McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, April 02, 1885, Image 5

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    Th6 Tribune
Thursday , April 2d , 1885.
CETAIl locals under this bond at the rate of
100. for first Insertion , find 5c. per line for each
subsequent insertion , and satno will bo run
until ordered out. unless time is specified.
Job work flpot cash. Statements will bo pre
sented nt the end of each month.
CONGUEQATIONAL.-Sunday School at 10
A. M. cvory-wcek. Preaching services every
Sunday night at 7.80 , M. T. Also , every alter
nate Sunday morning1 at 11 , M. T. Exceptions
to the above will bo noticed in locals.
METHODIST. Servians every Sunday at 11
A. M. and 7:90 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday
School at 3 P. M. The services and Sunday
school will bo held for the future in the school
house. All are cordially invited. Bents free.
B. J. HALL , Pastor.
CATHOLIC. Services will be held in the
Opera Hall once every four weeks.
B A. F. & A. M. McCook Lodfro , U.
yflA D. , mecta on the flrst and third Tues-
* * r fdays of each month.
/V/\ OL. . LAWS , W. M.
' r NT.G. KEES. Secretary.
B. & M. R. R. Time Table.
No.2 7:10 , A. M. | No. 40 5:40 , P. M.
No. 39 1:00 , P.M. | No.l 0:35 , P.M.
SSBT-EaBtbound trains run on Central Time ,
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers.
CHAS. UEES , Agent.
Local Intelligence.
Hams and bacon at Farley's.
E. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing.
Call and see Spanogle & Rinker's top
Remember ! Clothing at cost at Wilcox -
cox Bros. '
Boston Brown T3read at the City Bak
ery constantly.
Call and see our horse bills. Best lot
of cuts in the county.
Spanogle & Rinker have the Grass
Hopper Rod Breaker.
Waves and Frizzes in the very latest
styles at the Emporium.
Great Reduction in Watches and
Jewelry at McCrackcn's.
The City Livery Stable , B. F. Olcott ,
proprietor , for fine teams.
The Lincoln Land Co. has increased
its capital stock to $300,000.
Some CHOICE claims near McCook.
For sale by Cochran & Helm.
A full line of Pumps and Pump fit
tings , at Spanogle & Rinker's.
A car-load of Plows and Harrows just
received at Spanogle & Rinker's.
Children's Trimmed Hats and Bonnets
for 50c. and upward at the Emporium.
Two span of mares for sale at Dun-
bar & Newton's livery and feed stable.
Two setts of harness , ( one light and
V one heavy , ) for sale atB. F. Olcott's ,
very cheap.
A supply of fresh candy at the City
Bakery. Tony has the cream of the
candy trade.
The West Dennison street rink is now
under the management of C. A. Fred
erick , who advertises attractions.
WANTED A girl for house work.
Enquire at the Clothing Store.
A number of new houses are in course
of erection in South McCook , at differ
ent points on the river bank.
A residence 26x26 is being erected
for J. E. Berger on the hill , southeast
of W. C. LaTourette's home.
That baled hay at Olcott's barn is just
the thing for breakers and teamsters ,
besides being bright and eatable.
The B. & M. Pharmacy has just re
ceived a spring stock of glass , paints ,
oils , dye stuffs , drugs , calsomine , etc.
Stock boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also buys and sells stock on commission.
Any parties wanting breaking done
on. their claims , can have the same con
tracted for at Dunbar & Newton's livery
An excellent quality of sweet Michi
gan cider at City Bakery. Also , a car
load of Apples which will be sold cheap
by the bushel.
If you want a Suit of cloths cut and
made in first-class style , call on R. A.
Cole , first door west of B. & M. Pharm
acy , McCook , Neb.
The report that three men were
lynched near Culbertson , last week , for
starting a prairie fire , seem to have been
entirely without foundation.
More side-walks this week. McCook
is conspicuous among the towns of the
valley for the extent of her side-walks ,
It is a cheerful indication of enterprise.
The only Exclusive Furniture House
in the country , have not a better variety
to select from and lower prices. We
give the business our undivided atten
tion. Berger's old stand.
New Orleans Syrup at Wilcox Bros.
Halladay Wind Mills at Spanoglo &
. For the best flour in town call at the
City Bakery.
6 big rouud dollars will buy -watch
that is warranted 1 year at McCracken's.
It is proposed by the young people
to give a dance at the Palace Rink ,
this evening.
We have a fine lot of apples on hand
that must be sold at once to make room
for other stock. We will sell them at
$1.25 per bushel. PROBST BROS.
The Great Western' Furniture Em
porium of McCook has just received a
car-load of Furniture , and it must be
sold to get it in the house. Come early.
L' W. Holley is fixing up the front
room of the Farmer's Home for a lady
from McCook , who will occupy the same
as a millinery store. Orleans Sentinel.
The school census is being * taken by
Prof. Webster , this week. It is import
ant to this school district that the en
rollment be as large and complete as
Kansas towns south of us received a
very close call by the recent prairie fire.
They were only saved from distruction
by the most herculean efforts of their
Workmen are engaged in excavating
a cellar under Lytie Bros , hardware
store. The village might make good
use of the dirt hauled out therefrom
on the streets.
We expect to add a few more stock
brands to our directory , next week.
Stockmen see the advantage of adver
tising their brands one calf recovered
pays for a year's advertising.
Dr. Gibson , dentist , will visit Ober-
lin , Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday ,
April 13th , 14th and lotfi. Hhence
will be absent from his office in Mc
Cook on the above named days.
THE TRIBUNE has the very best facil
ities and workmen for doing Job Work
in Southwestern Nebraska. We guar
antee neat and tasty work , and entire
satisfaction in execution and prices.
Fred Parsons returned last evening
from a trip down as far as McCook on
the B. & M. and reports a grand rush
into the western part of Nebraska and
everything on a boom. Brush Lariat.
er , the newly appointed pastor of the M.
E. church , will preach at the public
school building , next Sunday , at 11
o'clock , Mountain time. All are invited.
Car-load of Grand Island Flour just
received at the City Bakery. Will be
sold at from $1.90 to $3.00 per hun
dred. Also , a fresh supply of White
Bolted Corn Meal and Graham Flour.
DENTISTRY Dr. Gibson is prepared
to receive calls in his new office , oppo
site the post-office. If you want first
class , reliable dental work , at moderate
prices , give him a call. Perfect satis
faction guaranteed.
A young crank with his tank full of
coffin varnish was staggering around
town , Tuesday evening , with an old and
demoralized double-barreled gun in his
hand , and attempting to give voice to
some witticisms.
The "coon" restaurant is in a state
of almost suspended animation. The
blood Teutonic and that of the Celtic
does not with that of which Ham was
the projenitor fuse. * Hence a separa
tion must needs be.
FOR SALE A good sec. of deeded
land , with good improvements , and on
good terms. Will also receive stock to
pasture , for the season , but will not be
responsible for accidents , should any oc
cur. For information inquire .of J. P.
Squire , 6 miles S. W. of McCook.
Another newspaper will shortly be
established in Indianola. F. L. Watkins -
kins will be at the helm to guide the
ship over the tempestuous sea of jour
nalism. Wherein doth lie the profit is
beyond our ken , but F. L.'s insight may
be more prophetic than ours.
April 22d is Arbor Day , and it es
pecially behooves the people of Red
Willow county to observe the day by
as extensive planting of trees , shrub
bery , etc. , as their means will allow.
The citizens of McCook ought not to
fail of planting shade trees , etc. , around
their properties ; for , likebread cast upon
the water , the reward will follow and
in this case it will not be far removed.
WANTED A few more pupils to re
ceive instruction on the piano and or
gan. I also teach voice culture. Call
at Dr. Boyle's Dental Office.
Bros , have recently made additions to
their property on West Dennison street
to meet their business demands. THE
TRIBUNE takes pleasure in noting the
success of our business men , and prom
inent among thone who have achieved
BUCCCSS are the Probst Bros. Attention
to business and liberal advertising are
the key-notes to their success.
opened a branch yard at Atwood , Rawlins -
lins county , Kansas , with our energetic
young friend , C. P. Russell of the
horse-shoe-bar ranch in charge. JI.W.
now has yards at this point under his
personal supervision , at Indianola , un
der the management of E. P. Hazen ,
and also at Atwood. THE TRIBUNE
did the printing for the Atwood branch.
can find the nicest lot of Millinery Goods
ever brought to the city at the Milli
nery Emporium , first door west of The
Trumpet office. Here you will find all
the novelties in Hats and Bonnets of
the latest style for ladies , misses and
children. A full line of the latest in
Veils , Hoop Skirts and Corsets ; -also ,
trinkets for decorating , and Bonnets for
the little ones. *
By reason of negligence or through
spite work and revenge a large area of
valuable range country south and north
west of McCook has been destroyed , this
spring. Such work is clearly against
the very best interests of settlers and
stockmen and should be discountenanc
ed severely. It is a little like killing
the fowl that lays the golden egg to de
stroy the native grass so extensively.
The foundation for the new bank
building is about completed. . . .Work
men are again engaged in veneering the
Opera Hall. . . .A new residence in Mr.
Rider's addition. . . . A house just com
pleted on Macfarland street. . . .Mayor
Berger's residence is looming up. . . .
New developments in the P. 0. matter
this week. . . . Strangers by the scores
. . . .Very little deeded land for sale.
Everybody holding back for higher
prices. . . .Hotels and restaurants doing
a rushing business. . . . THE TRIBUNE
for Job Work.
The sight of that poor miserable crip
ple in a beastly state of intoxication
to be seen at the Eating House , early
Friday morning , was enough to engage
the sympathy of every manly heart.
The party's name we know not , but his
crippled form is a well-known one to
this vicinity. We understand that he
recently sold his claim near Indianola
for $1,500 , and that he was industri
ously attempting to drink the proceeds
of the sale ( in liquid form ) down in one
day , was most distressingly apparent.
Two bottles of whisky were removed
from his pockets , while he was prostrate
on his face , unable to stand erect.
You may have noticed a number of
citizens , with the P. 0. bee in their
bonnets , receive large and important
looking missives at the postoffice on the
morning of the Ifct. Well , probably it
were just as well to be satisfied with
liaving noticed the occurrence , and peradventure -
adventure safer. Those No. 10s with
the solemn words , "Postoffiee Depart
ment , Washington , D. C. , Official Busi
ness , " on the upper right hand corner ,
contained the harmless words , "April
fool , " on the inside , hence discretion
mayhap were the better part of valor.
But , if the sensations received by the
recipients of the letters is as genuine
and enjoyable as the affair was to the
observer , the matter is not without its
recompense. Human nature was large
ly and innocently displayed.
The demand made upon our hotels ,
this week , for lodging , has been greatly
beyond their power to meet and sleep
ing room in livery barns has been at a
premium. An amusing accident hap
pened a settler recently arrived , Mon
day night , while he was enjoying the
soothing influences of sleep in the loft
of one of the barns of our town. By
some means , in his restlessness during
the night , he fell through the floor on
to the back of a horseand , for some lit
tle time it was a question of uncertain
ty whether of the twain was the more
terribly frightened. After considerable
difficulty and much coaxing the animal's
disturbed nerves were calmed and the
now thoroughly awakened sleeper climb
ed down from his perch. The affair
occasioned much merriment and was
enjoyed by all but the party himself.
The father and brother of Miss Net
tie East arrived in town , Wednesday ,
from Imlay City , Mich. , and will spend
the summer here. If satisfied with the
country , they will remain permanently.
The very highest cash price paid for
bides at Farley's Meat Market.
THE TRIBUNE has only the best in
terests of our town in view in urging
the selection of five good men and true
i to administer the affairs of our city
during the coming year. The town ol
McCook has reached an epoch in its
history , when it is of the greatest im
portance that its government be in the
hands of the most competent , energetic
and honest men within her corporate
limits : Men who will hold the liquor
license at its present figure , and men
who will sustain and enforce our ordi
nances against the vices which now
grow and flourish in our very midst ;
and for the suppression of which the
voice of our people is more clamorously
demanding every day. We can but re
iterate the suggestion of last week :
Let the business men arouse themselves
from their apparent lethargy and take
decisive steps toward forming a ticket
composed of men whose views-on the
important questions affecting our city
are square-toed and on the side of law
and order. There are no sinecures in
village government , nor should there
be any , and consequently the demand
is for the selection and election of men
of sufficient public spirit and disinter
estedness to give village affairs the at
tention they demand willingly and care
fully. We want a high license board ,
( as license seems to be demanded ) a
board that will enforce the law , a board
that will suppress houses of ill-fame
and gambling holes , and for such a
board the united- efforts of our citizens
ought to be directed.
AMUSEMENTS. The Georgia Min
strels gave an entertainment in the Op
era Hall , Friday night , to a well-filled
house. The performance was the first
of its kind ever put on the boards be
fore a McCook audience , and is pro
nounced first class.
On Monday evening Mason & Mor
gan's company rendered that old stand
by , Uncle Tom's Cabin , to the largest
audience that has ever assembled in
our Opera Hall to greet any company ;
every seat in the house was occupied ,
as well as every foot of available stand
ing room. The performance was up
to the average standard. Tuesday even
ing's entertainment hardly called out
a corporal's guard to witness it the
people of McCook evidently rating the
performance of Monday evening at its
proper value and having , as Lawyer
Marks puts it , "been there before , " re
fused to be taken in the second time.
Different parties have informed us
that two carcasses have been dragged a
little east of town still within the cor
porate limits and allowed to remain
uuburied in the neighborhood of the
crossing leading to the bridge. This
matter calls for immediate action on
the part of our authorities. The parties
who dragged the bodies to that placeif
the same can be ascertained , should be
compelled to remove the same , and
should be fined in addition. The par
ties who hauled that manure along the
railroad east of town , should also be re
quired to remove the unsightly and un
savory refuse to a more suitable locality.
A number of places in town need the
attention of the Sanitary Committee of
our Board of Trustees badly. They are
disgraceful and unhealthy.
School Entertainment.
EDITOR TRIBUNE : The winter term
of our school closes the 3rd inst. I
ierewith present our program of exer
cises for Friday , P. M. , commencing at
2 o'clock :
Music. "Four Leaved Clover. "
RECITATION. "Hobert of Lincoln , " Bertha
DECLAMATION. "The Boy of His "Word , "
George Hunt.
RECITATION. "Somebody's Mother , " Maude
Music. "Bird Carol. "
DIALOGUE. "The Model Class"Elmer Helm ,
Teacher ; Pupils , Levi Sanderson.Lovell Clyde ,
tfora Schaffer , Viola Dollar , Matie Russell ,
Belle Thompson , Anna Collins , Bertha Boyle.
"A PAPER" Edna Meservo , Editor. E. Wil-
cor , Nellie Fisher , Josie Menard , Nellie Lee ,
Associate Editors.
DECLAMATION. "The Stars , " Claude Ar-
Music. "Beautiful Songrs of the Spring. "
BECITATION. "Never Mind , " LaVaughn
RECITATION. "Old Man in the Stylish
Church , " Anna Kurd.
DIALOGUE. "Playing School. " May Clark ,
Teacher ; Pupils , E. Meserve , N. Schaffer , M.
Russell , 0oldie Russell , Chas. Blanding. Levi
Sanderson , Lovell Clyde , Arthur "Wood.
Music. "A Good Name. "
We extend a cordial invitation to
parents and patrons to be present , thus
manifesting an interest in your school.
W. S. WEBSTER , Principal.
L. Morse of Benkelraan was in town ,
Tuesday , on business.
H. W. Pike made a flying business
trip to Indianola , Friday afternoon.
M. M. House and F. D. Pitney of
Culbertson were in town , Tuesday.
Frank Vore took a position with
Haydcn & Co. , Wednesday morning.
R. R. Woods , the new B. & M. agent at
this station , is now at his post of duty.
J. B. Meserve wont up to his Chase
county ranch , Friday morning , return
ing Monday.
Mr. Rodehavcr , the pioneer of Ober-
lin , was in town , the first of the week ,
on business.
Mrs. Bohanan of Hastings , wife of
Mr. Bohanan with John Farley , is in
town , this week.
Fred. Boehner made this town , Tues
day , in the interest of the Arapahoe
packing company.
C. P. Russell , who has been in town
a few days on business , started for At
wood , Tuesday morning.
C. D. Cramer , our efficient County
Clerk , made one of his infrequent visits
to the metropolis , Tuesday.
Mrs. William Johnson returned from
a visit to Arapahoe , and points in Har-
lan county , Monday noon.
J. W. Maiken , M. Y. Starbuck and
Major Criswell were passengers on 39 ,
Monday , from the county-scat.
H. H. Troth and Samuel Tatc , Red
Willow Creek stockmen , were in town ,
the latter part of the past week.
Mrs. Ferguson of Orleans , who has
been visiting Register and Mrs. Laws a
few days , returned home , Monday.
J. C. Downs and a Mr. Jenkins and
son of Shellsberg , Iowa , were registered
at the B. & M. Dining Hall , Tuesday.
Charlie Noble took No. 2 , Monday
morning , for Chicago , whither he went
to purchase a spring stock for Hayden
& Co.
Daniel Ashby came up from Bloomington -
ington , Tuesday , and will probably re
main here and engage in the practice of
the law.
Mrs. McGill was summoned , Wednes
day , to her home at Wenona , 111. , by
a telegram informing her of the serious
illness of her mother.
Charlie Payne of Exeter , an old-time
friend of Will Dolan , is now rustling
with the Frees & Hocknell's books.
Lfe arrived in town , the first part of the
D. R. Grabill of Dysart , Iowa , was
in town , this week , looking into the
prospects for another bank. What con
clusion he arrived at our reporter was
unable to ascertain.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Taylor , Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Perry and other Culbertsou
people were in town , Monday , and at
tended the performance by the Uncle
Tom Cabin troupe in the evening.
Jos. Allen , one of our Red Willow
stockmen , arrived in town , Wednesday
noon , from a visit to Taylor county ,
[ owa. His mother accompanied him.
Mrs. Allen met them at this point with
a conveyance.
B. 0. Perkins , T. J. Murphy , M. D. ,
M. J. Jones , Jas. Evans , Wm. Vanberg
and Jas. Riddle of David City , came cut
Tuesday , to reside upon claims entered
by them in this part of the state , some
months since.
Mr. Rinker , of Spanogle & Rinker ,
spent Sunday on his farm south of Ina-
vale , with his wife. He will commence
the erection of a residence in town , this
week , and his family will move here and
occupy the same upon its completion.
J. E. Berger and J. C. Arbuckle re-
returned from their trip to Missouri ,
Wednesday , noon. They failed to find
any horses to their liking and consequently
quently made no purchases. Joe thinks
that is the poorest and most Godforsaken
saken country he has been in many
days ; and in comparison with our own
growing and prosperous state , Missouri
does appear to a Nebraskan as being
rather tame and slow.
L. P. Brown and daughter , Miss Jen
nie , of Beatrice , were at the Eating
House , Tuesday. Miss Brown has a
homestead up in Hayes county , upon
which she came out to make her resi
dence a house having been erected
thereon , some time since. Upon reach
ing her claim it was ascertained that
some individuals had removed the build
ing elsewhere. Arrangements for re
building were consummated.
County Superintendent Nottloton is
absent attending the meeting of the
state teacher's association , in session nt
Lincoln , this week.
J. E. Castberg came down from the
mountains , Tuesday morning , and will
remain in McCook some time , probably
permanently. J. E. is of the opinion
that McCook is the best town in the
west many entertain a similar view.
C. T. Wetherald of Beatrice was in
town , this week , and entered claims in
Hayeb county. Mr. W. informs us that
he has been in nearly every state and
territory in the Union , and thinks that
Nebraska , in his eyes , is the pearl of
them all. THE TRIBUNE will inform
him as to current events in the south
west the ensuing year.
Rev. W. S. Wheeler , the pastor of
1 our Mcthodibt clmrch has been trans
ferred by Presiding Elder Johnson from
Holdrcdge to McCook. Mr. Wheeler
leaves us for McCook Friday , evening ,
lie preached his farewell sermon Sun
day evening. We , in common with the
balance of Mr. Wheeler's friends , are
sorry to see him leave. Holdredge
The new B. & M. Agent at this sta
tion has about the proper initials , fora
R. R. man , and we imagine from his
style nf doing business that he will be
very satisfactory to all parties concered.
HORSES D. P. Rodgers of Fort
Worth , Texas , will be in town , next
week , with a fine bunch of half-breed
broke horses , which he will offer for
sale at very reasonable figures , wait and
inspect them.
The enrollment of the school census
has already reached 175 , and it is ap
proximated that a complete list will
show about 250 pupils within our cor
poration. Isn't a slight exhibition of
pride in McCook excusable under the
Notice , Stockmen I
The annual meeting of the Red Wil
low Stock Association will be held at
at 1 o'clock , P. M. , for the purpose of
electing officers , fixing date of round-up ,
and transacting any other business that
may properly come before that body.
A full attendance is desired. Called by
order of J. K. PAXTON , President.
Four good milch cows , not giving
less than 12 quarts of milk daily. In
quire of W. H. Dolan , with Frees &
Hocknell. MOODY & WINTERS.
Choice cuts of pork and beef at Far
White Russian Soap , 5c. per bar , at
Wilcox Bros.
Cheap Buggy.
Single top buggy , with new pole ; al
so , a single harness. Both for $75.
Choice Family Flour , $1.75 cwt.
Hold Dust Flour , $2.00 „
Legal Tender Flour , 2.15 . ,
"St. " Patent Flour , * : J.OO . ,
b under th.s lie.ui oc. ti line Tor each
inscition. Bills payable : monthly.
H. W. Pike started a Lumber Yard
in McCook , Neb. , January , 1884 , and
has come to stay. Full assortment ot
Lumber , Sash , Doors , Lime and Build
ing Material , sold at close prices , con
sidering the freight.
First-class legal cap for sale at this
office. Also the celebrated Omaha
Mills Xote Paper , with envelopes to
match. All at reasonable rates.
man to discover the philosophical principle
that all nerxous paint , aches , and debility
should be treated diicctly trom the "brain
battery , " trpm hence emanate all nerxous
force and will power. All other fonnsof treat
ment for nerx'ous disorders are failures. Cx'-
ery person x ho suffers from , nerx outness
knows this , and that medicines only palliate ,
but uex-er cure. These appliances are mag
netic. and differ from all others on the market
which are electric. Magnetism is the life of
man. Their curative qualities are wonderful
in all nervous complaints. The Itoman phj si-
cians practiced magnetic treatment 1,000 years
ago in nerx-ous diseases , but did not treat from
the "brain battery. " Dr. HILL has made this
Kreatdiscox-ery.theonly sure cure for nervous
Headaches , Kneumatism , NeuraUria , Liver
and Kidney Complaints , Paralysis , Gout , Spin
al weakness Dyspepsia , Constipation. Cold
Limbs and Feet , and General Debility. .Mirac
ulous cures noted cx-ery day. The Magnetic
Brush lifts nails , and the only article of the
kind inx-cnted. It h > the greatest curatix-e
agent kno-.x n and used in si"bru h bath" im
parts tone , replenishes thedcbihtated system ,
and creates warmth. In chionie cases our
Magnetic Bands. Belts and Pads should be
used. The brushes aie xvarrauted to do the-
Work , or the money refunded. Send for circu
lar and testimonials. By giving a description
of nervous trouble , we xvill ; nve adx-ice and
directions how to use our appliances , Him
Lock Bos 55 , Washington , D. C. Si