McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, March 26, 1885, Image 7

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    f " * " *
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The Rural New Yorker says it is bcsfc
not to trust onion seed which is two
years old.
_ Good hard wood ashes contain about
six or seven pounds of potash in one
hundred , or a little over three pounds
per bushel.
It is a mistake to enter into any
branch of farming or stock raising
without a thorough knowledge of it in
all its points and bearings.
. The first point to be learned in suc-
j s /cessful stock raising , is never to allow
* * * an animal to lose a pound of flesh.
This is equivalent to throwing two
pounds away.
Illinois and Wisconsin had each over
1,000 plates of fruit on exhibition at
the Now Orleans exposition. The
great state of Now York made no fruit
Look to the collars. Decaying ap
ples , pumpkins , potatoes , cabbages ,
turnips and the like are thought to bo
the cause of malignant fevers , diph
theria and the like.
A writer says in Tlic Garden that in
growing peas , the fact is that , "in
point ot oarlincss wo have not gained
a single day in the case of any of the
new introductions for these last thirty
years. "
J. J. Thomas estimates the value of
white grapes , as regards qualityalono ,
as follows : Duclicss , as highest in
flavor , then Prcntiss , then Niagara ,
and nearly equal to Niagara , the
Rockliu < jton.
A deep , rich soil is recommended
for quinces.vJhey will bear well on
well drained , gravelly land , well
dressed with stable manure. They are
more satisfactory if trained as trees
alhcr than bashes.
Ohio sent an exhibit of wools grown
in that state to the New Orleans Expo
sition. There were sixty-three cards ,
twenty-two by twenty-eight inches , ar
ranged under glass , and also eighty
fleeces of wool shown.
Draft horses have increased in pop
ularity during the past year more
rapidly than ever before. The im-
Eorters have large stocks of horses on
and , and while prices are no lower ,
they are offering u better lot of horses.
The day for scrub hogs is fast pass
ing away. The day for grades will
not linger Ions : when it is seen how
readily pure bred stock can be had ,
how much better the product it yields ,
and that no greater care in its keeping
is required than should bo given to
ordinary stock.
A warm mess of bran , meal , chop
ped and steamed fodderor , other food
will quickly quiet shivering flanks
these cold mornings. It will also
bring an imme diato reward in the
shape of increased flow of milk from
the cows , or more spirited work from
the horses.
The keeping of a colt on a farm is
one of those small things the expense
of which will pass almost nnoticed ,
and yet the growth of the colt is so
profitable that in no way does the
farmer receive any better compensa-
ion for hay and grain consumed than
from feeing such hay and grain to a
few good colts.
An oror production of pure bred
stock need not be feared. When the
majority of farmers breed and feed
no other , the. skillful breeder will
merely have to moye up. There will
alwaj's bo certain lines or families
more highly prized than others , and
in his efforts with these he will find
his pleasure and his profit.
The great trouble with celery grow
ing is that the plants , at one stage of
growth or another , are permitted to
suffer for water. This invariably
causes tough and hollow stalks. Keep
the plants growing from the time they
appear above the irround in the seed
. bed. Transplant them to rich soil
giye them water as often as they need
it , and give it in abundance , and you
will have tender , plumb celery.
The American Cultivator says : "It
is a' poor time to sell sheep or go out
of the business when thousands upon
thousands of sheep are beino ; frozen
and starved to death in the far West ,
and when an unusual number is being
slaughtered at all leading markets.
Farmers may rest assured that it is
low tide in sheep husbandry , and now
is the time to take advantage of the
rising tide which is sure to follow. "
A French scientist calls attention to
the indiscriminate use of the tincture
of arnica for horses. He says that it
is often employed in considerable
quantities for petty sprains and
bruises , and is kept in contact with
the affected surfaces until they are
swollen , heated , and blistered , "thus
greatly aggravating the original trou
ble. Ho also cites cases in which
erysipelas has been induced in men
from an over use of this irritating
The grower needs to have a
courageous heart and an unbounding
faith in his pursuit. He has numer
ous enemies with which to contend
and to conquer ; unfavorable seasons
are not infrequent : numerous insects
and parasitic fungi are constantly dis
puting possession of his plants , trees ,
and fruits ; a general business depres
sion , or an excessive supply of fruit
often deprives him of all or nearly all
of his profits. But these difficulties
are probably not greater than those
attending many other pursuits.
It has often been claimed that pro-
iductiveness and earliness in the melon
are promoted by pinching back the
leading stems , A test of these statements -
[ ments was made at the New York Ex-
.periment station , last season by pinch-
ling buck the main shoots , as fast aa
'they attained the length of two feet , in
| a row of the Christiana melon , seventy-
jfive leet long , leaving the stems en
tirely unpinched in an adjoining row
'of ' equal length. The first impressions
1 we're that the fruits formed on the
< pinched row were more numerous and
( earlier than those on the unpinchod
jrojv. The sequel , nowever , showed
j this to be a mistake. On August 15
i the pinched rows showed ninety-seven
] fruits exceeding three inches in diam-
jeter , while the unpinched one showed
( eighty-five. The first fruit to ripen ,
1 however , was on the unpinched row.
land during September no difference
{ was discernible between the two rows.
Some Startling Statements-Dangerous
Drugs Worse Than Opium
View * of Medical Authorities.
The Washington Post says :
For centuries it lias been contended
that a. cough medicine , to be effective ,
must contain morphia , opium , or some
other equally dangerous drug , and to
day nearly every cough medicine iu the
market has for its base some one of
these deadly poisons. In every State in
the Union physicians and coroners are
constantly reporting innumerable cases
of poisoning and death resulting from
such compounds. One authority states
that these have done more injury than
opium smoking. A purely vegetable
and at the same time efficacious cough
cure has been considered an impossi
bility. It is for this reason that emi
nent medical authorities and public
men everywhere like Dr. James A.
Stcuart , Health Commissioner of Bal
timore , and Dr. Samuel K. Cox , of
Washington , have spoken so enthusi
astically of the discovery of Red Star
Cough Cure , which is absolutely free
from poisons or narcotics. Dr. O.
Grothe , of the Brooklyn Board of
Health , and heads of similar boards in
other cities , are also , among those who
have issued official certificates in its
Prof. John J. Caldwell , M. D. , mem
ber of the Electro-Therapeutical Society ,
New York ; Medical Society Kings
County ( Brooklyn ) ; Medical Society
Baltimore ; for six years in civil and
military hospitals ; assistant surgeon U.
S. Volunteers , author of "Electro-
Therapeutics , " etc. , certifies that a very
desirable new departure has been made
by the introduction of Red Star Cough
Cure ; that in addition to the rare quality
of being entirely vegetable and harm
less , he finds it to be an ingenious com
pound , pleasant to take and of re
markable efficacy.
"We Have Used It. '
To the Public :
From personal experience , as well as
from observation of its marked efficacy
in other cases that have come under
our notice , we cheerfully recommend
RED STAR COUGH CURE as a safe and
reliable family medicine.
Combining the power to relieve and
cure promptly , with the rare quality of
being entirely free from opiates , poisons
and uarcotics , as demonstrated by the
analysis of recognized medical author
ities , it may justly be termed a valuable
We concur in the official opinion of
the Commissioner of Health of Balti
more , that "it happily supplants the ob
jectionable and not unfrequently harm
ful features of other cough mixtures. "
BALTIMORE , MD. , Feb. 9 , 1885.
B. K. McLANE ,
Governor of Maryland.
Mayor of Baltlmor *
A. P. GORMAff ,
United States Senator.
Postmaster , Baltimore.
City Commissioner.
City Comptroller.
Collector of the Port.
Collector U. S. Internal Revenue.
Member of Congress.
Ondge Appeal Tax Court.
Sanitary Inspector *
Purveyor Ravvtew Asylum.
Over fifty physicians of Baltimore , in
cluding those of leading hospitals , char
itable institutions , colleges and schools
have voluntarily endorsed Red Star
Cough Cure , not only as the best thing
of the kind ever discovered , but as be
ing entirely free from the harmful feat
ures of other cough mixtures. Every
one will find it a safe , sure cure. It is
entirely free from opiates , narcotics ,
emetics and poisons. It leaves no bad
effects , It does not derange the sys
tem. It is pure , pleasant , prompt.
Sold by druggists and dealers in medi
cine throughout the United States at
fifty cents a bottle. THE CHARLES A.
VOGELER COMPANY , Sole Proprietors ,
Baltimore , Maryland.
Mormons ought to be good sailors they
have so much many-time experience.
The lay of the land In Montana is very
hi h. That is , eggs are there quoted at ten
cents each.
Good for the Child.
The ailments of childhood need care
ful attention and wise treatment
Some people think "anything is good
enough for a child , and there isn't
much the matter with it , anyhow. "
But judicious mothers know better , and
do as Mrs. H. W. Perry , of Richmond ,
Va. , does. She says : "I take Brown's
Iron Bitters and give it to my children
with the most satisfactory results. "
Sold everywhere.
The skull of Kchellru , carefully preserred
In a velvtt case , is said to be hi the possession
of a Paris publisher.
General Cbnce , of Rhode Island , says : "I
always k ep Hunt's Remedy in my house It
prevent- adache and Kidney trouble. "
We depart from our usu l practice and re
commend Hunt's Ktmedv HS a sure cure for
all kidnry diseases. Medical Gazette.
"Shoot Polly as She Flies , "
was the way it appeared in the proof-
slip. The argus-eyed proof-reader ,
however , know the quotation intended
and changed it to read : "Shot Folly
as she flies. " Pope. Of course it
was an error , yet how many are daily
committing much graver errors by
allowing the first symptoms of con
sumption to go unheeded. If afflicted
with loss of appetite , chilly sensations ,
or hacking cough , it is suicidal to delay
a single moment the use of Dr. Pierce's
'Golden Medical Discovery , " the
great and only reliable remedy yet
known for this terribly fatal malady.
Send two letter stamps for Dr. Pierco's
complete treatise on this disease. Address
' Medical Association
dress World's Dispensary
ciation , Buffalo , N. Y.
The newest application of electricity la for
electric llnln" ' > f li'it" * n nnHa'i tJ'e brain.
"Luugh * 'at "
autl Wrow , .
Is a precept easily preached , but not so
easy to practice. If a person has no
appetite , but a distressing nausea , sick-
headache , dyspepsia , boils , or other ill
resulting from inaction of the bowels ,
it is impossible to get up such a laugh
as will produce aldermanic corpulence.
In order to laugh satisfactorily you
must be well , and to be well you must
have your bowels in good order. You
can do this and laugh heartily with Dr.
Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets , "
the little regulators of the liver and
bowels and best promoters of jollity.
When is a girl like a greenhouse ? When
she has her sash on.
* * * * Delicate diseases radically
cured. Consultation free. Address ,
World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion , Buffalo. N. Y.
The Milkman's Virtues.
He never cheats in measure water
is cheap.
He never has the doctor he's a well
man.He has a good gait his step is al
ways springy.
He never gets the dumps he skims
through the world.
His sole is not heavy he believes in
pumps. '
He is not loud his patrons are never
troubled with his cream. Boston Bud
He witis at last who builds his trust
In loving words and actions just ,
Whose head , whose walk , whose very mefa ,
Proclaim the use of CarDoline.
Were Solomon alive he might give Sullivan
some sound advice , such as "Go to thy haunt
thou slug-hard. "
"Rough on Rata" clears out Tiast , Mice. ISc.
"Wells' Health Kenewer" fur weak men.
P"o ; > le who go up la a balloon together are
Eenera'ly conceded to be considerably "taken
up with one another. " .
If afllictcd with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggist * sell It
A woman In some states cannot sue and be
sued , but she can cornplalnjmdjie courted.
"Toothache. " InEtantTreiicf. 15.
Itcli. " curct humors , eruptions , ringworm -
worm , tetter , gait rheum , frosted feet , chilblains.
We have some cases of the pride of learning ,
but a multitude of the pride of Ignorance.
A OHKAT eruption has caused the o % erthrow of the
political biBses ; ole's Carbollsalve will cure all
kinds of eruptions. Itching and Irrliatlnjr diseases of
the skla and scaln. trices 23 and 50 cents. At Drug
gists. _ _
A London bank has issued an order forbid
ding the marriage of clerks whose salaries are
less than § 750 a year.
"Eouehon Corns" hard or soft corns , bunion * . I5c.
" "
"Buchu palba , " Great Kidney and Urinary Cure.
Omaha has several high priced Hotels
but the Metropolitan is the only $2.00
per day house centrally located. Try
Halford Sanco used ft all flrst-c'ass hotels
Hake your food moie nutritious.
WHEAT No.2 57 ® 59 ? !
BAHLEY-NO.S 50 < ® 61
KYK No. 2 48 © 49
COKH No. 2 mixed 214 © 253
OATS-NO. 2 20i@ 23i }
BUTTER Fancy creamery 28 W 30
BUTTER Choice dairy 35 @
CHEESE Toungr America 14 @
EGGS Fresh 13 } $ ®
ONIONS Perbbl 250 @ 275
CHICKENS Perdoz. . alive. . . . 03 @ 225
CHICKENS DreSfced , per lb. . . . 9 & 10
APPLES Barrels 375 @ 425
LEMONS Choice 350 @ 375
OKANGES Mesina 325 @ 3 CO
POTATOES Per bushel 40 © 45
SEEDS Timothy 1 ttl © 2 Oi )
SEEDS Blue Grass 130 & 150
HAY Baled.per ton 650 © 700
CATTLE Fat steers 350 @ 451
Hoas Mixed packers 425 a 435
BHEEP Fat 203 9 3 <
WHEAT No. 2 sprmjr 9 © 93
WHEAT Cncxaded rod Si ( A 90 } $
CORN No.2 : < 9 @ 50k
OATS Mixed western - 31 @ 38JS
PORK 3350 © 1375
LAUD 715 © 7 17jJ
FLOUR Choice Winter 475 © 553
FLOUR Spring extra S75 @ 453
\VHEAT Per bushel 77'4 © 74 ?
CORN Per bushel 41g i 41&
OATS For bushel 215J < a 2i-,5
PORK 12 00 @ 13ft.'ii
LARD G ss 'ffl 6 - .
HOGS Packing and shipping : . 4 7 < i © 4 95
CATTLE Stockers 350 @ 475
bHEEP Medium to good 2 5) © 4 23
TPHEAT No. 2 red 83 O SUS
CORN Per bushel 33 © 33J4
OATS Per bushel 31 ©
CATTLE Exports 505 © 590
SHEEP Medium to extra 2 75 © 475
HOGS Packers 485 © 4tO
WHEAT Per bushel C1A < &
CORN Per bushel 3.$4 $ < S > KJ
OATS Per bushel 30 & 3J
CATTLE Exports 65:0 : O 640
HOGS Medium to choice 42 > © 4 55
SHEEP Fair to good 150 © 323
There are now nearly seven million children
in the United States who do not know their
It is a very easy thing , even for the most
Ignorant man , to be an author of note if his
name Is worth anything.
Departing Winter
Leaves the blood glugtrlsh and full of impurltlea , the
nervous system In bad state and the whole body do
bnitatcd. Hood * * Sarsapsrllla Is just the medicine to
cleanse the blood , to give stead'ness ' to the nerves ,
and to restore that feeling of strength and ambition
which makei one aeem equal to any kind of labor
Try It now.
"I was troubled with salt rheum three years , j
took Hood's Parsaparllla and am entirely cured , nu
myweisrbt has Increased from 103 pounds to 135"
line. ALICE SMITH , Stamford , Conn.
"Last spring I was troubled with bol's , caused by
my blood being out of order. Two bottles of Hood's
Eareapartlla cured me , and Icm , safely recommend
U. " JOSEPH Scaocn , Peorla , 111.
"I used Hood's Sarsaparilla last spring and can truly
tsy It helped me very much. To those suffering w ui
bilious complaints , nervoui prostration , or rheuma
tlsm , I earnestly recommend It. " MBS. E. CAEi-Kjt-
TKE , Kalainazoo , Mich.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists fir six for $5. Made only by
CL HOOD & CO. . Apothecaries , Lowell , Mas * .
100 Doses One OolUr
When you visit New "ork City , via Central
depot , save Bactrage Expressage and $3 Car
nage Hire , and stop at the Grand Union Hotel ,
opposite said depot. Six hundred elegant
rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars ;
SI uud upwards per day. European plan. Ele
vator. Kestaurant supplied with the best.
Horse-cars , gtatros and elevated railroad to all
dejiote. Families can live better for less
money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any
other flrsUJass hotel In the city.
„ A man who makes money hand over fist the
prize fighter.
Neither mental nor physical labor can be ac
complished satisfactorily unless the system Is
In order. When you feel tired , languid , wearied
without exertion , the mind slow to ai-i , and re
quiring great mental effort , you cau rest as
sured that your Liver Is not acting properly ,
and that nature requires assistance to help
throw off Impurities. There Is no remedy
that will accomplish this so mildly and yet
effectually as PIUCKLY ASH BITTEUS. A trial
will satisfy you of Its merits.
When clothespins are only n cent a dozen ,
there Is no excuse for snoring In church.
Brown's Bronchial Troches will re
lieve Bronchitis , Asthma , Catarrh , Consump
tive and Tiiroat Diseases. They are wed al
ways icitfi good success.
There are 347 female blacksmiths In Eng
land , all of whom actually swing heavy ham
mers and do men's work. .
" * '
"Rough on"Paln"Porose'd Plaster 15c. Liquid 20c
" "
' IVella' Health Kcnewcr" for Dyspepsia , Debility
Save money and bo in the heart of
the citT by stopping at the Metropolitan
Hotel when you visit Omaha , the only
§ 2.00 per day house. Tables as good
as any other house in Omaha. No
charge for "style. " We don't have
The literary man always has write on his
"Hough on CougliH" Troches. 15c. Liquid 25c.
Wells' Health Itenewcr" for Delicate Women.
The ancient mode of w an'are had some ele
ments of speariority over the mordent style.
Did you Suppose -
pose Mustang Liniment only good
for horses ? It is for inflamma
tion of all flesh.
The fittest subjects
for fever and ague ,
and remittents , are
the debilitated , bil
ious and nervous. To
attends adequate pro
tection by increasing
vital Btamlna and
the resistant power
of the constitution ,
and by checking Ir
regularities of ttie
liver , stomach and
bowels. Moreover. It
eradicates malarial
complaints of an ob
stinate tjpe , and
Manila alone uu-
cqualcd amonx our
national remedies.
For s-ale by all
Drufrslstb and deal
ers generally.
Has your physician failed to arrest the dis
ease from which you are suffering : ? Are
you losing faith in medicines , and growing :
alarmed at your condition ? If so , take
The Great Blood Purifier ,
Compounded from the well-known curatives
Hops , Malt , Buchu , Mandrake , Dandelion ,
Earsaparilla , Cascara Sarada , etc. They are
never Xaown to fail in all cases of
Troubles. They cure Dyspepsia , Indigestion ,
Rheumatism and all urinary troubles. Tht > y
Invigorate , nourish , strengthen and quictt
the nervous system.
As a tonic they have no equal. They are a
rational cathartic and a superb anti-bilious
Should be exercised by persons when pur
chasing Slops and ? ? iASl/F BSItlers.
Do not get them comfounded with other In-
ferier articles of a similar name. For sale
by all druggists and dealers. See that every
label bears the name HOPS & MALT B10V
TEBS CO. , Detroit , Mich.
Dyspepsia , General Debility *
JaTiadioo , Habitual Constipa
tion , Liver Complaint , Sick
Koadacho , Diseased Kid
neys , Etc. , Etc.
It contains only the Purest Drugs , among
CThlch maybe enumerated P2ICILY ASH BA22
&H3 BE2XIES , HAirDZiZI , B3CE17 , CZHKA , Etc.
It cleanses the system thoroughly , and aa a
Is TTnoqnalod.
It Is rot an intoxicating bovcragc , nor can
it ce mod as such , by reason of its Cathartic
Properties. '
Solo Proprietors ,
Yearn *
. . .
/mnjiij ; * * 1.1.-TI * * - * * - * * - * *
byOfn K. irDoDOE. with Introduction by Gen
Sherman. Be t Book for agents ever published
over 7O.OOO Sold. Agents sell 10 to 2O a day
BOO AcentH Wanted. Send for circulars. Term.
IberaBA1LKY & liEXXEUr. KA > BAS CITT , Mo
Free from Opiates , Emetl .1 and I'olnons.
For Couch * , Sore Throat , Ilonrscnt * * , Influenza ,
Cel l . BronculU * . Croup , \V ooplnff Congb ,
mn , Qulmy , Pain * la Oiut , * ad other
( Tcrtioni of th Throat ti
Price BO cents a bottle. Sold by Draccl ts and Deal-
em. Partiet unable to Induct Uirir dealer to promptly
get It for tfiein tcill recelre tico lolUesExpre.s * cAsraea
paid , bu fending one dollar to
Sola Owners anil Manufacturer ) .
Ililttraorr. Hn-Tl " < J. C. B. A.
This medicine , combining Iron with pure
Vegetable tonics , quickly nnd completely
Cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion , \VenUness ,
ImpureBloodMaIariaCliin andFevers ,
and Neuralgia * . , , , , . . .
It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of tna
KIt nisyinvaluabl refer Dishes peculiar to
Women , and all who lead betluntary lives.
It does not injure the teeth , cause headache.or
produce constipation other Iron medicines do.
It enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates
the appetite , aids the assimilation of food , re
lieves Heartburn and Belching , and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack of
Energy , &c. , it has no equal.
JS3" The genuine has above trade mark and'
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
AH those iiaisifnl Complaints
* and Weaknesses so common *
* * * to our Jicst * * *
* $ * *
Price $1 In liquid , pill or loienge form.
* Tts purpose is solely for the legitimate healing o ]
disease and the relief of pnin , and that it does all
it claims to do , thousandsnf ladies car gladly testify. *
It will euro entirely ell Ovarian troubles , Inflammai
Uoa and Ulccration , railing and Displacements , and
Consequent Sinal AVcakncss , and Is particularly
adapted to the change of life. * * * * . * * *
* It removes Falatncbrf. Flatulency , destroysallcravlBU
for htimulantf , and relieves Weakness ot the Stomach.
U cures Bloating , Htadaches , Nervous Prostration ,
Gtneral Debility , Sleeples neas , Depression and Jndi-
Bestion. That feeling ot bearing down , caucinjf pain ,
and backache. Is always permanently cured by its use.
* Bend stamn to Lynn , Ifass. , for pamphlet. Letters of
Inquiry confidentially answered , for sale at druggists ,
* * * * * * * * * -i' * * * * * * * * *
Are unequalled in EXACTING SJEK VICE.
Useil by the Chief
Mechanician of the
i U. S. Count Survey :
452hy tlie Admiral
commanding in the
V. S. Naval Observ
atory , for Astro-
normcal work ; and
by Locomotive
Engineers , Con-
fductors and Kail-
way men. They are
„ , „ recocrniz d as
Tor ali uses in which close
Jmo and durability are re
quisites. Sold In principal
cities and towns by the COM
PANY'S exclusive Acentr
. - % - . * . ' . " - > w"ll Warranty.
Will buy 25 per cent more Groceries at the Old Ka
liable Store of
than can be bought eleewUere In tno state. They >
15 Ibs A SuRfxr for - - SI.00
10 Ibs Extra CSusrar for - - - ( jtl.OO
14 Ibs Grniulitp T.Sujjar for - - SS1.OO
1O 1 ' Ibs New Orleans Sugar for - 1S1.OI )
And other goods In proportion. Send for Monthly
Price LUts. J. B.French i Co. . UMAHA.
The most Elegant BJco4 Pnrlfler , Llrer Tarfgorator
Tonic and Appetizer ever known. The first Bitten
containing Iron erer adrertlted In America. Un
principled person ! arc Imitating tlic name ; look oat
lor frauds. See that th
following signature U en
ererjr bottle and take nons \
other :
BT. PAUIi , MINW.LX Druggist a Chemist
Ererybody needs it I Younif and
eld enjoy itaod are bencfltcd by it.
Fascinating , Innocent and instruc
tive ; an excellentmeatal discipline
and roakoa the players correct In
spelling , and rapid and accurate in
addition. 50 handsomely printed
cardsworth Wets.but mailedfreo
with a tare * month's subscription
totheWnrrnPIoinaanaI&rre and-
tome. illustrated home and farm monthly-for 20 nts In.
ttamps or currency. Sample copies of the PWWMJU.'free.
Address. WESTEJW PLOWSAT , lUIInf. Illln < .lj.
VfVf fV frw f rvwr
Bold by ALL DEALERS throughout the World
Gold ITIedal Paris Exposition , 1878.
UV. . & K. Oil Tube Colors , 90s. cloz. ; Sable ART
Canvass. 7S . j ard : I'ottery and Xo velties for Decorating
Ic. up ; Studie-t rented. We. per week ; Gold I'lush Krama ? ,
HouldinfT' . Pnintinr . Engraving- * . Cord anJ NV.U ; PI-
ASOSandORG1XS.from SSSup : Violuu.S3 ; Gaitars.So :
M 1101P Banjoi. S3.W ; Fifed. Zitherx. Sheet Music. 1-J
III U 01U on" list ; Initiucton for all ln < truraentijj.
_ . A. tlOSPiJ , Oai.ihn. W
Bend 2 cent Stamp for
Lout ihosu attribute * of -4
Procreaiivo Ability
. Jean dvtale. BY TIIK USE OF
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Xatural Failure. Thl trsatnw-nt oriitlnatnl . .
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