McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, February 19, 1885, Image 5

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    'Of' '
The Tribune
Thursday-February 19,1885.
&TA\ ] \ locals under thin head at the rate of
JOc. tor llret insertion , uml fie. pur line for each
subsequent inbt'rtlon , and mime will lie run
until ordered out. unless tluip Is specified.
Job work Hpot cash. StutemontH will bo pre
sented at the cud of c.icli month.
CONGKEGATrON'AL.-Sundnj- ut 10
A. M. every week , Prenolilnfr services every
Sunday ul ht at 7.80. M. T. Also , every nltor-
uato Sunday morning at 11. M. T. Exceptions
to the- above will bo noticed In loculs.
Or.oitGK PUNGAN , Pdstor.
METHODIST.-ScrvlccH every Sunday nt il
A. M. nnd 7:110 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday
School nt 3 P. M. The services and Sundiiy
flchool will bo held for the future In the school
housn. Allure cordially Invlicd. Scats free.
E. J. HALL , Pastor.
OATHOLIC.-Scrvices will be hold In the
Opera Hall once every four weeks.
JosiiPii CLEKV , Pastor.
A. F. & A. M.-McCook Lodpe , U.
I ) . , meets on the first nnd third Tuets-
' dnys of ouch month.
G. L. LAWS , W. M.
T. G. KHKS. Secretary.
B.v& 51. R. R. time Table.
No.S 7:10 , A. M. | No. 40 5:40 , P.M.
No. 85) .1:00P.M. | NoM 9:35P. M.
C5tf Kastbound trains run on Central Time ,
lit and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers
CHAS. KEKS , .Agent.
Local Intelligence.
New Goods at the Jewelry Store.
Boston Brown Bread at the City Bak
ery constantly.
A fine line of native Colorado Jew
elry at McCracken's.
Th City Livery Stable , ! ? . F. Olcott ,
proprietor , for fine teams.
Two span of mares * for sale at Dun-
bar & Newton's livery and feed stable.
A supply of fresh candy at the City
Bakery. Tony has the cream of the
candy trade. '
Miss Stevens is now.prepared to do
and in fam
sewing dress-making private
ilies. See adv.
The Chicago Comedy Co. will open
in Bartiey Campbell's successful play
of , "Van , the Virginia. "
Large stock of new stationery just re
ceived. A handsome assortment of vis
iting cards , regret cards , etc.
Moss Agate , 'Amethyst , Topaz , and
Moss Jasper in Pins , Sets , Scarf Pins
and Charms at the Jewelry Store.
H. W. Pike spent some time , the first
of the week , at Indianola , putting his
lumber yard at that point in shape.
It will pay you to read the advertise
ment of JB.M. BrSckey & Co. , in this is
sue , and then investigate what they say.
A handsome and varied selection of
valentines for sale on long time at this
office. Any emergency can be bridged.
Any parties wanting breaking done
on their claims , can have the same con
tracted for at Dunbar & Newton's livery
Stock1 boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also , buys and sells stock on commis
For first-class dental work'call on Dr.
Gibson at the Commercial House. The
doctor has concluded to locate in Mc
Do we want a first-class grist mill
established in McCook ? An opportu
nity will be afforded to test the matter ,
next week. ' .
Just arrived , at the City Bakery , a
car-load of the Cream and Fancy brands
of Grand Island Flour. Also , a supply
of corn meal.
An excellent quality of sweet Michi
gan cider at City Bakery. Also , a car
load of Apples which will be sold cheap
by the bushel.
If you want a suit of cloths cut and
made in first-class style , call on R. A.
Cole , first door west of B. & M. Phafm-
acy , McCook , Neb.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at Mrs.
Meserve's on Friday afternoon Fchru-
ary 20th at 8 o'clock mountain time.
All are cordially invited.
. . . * *
- - - - -
FOR SALE 6,550 acres of Red Wil
low School Lands , in quarters if desir
ed. For price call on or address
CHILD & COLVIX. Arapahoe , Neb.
Reserved seats for the Chicago Com
edy Co.'s entertainment will be on sale ,
Monday McCracken's Jewelry
Store. Look for lithos and posters in
a few days. -
Hayes county will vote on county-seat
location on February 25th. Hayes Cen
tre and LaForest are the candidates.
The contest promises to be close and
warmly fought.
f A frame house Iu'x24 is being built
by T. J. Pate on his claim about G miles
lu from town. T. J. is one of four broth- -
h erg , all of whom are considerably inter
ested in our county and ar6 stayers.
For the best. Flour in town call at .
' >
City Bakery. ,
C'J' . llusHell started for his Kawlius
county .ranch , Tuesday morning , with a
load of barb wire.
Graves & Kcmpton's Ghicapo Come
dy Co. will visit our city , February 2Gth ,
and remain three nights.
A number of the young people were
cnjoyably entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
L. B. Stiles , Wednesday night.
Dr. A. J. Willey was quite ill early
in the week , but is now able to be around
, again attending to his business.
J. E. Castberg has accpptcd a posi
tion on the B. & M. engineer corps and
leaves this evening on No. 1 for Denver.
The people of this vicinity are look
ing forward with as intense anxiety foi
spring as the childion of Israel , a-long-
agn , looked forward to their occupation
of the promised land.
This office has just fitted out H. W.
Pike with a line of commercial station
ery that cannot be duplicated in this
neck o' the woods , cither in price or
workmanship. THE TRIBUNE job office
guarantees neat and tasty work.
Quite a party of our young people in
dulged in a dance at the Palace rink ,
Friday evening. The fore part of the
evening was occupied in skating. All
seemed to enjoy themselves hugely , yea
even hilariously. Mr. Tubbs and son
produced the strains divine.
It is worthy of note , with what a de
gree of calm resignation many postoffice
incumbents look forward to the auspi
cious time , when our bourbon brethren
shall succeed them in
a 27-ccnt-per-
. Verily
ycar-and-find-yourself postoffice.
ly , much that is noble in man still
Norton * * Messrs.
Champion : McPherson -
Pherson & Eider , of McCook , town lot
speculators , are here looking over the
situation. * * Case & McCredie , one of
our most enterprising firms of land deal
ers and attorneys , made a sale of sever
al thousand acres of land lo the Lincoln
Land Company this week.
The champion light-weight skater of
the United States was a passenger on
40 , Sunday. He has not yet reached
the age of five , and has accomplished all
the most difficult feats of champion
artists. He carries with him nine med
als from as ir.any different states. He
is verily a phenonemon on wheels.
We have just received a car load of
that Grand Island Flour that has been
such a great favorite with the people
of McCook , and we are selling it at a
sweeping reduction of 50 cents per
hundred on all grades. We have also
reduced the price on bread , and we now
give four loaves for 25 cents. Pies , 10
cents a piece. PROBST BROS.
Lincoln News : "A Christian woman
of the M. E. church arose in church
prayer meeting last evening and report
ed that some of the best men in the
town of Culbertson had recently been
converted at a revival there. Among
the number was the editor of the Sun ,
; < and you know , " she continued ' 'all of
you , wlat a hard thing an editor is to
convert. "
McCook has been experiencing a famine -
ine in the matter of theatrical enteitain-
ments , and the inevitable feast comes
apace. Commencing next Thursday
evening , the 26th inst , the Chicago
Comedy Co. will play three nights. The
Tennesscans will occupy Friday even
ing of the following week , and Hcy-
wood's Mastodons will probably appear
shortlv thereafter.
The editor of the Pecatonica , ( III. )
Times writes for information concerning
the death of one , Frederick W. Butler ,
and , encloses the following notice :
The following' death notice we copy by spec
ial request from the Weekly Wisconsin , pub
lished nt Milwaukee :
BUTLEIl At McCook , Neb. , December 24 ,
Frederick W. Butler , aged :50 : years.
The wife of Frederick W. Butler is
very desirous of gaining information
concerning her husband's death , and any
data will reach that lady by same being
reported at this office.
If the people of McCook and vicinity
want a first-class grist mill planted at
this place , an opportunity now presents
itself to encourage such a project. We
have a letter from an Illinois gentleman ,
who wants to put up a mill here , and
he guarantees that the mill ( new process )
will be filled with first-class machinery ,
and the establishment to be No.l in ev
ery respect. A gentleman will be in
town next week , who will call upon our
business men in the interest of the pro
ject. Should anyone desire in the meantime -
-time to ascertain anything concerning
the matter , address J. W. Watson ,
Farmington , 111 , "
A very painful accident befel Mrp.J.
0. Fisher , wife of J. 0 , Fisher of the
State Journal Co. , Monday afternoon ,
while it passenger on 40 , between Cul-
bertson and McCook. In passing" John
Farley's place , just cast of town , one
of the boys , who was engaged in digging
a well near the track , thoughtlessly
threw a clod at the passing train , unfor
tunately striking the window where
Mrs. Fisher was sitting. The stone
passed through the window and hit the
lady in the eye , cutting quite a gash.
Eleven smaller gashes were made by
pieces of glass , two pieces lodging in
her eye. Upon reaching this station
medical aid was summoned , and the
particles of glass extracted from face
and eye. Mrs. Filler's nerves were
considerably shattered for the time by
the accident. They wended their way
homeward , Tuesday. The matter was
.satisfactorily settled by Mr. Farley.
Although the accident was unintention
al , it should nevertheless be a life-long
lesson to the boy , who feels sorry in
deed for his thoughtlessness.
It appears to be somewhat uncom
fortable to life and limb to be found out
late , these nights , without being able
to give a satisfactory ( ? ) account of one's
self and to do .it in a hurry. Last
Thursday evening , an individual whose
business requires his being out at al
most all hours of the night , happened
to come down one of our public streets
behind a young couple , ( male and female
were the } ' ) and being accosted by the
male as to his particular business , and
failing to give a satisfactory response ,
the male proceeded to polish off the
first-named individual in the highest
style of the pugilistic art stretching
the f. n. i. on the ground and tramping
on him. An eye-witness to the affair
gives our reporter the facts , and further
deposes that the assailant was rather
previous in his conclusions and his at
tack on the individual , whom he accused
of following him and companion.
County Commissioners elect of Hayes
county met at LaForest , last Saturday , *
Feb. 14th , and duly organized. Judge
elect Conns refusing to qualify , Samuel
Tate was appointed and qualified. Lou
Armacnst was appointed Count ) Treas
urer , John Daniels , Treasurer elect not
qualifying. The following Justices of
the Peace were appointed : John Dan
iels and Daniel Powell , precinct No. 3 ;
and H. S. Dyer , precinct No. 2. Chas. '
Ashmore was also appointed assessor of
precinct No. 2 ; Chas. Fisher assessor
for Chase county , and E. C. Wheaton
assessor for precinct No. 1. Commis
sioner H. H. Troth tendered his resig
nation to be considered at next meeting
of the Commishioners.
AN eastern paper speaks of roller
skating in the follo'wing commendatory
manner : "Its fascinations are indescrib
able , and , unlike other sports , it is high
ly recommended by physicians and cler
gymen. It has proved seriously detri
mental to liquor and billiard saloons.
The youth of to day , instead of spend
ing his evenings in playing "pool for
the drinks , " can now be seen wheeling
around the skating floor with some lady
companion , and instead of coming from
his sport with callow and whitened com
plexion , he emerges from his exhilarat
ing exercise with the glow of health in
every feature. * '
We received a pleasant call from C.
P. Russell and J. P. Mathes , Monday.
Mr. Ilussell informs us that he will
commence the erection of a feed store
on the lot adjoining Spanogle & Ivinker
on Main Avenue , the latter part of the
present or first of next week. Mr. Rus
sell is now engaged in the cattle busi
ness in Rawlins county.
The general supposition is that edi
tors enjoy the Consummation of their
labors in the world celestialbut , a friend
anticipates our future bliss , and squares
a debt of gratitude he owes us By send
ing us a handsome ( comic ) valentine ,
' in payment of a puff recently tendered
him in THE TRIBUNE. "
The masquerade at the West Dcnni-
son street rink , Wednesday night , was
well attended , there being 25 or 30
maskers on the floor and all available
room for spectators being occupied.
The carnival was followed by a dance , j
The little daughter of Chas. Noble
has been quite sick , this week , but we Iv
are pleased to note is now improving. ' t
Al. Noran's little daughter , and Thos. ]
Golfer's baby were also on the sick list. *
Dr. Kay was called to Stratton , yes
terday , to see a Miss Anderson , who is a
sick at that station.
J. W. Burney of .Strattou was in town , s
"Wednesday. 1
, -L-t _ i _ -V. _ j * _ ? - . t " ; '
Fred Harris made a trip out to his
claim , Sunday.
J. B. Meservc went cown to Lincoln
Monday evening.
Ed. Wilson came in from Max , Tues
day , on business.
Patrick Walsh was an east-bound
passenger , Tuesday , on No. 2.
Dr. J. S. Shaw of Indianola visited
his daughter , Mrs. Berger , Saturday.
T. B. Babcock came to townSaturday ,
remaining over until Monday evening.
County Clerk Perry and Kev. Cox of
Culbcrtson were callers at this office ,
V. Franklin and 11. II. Hamilton went
down to the countv hub on 40 , Saturday
* * v
K. J. Finch , one of the substantial
merchants of Arapahoe , was in town ,
Mr. and Mrs. Berger , family and Miss
Shaw were passengers to Indianola , Sat
urday evening.
Lou Armacost of Beatrice was a pas
senger on 39 , Sunday , on his way to his
ranch west of here.
Representative Hockncll came home ,
Satin-day evening , and remained , until
Monday evening , when he returned lo
J. B. Jennings drove up to LaForest ,
Friday , and acted as County Attorney
at the organization of Hayes county ,
J. J. Bender of Nemajia City is in
the city. Mr. Bender is in the drug
business , and is otherwise interested iu
that city.
J. F. Forbes attended a meeting of
the Train Dispatchers Association at
Denver , Monday. lie returned on No.
40 , Tuesday.
Miss Murphy , teacher of the inter
mediate department of , went
down to her home , south of Indianola ,
Friday , on a short visit.
A. E. Murphy of Eckley was in town ,
the close of last week , buying supplies.
He left between two and three hundred
dollars with our merchants.
0. E. Wagner , who has been driving
dray for Allen for a number of months
pastj.proved up on his claim , last week ,
and left on Monday evening for Decatur -
ur , Michigan.
1 F. M. Kathbun of Wclty & Eathbun ,
real estate dealers , Cambridge , made
two or three visits to McCook and points
west , the latter part of last week , look
ing up a location for a branch office.
D. E. Swinehart left on No. 2 , Mon
day luorning , for Kansas City , whence
he will'journey to the sunny south and
view the sights of the World's Fair ,
now' in full bloom at the Crescent City.
J. M. Morris of Benkeluian , and J. II.
Haiglcr of Haigler came down from the
west , Friday. Mr. Haigler took No. 40
en route for Arizona , where he will en
gage in the stock business again. . J. M.
returned home on No. 1.
W. C. Bullard of Cullom , 111. , who is
making arrangements for establishing a
lumber yard at Culbertson. was in town ,
Tuesday , and in company with Dr. Kay.
an Illinois acquaintance , made THE
TRIBUNE a call during the day.
J. W. Dyer of LaForest made a busi
ness trip to town , Monday evening. He
and J. B. Jennings , as a purchasing
Committee , bought a small outfit for
Hayes county from J. 0. Fisher of the
State Journal Co. , Monday night.
Jas. Pcabody , J. N. Pollard , J. H.
Rushton and C. S. Miller of Fairmont ,
Neb. , came up to McCook to examine
our system of water works , with'a view
to putting in a system at Fairmont.
The party returned. Wednesday , favor
ably impressed.
Miss Carrie Ashmore and Miss Jen
nie Shaw came up from the county-seat ,
Thursday evening , to participate in the
masquerade at the Palace skating rink.
They remained with friends and relatives
in town until Saturday evening , also at
tending the dance at the rink , Friday
Benj. Bird and L , Morse , Dundy cat
tlemen with headquarters at Benkel-
man , spent two or three days of last
week in Lincoln in the furtherance of
the bill "concerning the care of , and to
prevent the spread of contagious and in
fectious diseases among domestic ani
mals , to provide for the appointment of
live stock commission and state vet
erinary surgeon , defining their powers
and duties and regulating their compen
sation. " Both gentlemen came upon '
No , 1 , Saturday night. 1
As we are going out of the
Clothing trade we offer our
entire stock of Clothing ai
Actual Cost. We mean
business ; and if you are af
ter Bargains come in soon
We have just received a
large stock of the Bradley
& Metcalf Celebrated Boots
and Shoes in all styles and
grades and invite all to
come and see.
Harry Ellison took a trin to Hast
ings , this morning. He will return ,
Pay Up.
Ha\ing disposed of my furniture
store , and being about to retire from
business , all accounts must be settled
by March 1 , 1885. All accounts not
settled , ether | by cash or bankable pa
per by ( he above date , the same will
positively be collected by law.
Feb. 12.1885. J. E. BERGER.
Mrs. J. J. Dunbar is entertaining a
cousin , a gentleman , from Des Moines ,
Some choice timber claims , at a bar
gain. For particulars apply to E. F.
Coleman , clerk at the Colviu House ,
McCook , Neb. 37-tf.
McCook Neb. , Feb. 13tli , 188-j. f
Patents are now on flic in this oflicc for the
following parties , who can have the same by
sending final receipt to this oillcc , with name
signed across the back , viz :
Kiiicjlits of Pythias Anniversary.
To-day is the 21st anniversary of the
Order of Anights of Pythias. The first
Lodge of the Order having been institu
ted February 19th , 1SG4 , in Temperance
Hall in the city of Washington. D. C.
The Order is strictly of American
origin , iounded on American oil at a
time when a terrible civil war was wag
ing , and the need of an organization
having for the foundation of its princi
ples Friendship , Charity , and Benevo
lence , was veiy apparent. The rise and
progress of the Order of Knights of
Pythias is a modern wonder in the so
cial world ; it being now the third Order
of its class in numercial strength in the
world , having a membership in round
numbers of 175,000. The Lodges of the
Older arc in all states and territories of
our nation , and have been wafted across
the waters of the Pacific to the Hawaiian
[ slands and crossed the borders and found
lodgement in the British provinces.
Hon. Jno. Van Valkenburg. Supreme
Jhancellor of the world , has declared
this Pythian Day at the World's Expo
sition in New Orleans ; and in an address
to the Order desires to have as many
members present as possible. Numer
ous lodges over the country have been
making elaborate preparations to cele-
> rate the event.
Concerning the Order , the Manual
and Text Book contains the following :
We strive in the battle of life to uplift
the fallen ; to champion humanity : to
) e the true friend of man ; to be his
; uide and hope ; his refuge.shelter and
defence ; softening down the asperities
of life ; subduing party spirit : and. by
the sweet and powerful attractions of
friendship , charity , and benevolence ,
nnding in one harmonious brotherhood ,
nen of all classes and all opinions. The
Order is the hand maid of Religion ; and
' 'Like a tree planted by the rivers of
vatcr that bringeth foith his fruit in
lis season ; his leaf also shall not with
er ; and whatsoever he doeth shall pros
) er. " It embraces all thaftends toward
'peace on earth , and good will toward
man. " A KMGHT.
For Sale !
A new John Deere Sulky Plow for
sale at Lytle Bros. Very cheap.
WHETHER General Gordon lives or
is dead is a question that still aoitates
the mind of England and the civilized
world. The reports of the messengers
and spies sent to Khartoum by Wolseley
to ascertain his fate are strangely con
tradictory , and it is very possible that
none of them have had the courage to
enter the city , and h.ive manufactured
their news out of their imaginations.
" f
Dress-making , familysewing , etc. , by
Miss Baihara Stevens , in private fotni-
( lies at MfCnnk and vicinity. Cutting
| and fitting a specialty. Prices reasona
ble. Satisfai'tinn guaranteed. Your pat
ronage solicited. Addre"ss all orders to
Box 24. : * 7-4t. McCook , Nub.
Quarter .section of land , timber and
water , ! > ! miles , and u 7-acre parcel ,
3 miles IVuiii McCook. Roth deeded.
Call on ur address , EATON BROS. ,
27 .McCook , Neb.
California White and White Russian
.Spring . Wheat at 70c. per bu. Inquire
at F. W. Weaver's or J. C. Lafferty's ,
I miles northwest of Danburv. . ' 58
For Sale !
A stack of Millet and one stack of
Sorghum , well cured and in fine condi
tion. Apply to
A. McG. Iloitu. McCook.
A good second-hand White Sewing
Machine. Will sell cheap. Apply to
1 84. MRS. J. A. LKE.
Seed Wheat
California White Spring Wheat a
per biit-hel. Inquire at Hider & Mc-
Phprson's land oflicc. McCook. Neb.
School Order of District. ] I , Webster
county , Ibr.Sf ) . Can he had at this of
fice by paying for this notice.
For Uent.
A furnihhed front room. Inquire at
my residence on Madison .street.
For Sale.
One yoke of large , well broke oxen ,
for cash. Apply lo this office or to C.
E. llinman.
How to Prove up on a Timber Claim.
Buy some White Walnuts at Ilay-
den & Co.'s. Cheap. Call at once.
% . . - .
Ealetl May.
I have baled hay for pale , in large or
small quantities. B. F. OLCOTT.
Locals under this neaa ac. a line for eacli
insertion. Hills payable monthly.
R. S. Cooler's Bulletin Board.
One quarter deeded miles from
town. Price , $040 cash.
One quarter deeded land , 11 miles
From town. Price , SU40 cash.
One quarter deeded land , timber and
water , 0 miles from town. Priee$00 ( ) .
One quaiter deeded land , 2 miles
from town , timber and water. Price ,
§ 1.200 cash.
Houses and lots in McCook to sell
4 houses and lots in West 3IeCook. 3
houses and lots in South McCook. One
acre of land , with gond house. All cheap.
Foil SALE. A complete outfit for a
retail grocery .store. Also , will lease
for a term oi years a splendid location
for a country store in the Beaver Val
ley. Addiess R. S. COOLKY , McCook.
Many other bargains to offer. Call
on 11. S. Cooley. Real Estate Agent ,
Two doors of TuiiiL'NE office.
II , W. Pike staite-l a Lumber Yard
in McCook. Neb. , January , 1884 , and
fias come to stay. Full assortment of
Lumber , Sash , Doors. Lime and Build
ing Material , sold at close prices , con
sidering the freight.
AlK VOf MADK in crnhlo I/y lii < liL" = ton. [ < "cn-
stlp < itlon , Ilz7lntiLo - - of Appotlte , Ye'lciA'SIsIn 1
Shiloh's Vitallzer is. a positive Cuic.
FOIS DYSPEPSIA ar-1 1.hcr toinplilni. yon have a
irineil guarantee on p. cry bottle of ShtloS'h Vlsal-
7 : r It i.i-tiT fails to cure.
THE Kcv. fieo. H. Tliaji r. of Kourbon , Iml , KIW :
'P.orli in.v-trlf snil wife o've our live * to SIIILO1IS
WHY WILL YOt * conch when fehloh' ! Cure will
giu- Immediate relief. Price 10 fitji ct * . and ( I.
SHi.OH'n CATAKKH KKJIEDY n poMttvc cure
'or Catarrh. Diphtheria and Cnukcr Mouth.
A XASAI. INME' TO ! ! fn-p trlth each Lottie f
Slillolf s Catarrh Kcmccly. Price M cent * .
PHII-OH'S i UKK will immediately nt\c Croup ,
n consl
"II ACKJIET. tK" * a Ia.-tli. an < l fragrant porfumc.
Price 25 a-id 31) ccnrs.
Sold by S L. Green drujrplst. McCooJf. Xeb.
An Enterprising , Sellable JHouse.
51. A. Si'JlilItic ran alwsys be relied upon , not oa-
y to carry in stcck tbe Jie t of r\erythlnjr. but to
secure the Agency for mch articles as liawell -
mown merlT. and are popular with tbe people , there
by s.u > .taninx ! the reputation of helns always cuter-
prklc ; : . ar.d ever rcllaMe. Ha vine : secured the Acen-
y lurthe crlebrateJ Dr. Kins" XGW Discovery for
'onsumptlon. will MI1 If wn a [ withe gu.tramre. U
n 111 Hurely cure any anil c\cry affection of Throat ,
.utif-'s. ar.d I'hest. and toovr our confidence , vre In-
xlte jou to call and get a Trial llottle Free.
Wonderful !
We do r.o : kr.ow of any medicine that boa pained
an equal popularity. Inuch a short time , for the
nst.-.n : relief of ennuis an > i the tuns ? , as
> leaant to ts > kc and will not Injure the rr. < , tt delicate
nfant. Simple bottlsn free at S > . I. . Green's and
When jou \ Wt or IP.-UC SPW York titv. eavc IJiz- s
P'pe. Ktpre ine aprt ' trria-rc Hire ami > : < .p nt the *
KRind I'mon Hotrl. iipo-'li' ( nin.t ( Vntral IiejNJt.
Eli-pane room * fitted np nt a c * t of ( million
dollarrcduccfl to.i > 0aiil up.vards pi r > ia > . Kuro-
pcan plan. Elevjtor. * Ue-tfturant jcpplli' * ! with thi *
lic'T. Ilon-e can , stsccs acd rlexated railroad to all
depot' . Kmnliles can live liettcr for lc - monry at
the Grand Union Hotel than at any other tint-chin *
told In the city . 3-31