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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1885)
McOooK WEEKLY VOLUME III. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MARCH 12 , 1885. NUMBER' 41. BUSiNESS DfBECTORY , UNITED STATES LAND OFFICF MeCook , Nebraska. 0. L. LAWS , EceUter. . 0. P. BAECOCS , Sccclvcr ra Houns : Prom 0 A. SI. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GEO. E. JOHNSTON , PROP. , MACFARLAXD STREET , : McCOOK , SEB. A now hotel Just completed , and fitted up with new furniture throughout. Hates reas onable. ' JJ-I55. COCHRAN. & HELM , ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENTS , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention Riven to Law Cases In all the Courts of the State and all -classes of U. S. .Land Business transacted before the local office at HcCook , Nebraska , and the Interior Department at Washington , D. C. CoutestH a specialty. Will pros ecute claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of Pensions. Notarial business done and lands bought nnd sold on reasonable tc.ins. jS Ofllce 1st door south of the U. S. Land Ollice. 3.2'J THOS. GOLFER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW. \ Agent for the Lincoln Land Company. Heal Estate Bought and Sold andCollections Made. C2r"Oflice , Opposite Post Office , Mc- Cook , Nebraska. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County. r Keeps cortifled plats of nil lands in the : i. , Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence solicited. 3-33. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , XEB1IASKA. McCOOK ; - - tSr-Oilice at Churchill House. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHAKMACV , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Jobbing will receive prompt attention at my shop on Dcnnfson St. , opposite McCook House. Plans and specifications furnished if desired. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooK , - NEBRASKA. pgfAllwork guaranteed. Give me a call. f WILLIAM MdNTYRE , t CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Arft you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pa'fn of-cut ting teeth V If so , send at once and get a bottle of Krs. Wkslcw's ScjtHzg Syra ? for Children Toettog. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sutTerer Immediately. Depend upon It , mothers , there is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea , regulates the stomach and bowels , cures wind colic , softens the gums , reduces inflammation , and Rives tone and energy to the whole system. His. 'Wfcslow's Scihfce Syrsp isr ChilSrea Teetihg is . pleasant to the taste , and Is the prescription of one Z- of the oldest nnd best female nurses and physicians f. in the United States , ana is for sale by all druggists | r , throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. ; $ An Answer Wanted- Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure ? "We say they can not , as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are daily recom mending Electric Bitters , will prove. Bright's Dis ease , Diabetes , "Weak Back , or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blooU , regulate the ' bowels , and ac directly cnthe diseased-parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50 cents a bottle at ' . 3Ietropolitan Drug Store. Reliable Firms. ? ' Messrs. S' L. Green and M. A. Spalding are al ways reliable and try to secure the" best of every thing for their patrons. They now have bought a . large quantity of BEGGS' CHEKRV COUGH SYISUP , and are always willing andi-cady to recommend it to every one In need of a preparation for coughs , colds , asthma , bronchitis and consumption , as they know of no other remedy that Is gaining such a wide reputa tion. Sample bottles free. presents given away. $200,0001 I us5 cts. postage , and , 'by mail you will get free a package of goods of large value , that will start you In work that will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America. All about the 200,000 in presents with each bos. Agents wanted everywhere , of cither sex , of all ages , for all the time , or spare time only , to work for us at their own homes. For tunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. II. 1IALLETT & CO. , Portland , Maine. 3-29 Buclden's ArnicaSalve. . THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sore ? , Tetter , Chap ped Hands , Chilblains , Corns , nnd all Skin Eruptions , and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at METROP01TAN DRUG STORE. i 11 * I Rfotworking people. Scud 10 cts. post- U L I U3 'and we w111 man y ° tt frce'a royal , H r I 1 Talnallc sample box or goods that will 11 bkl put you In the wcy of making more money In a few days than yon ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. You can live at home and work in spare time only , or all the time. All of both sexes , of all ages , grandly successful. 50 cts. to $5 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test the business , we make this un paralleled offer : To all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars , directions , etc. , sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delay. Address ST1XSOS Is CO. , Portland , 3alne. 3-29 R i Tf 1 * gcnd elx cents for postage , and Affi " i i EB rccci frcc > a costly box of 1 ! I S i _ " 8 < wds "which will help you to I B ft i B BR B more money right away than anything else in this world. All of either bex , succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens be fore the workers , absolutely sure. At once address TRUE & CO. , Augusta , Maine. 3-39. aundr.y Irons , evels , Ladders , etter Boxes , Lead , og Chains , Locks , Lagg Screws , Lines , Lariat ( Pins , Latches. eke ( Bows , okeCBows , eke ( Bows , ekes , Ox Yokes , Yokes , Ox Yokes , Yokes , Ox 'Yokes. able Knives , acks , Tea ( Pots , ea ( Pots , Kettles , ape Lines.pTwine , Toilet Sets , Twine , Tin Trunks , Tongs. ard . , oaders Shell , eaders Cattle , dth Hatchets , Ladles , Lifters , . Level Glass , Levels. Iboivs , xpansive ( Bits , nd Gate ( Rods , Detractors , Shell , Emery , Cloth/Paper , Everything in line. ells ( Belts , utter ( Bowls , rackets , ( Bits , ill Head < 3oxes , ( Bird Cages , ( Bolts , ( Bread ( Boxes , ( Butts. acks , Card , akes , ( Rings , ingers , Hog , azors ( Reamers , ( Rasps , ( Rat Traps , . ( Rope , ( Rules , ( Rods. Hers , peners , Can , x ( Bow ( Pins , yster Ladles , Ovens , Ovens , Ovens , Oil Cans and Stoves. taples , Spades , kates , Scrapers , \prings. \ Shelters , ieves , Steel Yards , Scales , Scoops , Shoes , Saws , hand & X = cut. I S OF S. W. NEBRASKA FOR & Hardware Stoves and Tinware. Carpenters'and ' Blacksmiths' . TOOLS ! TO'OLSI STEEL NAILS OF ALL SIZES. - : - - : - Iron , Steel and Wagon Timbers. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. The Only Place in Bed Willow County where you can buy one of the World Renowned GOLD COIN Cooking Stoves and Ranges , AGENTS FOR THE 0ELBBR1TED BlIN WAGONS AND SPRING WAGONS. BOTH IRON .AJH ) WOOD. Lead and Iron Pipe and Pipe Firings. MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet Iron and Copper Ware A SPECIALTY. THE BOSS PLACE IN THE WEST FOB - : - SPOT - : - GASH AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION , "And Don't You Forget it , " IS AT- ATBROS BROS , McCOOK , ( Opposite Citizen's Bank , ) even Buckets of Blood" OR - : - THESS FOR STRICTLY CASH I WILL FOE THE NEXT 30 DAYS SELL Fitted in Boss Gold or Silver Cases , Now is the time to buys , FINE WATCH. , i I ( ' Will never have an opportunity to buy so , cheap again.Have in stock Raymond , Taylor \ lor , Wheeler and lower grade of the ELGIN and movements which are giving the best satisfaction. Come a-rushing. . F. L McCRACKEN , IVlcCook , . Neb. - * * . ' ' , February 20th , 1885. OUR EXPOSITION LETTER. Interest like the attendance increases with the Exposition. Ever since the opening of Mardi Gras , which of itseli brought many visitors to the city , the Fair has been receiving a daily increase of patronage as , evidence by the funds \vhich have grown into the thousands of dollars every day. The management is consequently greatly encouraged , and everybody be ing better pleased with the exhibition are of course happy. In fact no rea sonably liberal person can well be other wise. It is true the public were deprived of visiting the Art gallery until last week on account of the delayed arrival of the pictures , and the disappointment likely to occur if the contents of the gallery were not all hung and tastely displayed before the doors were thrown open. But while such is the case there was enough to entertain and instruct within the other buildings. INDIANA. The Hoosier State , Prof. W. E. Oha- ver , commissioner , is verv attractive * * v and catches the eyes of the visitors as lie or she goes along its labyrinths. The grain and vegetable displays are first-class , as well as the manufactured articles on exhibition. Minerals re ceive attention as an industry of Indi ana and coal is the chief. Several spec imens of native woods are shown. The United States Encaustic Tile company's exhibit is good. MISSOURI. Prof. P. F. Hilder , is one of the youngest commissioners within the Gov ernment building , but makes * a very ) leasing display of the eifects of his state. < 3orn is king in Missouri and the specimens sent along the grains compare very favorably to any "staff of life" states. There is a handsome little pa goda trimmed with broom corn which shows off well. In liquors , wines and > eerj especially the latter , the state pro duces many fine brands. Manufaetur- ng is to some extent carried on , out side of flouring mills with which it abounds. St. Louis however supplie many of the articles on exhibition in this department both agricultural and manufactured. NEW HAMPSHIRE. This state so far to the northwest in being represented C. C. Bryant , seems to have a commissioner whose every ef fort is in behalf of New Hampshire. As a manufacturing state of much im portance its specimens of goods attest. Some 200 varieties of native woods arc on exhibition , and "some samples of fine granite and other building stones are sent all the way from the quavies to the Exposition. An adjustable invalid bed , and fine steel cutlery combine to make a display not to be excelled. A shearing machine for clipping sheep , horses and mules is a most useful and ingenious instrument. An excellent profile map jf the state carved from and painted on svood is to be seen. NOTES. Every day at the grounds looks more spring like than ever. It is consequent- y enjoyed by visitors from the north nore than all others , and can hardly be ealized. There is no lack for lunch counters ind nut stands , and such refreshments vhile in the grounds , and one can be ac- : ommodated at very reasonable rates. It is nice to take a ride on the river )3T steamer either to or from the Fair Grounds. Then a better view of the dty , Exposition grounds and surround- ng country can lee had. .The centre or strict "United States lepartment" in the Government build- ngis one of the strongest features of the sxhibit. It reminds one of a visit to iVashington city to go through here. Che various national departments are .dmirably presented to the public for in- pection. A little girl on leaving the Main milding the other day remarked , "Oh , ny , I really think I'll have to purchase . new trunk to hold all my Exposition " been loaded down : oods. She has nth pretty cards , pamphlets and other ouveuiers of her visit to the Cotton Jenfennial. The bamboo store of the He-no Hong ? ea company is visited by thousands f people daily and many gallons of tea [ ealt out free in little cups , arc served o the world of visitors. D Y GO TO' ' ' ' RR'P'PR'e FOR d V-/1W WAQONS. JOHN DEERE PLOWS , . STOVES , TINWARE , HARDWARE , Etc. You will save money by writing or ask ing for prices before buying. In Southwestern Nebraska or Northwestern Kansas. * 5 'WO DOORS SOUTH OF P. 0. McGOOK , NRBRASKA. THE CITIZEN'S ' BANK OF McCOOK -DOES A GENEllAL- Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-lxesidcnts. Money to loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal property. Tire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe , ! " : I J. W. DOLAX. President. First National Jiank , Lincoln , N ( > 1 > j . , , , . \.rUAXKLl.V \ lCC-1'resulcnt. The Chase National Hunk , Xeu- York , j , - BEST UNEQUALLED FOR P o-wer , Simplicity Durability. Estimates made of Mill and Pump complete upon application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSE Tli'i- mill Is a "solid wheel" and the l > c = t si-lf-ri'jralator made. The AVoodman > c Xo. fi. Pump I ? the best single mln- force pump in tin : market. Will work In well > from 1U to Uuu fevt lit dejith. and has back attachments to force water into devated tanlw. Can be u > ud by hand or wlnduilll. Parties contemplating the erection < if U'lndinill will consult their best Interests by calling at my Jloatc tead. 1M miles nortinvc.-'t of McC'ook , or at 1 ! . Johnston's , 5 miles southeast , and ex- umiuti the \vorking of the Woodmanst . A . M. IR A IN , Agent , Woodmanse Windmill Co. . Freeport , 111. INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAW. NRBRASKA. MeGOOK , - - PAID UP QAPFTAL , , $ SO5OOO. DOES A GENERAL - : - - : - BANKING BUSINESS , . Receives and pays Deposites. Buys and sells Exchange on New York , Chicago and Omaha , and all the principal cities of'Europe. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : . , - ; : v. GEO. HOCKNELL , Prcs. A. CAMPBELL. B. M. FREES , Vicc-Prcs. : H. K. ADAMS , Cashier.