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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1885)
McOooK EKLY TRIBUNE. VOLUME III. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MARCH 26 , 188S. NUMBER 43. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE MeCook , Nebraska. 0. L. LA77C , Scatter. C. F. BABCOCS , Eccoher.v . OFFICK Houits : From 0 A. M. to 12 M. , und 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain timo. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GEO. E. JOHNSTON , PROP. , - MACFARLAXD STIIHET , : McCOOK. NEB. -A now hotel Just completed , and fitted up with now furniture throughout. Itutes reas onable. 3-35. COCHRAN & HELM , ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENTS , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and cnrcf nl attention Given to Law Cases In nil the Courts of the State and all classes of U. S. Land liuslncss transacted before the local oflice. at "McCook. Nebraska , and the Interior Department at \VaahinBton , I ) . C. Contests a specialty. Will pros ecute claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of Pensions. Notarial business done Mid lands bought nnd sold on reasonable terms. TOlllcc 1st door Boutli of the U. S. Land Offlcu. 3.29 THOS. GOLFER , ATTOKNEY : AT - : LAW. Agent for Lincoln Land Company. Iteiil Estate Bought nnd Sold and Collections J ? Made. tserOfiico , Opposite Post Ollice , Mc- L-t Cook , Nebraska. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY STJEVEYOE , Red Willow County. Keeps certified pints of all lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence solicited. 2-33. _ DR. A. J. SHAW , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , - XEBHASKA. for the present in the Stanton Holla. building , in rear of Citizens Bank. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , - - NEBI5ASKA. C3 ? Office at Churchill House. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. FHAKMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. JOHN F. COLLINS , ft CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Jobbing will receive prompt attention at iny shop on Dcnnison St. , opposite JlcCook House. I'lans and specifications furnished if desired. TV. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , JUcCooK , - NEBRASKA. A11 work guaranteed. Give ine a call. WILLIAM McINTYKE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. "Work done on short notice. ADYICE TO MOTEEBS. Arc you disturbed at night and of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth ? If so. Fend at once and get a bottle of Krs. TttstlcT's BMtiisg Syrsp for CUlarea Teettbs. Its value Is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon it , mothers , there Is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea , regulates the stomach and bowels , cures wind colic , softens the gums , reduces Inflammation , and gives tone and energy to the whole system. UK. Wisdcw's Berthing Syrsp fsr Children Tcethtg is pleasant to the taste , and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians In the United States , ana Is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. EeliaWe Firms. Jicssre. S. L. Green nnd M. A. Spaldlng are al ways reliable and try to secure the best of every thing for their patrons. They now have bought a large quantity of BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYKUP , nnd are always willing nnd ready to recommend It to every one In need of a preparation for coughs , colds , asthma , bronchitis and consumption , as they know of no other remedy that Is gaining such a wide reputa tion. Sample bottles free. presents given away. $200,0001 I us o cts. postage , and , 'bynialljou will get free a package of goods of large value , that will start you In work that will at once bring you In money faster than anything else In America. All about the 200,000 In presents with each bos. Agents wanted everywhere , of either sex , of all ages , for all the time , or tpare time only , to work for us at their own homes. Tor- tunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. II. HALLETT & CO. , Portland , JIalne. 8-29 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Klicum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chap ped Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all Skin Eruptions , nnd positively cures Tiles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to gh e perfect satisfaction , or money refunded. 1'rlce So cents i > cr box. For sale at METROHOIFAN DRUG STORE. for working people. Send.10 cts. post- lage , and we will mail you free , a royal , HELP valuable sample box of goods tlir.t will put you In the way of making more money In a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. Yon can live Bt home and work In spare time only , or all the time. All of both sexes , of all ages , grandly successful. 50 cts. to ? 5 easily earned every evening. That all who want T7ork may test the business , we make this un paralleled offer : To all who arc not well satisfied we will send 1 to pay Tor the trouble of writing us. 'Full particulars , directions , etc. , sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once. IH > n't delay. Address ST1SSOX & CO. , Portland , Maine. 3-29 Send six cents forpo6tagcand receive free , a costly box of ! PRIZE. A goods whicli will kelp yuu to . I more money right away than an > ibing cle lu \ \ tsworld. \ . All of etthersex , succeed from liri-t hour. The. broad ruad to fortune opens be fore the workers , absolutely sure. At once address TRUE & CO , Augusta , ilalnc. 3-39. T aundry Irons , I evels , Ladders. I1 etter ( Boxes , Lead , - * Chains Locks og , , Lagg Screws , Lines , Lariat ( Pins , Latches. eke ( Bows , okeBows , ' eke ( Bows , ekes , OK Yokes , Yokes , Ox Yokes , Yokes , Ox Yokes. able Knives , acks , Tea ( Pots , ea ( Pots , Kettles , ape Lines , Twine , Toilet Sets , Twine , Tin Trunks , Tongs. ard Cans , oaders Shell , eaders Cattle , ath Hatchets , Ladles , Lifters , Level Glass , Levels. TIbows , J xpansive ( Bits , nd Gate ( Rods , * - * xtractors , Shell , Emery , Cloth , ( Paper , Everything in line. ( Belts , Bells ( Boivls , rackets , ( Bits , ill Head Boxes , ( Bird Cages , ( Bolts , ( Bread ( Boxes , ( Butts. acks , Card , akes , ( kings , ingers , Hog , azors ( Reamers , ( Rasps , fRat Traps , ( Rope , ( Rules , ( Rods. Hers , peners , Can , x Bow ( Pins , yster Ladles , Ovens , Ovens , Ovens , Oil Cans and Stoves. taples , Spades , kates , Scrapers , \prings \ , Shelters , ieves , Steel Yards , Scales , Scoops , Shoes , Saws , hand & X = cut. 1 OF S. W. NEBRASKA FOB Shelf/1 Heavy Hardware Stoves and Tinware. Carpenters' and Blacksmiths' "TOOLSI TOOLS i STEEL NAILS OF ALL SIZES. - : - - : - Iron , Steel and Wagon Timbers. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. The Only Place in Red Willow County where you can buy one of the "World Renowned GOLD COIN Cooking Stoves and Ranges , AGENTS FOR THE SBLEBRATBD BAIN WAGONS AND SPRING WAGONS. BOTH IRON AND WOOD. Lead and Iron Pipe and Pipe Filings. MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet iron and Copper Ware A SPECIALTY. THE BOSS PLACE IN THE WEST TO BUY HARDWARE FOR - : - SPOT - : - CASH AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION , "And Don't You Forget It , " IS AT- LYTL.E BROS. , MeCOOK , ( Opposite Citizen's Bank , ) NEB. F. L. . McQRAQKElN , THE RELIABLE JEWELER , MeCOOK. NEBRASKA. L- Lt t- X ! o OQ txid txix | x -3 td LARGE ASSORTMENT TpwplriF Ctn ALWAYS Off HAND AT THE VEEY LOWRST--PRICKS : ! 'Engraving Free of Charge. OUR EXPOSITION LE'iTER. The task of writing up an Expo sition estimated to be worth fifty mil lions of dollars , and embracing every department of nature and of human genius , skill and industry , and to give the reader an intelligent conception of its vastness and exhibits , is one of the most difficult tasks ever alloted the correspondent , and he may well crave leniency in criticism should ho fail , even in many particulars. Constant comparisons are being made of this Exposition with that held at Philadelphia the Centennial In foreign exhibits , especially those made by the European governments , and in the art departments , it is con ceded that the Fair of 1870 excelled this one , as it also excelled any of its old world predecessors. But our Northwestern States and Territories , all and each of them , the Southern slates , and general government , make displays far superior to those made at the Centennial. In new and im proved machinery and in electric dis plays , this Exposition also excels any previous one , and is worth a voyage around the globe , and as a school of instruction , a month's careful study of it would be more valuable to uie student than a year in college. Since the Art gallery was thrown open to the public it has been con stantly crowded with sight-seers , who seem never to tire of gazing upon the many beautiful works of art on the walls and of statuary on the floor. In these collections are many fine pieces contributed by French , Ger man , Belgian and 5lexican artists , while every American artist of note is represented. At one end of the allery hangs Thomas Hill's canvass of the "Far West , " at the other Jos. helmonski's "Snow-Bound Russia , " each bringing out in rich coloring the most striking features of their re spective subjects. E. Keyser is rep resented by "The Toying Page , " which received the silver medal of ( the Munich Academy , also by his "Titania , " and "The Falconer , " all in aronze. There is a strikingly life like bronze bust of our great poet of Nature Bryant by J. S. Hartly , strongly portraying the great traits of the venerable poet. Louis Samain sends among the Belgian exhibit , "L'Amour Maladroit " , representing upid's badly aimed arrow piercing the bosom of his pet bird , at which accident great tears roll down his ba- cheeks. There are many fine wa ter colors , pen and ink sketches , Tourches and sepia drawings , sent by : he Scribner Publishing Company , and very many attractions on canvass , or in marble or bronze , which atone n the pleasure of seeing them , for the tardiness in opening the gallery , and it is now a most pleasing and in structive feature of the Exposition. The exhibits made by the colored ) eople in the north gallery of the government building , from a dozen or more states , have attracted much attention , since the formal opening of heir department , presenting a race which in other fields has had a large share of the world's attention , in a new and more interesting light. Consid ering their past history , and the cir cumstances which have surrounded ; hem , their advancement and capabil- ties revealed in these exhibits , must greatly modify , if not entirely change , ; ho estimate hitherto entertained of he future of these people. Here are ine needle-work draw- - , paintings , - ngs , and school exhibits , which bear 10 mean comparison with those of like classes in other departments , while in nechanical devices , machinery and architecture , the samples on exhibi- lon astonish the visitors , and elicit nany remarks of admiration and ) raise. These classes of their work are represented in models of dwel- ings , in locomotives , constructed vithout the advantage of apprentice- hip , and in other machines , all of which are most creditable and reveal ; he race in a most promising and lopeful aspect. Another gallery in the same build ng is occupied chiefly with exhibits of woman's work , Dakota , Indiana , Nebraska , Minnesota , Iowa , Rhode 'sland , New Jersey , Kentucky , Mis- issippi and Tennessee , each having distinct spaces , and each filled with a * ery fine display of beautiful articles of use or ornament , with here and here some patented machine or lousehold"implement , the invention of woman's mind. In the Iowa space ire two busts of two distinguished tatesmen , Ex-Senator James Harlan , and Justice Samuel Miller of the Jnited States Supreme Court , mod eled by Mrs. Ketcham , of Mt. Pleas- int , who studied the Sculptor's art at Washington , receiving instruction rom the best masters at the Capital. ( CONCLUDED ox EIGHTH PAGE. ) EVERT80DY | | | | ! ! | | GO TO- FO R Studebaker and Moline WAGONS , JOHN DEERE PLOWS , STOVES , TINWARE , HARDWARE , Etc. You will save money by writing or ask ing for prices before buying. n Li In Southwestern Nebraska or NorthwesternKansas. . TWO DOORS SOUTH OF P. 0,3 MeGOOK , NRBRASKA. THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK -DOES A GENERAL- BANK1NC BUS S Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe , COEBE3POHBSNT3 : I J. W. DOLAX. President. First National liank , Lincoln , Nel > jI * , Y. FKAXKUX , Vice-president. The Cliusc National Bank , New York j - 0HBAPBST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR Power , Simplicity Durability. Estimates made of Mill and I'liinp complete upon application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSE This mill Is a "solid v.-liccl" and the licst tIf-rc ulator made. The AVoodmanse Xo. 6. I'unip Is the best > liwlc acting force pump In the market. Will work In wells from ID Jo 2tt ) ) feet lu ilupti , and hah hack attachments to force water Into elevated tiiks. be u ed by hand or windmill. 1'artie.t contempl.itln the uri-ctlon of : t Windmill -uiii consult their hest Interests ) > / calling at my Iloinetcad.y. miles , northwest of McCook , or at U. Jnhn'ston't , 5 milrs poullii-ast. and ex amine the working of the AVoodmanse. W. M. IRWIN , Agent , "Woodmanse Windmill Co. . Preeport , 111. THE MoGOOK 001 INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAW. MeGOOK , - - MRBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL , $50OOO. DOES - : - A - : - GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS , Keceives and pays Deposites. Buys and sells Exchange on New York , Chicago and Omaha , and all the principal cities of Europe. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GEO. HOCKXELL , Pros. A. CAMPBELL. U. 31. FRKKS , Vicc-Pres. . ' H. K. ADAMS , Cashier.