McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, March 19, 1885, Image 2

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F. M. & E. M. KUIMEIX , rubs.
FOR FURNIVAT . The mists whlci
enshrouded Nance county's horror , says th
Omaha Republican , when first discovered d
not clear away , and the recession of time aj
parently brings the perpetrator of this qulr
tuple murder no nearer the hangman's noose
The difficulties and perplexities which hav
beset tbo oflicers and detectives from the out
set have not , however , repressed their perseverance
voranco and intentions.
Mr. G. D. Molcklojobn , state senator fron
Nance county and the attorney who conduct
ed the investigation before the coroncr'i
Jury , was scon last night at his rooms in tbi
Faxton , and a few intcstlng additional fact
to those already published were learned.
A short time ago information was receive !
by parties working on tbo cose thatastran
ger answering the description of Furnlvnl
the supposed murdocer , bad been stopping a
a hotel in Montreal , Canada. The fact be
came so notorious that a good portion of t
column of the Montreal Gazette was devotee
to the stranger , his appearance and actions
The circumstances seemed so conclusive tha
an officer was sent from this city to Hontrea
to look up the mutter and obtain. If possible
the first clue to the fugitive. The Omaha offl
clnl returned In a couple of weeks , however
bringing tbo news that ns ! trip badbeen mode
In vain , and that tbo man who was supposec
to bo Furnival was not bo.
About a week ago a letter was recolvet
from tbo authorities of Baton Rouge , La.
that a stranger , whoso description exactl ;
tallied with that giveu of Furnival , had
dropped down upon the town , and asking foi
further particulars concerning him. These
were wired to the Baton Rouge parties from
Lincoln a couple of days ago , but as yet noth
ing bos been heard.
Dr. Tanner , of uwatonna , Minn. , who is the
father-in-law of the murdered Porclval , hue
written to tbo various American consuls
abroad , giving them a description of Furni
val , and asking them to assist him in hunting
down the murderer.
Last Monday evening the father of Peiclval.
the murdered man , set sail from Liverpool
for New York. Ho will immediately upon
landing In America start for Nebraska , in the
hope that he may impart some information to
the authorities or obtain a thread that will
finally load to the apprehension of the fugi
tive. Anothci object In his coming Is to more
properly care for the bodies of his .son , his
wife and their child. Their remains will bo
exhumed and removed to Owatonna , Minn. ,
the residence of Mrs.PercIval's father. Their
bodies are now lying side by side on the Nance
county farm , and near the scone of the mur
der. No stone or slab marks their graves and
only a mound of earth shows their final restIng -
Ing place. The bodies ot Baird and Malr
wore interred on Furneval farm , where they
no ware.
. The authorities of Narco county have
lately been given additional hope by the pas
sage by the recent legislature of on act re
warding $200 for each victim , for the appre
hension of n murd rer. As the law formerly
was no greater ruward was given for the ap
prehension of the murderer of five victims
than one. This clause , if it applies to this
caee , will raise the reward to § 1,000 , which will
be quite an inducement to detectives and
It is the opinion of Mr. Mciklejohn that it is
only a question of time when Furulval will
be apprehended.
Joe Mullln , of Hastings , killed thirty-four
rats in two shots.
The appropriation for the Norfolk insane
asylum is $75,000.
Charles Cord , of Emerson , fatally shot him
self while cleaning bis pistol.
The next meeting of the Gage county
teachers' institute will be held March 23.
A large amount of building will be done in
Dorchester this year , if talk means anything.
Citizens of Knox county will soon hold a
meeting to perfect arrangements for thenext
county fair.
Secretary Roggin , it is said , will have the
session laws ready for the printer in abou
ten days.
Since inauguration of the ball and chain
business in Beatrice tramps give that town a
wide berth.
Daniel HefTermann , of Emerson , has been
held in the sum * of $1,900 for selling liquor
without a license.
Persons who paid the 5 per cent , penalty
can get their money back by calling on the
county treasurer.
A flre broke out In the Commercial hotel nt
Odeli , but was put out before any serious
damage was done.
Lands along the Antelope , in Sioux county ,
are declared by settlers to equal any in the
tate for productiveness.
A couple of yonng thieves stole a team of
horses near Seward last week. A reward Is
offered for return of the horses.
Judge Selden , of Blair , has secured the ap
pointment of superintendent of the. Indian
school at Yankton Indian agency.
Business men report trade on the Increase ,
and there Is growing confidence that there
Trill be a big rush in the near.f uturo.
Irish citizens of Omaha celebrated the 107th
anniversary of the birth of Robert Emmet
Hon. Patriek Eagan delivered the principal
A young son of C. .W. Wlgton , living two
miles south of Hastings , was accidentally run
over and killed by a Burlington and Missouri
Lincoln proposes to investigate from
whence come many paupers shipped to that
place and return them to their original start
ing point.
Bev. Smith , pastor of the Catholic church
at O'Connor , expects soon to startfor Europe ,
where ho will remain until the latter part of
Rumor has it that the B. & M. expects to tap
Greeloy county the present season , and that
bolh Scotia and O'Connor are to be favored
with new railroads.
As an evidence that Hastings is something
of a town it may be stated that one single
train from Lincoln unloaded thirteen pick
pockets and gamblers.
Judge James W. Savage , of Omaha , was a
college classmate of Judge Wm. C. Endicott ,
the new secretary of war. Both graduated in
1847 from Harvard college.
Judson Barrett , aged 14 , wno disappeared
suddenly disappeared from his parents in
Sarpy county about one year ago , turns up in
Georgia , and wants to come home.
James Mills , of Omaha , has been found
guilty of criminal libel of Mrs. Alice Daily.
The penalty is not te exceed to $503 fine or six
months In the county jail , or both.
The property of the roller skating rink at
Omaha was levied upon to satisfy a judgment
for $50 obtained by the Omaha Republican
against its manager for advertising.
Omaha is preparing for a good deal o buildIng -
Ing as soon as the weather gets right. Nu
merous brick structures of a costly character
will be erected during the summer and fall.
Senator Howe's anti-gambling bill failed to
become a law. It is understood the gambling
fraternity are feeling good over this result.
Cheyenne county Is 103 miles long by 20 In
7,210 square miles. The
teeadtb , oontainimj ,
Mil is said to be a mixed sandy loam and clay.
Some portions of the county are said to be
my productive.
Some of Loup Cdty * * itedy-goln * church
„ j oT taJ I T "
rooplo who regard It as an unpardonable site
to look in upon a dance , have no consclei
tlons scruples about putting on the skates I
a roller rink.
The sheriff of Lancaster county has jut
put behind the bars in Lincoln ono Pete Ma
thews , accused of rape committed in Lancoi
tor county in 1881. His victim was a wonm
Blzty years old.
A man named Rement , in Adams count :
has been swindling people generally by so !
iag mortgaged property , borrowing mono
under false pretenses and , ner form lug var
ous other wicked deeds.
Bcv. W. K. Beans , of Beatrice , was recent !
presented with a fine driving horse , an elc
gant new eldo ear buggy , harness , whip , lai
robe everything complete , valued at $250-
with the compliments of his many friends.
At the room of Secretary Roggen , in Ut
coin a few days ago Hon. Glen Kendall , lat
land commissioner , wan presented by stat
officers with a handsome water pitcher wort !
$75 , GovernorDawesmaking the presentatloi
G. E. Atwater , of Tekama , who was soriousl
injured in a wreck on the Illinois railroad , ha
been brought home and Is confined to his bed
His injuries arc internal , complicating th
lungs and kidneys , and are of averygrav
John Vincent , an old resident of Fillmon
county , left home and went to Columbus
whore he was seen next day. This Is the las
news which the members of his family cai
learn of him , and his wife Is nearly crazy b ;
his prolonged stay. .
House roll No. 23 , a bill to enable employe :
of railroad companies to recover damagei
for Injuries caused by the carelessness o
negligence of co-employes , was run on thi
side track at a late hour of the senate pro
ccedings despite the efforts of its friends.
An actof the recent session of the legisla
ture creates the office of register of deeds ii
every county having a population to exceed
15,000. The register of deeds is to do the re
cording business now done by the countj
clerk , and is paid In fees , tbo same as the lat
ter official now is.
Anton Konelezna , a laborer , 35 years olc
and a native of Poland , was struck by a Mis
souri Pacific engine at Omaha the other daj
and fatally Injured , dying soon after in thd
hospital where he was taken. Ho was en
gaged in picking coal from the track whei
the engine struck him.
The Chicago Inter-Ocean states that Robert
B. Williams , of Hastings , Nebraska , was the
youngest soldier In the army of the war. He
enlisted Nov. 20,1861 , In the lllth Pennsylva
nia Infantry at the age of 13 years , 8 months
and 2 days , serving four years before dis
charge. Mr. Williams was one of the pioneers
of Adams county.
The Alma Herald is assured upon the very
best authority that if the necessary aid is
voted to the north and south railroad , that it
will bo built this year. The company that
proposes to build the road over and above
the amount of aid , has the money and are In
no way connected with any road now operated
In the valley.
Colored citizens of Omaha passed a resolu
tion saying : "We do publicly express our
thanks to the friends of equal rights , Hon
B. Wright , Robert M. Taggart , Thomas C.
Brunner , George Mieklejohn , Geo. W. Chives
and others , members of the legislature of Ne
braska , for their indefatigable efforts in ur&-
ing the successful passage of the civil rights
bill. "
At Omaha on the llth the inbound Missouri
Pacific express train struck down a Polander
named Konelezna at the Seventeenth street
crossing. The victim , although avoiding the
wheels , was terribly mangled. His skull was
crushed , the bones of the rightshoulderwere
shattered to splinters , and his right arm and
leg commlnutoly fractured. He was taken to
the hospital and died soon after arriving
There is no clue as yet to Furnival , the
Nance county murderer , but it is thought to
be only a question of time when he will be
apprehended. Particulars of the crime and a
description of the murderer have been sen
to all parts of the world , and at every seaport
the passengers are scrutinized , and In every
city the police are constantly on the watch
for the man whose crime is the greatest in the
history of Nebraska !
ElTHolt , of the firm of HoTt & Gascolgne ,
says the Beatrice Republican , brought to Uiis
3ffice two geological specimens that deserve
mention in these columns. At a depth of
twenty-five feet , while digging a well in the
north part of town , he came upon a strata of
; > lue-black mineral resembling powdered lead.
Dhe strata is at least three inches thick , and
ieserves investigation. After this they came
ipon a one-foot strata of white sand , and
hen a Etrata of clay or mud , and there they
'ound a bone nearly in a state of perfect
ireservation. It is undoubtedly a bone of
; ome animal , and has not gone through the
state of petrefaction.
Tw6 yoUttg men from Illinois , SHys the
Uoomington Guard , made a narrow escape
rom death by drowning , iff Turkey creek ,
ast Sunday. They were told where to cross
be stream , but the informant ( a child of ten
ir twelve years ) was ignorant of the fact that
ho creek was out of Its banks by a freshet-
'hey drove in and soon found their horses
wlmmlrgand the vehicle being carried down
tream by the swift current. They drifted
.gainst a tree , where both men saved them-
elves by holding on to limbs of the tree and
limbing to the shore. It was a narrow es-
ape from death.
The Lincoln Journal says that house roll
75 , which passed with an emergency clause
.nd is consequently in force from its passage
aakes several important changes In the law
oncerning assessors. One of the changes is
, provision that the assessors shall meet at
he office of the county clerk on the third
? uesday of March , for consultation as to the
alues of various kinds of property to be as
essed by them , and to receive from the clerk
he necessary books and blanks fortheassess-
aent of property. This meeting has hereto
ore been held in the first of April. The sec-
ion fixing the pay of assessors is amended EO
s to make the pay three dollars a dav.while
ctually engaged in making the assessment.
The Alma Tribune says that on Friday last
Irs. Thomas Whltmarsb and bt r babe were
rowned In Crow creek , near their home
bout ten miles south of Republican City ,
[ er husband has been to Iowa on business
nd she came to Republican City with a team
nd buggy to meet him. When she arrived
be found that her husband had gone home
rith a neighbor , who happened to be in town ,
he started for home with her babe and on
rossing Crow creek , which was very high ,
tie team and buggy washed down stream and
lie buggy turned over and Mrs. Whitmarsh
nd babe were both drowned. The team also
erished. The body of Mrs. Whitmarsh was
eooverod "but tbat of the babe is in the
The Sioux City Journal says : With advano-
ig spring the railroad companies are prepar-
ig for the immigration of 1685 , anticipated
y many of the far-seeing ones to out-boom
U the past great booms in the northwest ,
he question naturally arises ia. the mlnda of
loee unacquainted with the country as to
here these thomwnds.are to find settlement.
* n ago'tbe alarm ; iptt Bounded that tie
available limits of the great west bad bee
reached ; that tbo agricultural lands wet
about all taken , and that all tbat lay beyon
was a rainiest region , fit only asuncortal
grazing grounds for the venturesome herdc
and sbephorJ. But * the settler has keg
steadily encroaching upon the boundaries c
this rainless ( ? ) region until he has final ]
pushed his corn and wheat fields into the vcr
center of the mythical Great American dei
ert , exploding the theory of tbo explorer an
spoiling the map of the geography.
Tbo New Orleans Democrat of a recent dat
says : Thirty painted savages olad inallth
glory of a Pawnee's paints and feathers , wor
tbo occupants of Nebraska's new and elegan
headquarters yesterday , and formed an ai
traction that drew to the scene a large crow
of spectators. The visiting Indians wor
from tbo Wild West show , managed by this
hero of border romance , Buffalo Bill , am
were accompanied by that noted characte
and Major Frank North. Though a twi
years' tour through the United States has lof
to the Indians but little of the dignity witl
which the noble red man is invested in thi
novels of Cooper , yet the delegation at thi
exposition yesterday preserved their stolen
demeanor , seldom evincing 'astonishment
After a short stay at Nebraska's space , thi
cavalcade filed through the aisles of the gov
ernment building , examining everything ii
passing. One Indian who had a sister in thi
Indian school at Carlisle was taken to the exhibit
hibit of that institution in the gallery , when
bo was shown her picture and a small dree
made by her hands. He showed great inter
est in the school , andtseemcd to envy the In
dians who had obtained appointments. Thi
great plant of engines in the main buildlnj
seemed to bo of the greatest interest to th <
Indians , and as the huge wheels whirlet
around , obedient to the mighty strokes of thi
great pistons , the sight drew many apprecia
tive gestures and remarks from the party ol
A Grand Silth for the Lands and Prospcelt
of Trouble Ahead.
Dubuque ( Iowa ) dispatch : Deputy Unltec
States Marshal Hopkins and his assistant re ,
turned to this city from the Winnebago one
Sioux reservation , whither they went to lool
up claims and hunt criminals. They relate i
remarkable experience with the rush of pee
pie , who went there by the hundreds to claitc
these lands as soon as President Arthur at
tached his signature to the document which
opened oaid lands for settlement last Friday.
The reservation , he says , comprises the besl
lands in Dakota , having been selected by the
Indian agents years ago. They are onthe east
side of tbo Missouri river , and those portions
opened for sett'ement are bounded on the
north by Pierre , and on the south by Cham
berlain. The area of the district opened for
settlement includes twenty-six townships ,
with thirty-six miles to each township , and 6tt
acres in a mile. .According to the homestead
law , every head of a family , whether an able-
bodied man or a servant girl , and every male
over 21 years of age , has a right to pre-empt
16J acres of land. Five minutes after the time
on Friday afternoon , when President Arthur
signed the executive order opening the lands
to settlement , the fact was known In Cham
berlain , and as soon as one man crossed the
reservation line witn a load of lumber thou
sands of others in waiting followed him. All
the hired girls in the hotels were in the front
ranks. Not a barber shop was open. Nearly
all the business men , except the hotel and
saloon keepers were in the anxious and ex
cited crowd. Teams and wagons were em
ployed to haul settlers at $23 per day in
advance. Those who preferred town lots em
ployed a lawjer , who laid out a town sit
opposite Chamberlain. During Friday nigh
the erection of one hundred houses was com
menced , and the town Is being rapid
ly built. Many of the houses are
already occupied by families. The
prospect is that much litigation and blood
shed will be the result of the excitement.
The agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee and St.
Paul railroad filed warrants in the name of
his company to a large portion of the land
contained in the reservations and now settled
upon. The Indians are unfriendly to the settlers
tlors and are encouraged by the Indian
igents , who , in many instances , drive settlers
iway. Until a registration office is open on
the reservation the settlers will , not leave
their claims , fearing they would be jumped
f they did so. The Indian agents retuse to
register until they receive formal notice
"rom the government that the land has been
; hro\vn open to settlement. In many cases
; he settlers were unable to find the corners
) f the sections , and when surveys were made
t was found , in many cases , that cabins some
listance apart were really on the same sec-
Joy. Then the question arose. Who settled
lore first ? and the man who displayed the
nest formidable Winchester rifle or navy re-
rolver generally induced the other fellow to
> elieve that he did. The work of erecting
ihanties on the claims progresses night and
lay. Several lawsuits have been entered
vhere more than one have taken possession.
People from abroad did not seem to antici-
> ate the rush , for those who arrived atCham-
> erlain Wednesday found that every inch of
he land had been pre-empted. The trains
roing to Chamberlain consisted of several
Ipepers and passenger coaches , jammed full
if poor fellows who labored under the delu-
lon that they had only to visit the reserva-
lon and stay on It over night to acquire
lossession of 160 acres. Agent Gassman re-
eived orders from the interior department
lot to allow the Indians to interfere with the
ettlers , but there is bad blood existing and
rouble is feared at any time.
On Tuesday was consummated a maY-
iage , the details of which are interest-
ng , on account of the unusual circnm-
itances that cemented a bond already
ixisting. Several years ago , Mr. John
H. Moberly , a mature business man ,
md a person of sedate and methodical
ife , was smitten by the quiet charms
md modest graces of Miss Mamie E.
3oleman , th'en a mere girl with long
mrls of beautiful brown hair. The
riendship formed ripened into -tho
Leepest devotion , and Mr. Bloberly
eon occupied the position of the favor-
id suitor of Miss Coleman. Time rolled
m , and the ardent regard of the young
eople might never have proved other
ban Platonic , had not good fortune
isited them by means of the Louisiana
itate Lottery. In a playful mood , they
igreed to invest three dollars in three-
Ifths of a ticket , Miss Coleman paying
ne dollar , with the expectation of re-
eiving one-third of the returns. Two
reeks later Mr. Moberly , in whose
ame the ticket was made , was startled
t his desk at the Mercer National Bank
y the intelligence that his ticket had
rawn $15,000. He immediately went
a New Orleans , secured his money ,
nd , with a high sense of honor , sent
liss Coleman her portion , $5,000.
Lfter two months longer of waiting ,
tie devoted young pe'ople determined
3 invest in a lottery ticket again ; this
me in the lottery of matrimony , in
rhich we are fully persuaded they will
oth draw prizes.
The marriage was celebrated Tues-
ay last at 12:30 , at ? the residence of the
ride's father , Mr. R. E. Coleman ,
here a .most sumptuous feast was
jrved to the few friends invited to at-
; nd. The young couple left on the
:25 : train for Washington , where they
ill make their future home. Mr.
Eoberly will engage in the real estate
ad claim business with his brother ,
udge Wm. Moberly. The groom is an
ble business man , while the bride is an
tniable and attractive lady , and they
innotfail to find success and many
lends in their new home. J9arr < x&
Ky.t Democrat , Feb. 27. \
St. Domlnick's Catholic church , the largo ;
tnd finest in Washington city , burned. Los
f 73'OGO ; insurance , $50,000.
E. H. Butler , editor of tbo Buffalo Evenin
News , ling been offered the position of goi
ernmenfprlntcr , his decision to boinado will
In two-necks. 5
Major W. D. E. Andrus. of the Rockforc
111. , late Indian agent at Yankton agency , I
T. , has been notified by the department
Wa hlngton tbat his accounts are $700 shor
The directors of the board of trade of Peorli
111. , presented a resolution to be acted ou i
an early dny , suspending any member cor
cerned directly or indirectly in the business o
dealing in actions.
9 Major J. H. Hawortb , superintendent of a
the Indian schools urder the government
died on the llth at Albuquerque , N. M. Majo
Haworth was on a tour of inspection at th
time of h.'s death , which was very sudden.
On the ITth Secretary Bayard sent a mes
sengi r into each room of the state deparl
ment with a proclamation stating that clerk
shall not * lose their positions through tb
change in admlnlsti ation , and that he did no
propose dismissing any ono except for neg
lectof duty.
In the United States supreme court a
Washington , the motion of M. A. Dauphin vs
the Times Publishing Company of Fhlladel
phla to advance the bearing of the caic , wai
denied. TUB court granted the motion o
plainfff in the polygamy case of Clawsoi
against the United States to advance the hear
ing to April 6,1885.
The New York Medical Record of the 14tl
contains nn account of another prof esslona
examination of the condition of Genera
Grant , and says : "The previous dlajfnosls o :
the disease of the throat is unanimously con
firmed. " After detailing the general Improvements
monts in the condition of the patient's syston
the article continues as follows : "Inthe fact
of all these general tymptbms the local dlill
culty has markedly increased and parts ir
the vicinity of the ulcerations are becoming
more infiltrated. "
George Hatch , a prominent farmer ol
Niagara county. New York , living two miles
south of Lockport , was bitten on the right leg
by an angry dog last August , and , although
no signs of hydrophobia have appeared , Hatch
has suffered considerably ever since from the
wound , which during the past two weeks has
swollen and the inflammation has extended to
other parts of his body , until his life is now
despaired of. His physicians are unable to
explain the singular case , it being without
First Assistant Postmaster General Crosby
bas resigned and bis resignation has been
President Cleveland's private mall Is very
large Many of the letters , it is supposed , re
late to appointments to office. Since the
inauguration the president's private score- '
: ary and the entire clerical force has been
juslly engaged from 8 In the morning to mld-
light , owing to the rush of business.
The president again held open house on the
) th and received a large number of visitors , !
including congressional delegations fromsev-1
; ral states. In order to devote his attention
: o official matters requiring action by the ,
iresent special session of the senate It is
) robable that the president will have to deny
ilmself to visitors for a few daj s.
The republican senators held a caucus to
'urther discuss the formation of committees.
Che subject was talked over at length , but
lathing was decided upon. Incidentally the
rcaties were mentioned and the question was
isked whether they had better be considered
it the present session. No one advocated
hat course and no one opposed it , and the
ubjcct was finally lelt to the caucus commit
eo to determine.
The caucus of republican senators on the
1th finished the task of allotment of places
n the majority sides of the senate commlN
ees. Senator Conger succeeds the chairman-
hip of the committee on postoffices and
ost-roads , made vacant by the retirement of
enator Hill , Senator Pike takes the chair-
lanship of the committee on claims , held by
enator Cameron of Wisconsin. Senator
ewell takes Senator Logan's place at the
ead of the committee on military affairs ,
enator Evarts Is made a member of the judi
iary and foreign relations committees. Sen-
tor Teller is made chairman of the commit-
30 on mines and mines , and a member of the
ommittee on public lands. The judiciary
oraraittee is increased by one , and the com-
icrce and public building commissioners by
TO members each. Many other changes
pere made in the membership of committees
) r the purpose of equalizing the honors , re-
Donslbilities and labors of the committee
) om , and the task J > f the caucus committee
as found one of considerable difficulty.
Charles J.Riggen , of Lovington , 111. , aged
! , grew desperate over the loss of all his
, oneyin the Lovington bank , which failed a
? ar ago , and shot his aged wife to death and
ten killed himself.
At Chicago , Henry Leng , a bricklayer , who
id a quarrel with his wife , and had separated
bm her , went Into a yard where she was
ashing clothes and shot at her twice with a
ivolver , mortally wounding her , and then
lied himself. Jealousy was the cause.
After iwenty-three hours' deliberation the
try in the case of Anthony Cantiency ,
larged with the murder of Policeman
cLaughlin , at Minneapolis , brought in aver
ct of manslaughter in the second degree
IB crime was committed July 20 last , while
e Grand Army of the Republic reunion was
! lng held in Minneapolis.
Deputy Sheriff Kohl was shot , atNegau-
; e , Michigan , by Patsey Benan , and died
sxt morning. "The Carp" house of prosti-
tion , .where Benan was stopping , was
irned and the inmates , ten in number , were
ken in custody by the sheriff. Five hundred
med men are looking for Benan , and unless
s is captured his whole gang will be lynched.
At Mt. Ayr , lowa.Dr. Ell Quigley , undertwo
dictments , for grave robbing and arson
okejail and is still at large. While the
rnkoy was passing in food to the prisoners
ilgley succeeded in pushing : him behind a
avy iron door and squeezing him until
: arly helpless. Quigley then pushed the
rnkoy Inside and jumped to the outside door
id made his escape in the darkness. A re
ird of $50 Is offered for his arrest.
A.n officer has arrived at New Orleans to
ke charge of ex-Mayor Navln , of Adrian ,
ich. He obtained a requisition , but the de-
stives refused to turn him over until the
ward of $3,000 is paid. It is stated that paris -
is in Adrian are extremely anxious that
ivin should not be returned , and are willing
expend any amount of money to prevent
Should Navin squeal , as he * threatens to
, it would hurt many prominent people In
Seven county officers of Habersham county ,
lorgia , have been Indicted on the confession
Ben Martin tbat he with their cognizance
rl aid robbed the county cafe. For several , 3
years the county has been unable to meet 1
liabilities , notwithstanding the fact that thai
should have been plenty of money In tt
treasury. Charges of a criminal nature wci
freely made against the county oQlcers , ar
recently the county safe has been twk
robbed In an effort to remove evidences <
guilt. The lust attempt was so daring that tl
citizens took hold of the matter vigorous ! ,
and the result was the arrest of Martin.
ilussian quartermasters are purchasln
every camel they can buy in the Bokharadl
trict They have already more animals thn
they need , but it is stated they wish to crippi
the English troops by depriving them of tb
means of transportation. Q'bo Afghar
are making extensive fortifications in tb
Balkh district and along the line of the Osu
Russian advance upon Afghanistan is en
ating great excitement In England. The goi
eminent has ordered naval and military poi
sioners at the Portsmouth dockyards to bo 1
readiness for medical inspection the fin
time such inspection has been ordered sine
the Crimean war. The London 13v ening New
states it Is learned remonstrances from th
highest quarters have been addressed to th
czar In the interests of peace , and have me
with such a chilling response slight hopes ar
now entertained that hostilities can b
In the commons Gladstone declared h
would stand behind no man In the value h
attached to the friendship of Germany. H
must say , however , he was not prepared t
admit the friendship of any country in th
world was now or over had been necessary ti
enable England to maintain her position. Hi
thought where Germany's colonization opet
ations were bonafldo and consistent with thi
rights of ail parties , England , with dueregan
to the claims of her own colonists , ought t <
meet Germany In no grudging spirit am
should refrain from discussing the occupatioi
of this or that spot after the manntr of bucks
tors , showing a disposition to grudge whatwi
are unable to hold.
The common council of the city of LeMnrs
Iowa , has formally petitioned Gov. Shermai
to convene the legislature in extra session U
repeal the prohibitory law.
The president received the members of the
diplomatic corps and ladles of their f am Hie ;
in the blue parlor of the executive mansion
on the 13th. He woe assisted by his sisters ,
Miss Cleveland and Mrs. Hoyt. Members ol
the cabinet and the ladies of their families
were also present. The viditors were formal
ly presented to the president and the ladies
of his family by the secretary of state.
The democratic senators have completed
their arrangements of committees. Btmators
Vest , Coke and Harris are to succeed Gar
land. Bayard and Lamar on the judiciary
committee. Senator Vance will go on the
finance committee , in place of Bayard. Sen
ator Kansom will succeed Bayard as chair
man of the committee on private land claims ,
and Senator Gorham will take Hansom's old
place as chairman of the committee on the
Potomac river front. Senator Kennti will go
on the commerce committee.
A Washington special says : The result of
vestcrday's cabinet meeting is received \vith
profound disgust by the office-seekers. In
stead of a large batch of nominations , as
was expected , there were the nominations of
E. D. Clarke , of Mississippi , for assistant sec
retary of the Interior , and two navy promo
tions. This causes very long faces among
: he office-seekeis , who expected to see an inr
? ortant break in the ranks of the enemy ,
fheir disgust is increased by the report that
: he president is preparing a proclamation ,
stating that he does not propose to make any
> fficial changes except for special cause.
The National Republican contains an inter
rfow with Postmaster-General which
; hat gentleman is quoted as having said :
'The programme of the whole cabinet is to
iclect officials for their worth and value to
he government , " and as having said further
hat the policy of the administration is to
> ear out the civil service rules to the fullest
ixtent in the management of the various de-
mrlmcnts. "I shall enforce the rules here , "
aid Vilas. It Is understood that it is the in-
cntion of the president to reduce the clerictjl
brco at the white house and to do away with
he system of keeping an elaborate record of
,11 business brought there. In accordance
rith this proposed curtailment of the force ,
our employes at the executive mansion were
lotifled that their services would no longer
ie required. These arc Henry C. Morton of
hio , J. S. Bolivay of Ohio , and W. R. Duke ,
lerks at $1,800 , $1,800 and ? 1,400 per annum ,
espectively , and O. L. Judd , telegraph oper-
tor , who receives 51,400 a vear.
s Foreshadowed by Dr. Stiller , of Omaha ,
Recently in Close Communion With the
Chicago dispatch : Dr. George L. Miller , of
maha , who was much talked of for postmas _
r-gencral and ho was offered and declined
ie lirat assistant's place , is in the city on his
ay home. In talking to a Tribune reporter
ilative to the offices , the doctor was inclined
> the belief that the administration would go
owly. The -cads of bureaus and other re-
lonsible positions would be changed as rap-
ly as consistent with good selections , but In
te clerkships and such minor places there
is no hurry to change. He thought the
loicc of GenI Black as commissioner of pen-
ans gave an Idea of the appointments. Men
ould be quietly selected and appointed with-
it the help ot intermediary uonticlans. "I
id a brief talk with the president , which was
terrupted by a summons home , " said the
> ctor , "in which I spoke of the importance
the small postoffices to the party in the mi-
> rity states. From what he said , and also
9m what he did not say , I inferred that the
anges , except as commissions expired ,
juld not be generally made unless the in-
mbent can be proved to have neglected his
itles to interfere in town , county or state
ilitics. The president seemea much inclined
resent this federal interference. He seemed
have ideas regarding the civil service which
ay disgruntle many democrats , and I maybe
long the number , but he is of the hard-
iaded , stubborn kind. My talk on this sub-
it with him was interrupted several times ,
d , while he may not have expressed himself
lly , I think these inferences reearding his
llcy are very nearly correct He is , "bow
er , more inclined to ask questions than to
press his own opinions , even with his inti-
ite friends. "
The doctor also spoke of the host of office-
Ekers in Washington , and believed that the
nflict of claims for offices would prevent ,
r some tura at least , changes which would
berwlse be made much sooner. "Where the
lims seemed nearly equal it appeared to be
B policy to go cntiia flstfeds and select a
w man. This he gure as the reason for the
polntment of Judge Endicott ,
Bernard Murphy , Champion Youth
alker of Australia , says in the Mel-
lurne Sporkman : "On "Monday previ-
is to the match with Ormes , of Syd-
sy , I was attacked with the 'stitch. '
could not walk another yard , and
ive up all hope of winning. I was
Lvised to try St. Jacobs Oil. I did so ,
bbing a little on my side. I have not
en troubled since , and won ay
itch. "
Measures Beneficial and Otherwise 1'atied
bytheZate Sculon of tlie Tfebrasltn Legis
lature *
Up tg noon on the 10th , Governor Dawos , of
Nebraska , Lad signed the following Icgislativu
acts :
Miscellaneous appropriation.
Joint resolution relative to drawing arms
from the general government.
To amend section 29 , chapter 4 , article 4 ,
compiled atatutt-3 of 1831. /
To amend section 107 , chapter 77 , of coin-
piled statutes.
Amending sections CCO , 001 and CG2 , code
civil procedure.
To provide for the Issuing of bonds by cities
of the second class.
Act to amend criminal code concerning
Amending section 1S5 ot compiled statutes ,
concerning administrators.
i Amending act regarding frauds.
i Authorizing school districts , churches and
cemeteries to purchase lands from the etatu
under certain conditions.
' Amending section 77 , chapter 7 , compiled
statutes , entitled "Revenue. "
Amending section 12 , chapter 4 , of criminal
code , concerning the spread of contagious dis
ease among domestic animals.
t To prohibit the obstruction of highways.
, Amending section 17 , sub-division 14 , chap
ter 87 , compiled statutes.
Amending section 49 , chapter 11 , compiled
statute ? , relating to corporations.
To prevent the digging of ditches and
ttrcnchcs in public blchways.
Defining boundaries of lilalne county.
Amending sections 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 of chapter
10 of an act relating to powers of cities of tiie
second class.
Providing for payment of legislative cr-
To defray expenses of Nebraska exhibits at
New Orleans.
Providing for taking the census of Nebraska.
Appropriating matriculation fees to state
Appropriating moneys for construction ot
main capitol building.
Amending law concerning counties and.
county officers.
Appropriating moneys for the Home for the
Amending act relating to hedges.
Authorizing state treasurrer to transfer cer
tain moneys tb sinking fund.
Authorizlne state treasurer to transfer to
sinking fund the state bond fund.
Authorizing state treasurer to transfer to
sinking fund certain moneys now in his hands.
Changing name of Methodist church at Lin
Defining boundaries of Logan county.
Providing for the erection of buildings of
the reform school at Kearney.
Amending section 17 , chapter 20 , compiled
statutes , relaslng to probate courts.
Amending section 1050 of code of civil pro
, Providing for incidental legislative expenses.
Amending section 10 , article 3 , chapter 2 , of
compiled statutes.
Dedicating real estate In the city of Lincoln
to the Hebrew church.
' Dedicating real estate In the city of Lincoln
to the German Lutheran church.
r Providing for the cancellation of flre insur
ance policies.
Authorizing cities of the second class to
make special levy to provide water supply.
Amending sections 11 , 12 , . # , , " 3 , 01 and 105
of an act relating to powers of cities.
Providing for legislation , certification and
payment of precinct bonds.
Providing for leasing saline lands to stock
yard companies.
Providing for the establishing and maintain
ing hospital for the Insane at Isorfolk.
Providing for selling and leasingsaline lands.
Authorizing election of church wardens and
vestn men.
Relief of Guilds , Saunders and Barber.
Amending section 42 , chapter 10 , of an act
entitled "Courts. "
Relief of Peter Preble.
Granting full civil rights to all citizens.
Preventing the spread of hog cholera and
kindred diseases.
Amending act concerning roads.
Providing for prosecution of criminals.
Regulating bonds.
Relating to teaching of hygiene and physiol
Amending section 42 , chapter 23 , compiled
. For relief of bondsmen of ex-treasurer of
Cedar county.
Amending section 401 , criminal code.
Amending act concerning cities and villages.
Providing for cutting weeds in highways.
Amending chapter 70 , compiled statutes.
Establishing asylum for feeble minded at
Amending sections 150 , 101 and 377 , chapter
23 , compiled statutes.
Amending section 7 , chapter 20 , compiled
Authorizing organization of detective asso
Providing for salary of state oflicers.
Amending sections 41) , OJ , GO , chapter 77 ,
: ompiled statutes.
Amending section 8 , chapter 41 , compiled
itatutes 1S81.
Providing for burial of destitute soldiers
md sailors.
Amending 30 and 52 , military code.
Relating to bee husbandry. "
Amending sections 52 , 54 , 55 and 50 , of
ownshlp organization act.
Amending sections 30 and 52 , military code.
ProvMinc for the erection of additional uni-
erslty buildings.
Amending section 46 , chapter 75 , compiled
tatutes , relating to roads.
Amending section 109 , chapter 77 , revenue
Amending section 9 , act S , chapter 3 , corn-
iled statutes.
General and miscellaneous appropriations.
Establishing live stock commission.
Amending section 121 of criminal code.
A mending sectional , 2 , 4 , chapter 23 , laws
f 1831.
Amending section 1 , chapter 14 , compiled
Repealing act providing for a penalty of 5
er cent on delinquent taxes.
Fixing number of oflicers and employes of
Amending sections 58 1 and 5 G , code civil
Amending section 17 of act providing for
ayment of school district bonds.
Amending section 1017 , code of civil pro-
; dure.
i Amtnding section 4 of act providing for pub-
cation of compiled statutes.
Amending sections 0 and 11 of chapter 20 ,
> mpiled statutes entitled guardians and
Prohibiting the selling or giving tobacco to-
Regulating passenger rates on railroads.
Amending section 4 , act entitled counties.
Amending section 543 , code civil procedure.
Providing for protection ol property from
gh water.
To provide for abolishment ot Incorporation.
! villages.
To define boundaries of Dawes countv.
Amending section 70 , chapter 14. compiled
Creating railroad commission.
To define boundaries of Sheridan county.
Making the removal of personal property to
ade assessment , a criminal offense.
Abolishing the office of district attornevs ,
id providing for the election of countv at-
Legalizing the acts of "Wymore officials.
Preventing fraudulent removal of mortgaged.
Legalizing contracts between Sutherland
d joint board of commissioners of the coun-
s of Burt and Washington.
Providing for abolishment of Incorporated
lages in certain cases.
Providing for management , sale and leasing
educational lands.
Donating certain state lots to city of Lincoln
: market purposes.
imendlng sections 11 , 15 , 20 , 30 , 33 and 34 of
; concerning cities of second class.
Amending section 83 of an act relating to
To determine title and define boundaries to1
: tlon 40 , township 10 , north of range 6 east.
Pertaining to marriages and divorces.
Inthorizlng precincts and townships to aid
rks of Internal improvements.
Defining the boundaries of Sioux county.
Che 2d ot March was Nebraska's eighteenth ,