jj farpenier Co. , Chicago. )