iViv8 > , . * > PASSING-EVENTS. A gentleman of Rockingham , N. C. , lias a pair of elks that ho drives to a buggy. A North Carolina hound has caughl fifty-seven foxes within the past nine months. There arc probably ninety thousand arc lights alight every night in the UniteU States. The board of health of Nashville , V Tenn. , have decided to cut down all the mulberry trees. An Atlanta , Ga. , man who was giv- ? n a letter to mail eighteen years ago , posted it last week. The fire department of New York city throw 53.000.000 gallons of water last year on 9,725 fires. About 45 per cent , of the members of the present congress of the United States were educated at college. Fishing through holes in the ice is the fashion this season among society people in the towns of the north- .west. ' Custom collections at Victoria , B. C. , during January wore § 52,197 19 , a gain of § 5,1-15 51 over the previous year. On the coast of Lower California div ing for black pearls is quite exten sively carried ona year's production averaging from § 500,00 to § 1,000,000. The trustees of Cornell university have decided to create a now course in the history of plastic art , with es pecial reference to the classical courses. . The baby camel in Druid Hill park , in Baltimore , is feeling well in its com- tortable quarters , says the Bun , and cares nothing for the storms and snow which have inconvenienced the Balti more public for the last few days. Vassar college is undoubtedly a good school-but the managers are said to be really alarmed at the steady falling off in the number of pupils , which they attribute entirely to the outrageous chaff of the newspaper paragraphists. An extensive firm of Connecticut bed- quilt manufacturers have purchased th.e entire village at Fitchvilie , Conn. , . consisting of two large stone mills , twenty-seven tenement houses , a church , school house , and public hall. Colorado Springs claims the honor * of beating the . whole country in the variableness of temperature , the ther mometer there having shown a vari ation of seventy-two degrees in twenty- four hours during a recent cold wave. Cork , when carbonizedproduce's 62 , SO per cent , pure charcoal , the great- * sst.per cent , of any any known wood. Willow , wheat straw , and oak rank next , in the order named , while maple and poplar are 38.75 and 31.12 , or at the very foot of the list. Two weeks ago at Missoula , Mon tana , Charlie Lum Fung , a Chinaman , was married to Sophia AVaiton , a half breed. Lum Fung has lost his woman. The Indians came with their ponies and took her forcibly away. Lum Fung now wants his money back that he gave for Sophia. ! * = A proposition has been made by The Dallas ( Tex. ) Herald that good clothes shall be part of the essential require ments for membership in the Editorial association in that state , and now many Texas editors are alleging that this is a deep-laid scheme to secure the exclusion of "each other. Several months ago CoraB. Piquette , of Syracuse , N. Y. , witnessed an acci dent to a shop-mate , whose long hair became entangled in a shaft and was entirely pulled out. Miss Piquelte has been made insane by the scene. Stand ing on a chair or sofa she buts her head against the wall and then seems elieved. She has been sent to an asylum. Bridget is evidently a more import ant personage on the Pacific coast than at the eastf and her services are to be > von only b'y diplomatic art. In evi dence witness this from The Colusa ( Cal. ) Sun : "A good family in Colu sa at the present time would take much pleasure in entertaining a girl for domestic purposes. Good wages can bo obtained. Upon one occasion , relates Col. Na poleon Crosby , of Georgia , his com pany was forced to march for several days over the unbroken snow , and his eyes became so weak and inflamed that ho blackened his whole face with soot to counteract the brilliant reflec tion from the snow. He says , of course , it was a failure , but ne per sisted that it was a great relief , and in less than a day the whole company presented an unbroken line Of black ened faces and eyelids. Supt. Bennet , of Piqua , O. . has been investigating the extent to which to bacco is used by boys in the city schools. He finds that in two grades of seventy-three boys from 12 to'If years , thirty-one habitually smokei cigarettes , and only seven could sa : that they never had smoked. Of nini ty-sbc boys from 10 to 12 there wen sixty-eight smokers , and in the prim ary schools , .boys from 6 to 10 , 40 pe : cent smoked , and in the A. B. C. clas ; many had begun the practice. Although 3 , 4 , 5 , or 6 cents seem : -very little for the use1of § 1 for a year ! It is - surprising what a large sum if amounts to when left for a number o ! years , as in the case of a Connecticut man who in .1838 commenced making deposits in a savings bank. His total deposits from that date until 1885 -amounted to § 1,962.25. Between 1838 .and 1858 he drew from the bank § 1- 270.70 ; and yet , a few days since , on having his bank-book written up and balanced , he was found to have a bal ance on deposit amounting to § 11- 283.53. A planter in Summerville , Ga. , ex perimented successfully with tobacco i. last year. He cleared about ten acres of dense oak forest , and made such a . good yield that it paid expenses of clearing up the land and its culture and more than the amount of net prof its realized from the production of cotton in middle or southwestern Georgia. It is believed , says a south- on ! paper , that tobacco culture in southeastern Georgia will become uni- Tersal in a few years , both because of the adaptation of the soil to its suc cessful growth and the profits to be / derived therefrom. UPON XSXZR DUTtes. ' The Cabinet of President ClevtlanA Daly In- ttalled Xlui Admtniftered by Justice field. Washington dispatch f The formal transfer of the treasury department from ex-Secretary McCulloch to Secretary Manning took place on the 7th. The new secretary was escorted to the department by the retiring secretary , who called at his hoiise for him. Soon after their orrlral Mr. McCulloch presented Assistant Secretaries French and Coon to the secretary. Mr. Manning , who bad not yet taken the oath , and who said he would probably qualify dur ing tbo day , but he did not propose to enter actively Into the builncis of the office until Monday. He requested .assistant Secretary Coon to sign mall for him as acting secretary- Mr. Manning and Mr. McCulloch then retired to the secretary's private office and remained together several hours , talking over the busi ness and personnel of the department. Secretary McCulloch said , In speaking of the change In administration , that he took It for granted that Mr. Manniug shared the views of President Cleveland on finance , and as the president's views on the subject were In accord with his own , he did not anticipate any change In the present financial policy of the government. In the state , war and navy department buildings the retiring secretaries bade the chiefs and clerks who served under them good-bye and complimented them on their services. Secretaries Frcllnghuysen and Lin coln met their subordlnatts in the ofllces which the heads of the state and war depart ments have occupied. Secretary Chandler celled upon his subordinates In their respec tive rooms. No official business of any char acter was transacted by the retiring officers. Promptly at 12 o'clock four of President Cleveland's cabinet Bayard , Whitney , Endl cott and Garland , entered the office of the secretary of state. Immediately after enter ing Bayard took the oath of office , which was administered by Justice Field , of the United States supreme court. Secretary Frelinghuy- scn , Senator Payne ( Ohio ) and ex-Attorney- Gencral Plerrepont were also present. The party then went to the room occupied by Sec retary Chandler , where Whitney took the oath of office. In Secretary Lincoln's office Gen eral Sheridan and staff and other officers of the war department were assembled , and the oath of offiee was administered to Mr. Endi- cott , after which he was Introduced by Mr. Lincoln. Secretary Manning and Attorney- General Garland were also sworn In In their respective rooms. Postmaster-General Vilas and Secretary Lamar also took the oath of office and entered upon the discharge of their duties. There was little formality in the ceremony In either case. The oaths were administered by Justice Field in the presence of Secretary Bayard , Attorney- General Garland and others. The president notified his private secretary he does not propose to receive persons who call in regard to appointments , as he Is desirous that appli cations of that character shall be acted upon by the head of the department to which taey belong. When the commission was made out for the appointment of Gen. Grant on the retired list , Secretary Lincoln retained it at the war department - partment , thinking It proper the new sccre- tarv shonlfl hp. Hvcn p" nnnnrtunitv to countE Upon attlXii ma DI II- H after the official record was made was re to the war department. This morning it was on the desk of the new secretary of w < ir , ana the first official act of Secretary Endlcott waste to countersign It. Secretary Lamar received a great number of congratulatory calls. The commissioner general of the land office , the commissioner of Indian affairs and the com missioners of pensions had prepared their resignations , but at the secretary's request deferred presenting them until Monday. One of Secretary Xamar's first official acts was to retain Air. Hanna as private secretary to the secretary of the Interior , which position he had held under Secretary Schurzand Teller. From remarks that have been made by the new secretary it is evident his intention to ndopt a very conservative course In making changes In the personnel of .the interior de partment and he Is said to be thoroughly in sympathy with President Cleveland's views upon civil service principles. Postmaster General Vilas also received a number of call ers , but left the department early in the after noon , thus preventing the assistant postmaster generals from presenting tLifr resignations. PROHIBITION IN KANSAS. Hie State Zeaislati.re Adopts a Jltost RemarJe- able Xaiv Xlie County Attorney Invested Grand J ttry Powers. Gov. Martin , of Kansas , has signed house bill No. 367 , known as the temperance bill , which passed the house and senate last week. This bill contains a provision investing the county attorney with all the power of a grand jury , whereby citizens are required to appear before him and test'fy on oath in regard to their knowledge of fne purchase and sale of liquors. Upon refusal to do so the county attorney can commit them for contempt. He becomes both the judge and the prosecuting attorney , and is allowed a 1'eo of $25 for con viction. The provision is unequaled for its stringency , and excites the bitterest opposi tion of the anti-prohibitiouists. In approving the bill Gov. Martin.submitted the following message in the nature of a-protest : I believe that section 8 of this act confers upon a county officer very dangerous author ity and powers which should not bo vested in any officer , and which in the hands of an un scrupulous man may be grossly abused with out fear or possibility of his punishment for such abuse. My objections to vesting such powers and authority in any officer are so numerous and serious that if the session was not so near its close 1 should feel It to be my duty to return the act without jny approval. .6 i Governor. 1 THE ZAXE BEPUBLICAIT CANDIDATE. t Mr. Blalne Elastic in Step , ErlgM in Eye and Out of Politics , Washington special : Mr. Blaine appears daily on the avenue with elastic step and bright eye. He chats freely and says he has no idea of entering public life again , and his friends in Maine understood his position very ' well. Senators Halo and Fryo are his person. 'T al frlonds , and he would do nothing , even if ho had the power , to displace either of them. As for the house , Mr. Blame said he did not .care to go back to that body ; His diatrictbad done quite enough for bun and he was per fectly willing that others should be rewarded for tholr services. Mr. Elaine likes literary work since he has got into it better than any thing else , and he will wnte other historical wor&s when the great book , "Twenty Years of Congress , " is finished. He said he bad not , in all the excitement of the campaign , forgot ten his book , and that he bad plenty of mate rial for bis next volume , 'xne trouble , he said , was to condense , as he could not put a hundred tons of hay in a ten-tort stable. He recognized the tact that Mr. Cleveland was elected president , and tne ordinary regreta which ho bravely acknowledged didnotdis- /rurboim. -V * " " " " " t . - - ? * * " . . EXPLOSION One Sfan Mown to Atom * , Another Kitted ? and XUro-Glycerlne Wvrk Utterly De stroyed. Bradford ( Pn.dispatch ) : The heaviest nitro glycerine explosion ever known In the olj country , wherein nearly 0,000 pounds of tbo dread nnnlhilator were touched off , occurred at Howard Junction , three miles north of Bradford. There are located the factory , magazine and other buildings of the Bock Glycerine Manufacturing company. Two men , H. V. Pratt , an employe , and W. H. Herrington , ono of the proprietors , were at work in the building. The latter had recent ly purchased an Interest in the firm and was Just learning the business. How the accident occurred occurred will never be known , but observers at Ouster City , about half n mile away , state that two almost simultaneous flashes were followed by a deafening report and white smoke , and largo boulders und quantities of debris were thrown high in the air. Bushing down to the scene , they found that the destruction had been appalling and com plete. Where the factory had been there wna now a large circular hole Ion feet deep , while at the place where the magazine was located aholotwonty-Hvefeet in depth and thirty to forty feet in diameter was scooped out or the ground as neatly as If Ic had been the workof a professional excavator. On the bushes and trees for many rods around were found fragmentary particles of llesh and spattorlngs of blood. Those were all that was left oi the mortal remains or younir Horrlngton. He was a man weighing- nearly 203 , and , altogether less than three pounus of his body could bo picked up. It was supposed that a similar late had overtaken Pratt , but his corpse was found where it had been blown in the underbrush , a distance of 200 feet. Bcmarkable to state , while every bone in his body was broken by tbo great force of the concession , his skin was intact. Of the factory and other buildings , the largest pieces that were found wore no larger than a lead pencil. They were literacy anni hilated. The explosion was plainly heard in all parts of Bradford and houses were shaken as from an earthquake. A portion of ono of Herrington's arms was found 1,1X0 feet away loriced in a tree. Houses were shattered and window-panes broken in Bradford and surrounding towns. Trots were uprooted and oil-rigs In the vicinity were TELZER , COME HfTO COURT. Nebraska's Senior Senator Atlis for an Ex planation. Mr. Van Wyck Introduced the following In the senate : Resolved , That the secretary of the interior bo directed to inform the senate whether pat ents have been issued for lands granted in 3871 to the New Orleans , Baton Rouge &Vicks- burg , popularly known as the "Backbone * ' railroad. If so , for what number of acres ; to what corporation or individuals ; whose re ceipt was taken for it when signed ; whether unusual means were used to hasten the prep aration and execution of said patents : whether the clerical fotce employed worked nights and on Sundays , so they might be completed before tbo 4th of March ; what day they were read for the signature of the president ; what neces sity existed for any special exertion to secure their completion and signature before the 4th of March , and whether anything was done to protect actual settlers in thoU rights to any such lands ; also whether previous to the 4th March anything was done or written in re gard to any other unearned land grants , the lorfoiture of which had been considered by the forty-eighth congress. Mr. Van Wyck asked for immediate consid eration , but Mr. Edmunds objected , and under the rule it went over. It will probably be called up on Monday. A lively debate is looked for when the resolution is reached. Senator Teller feels that an attack has been made upon the intejrrity of his own official action as a member of the last administration , and has declared his intention of making such a defense as will leave no doubt of the pro priety of- the act in question or his Indigna tion. Senator Van Wyck is convinced that the public interests demand an explanation of the issuance of patents to the "Backbone" .company. . Cattle Dying on the Itanges. Reports from Indian territory are to the of- feet that the mortality among live 'stock during - ing the past winter has been very great. Among the heaviest losses is on the Turner a nge , in the Creek nation. Mr. Turner has reen Holding a herd of 5,000 cattle , and places bis loss atfrom 2,000 to 4,000. The herd was hrincipally young Texans. On the Messengai pange , in the Cherokee nation , the loss is esti- rmated at SOper cent. Almost without cxcep tion the loss is confined to through stock. On the Cherokee strip the loss has been considerable - able , but on a mrjority of the ranges it is reported - ported they are not so serious us was expect ed , and will not be so serious by 40 per cent Two-year old native ranjro steers weathered through in remarkably fine condition. The general complaint Is with the pilgrim "ones' Explaining , Regarding the Strike. Capt. Hoges , senior vice president of tne Missouri Pacific railroad , In on interview on the strike , said the main question in this strike is personal liberty , or whether a handful of men who are not satisfied with their position as employes shall be allowed to prevent other men who have not expressed cause for dissat isfaction from continuing at work. Out of 25,000 employes of the Southwestern and Wnbash systems not 1,000 are directly atTected by the reduction of wages , which is alleged to be the reason for this fctrike. I am morally certain that of this 1,000 at least 500 would go to work if they were not restrained by their bulldozing co-employes. The reduction made is in regard to men employed in the machine shops and round houses and sonic of the coal chute men. The train service hands have not been reduced. The reductions have been principally in Texas. Tlir. Iowa Campaign. A number of the members of the democratic state central committee hold a meeting at Dee Moines on the 12th to prepare a line of battle for the coming campaign. The mcetiuff was held with closed doors , but State Senator Johnson , of Jackson county , was seen by a reporter later in the day. He said the deter mination of the democracy was to win this year , and he believed with the prestige of a democratic national administration and the disaffection that was bound to arise nmong republicans in consequence of the prohibi tory liquor law , they could do It with con siderable ease. He said , further , that he had learned that the republicans bad determined to hold their state convention about June 27 , but the democrats would hold theirs first , no matter how early it might be. That much was settled and might be depended upon. f A Chance for Reform. "Washington special : Of late years the war inaugurated by the postoffice department V upon frauds has relaxed. A bold stand taken in this matter by Postmaster-General Vilas will meet with the approbation of all business men. The latter feel that the constant de ception which swindlers practice injures their own legitimate business , and they want nlltheirauds exposed. Deception is grow- inar rather than decreasing. Only the other day a stomach'j liters firm sent tons of circu lars through the mails containing a pretend ed endorsement signed "Chester A. Arthilr , President of the United States. " Aa might be expected , the signature was a forgery and d the use of bis name unwarranted. C Ztro Bloody Tragedies. Xt A Fort Smith ( Ark. ) special says : By the arrival of deputy marshals here to-day from Indian territory two bloody tragedies of re- rent occurrence are brought to light. About three weeks ago John M. Oliver , a prosperous is white man living near Stonewall , Chickasaw nation , sent.to a neighbor named Crockett for some bay , and Crockett refused to send the ha/ until Oliver paid a small debt owing him. A few days later Crockett , while pass ing Oliver's house , was shot and killed by Oli ver. Several deputy marshals in the neigh borhood pursued Oliver and attempted to ar rest him. He resisted with n Winchester rifle and a pistol , and made n desperate flght. But Is finally , after being wounded four times , a bullet ttruck him in the mouth , killing him or instantly. On motion of President Westover , the Da kota legislature has appointed a committee to investigate the charges that Alexander Mc- Kenzle , A. W : Edwards nn 1 W. F. Steel at tempted to bribe members In the interest of the capital location at Bismarck. INDUSTRIAL HREVITIES. A California farmer says that after trying nearly all the "sure cures" for lice on stock ho has gone back to the tobacco remedy. Tobacco can bo bought cheap , and stems can bo got from the cigarmakors for nothing. Steep until j'ou have a strong decoction and apply to every part. Apply the second or third time. To oxter- minate the lice one must not only kill all the lice on the stock , but burn all the bedding , fumi- te or whitewash all stables or sheds , Doing careful to have the whitewash penetrate every crack and corner. If once rid of them , examine every new animal brought on the place , and ii necessary doctor immediately. An English writer suggests to Here ford breeders to try to improve the hinder parts of their cattle. As a rule , ho says , they are sadly deficient " in weight wliero "beef is choicest and worth the highest price , and , if any thing , are overabundant in their brisket , which is only worth half to the parts where many of their ani mals are dencient. This is not the case with shorthorns ; their loin and quar ters , containing the choicest and most valuable pieces in the carcass , are in considerably greater proportion than the Hercfords. It has been found that milk set for cream forty-eight hours at 63 degrees in an atmosphere of pure oxygen , " and another sample set for the same time and same temperature , in an atmos phere of no oxygen , both soured alike and produced same quantity of butter , but that set in pure oxygen gas re quired but two-thirds the time for churning the other , which was envel oped in carbonic acid gas. The butter of the lirst was of line Uavor , and kept well ; that from the other was of poorer quality and spoiled quickly. The sudy of the dry rot in the twigs of fruit trees has disclosed the fact that it is caused by a contagious and trans missible disease , in which , as the dry necrosis of leprosy in man , the cells of the affected tissues suffer a degen eration into minute bacteria , whose germs are afterward disseminated by the rupture of the cell membrane. One diseased tree is capable of infect ing a whole nursery , and old and young are alike liable to the ravages of the parasitic organism. There are great differences in the average growth of some of the more common trees. In twelve years white maple increases 1 foot in diameter and 30 feet in height ; ash-leaf maple , or box elder , 1 foot and 20 feet ; white willow , li feet and 50 feet ; yellow wil low 1J feet and 35 feet ; blue and white ash , ten inches in diameter and 25 feet in height ; Lombard } ' poplar , 10 inches and 40 feet ; black walnut and butter nut , 10 inches and 20 feet. A fatal disease is devastating the herds of line cattle in Cameron county , West Virginia. The name of the disease - ease is unknown. A swelling appears near the hoof , gradually extending to the body. The swelling is enormous , and causes death in thirty-six hours. A thick , black fluid escapes if the part be lanced. The loss is estimated at $10,000 , and the disease is rapidly spreading. Too many , in breaking their horses , put them immediately to work. This custom , while effective , destroys somewhat the temp'er and action of a. horse. The most humane and profit able course to pursue is to make the work light at first , gradually increas ing it until the full capacity of the horse is'reached. . A good word for Devon cattle comes from Texas. H. Johnson , of Kinney county , has recently made a sale of stock at $20 per head. He declares the Devons "the boss cattle on the range , as they keep fat where other cattle fail to get a living , mature early , and make splendid beef. " Bella , the famous Hereford cow , has just dropped a male calf , for which its owner refused 250 guineas when the creature was three days old. A form er calf of Bella sold for 1,000 guineas. The sire of these calves is the famous bull Lord Wilton , which valued at 4,000 guineas. The governor of Arizona says that territory has grass enough for five million head of cattle , but fully four- fifths of it is not available because of ' no water. " He thinks , however , that most of the country may be made productive in the interests by means of artesian wells. A lady in Indianapolis has had morning-glories blossoming in her parlor all winter. She placed , by ac cident , a small plant in a-pot with some other plants , and it continued to grow in the house. It soon blossomed and has been in flower every morning during the winter. The Wolf question is troubling the western grazers. One company is now offering provisions and poison to all persons who will go out to exterminate the ' ! wolves. They also offer § 1 for " each coyote , and" § 5 for each large wolf killed , the owners to keep the pelts. One of the strangest uses for snails -o has been discovered by _ the London adulterator. Bruised in milk , and boiled , they are much used in the man ufacture of cream , and a retired milk man pronounces them to be the most successful imitation known. The cultivation of madder was un dertaken by a farmer in Erie county , Ohio , in 1842 , and was reported as very profitable. No one seems able to ( give a reason why its cultivation has been abandoned. The price of garden and flowef seeds , 5 as well as of all kinds of nursery stock , much higer in England and France , than in this country. The patent on driven wells that has fiven farmers so much trouble expired y limitation on the 14th of last Janu ary. _ A writer on Washington homes says that It safe to predict that in the house of medium small size the truer artisticbeauty of Wash ington homes will be found. Even many of the wealthy classes are reaching the convic tion that the small houses are more homelike than large , as a social assembly where a few of are gathered together la preferable to the con vocation of a mob. Pitta burgh has onlyscven fire engine } . The Old Time Harvest. Now-a-days , when the farmer's wheat is ripe , he takes his self-binder and two shockers and goes out to liar vest it without the ostentation of form er years. The harvest of the present is a tame and formal affair , compared with the harvest of thirty years since. In the old days , the husbandman swapped work. John Smith's wheat happened to ripen a little earlier than that of his neighbors , and they brought their cradles on a fine summer morn ing , and their boys came witli rakes and strong arms , and all aided John Smith in getting in his wheat and emptying his jug of old rye. John Smith , in his turn , helped each ol those who assisted him , to harvest his grain and drink his whisky. Every body had a hand in the old time har vest. The women got up a feast ; the small boys carried drinking water to the men , walking across tne field with a jug and a tin cup and providing each sturdy laborer with ono drink from the whisky jug to three from the jug of water. The boys occasionally rested from their further duty of gathering the sheaves for shocking , and sar in the shade and mixed water and whisky with great freedom , drink ing it until there was nobody left with nerves steady enough to carry the drinks around the field. I remember on one occasion being employed to "tote"-water for ono of my father's neighbor's harvesters. There were three of us about the same age , and wo passed the jugs in a very able-bodied and satisfactory manner until about eleven o'clock in the fore noon , when we sat down in the shade of a wheat shock and made some half- and-half. Wo drank several rounds , when I observed that my companions looked a little indisposed. One of them tried to drink from the handle of the jug , and the other gazed pensively into the vacant depths of the tin cup and remarked that he was the best man on that prairie. A little later I felt that the world was very unstable. The trees about us began to dance , and the cows that roamed ovei the ad jacent pasture seemed to rise up and Boat about in the air like huge , un gainly bats. As time wore on , I noticed that the men were swinging their cradles over their heads , and the wheat shocks were playing tag with each other all around me. My fellow drawers of water and hewers of whisky were trying to settle the vexed question as to which was the proprietor of the universe , while I , content with being left alone with the frowning jugs , gradually saw more and more of thn instability of worldly things , and began to wonder whether E was merely myself or the president of the United States traveling incog nito. I have a faint recollection of hearing the proprietor of the close call for water , and making a reply to the affect that I was above serving in such i menial sphere us that of bearing meat and drink to common laborers. My companions had ceased to wrangle ibout their title to all creation and were sleeping peacefully , each ap parently satisfied to be regarded as owner of an xindivided half interest in it. I was trying to induce the water jug to resume friendly relations with the whisky jug and to restore order among the belligerent sheaves , each af which seemed bent on usurping the place of the other , when the proprie tor of tlrCTiiarvest came toward me , and I arose to receive him as became the dignity of one so high up in the 3ouncils of the nation. "Welcome , sir ; thrice welcome to the presence of the king , " I exclaim- 3d , waving my hand imperiously , and suddenly sitting down on my head and shoulders. "Why in blazes don't yon boys bring fche water around ? " he inquired. "Ho there , guard ! I exclaimed , hold ing on the jug for support. "Take ihis saucy wretch hence and chop oft' iis ottendinghead. " The guards re plied with significant snores , and I igain rose to my feet and commanded my employer to hence. He seemed re luctant to obey , and noticing that he iid not hence , I roared the command again , fulling over the whisky jug and striking my head heavily on the water jug. i The man extended his hand to catch me , and just then my fatherwho was working some distance away , looked up and saw me fall saw ni- employer pick me up saw the blood on my cheek. He came toward me with the speed of the wind , and first noticing the blood , he asked nay em ployer why he struck me. He" replied that he iiad not struck me , but my father said he saw him do it , and then I saw them dancing around and having a most hilarious time of it , and my father's neighbor fell across my stomach ach , and I became so deathly sick I could not for a moment make the mis take of supposing myself anything bet ter than a badly assassinated president , and I was carried home and put to bed , and my wound was dressed , and my father made certain inquiries of me the next morning , which induced him to call on his neighbor and apolo gize , and I felt weary and humiliated For several days , and in due time , we harvested , but the whisky jug was kept along with the men and I carried only water. Oh , yes ! The vile clatter of the modern self-binder hath no charms like the melodious gurgle of the jugs of thirty years ago. Bloominglon Through Mail. George Washington. Now that the anniversary of Wash ington's birth is being sacredly observ ed ; and his monument dedicated , it must be an appropriate time to in dulge in the contemplation of his char acter , says the Rev. Dr. Bell , in The MidContinent. . And first , us with our minds eye we behold the completed monument at the capital of our nation. It of itself alone deserves an elaborate chapter to do any justice to its history ; its design , its progress all the matter connected with but the adamant , and metal that make its mighty proportions , as they have been in the laying these many years , unto its topmost stone ; placed amidst the shoutings of fifty millions free people. The foundations were tested , and re-tested , until they were pronounced stable , immovable enough to hold an Atlean world. Then the huge blocks of granite from every state and terri tory of the whole realm chiseled with appropriate inscriptions. Great blocks added from many na tions under the whole Heaven they , too adorned with sculptured mottoes appropriate to the man , and to the ad miring people that gave the massive imperishable blocks. Thus too , cities , corporations , so cieties , institutes , temples of learning and of science ; every and all sending ; their adamantine gift , with appropri ate motto and symbol to do honor to the man , exalted , the PIKST OP ALL HUMAN KIND ! The treasures the millions of money that it required to build whence came they ? From the treasury of the nation ; from the treasuries of states and of cities ; from the funds of associations and of societies ; from the banks and bankers ; from the rich who gave of their millions ; from the poor who gave of their poverty ; from the widow and orphan , who gave the ponce water ed by their tears ; from the boy and girl.'who had saved their small coins ; from buying the toy , that it might go : into the fabric of the monument ; from these treasuries of all the civilized peoples ples of the globe. All wanted some possession in the fabric that was to commemorate the virtues of the model * man of all mankind. Was it said of him that "Ho was first in the hearts of his countrymen ? " Hero was the proof that he was first in the hearts of all human kind ! Meanwhile , the most skilled archi tects and engineers , exhausted all their skill in advancing the work and in placing every boulder and carrying up every abutment , and angle , ana' line , in accordance with the most im pregnable laws of gravitation and ; mechanics ; laying the level and the' square , and extending the compass1 and suspending the line and the plum met , on every perpendicular and angle , and horrizontal , that all things might ! accord , and be in harmony with the laws of the infinite Master Builder , when he laid the "foundation of the earth , " and fastened the corner stone thereof , and stretched the line upon it. "When the morning stars sang to gether and all the sous of God shouted for joy ! " Thus j'car by year thn stupenduous. fabric wont up , adamantand iron upon layer , as high as St. Peters , as high as the colossus , as high as the towers of Babylon and the spires of the Tern- pie of Bel , still higher than them all ; i than the pyramids , twenty feet higher t than any structure ever before reared ! by the prowess , the wealth , the skill and resources of man. As the name and fame and character > of Washington ascended above the alti tude ever reached by any mere man ; ; so his monument should most fittingly ) over-top every structure reared by the i hand , and the resources and the genius of man. And how came it to pass that we of America , should have given to. the world the greatest of all mankind ? Ah , who can tell ? Was it because he had so many of the best models of the ages before him from which to copy , and absorbing the best from all , he produced in himself the combination surpassing all the single and meagre illustrations of greatness scattered among so many , by concentrating " all within one , and that one himself ? But this cannot be for one hundred years have since produced their generations of men , and these have had all the ex amples that had Washington , and Washington himself besidcs.f romwhich to copy , but they have not produced his equal , much less his superior. And thus it is that our hero remains the model man of all the world without a single rival. But he was not such a man as Mar- shalf made him to be in "Marshall's Life of Washington. " The kind of man that Chief Justice Marshall paint ed him , was an impossible human be ing , rather like a "molten and graven image" of some monstrous production that idolaters worship than a possible man. It has gradually come to the surface in those detached biographic al scraps that have appeared , that Washington had strong passions , a * most inflexible will , and that his lan guage when in the very "torrent and whirlwind of his passion , " swept away the barriers of the third command ment , and his anger was terrible. / Indeed , the great Washington was very human. If he had not been he never could have reached his unequaled proportions. But it was in the clos ing of his public career that he proved himself to be master of himself and of all human weaknesses. It was un doubtedly in his power to have ad vanced into the highest place of her- editory rulership , kingship , imperia- torship. Perhaps he could have seat ed himself upon an entailed throne. He could have done whatsoever he chose to do. It was then that he chose to do what proved him to be the very , greatest of the great , for he chose to lay down all office and all power that lie had wielded more greatly than ruler or commander ever had done. After iiaving shown what a perfect ruler and a perfect captain should be , he [ aid aside all power and office and sublimely retired to the peaceful oc cupations of rural life , and spent the remainder of his life , as the very iumblest citizen of the whole realm , tlis fare well address , and the consum mation of his career prove him ro have 3een without a peer among the great men of the globe. Thus it ma'y fairly ) e said that he exemplified all the no lle qualities of man in their noblest ) ropnrtions ; and he so overcame all > f his weaknesses and passions , that hey conspired to show his character more sublimely great by his power of mastering them , and becoming a strong element of his character. Thus ma ting his very passions praise him. lis example has moulded all of our great men for one hundred years. None dare to break the precedents of Washington. The adherents of Wagner In Paris are about to publish a new journal , entitled Revue Wag- ncrienne , which Is , of course , to be devoted to the propagandise ! of the doctrines oi "Tristan. "