McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, February 19, 1885, Image 7

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coyozxag ,
Cameron ( Pa. ) celled up the bill Authorizing
a retiredi list for privates and noncommissioned
sioned officers of the United States army who
- have served thirty years or upward. After
„ debate tlic'lilll pa.sed-87 to 5.
The senate then , pawed tbe bill granting a
pension of $2.000 to Margaret C. Ilulplne.
, van \\yck moved an amendment to cue of
the private pension bills , providing that all
soldiers' widows or minor children WHO , by the
existing Jaw. are or may become entitled to 88
per month , shall in future receive $12 per
month. Agreed to yeas 80 , nays 12.
Senator Pendleton , from the committee on
foreign relations , reported favorably his bill
lor the return of $583,4000 to the Chinese gov
ernment as the sum duo that government from
the Chinese Indemnity fund.
On motion a bill was passed providing for
the appraisement and sale of lots at Peru ,
At five o'clock , while the bouse was In com
mittee ot the whole on the- river and harbor
bill , Townshend moved that the committee
rise. He wished to move that the house ad
journ , having been advised that It was the in
tention of the friends of the river and harbor
bill to continue this legislative day throughout
Monday and thus crowd out the regular ap
propriation blim. The motion was lost Sub
sequently it appearing there was no quorum ,
the committee rose and the house adjourned.
Van "Wyck received unanimous consent for
thcconsidci tlon of the house bill to prevent
the unlawful enclosure of public lands , better
known as tl fencing bill. The amendment of
the senate committee was concurred in. The
bill went over.
The pension appropriation bill was then
taken up. A long discussion then ensued re
garding the Interpretation of the senate rule
forbidding the proposing of general legislation
on appropriation bills.
Ingalla wanted the senate to establish a
precedent that would enable senators to offer
amendment to such general legislation as the
house might put on an appropriation bill.
Thp proposition to establish a' new precedent
was defeated.
The house went Into the committee of the
whole on the postofllce appropriation bill.
Towusbcnd explained the provisions of the
' bill and sold it was the most important postal
i' appropriation "bill ever reported to congress.
Herr opposed the provisions of the bill which
hanged toe method of compensating railroads
for mall transportation. Instead ot resulting
in a saving of u million and a half to the gov
ernment , as stated by Towusiiend , It would ,
In Horr's opinion , increase tbe compensation
to railroad companies and put an excess into
the pockets of roads which already get large
amounts. *
Pending further debate tbe committee rose
and the house adjourned.
The chair laid before the senate a memorial
in the form of a joint resolution from the
legislature of Dakota , urging a division of the
territory and the admission of Us southern
portion as a state.
Tbe consideration of the bill to prevent the
unlawful occupancv of public lands was re
sumed. Tliis is the bill known as the anti-
fencing bill. It was passed with slight amend-
The consideration of the pension appropria
tion bill was continued by the senate. The
amendments were concurred in except that of
The bill was then passed substantially as It
came from the senate committee.
Phelps , from the committee on foreign
affairs , reported back the resolution requesting
of the president the personal correspondence
in the hands of the government relating to the
case o C. A. Vanberken , an American citizen
Imprisoned at Port auPrlnce , Haytl. Adopted.
The house then considered the postoffice ap-
propriUon hill , but without action the com-
mitteearosc and the house adjourned.
In the senate on the llth , Manderson pr
sentcd as a memorial a joint resolution from
the legislature of Nebraska urging congress to
pass the bill for the relief of the settlers on
the St. Joseph and Denver City railroad lands.
At five minutes before 13 o'clock a message
was received announcing that the house
would , at 12 o'clock , be ready to receive the
senate , that , in joint convention , both houses
may count the electoral vote.
The chair announced that the concurrent
resolutions providing for a joint convention
would now b3 executed , and the senators ,
headed by the president pro teni. and the sec
retary of'the senate , preceded by the sergeant-
atarmsproceeded to the-house of representa- t
At 1:25 p. m. the senators returned to the
senate chamber , and the president pro tern. 1
having resumed the chair , the tellers on be
half of the senate appeared , and In their be
half Hoar reported tue Jesuit of the electoral
count. When the report was completed the
president ot tbe senate repeated , verbatim ,
the closing sentence of tue announcement ,
made by him in tbe house relative to the de
claration of the vote. . i
A resolution offered by Jngalls , declaring
that the senntc tloesnot assent to Edmunds'
declaration , .vent over until to-morrow , as did. i
a resolution by Hoar.approving his course.
At precisely 12 o'clock the senate of the
United Statt * was announced , and , headed by
Mr. Edmnm s and the officers of that body ,
the'senators filed in and took the first two rows
of seats , had been previously prepared
for them , the president of the senate seating
himself by Acting Speaker Blackburn ,
i Edmunds , in calling tbe assembly to order ,
said : "Tne two houses of congress have met
In pursuance to the constitution and laws and
a concurrent resolution for the purpose of ex-
ecu ing the duty required by the constitution
and laws In t .e matter of counting the elec
toral vote for-president and vice-president of
the United States , < ast by the electors of the
several states , for the term commtncing the
ith of March , 1SS3. "
The certificates having all been examined
and announced , the presiding officer of the
senate announced that Grover Cleveland and
Thomas A. Hendricks have received a major
ity of the electoral votes for the respective of
fices of president and vice-president of the
United States. The declaration , he said , was
only made as a public statement in th'e pres
ence of the two houses of congress , and not as
"possessing any authority of law to declare any
legal condition whalever.
At the clcsi of Edmunds' announcement '
that Cleveland and Hendricks bad received ,
apparently , a majority cf the ballots , the im
mense audience broke Into applause and
cheers , which the presiding officer attempted
to suppress , but with little success.
A concurrent resolution was adopted that
three representatives and two senators be ap
pointed to wait on Cleveland and Hendricks
and notify them that they have been duly
sleeted. I
The senate passed the joint resolution an- }
thorizlng the president to return to the gov
ernment of Great Britain the steamer "Alert , " ,
with the thanks of the United Spates. ' r
VanWyck asked unanimous consent that
the bill to forfeit the Texas Pacific land grant
be restored to its place among the special
orders. Acceded to.
The bill repealing the pre-emption and tim
ber culture laws was taken up , when Van
Wyck submitted a joint resolution making it
anlawful for railroad companies to attempt to
trade in any portion of their land grant while
ihe bill for the forfeiture of the same is pend
ing In congress , or before a patent shall have
aeen Issued , and makinar the person violating
.bis provision subject tc a fine not exceeding
61,000 or Imprisonment for not more than one
year. Referred to the committee on public
lauds. The bill then passed yeas 28 , nays 20.
. The army appropriation bill was passed.
Thompson called up the bill amending the
Pacific railroad act so as to authorize the con
struction of a road from Sioux City , Iowa , tea
a point on the Union Pacific nest of the 100th
Pending consideration the nour allowed un
der tie special rule expired aud nu further
iction was taken.
Tbeliouse then considered , without definite
ictioc , the ixfetoflu-e apj r jpriat on bill.
* & tveniug session was held , di-.voted to a
discussion of the : parajapu aliowingadditional
compensation for transportation of ocean mail
in American steamships. . * . * t
Pending" discussion the committee rose and
the bouse took a reee'fl ttntil to-morrow.
The Texas and Pacific land forfeiture bill
and the pending special order was placed be
fore tbu senate.
Blair asked unanimous consent to take p
the anti-foreign contract labor bill.
Van Wjek declined to yield. Van Wyck
said the senate ana country understood the
nature of the bill. He did not wish to put it
in further peril. It bad been In peril already.
It had been displaced by taking up another
bill whose principal feature made it Impossible
to get the concurrence of the other house.
Tbe principal features of this forfeiture bill
were so plain that , if Van Wvck might bo
allowed , be would say they had b jn passed
by the house of representatives almost unani
mously. ,
Blair then moved that the senate proceed
with tbe labor bill. Carried by a vote of 80 to
19. Considerable debate ensued , and &e sen
ate , without action , adjourned.
The house went into committee of the whole ,
on the postoffice appropriation bill. The com
mittee , by a vote of 105 to 97. struck out tbe
paragraph in the postofflce bill granting to
American-steamships additional compensation
for transporting malls.
The announcement that the paragraph bad
been stricken out was greeted with loud ap
plause on the democratic .side.
Herr gave notice that he would demand a
yea' and nay vote in the house.
Tbe committee arose and the previous ques
tion on the bill.
Senator Vest , of Missouri , is described as
"a little fellow with a fat waistcoat" He has
a blond head and a fierce moustache ol a
sandy white. "
The senate , in executive session recently ,
conflimed among : others the pending : nomina
tion of William E. Curtis , of Illinois , to bo
secretary of tbe Central and South America
Senator Chase , of Bhode Island , is a typical
Quaker in dress and speech and believes In
tbo reign of peace to such an extent that h °
will not nominate candidates for West Point
nor Annapolis , nor vote for military appro
priation bills.
In the district court at Chicago during the
trial'of Mackin and others for election frauds
County Clerk Ityan testified that the vault in
which the ballots were kept was dally open
to forty or more , of his clerks , the employes
of the county treasurer , the abstract wrlterc , !
the county commissioners and certain attor
neys. General Chetlain jsworo that prior to
the nomination of Senator Leman there wes
sufficient bad feeling among tbe republicans
to cause feat - that ( split tickets would be in
circulation at the polls.
At a meeting'of the committee on payment
of pension oounty and'back pay , held in
Washington , Comstock , chief of the western
division , stated ho was instructed during the
recent campaign , by Commissioner Dudley , to
extend to Grubbs , of Indiana , the same priv
ileges accorded congressmen in presenting
pensions. Grubbs was a republican candi
date for congressman from tbe Fifth district
of that state , and was the opponent of Repre
sentative Matson , the democratic canBWate.
At the New York City Union club reception
to United States Senator-elect William 31-
Evarts , Judge Davis presided and E. B. Bins'
dale made an address in behalf of the club
Judge Davis presented Evarts , who was
greeted with great applause. Mr. Evarts said
the occasion marked something more than
honor to himself. Ho then referred to the
record of the republican party and said that
the republicans in New York state could noc
conceal the fact that the center of the array
of tbe great republican party had been
pierced on the part of entrusted republicans.
It has been decided to take no steps looking
to call out the reserves till after parliament
The charge i * made that France has estab
lished a protectorate over land * on the west
coast of Africa which belong to Spain.
A dispatch from Korti says Colonel Sir Hed-
vers Buller will probably attack Metomnoh
about the 15th. The rebels ore taking no ag
gressive steps.
The English government has decided to
adopt more stringent rules regulating admis
sion of visitors to their deliberations. Mem
bers of parliament in tbe future will not be
allowed to introduce strangers into the gal
leries and lobbies.
The recent dynamite explosion in London
demonstrated the fact that under existing
rules governing admission of strangers to the
gal cries and lobbies it would be an easy matter
for dynamiters to convey'explo&ives into the
building during the session of parliament and
cause the death of many of Its members.
Ticenty-eight Inmates Believed to Have Per
ished in tlie Flames.
A Philadelphia dispatch says of the fire In
the almshouse in that city that of eighty-four
lunatics confined many are miesing , but it is
thought that most of them wandered away.
Several human bodies can be seen in the
turning-wreck in the cellar. It is now thought
twenty-eight perished. That number of violent -
lent patients > rcre locked In the cells on the
third floor ami could not be reached. There
seems no doubt they are lost , and the remains
.ire among the ruin' . Dunngthc night many *
Insane person"-were found wandering iudif-
terent parts i the city , some nearly naked.
The poor ere ures generally seemed unable
to understai the situation , and in some
ases begged their captors piteously not to
throw them iato the river. The others took
it as a good j-ke and laughed gleefully when *
the fire was mentioned. One man came run
ning down t e street early this morning
with manacle attached to his wrists and feet ,
links of ihe ci ain dangling from them. He
bricked and 'aughed and struck righc and
eft among tbo 1 Tightened people. Ic was
sound necessary to.knock him down before
: -.e could ; be secured. Another caused a pan o
in a street car by runn n r in half-clad witu a
race scorched and blackened. He sank cow
ering in tbe corner. report that the
'reets were full of escaped lunatics caussd
mm h alarm in We it Philadelphia , and strang
ers looked upon each other with much dis
LATEK. After a thorough search ttwHlms-
house authorities are convinced time the
eighteen burne J and suffocated maniacs , all
of whom occupied cells on the third floor
uC tbe buildirg. arc all that per -bed , and that *
: he other 606 inmates were rescued and are
row in custody in other parts of the build-
Img. . , '
8. C. & 8.f. LAIfD GRAXT.
"Urging Action Upon the Sill to Forfeit Cer
tain Lands.
A Washington special says that Dr. H. M.
Hamblin. secretary oL the squatters'union of
O'Brien county , Iowa , has arrived there to
urge upon tbe senate the necessity of acting
speedily1 upon the bill to forfeit the land grant
of the Sioux City and St. Paul road. Dr.
Hamblin says there are 500 families of vari
ous nationalities located upon tbe 85.0CO acres
of the unearned grant. The eettlera were
induced to go to that section by the
letter of Secretary Teller of March , 1833.
( published In the report of the secretary of
btate'for lowu which said that the tract was
unearned. ' 6y entered on It. expecting
that it would i evert to tbe
spee ily opoi xl to. settlement , and that they
would , as squ tiers , bavo tbo flna claim un
der the home esd and pre-emption acts. The
railroad comi' ny has never ventured to oust
them , as , in a suit of ejectment , it would be
tequired to prove its own title , which , ot
coutte. it could not do. Dr. Hamblin saj
that n'l that section of Iowa is In a ferment
over it. . ,
' - , , r 'Jf t f * ' * * * - + & * * rr > '
Alaska's Secret * Being : Revealed by
Constant If csearcli.
There arc Indications that our north
ern possessions , which have heretofore
been practically a sealed book to the
people of this country , are to become
better known to us. The appointment
of territorial officers for Alaska seems
to have already stimulated research
and adventure in that hitherto unknown
country , and there are very likely to be
some very interesting , if not startling ,
developments. A telegram received
here from the commander of one of the
revenue vessels in those waters states
that his vessel has just returned from
some explorations in what have been
hitherto almost unknown regions of
Alaska , and that the discoveries are of
a very valuable and interesting nature.
A letter just received from San Francisco - :
cisco gives gives some particulars of
of the arrival of Captain Healey there
from a tour with a revenue vessel in
that section.
He rescued a party of starving miners
and the crew of a wrecked whaler far
at the north , saving ninety-eight per
sons from a horrible death. He sent a
boat a distance of three hundred and
fifty miles up the Kowgat river , a
stream hitherto little explored , obtain
ing some very valuable information
about the country and tbe people , gath
ering valuable specimens of minerals ,
plants and birds. He explored and
photographed a large and valuable
island near Bogastoff , captured and de
stroyed a lot of liquor which whalers
and illicit trailers were preparing to sell
to the natives and finally made a trip
far north to rescue the crew mentioned ,
encountering ice worse * than any that
Schley found in his trip north , and in
spite of the fact that he was twenly-
three days in an almost constant fog ,
he dropped anchor within a few rods of
the spot he had started to make on
hearing of the suffering crew. It is ex
pected that between the stimulated
spirit of exploration that the appoint
ment of these territorial officers has
awakened , and the reports of these
officers themselves , the people of this
country will get within the next few
months more information' about * ' 's
distant country than they ever had to-
fore. Cincinnati Times-Star.
Counterfeiting a Taluable Article.
The publisher of the Madison County
Eeeord writes from Huntsville , Ark. , as
to the eftect of Brown's Iron Bitters on
his wife. Mr. Daugherty says : "My
wife has been using the bitters for some
months ; the effect in-her case is re
markable. " He also writes that owing
to counterfeits and imitations it was
difficult to get the genuine article. That
difficulty has now been remedied ; imi
tators have been exposed and put to
flight. There , as elsewhere , Brown's
Iron Bitters can be had of all the re
spectable druggists at a dollar a bottle.
At the Kink.
"And don't you skate , little girl ? " he
asked , as he sat down beside her.
"Oh , no sir. "
"But you can learn. "
"I guess I could , but I don't want to. "
"And do you come here just to watch
the skaters ? "
"Oh , no ; I come to watch Mrs. R. "
"Who's she ? "
"She's papa's second wife. He don't
want her to come , but she will do it. "
"And why do you watch her ? "
"Well , papa wanted her to promise
that she wouldn't lean on anybody
when she was skating with 'em , and
that she wouldn't flirt when she was
resting , but she wouldn't promise , and
so I came to watch her. These short
marks are when she leans , and these
long ones when she flirts.
"And you show them all to your
father ? "
"Yes , and he dates them and puts
them away , and by-and-by we'll have
enough to get a divorce on and marry
somebody who can't skate. " Detroit
Free Press.
WHEAT No. 2 60 ( S d ;
BARLEY No.2 51 & B3
IlYE No. 2 48 ©
CORN No. 2 mixed 22(5 ( ® 23
OATS No. 2 5.0 © 20.4
HOTTER Fancy creamery 28 @ 30
BUTTER Choice dairy 35 @ 19
CHEESE Young America 14 © 14' '
EGGS Fresh 24 © 25
ONIONS Perbbl 340 © 2 75
CHICKEVS Per doz. , alive 200 © 225
CHICKENS Dresoed , perlb. . . . 7 © 8
TURKEYS Per Ib 10 © 11
APPLES Barrels 325 @ 375
LEMONS Choice 4 ( © 425
POTATOES Per bushel 30 © 35
bEEDS "limothy 1'JO © 200
SEEDS Blue Giass 1 60 @ 1 75
HAY Baledper ton 700 © 750
CATTLE Fat steers 350 © 450
HOGS Mixed packers 4 50 ( fil 4 7i ;
SHEEP Fat 20J © 300
WHEAT No. 2 spring 93 ©
WHEAT CTniriaded red 74 © 91
CORN No. 2. February 40 ©
OATS Mixed western ! i6 © 37'/i
PORK : 14 00 @I4 5
LiAltD. . . 7 375-s' & 7 40
FLOUR Choice Winter 475 © 553
FLOUH Spring extra 175 © 453
WHEAT Per bushel 77 ? fj > 77J
CORN Per bushel 3t > K © 37
OATS Per bushel 27 ©
PORK 13 u5 © 13 in
LARD 7 ft ! © 7 G2&
lloas Packing and Bhipping. 4 b5 © 5 20
CATTLE Exports r > 80 © 65J
biiEUP Medium to good 25 © 4 25
WHEAT No. 2 red KJ © fa'A
CORN Per bushel 31 © ' 3 < Ji
OATS Per bustiel 29y | ® 30
CATTLE Exports 6 00 © 625
SHEEP Medium 223 © 30J
HOGS Packers 4o © 4bO
WHEAT Per bushel C3 © 03 } $
CORI > . Per busbel ; t < is © 3ii
OATS Per bushel 20 © 2G > $
CATTLE Exports i 50 © S'tO
HOGS Medium to good < tO © 4 Ci
_ togooJ 0 © 3 "i5
Eighteen hundred dollars' w ith of straw
berries have been lais.-il on twu and a half
ucres of groundby a farmer of Delaware
township , Lamden county , N. J. , and tie ac
cordingly has received a.premium from the
tt ite board of agriculture.
Since the inauguration , of chcip telegraphy
in Frame the number of telegrams &
that i ountry has increased t noi mously . Last
year there were dftj-eiglit telegrams lor every
ouu hundred of tau population.
The London newspapers have a curious eti
quette forbidding one to elttur ( jUote or com
ment upon anything that appears in tne col
umns of anotikr.
Pars aa ladies now have landscapes and
miniature portraits painted on thtir linger
uails by talented artiste.
George Sand earned more than JEMO.COO by
IKT peu , hue her possessions were scarcely
wortu 1,000. a .
That Remarkable Experience of
Rochester Physician Fully Authenti
cated. '
Clavelnnd (0. ( ) Herald.
Yesterday and the day before we cop
ied into our columns from the Roches
ter ( N. Y. ) Democrat and Chronicle a
remarkable statement , made by J. B.
Henion , M. D.f a gentleman. who is
well known in this city. In that arti
cle Dr. Henion recounted a wonderful
experience which befell him , and the
next day we published from the same
paper a second article , giving : an ac
count of the "Excitement in Roches
ter , " caused by Dr. Henion's state
ment It is doubtful if any two arti
cles were ever published which caused
greater commotion both among profes
sional people and laymen.
_ Since the publication of these two ar
ticles , having been besieged with let
ters of inquiry , we sent a communica
tion to Dr. Henion and also one to H.
H. Warner & Co. , asking if any addi
tional proof could be given to us as to
the validity of the statements pub
lished. In answer thereto we have
received the following letters , which
add interest to the entire subject and
verify every statement hitherto made : .
GENTLEMEN : Your favor is received.
The published statement , over my sig
nature , to which you refer is true in
every respect , and I owe my life and
present health wholly to .the power of
Warner's Safe Cure , which snatched
me from the very brink of the grave.
It is not surprising that people should
question the statement I made , for my
recovery was as great a marvel to my
self , as to my physicians , and friends.
* * * J. B. HENION , M. D.
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , Jan. 21.
SIRS : Acknowledging your favor
duly received , we would say : The
best proof we can give you "that the
statements made by Dr. Henion are en
tirely true , and would not have bee a
published unless strictly so , is the fol
lowing testimonial from the best citi
zens of Rochester , and a card publish
ed by Rev. Dr. Foote , which you are at
liberty to use if you wish.
H. H. WARNER & Co.
To Wliom it may Concern :
In the Rochester Democrat and Chron
icle of December 31 there appeared a
statement in the form of a card from
Dr. J. B. Henion , of this city , recount
ing his remarkable recovery from
Bright's disease of the kidneys , after
several doctors of prominence had
§ iven him up , by the use of Warner's
afe Cure. We are personally or by
reputation acquainted with Dr. Henion ,
and we believe he would publish no
statement not literally true. We are
also personally or by reputation well
acquainted with Hv H. Warner & Co. ,
proprietor of that remedy , whose com-
merciarand personal standing in this
community are of the highest order ,
and we believe that they would not
publish any statements which were not
literally and strictly true in every par
C. R. PARSOXS , ( Mayor of Roches
ter. )
War. PDRCELL , ( Editor' Union and
Advertiser. )
W. D. SHUART , ( ex-Surrogate Mon
roe County. )
EDWARD A. FROST , ( ex-Clerk Mon
roe County. )
E. B. FEXNER , ( ex-District Attorney
Monroe County. )
J. M. DAVY , ( ex-Member Congress ,
Rochester. )
JOHN S. MORGAN , ( County Judge ,
Monroe Co. )
HIRAM SIBLEY , ( Capitalist and Seeds
man. )
W. C. ROWLEY , ( ex-County Judge ,
Monroe Co. )
JOHN VAN VOORHIS , ( ex-Member of
Congress. )
Tothe Editor of the Living ChurcJi , Chicago , Itt
There was published in the Rochester
Democrat anil Chronicle of the 31st of
December , a statement made by J. B.
Henion , M. D. , narrating how he had
been cured of Bright's disease of the
kidneys , almost in its last stages , by
the use of Warner's Safe Cure. I was
referred to in that statement , as having
recommended and urged Dr. Henion to
try the remedy , which he did , and was
cured. The statement of Dr. Henion is
true , so far as it concerns myself , and I
believe it to be true in all other respects.
He was a parishioner of mine and I
visited him in his sickness. I urged
him to take the medicine and would do
the same again to any one who was
troubled with a disease of the kidneys
and liver.
ISRAEL FOOTE , ( D. D. ) ,
( Late ) Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal
Church , Rochester , N. N.
Tears of a Baby.
I think there is no sadder sight on
earth than the tears of a baby. To see
the little round face that looks as if it
were only made for laughing , all twisted
up in a snarl of puckers , the bright eyes
squinted out of sight , and great , real
tears coursing down the pudgy cheeks ,
is enough to make a stoic weep in sym
pathy. Itis as if the man in the moon
were crying. I knew an English father
who , whenever one of his babies and
there was a host of them cried , would
say in tones of comical distress , "he'd
rather see a five-pun note than one of
those tears , any day , " and it seemed
to those little ones to be the heighth of
devotion and self-denial on his part.
Mrs. Paddock , a writer of Salt Lake
City , tells a pathetie story of a broken
hearted wife whose first baby never
cried aloud but wept in silence all the
time. Sleeping or waking , the tears
flowed from its eyes , and in a few weeks
it died , its mother said , of a broken
heart It had shed all the tears its
mother had repressed before its birtb ,
and its weeping face was a symbol of
the face of Utah. In antithesis to these
sad facts is a memory we nearly all can
conjure up of some fat , rascally baby
who would cry and cry , and cry until
every member of the family was en
listed in his cause , when he would sud
denly unbutton his eyes and lo ! not a
tear would be there , It had been a
crocodile bawl of the driest grief. De
troit Free Press.
Russia has twenty-four public holidays dur
pg the jear.
- - "
Rheumatism , Neuralgia. Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backiche , Headache. Toothache ,
SoreTbro tSweIlliir .SpraIa .Bralie * ,
Bars * . Scalds , Fre t Bites ,
6oJbjrDnittl UmnlDe Ier eTfrrirhtr . FUljOenUtlioUl * .
_ Directions la 11 Lufuixn.
Balttacn , t , T. 8. i.
This medicine , combining Iron with pure
Vegetable tonics , quickly and completely
Cures Dyspepsia. Indlxeiitlon , Wcnkneis ,
Impare Blood , MalarlaChlH and Ferers ,
and NauralKla.
Itis an unfallinpr remedy for Diseases of the
KMaeyB and Lirer.
It is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women , and all who lead sedentary lives.
It does not injure tbe teeth , cause headacbe.or
produce constipation other Iron medicines do.
It enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates
the appetite , aids tbe assimilation of food , re
lieves Heartburn and Belching , and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack of
Energy , ic. , it has no equal.
JO- The genuine has above trade marl : and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
By the use of ITot-
tetter'H Stomach Bit
ters the haggard ap
pearance of the
countenance and sal-
lowncss of dyspep
tics arc supplanted
by a healthier look ,
and as the food isas-
8lmllatcd < the bed ?
acquires substance.
Appetite Is restored.
and the nervous sys
tem refreshed with
much needed slum
ber , through the use
of this medicine.
ivhlchisaUo bencfl
clalto persons of a
and an Inestimable
preventive of fever
and acne. For sale
by all DrupKlsts and
Dealers generally.
Are unequalled in EXACTING SERVICE.
Used by tbe Cbief
Mechanician of the
U. S. Coast Survey :
by the Admiral
commanding in the
U. b. Naval Observ
atory , for Astro
nomical -work ; and
by Locomotive
Engineers , Con
ductors und Kail-
way men. They are
_ recognized as
, r all uses in which close
time and durability are re
quisites. Sold in principal
cities aud towns by the COM
PANY'S exclusive Ajrents
. ) \rho clvo a. Full "Warranty.
CHEAPEST Oil Tube Colors , 90c. doz. ; Sable AH I
Brushes , 3c. up ; Bristle7c. . up ; Plaques,6c.up ; Pallets ,
Kc. ; Easels , 90c. ; Arlsts' Boxes $1.3) : Panel" , lOc. up ;
Oils , 121-2c. ; Varnish , 25c. ; Gold or Silver I'aint. 25c. ;
Canvass , 75c. yard ; Pottery and Noeltles for Decora tins
Ic. up ; Studies rented , EOc. per v , eek ; Gold Plush Frame" ,
Mouldings. Paintings EnpravInK" . Cord and Kails ; PI
ANOS and ORGANS , from $25up ; Violins ; GuitareS5 :
M 11CI f * Banjos , 83JO ; Fifes Zithers. Sheet Music. 1-3
lYlUOlVS offlibt ; Instructors for all instruments , SOo.
_ A. HOS1E , Omaha.
Send 2 cent Stamp for Catalogue.
Lorillard's Climax Flag
bewrbtr .red tag ; th t LorUIard'a
_ _ . . lt sw ! L Rf fine cut ; th tLorilUrd's
IfeTy Clipping' , and. that I/orillord's *
U * test * nd ohepet , quality conlder d 7
I bare a positive remedrfor the above disease ; by its
use thousandsof cases of the worst kind and of long
itaadlnchave been cured. Indeed , nostroncls my faith
In Us efficacy , that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE.
together wltnaVAI.UABT.ETREATISE on tbla disease
to any sufferer. Give ezpress.and P. O. Address.
DE , T. A. SLOCCil , 181 PearlSt. , New York.
, Vninm hnnul Mirtart. , Wki * .
kn r U.r .U14k 4 < ia3ll. , _ .
rf.TV H. l.J.rr. XuZ , w * . AjJ
t , tW r-U. t r > nm im fi * ?
- k. wa . , * * 'iMBf
Bex * itmmp Jw my drral r , "J7SO j " : r. Ho" I
M n ? PouIIiT. " Ho tomil aliiCTjUtorcMtilc
o t > buMehe.ppoaltrj.louj > .
. can ctolen. nk ceni Uy ( fte. A sew
took. C. Q. BI IT. Abilene. Euui. Brader F.
B. Pmrli ted P. C. iix. Sloe circulars frie.
Morphine Habit Cured in 10
OPIUM to 2O days. > "opuy till cured.
DE. J. STEPHENS. Lebanon , Ohio.
Eidflfl TYPE -VTBITINQ here. Situations for-
U nished. Address Valentine Bros. , Janesrille Wia.
W. N. TJ. , Omaha , 242-3.
say you saw the advertisementintnis paper
Homo Item * and Topics *
"All JOJIP own/anlt.
If you rcmnin elck w lion you oin
Get hop bitters that never Fall.
The weakest woman , smallest child , nd
sickest Invalid can use hop bitters with safety
and preat good.
Old men tottering around from. Rheuma
tism , kidney trouble or any weakness -Kill bo
made almost now by using hop hitters.
SSTily wife and daughter wcro made
healthy by the use of hop bitters and I recom
mend them to my people. Methodist Clergy
Ask any geol doctor if hop
Bitters arc not the best family medicine
On earth 111
Malarial fever } Ague and Billlonsnesc , will
leave every neighborhood as soon aa hop bit
ters arrive.
"My mother drove the paralysis and neural
gia all out of her system with hop bitters. "
Ed. OsuxgoSun.
! 3r"Keep the kidneys healthy with hop
bitters and you need not fear sickness. "
Ice water is rendered harmless and more
refreshing and reviving with hop bitters In
each draught.
The vigor of youth for the aged and In
firm in hop bitters ! 1 1
' "At the change of life nothing equals )
Hop Bitters to allay all troubles incident V
Thereto. " )
"The best periodical for ladies to take
monthly , and from which they will receive the
greatest benefit Is hop bitters. "
Mothers with sickly , fretful , nursing chil
dren , will cure the children and benefit them
selves by taking hop bitters dally.
Thousands die annually from some form
of kidney disease thit might have been pre
vented by a timely use of hop bitters.
Indigestion , weak stomach , irregularities
of the bowels , cannot exist when hop bitters
are used.
A tlraoly * * * UE o of hop
Bitters will keep a whole family
In robust health a year at a little cost.
To produce real genuine sleep and child
like repose all night , take a little hop bitten
on retiring.
Uf'Sone genuine without a bunch of preen
on the white label. Shun all the vile , poisonous stuff
with "Hop" or "Hops" In their mime.
SONG 6REETIN8 The newest book for HIGH
SEMINARIES , J Part-songs < < f the highest charac
ter , both In wonln and music , exercise * and solfeg
gios , lly L. O. Kinerson. CO cts. , * tt per dor.
Otber wdll-known and very successful hooks for
Ilgh Schools arc : Welcome Chorus. W. S. Tllden :
Ilgli School Choir. Emerson & Tlltlcn and Laurfl
Wreath. W. O. I'prklns. Price of each of the three
looks , 1 , or4'J per doz. Also High School lioulc of
Song. Ernst Leslie. 75 cts. . or Ci per doz. . and Public
School Hymnal , by Irving Emerson , 40 eta. , or (3.GO
> er doz. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THFM The newest book for COMXOK
incni. SCHOOLS. Hy W. L. Tomlln * . In
two edition * . The School Edition has \olcc part *
only , and costs : SO cts. , or ' ! per doz. The TeacherH
Edition has songs and accompanlmentn. and cot
75 cts. , Kt good * onK for slngem of all ages.
Other \crypopular School Sonp Itooks arc : Emcr-
non's Song Hells , and Perkins' Uoldua liobtn anil
Whlppoorwlll , each M cts. , or 15 per doz.
book for Primary School' and Kindergartens , wltli
pictures , sweet poetry and'Swccter music. E. U.
Emerson and Gertrude Swaync. DU ct < ) . , or * ' ! per
Stalled for the retail price.
LYON & HEALY , Chicago.
* * * * * * * * * * 0 * * * *
AH those painful Complaints
* and Weaknesses BO common *
* * * to our best * *
* * * *
Trier $1 la liquid , pill or Imefaje form.
Tt * purpose is toJely for the legitimate healing of
disease anil the relief of pain , and that it does alt
it claims to do , thousjndaofladtes ear jladlu testify.
* It will cure entirely nil Ovarian troubles , Inflamma
tion and Ulceratlon , Falling and DiT > Iacements , and.
consequent Spinal 'Weakness , and is particularly
adapted to the chaiigeof life. * * *
* It remorea Faintness , Flatulency , destroy * all craTins
for stimulants , and relieves Weakness of the Stomach.
It cures Bloating , Ileadacheu , Nervous Prostration ,
General Debility , Sleeplessness Depression and Indi
gestion. That reeling of bearing down , causing puln ,
and backache. Is always permanently rnred by its uw.
* Send stamp to Lynn , Mass. , for pamphlet. Letters oC
Inquiry confidentially answered. For tale at druggist * .
The most Elegant Blood Purifier , Llrer Invlgorater
Tonic and Appetizer erer known. The first Bitters
containing Iron erer advertised ( n America. Un
principled persons are Imitating the name ; look oat
for frauds. See that the
following signature Is oa * - / HVJJI fff N.
every bottle and take none f & * & * ? /rf . . \
other :
ST. PAUL , airaw Drazglst 4 Chemlit j
Pure & Best. .
\Gardeners \ trade a ape-\ \
Kpialty. I'acketi only 3e.
t Cheap as dirt by oz. < t Ib.
Postage or Exp. paid.
50000 Guides
s. Send your address for my most
Beautiful Illustrated Garden-Culfle ever
printed. R. IT. SHUM1VAY , Kockford 111.
tVlll buy 23 per cent more Groceries at the Old Ee
liable Store of
than can be bough : elsewhere in the state. They te
1C Ibs A Sugar for - - Kl.OO
1C Ibs Kxtra C Sugar for - - - Kl.OO
14 11)8 rnaulat d Sugar for - - Sl.OO
1C 1 2 Ibs Xew Orleans Sugar for - ! 1.0O
And other goods In proportion. Send for Monthly
Price Lists. J. B. French & Co. , O JIAHA.
It will pay any intelligent man orwooau
fekseeking profitable employment to wnt
* for Illustrated Circular and terms of
Agency for this Celebrated Washer ,
which by reason of its intrinsic ment
- 13 meeting with sachwonderfalgucceaa
-P/SH Conn tfe entire saddle , ind will keep 703 dijln any itorm.
Sold ererywhere. lllntrated etUlotae free. A. J. Tower. Bo t a.
odds the rtnest Flowers. Vegetables and Crops. . Seed ? pure , tested , warranted.
Ltnrest stock of Farm Seeds in tne West , feampli" runs trre. Vlnts and Ko * s HT the
100,0000. V.'ul pay to get new catalogue. JOHN A. SALZER , la Cro w , nu.
Men Think
they know all about Mustang Lin
iment. Few do. Not to know is
not to have.
, _ . -
Many a Lad }
is beautiful , all but her skin ;
and nobody has ever told
her how easy it is to put
beauty on the skin. Beauty
on the skin is Magnolia