McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, April 16, 1885, Image 7

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    Brown Bread.
Ideas nro buds tJuvt may blossom
nnd bear fruit on the trco of knowl
If the inventor of the spring bed
\ had a grudge against all mankind ,
the filling of his caveat overdrew the
Heaven never gels much nearer to a
roan than the adjoining county , while
the other place is often in the sauio
There is said to bo no profanity in
Japan. This makes it clear that old
John Robinson's circus has not yet
struck that empire.
About the only reference to base
ball in holy writ that wo re
member is where Rebecca goes to the
right field with a pitcher. The right
Held for water.
You may have youth , beauty ,
health , spirits , everything that can
gladden the soul and charm the
senses , and yet feel like an ordinary
human being when you find a hair in
the butter.
uAt some point in the career of every
human soul yawns a chasm that seems
impassable. One of these ditches
confronts the young wife when
she lirst opens her eyes to the
fact that she can't cook" like some
body's mother ,
k There is a power of comfort In hav
ing worked for and secured an
.ndcpendcnt living , but a man is
not going to secure one unless ho
wants it bad , and that is the trouble
with many of. thorn they don't wan't
it that bad.
The skating rinks are now catching
it right and left , from the churches-
saloons , and newspapers ; but married
men are beginning" discover that
they are doing real solid missionary
.vork after all , in warming the feet of
{ .heir women.
The human voice in its sweetness
and purity * is dclicioasly musical ;
but in spite of all that it grouts a
man to have his xyifo chipping in with
' I told you so , " whenever he makes
known an unfortunate condition of
affairs brought about by his own mis
Man is never quite satisfied with his
condition. There is something within
him that spurs him to renewed exertion
whenever the goal of one hope is gain
ed and another looms in view ; but
when he beats a sharper in a horse
trade the bird of content is iluttoring
near him. Chicago Ledger.
John Phoenix's Famous Fight.
A rumor had reached our ears that
the editor had arrived. Public anxiety
had been excited to the highest pitch to
witness the result of the meeting be
tween us. It had stated publicly that
he would whip xis the moment he ar
rived ; but , though we thought a con
flict probable , we had never been very
sanguine as to its terminating in this
manner. Coolly we gazed from the
window of the oflice upon the New
Town road. We observed a cloud of
dust in the distance ; high above it
waved a whip-lash , and we said the
editor cometh , and his driving is like
that of Jehu , the son of Nimshi , for ,
ho driveth furiously. Calmly we seat
ed ourselves in the armchair and con
tinued our labor upon our magnificent
Pictorial. Anon a step , a heavy step ,
rras heard upon the stairs , and the
editor stood before us. We rose , and
with an unfaltering voice , said : "Well ,
how do you do ? " He made no reply ,
but commenced taking off his coat.
Wo removed ours , also our cravat.
The sixth and last round is described
by the pressmen and compositors as
having been fearfully scientific. We
held the editor down over the press
by our nose ( which we had inserted
between his teeth for that purpose ) ,
and while our hair was employed in
holding one of his hands , we held the
other in our left , and with the sheep's
foot brandished above our head , shout
ed to him : "Say , Waldo" ( the Whig
canditate. ) "Never ! " he gasped. At
this moment we discovered that we
had been laboring under a misunder
standing. We write this while sitting
without any clothing , except our left
stocking , and the rim of our hat en
circling our neck like a ruff of the
Elizabethan era , that article of dress
having been knocked over our head at
an early stage ot the proceedings , and
the crown subsequently torn off ; while
the editor is sopping his eye with cold
water in the next room , a small boy
standing beside the suffer with a basin ,
and glancing with interest over the
advertisements on the second page of
the San Diego Herald , a fair copj' of
which was struck off upon the back of
his shirt at the time we held him over
the press. Phcenixiana.
' Look.
The I'm-to-be-Photographed
It is the hardest thing in the world
to get some tolks into any kind of a
natural position , or expression of
countenance. They will put a kind of
' look their
I'm-to-be-photographed on
faces when they come into the gallery
and it generally slays there. Then
the way some women dress ! They
have an idea that the more colors they
get on , the better they look , and the
result is that when they see their pho
tograph and the curious effect pro
duced by the colors , they'll blame the
photographer , though we always tell
them beforehand. Nearly all persons
look better in a picture than in real
ity , except those having clear com
plexions. Some ladies , for instance ,
would be considered beautiful in side
view of their features , while a front
view is decidedly disappointing. Oi
course , in photographing them , we
take the side view. Some look better
with a hat on and some in full out
door costume. .But there is one thing
you may not know , and that is very
few ladies look well photographed in
white , yet the only pictures many
have taken are in their graduation or
wedding dresses. Rochester Democrat-
The late Prof. James Clark Maxwell , of Cam
bridge university , England , said on his death
bed to a friend : U01d chap , I hare read np
many queer religions ; there is nothing like
the old thing , after all. I have looked into
most philosophical systems , and I hare seei
none that -will work without a God. "
In Portland , Me. , 994 boys have voluntarilj
signed the triple pledge against intoxicatiiif
liquor.tobacco , and profanity.
_ _ _
To the Public ;
In view of the harmful results which
so frequently attend the use of so-called
patent or proprietary cough sj'rups
containing morphia , opium and other
equally dangerous drugs , the under
signed , physicians of Maryland , take
pleasure in endorsing the ofiicial opin
ions expressed by the Commissioner of
Health of Baltimore ; Dr. Samuel K.
Cox , analytical chemist , of Washing
ton , and other authorities to the effect
that the RED STAK COUGH CUKE is not
only a perfectly harmless , but at the
same time an original and most effec
tive remedy , and that it commends it
self alike for being entirely vegetable
free from opiates , poisons and narcotics
and for its prompt efficacy , as dem
onstrated by practical tests.
BALTIMOIIE , MD. , Feb. 12,1885.
C. FAU'CETT , ITI. ! . ,
For thirty-three years Rcildcnt
FJiyfcidaii Union Protestant In
St. Vincent's Hospital
J.D. FISKE , irr.
S. IE. IttOItSK , 31. D. ,
Itlarliie llospi'al.
I'hyslelun to Fire Department *
jAiTiE.s oiti : , ITI. D. ,
Ualllmorc County , Maryland.
Author of "Electro-Therapeutics , "
&c. , and ITIcmber ofJTIedlcnl Socie
ties or New York , Brooklyn and
For centuries it has been contended that a
cough medicine to be effective must contain
morphia , opium , or some other equally dan
gerous drug , and to-day nearly every cough
mixture in the market has for its base some
one of these 'l-ac31y poisons. A purely vege
table and at the same time cflicacious couyh
cure has been considered an impossibility. The
harmful and at times fatal results attending
the use of morphia and opium cough mixtures
are of common occurrence everywhere , and in
every part of the Union deaths have , accord
ing to the testimony of physicians and core
ners. resulted from the use of these dangerous
preparations. It is for this reason that medi
cal authorities and leading public men speak
so enthusiastically of the importance and value
of the discovery of Red Star Cough Cure.
Governor MeLaiie and Attorney-General
Roberts , of Maryland : Mayor Latfobe and
Postmaster -Adrcon , of Baltimore , and other
well-known ollieials of Federal , State and
municipal governments have publicly certified
to the harmlcssuess and marked ( llicacy of
Red Star Cough Cure. Every one will find it
a safe , sure cure. It is entirely free from
opiates , narcotics , emetics and poisons. It
leaves no bad ellects. It docs not derange the
system. It is pure , pleasant , prompt. Sold
by druggists and dealers in medicine through
out the United States at fifty cents a bottle.
Proprietors , Baltimore , Maryland.
A bill to prevent the adulteration of dairy
products has passed the Pennsjlvania senate.
Ahen-pecked man is not always shrewd.
Attorney-General Garland is fond of flowers.
Martin F. Tuppcr is now as poor as the av
erage poet.
A Good Breakfast.
Mrs. E. W. Carpenter , Overlee , Balti
more county , Maryland , writes : I was
greatly beneGtted by the ute of Red Star
Cough Cure , when suffering from a
severe cold. My cook was seriously
ill from a deep-seated cough. She had
consulted her doctor without relief. By
my advice she used the Cough Cure in
onnection with an external application
of St. Jacobs Oil to her side. In one
night the change wrought was most
gratifying and astonishing. In the
morning she was like a new person.
The two-and-a-half-years old son of Mr. D
Parrott , of Albion , while amusing itself play
ing , accidentally pulled a dish of hot grease
over on itself , "burning his chin , neck and
breast severely.
President Cleveland takes sugar and cream
with his strawberries.
Kate Field is revcr at a loss for a word. If
she can think of none to express her meaning
she coins one.
Throw Airay Trusses
and employ the radical , new method ,
guaranteed to permanently cure the
worst cases of rupture. Send two letter
stamps for references , pamphlet and
terms. World's Dispensary Medical
Association , 663 Main Street , Buffalo ,
The notorious Felix Constant and McDon
ald were hung at Bush Creek , near Benton ,
Montana , for horse stealing.
Hnlford Sauce Is capital for dlspcpttcs. Inval
uable to all good cooks
A favorite dessert with lawyers is sue it pud
WHEAT No.2 66 © G8&
BARLEY No.s 59 © 51
KVK No. 2 43 @ 4Si !
COHK No.3 mixed 26 © 2
OATS-NO. 2 22 @ 2 4
BuirEK Fancy creamery 28 > 30
BUTTEK Choice dairy 35 © 19
BUTTER Best country 11 @ 36
CHEESE Young America 34 © l4Ai
EGOS Fresh 10 © 3u4 !
ONIOKS Perbbl 250 © 275
CHICKENS Per doz. . alive. . . . 00 © S25
CHICKENS Dreseed , per lb. . . . 10 < & 11
APPLES Barrels 375 © 425
LEMONS Choice 350 © .375
BANANAS Choice 200 © 300
ORANGES Mesina 325 © 350
POTATOES Per bushel 40 © 45
SEEDS Timothy 19i ) © 200
SEEDS Blue Grass 130 @ 150
HAY Baled.per ton 650 © 700
HAY In bulk 6 00 © 7 00
WHEAT No. 2 red 93 © 9SH
WHEAT Unirraded red 86Ji © 1 OJ
CORN No.2. " 51 © 52
OATS Mixed western - Si © 40
PORK 1300 © J325
LABD 720 © 725
FLOUR Choice Winter 475 © 650
FLOUR Spring extra ! > 75 © 453
WHEAT Per bushel filtf © Bl
COHN Per bushel 43 © 43 > 4
OATS Per bushel 33 © 33rf
PORK .3200 © 1240
LARD 7i3j { © 715
HOGS Packing and shipping. 4 Gu © 4 80
CATTLE Stockers 340 © 420
SHEEP Medium to Rood SOD © 400
WHEAT No. 2 red 07H © 08
CORN Per bushel 42 © 43
OATS Per bushel - 32i ! © 33
CATTLE Bx ports 550 © 575
SHEEP Medium to extra 3 00 0 400
HOQS Packers 465 < tt 480
WHEAT Per bushel 74H ® 75
CORK Per bushel 34 ©
OATS Per bushel 30 ©
3ATTLK Exports 515 ti > 635
Uoas Medium to choice 430 & 450
KIIEKP i'airtogood 150 ( 325
The Lucky Man.
Gco. A. Spear , the lucky man who
ilrew the § 75,000 in the Louisiana State
lottery , was met by the Tribune scribe
last evening in the postoflice. He has
not changed any since the good news
came , with the possible exception that
his face is now often bedecked with
smiles. The wealth so suddenly heaped
upon him has not elevated his head
above the common herd , and he talked
to the reporter the same as he used to.
In answer to questions he said : "I will
'collect the money through the banks ,
the same as I would a draft , sending
the lottery ticket as a draft. As to my
future business , I am not fully decided
upon , but I will make no change dur
ing this cold weather anyway. I am
clerking in the store yet , just as though
nothing had happened. ' ' Say City
( Mich. ) Tribune , March 21.
Geo. A. Spear yesterday received a
New York draft for $74,850 , in pay
ment of his claim against the Louisiana
State Lottery. The exchange for col
lecting the $75,000 was $150. Bay City
( Mich. ) Tribune , March 27.
Mrs. Phelps , the wife of the new minister to
I'n 'land , is handsome , amiable and has a for
tune of her own.
Life in the Paris Sewers
is possible , for a short time to the robust ,
but the majority of refined persons
would prefer immediate death to exis
tence in their reeking atmosphere.
How much more revolting to be in one's
self a living server. But tnis is actually
the case with those in whom the inac
tivity of the liver drives the refuse mat
ter of the body to escape through the
lungs , breath , the pores , kidneys and
bladder. It is astonishing that life re
mains in such a dwelling. Dr. Pierce's
"Golden Medical Discovery" restores
normal purity to the system and renews
the whole being.
A Sandwich Island Princess , who is charged
with eating some of her suitors , Is said to love
them for themselves alone.
"Her face so fair , as flesh it seemed not ,
But heavenly portrait of bright angel's
hue ,
Clear as the sky , without a blame or
blot ,
Through goodly mixture of complexions
due ,
And in her cheeks the vermeil red did
show. "
This is the poet's description of a wo
man whose physical system was in a
I fectly sound and healthy state , with
every function acting properly , and is
the enviable condition of its fair patrons
produced by Dr. Pierce's "Favorite
Prescription. " Any druggist.
Some people's hearts arc shrunk in them like
dried nuts. You can hear 'em rattle as they
ralk. Douglas Jerrold.
Dairymen Prefer It.
Since the introduction of your Improved
Butter Color among my customers it has
given universal satisfaction. The leading
dairymen in this section who have used it
give it the preference over all other colors , of
whatever name or nature.
They are especially pleased with the fact
that it does not become rancid , like other oil
colors , and theirproduct brings highest prices
In market. W. 8. NAY , Druggist.
UNDERHILT , , VT. , April 5,1882.
The inventor of a llying machine is soarly tote
to be piticcL
The purest , sweetest and best Cod Liver Oil In the
world , manufactured from frcbh , healtliv livers , upon
the sea shore. It Is absolutely pure and sweet. Pa
tients who have once taken It prefer It to all others.
Physicians have decided It superior to any of the
other oils In market. Made by CASWELU HAZZAEU
& Co. , Jf cw i'ork.
Chapped Hands. Face. Pimples , and Rough Skin ,
cured by using .lunlper Tar Soup , made byG'ASWELL ,
HAZARD & Co , New York.
The boy whose hair is cut by his mother seldom
dom take's oil his hat when ttiere are any girls
Sprains , bruises , stiff joints , burns , scalds ,
and rheumatism ore relieved by Uncle Sam's
Nerve and Bone liniment. Sold by druggists.
Worms cause peevishness , fevers , convul
sions and frequently death. A pleasant , safe
and certain remedy is Dr. JAQUE'S GERMAN
WORM CAKES. Sold by all druggists.
Headaches , constipation , liver complaint ,
billiousness are cured by that mild , cleansing
remedy which never produces pain , ELLERFS
Sold by druggists.
An economical man will Keep the leather of
his harness soft and pliable , which preserves it i
from cracking or ripping. He always uses
Harness Makers.
One-third of all who die In active middle life
are carried oil by consumption. The most fre
quent cause is a neglected cold , cough , hoarse
ness , bronchial trouble or asthma , all of which
may be permanently cured b EILERTEX-
Sold by druggists.
A farmer's wealth depends on the condition
of his stock. When scraggy and feeble they
are especially liable to distempers , fevers ,
colds , and all diseases which destroy animals.
Thousands of dollars are saved annually bv
that valuable old stand by , UNCLE SAM'S
Restless , fretful , crying children are suffer
ing and need for their relief DR. WIN-
ful not only for all the disorders of teething
infants , but cures coughs , croups , sore throat ,
colic and cramps of older children , and should
always be kept in every house for emergencies.
Only 25 cents. Sold by all druggists.
A prominent Chinese doctor in Los Angeles
claims to be making § 100 a week by his prac
tice among Caucasians.
When yon visit New York City , via Central
depot , save Baggage Expressage and $3 Car
nage Hire , and stop at the Grand Union Hotel ,
opposite said depoti Sit hundred elegant
rooms fitted tip at a cost of one million dollars ;
$1 and upwards per day. European plan. Ele
vator. Restaurant supplied with the best.
Horse-cars , stages and elevated railroad to all
depots. Families can live hotter for less
money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any
other first-class hotel In the city.
President Cleveland wears No7 9 button
Co mo , Gentle Spring ,
and bring malaria , dj spepsla , biliousness , tor
pidity 01 liver and a train of kindred maladies.
Fortunately Kidney-Wort is at hand. It may
he had at the nearest druggist aud will purify
the system , correct the stomach and bowels ,
stimulate the liver and kidneys to healthy ac
tion , remove all po'sonous humors and make
you feel like a new man. As a spring medi
cine , tonic and blood purifier , it has no"equal. .
Dion Bouclcault no longer believes in hair-
"Ifnnehon Toothache. " Instant relief. 15.
Itcti. " cures humors , eruptions , ring *
worm , tetter , milt rheum , fronted feet , chilblains.
General Sheridan Is a good after-dinner
are used with advantage to alleviate Coughs ,
Sore Throat , and Bronchial Affections. Sold
only in boxex.
Omaha has several high priced Hotels
but the Metropolitan is the only $2.00
per day house centrally located. Try
The rustle of Lillian Russell's dress is music
to the ears of her many admirers.
_ J'Iouch ! on Corns" hard or soft corns , bunions. I5e.
"Buchu palba. " Great Kldneyand Urinary Cure.
The Baptists in the United States have 16,078
ministers and 2S.509 churches.
PKICKLY ASH BiTTEitsis not an intoxicating
beverage , but a pleasant , mild laxative and
efficient Tonic , acting directly on the Liver ,
Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
The rays of happiness , like those of light ,
are colorless when unbroken. _
"Rough on Kats" clears out IJast , Mice. Tfc.
"Wells * Health Kencwcr" for weak men.
1 know no such thine as genius : genius is
nothing but lahorjand diligence. II" Jfoyarth.
A CARD. To all who nro suffering from
errors and Indiscretions of youth , nervous
weakness , cnrly decay , loss of manhood , &c. ,
I will send a receipt that will cure. FllEE OF
CHAKGE. This great remedy was discovered
by a missionary in South America. Send Bell-
addressed envelope to KEV. JOSEPH T. INMAX.
Station D , Now York.
The beet hunting dogs are like thebest jokes
they are pointers.
"RouRh on Coughs" Troches , Liquid Sic.
Wells' Health Hcnewer" for Delicate Women. <
A man is often called a bartender when in
reality he is a barjough. _
Mr. Wm. De Freis of Muncie , Kas. , has for
years been suffering from white swelling of
the ku e joint , which threatened him with the
loss of his leg , We are glad to learn that Mr.
Pe Fries is now rapidly recovering , and his
plysicians , Drs. Dckerson it Stark , of the
Kansas City Surgical Institute , are confident
that they can save his limb. _
"UouRli on Pain" Porosed Plaster 15c. Liquid 20c
"Wells' Health Kenewer" for Ij spepsla , Debility
It requires yoiac enthusiastic Wagncrite to
distinguish between opera and uproar.
Best Dyes. The Diamond
Djes for family use have no equals. All pop
ular colors easily d ed fast and beautiful.
Only lOc. a package at druggists. Wells ,
Ricfiardson & Co. , Burlington , Vt. Sample
Card , 32 colors , and book of directions for 2c.
Man wants but little here bill owe , but wants
that little paid. _
"I wlbh J could find something that would cure
palls and prevent the hair coining In \ \ hlti % , " Is an ex
pression frequently heard. Veterinary Carbollsalve
will ahv ays do It. Sold by Druggists.
' Save money and be in the heart of
the city by stopping at the Metropolitan
Hotel when you visit Omaha , the only
S2.00 per day house. Tables as goo'd
as any other house in Omaha. No
charge for "style. " We don't have
any. _
When a man has no desire but to speak
plain truth he may say a great deal In narrow
space. Stcde.
will be paid for nr Grain Fan
of same iize that can cltaa and
bag as much drain r ScM in one
daj u our Patent MON AKC1I
Grain nnd Heed FepBrutor
ami liarxcr or oar Improved
Warehoute Mill with Equali
zer which w * offer cheap. Circu
lar and Price LI it mailed Tree.
Columbus , Ohio.
U W. &X. Oil Tube Colors , 90c. doz. ; Sable A H I
Brushes , Sc. up ; Bristles , 7e. up ; Plaques , 5c.up ; Pallets
S5c. ; Easels , SOc. ; Artets * Boxes , 31.5U : Panels lOc. up ;
Oils,121-2c. : Vornioh , 25 < x ; Gold or Silver Paint , 25c. ;
Canvass. 75c. yard : Pottery and Novelties for Decorating
Ic. up : btuflies rented , 20c. per eek ; Uold Pliish Frames
Mouldinfrs. PaintingH , Enjrravlnjr * , Cord and Nails : PI-
AKOS and OROAXb.from Sl"'Up : V lolinsS5 ; Guitarsj ;
M 1101P Banjos , SiM ; Fifes. Zithers , Sheet Music , H
IVIUolU off list ; Inttruetpr fo rallinstruraents.SJi.
c nt Stamp for
Lorillard's Climax Plug
bcarlnr a rrd tin tag ; that Lorfllard1 *
_ . R 5 Leaf flue cut ; that Lortllard'i
Nary Clipping * , and that Lorlllard'i Sumffi , am
tin be t * nd cheapest , quality considered ?
Our Famoos Women.
Clemmr r , Marlon Harland , Harrlrt-Bcecner Stowe.
nnd 17 other eminent writers. Unequalled In author
alilp. Fine Illustrations , low price , and o popnlm
that agents arc making Immense Saloa * . Send
lor circulars and secure territory.
r *
I- * . 1- SMITH A CO. , IteiU , ralalUt , IU.
Morphine Habit Cared in 10
to 20 ( lays. No pay till cared.
L > E.J.STKi'HE.vs. Lebanon. Ohio.
Do You Know
That the very best blood purlflerand spring medi
cine IB Hood's Sarsaparilla.
That It cures scrofula , gait rheum , botle , pimples ,
and all other diseases of the blood.
That it cures biliousness , Indigestion , dyspepsia ,
headache , and kidney and liver complaints.
That the body Is now more susceptible to benefit
pom medicine than at any other SCSEOD.
"I was troubled with disease of the kidneys five
rears , and was urged to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Af-
: er taking half a bottle I felt greatly relieved , my
4ppetitchas never been so good , and I sleep soundly. "
) . COKOOOX , Burlington , Vt.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
"For j ears I suffered from Indigestion , being very
restless In the night , and In the morning I would get
up with a very tired feeling. After taking only part
of a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla I slept well and
'clt refreshed on waking. Hood's Sarsaparilla has
done me more good than anything else. " MEB. H.D.
TOXAXC. Jackson , Jllch.
"Hood * Sarsaparilla has been of marked benefit to
me. I have renewed my strength ; my appetite Is
rood ; I feel like a different person. " MBS. A. P.
[ BOCTOE , Marblehead , Mass.
"Last spring I was troubled with bolls , caused by
my blood belngout of order. Two bottles of Hood's
jareanarllla cured me , and I ran safely recommend
t. " JOEEPit 'Ciiocn , Peorla , 111.
That to overcome that extreme tired feeling there
Is nothing equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla.
That It Is a wonderful medicine for restoring and
sharpening the appetite.
That It purifies , vitalizes , and enriches the blood ,
and strengthens the whole system.
That delays are dangerous now is the time to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"I can recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all as a
safe , sure medicine. It cured me of terrible head
aches , and cured my little girl of swellings in her
neck which had been lanced twice. " JlBs. F. E.
LOED , Gates Ave. , Brooklyn , X. N.
Purifies the Blood.
When In the spring I felt all run down and much
debilitated , I found Hood's Sarsaparilla just the med
icine to build me up. Mywlfe also , nfte rmuch phys
ical prostration , found In its use new life and lasting
benefit. Upon our little girl , who had been sick with
scarlet fever. Its effect was man-clous , entirely re
moving the poison from her blood and restoring her
to good health. Hood's Sarsaparilla deserves our
highest praise , and Is wo-thy the high favor In which
It U held by the public ' E. G. STBVTTOX , bwainp-
scott. Mass.
"My son suffered from spring debility and loss of
appetite , but was restored to health as soon as he
bepan to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. " MES. THALIA
SJIITB , Sciptovllle , N. r.
Hood's carsaparilla
? old by all druggists. 11 ; six for tt. Made only by
C. I. HOOI ? & CO. . Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
Doses One Dollar.
Sold by all drepslsta. tl ; fix fores. Slade only by
C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar *
The flncu ( onle for
nerrous people I *
Hofltctier'K Stomach
Hitter * , which In-
urea perfect dlir-
tlon and aiMmlln *
tlon , anil the nrtlru
m-rfortnnnceof their
funrtIon * by the
liver and bowel" . A *
the iyntvm nconlrcs
tone through the In
fluence of this IK-
nipt medicine , the
nerves row strong
er anil more trail-
qu II , headaches
cua > . and that
nuin.ilcss nnxlutr
which In a peculiari
ty of thu uyapeptlc ,
' jlvc way to cheer
fulness. To cstnb-
ll.nli health
on amiru
foundation use thu
TTEI peerlCM * , Invleorant
J ur sale by all Drug-
Kltlg and Dealers generally.
Tor months I suffered with malaria and
nerrous dyspepsia. Durin ? the attacks I ex
perienced severe pain , accompanied bjr that
extreme tired and languid fooling- . Could
not eat or sleep. 'Would get up mornlnga
with hardly 11 fo enough to more. None of
the usual medicines cmployo-l in such cases
had any effect upon mo. From time to tlmo
I was laid up and unable to attend to nny
business. Finally a druggist of tala city sug
I commenced taking thorn , and now I am na
well and hearty as any one , and cannot nay
too much in pralso of this excellent remedy. "
A. J. POWELL , 15 Woodbrldgo St , Detroit.
If you cannot Ret BKops and IflAI/F
BitterN of your druggist wo will tend it
ezpress paid , on receipt of regular prlco , ono
dollar per bottle. Wo prafor you buy it
from your druggist , but if he hasn't It , do not
lie persuaded to try something else , but order
at once from us as directed.
Do not got Hops and IfZAaYT Sit
ters confounded with other inferior prep
arations of similar Dame. Take nothing but
Slops nnd MA1VI' . Mono genuine un
less manufactured by the j
HOPS &MALT BITTERS CO. , Dotrolt , Mich.
All tliosn painful Complaints
* and Weaknesses so common *
* * * to our Iicst * * *
* # * * *
Price $1 In liquid , pill or loicnge fora.
Its purpose is solely for the legitimate healing o ]
disraie and the relief of pain , and that it does all
it claims to do , thoiuznds of ladles car gladly testify. *
It will cure cntlnly nil Orarlan troubles , Inllamma *
tlon and Ulceration , Falling and Displacement' , and
consequent Spinal Weakness , and t particularly
adapted to the change of life. * . *
Itremcve * l'aintniFlatulency , , destroyqallcraTinj ?
for stimulant * , and relieves Vn'iatnes-t of the Stomach.
U cures lilottln ? , Hradachca , Nervous Prostration , I
Qeneral Debility , Slc-ple sneiw , Depression nnd Indi-
pustion. Thit feeling of bcurinfj down , causing pain ,
and backache. Is alwnys permanently cured by its UW.
Send stamp to Lynn , Mass. , for pamphlet. Letters of
Inquiry confidentialanswered. . For talzatdrugyists.
Recommended by leading physicians for
Impurities of the lilood. Indigestion.General
Debility ; also valuable for
Pricc , $1.00.
Clarke Drug Co. , Cmahn , Eole wholesal
15th year. Largest nnd most popular Farm Paper.
Most reading matter : fewer advertisements. IeM
writers. Elegant premiums to subscribers. SO renti
a year. A triple-plated Sugir Spoon or IJutter Knlfa
for V cts extra. Send youra and your neighbors'
names for free sample copies and Illustrated premium
list. Address.
South Bend , Ind.
' "
bro , Jonathan's'Mes"
80 pages. Illustrated. Sent-
PostpaidforTwelve Cent&
, 29&31 B ekiunSt.SewYorb.
TVhohare trifled sway thelryouthfu ! vigor and power , who am
Buffering from terrible DRAINS and LOSSES , who are weak ,
IJIl'OTEXT and unfit for marrloge.
MEN"of all aeos , who find their POWER
and vitality , verve and SKXUAL STKKNGTII weakened by early
habits or EXCESSEScan receive a positive and lasting CUKE ,
"O matter of how long standing the case may be , or wh baa failed to
Jre , by a few vrcrks or months use of the celebrated
At home without exposure. In LESS time , and for LESS money thaa
my other method In the world. Weak back , headache. EMISSIONS. '
isaltucle , loss of spirits and ambition.gloomy thoughts.dreadful dream * .
efectlve memory , IMl'OTJEN'CE , fits. Impediments to marriage ,
ind many other symptoms leading to CONSUMPTION , or INSANITY ,
are promptly removed by this treatmcnt.and rigorous manhood restored.
Married men , i > r those who intend to marry ,
REMEMBER , perfect sexual strenath means health , vigorous
offspring , long life and the 1-ive and respect of a faithful
wife. \Veak men should be restored to vigor and mi nhood before marriage. lroof , tes-
tlmonlals and valuable treatise 2 st.imps. ( Established in 1877. )
Address , The Climax Medical Co. . 175St. Louis , Mo.
Eleven Years Practical Use In the Field.
.AJL.H ,
Popular because Simple and Eaay tc
It has the lead with the Dealers and the Farmers ,
who have rendered an unanimous verdict that it
is the test Check Ro-atr made.
The -wire dors not cross the machine. Has aroidirf
WIRE , xnd friction on the pullejs , and making-
wire that does not cross the machine outwear sev
eral wires that do cross.
CHAMBERS. BERING , QUINLAN CO. , Exclusive Manufacturers. DECATUR , ILLS.
CL9SZ3 OH C7XSBZ 0 ? H33Z. Only SingleRinjrcver invent
Only Double Ring Invented. ed that of Closes on Outside
the Xose.
Or:7 Ej tsi
The only ring that will effectually keep
from - Only SinrleHinjr that tlexeicn the outride ef the
rootingNo sharp in the
points nose note. o sharp poinu in
- the flesh
j Huiui in incnesnto keep itsore .
CHAMBERS. BERING , QUINLAt CO. , Exclusiva Manufacturers. DECATUR. ILLS.
He Best
Coat ,
The FISH BRAND SLICKER Is warranted -waterproof and Trill k p TOO drr
intheharfeititorm. The new FOM.MEL. SLJCKEIt i a perfect ndiagtou ,
and coven the entire addle. Beware ofl.-nitationt. None irenuine without the
"Fiih Brand" trade-mark. Jllurtrated Catalogue free. A-J.Tuwer , BosMn ltM.
. . . .
' Seja3srGrad = iti la Msdleiat. 17yrsart:9
- 13 In Chicago. Authorized to treat all
Chronic , fiarvon * and Social Dlsea e %
. Seminal Weakness ( Night Loss s.Sex-
| nal Dabllltj [ Leas cf Sexnal
I Guaranty Curt or mo r refolded. Charru
! . . ii , i low. ACand pentticeareimp rtant. Ko
mercury erlnnn u medieintt n d. Ko trnn loitfrem
bonnets. PatienU from a dutance treated by mail Sltdi-
cmei itnt everywhere free from rue or breakirt. State von ;
cte ard tend for teraa. ConnT.tation fire ard confidential.
A BOOK for both iez , Illiut d , aen t icaled fur Cc m tampa.
casethif treatment fa Ji to cure or help. GreauitiliiccTerT
In win I of medteme One date f irej relief- few dofei re-
moTei fererand pain ra joiati ; Cure comptewl in 5 to 7 dirt
8 nd atalemeat of rate with ttamp Tor Circular ! Call , or ad.
DivHenderson , 606Wytndotto Si , Kan a = City.Mo.
Downright Cruelty.
To permit yourself and family to
"Suffer ! "
' U'lth sickness when It cau be pruvcntcifant !
cured so casll
Witblloj ) Bitters ! ! !
Havlnrr experienced a great deal of
"Trouble ! " from Indigestion , so much ' )
tbat I came near losing my
Life !
My trouble always came after eating any
Howptrr Ilclit
For two or three hours at a time I had to go
through the most
Excruciating pains ,
"And the only way I ever got"
"Kellef ! "
Was by throwing up all my stomach con
tained. No one can conceive the pains that I
had to go through , until
"At last ? "
I was taken ! "So that for three weeks Hay
In Led and
Could eat nothing !
My sufferings were so that I called two doc
tors to give me something that would stop tLe
pain ; their
Efforts w re no good to me.
At last I heard a good deal
"About your Hop HI" . - !
And determined to tr . om. "
Got a bottle In four iurs I took the con
tents of
One !
Next day I was out of bed , and have not
seen a
"Sick ! "
Hour , from the same cause , since.
I have recommended It to hundreds of oth
ers. You have no such
"Advocate as I am. " Gco. Kendall , Alls-
ton , Boston , Mass.
Columbus Jtli'ociite , TVxus , April 21 , ' & .
Dear Editor : I have tried your Hop Hitters ,
and flnd they arc good lor any complaint. The
best medicine I ever used in my family.
f7TNone genuine without a bunr.h of trrren Horn
on the wliltu label. Shun nil the \ lie. poisonous stud
TV Ith "HOD" or "Hops * In their name.
Doctor. "Yea ; yon are bilious. Just net a box of
Wright's Indian Vegetable Tills ; they will cure you. "
Billons Complaints are caused by torpidity , con
gestion , or the ulceration of the liver. 1
The symptoms are dark , greasy , ycllovr skin , a
brown or whitish coat to the tongue , appetite irreg
ular , often a dry cqngh at nipht.
The skin sometimes breaks out into pimples and
soresand the whole system is out of order. AVright'a
Indian Vegetable Pills are ono of the very best
remedies known for any form of these troubles , and
will certainly relieve the sufferer. They are purely
vegetable , made from the bert drugs by competent
hands ; and give satisfaction. They are very gentle
in their action , cansinfcnogripingornnplessantfeel-
in ? to the most delicate. A trial will convince any
one troubled with biliousness that Wright' * lu.
dian Vegetable Pillx is the medicine he needs.
HenePoirers nn OnL.nO CioTerHnllsrs
( Salted to all Mctloiu. ) me lor > ta.K uins. I'ampmet
tBaPneotoThoAultsun&Tajrlor Co. . llaoaCvld. Ohio.
1 HfllUl IYPEWRITING here. Situations far-
U nished. Address Talf ntine Bran. . Jineirnlle. Wig.
ninnP Sample Book , Premium List , Price List
UnllUO lent free. U.S.CardCo..Centerbrook.Conn
W. N. U. , Omaha , 251 16.
cay you saw the advertisement in this paper
Many a Lady
is beautiful , all but her skin ;
and nobody has ever told
her how easy it is to put
beauty on the skin. Beauty
on the skin is Magnolia