McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, February 26, 1885, Image 5

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    - The Tribune
Thursday , February 26,1885.
WAll locals under tills bond nt the rntd of
I0c. for flrtt Insertion. nndCc. porlliu * for each
BiibHoqiiunt Insertion , and Hiuno will lie run
until ordered out. unlofls time IB specified.
Job work spot ciiBh. StntemcntB will be pro-
eentcd at the end of each month.
CONGREGATIONAL. Sunday School nt 10
A. M. every week. Prcnchlnp services every
bunday night nt 7.JW. JI. T. Also , every alter
nate Sunday morning nt 11. M. T. Exceptions
to tbe above will bo noticed In locals.
_ Gr.onni : DCNOAN , Pastor.
METHODIST. Serviette every Sunday at 11
A. M. and 7:110 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday
School nt 3 P. M. The services and Sunday
school will bo held for the future in the school
house. All are cordlallv luvlit-d. Scat * free.
I & E. J. HAX.IJ , Pastor.
CATHOLIC Services will be held In the
Opera Hall once every four weeks.
, Pastor.
h A. F. & A. M. McCo'olc T.odjro. U.
ff\\ D. , meotfl on the nrnt and third Tues-
* V" - date of each month.
, G. f , . LAWS , W. M.
T.G. I > CER. Secretary.
B. & M. R. R. Tims Table.
NO.S. . . . . . . .7:10. A.M. | No. 40 . 5:10. P.M.
No. 30 . 1:00. P.M. INo. 1 . 0:05 , P.M.
fSrEustbonnil trnlnfirunon Central Time ,
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers
CHAS. UEES , Ajrent.
Local Intelligence.
New Goods at the Jewelry Store.
Boston Brown Bread at the City Bak
ery constantly.
A fine line of native Colorado Jew-
eJry at McCrackcn's.
A number of emigrants detrain at
this station every day.
Grand family matinee at the Opera
if Hall , Saturday afternoon.
ifi Tim City Livery Stable , B. R Olcott.
proprietor , for fine teams.
Two span of mares for sale at Tun-
bar & JS'ewton's livery and feed stable.
"Wind mills , " says the Cheyenne
Stock Journal , "are the hope of the
range. "
Miss Stevens is now prepared to do
sewing and dress-making in private fam
ilies. See adv.
In his march of improvement , H. W.
Pike has purchased a fine span of mules
for use in his yard.
"Imitation , " says Colton , "is the sin *
ccrest of flattery. " Wherefore we do
feel flattered muchly.
/ ' MOSH Agate , Amethyst , Topaz , and
Moss Jasper in Pins , Sets , Scarf Pins
and Charms at the Jewelry Store.
It will pay you to read the advcrtise-
mentof E. M. Brickey & Co. , in this is
sue , and then investigate whafc they say.
The managers of the Chicago Com
edy Co. have requested J. F. Forbes to
play the character of Knox in "Van. "
Any parties wanting breaking done
on their claims , can have the same con
tracted for at Dunbar & Newton's livery
A stable.
Stock boarded by the d ; > y or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
V Also , buys and sells stock on commis
! ? sion.
For first-class dental work call on Dr.
Gibson at the Commercial House. The
doctor has concluded to locate in Mc
Kis An excellent quality , f sweet Michi
, j gan cider at City Bakery. Also , a car
\ load of Apples which will be sold cheap
. by the bushel.
VT' Has no one heard anything about the
- death of one , Frederick W. Butler , who
died at this placeDecember 24th , 1884 ,
aged 30 years ?
Town was over-run with land seekers ,
Saturday. Train was crowded into this
station. And still they come and will
continue to come.
If you want a suit of cloths cut and
made in first-class style , call on II. A.
1 Cole , first door west of B.M. . Pharm-
.acy , McCook , Neb.
Go and hear a style of entertainment'
that is new , novel and varied , at Opera ]
Hall , Friday , March Cth. . Donavin's
Original Tennesseeans sing.
FOR SALE 6,550 acres of Red Wil
low School Lands , in quarters if desir
ed. For price call on or address
CHILD & COLVIX , Arapahoe , Neb.
The seed wheat offered for sale in this
issue averaged , the White Russian , 35
bu. per acre , and the California Wheat ,
27 bu. per acre. Sample at this office.
About every third man at Indianola
is hunting for some fellow to sell land
to and at McCook the proporlion of this
class of speculators is even larger than
at Indianola. Faber.
Per the Blue Hill Times of which he
was local editor , we learn that F. L.
Watkins will move to Indianola to as
sume charge of the western branch of
Wstkin Bros/ real estate business.
For the best Flour in town call at
City Bakery.
Large ritock of new stationery just re
ceived. A handsome assortment of vis
iting cards , regret cards , etc.
Now it doth more agitate the souls ol
men as to whether it be profitable , than
whether it be honorable. Junius Jr.
"Van , the Virginian , ' ' nt the Opera
Hall , to-night , by the Chicago Comedy
Co. For other plays , watch for pro
We arc requested to announce that
Rev. M. L. Custcr will preach at the
Congregational church , next Sabbath
morniii'jr at 11 otclock.
The Ludwick residence on the hill
near the school house is now occupied
by Piol. and Mrs. Webster. Mr. Lud-
wi-jk has moved out on to his claim
northwest of town.
The Building Association has con
tracts for the erection of two more resi
dences , which will be put up as soon as
the weather moderates sufficiently to
allow carpenters to work.
We have it that Dr. J , S. Shaw will
remove to McCooK again , having dis
solved partnership with his brother at-
Itidianoln. Also , that the doctor has
contracted , for the creation 6f a dwell
ing house.
To-morrow will be Longfellow's Day
at the public school , and as many of
the patrons of the school as possible
oujiht to display their interest in tbe
school and children by being present in
the afternoon. "
A new county has ? been organized , the
same being a portion of the large unor
ganized county of Sioux. The Legisla
ture offers Gov. Dawes a pomp , by call
ing it. Duwes county. But the Gov.
ought to be satisfied with Saline.
\Yc have this week executed * some
neat work for B. F. Olcott , who con
ducts the City Livery Stable , opposite
the Colvin House. Patties wishing any
thing in his line will find Ben. obliging
and ready to fit them out in first-class
NEW BANK Frees & Ilocknell are
putting up a building adjoining their
lumber office , the same to be used as a
temporary office , while their present
quarters will be occupied by the Mc-
Cook Banking Co. until their contem
plated brick building is completed.
and sons have purchased the McPherson
tract of land situated about 4 miles
west of town on the valley. They pur
pose improving and stocking the same.
31 r. McPhcrion also disposed of 200
acres adjoining his large track to R. H.
You may perceive a look of far-off ,
Solomonic wisdom suffusing itself over
sundry and numerous countenances ,
these troublous times , as one and anoth
er citizen dives into his inside pockets
for unheard of articles. The doctors not fatis'actorily diagnosed the
case , but the symptoms are very like
the itch.
We have just received a car load of
that Grand Island Flour that has been
such a great favorite with the people
of MeCook , and we are selling it at a
sweeping icduction of 50 cents per
hundred on all grades. We have also
reduced the price on bread , and we now
give four loaves for 25 cents. Pies , 10
cents a piece. PROBST Buos.
A party whose name we failed to as
certain lodged a No. 22 ball from a
revolver in bis hand , hist Thursday
afternoon , while engaged in forcing a
load into the same. The ball ( which
was extracted ) came in contact nith a
bone , and may yet occasion the man
considerable trouble. Discretion seems
to be a jewel so priceless that few have it.
This community will continue to be
the Mecca of many disreputable charac
ters so long as the laws are so loosely ad
ministered so long as evil-doers know
that they can enjoy immunity from pun
ishment here A Where you find the law
rigidly enforced against gambling !
houses of ill-fame , and institutions of
like ilk , from these places you will see !
those who engage in these unlawful'
pursuits fleeing like rats from a sinking' '
vessel. * I
The Chicago Comedy Co. . presented
"Van , the Virginian or the Double Mar
riage. " at Crawford's last night to a
crowded house. This is out of Bartley
Campbell's best plays , a blending of
comedy and pathos true to nature. Miss
Wells as "Kate Calvert" made many
friends and was recalled three times. A
compliment seldom given to any one by
a Topeka audience. The support was
exceptionally good. Daily Common
wealth , Topeka , Kansas.
The best paying investment we know
of is a first-class hotel. The high prices
demanded at the Eating House puts
that house beyond the reach of any bn
millionaire commercial tourists , and the
remaining two hotels'a re entirely innde
quate to the public necessities , whiel
will be greatly enlarged this spring. Le
some one take this a'first-class paying
investment in hand. There is more
money in it than in a score of wild-cat
The Culbertson Sun is our authority
for the .statement that , "Joe Braun has
disposed of his. saloon and is about to
retire to private life. " We have some
printed stationery at this office ordered
by Joe , that we will sell at a discount ,
Hcrr Joseph not possessing , apparently ,
the manhood to come and pay for the
same. When tbe stationery was deliv
ered , it was refused by an individual b }
the name of Clyde , who does the be'ei
slinging in tlic institution.
By reason ( ? ) of thfc large number ol
lots recently sold by the Lincoln Lain !
Co. , and the number of fine buildings
that have been erected , ( thereby enhanc
ing the value of adjacent lots , ) the land
company has ordered an advance of 15
per centum on present prices. The
price of lots in McCook is already unus
ually high , and the present raise puts
them way out of sight. Probably the
company , however , understand what
they are about the public certainly
fails to appreciate it.
This town has had the misfortune to
harbor more unadulterated dead-beats
and scamps , recently , than is at 'all
healthful to any community. One of
the most contemptible of the above
named class was H. P. Kelly , who runs
the brick yard at this point. The story ,
( and we have no reason to doubt or
question its veracity ) , told us , shows
this Kelly to be a miserable , cow
ardly rough , and it is a matter greatly
to be regretted that the people of this
town ever permitted him to act in as
cowardly and brutal way as he no doubt
did toward those whom he had in other
days probably happier days , ever alco-
liol sapped out his manhood sworn to
love , cherish and protect. We appeal
to the manhood of the citizens of Me
Uook to protect the weak and innocent
even though the necessity for saloons
and bawdy houses is claimed to exist
and to be imperative. Shall-we appeal
in vain , or will further transgressions
receive their richly merited punishment.
One of our land attorneys has been
engaged for some time looking into the
acts in connection with the Phillips
claim , which adjoins the town site on
the no'.thwest , and upon which proof
was made some time since. The. facts
is lelated to us are to the effect that the
claim was taken and proof made upon
the same under the pro-cmption law ,
ind that the party so doing had already
sonic 400 acres of land in his own prop
er name ; in the face of that other tact
that one who makes proof under said
aw makes an oath that he has not 320
icres of land in his name. The law
makes it necessary to subscribe i-uch an
oath before advantage can be taken of
the pre-emption law under any circum
stances. Fuither , that sufficient proof
lad about , been gathered , and the rec-
ouls at the U. S. Land Office were being
scanned , hen a consignment of patents
'roui the government was opened and in
t was found the patent for the claim in
jucstion. Upon which the matter , for
a k of means , was allowed to drop , al
though the attorney is of opinion that
the case can be successfully reached
hroughthe courts.
Last week we referred to a law suit
is having transpired before Esquire Col
vin between FOIIIC of the German resi
dents uf Dry Creek , over the contract
for some breaking. On Friday , a whole
wagon load of them were in town , and
the witnesses in the suit * became quite
wrought up over the fact that no allow
ance for mileage had been made for
them. Before departing for home in
the evening , the majority of the outfit
were pretty comfortably full , and dis
played the asinine nature of the intoxi-
: ated in driving through the streets ,
then starting on a run for home , only
to return in a few minutes , dropping one
ind another of the more intoxicated out
jf the wagon at times. This perform-
uice was repeated a number of times ,
much to the amusement of a crowd ,
tvhich bad been attracted to the street
[ > y the yelling and merriment. This is
ane of many similar cases that might
be cited in history ; in which the costs
if the suit were more than the amount
involved in the litigation. The prose-
suting parties paid $91 to get judgment
For a little over $40. But there was
bushels of fun connected with the afiair.
' Another case of mialocating partie
occurred last week , in which Fredericl
\\r. Butler again figures ns the roa
estate dealer , etc. The lady hailed f ron
Beatrice , and though warned that Butler
lor was not reliable , and though inform
ed by Butler himself that neither hi
word nor bond were of any effect , the
lady was foolish enough to have the
fellow take her out to see claims soutl
of town in the morning , and in the af
ternoon she filed papers oh "A BIJAUTF
FUL" half-section in the Devil's Gap
region , paying Butler therefore $50
By the following morning , the womni
became convinced that she had not filet
on the land that had been shown her ,
but on the contrary that she had usec
her rights on very rough land , uppcarcc
at the Land Office and recounted bci
wrongs with the vehemency and rapid
ity of an excited woman , the meanwhile
shedding teardrops most copiously. The
matter was finally arranged at the Lam
Office , when the woman proceeded t <
give her undivided attention to Fred
crick W. Butler , Esq. ; but that indi
vidual having spent the money in the
"flowing bowl , "she was unable to gait
much satisfaction from that source.
Finally , to those of our real estate
men who desire to retain their
good name and reputation , let us wins
per , fire out every last stool pigeon atu
loafing mis-locator in your offices. They
will drive away more business than the }
can everlmng you. LATKR We are
informed that the woman has recoverec
all but $10.
A noith Nebraska farmer has hirec
a hand to work for him this year on a
schedule of 'wages beginning with
kernel of wheat the first day , two th
nest , four , eight , and so on , doubling
the amount every day. We just want
to say to the farmer that there hasn't
been enough wheat raised since the
flood to make seed for what he will owe
at the end of the year. Topics.
The Locomotive Fireman's Ball was
a most successful and enjoyable occas
ion indeed. Notwithstanding the deep
snow , the hall was crowded with the
boys and their sweet hearts , and a pleas
ant time was the universal experience
jxcept Fred Harris , who had the mis-
ibrtune to fall on the pinnacle of his
proboscis , w"ith direful and painful re-
Come again.
Dunbar has vacated the Pate
iraiidiiur'and the same will be occupied
ay Mrs. Mc2 elus as a millinery store.
Dr. Gibson has purchased the McNelus
store room and will occupy the same in
the practice of dentistry.
There will lie u' Uuopel Temperance
Meeting in the Opera Hall , Sunday
ifternoon , at 4:30 : , prompt. All are
nvited , especially those who may be
wanting to break away from the power
of strong drinks.
The safe a first-class burglar proof
for The McCook Banking Co. has
seen snowed in somewhere on the road ,
uid consequently delayed by reason
A FINE HOUSE W. W. Dunham has
a fine blooded fianibletonian stallion
that will do limited service , this spring.
The B. & M. Pharmacy has just re
ceived a spring stock of glass , paints ,
oils , dye stuffs , drugs , calsoinine , etc.
The Metropolitan Drug Store has se
cured the services of J. L. Taylor , a
druggist ot" five year's experience.
A supply of fresh candy at the City
[ Bakery. Tony has the cream of the
candy trade.
February llth , lb&5. f
The following is tbe estimate of the neces-
ary expenses lor tbe ensuing- year , prepared
by the County Commiesionera of Hayes couu-
y , Nebraska :
District Court Expenses . . - . SoOOOO
Couuty Clerks eahiry.otc
Election expenses . 2UO.OJ
Assessors' . l.yi.OO
Books aud stationery . 150.00
Interior Courc expenses . -'uo.oo
County attorney's salary . ZOOM
Incidental expenses . "oOOJ
County superinteudoiit . T.'i.OJ
County bridge fund . 40000
Couuty roud fuud . G'JOOO
TOTAL . ? aiT5.oo
J. W. DYER , County Clerk.
By order of County Commissioners.
Coming Rare Musical Treat.
Donavin's Original Tcnnesseeans are
o give one of their musical cntcrtain-
nents in this place on Friday , March
Ith. Judging from the high reputation
he Tennesseeans have maintained since
heir organization in 1873 , and the un-
imited praise accorded them by eminent
musical critics and the public press
wherever they have been it is not too
much to predict that it will prove the
) est concert of vocal music ever given
icre. Their program embraces a large
ariety and wide range of singing , which
annot fail to please all.
Baled Hay.
* ! have baled hay for sale , in large or
small quantities. B. F. OLCOTT.
- * * -
. . ,
Sheriff \Velborn was in town.Saturday.
Mrs. Albert Noren went to Lincoln ,
Wednesday cl last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Maiken were in town
on a short visit , Wednesday.
Mr. Price of Hastings participated in
the dance , Monday evening.
M. Y. Starbnck and S. Plunkett of
Indianola were in town , Saturday.
Lou Aimacost , Treasurer of Hayes
countyand in town , to-day.
Matt. Rollins and wife returned from
a visit to Fairbury , Wednesday noon.
Frank Jeffries came down from the
west on a jhort visit , the latter part of
last week.
Representative Ilocknell made hi. *
usual Sunday visit home , returning t <
his duties. Monday.
Dr. Campbell , a licentiate of the
University of Nova Scotia , will shortly
come to McCook to practice his pro
Misses Anderson , daughters of Mr.
Anderson of the Stratton section house ,
with their cscoits , took in the dance ,
Monday evening.
Thos. Golfer has had the old Babcock
lumber office repainted and papered anc
now occupies the same the handsomest
office in the burg.
Receiver and Mrs. Babcock returnee
from their visit in the south and at the
World's Fair , Wednesday- noon , and
report a grand time.
J. G. Stokes and R. D. Tate came
down from the Willow , Monday , and
participated in the dance , Monday.
They repnit stock in good t iapc.
Richard L-aac and family will .soon
move to Hitchcock Co. , Neb. , where he
has secured claims for a future home.
We hope he will tinda-'landof plenty. "
Sutton Register.
Bro. Martin of the Orleans Sentinel
graced TIIE TIUUUNE sanctum twice
during the past few days. Bro. M.'s
visits arc always pleasant and profitable
and can't be repeated too often. '
Mrs. C. N. Batchelor left on Monday
for her old home in Vermont , where she
will visit some time , and before return
ing to McCook , will investigate the
wonders and beauties of the World's
Fair ot New Orleans.
Sam Ashmorc was around , Tuesday ,
gathering up his earthly effect scat
tered around through McCook , prepar
atory to going to Indianola , where hi !
will icside temporarily , having leased
the bkating rink at place.
L. Morse of Bcnkclman invaded our
sanctum , this morning , and informed
us that range stock were doing remark
ably well under the circumstances. Ho
says that the snow is much lighter out , and has about disappeared from
the range.
W. II. Ilay.k'ii was in town , Saturday
last. He will be up again , this week
or nest and will complete arrangements
'or building a 20 ft. addition to bis al
ready commodious store. Also , for
cutting down a sidewalk , which is
greatly needed just now.
Dr. Willcy went out to Wray , Colo. ,
m No. ] , Wednesday night , and set u
eg for a man , working lor Mr. Bir
mingham , whose horse fell and biol.o
lis leg in three places below the knee.
The injured man came to McCook on
No. 2 , and is now at the Eating House.
Senator Dolan spent Monday in town
m business connected with his banking
nterepts. The Senator informs us that
the bill introduced by him , making the
requisite number of inhabitant.neced -
ptsary to incorporate as a city of the
second class 1,000 , has been pa-sod b }
the Senate and amended in the House ;
nit thinks the bill \\ill ultimately be-
ome a law , before this session closes.
residence of Mrs. A. Coiihtable. Tues
day , February 24th , 1885 , Edward
Ackeiman to Martha Rogers , both ol
Red Willow county. Rev. E. J. Hall ,
Agricultural Meeting.
There will be-u meeting of the Red
Willow County Agricultural Association
at the Indianola Hotel , at 1 o'clock P.
H. , on Satuiday , March 7th , t'or thcpur-
jose of electing officers for the ensuing
ear , and fixing time and place for hold-
ng lair. 11. M. ASIIMOKK , Prcs.
Seed Eor &ilu.
California White and White Russian
Spring Wheat at 75c. pur bu. Millet
: ecd at 50c. Also , Cane , Barley and Oats
Seed at Leland's Feed store , McCook.
Sample of seed wheat at this office.
As we are going out of the
Clothing trade we offer our
entire stock of Clothing at
Actual Cost. We mean
business ; and if you are af
ter Bargains come in soon.
We have just received a
large stock of the Bradley
& Metcalf Celebrated Boots
and Shoes in all styles and
grades and invite all to
come and see.
Pay Up.
Having disposed of my furniture
j -tore , and being about to retire from
business , ail accounts must be settled
by March 1 , 138. ) . All accounts not
hottli-d , either by cash or bankable pa
per by the above date , the same will
positively be collected by law. ,
Feb. 12. 1SS5. J. B. BE'RGEK.
Dress-making , family sewing , etc. , by
Miss Barbara Stevens , in private fami
lies at McCook and vicinity. Cutting
and fitting a specialty. Prices reasona
ble. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your pat
ronage solicited. Address all orders to
Box 24. 37-4t. McCook , Neb.
For Sale.
Some choice timber claims , at a bar
gain. For particulars apply to E. E.
Colcman , clerk at the Colvin House ,
McCook , Neb. 37-tf.
For Sale !
A stack of Millet and one stack of
Sorghum , well cured and in fine condi
tion. Apply to
A. 31 cG. Bonn , McCook.
A good second-hand White Sewing
Machine. Will sell cheap. Apply to
34. Jilts. J. A. LEE.
For Hunt
A furnished front room. Inquire at
my residence on 3Iadison street.
For Side.
One yoke of large , well broke oxen ,
for cash. Apply to this office or to C.
E. Hinman.
Locnlb under tins ncuu DC. u line for each
iiibCrtiou. Hills puyuoiu monthly.
R. S. Cooley's Bulletin Board.
One quaiter deeded laidG , miles from
town. Price , § IUU cash.
One quaiter deeded land , 11 miles
f 10111 town. Price , SG40 canli.
One quarter deeded land , timber and
water. l > miles hum town. PneelJO. , ! (
One quarter deeded land , 2 miles
fiom town , timber and water. Price ,
$1,2UU cash.
Houses and lutti in McCook to cell
-1 houses and lots in Went McCook. 3
houses and lots in { jouih MoCook. One
Hereof land.with fiood house. . All cheap.
FOR SAI.K. A complete outfit for a
retail grocery store. Also , will lease
for u term of years a splendid location
for a country store in the Beaver Val
ley. Addled R. S. Conuv , McCook.
Many other bargains to ofter. Cullen
on R. S. Cooley , l eal Estate Agent ,
Two door ? East of TUIBUNE office.
II. W. Pike started a Lumber Yard
in McL'ook. Neb' . , January , 1884 , and
has come to stay. Full assortment of
Lumber , Sus-h , Doois , Lime and Build
ing Material , sold at close prices , con
sidering the freight.
AiE YOU MADE wlPcraMe by Indigestion. < * oa-
stlrctloti. Dizzlncb- ' . Loss of Appetite , Ye'low Biln ?
SJjHuli's Vital'zcr b n positive Cure.
FUR UYSI'KPSIA and Lhcr complaint , jou have a
pr'u ed Kturmnoe on every l nlc of Sliiluh'a Vltal-
ler It inner fall * tu euro.
THC Kcv. Gto. II 'I lu-ycr. of I'ourbon , Iml , sajs :
"IJotli Mjself and wife i we our HVPS to S1HI.OH3
COXSO'-Ml'TION CL'l'.i : . "
V.'HY WILL TOl * c'onph wljrn i-hUoh r * Cnrr wilt
lUiKiciliate relief. Vtlw 10 c-tf. . 5U cts. and II.
for Catarrh. Iii'plrbcna iwl C.iukcr Mouth.
A XASAL : TOIS fr c with well bottle * f
Shlluli's i ainrrh Ifcinecly. Price r.O CCHJP.
SlllUIIl'd UI'.H will immediately relieve ( roup ,
Wiiikipii.t ; ia > u ! j nnd nriniclsi. ' ? .
'llACKMKT CK"cIasJi g oid flagrant perfume.
Price 25 and SJ ctn : .
Sold by S I. . Green ! r > irest. McOote. Xcb.
An Enterprising , Reliable House.
M. A. Spaldhix cm rlwjys lie ri'HM upon , not on
ly to carry in fitnc ! ; the bi-ft of excrytlilns. but to
ccture the A tncy fir ? cli articles as have well-
knouii iiicrir. and wlh : he people , therr-
t > y suita'nln the reptj arl-n of beln alwa > entcr-
prl.'ln .nirlcxerreilaWe. Having t curcil tbe A cn--
cy irtlicei'Imiran'l Dr. Kiiu'rf Xe * Discovery for
o.isumi > : l'ja , win ben it on a positive pusraasce. U
u ill tntvly cure any and every atlecUoa of 'Ihroat.
LUIIKS , and i heyt. aii'l to si u- oar conr.dcncc , * C In-
Ie : joa toc-ill ml K t aTrlil Ilottle Free.
When you Uslr or leaie Xow York CUT , rave BaS ? -
S lie. fcAprcsanpc i'i ; < J arrlnirc Hire nd stop at tjc
mod t'mon HutcL orptMlteOracd Oatral Dopot.
Eli uaut rooirs Cuid up at a cost of one million
iloll.its. reduced to ? I.J anJ upward * per day. Earo-
penn plan. Elevator. Keitauriit.i."applied with lic !
Dott. llorec cars , CBSCJ nm ! clciatcd railroad to aU
Jei iB. Kiiuiuioi ecu il\c nPticr for IC.H money at
[ he Graxd Union ttoa at * ny otucr 2rclasa in tbe city 3-31