" " " ' r - ? M" | 'In * ' , r-1 ' * - ' : - * fcr / * * * , , "T ' - ' * " * f V < McOooK EKLY TRIBUNE. - VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 26 , 188S. NUMBER 39. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCook , Nebraska. 0. L. LAW3 , Eositcr. C. P. BAEOOOE , Soetiror. Omuu Ilouiifi : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , end 1 to 4 P. M. , mo.untnln time. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GEO. E. JOHNSTON PKOP. . . , . , MACFAHLA > D STKEET , : McCOOK , NEB. A new hotel Just completed , and fitted up with now furniture throughout. JUites reas onable. . 3-35. ' COCHRAN & HELM , ATTOKNEYS AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENTS , McCOOK , , - , : NEBRASKA. 'Prompt and cnrcful attention Riven to Law Cases in nil the Court * ) of the State anil nil classes of U. S. Land Business tranunclcil before tlie local ofllce at McCook. Nebraska , and the Interior Department , at Washington. I ) . C. Contests a specialty. AVill pros ecute claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of Pensions. Notarial business done i > nd lauds bought and sold on reasonable terms. ggfOfllce 1st door south of the V. S. Land Ofllce. 3.2U THOS. GOLFER , ATTORNEY AT LAW. - : - - : . Agent for the Lincoln Land Company. Heal Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. S2 ? Offlce , Opposite Post Office , lie- Cook , Nebraska. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of all lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention riven to all such business. Correspondence solicited. 2-23. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND- SURGEON , ilcCOOK , - - XEBHASKA. t3 # Offlco at Churchill House. DR. A. J. WILL-BY , SURGEON B. & MRailroad. . [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. . Jobbing vill receive prompt attention at my shop on Dennlson St. , opposite McCook House. Plans and specifications furnished if desired. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooK , - NEBRASKA. A11 work guaranteed. Giro me a call. WILLIAM McINTYRE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Am you dlsturhed at night and hrokcn of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth ? If so , send at once and get a bottle of llrs. Vftaslcw's Sssttiss Syrup for cyidrsn TeeUiifig. Its value is incalculable. It trill relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon it , mothers , there Is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea , regulates the stomach and bowels , cures wind colic , softens the gums , reduces Inflammation , and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Urs.7Saslow1 ! Socthiss Syisp for Children Toethkg is pleasant to the taste , and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians In the United States , and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. An Answer Wanted- Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure ? We say they can not , as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are dally recom mending Electric Hitters , will pnn e. Brlght's Dis ease , Diabetes , "Weak Back , or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood , regulate the bow el * , and act directly on the diseased parts. E\ cry bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50 cents a bottle at Metropolitan Drug Store. Reliable Pirms. Messrs. S. L. Green and M. A. Spaldlng are al ways reliable and try to secure the best of every thing for their patrons. They now have bought a large quantity of 1JEGGS' CHERRY TOUGH SYRUP , and are always willing and ready to recommend It to every one In need of a preparation for coughs , colds , asthma , bronchitis and consumption , as they know of no other remedy that is gaining such a wide reputation ' bottles free. tion- Sample presents gh en away. I Send us o cts. postage , and 'by mall you will get free a ; % aluc , that will start you In r „ „ work tbatg SH at once bring you in money faster than anyttJ2fe'5oOln ? America. All about the $200,000 In presents . } u each box. Agents wanted everywhere , of cither eex , of all ages , for all the time , or spare time only , to work for us at their own homes. For tunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. HALLETT & CO. , Portland , Maine. 3-29 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers. Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chap ped Hands , Chilblains , Corns and all Skin Eruption * , and positively tures Piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price So cents per box. For sale at METROPOirAN DRUG STORE. R | M I | % for working people. . Send 10 cts. post- U LI Uage , and we will mail you free , u ru > al. n ill vaIuaWc Minpln box of good- ) that will 11 ! ! I put yon in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. You can live at borne fand work in spare time only , or nil the time. All of both sexes , of all ages , grandly successful. 50 ttt. to f5 easily earned every evening. That all who wsnt work may test the business , TSC make this un paralleled offer : To all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to paj for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars , directions , etc. , sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delay. Addrcai STIXSOX & CO. , Portland. Maine. 3-29 Our Opinion. After selling numberless preparations , we are con vinced that BEGGS" TROPICAL OIL is unequaled For pain , cuts , bruises , rheumatism , frost bites , chil blains , etc. , it is warranted by S. L. Green and } I. A. it I T aundry Irons , I evels , Ladders. I' I etter ( Boxes , Lead , * * Chains Locks og , , Lagg Screws , Lines , Lariat ( Pins , Latches. eke ( Bows , eke ( Bows , eke ( Bows , ekes , Ox Yokes , Yokes , Ox Yokes , Ox Yokes. - ' able Knives , acks , Tea ( Pots , . ea ( Pot's , Kettles , ape Lines , Twine , Toilet Sets , Twine , Tin Trunks , Tongs. ard Cans , oaders Shell , eaders Cattle , ' " ath Hatchets , Ladles , .Lifters , Level Glass , Levels. Ibows , xpansive ( Bits , nd Gate ( Rods , xtractors } Shell , Emery , Cloth/Paper , Everything in line. ells Belts , utter ( Boivls , rackets , ( Bits , ill Head Boxes , ( Bird Cages , Bolts , ( Bread ( Boxes , ( Bittts. acks , Card , akes , ( Rings ; ingers , Hog , azors ( Reamers , ( Rasps , ( Rat Traps , ( Rope , ( Rules , ( Rods. Hers , penerSj Can , x ( Bow ( Pins , yster Ladles , Ovens , Ovens } Ovens , Oil Cans and Stoves. taples , Spades , kates , Scrapers , \prings \ , Shelters' ' , ieves , Steel Yards , Scales , Scoops , Shoes , Saws , hand & X = cut. OF S. W. NEBRASKA FOR Selff Heavy Hardware 1 Stoves and Tinware. Carpenters' antl Blacksmiths TOOLS ! TOOLS I STEEL NAILS OF ALL SIZES. - : - - : - Iron , Steel and Wagon Timbers. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. The Only Place in Eed Willow County where you can buy one of the "World Eenowned GOLD COIN Cooking Stoves and Ranges , AGENTS FOR THE 0BLBBRATED BAIN WAGONS AND SPRING WAGONS. BOTH IRON Am ) WOOD. , ead and Iron Pipe and Pipe Filings. MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF fin , Sheet Iron and Copper Ware A SPECIALTY. THE BOSS PLACE INJCHE-WEST TO BUY HARDWARE FOB --SPOT GASH - : ; - : - , AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION , 'And ' Don't You Forget It , " IS AT- ATBROS BROS , McCOOK , ( Opposite Citizen's Bank. ) NEB. ARAPAHOE. Star Mills Flour. WARRANTED TO BE THE e& SSsjISfJi ? TBE : : ] FOR SALE BY- $ -THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK DOES A GENERAL is Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes-paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on Panning Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. * rickets for Sale to and from Europe , ; 2E2SOOTEHT3 : J. TV. DOLAN , President. tlfc First National Bank- , Lincoln , Neb. _ _ _ , „ . . _ . , . * v * | fc Ctaw National Bank , Now Yorfc. V. FBANKLIN , Vico-President. * 11 WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington , D. C. , Feb. 21. ' 85. One of the new members of Congress jvho seems abundantly able to take care of himself and Congress at the same time , is Mr. O'Neill , of Missouri , whose speeches upon the Indian question and the River and Ilnrbor bills are most re freshing in these days of jobs and job bery. Seldom in the annals of the House has a young man all at onec plunged into such popularity among the House members of both parties , whenever never fail to be all attention when this gentleman from Missouri gets the floor. The secret of Mr. O'Neill's present suc cess , and which promises him a most brilliant future , is the sincerity of- his style , his ready and altogether original wit which never fails to be pointed without being offensive. The measures with which Mr. O'Neill has been chiefly identified are those which have been di rectly for the'intercsts of the great pub lic and especially that part of it repre sented by the industrial classes. The cranks throughout the country are already after Mr. Cleveland. There is not much fear of such fellows as Dr. JRay , who has had a "mission" from Heaven or somewhere else to "remove" the new President , but tliere is some- hing like a threatened calamity in pros pect from the demand that will be made on the Executive for some sort of inno vation upon established customs. Here comes an appeal , for instance , from a Siandful of so-called temperance women in Washington , among whom [ readily recognize some as the wives of gentle men who nightly search in vain for the part of the door to introduce the latch key , because of cold tea , and these per 1 sistent females petition Mr. Cleveland to banish wine from the White House. There is another coterie of women here who desire and probably will compel the President to accede to their demands upon the character of the company and the'social festivities of the Mansion. In this respect Mr. Arthur has allowed himself to be hampered to a deeper ex tent than any prcdecesbor except Hayes , and if Uncle G rover escapes them he has more vertebrae than he has been given credit for having. Of course everybody admits that these are degenerate days , and that so far as t politics and parties are concerned , we have arrived at the lowest stratum of depravity , but what would we ihink now if the Governor of a sovereign State and the Vice-President of the United States should cling to a petty local oifice to which they had been elected just for the sake of holding on the salary ? Yet this very thing was what George Clinton did , who for twenty-one years was Governor of New York , and seven years Vice- President of the United States , and all of the time he was County Clerk of Ulster County ! Such things were not only allowable in those halcyon days of the Republic , but they were expected as a matter of course , for it was then as now , that the remark was true to trite ness , that "few die and none resign. " DOM PEDIIO. MR. O'Doxo VAX ROSSA , having shak en himself to find that the bullet of Yseult Dudley had not hit a vital part , Las published an advertisement offering $10,000 for the carcass of the Prince of Wales. As the prince is reported to be somewhat financially embarrassed it might be a good idea for him , if O'Don- evan vrill deposit a certified check for the amount as a guarantee of good faith , to come across the Atlantic and place his carcass in the hands of Kossa for any reasonable length of time. It would doubtless be returned to him uninjured. Rossa is only bloody in his mind. Journal. Philadelphia Times : The man who fitted for a Cabinet office often more , > ittests his fitness by declining than by iccepting the-trust. R New Orleans Picayune : A ring iround the moon is a sign of bad wcath- a zr. A ring around the State House is a sign of bad government. Si Charleston News and Courier- : Sam Randall will not be offered the keys of the city when he comes down to Charles ton. He will find the gates open and the table set. " * V T'-l RO R Studebaker and Moline W. A G ! O ! K S . } John Deere' Plows , STOVES , TINWARE , HARDWARE , Etc. You will save money by writing or call ing for prices before buying. The Lowest Prices and Largest Stock In Southwestern Nebraska or Northwestern Kansas. TWO DOORS SOUTH OF P. OfJ McGOOK , NRBRASKA. "Seven Buckets of Blood" FOR STRICTLY CASH I WILL FOE THE NEXT 30 DAYS SELL n lull Fitted in Boss Goid or Silver Cases , Now is the time to buy & FINE WATCH never have an opportunity to buy so heap again. Have in stock Raymond , Tay- ors Wheeler and lower grade of the ELGIN ind movements which are giving the best satisfaction. Gome a-rushing. F. L. McCRACKEN , McCook , Neb.j j t - " * February 20th , 1885.