THE TBIBUJSTE. F. M. & E. M. KUEtrei , ! , , Pub * . McCOOK , : : : : . 'NEB MWS OE NEBRASKA. TUB STATE UNivEiiaiTV. Following is a true and correct Blatcment of estimates for expen ses , etc. , of the University of Nebraska by the undersigned , secretary of the board of re- Rente , as made to the house committee on finance , ways and means , when called before fore it : For salaries , academical dept. annual. . ? 37 GOO medical department 10,000 incidentals 8,000 fueK 3,000 553.500o $107,000 lor scientific laboratory 5 10,000 library , etc. * 10,000 botanical library and apparatus. . . G.ODO deficiency of present appropriafn. . 6,100 SWS.OOO Add salary of one professor. . 2.000 Amount as reported by auditor JHO.OOJ I also pave to said committee the following additional iioms. which I bad been requested by the president of the board to add to the above , and which were found to be necessary upon a further investigation by the regents at their December meeting , vU : For salary of prof , of agriculture $ 2,00 , " vet. science 2,00 ( " " mod. language 2OOC " assistant Latin scholar 2.00C $ 8.00C For steam heat 510.00C new roof ,00l repairing chapel , 1,000 painting 600 outbuildings 600 $14,400 " J. STUAUT DALES. Secretary of Board of Regents. THE KENEVALS LANDS. A Washington spe ciol says : "After the expiration of the morn ing hour to-day Mr. Laird called up the bil for the relief of the settlers of the Keneval lands , opening the debate in a vigorous fash ion , showing the claims which three hundred men and their families had on the govern ment because of its departmental promises , eot aside finally by the supreme court. Ho said that tbe judgment of the ouster was banging over the heads of these poor men like the sword of Damocles ; that they were' ' confronted with the alternative of 'pay or go. ' As the speaker stood leaning upon hiscrutch- es , appealing to the house , he was greeted with applause at intervals and the silence evinced that his crisp sentences were taking effect. Present contide-atlon of the bill was defeated , however , by a majority of 15. Mr. Laird WHS suffering considerably and was at tended to tbe house by a physician and a nurse , and ransomu risk of permanent in jury , but , as he remanded to Mr. Holman when asked how ho daie venture out , ' 1 thought if I came in this plight you fellows would think I waa not here in behalf of a fraudulent bill. ' Mr. Laird will endeavorto move the bill again in a few days , and hopes for success. " MANDEUSOJT ox THE DEATH OF CONGRESSMAN DUNCAN. In the Congressional Globe of a recent date , wherein the senate considered resolutions relative to the death of Representative Duncan , of Pennsylvania , we find the following address of Senator Man derson of Nebraska : Mr. MANDEHSON. Mr. President , not eventful the life that has closed. Spent amid stirring scenes and in troublous times it stands out against them in contrasts to bo re marked. Born in the central state , the Key stone of the arch of commonwealths , where Pennsylvania holds the scales , And neither South nor Xonh prevails where politics seems to be of every day he was not a politician. Living on that , which one of tbe most stupendous events in modern history has made holy ground , where the strongest of human passions held dullest sway , and "dire was the noise of conflict , " at far-famed Gettysburg , where "it seemed as though men fought upon the earth and fiends In upper air" he was a quiet looker on and not a soldier. But he "acted well his part. " It comes not to every man that be shall fill a page , or re quire even a line , in the world's history. Yet the uneventful lives seem the happiest ones , and the "mute , inglorious MJltons" of earth are usually the ones to envy , if content with life is its chiefest blessing. Of a genial na ture , he mode many friends , "well-springs in the wilderness , " who loved him in life and mourn his too early death. Trained in the schools , be loved books , "those monuments of vanished minds , " 'delightful when pros perity happy smiles ; inseparable comforters "when adversity threatens. " Well balanced and intellectual , his pursuits were those of the scholar and his enjoyments those of the student. Ho could well exclaim : My mind to be a kingdom Is Such perfect treasure there I find. Called to the bar , he became one of its leaders In his locality. Devoted to that "ex acting mistress , tbe law , " she gave him full return in a large clientage , to whose interests he was devoted. Of upright character , he was universally esteemed , and itcamo naturally , from the recognition of all these commendable quali ties , that his neighbors chosehim to represent his congressional district in the Forty-eighth congress. Suffering during his term Irom that fell disease of which be died in Novem ber last , be was not able to place an imprint upon any of the legislation of the last EC sion : but fresh and well deserved appreciation of his worth came to him when , while upon the bed of death , he was re-elected to the bouse of representatives. To me William A. Duncan waa personally unknown , but when , at the request of a col league ho esteemed him higuly , I looked over the detail of his life that 1. a native of the grand old commonwealth that he honored as it honored him , might pay fitting tribute to his memory , I was charmed with its sym metry and could not but admire the leatures I have so feebly portrayed. A life so beauti ful , a career so even gave promise of a usetul future. It is most apt to depict him growing with the years of experience mto the trusted legislator later , the wise counselor , respected of ail men , of service to the state , until with ripened age came fuller honors , and at last with the full allotment of years would come the end to the rounded life. But it was not so to be. "God's finger touched him and he slept. " Mr. President , I second the adoption of the resolutions. THE STATE IN BRIEF. Mr. Peekenpaugh , living near Table Rock , Is out a fine house by.firc. The new town of Gordon has already got four saloons and more are contemplated. Scarlet fever and diphtheria have been Quite fatal in the vicinity of Cedar Rapids. The owner of a brewery near Beatrice was fined $100 for selling beer without a license. Heavy Ice in the Platte river leads to fears of a disastrous flood when thobreak-up comes. * There are eight cases to be tried at the next term of the district court of Kearney county. The Columbus schools , closed on account of prevalence of diphtheria , have again opened. Forty-flvo of Omaha's population Joined the silent majority during the month of January. Rev. Dr. Worthington was consecrated Bishop of Nebraska in Detroit on Tuesday last. t : There is demand for more dwelling houses b In Waterloo , and the question is , who will bb bc supply them. b The double-decked car bill -which passed C the house met with indefinite postponement In the tenate. tl Tbe Staten creamery will got in operation tlS tlP about March 1st , under the St-perlntondency S of B M. Lowery. a John Winkle , of Gage county , suffers with & abadJy broken leg , the result of a heavy log rolling upon him. tl Fifty insane persons wcro discharged from tltl the insane hosp.tal last week to make room tlV lor now cases. . V The protracted meetings in Pawnee" City have closed with the result of fourteen addi tions to tbo Baptist church. Henry Boevink , who lived near Hlckman , has been sent to tbo insane asylum , where be was once before confined. Itov. T. H. Worley and wife , missionaries to China for tbo post thrco years , have returned to Ashland , tbclr old borne. A delegation of Union Pacific engineers have been in Omaha to confer wltb officials in regard to rules and wages. Nebraska railway offices report a heavy passenger travel southward all bound for tbo Now Orleans exposition. Traf cling swindlers have started on their rouLdp , notv that the weather has moderated somewhat. Look out for them. Oscar Fulton , near Table Rock , was severely injured by the upsetting of a wagon with a load of hay on which bo was riding. The Atkinson Graphic says that whllo this has been a tougb winter on homesteaders , it has yet to bear of a case of actual suffering. The residence of John Tigh , six miles from Columbus , was destroyed by fire last week. The origin of tbo conflagration is not stated. The G. A. R. of Pawnee City , will put on the boards at an early day "Tho Spy of Atlanta , " Mr. and Mrs. Colson taking the leading parts. As spring approaches the baso-ballist looms up. A professional club for Omaha tbo com ing season is said to bo almost an assured fact. fact.A ' A new signal service statlon'will shortly be established by the weather bureau at Valen tine. This will make the third station in the state. John H. Polman , of Nemaha county , lost five head of cattle within a few days. An ex amination of the stomach showed no disease there. Plainvlew people would like to have a good shoemaker located there , believing tbat bo would find a profitable business from the start. r Business in United States courts is at a tand still because Marshal Biorbower , re cently appointed , has not received his com mission. An effort is being made , "with a good show of success , to raise the means for building a church for the Christian denomination at Hampton. Governor Furnas has sent from New Orleans for half a dozen Nebraska prairie dogp , and the boys about Sidney arc rustling for their capture. Chemical analysis shows tbat tbo substance supposed to be dynamite sent to Patrick Eagaii at Lincoln is uon-explosivo and entirely tirely harmless. Union Pacific engineers west of Cheyenne ask for an increase of wages , claiming" a higher mileage than those employed on the prairie divisions. Byron Bextel , a farmer in the vicinity of Beatrice , suicided a few days ago by shooting himself through the right side. Cause for the act is not known. There is considerable speculation as to who will be appointed superintendent of census. The governor knows who is the "coming man , " but won't tell. All tramps who apply for a night's lodging in the Beatrice jail are compelled to work for it on the streets next day , a balland _ chain keeping them company. The skating rink mania has taken firm hold on the people of Lincoln and surrounding country. Another immense building is to be erected at large cost. A vigilance committee has been organized In Blaine township , Adams county , which promises to make it warm for horse thieves md evil doers in general. The Swedish Lutheran conference , in ses sion at Omaha , allowed 5400 for help for a pastor in Kearney as soon as the congregation - . tion there could secure one. Williamson , an insurance agent , ate $73 ivorth of grub at the Tuttle house In Aurora md then left without making settlement. Be ware of "agents" of all kinds. During 1681 there were 1,023 cars of grain shipped from Hampton , making 562GoObu- jhels ; 89 cars of live stock and 8 cars miscel- aneous , making in all a total of 1,130. Domestic troubles have arisen in the family ) f Aug. Huebner , formerly county surveyor ) f Pierce county. His wife has brought suit n the district court for a bill of divorce. There was issued f romtho postoffice in Loup > lly , Neb. , during the year of 1881 , money or- lers to the aggregate value of $14,141.40 , paid mt on money orders drawn on same office , 5,839.03. It is understood that fto'TPhlladclphia pub- ishers of the atlas of this state , for which or- [ era were taken last summer , have concluded o postpone the delivery of the work until Fune or July. It is proposed to remove the department ifle range at Omaha to Fort-Sidney in conse- [ uenceof increasing and outrageous demands if farmers and land owners adjoining the ange for damages. As cold as the weather has been the past winter , the B'air Republican learns of some armers whose stock has been kept in yards chore the only protection from chilling blasts ras a wire fence. The activity in the baby market in Blair Is ; o great tbat the scribe of the Republican is if raid souio of them will get away. He chron- cles throe in one day with the outskirts of be town to hear from. The Valentine land office continues flooded rith applicants filing claims. A. correspon lent notes tbat if the present rush continues mtil July I , not a timber claim will remain ast of tbe Wyoming line. A family quarrel was up in the courts of Cenesaw last week , in which the parties hereto one Lukens and a Mrs. Puhe each onductcd their own case , and managed to ilghly interest the large audience assembled. * Journals in tbe older settled communities ' low , as spring approaches , make frequent nention of parties starting for the front.or o secure homesteads. Uncle Sam's Nebraska omain will soon be among the things that rere , ' William H. Smith , of MInden , came near ' eingshocby his clerk as he was about to ° nter his store at night. The clerk supposed im to be a burglar and let loose with his 33- n alibre , theball making a close call for Smith's ital parts. The Creigbton Pioneer says the opening of ie Pantee reservation will cause a rush never efore witnessed in its historyAlreadynew n Omars have commenced to arrive and the otels are crowded with guests. It bos given reighton new life. GovernorDaweshas signed the bill defining ie boundaries of Logan county. He has ap- _ ointed as temporary commissioners , C. D. 81 tiroder , Willard GInn and Bllcy Haskell , and D 5 temporary oleik Charles S. Wells. The junty seat is Logan. The Nebraska flno stock breeders' assocla- jj' ' on met in Lincoln on. be 24th. Papers were J l jad by O. M. ruse on wha' should constitute 10 exhibits at the state fair ; Prof. H. H. on dairvimr : Prof. C. K. licssor. on forngo plants ; M. L. Tester on hogs , and others. A number of dairymen met at Lincoln a iliort time ago and organized a state dairy men's convention. The first annual meeting of the association will be held-at Fremont on the second Tuesday in December. The asso citation starts out with about twenty charter members. An Ashland boy applied to a prominent eit zcn of that place for 23 cents to buy a scboo book , alleging his inability to command tha. much money for such a worthy purpose. The liberal-minded man was about to hand over the required amount when'bo discovered tbat tbo boy desired to attend an Jndlan war dance in the town hall , whioh cost the exact sum asked for. Ho withheld his benefaction BRIEFLY TOLD. The National theatre building in Washing ton was burned on the 20th. . The nomination of Francis E. Warren , to bo governor of Wyoming , has been confirmed. The county treasurer of Chippewa county Wis. , Fred Becker , is missing , and his accounts are short about 512,000. Ben W. Lewis , of St. Louis , a wealthy man and at times a heavy speculator in grain , has failed for $10,000. Mrs. M. M. B. Goodman , a well-known authoress , died at her residence in Chariton , Ohio. She was for many years the editress of the Christian Monitor. Trouble Is brewing with the omployesof the Wobush railroad system , on account of an or der reducing wages , and it is likely that a strike will bo inaugurated. The Transcontinental railway association has decided that instead of basing business on the rate b&tween New York and San Fran * Cisco , to make Chicago and St. Louis terminal points. According to the census of 1880 , there were 72,304 boilers In use in manufacturing indus tries , and < 5,403 steam vessels in the United States. Poor also gives the number of loco motives at 23,000. A sanguinary engagement has taken place In the Janja valley , Peru , between four com panies of government troops and 2,000 Indian Monteneros. The latter were deleated , leav ing 300 dead on the field. S. E. Gcrmand , a traveling salesman , was shot , at Keoknk , Iowa , by W. K. Williams , an influential dry goods merchant , four times. Ono shot took effect in the shoulder. Williams was jealous of Germand. At Gaineaboro , Jackson Co. , Tcnn. , several men visited a house on Martin's creek and se verely lashed a Mormon elder , who had been laboring in the neighborhood. Another elder eluded the crowd in the darkness. George Bancroft , the historian , a native of Worcester , Mass. , has signified his desire to present that city a fund of 510,000 to form an "Aaron and Lucretia Bancroft scholarship fund , " the income to be devoted to the liberal education of some one scholar from Worces ter. George W. Thompson , G. K. Hewitt and L. E. Clementj have been arrested at St. Louis and taken to Springfield on a charge of tak ing forty registered letters containing some 51,500 from a postal car on the St. Louis and San Francisco railroad at Pierce C.ty , Mo. Mrs. Annie Sullivan , wife of the champion pugilist , has begun a suit for divorce on the ground of cruel and abusive treatment and jross and confirmed habits of intoxication Mrs. Sullivan desires the custody and asks that Sullivan's property to the extent of $20- XX ) be attached * to secure the support of her self and child. William Jackson Moore , of Quidclphia , wen * : o Pittsburg , Pa. , to get legal advice concern ng some property he claims to have been do Irauded of by relaiivcs. Moore , who is a man > f about GO years , claims tbat foreleven years lis stepdaughter and her husband have kept liin locked up in a cellar , only allowing him o go out occasionally at night into the yard md being left without food for days. A brutal and most horrible murder occurred n Dubuque , Iowa , last Sunday morning. Mrs tosanna Carlin , residing with her daughter Urs. M. Brady , on Pine street , was found dead n her bed with her skull fractured. The old ady had sold a farm a few weeks ago , for rhlch she received $18,000 , and it is thought icr daughter , Mrs. Brady , and her eon Ed- J rard , aged 25 , murdered the old lady for her noney. The coroner's jury returned a verdict ibarging them with the crime. Judge Robert Logan , of Whiteslde , dropped it the head of the bouse stairs in Springfield , 11. , as he was on his way to the chamber. : he elevator was not running , and he at- emptcd to walk up the long stairway. Logan las been ailing all session with heart disease , , nd could not stand excitement of any kind. Vhen he dropped on the house floor , opposite he main entrance to the chamber , be was dcked up by his friends and carried into an nte-rbom , the doctors were called and five ilnutes later they pronounced him dead , 'he Chicago Journal's Springfield special de- larcs the death of Logan , while it diminishes tie chances of republican success , by no leans makes certain tbo election of a demo- rat , as the law requires 1OJ votes to elect 'he ' democrats have but 102. CAPITAL BRIEFS. F. H. Faxworthy , of Lincoln , Neb. , has been estored to practice as an attorney before the itorior department. The house committee on appropriations has greed to recommend tbat under the direc- ; on of the secretary of the treasury § 303,000 e disbursed to creditors of the New Orleans xposition in the order of priority of lien uu- or the Louisiana laws. Col. A. M. Dawly , a claim agent , said to be rein Iowa , dropped dead of appoplexy in a t 'urklsh ' bath establishment In Washington a n the 24th. Ho made argument before a ouse committee In the morning , and feeling ad on leaving committee room , ho went to ie bath rooms , whero.he . died while prepar- ig for a bath. Secretary Frelinghuyscn , in a long letter to c ; enator Miller , chairman of the senate com- „ ilttee on foreign relations , takes the ground r lat wo must look to nations inferior to us in eilth and population for any marked en- irgemontin our export trade , and that re iproclty treaties are only profitable wlthsuch atlons. FOBEIGN NOTES. Owners of the steamship Lydlan Monarch ireaten to prosecute the author of the ca ard reporting the sinking of tbat vessel. Dispatches from Berne , Switzerland , report r < mt the bundesrath has rejected the pro- osed naturalization treaty with the United tales. The conservative peers hold a meeting in ondon and resolved to move a vote of ccn- ire Hgaiust the government for its Egyptian alley. The lord mayor o'f London has issued an ap- tie jal to the public for funds with which to re o : ave distress among the unemployed work- fi ig people. ir The remains of Mrs. James Russell Lowell , tlE Ho of Minister Lowc.ll , wcro interred at E Kensal Green cemdtery. The funeral wat strictly private. The people of Now South Wales have raised $150,003 to equip a force for the Soudan , and appealed to the government to make lusto in sending It to the front A Yaguf insurrection has broken out In So nora , Mexico , and several ranches have been burned. The federal troops and a party of Indians had an encounter in which the latter wcro routed. At a meeting of the conservative peers , held at the resldonco of the Marquis of Salis bury , It was unanimously resolved to move In the house of lords a vote of censure against the govejnmeut for its Egyptian policy. " The society to propogate anarchism hold a meeting at Geneva , Switzerland. The pro gramme included a discussion of the ques tion , "Shall wo have anjthinjr to eat tomorrow row ? " The situation in Germany was also considered. t The latest advices from the Soudan say that hostile Arabs appeared at Abu Klea on the night of the 19th and were dispersed by a few rounds from Gen. Bullcr's Gardner puns , This intelligence , which is conveyed in a dls patch from Abu Klea dated February 20 , also contains the statement that Arabs taken prls oners by Gen. Buller state that El Mahdi has returned to Khartoum. X2TPOJZ2UAT XUr/CUUI. SUBJECT. One WlUi Wlilcli the I'rtsident-Klect'Vcal * in a Letter to Coinage Advocates In Conyress. President-elect Cleveland , in his reply ad dressed to the silver coinage advocates , says : The letter which I have had the honor to re ceive from you invites and , Indeed , obliges mete to sive ; exf ressioa to some grave public ex pressions , although iu advance of the moment when they would become objects of my ofllcial care and partial responsibility. Your solici tude that my judgment shall have been care fully and deliberately formed , is entirely just , and I accept the suggestion In the same friendj ly spirit In which It has been made. It is also fully justified by the nature of tbe financial crisis , which , under the operation oE the act o' congress of February 2 { ? , 1874 , is now close at hand. By compliance with the requirements of that law , all the vaults of the federal treas ury have been and arc heaped full of sliver coins , which are uow worth less than 85 per cent of the dollar prescribed as "tbe uuit of value" in section 14 of the a t of February 12 , 1873 , and which , with the silver certificates representing such coin , are receivable for all public dues. Being thus receivable , while also constantly increasing in quan tity at the rate of § 93,000,000 a year , It has followed , of necessity , tbat the How of gold into ib.2 treasury has "been stead ily diminished. S Iver and silver ccrtiScates have displaced and are now displacing gold , and the sum of gold in the federal treasury , now available for the paymect oE the gold ob ligations of the United States and for the re demption of tbe notes called greenbacks , if not already encroached upcm is perilously near such encroachment. are facts which , as they do not admit o difference of opinionj call for no argument. They have been for warded to us in the official report oE every sec retary of the treasury from 1S7S until now. They are plainly affirmed in the last Decem ber report of the pressut secretary of the treasury to the speaker of the present house of representatives. They appear in the official report to this congress and In the records of the New York clearing house. These being the facts of our present condition , our danger and our duty to avert that danger would seem to be plain. I hope you concur wiih me and the great majority of our fellow citizens in deeming it most desirable at the present junc ture to maintain and continue in use the mass oE our gold coin as well as the mass of silver already coined. This is possible by the present suspension of ( he purchase and coln- Bge of silver. I am aware that by no other method it is possible. It is of momentous importance to prevent the two metals from parting company , to prevent the increasing displacement oE gold by the increasing coin age oE silver , to prevent the disuse of gold in the custom houses of the United States , in ' tbe daily business of the people , and to pre- I rent the ultimate expulsion of gold by silver. Sncb a financial crash as these events would : crtainly precipitate , were it now to follow up- sn so long a period of commercial depression , tvould involve the people of every city and I 1 every state in the union in prolonged and dis- j J istrous trouble. The revival of business enterprise - i prise and prosperity so ardently desired c md so apparently near , would be hopelessly postponed. Gold would be withdrawn to its t aoardig places and an unprecedented contract .ion o the actual volume of our currency vculd speedily take place. Saddest of all , in : very workshop , mill , factory , store , and on ; very railroad and farm , the wages of labor ilready depressed would suffer still further lepression by the scaling down of the pur- : hasing power oE cvcrv so-called dollar paid nto the band of toil. From these impending calamities it is surely the most patriotic and jrateful uuty oE the representatives of the ic ple to acliver them. 1 am , gentlemen , nth sincere respects , your fellow-citizen , "GROVEK UI.KVELAXD. 17 a" of Consecration of Ilev. Dr. WortMng- ton as Hishop of XebratJa. The consecration of Itcv. George Worthing- on as bishop of the dlocesu of Nebraska took ilace at St. John's church , Dttroit , of which ie was formerly rector , on the 34th. The onsecrating bishops included the bishops of Vermont , western Michigan , Wisconsin , Fond Iu Lac , Indiana , Iowa , Springfield , New York , restern New York , Chicago , Michigan , south ) akota , as well as shout six clergymen from his and other sees. The followingNpbraskans r < re present : Rev. F , R. Mlllspaugh , Robert V. Oliver , Alex. Allen , James Patersou , Wil- iam R. Hawkins and R. Dohcriy. The conse- ration ceremonies were very impressive and bove two thousand people were in attend- P ncc. In tbe absence of the presiding minis- Si LT , Bishop Lee , of Delaware , Bishop Coxe , of SiB restern New York , acted in that capacity , SI 'he consecration sermon was delivered by As- SIE Istatit Bishop Potter , of New York city , 'kh iibhop McLaren , of Chicago , who was pre- h cnted for consecration thirteen years ago by n ) r. "Wbrthington , returned the compliment by g' ' resenting \Vortbington for consecration [ > the episcopate. The ceremonies lasted g'S bout three boura. tl tlb. . ROUGH OX G-EV. S1FAJO& 'Indinys of the Court Martial and Approval by the President. The findings of the court martial In the ise of Swaim have been made public , to other with the sentence as approved by j rc.sidcnt Arthur. The court found tbe acCJ isod not guilty upon all charges except that n ( t conduct prejudicial to good order and mil3 ° ary discipline , wherein he was found guilty pi id sentenced "to be suspended from rank oj ad duty for twelve years and to forfeit one- , , ilf of his monthly pay every month for the uc ime period. " Tin's sentence President ArTVI | mi-has approved. It will be observed that T ie sentence of the court , as approved by the resident , suspends Gen. Swaim from office p to and beyond the date of his possible re- m remenr , December 22 , 1SIW. Tlie trial of sii en. Swaim upon the charge that ho had sold ca > rase issued to him for his own personal usa cam suited in hs : honorable acquittal. 1 The president also nppiovid the findings 1gv id sentence in the case of Col. Morrow , by gvm hieh the latter is deprived of all rights of nc Ivancemcnt in his grade for two years. " 3 A Chancellor's Opinion. love Hon. James Harlan , ex-Vice Channcl- ca > r of Louisville , Ky. , a brother of Jus- ai th ce Harlan , TJ. S. Supreme Court , says th E St. Jacob's Oil : "I use it , and I know ill well whereof I speak in pronounc- \g \ it a most extraordinary cure for all mt is claimed for it by its proprietors. a very family should have it. " - . - T uus aioxuaiEXT xo Formal Gzrtinonte.i Mlendtnff 2l Dedica tion 27to Reception Bptfeh of President Arthur Mr. n'lnthrop' * Address. The ceremony attending dedication of tbe Washington monument took place on tbo 21st. About 800 assembled at tbe base of the monument ment , when Senator Sherman delivered on era tion. followed by W. W. Corcoran. Masonic ceremonies by the grand lodge of the district of Columbia then took place. Dur ing these proceedings there was brought Into aao certain historic relics with which "Wash ington was Intimately connected. The givcl used was prepared for anil used by General Washington , as grand master pro tcm. in lay- in" tbe corner stone of the national capitol on the 13th of September , 1793 , a sacred volume belonging to Fredcricksburg lodge , No. 4 , of Virginia , upon which Washington took bis first vows In Masonry ; that belonging to St. John's lodge , No. 1 , o tbe city of ttcwYork , upon which , on the 30th of April , 1789 , he took the oath of office as the first president of the United States ; the "Great Light , " be longing to Washington lodge , No. 4 , oE Alex andria , Virginia , upon which he , as worship ful master , received the vows oE initiates : the apron worn by him , which was worked by adame Lafayette ; a golden urn , containing a lock of bis hair , belonging to the grand lodge of Massachusetts ; the trLesscr Light , " \na one oE three sperm caudles , borne In Washington's funeral procession , were exhlb- tcd. tcd.Col. . Thomas Casey formally delivered the monument to the president , who , on accept ing , spoke as follows : J'Wow Countrymen Before tbe dawn of tbe century whose eventful vcars will soon have faded into the past , when death had but lately robbed this republic of its most beloved and Illustrious citi/.en , the congress of the United States pledged the faith of the nation that in this city , bearing his honored name , and then as now the scat of the general government , a monument should be erected to com memorate tbi > great events of his military and life. The n'atclv column wlilch strctehea heavenward fr nn the plane whereon we stand bears witness to all who behold It that the cov- snant which our fathers made , their children have fulfilled. In the completion of this Teat work of patriotic endeavor , there Is abundant cause for national rejoicing , for while the structure shall endure , it shall be to all mankind steadfast , a token oE affection and the reverend regard in which these people continue to bold the memory of " \ \ ashiugtoii. Well mav he ever keep foreniost in place in the hearts of his countrymen. The faith that never faltered , the wisdom deeper and broad er than any taught iu school , the courage tvhlch shrank from no peril and was dismayed by no defeat , the loyalty that kept all selnsh purpose subordinate to tbe demands of patri otism and honor , the sagacity that displayed itself in camp and cabinet alike and above all tbat harmonious union oE moral and intellec tual qualities which bus never found Its paral lel among men. These are attributes which the Intelligent thought of this century ascribes to tbe grandest figure of the past. But other and more eloquent lips than mine will to-day rehearse to you the story of his noble life and Its glorious achievements. To myself has been assigned the simple and mere formal duty m the 'fulfilment of which I do now , as the pres ident o the United States , and m behalf of the people , receive this monument from tue bands of its builder and declare it dedicated from this time forth to the immortal naniu ind memory of George Washington. " The president read his address in a farm , rtcar tone , and at its conclusion cheers broke forth and were hearty anil prolonged. The assembly then withdraw to the city , re pairing to the chamber oE the house , where [ he dedicatory address of Hon. Robert U. Winthrop was read. The address covered a letailed review o the work of building tne nonument , the ccrner stone of which was laid thirty-seven years ago ; the life and public ser- riccs oE Waihlngtou and its beneficial effect m the future of mankind , as shown by Uie ivonderful progress of the nation which he did ; o much to found , and closed with the follow ing brilliant neroration : "Our matcliless obelisk stands proudly be- 'ore us to-day , and we hail it with tbe exulta- ions of a united and glorious nation. It may > r mav not be proof against the cavils or ritics.'but nothing of human construction Is igainst the casualties of time. The storms of finter must blow and beat upon it. Ibe ac- ion of the elements must soil and discolor It. flic lightnings of heaven may scar and blacken t. An earthquake mav shake its foundation. omc mighty tornado , or resistless cyclone , aav rend its massive blocks asunder and Lurl mge fragments to the ground. But the char- .cter which it commemorates and illustrates s secure. It will remain unchanged ana uii- hangeable-inall its consummate purity and plendor , and will more and more command lie homage of succeeding ages in all remoua if the earth. "God be praised , that character is ours for- vrr. " The ceremonies were appropriately con- luded by a fine display of tireworks at night a the monument grounds. An immense crowd ras present. JTXTO A Ins 3Tan Killed and. Several Serloiuly If 3fot Fatally Injured. At midnight on the 26th , three miles south if Chebanse , on the Illinois Central , two pas- enger trains were run into by a freight. The lassengcr which leaves Chicago about 8 p. m. ras being closely followed by the Xew Orleans xpress. The leading passenger train stopped n account of a broken truck. The New Or gans train stopped and sent back a signal half mile to warn an approaching freight and ent on to the place it here the tirst train had topped. Just as it stopped still the freight ame at full speed , crashing into the rear of lie sleeper , the enctfne reaching the middle of aranU telescoped several cars ahead. The ildest confusion at once ensued. Reary amis chopped into the debris and cxtricateu ie injured. The follo ing is the list of the killed and in ured : John A. Melnnis , Ingersoll , Ontario , illcd instantly ; Alderman Gaynor , Chicago , ruised about the chest , contusion on the back f the head , right foot and hip injured very alnful ; Rev. J. M. Abbott Brown , Chicago , 3vere burn on the sole of right foot ; S. M. earsall and wife. Grand Rapids , Mich. , both : verely bruised on the back of the head ; II. . Te-rrv , Chicago , abrasion" of the chest and nee ; F. M. Butts , Chicago , scorched onfore- ead , sole of the foot and hand and face ter- bly burned ; Dr. Isabel ! A. Mitchell , Chica- i , fracture of the light Ice , the left ankle irained , slight injury on the head and in- irn&lly injured : .Tanks Mitchell , porter of ic sleeper , hands and face severely burned , jdy badly bruised. Mr. Mclnnis was en mte to Xew Orleans to meet his wife and nughter. Of YOUJl JiUSIXESS. 'te Would-be Cabinet 3Talrrs dicing Cleve land Considerable Annoyance. From Albany it is reported that Grover cveland seems less troubled about his cabi > t and about his inaugural than the ma rl ty of his constituents. He recently ex- cssed great astonishment at the over anxiety the press to find out what he was going to i , and even pretended to be annoyed t > y the ark of the gossippers. "You see , " said he , rhenever newspapers make a fresh guess iout the cabinet 1 pet flooded with letters am people who think I am about to make a [ stake , even some of the visits I have had icemy return trom New York , have been used by nothing else but newspaper state- tnts , about my intentions. Now the fact Is shall not need and cabinet until I am inau- irated and there is still p enty of time to ike my flnul selections. " "Then you have 4. it yet settled on any cabinet position ? " 'hat question I will not answer , " he said , jkintr almost angry. During the entire con- rsiition lie ndiously evaded the names of binetpossib litics anil even the question cf jeogmpbicat consideration , but IntiraiitPd at tuost of the cabinet gossips were fur otf omark. rhere are seventy-eight women studying jdicine at Paris , thirteen of whom are Paris- is. tl is.rhcre are nine American countesses and tlo ixdiiouesies in Home this winter. o PASSING -EVENTS. The faculty of the Cincinnati college lias engaged a woman as pro fessor of'elocution. . Conrad Roichtcr wanted a How York judge to give him a. divorce because his wife pulled bis nose. One-half of 1 per cent is the estima ted loss among Yellowstone cattle herds so far this winter. The cost of the Boston postcvffiee and sub-treasury building and JanU up tc Jan. 1 was 85,810,101.18. An old Mexican woman at San Luis Obispo , Gal. , aged 08 years , has just cut her third set of teeth. A bill providing for a tax on all in comes of over $ (500 ( has been introduced in the Connecticut legislature. The Wagner feeling is spreading to remote quarters. On a bridge in Tike count } ' , Pennsylvania , is a sign , "Walk ure Horses. " There is a movement to remove the principal of the public school at Hailey , Idaho , because , among other things , he pronounces .Indian ' 'Injun , " and plays billiards. At the recent funeral of David Bar ton , of Pittslield , Mass. , who died at the age of 85 , were among the mourn ers ten children , fifty-three grand children , and thirty-two great-grand children. A new rose possessed of manifold' attractions , perfect in form and color , uncqualed in fragrance , hardy inhabit , and a perpetual' bloomer , has been named by the originator "The Ameri can Beauty. " A Georgia jury on a murder case remained out two days ; that is , they were ouc scouring the'country for the- criminal. When the man was caught the jury ended their deliberations and the life of the culprit at the first tree that was convenient. One of the most remarkable yields of honey ever heard of was recently gar- ncred by II. C. Parks from his apiary near lliverside , Cal. The yield for the season from thirty-three hives was seven and a half tons , an average of 114. pounds lo the hive. One of the strangest uses for snails has been discovered by the London adulterer. Bruised iu milk , and boiled , they are much used in the man ufacture of cream , and a retired milk man pronounces them to be the most successful imitation known. A "A freshman college exchange says : man coming out of an examination in mathematics was heard to exclaim : "O dear ! Thunder ! ! Confound itt ! ! ' Then , turning to his companion , he said apologetically : 'It does a mau good to swear sometimes. ' rt Four years ago the United States gov ernment purchased land at Two Lights ou the coast of Maine , for a life-saving station , since when nothing further ha < been done. Already this winter there have been six wrecks in this vicinity , the last one only a few days since. West Pittslield , Mass. , now produces the latest oldest postmaster in the person of A. W. Williams , who is a Shaker elder and an elderly Shaker , 81 years old , and shaking in his shoes for fear of losing a position he ha * held since the day of President'Pierce. When the news of the death of Eli/.abeth Berry , in Derry , Pa. , wat " telegraphed to her father" Ohio , he dropped dead without a word. The jj news of this , following on her daugh ter's unexpected death , was too much for the mother. The three were bu ried together. j The people of Washington evidently understand that an inauguration oc curs only once in four years. A glance jI at the "advertising columns of the daily newspapers indicates that almost everybody who has a room or window on the line of march from the capilol to the white house is willing to rent it. I Out of a score of .advertisements the lowest price for single windows is $1G ar two for $15. "Old men should never stay toe V Iqjg in oue place , " said Gen. Simon Damersou recently. Following out this idea , the veteran will early ncx month make his annual pilgrimage tc Lhe land of llowers. Mr. Dana , 01 The Sun , Col. James Duffy , n J Lawrence Jerome of New York wil ae his companions. They will firs ; p to New Orleans and from there risit some of the most interesting parts > f Mexico along its railroad lines. Clinton E. Latting , 17 years of age , ) f Shortsville , X. Y. , has constructed i musical wonder , and is another him self. The instrument is about two 'eet ' square , and was made entire ! } vitb. an ordinary jack-knife , the com- ) onent parts beintr wood and a sheep- ikin found on the farm where the roung man lives , and brass reeds made rom brass wire. On this instrument Batting , who has never had any mu- ical training , is able to play any tuiic- ouud inthe music books of the day. A young lady at Athens , Ga. , some ime since retired to bed without > lowing out the lamp , wuen her eye : aught sight of a man's profile on the vail , hideous and menacing. Greatly ilarmed , she sprang from bed and I ushed into the sitting-room , teliinji he family that a man was concealeS n her room. The males of the familv. : rmed with clubs , proceeded to the oom. The image was still there. A icarch under the bed and throughout he house , however , availed nothing [ 'he mystery was unsolved , thoughlt vas noticed that the terribl.e appari- ion was seen only when the lamp was * n the table. No one in the house lept much that night. At intervals or months the tace would appear ou lie wall ; nobody would occupy the oem , and it was given up as haunted. L few nights ago a lady expressed z esire to sleep in the room and unravel he mystery if she could. She retired a bed , leaving the light ablaze and lie human head clearly defined upoc lie wall. She decided that the re- ection was cast by some object in the * ' oem , and scrutinized everything thai ame to view. She was about givin" p in despair whea her vision restecl n the Hre-place , where a cheerful oed blaze was burning ; The fuel as upheld by a pair of old-fashioned ad-irons , their tops ornamented ith the lignre of a man's head , the le exact counterpart of the shadow a the wall. The mystery waa solved.