n'Wf.ii.i- . . T. 3VT ; AT THE NewYork Millinery Store % / Has a Handsome Assortment of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets IN THR IAAXRST STYLRS. EMBROIDERIE ! 'S ' COLLARS ' 5 UBIBEaBJllbiiV W UUkkflllVj , VEILINGS AND GLOVES. New Style of Hair Goods , Fine and Well Selected Assortment of Black Colored Laces Irish Point Embroidery , And Many Other Things too Numerous to Mention. DOMAIN AVENUE , SOUTH OF CHURCHILL HOUSE. BUSIM IS INES3 PIKE'i ES YARD , MeCOOK. NEBRASKA. GOOD GRADES OF LUiWBER AT BOTTOM PRICES And Casli in your jeans , makes business lively with us. For proof of wliicli notice our stencil mark flying over the town and country. Thanking the Public for the very generous patronage received , we h still remain , ready to se ve you , PIKE INDIANOLA. & HAZEN , H. W. PIKE. LUDWI0K & TROWBRIDGB , JSTOVES , TINWARE , , A GENERAL LINE OF MzitirQQQ&c ? T&hI0Q main 60000 $ I dUaoo ? i ALSO DO GENERAL JOB WORK IN Tin , Sheet Iron # Copper Ware. Dent Fai ! to Gal ! i9 Examine Our Goods. Street MeCook Neb. West Dennison , - - , p > MAT-HEx © JL JL JL J.SL. JL JL J L A V ) PROPRIETOR OF itnpi rj . 5 O O2 -4- > 4CO r3o PQ J. P. MATHES , Proprietor , McCOOK , NEB J17STVIIAT K' Anvil , VIe , Cut- \v.\jrr. oft Tool. Tlicbent for Farm & Home use. Either size , $ t.r o , so. ? o.r.o. t.ent Frctelit Paid on receipt of price. If jour hardware . KM , dealer does not 5050L keep them. Good Agents wanted. 311y CHENEY ANVIL & VISE CO. , DETE01T , MICH. IMP02TAKT. " \Tlicn you visit or leave ! C < ; w York City , MVO Bag- RIRC , Kxpressape and Carriage Hire and gtn ] > nt tlic Grand Union Hotel , opposite Grand Central Depot. Klegant rooms fitted up at n cost of one million dollars , reduced to $1.00 and upwards per day. Euro pean plan. Elevator. Kes > taurfltit Mippllvd with tlic best. Horse car. ' , stages snd elevated railroad to nil depots. Kainllliis mil Hvu licttcr for les money at the Grat'd Union Hotel than at any other JirM.-class | hotel In the city 3-31 'Wonderful ! A\V do not know of nny medicine that has an fiiil i > jinJarUy , in such a irliort time , for the instant re'irf t > ? rrniKlin nml norvnci-s in the IIIIIKS , ns WCGGS' CllEKUV t OUGH 3YIIU1 * . It U mild and pleasant to take and will not Injure tha most delicate Infant. Simple bottles free at S. L. Green's and JI. A. Spalding's. DO YOU KNOW - THAT - LORILLAED'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Hctl Tin Tn < r : 2 o Leif Fine Ciit Chewinp ; Nary Clpjirg : , and Black , Urown nnd Yellow Csz2s arc the best and cheapest , quality considered ? morc money thannt onythlnRClsebytaklnB t J\Jaiiascncy for the best selling book ont. ' ' snccecil craiiilly. Ken fall. Term * free. JIALLKTT 15001C CO. , Portland , Maine. tccn horses cut , thrcHli , and lay dowi ready lor market , the grain from a for ty acre lot , in one day , and repeat tin operation as long as a single field re mains to be harvested. In addition t < grain production , the state produces I with equal facility neb alone all the semi tropical fruits1 , the vines , etc. , but th < hardier fruits and vegetables ofinon northern countries. A few items of interest to people it search of new homes , may here be pui 'down concerning California. It ha ; 1 within its limits an area of 155,00 tsqunri miles , or 99,000,000 acres , being th < ! second largest state in the Union i There are yet within her borders 43 , 000,000 acres of unentered free govern j mcnt land , of which one-half are suita ' blc for one or another agricultural pur ! pose , and on which any entcrprisim man with a fe\v hundred dollars cat lay the foundation of an indcpendcii fortune. The Southern Pacific Hail way Company has large areas of lam yet unoccupied , of unequaled fertility ranging in price from § 2,50 upward : per acre , most of which is for sale a from $2.50 to § 20 , and is readih doubled in valuation by occupation anc civilization. Contrary to popular notion , the company is anxious to dispose o these lands in small quantities to actua settlers , and discourages speculators who wish to buy great bodies of lane only to hold it for "a raise , " giving preferences in all cases , and cspccia terms and advantages to the actual set tier. To settlers lands are sold for casher or payable in five annual or ten semi annual payments , with seven per cent , interest , and in many cases buyers have realized enough from the crops in om single year to pay for the land. WASHINGTON LETTER. N , D.C. , April 12 , ' 85 The Pennsylvania Railroad Compa ny , which takes the initiative in every thing pertaining to the safety anc comfort of railroad passengers in this country , is now disputing England' ; supremacy as to the matter of speed The trains on the Great Western Kail- way , from London to Liverpool , an nihilate the distance at the rate o fifty miles an hour , exclusive of stops but what will Mr. Bull and the resi of the world say when they learn thai the Pennsylvania Central road whirls its passengers from New York to Chicago cage , ( a good thousand miles ) ii twenty-four hours including stops ; By the schedule that went into eilecl last Sunday , the great cities of the east are thus placed within twenty- four hours with the metropolis of the west , and tin's wonderful achievement is accompanied by the most positive guarantees of comfort as well as per fect safety. Neither pains nor ex pense have been spared in the adop tion of every possible means to insure passengers against accident , so thai the inauguration of this new enter prise is destined to secure for this line the continuance of that popularity that its admirable management in the pasl has won from the whole traveling public. In view of the enormous frauds that have been committed in the preemption tion of the public lands throughout the country , the Commissioner of the General Land Office has suspended the issuance of any more land patents in the greater portion of the public land States west of the Missouri , and has absolutely and indefinitely sus pended patents for the desert and tim ber culture entries every where. Un der this order of the new Commis sioner , it would seem that the only le gal way to get hold of the public do main is by the instrumentality ol scrip , for which there must necessari ly follow a very lively demand. There are several classes of scrip that can be used for locating public lands in any quantities and in all localities where lands arc subject to homesteader or pre-emption entry , the principle cf which is the Soldiers' Additional Homestead Scrip , which is also the cheapest and best for locating pur poses. There is but little of this scrip afloat now , and this little is lim ited to the hands of a very few deal ers in Washington City , who antici pate a bountiful harvest. The Senatorial junketing parties for the summer that had been laid cut under the miserable pretense that they are for the promotion of the pub lic interests , have come to naught through the instrumentality of old man Van Wyck , who has.lately been stirring up the Republican galoots of the Senate with a very pointed stick. Mr. Van AYyck is a veritable Miss Nancy in appearance , but he has abundantly shown his ability to hold his own in a lip contest with some of the best men in the Senate. The grand army of political hacks and dead beats that have found their way into the Treasury department in the capacity of special agents , is to be completely broken up and scattered. Secretary Manning's attention was called early in the hours of the new administration to the useless and ex pensive host of scalawags who for years have done nothing under Heav en but draw their salaries and play into the hands of the very men they were set to watch. In fact these fel lows had so much influence with the last administration that neither Arthur nor his Secretary of the Treasury could find it possible to lop them off. DOM PEDKO. STOC DIRECTORY. STOKES & TROTH. P.O. address , Csirrico , Hayes county. Noli. Kiuijro : lied Willow creek , sibovc Currico. Stock branded lit above Also run the luzy CM brand. 11EN11Y T. CnUIlCII. PostoHicc.Opborn , Neb , Utilise : J ed Willow creek , in S. W. corner o ) Frontier county. Cattle branded 0 L 0 on right side. Also , an over crop on right eat and under crop on left. Tforses branded 3 ou right shoulder. GEORGE J. FREDERICK. Postollice address , Me- Cook , Nebraska. Hunch : Four miles southwest of McCook , on the Driftwood. Stock branded AJ on the left hip. JOSEPH ALLEN. Postoflicn address , Os- born , Nebraska. Itaneh on Ked Willow creek , V mile above Os- born postoiliec. * Cattle branded on right side and hip as above. 34 New U. S. Cattle Ranche Co. , Limited. Stock brand : Circle on left shoulder , also dew lap and a crop and under hull'crop on Icl'tear.aml iicrop and under bit in the rijrht. Itaneh on the Republican. I'ostoflicu address , Max , Dmidy county , Neb. PAXTON CATTLE CO. J. B. McsEiivi : , General Manager. Postollice address , Ale- Cook , Neb. l anch : At Spring Canyon on tlic Frenchman Kivor , Chase county , Nebraska. Stoelcbranded us above ; also 717 on left side ; 7 . ' on . the right hip and L on _ _ - ; : wvs * jn < aM > - the ritrlil shoulder ; Lonleit shoulder and A on loft Ijnw. Half under-crop left ear , and square-crop right ear. JOHN F. BLACK. roil SALE. Five im proved , Deeded Farms of 1GO acres each all in a body , with Farm Houses tand other improvements Under good cultivation. Timbe'r and water and hay land. Convenient to good school privileges. ' Situated on Republican Iliver , near mouth of Red Willow Creek. Callon.T.F.HInckcm prem ises , , or address him at Red Willow , Neb. SPUING CHEEK CATTLE CO. J. D. WEUIOKN , Vice President and Supt. P. O. address , Indiano- la , Nebraska. Range : Republican Valley , east of Dry Creek , and near head of 1 Spring ; Creek , in Chase county , Nebraska. EATON BROS. & CO. P. O. address , JlcCook , Nebraska. Range , south -McCook. . Cattle branded on left hip. Also , ] Q , 5 , V and 11 brands on left hip. Horses branded the same on left shoulder. Our Opinion. After sclliiiK numberless preparations , we arc con vinced that BEGGS' TKOPICAL OIL Is uncqnaleil. For pain , cuts , bruises , ihcumatlsm , 1 rust bites , chil blains , etc. , it Is warranted by S. L. Green and M. A Spaldins. BARBRR - : - SHOP. GO TO A. P. SHARP'S FOR A FIRST-CLASS SHAVE OR HAIR CUT , HOT AND GOLD BATHS SHORT NOTICE. 23 ? Ladies' and Children's IJair Dressing a specialty. 'sst ' in theWorld DRUG STOR McCOOK , NEBRASKA. M.'A. SPALDING , Proprietor , ALSO HANDLE RCANS , SE.WING MACHINES , Paints , Oils and Wall Paper. . L. TAYLOR , DRUGGIST. MACY. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OFX FINE TOILET ARTICLES , Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. Paints , Oils , Dye Sttfs , Paint Brushes. Kalsomine , Turpentine , Lead , Putty , Window Glass , Etc. A Fine Line of Cigars Constantly in Stock , Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , .Day or Night. McCOOK : NEBRASKA , - - , SPANOGLE & PINKER , 'DEALRRSIN ' Agricultural Implements ! / WAGONS & BUGGIE.S. Tubular Wells , Pumps , Wind Mills a Specialty. WE ALSO HAVE A CHOICE LOT OF SEED 00KN , MILLLET & SORGHUM SEED McCOK , COE. RAILROAD AND MAIN STS. NEB. . FREES & HOCKNELL , PROPRIETORS OF THE DEALERS IN Lumber , Lime , Kement , Sash , Doors , Blinds , * HARD AND SOFT COAL , YARDS AT McCGOK , INDIAHOLA , CAMBRIDGE , ARAPAHOE , AND OXFORD. Superior to nny ou the m.irhrt , ln-Jnj ; Hi-ailcr. Stronger Uullt . anil therefore a more Duraliie Mill. It Is the only . absolutely Kifc Mill I > ulltj.inil out of Thousands Erected ] During 12 . Years past. not one ha ex'er blown away and left the Tower . . stautlln A record no other Mill can show. AVe offer to put npanyofoar ri.MJXC MH.Lb ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't give satisfaction , wilt rnimtr Mil ! at our . own cxpenae. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Kucil Mil ! ? , Com Shollers. Iron Pumps with hras cylinders. Iron Pipe , Tanks. Tor estimates' , catalogues and prices , apply to G. 15. NETTLETOK , McCook , i\eJ > . , AoCiit lor Southwestern Nebraska and Nortuwcsteru Kamaj.