McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, April 02, 1885, Image 4

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    The Tribune
F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,
f Editors and Publishers.
TilB senate has confirmed Henry L.
Mulrow , assistant secretary of the in
confirmed commissioner of the general
land office.
"SUNSET" Cox of New York goes to
Turkey as envoy extraordinary and min
ister plenipotentiary.
THE Courier will be enlarged to a
7-column quarto , next week. This has
the appearance of what the Omaha Bee
describes as running a 7-column paper
in a 5-column town , but then Indianola
supports her local paper more than us
ually well for the size of the town.
Though with two papers , the picking
will be light of necessity.
GENERAL GRAHAM'S recent battle
with Osman Digna in Soudan was a most
desperate encounter. The Arabs , as
usual , fought with the most determined
and fanatical bravery , penetrating the
English squares time and again. The
Conservative wing of the nation , con
sider the battle practically an English
defeat , and demand Graham's recall.
WHILE the people with bowed heads
await the bulletins announcing the sad
particulars of the last hours of the man
who closed the war and restored an un
divided country to allegiance to the
stars and stripes , they doubtless feel re
signed to the prospect of a speedy ter
mination of the Bufferings of the old
hero. The hardest thing to bear has
been the anticipation of months of pain
and bootless torture. State Journal.
THE Wilmington Star says : "Gen.
Wolsely , who is now attracting much
attention in Egypt , where he is super
intending operations against the Mahdi ,
passed several days in Washington dur
ing the latter part of the war. He
came here from Richmond , having spent
some time in visiting General Lee and
inspecting the army of Northern Vir
ginia. He was accompanied by Mr.
James Colony , a member of parliament ,
and another gentlemen. He went from
here toward Charleston. "
FRANCE has been enjoying to the top
of her bent the rough handling that
England is receiving in the Soudan but
since the licking she recently got in
China at the place called "Dong Dang"
she will fuel more charitably inclined.
The Celestials and the Arabs have
spunked up to the Franks and Saxons
and are making a fight that astonishes
Europe and may serve as a warning
that when the modern methods and
arms of war has been mastered by their
cousins in Asia and Africa , one soldier
maybe pretty nearly as good as another ,
and the robbery of the east by the west
will have to come to an end. Journal.
FERRY and his ministry went out like
a flash on Monday. The chamber , how
ever , hadn't the sense to follow up the
resignation of the ministry with a res.o-
tion for the immediate discontinuance
of the foolish war against China. On
the contrary , they played squarely iuto
the hands of Herr von Bismarck , by
voting for a declaration of war , an ad
ditional army of 50,000 men and an
immediate attack upon Pekin. They
are simply laying up wratch and ham
stringing France so far as her political
influence in European affairs is con
cerned. They had much better save
their money and men for some more
useful purpose than the invasion of
China. Journal.
THE State Journal contains the fol
lowing squib , showing the wonderful ef
fects of the recently discovered anaes
thetic , cocoaine :
A surgeon in New York has per
formed an operation within the last few
days that brings out in bold relief the
value of the new anjesthetic , cocoaine.
A young lady had a club foot to be op
erated upon , and it was necessary in or
der to straighten it to make several
deep longitudinal incisions in the sole
where the nerves are in the greatest
abundance. The doctor merely made a
hypodermic injection of the cocoaine in
the foot and then proceeded to carve it
without the least inconvenience to the
patient. She smiled under the opera
tion and said that it was like seeing
some other person's foot cut. This ex
periment demonstrates that the new
anaesthetic is one of the great medical
discoveries of the age , and will proba
bly at no distant day take the place of
chloroform and ether in the most surgi
cal operations.
One of the peculiar characteristics o :
our new President finds opportunity for
display every day in the week , am
about every hour in the day. This is
to find out what people naturally ex
pcct the administration is going to do ,
and then do as nearly the opposite o :
that expectation as possible. It has
been known hero for a good while that
the President and his family were in
clined to a belief in that good old Pres
byterian doctrine that embraced infan
damnation , and which was such a com
fort to the old lady -who congratulatee
herself upon the mighty small number
that would comprise the elect. The
New York Ave. Presbyterian church ,
being the most fashionable of those gov
erned by deacons , naturally expecte (
that the President would choose that
house as the one best suited to admin
ister his Sunday's spiritual food , and so
the church on each Sunday since the in
auguration has been crowded as it never
was crowded before , by an expectant
throng anxious to see Grover under fire
of a Washington preacher charged with
a brimstone sermon. The President ,
however , disappointed everybody , not
only by not going to church at all , but
by sending his family household to Dr.
Sunderland's church , which for some
time has been steadily declining towan
final disolution. Of course the pres
ence of the Presidential family here
will revive matters there materially ,
just as the Christian Church was put
upon its legs by the accession of Mr.
Garfield four years ago.
The nomination and immediate anc
unanimous confirmation of Mr. George
H. Pendleton as Minister to Germany ,
is the administering of a most gratefu
and soothing balm for the soreness that
Gentleman George experienced in his
late defeat for the Senate by the Stand
ard Oil Company. As the successor
to Mr. Kasson it is hard to say from
this standpoint -whether Mr. Pendleton
will please that large portion of the
American people who have no love for
any sort of aristocracy , and who will ex
pect him to keep aloof from the Berlin
courtiers. 1 believe , however , that
may hazard the opinion that Minister
Pendleton will acquit himself to the
satisfaction of Mr. Bayard , and that is
more than can be said of some of his
In the general cleaning out of the
official rubbish that has gathered in the
several departments of the Government ,
we are felicitated upon the abolition of
the laudaulette and coupe attachments ,
without which it seemed impossible for
past administrations to get along. Mr.
Lamar , in the Interior Department , and
Mr. Garland , in the Department of Jus
tice , have ordered the horses and equip
ages attached to those branches to be
sold to the highest bidder , and the offi
cial who cannot ride in a street car to
attend to his duties or to make social
calls , can pay for his own livery or go
on foot. This is evidently an adminis
tration that proposes to ignore coats-of-
arnis and the other insignia of adorned
snobbery. DOM PEDRO.
School Laws.
LINCOLN , NEB. , March 9th , 1885. )
To School Officers and Superintendents :
The changes made in the school law
by the legislature were not many , but
some of them were very important.
The most important changes are given
below. You will please read it carefully.
You will see that the business of the
annual meeting is not changed , but the
officers elected at this meeting do not
take possession of their office until the
present officers continue to exercise the
office until that time.
The census report of the district is
made immediately after the annual
meeting as it has been heretofore , but
the financial report will not be made un
til July. Make the census report on
the blank you now have for that pur
pose. A new blank will be sent
you for your financial report. These
are the most important changes.
Respectfully yours ,
W. W. W. JONES ,
Supt. Public Instruction.
Village Election.
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday , the 7th day of April ,
& . . D. 1885 , at J. N. Lucas' law office , In Me-
uook , Neb. , the annual election will be held
for the election of five Trustees of said village
jf McCook , Neb. , which election will be open
it 9 o'clock In the morning and will remain
jpen until 7 o'clock in the evening of the same
Jay. J. E. BEUGER , Chairman.
F. M. KISIMEI , ! , , Village Clerk.
Dated , March 21,1885.
\A/1IVI100 money than at anything else by taking
Vy I l\anagency for the best selling book out.
'Beginners succeed grandly. None fail.
Terms free. HALLETT BOOK CO. , Portland , Maine.
Hayes County News.
Store opened out at Estcll.
Livery stable at Hayes Centre.
Water at Hayes Centre at a depth of
165 feet.
"Will vote upon the location of Coun
ty-seat , April 10th , 1885.
"Water works going up at Hayes Cen
tre. Saloon in full blast.
Hayes Centre one vote and the drop
of an eye-lid ahead at last cable.
40 voters from Illinois moved onto
their claims near Estell , are putting up
some comfortable residences.
Work begun upon the Ogalalla , Hayes
Centre and McCook short line. Daily
Stage running the entire distance.
Cross-eyed men , with coats ripped up
the back , buttons all off the same , are
common on the division ridge between
the rival towns.
Work upon the Estell Grist Mill , be
gun. Fall of water 17 feet. Two
Lime Kilns burning. Workmen quar
rying out building rock. ,
The County Clerk has returned from
Stockville , where he has been for some
time making a transcript of the record
of Hayes and Chase counties.
Mrs. Miller , sister of the Bailey
Bros. , has returned to take up her resi
dence among us for the summer. She
speaks of a very severe winter through
out the Black Hill region.
John Hughes' lower ranch had a nar
row call from a prairie fire on the 26th.
Flames leaped the-fire guard , ignited
the loose hay in his corral , and but for
the assistance of a neighbor , all his
buildings must have burned to the
One fire after another has visited our
county , until but a small portion was
left , that afforded grazing. A narrow
strip along the Blackwood had been
saved by the constant watchfulness of
the settlers. But yesterday some indi
vidual whose skull is of the crustaceous
order too fraiMo receive much less re
tain an impression applied the match
and finished the work.
Beaver News.
Our singing school is still going on
and some advancement is noticeable.
Crop time has again greeted the Bea
ver Valley , aid the people and business
men within its borders are lively.
We are to have a general store here
in the near future. A Mr. Siockton
will begin the erection of his building ,
the forepart of next week.
We need a good blacksmith , and a
good man might do well here. Let
some one look up the matter with a
view of locating in our midst.
Elder Mason preached to a goodly
number of people , last Sunday. Rev.
Meechcm again disappointed quite an
assembly , who had meet to hear him
preach in the evening of Sabbath.
Hamburg , March 27th. BEATER.
Birthday Celebration.
Last Friday evening , March 27th ,
the patrons ef school district No. 41 on
the north divide , celebrated the 52d
birthday of William Johnson at his res
idence 6 miles north of McCook. Th
evening's program embraced recitations ,
declamations , dialogues , curtain lecture ;
and singing , which was supplemente
in a most acceptable manner by po
corn balls and cake , terminating in a
old-fashioned "candy pull. " The even
ing was one full of joy , and will long
remain a beautiful picture in the hall
of memory of those who participated.
March 27 , 1885. FRIEND.
There will be a meeting of the South
western Stock Growers' Association
held in McCook , Friday , April 10th ,
1885 , at 2 o'clock P. M.
B. BIRD , President.
JVST WHAT TOC Anvil , Vise , Cut-
WANT. off Tool. The best
for Fnrm & Home
nee. Either size ,
94.50 , S.50.18.60 ,
sent Freight Paid
on receipt of price ,
If your hardware
dealer does not
keep them. Good
Agents wanted. ally
An Enterprising , Beliable House.
il. A. Spaldlng can always be relied upon , not on-
y to carry In stock the best of everything , but to
ecurc the Agency for snch articles as have vell-
tnown merit , and are popular -with the people , there-
jy sustaining the reputation of being always enter
prising , and ever reliable. Having secured the Agony -
: y for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption , will sell it on a positive guarantee. It
will surely cure any and every affection of Throat ,
Lungs , and Chest , and to show our confidence , wo ln
vlte you to call and get a Trial Dottle Free.
When you visit or leave New York City , save Bag-
cngc , Expressage and Carriage Hire and stop at the
Grand Union Ilotc ) . opposite Grand Central Depot.
Elegant rooms fitted up at n cost of one million
dollars , reduced to ? 1.00 and upwards per day. Euro-
> ean plan. Elerator. Restaurant supplied with the
icst. Horse cars , stages and elevated rallrond to all
depots. Families can H\e better for less money at
he Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-class
hotel in the city 3.31
THAT HACKING COUGH con be o quickly curer
by ShlloH's Cure. Wo guarantee It.
WILL YOU SUFFEU with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint -
plaint 1 Shlloh'8 Vltallzcr is guaranteed to cure you.
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS , made miserable by that ter
rible cough. Shlloh's Cure is the remedy for you.
CATAKHH CUBED , health and sweet breath se
cured by ShIIoh' * Catarrh Itcmcdy. 1'rlcc SO cents.
Nnwl Injector free.
For lame Hack , Side or Chest use Shlloh's Porous
Plaster. Price 25 cents.
SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure Is sold
by us an a guarantee. It cures consumption.
SHILOH'S VITALIZE ! : Is what you need for Con
stipation , Less of Appetite , Dizziness and all symp
toms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle.
CHOUP , WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis Im
mediately relieved by Shlloh's Cure.
Sold by S. L. Green druggist , JlcCook , Neb.
By Mr. James
Puyn Is now
A Great Story being in published our
family weekly paper. Also each week we give
Rev. T. DeWittTalmage ,
a feature alone worth the price we charge for
the whole year. In addition to the continued
stories , weekly sermons by Brooklyn's most
noted divine , 2nd general literary miscellany ,
every issue contains ths following : Illustra
ted sketches of prominent men ; letters from
all parts of the world , news of the week , hap
penings of Interest in Missouri and Kansas ,
lull and reliable market reports , political go
ings-on. Washington news and special depart
ments carefully edited for Farmers , Little
Folks , the Family Circle and business men
generally. The present publishers have con
ducted THE TIMES for 15 years and have learn
ed by experience that genuine merit wins
more friends than anything else. The public
can therefore rely on us to add every improve
ment desirable , and to spare no expense in
keeping our paper at the head. Wo are encour
aged by our largely increased list of subscrib
ers , now numbering over 63,000 , to continue the
Rpfllirpri PnVpof a year , and will
IXCUULCU. 111LCU1 vl.UUtherefore re
ceive subscriptions at this low price. EVERY
will find something every week in THE TIMES
worth our price of § 1.00 a year. Specimen
copies free. Remit by postal note , money or
registered letter , to
3-37. THE TIMES , Kansas City , Mo.
The Fine Sweet Briar & Clydes
dale , Bird of the West ,
Shipped in by Hon. John V. Wharton of
Fairbury , 111. , and purchased by A. J. Pate of
McCook , mav be seen at Olcott's Barn , from
Monday to Thursday of each week ; Indianola ,
Fridays and Saturdays , at Win. K. Lynch's
n -t X- - VXi 'iXX - *
McCook , Neb. , February 2d , 1685.
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
by Fleming M. Graham against Orville O. But
ton for failuie to comply with law as to Tim
ber-Culture Entry 1011 , dated at North Platte ,
Neb. , September 10th , 1870 , upon the southwest
quarter section 32. township 2 north , range 28
west , in lied Willow county , Neb. , with a view
to the cancellation of said entry ; contestant
alleging that said Orville O. Button has failed
to plant to trees , tree seeds or cuttings during1
the years ending September 19th , 1882,1883 and
1884 , any part of said land ; neither has he at
any time since the date of his entry up to the
present time cultivated any part ot said land ,
or planted any part of said land to trees , tree
seeds or cuttings , and that said land is who Jy
abandoned by said claimant ; the said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this office
on the loth day of April , 1885 , at 1 o'clock , P.
M. , to respond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged failure.
40 G. L. LAWS , Eegister.
McCook , Neb. , March 2d , 1883.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Edgar W. Lewis against John F. Dean for
abandoning his Homestead Entry 901 , dated
August 9th , 1884 , upon the northwest quarter
section 22 , township 2 north , range 26 west , in
Hed Willow county , Nebraska , with a view to
the cancellation of said entry ; the said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this office
on the Oth day of April , 1885 , at 1 o'clock , P.
M. , to respond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged abandonment.
40 G. L. LAWS , Eegister.
March 30th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
May Sth , 1885 , viz : Benvill Booth , Homestead
Entry 462 , for the east southeast } section
34 , township 1 , north ot range 29 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : Jacob F. Boyer , Wilber F.
Saunders , William C. Shockley and Stephen
C. Boyer , all of Stoughton , Neb. ,
44 G. L. LAWS , Register.
, March 23d , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
May Oth , 1885 , viz : AVilliam F. Hamilton , Box
Elder , Neb. , for the lots 1,2,3 and 4 of section
4 , township 4 , north of range 29 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : James Spaulding , Jacob
Long. A. W. Campbell and D. E. Moore , all of
Box Elder , Nebraska.
43 G. L. LAWS , Register.
March 23d , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
May 8th , 1885 , viz : John D. Gerver , D. S. 897 ,
for the southwest quarter of section 32 , town
ship 1 north , range 2U west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Gideon Cobbs of Cedar Bluffs , Kas. , John
M. Ford , James A. Gregrey and Amos Gooden-
berger of Stoughton , Neb.
43 G. L. LAWS , Register.
March 25th , 1885. J
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
ind that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
May llth , 18S5 , viz : Arthur B. Law , Home
stead Entry 979 , for the northeast quarter of
section 28 , township 5 , north of range 31 west.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
Ills continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said landviz : E. R. Harraan , George
Lichlitner , E. W. Van Horn and J. T. Rivett ,
ill of McCook , Nebraska.
43 G. L. LAWS , Be ister.
LAND Omen .AT McCooic. NEU. , I
March 2 < Jth , 1885. f
Notice Is hereby given that the followlng-
natncd settler luis filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Regis
ter or llccolver at McCook , Nob..on Saturday.
May ICth , 1885 , viz : David E. Moore , ono of
the holrs of Enoch Moore , deceased , for the
south 'A southeast ! section 23 and northwest
} northeast U , northeast J4 northwest J4 of
section-0 , township 4 , north of range 20 west.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : Stephen Dalles , Alexander
Campbell. Josiah Moore and Nelson Boyd , all
of Red Willow county. Neb.
42 G. L. LAWS , Register.
March 27th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
natned settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
May 8th , 1885 , viz : James M. Hcislcr. D. S.
824 , for the north ' / $ southwest i section 18 ,
township 3 north , range 28 west. Ho names
the following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon , and cultivation of. said
land , viz : Benjamin F. McQuav , Daniel Shaw ,
AVilHam McQuay and James Davis , all of Mc
Cook , Nebraska.
44 G. L. LAWS , Register.
March S7th , 1885. |
Notice is hereby pivcn that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
May 8th , 185 , viz : Joseph L. Springer , Home
stead Entry 030 , for the southwest h north
west 34 , north / southwest Ji and northwest
M southeast i section 20 , township 5 , north of
range 30 west. Ho names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Irvln
Spaulding. Daniel I ) . Doyle , George W. Swig-
gart and Dewltt Swlggurt , all of Osborn. Neb.
44 G. L. LAWS , Register.
March 4th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intontiou
to make final proof In support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Regis
ter or Receiver nt McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
April 25th , 1885 , viz : Ellas R. Harmon , D. S.
920 , for the northeast quarter section 1 , town
ship 4 north , range 31 west. Ho names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : E. W. Van Horn , H. H. Easterday , James
Patterson and O. F. Cain , all ef McCook. Neb.
41 G. L. LAWS , Register.
March 10th , 1885. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Reg *
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
April 17th , 1885 , viz : Henry C. Jacobs , Home
stead Entry 1274 , for the northwest quarter of
section 28 , township 3 , north of range 29 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
said land , viz : Silas H. Colvin , Vance McMan-
igal. William Hamilton and Arnold Angel , all
of McCook , Nebraska.
41 G. L. LAWS , Register.
March 4th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
April 17th , 1885 , viz : Elmer F. Sheppard , D. S.
1125 , for the southeast quarter of section 21 ,
township 2 north , range 29 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : William Bloomer. Hiram Dirl , D.
Blake and Alex. Johnson , all of McCook , Neb.
40 G. L. LAWS , Register.
February 17th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
April 3d , 185. ) , viz : James C. Kane , Home
stead Entry 424 , for the south 1A southeast H
section 30 , and north \i northeast J section 31.
township 4 north , range 29 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : John Unzicker , John Farrell , Al
fred Carter and Matthew J. Hefl'e , all of Mc
Cook , Neb. 38 G. L. LAWS , Register.
February 18th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
andthatsaid proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
April 4th , 1885 , viz : Lillian M. Boyle , who fil
ed D.S.304 , for the south yt southeast & north
east H southeast Ji section 9 and northeast J4
southwest Ji section 10 , township 4 , north of
range 29 west. She names the following wit
nesses to prove her continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Wil
liam Doyle , Perry A. Yeast , William T. Ham
ilton and Stephen Bowles , all of Box Elder ,
Nob. 38 G. L. LAWS , Register.
February 18th. 18S5. J
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
April 7th , 1885 , viz : George W. Foster , Home
stead Entry 138 , for the northeast quarter of
section 9 , township 3 , north of range 30 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , viz : L. B. Stiles , William
Boggs , Philip Weick and George Bowman , all
of McCook , Nebraska.
33 G. L. LAWS , Register.
February 25th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
April llth , 1885 , viz : Mathew J. Heafy , Home
stead Entry 254 , for the northwest quarter of
section 5 , township 3 , north of range 29 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
said land , viz : James Kane , James Doyle.
Charles Knipping and Frank Stockless , all of
McCook. Nebraska.
39 G. L. LAWS. Register.
February 20th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
April 7th , 1885 , viz : James W. Williams , Home
stead Entry 3334 , for the southeast quarter of
section 35 , township 2 , north of range 28 west.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , viz : Thomas Bennett , I. J.
Vore and Frank Vore of Bondville , Neb. , and
R. B. Archibald , of McCook , Neb.
39 G. L. LAWS. Register.
March 13th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before United
States Land Office at McCook , Neb. , on Tues
day , May 5th , 1885 , viz : Charles G. Cornwell ,
D. S. 1228 , for the southwest quarter section 9 ,
township 2 north , range 30 west. E e names
the following witnesses to prove his oontinu-
DUS residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : A. J. White , C. A. Smith , William
F. Everist and J. T. Slegrue , all of McCook ,
Keb. 43 G. . LAWS , Register.
March 18th. 1885. )
Notice is hereby given that the foJlowing-
named settler has filed notice of Her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
May 9th , 1885 , viz : Mary A. Conner , D. S. 954.
for the southwest quarter section 33. township
J north , range 30 west. She names the follow
ing witnesses to prove her continuous resi-
Jence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Wm. H. Hubbell. Andy S. Boyer , Nels. J. John-
jon and William L. Pryor , all of McCook , Neb.
43 G. L. LAWS. Register.
An Answer "Wanted-
Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver
Jomplalut that Electric Bitters will not ? pcedlly
: nre ? AVe say they can not , as thousands of cases
Uready permanently cured and who are dally recom-
nendlng Electric Bitters , will prove. Uriglifs Dis
ease , Diabetes , Weak Back , or any urinary complaint
julckly cured. They pnrify the blood , regulate the
JGUels , and act directly ou the diseased parts. Eery
wttle guaranteed. For gale at 50 cents a bottle at
Hetropolitan Drug Store.
* * * * * * AN D * * * * *
Come In and sec our elegant line of
' i
* * jrx AN D T
V '
Wo have the finest assortment of goods ever
shown In Western Nebraska.
Come and Inspect Our
Goods even If you do not wish to buy.
McCook , Nebraska.
Cakes Made on Order.
In connection where you can get coffee , sand
wiches. pies , etc. , at all hours.
Saddles f Harness ,
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Stock Saddles , Cow-Boy out
fits , and Spurs.
SST'Ladics' and Children's Hair
Dressing a specialty.