McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, February 19, 1885, Image 4

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P. M , & E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
NOBODY knows whether Gordon is
alive or dead. He seems to have gone
to join Charlie llpss.
SENATOR VAN WYCIC is a winning
card for the Bee , and its editor is tak
ing advantage of that fact , and making
hay while the sun shines.
vigorously against any legislation that
will have a tendency to stop railroad
building. That" section wants to be
developed. Topics.
THE editor of the AlcCook Tribune in
alluding to a scandal which was lately
ff the general topic of discussion there ,
speaks in a tone that is as manly and
dignified as it is unusual on the part of
those.who do the local work on news
papers in general. Sutton Register.
B * * * >
THE bill establishing the office of
state veterinary surgeon , provides that
that learned cow-doctor shall receive
$2500 per annum and all expenses , and
the Governor is over-run with applications -
, tions already before the bill has become -
come a law. Why not give the D. V.
S. the state ?
SHALL England long continue her
Soudan war , the line of promotion will
move along with considerable celerity.
First to leave this scene of activity was
the lamented Col. Burriaby. Now fol
lows General Earle , and probably that
little world of strength within himself ,
General "Chinese" Gordon.
4. THE Holdridge Republican 'is nov\
under the control of M. L. Thomas
formerly of Red Cloud. As naturally
as dogs return to their vomif. do editors
return to their first-love. Excuse the
& . delicate allusion , Bro. Thomas , but w <
know of no better , more pointed simil
with whiflh to express the intense truth
fulness of the fact. Old More alone
divorces a journalist from the profession
to which he is wedded.
WE'D like to know if the battle o
Shebacat , just reported from Africa , can
have any connection with the house ca
of the queen of Sheba , whose home was
s somewhere iu that neighborhood , at leas
according to the mystical story handc (
down concerning. The accounts of the
battle state that after several hours oi
desperate fighting eight men were killed
and there is nothing in the histor } ' o
civilized warfare so much resembling
the combats of cats. An accomplishet
oriental scholar ought to have little diffi
culty in tracing Shebacatback to ihe cai
. of Sheba. Topic.
- - THE trial of Mackin , the prince oi
gamblers of Chicago , the right bane
man of Carter Harrison and the in an a
ger of the democratic party of the city ,
* f . progresses apace and they have fasten
ed upon him beyond peradventure the
# crime of stuffing the boxes after the
late election with fraudulent Branc
Totes in place of those actually depos
ited. Several of his witnesses have
been indicted for perjury already , and
one has confessed that he did swear tea
a lie and that Mackin instructed him
what to testify to. There is no escape
for him except through a rotten jury
man. Journal.
A WASHINGTON lady being a ked
why the latter receptions of President
& Arthur are so thinly attended replied ,
"Rats , rats. " Washington society seems
to be composed principally of rats , and
consequently hastens to abandon'the
sinking ship of the officer about to re
turn to private life. It is said that
when Keif er-was speaker the receptions
of his wife were more crowded than any
other in the'city , but now she walks the
avenues unnoticed , all her old callers
having apparently forgotten her exist
ence. 'But it is for such shoddy great
ness that the rural politician and his
wife struggle. Journal.
THE disastrous floods of 1882 threat
en to be repeated in eastern rivers.
There is a possibility of something of
the kind iu this section , as the ice is
unusually thick and the spring season
will probably open suddenly. Ece on the
Platte at Fremont is five feet thick , and
indeed scarcely any water is running.
"When the snow in the mountains melt
and the floods come down then * will no
doubt be high water , with a sweeping
out of bridges. Just now Illinois seems
to be the most afflicted portion of the
country , with three to five feet of snow ,
many railroads blocked and the temper
ature aw y below zero. Topics. ,
Thinking that perhaps your many
readers had concluded that the "city on
t " "
a'hill" portrayed in the "long ago" by
"Mother's Son" was a city of the past ,
we beg the privilege of informing them
that , though "Mother's Son" is no more ,
Bondville still lives and flourishes. We
are all looking with longing eyes for the
coming of spring. Wild geese are be
coming quite numerous , and it seems
that winter can not last always.
Mr. Hibbert's family have moved iu
to Indianola.
The Billings Bros , are the owners of
two "spanking" teams. They purpose
to turn over the virgin soil in good earn
est this season.
Our "Nasby" says , if you find any
hungry Democrat hunting for a "vacant
chair , " send him around ; if he is hun
gry enough , perhaps , he can satisfy him.
Cattle have passed through the winter
remarkably well ; with less loss than
usual , we think , though the winter has
been so severe. This is owing to the
large amount of hay put up and sheds
made to protect them from the wintry
blasts ; and we opine that from this our
farmers and stockmen will take better
care of their stock than in years past.
Alex. Jones is hauling wheat to Cam
bridge. Gets 50c. per bushp.l. We hope
the citizens of JftOook will procure the
establishment of a mill , this summer ,
so that our farmers will have a nearer
market for their grain. If McCook
could have had all the grain that has
been hauled to Cambridge and other
points in the past two years , even from
the south side of the river , it would
have added a great deal to the growth
of the "Magic City. "
We understand that the people east
of here on School -and Beaver creeks
are about to organize a Grjinge , and-put
in a store at Indianola. This is a move
in the right direction , and say what they
may about Grange organizations , stores ,
etc. , being of no benefit to the farmers ,
we know by experience that the con
trary is the case : and we are confident
that if a Grange store is put in at Indi-
anola the 'farmers of this county wil
derive a great benefit from it.
Bondville , Feb. 1C. UNO.
Many settlers coming in.
The town -site of LaForest is survey
ed ancj platted.
Fifteen men took supper at Dyer's
ranch , last night.
Farmers are plowing. The soil is in
excellent condition.
On the range Hayes County to the
front for fat beeves.
Range stock are in better flesh than
known for years at this season.
Several Adams County citizens have
located near this place and will during
the month move here with their families
J. K. Anderson , a brother-in-law of
W. V. Shipman , we are informed , will
be here in a few days to perfect arrange
ments for opening up a stock farm. He
took up land one mile from this place
during the early winter.
Hayes Centre boasts of two buildings.
The town is located upon a goodly hill
and a house cannot hide upon it. We
learn from one of the town site men that ,
owing to the great depth to water , the
company contemplated digging a well
in the Little Blackwood about three-
fouths of a mile from the town site.
The draft for the Court House at La-
Forest can be seen at the clerk's office.
Preparations are being made to complete
the building at an early date. The prop
erty , consisting of the building and a
block of lots , is to be donated to the
county. W.
LaForest ; Feb. 7 , ' 85.
ED. TRIBUNE Dear Sir : News is
scarce in this neck of the wood , ' but we
still have plenty of cold weather and
A number of land seekers have been
looking over this neighborhood lately
n quest of land.
Fred. Yount of Danbury has sold out
iis store at that place" What business
\Jr. \ Y. will engage in deponent saith not.
Messrs. Blackman & Shippee of Leb-
mon have been buying rye at 31 c. , de-
ivered at Indianola. They have con
tacted several hundred bushels in the
3eaver valley.
Rev. Mason of Cedar Bluffs , Kas. ,
ireached to us last Sunday. Congrega-
ion was small , owing to the inclemency
if the weather. BEAVER.
Hamburgl Feb. 16th. \
Jui LEGATE is said to have gotten an
ffice in some way or another. It does
eem to be a cold day for righteousness.
The recent decline in cost of
manufacturing C/LOTmNa has
been so GREAT that goods
bought within the LAST FE-\V
months can be SOLD for less
than same goods COST a yeai
or two ago. This is why our
prices on CLOTHING is so
much lower than those who
are actually selling at cost ( ? )
Don't be deceived into buy
ing old goods , EVEN AT COST
when we are selling new goods
in latest styles for less money
It is an undisputed fact thai
we are selling CLOTHING ,
TRUNKS etc. for less
, . , money
than any house in the west.
Everybody who looks at our
goods -say so. Gur goods are
new and of the latest styles ,
and here you have an ELEGANT
ASSORTMENT to select f i'om. We
are Headquarters for Clothing.
Here is the place to get Bar
gains. An inspection solicited ,
and satisfaction guaranteed.
McCook , Nebraska !
NOTICE is hereby Riven that the co-partner
ship existing between L. L. Johnson and M. A ,
Spulding , doing business under the style of
Johnson & Spaldiug , has this day been dissolv
ed by mutual consent , M. A. Spalding continu
ing the business. Mr. Spalding assumes all
debts of thu firm and collects all accounts due
the same. L. L. JOHNSON ,
McCook , Neb. . February 3,18555.
MCCOOK , NEB. , February 9th. 18S3.
In compliance with the law we hereby give
notice that we have formed a corporation un
der the name of THE MCCOOK HANKING Co.
The principal place for the transaction of its
business shall be at McCook , Nebraska. The
nature of the business to be transacted shall
be General Banking. The amount of paid up
Capital Stock shall beFilty Thousand Dollars.
This corporation shall commence business on
February 16th , 1885. and terminate on Febru
ary 16th , 18115. The highest amount of indebt
edness to which said corporation shall subject
itself shall be two-thirds of its capital stj > ck
( with the exception of indebtedness to depos
itors ) . The attains of this corporation shall be
conducted by a President , Vice-President and
Cashier. GEO. HOCKNELI , . President.
B. M. FREES , Vice-Pi esident.
37-4. , II. K. ADAMS , Cashier.
By Mr. James
Payn is now
Story ? pub
lished in our
family weekly paper. Also each week wo give
SJThS'Rev. T. DeWittTalmage ,
a feature alone worth the price we chargelfor
the whole year. In addition to the continued
stories , weekly sermons by Brooklyn's most
noted divine , and general literary miscellany ,
every issue contains the following : Illustra
ted sketches of prominent men ; letters from
all parts of the world , news of the week , hap
penings of interest in Missouri and Kansas ,
full and reliable market reports , political go
ings-on. Washington news and special depart
ments carefully edited for Farmers , Little
Folks , the Family Circle and business men
generally. The present publishers have con
ducted THE TIMES for 15 years and have learn
ed by experience that genuine merit wins
more friends than anything else. The public
can therefore rely on us to add every improve
ment desirable , and to spare no expense in
keeping our paper at the head. We are encour
aged by our largely increased list of subscrib-
2rs , now numberingo\'cr(53oiOtocontinue ( the
Reduced Price of Si.oo ? SSra5l15E
3eive subscriptions at this low price. EVEKY
will flnd something every week in THE TIJUS
tvorth our price of 81.00 n year. Specimen
copies free. Remit by postal note , money or
registered letter , to
3-37. THE TIMES , Kansas City , Mo.
3. S. LAND
JleCook , Neb. , January SOth , 1SS5.
Complaint having been entered at this office
jy John S. C. Bee against Charlie Joslin for
abandoning his Homestead Entry 603. dated at
HcCook , Neb. . May 8th , 1884 , upon the north-
vest quarter section 20. township 2 , north of
nnge 26 west , in Red Willow county , Neb. ,
vith a view to the cancellation of said entry ;
he said parties are hereby summoned to ap-
icar at tnis office on the 10th day of March ,
8S5 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and fur-
lish testimony concerning said alleged aban-
lonment , G. L. LAWS , Register.
E. W. LEWJS , Attorney. 30
McCook , Neb. , January SOth , 1885.
Complaint having been entered ut this office
ty George W. Coffin against Adam W. Joslin
or abandoning his Homestead Entry C02 ,
lated at McCook , Nub. , May 8th , 1884 , upon the
outhwest quarter of section 21. township 2 ,
lorth of range 28 west , in Red Willow county ,
reb. , with a view to the cancellation of said
ntry ; the said parties are hereby summoned
o appear at this office on the 19th day of
larch , 1885 , at 1 o'clock , P. 31. , to respond and
urnlsh testimony concerning said alleged
bandonment. G. L. LAWS , Register.
E. W. LEWIS , Attorney , 86 i
, .
wuwK : t
StcCook , Neb. , January SOth. IBM.
Complaint having been entered Tit this office
by George W. Collin against Carl 1) . Hounds
for abandoning his Homestead Entry 1207 ,
dated at North Platte , Neb. . May 27,187l , upon
the southeast quarter section 11. township 2 ,
north of range -M west , in Red Willow county.
Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said
entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this office on the nth day of
March. 1885 , at 1 o'clock , P. 31. , to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged
abandonment. G. L. LAWS , Register.
E. W. LEWIH , Attorney. UO.
February Cth. 1885. {
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday ,
April1 Cth , 1S85. viz : Agnes Walker , formerly
Agnes McKillip , Homestead Entry 2141 , for
the north ; j southeast Ji and southeast Ji
southe ist h section U and southwest M south
west J-4 section 10 , township C north , range 31
west. She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of , suid land , viz : M. II. Coon ,
W. J. McKillip and W. P. Campbell , of Thorn-
burg. Neb. , and Frank Sevcnker , of McCook ,
Neb. : > 7. O. L. LAWS. Register.
February ! ) th , 1HS5. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his Intcntioi
to make final proof in support of his claim
and that Mild proof will bo made before Hcgis
teror Hecelverut McCook. Xvb , on Monday
March ! 5 th. 1885. vix. : Philip H. Lnmlmoh. 1)
S. . 2i > 4. for lot 5. section 20 and lot 2 section 35
township 3 north , range 'M west. He name
the follow ing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of. said
land , viz : human N. Howe , Andrew Carson
Perry McManigal and Charles J. Suitor , all o
McCook , Nebraska.
37 G. L. LAWS , Register.
. January 26th , 1885. (
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will bo made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturda
March 7th. 1SJ < 3. viz : Valentine Bogle , I ) . I
521 , for this northeast quarter section 12 , tovj
ship 4 north , range 2ii west. Ho names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said hind
viz : Josiali E. Moore. William Darby an <
Jacob Long , of Hex Elder , Neb. , and John
Sargent , of Indianola , Neb.
35 G. L. LAWS. Register.
January 20th , I8S5. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday
March 2d , 1885 , viz : James E. Powell , D. S
653. for the northwest quarter of section 10 ,
township 4 north , range 31 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Townsend Beckwith. Aaron Hazel-
hurst , Frank Hazclhurst and W. H. IJarger ,
all of Culbertson , Neb.
3 * G. L. LAWS. Register.
January 20th , 1685. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
March 14th , 1885 , viz : Perry A. Yeast , I ) . S.
1334 , for the west IJ northeast } ± of section 9 ,
township 4 north , range 'M west. Ho names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of. said
land , viz : James Spaulding. John Hamilton.
Fred. D. Pitney and Montgomery Doyle , all of
Box Elder , Nebraska.
3J. G. L. LAWS. Register.
January 10th , 18S5. )
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his chum ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter and Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
February 20th , 18S5 , viz : William Brcmmer ,
( Heir to Estate of Hannah Schuler , Dcc'd.j
Homestead Entry 115U , for the south /J north
east J-I and north } southeast ' .i of section 15 ,
township 2 north , range 20 west. He names
tlie following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : John Calkins and Franklin P. Lav-
crack of Stoughton , Neb. , Henry H. Pic ! ens
and George Huggins of McCook , Neb.
33. G. L. LAWS , Register.
January J4th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settlers have filed notice of their inten
tion to make final proof in support of their
claimt- , and that said proofs will be made before -
fore Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on
Monday , February 23d , 1885 , viz : Levi Brown ,
Homestead 1N30 , tor the northwest quarter of
section 24 , township 3 north , range 30 west.
Viz : Lewis F. Fate , D. S. 1002. for the south
east quarter section 24. township 3 , north of
range 30 west. They name the following wit
nesses to prove their continuous residence
upon , and cultiva ion of , said land , viz :
Witnesses for Levi Brown : Anthony Cliff ,
S. H. Colvin , Willi'im Smith and Levi Johnson ,
nil of McCook. Neb. Witnesses for Lewis F.
Pate : John F.Collins , i dward .McCandliss ,
Samuel Brown and Levi Brown , all of McCooK ,
Neb. 33. G. L. LAWS , Register.
February 2d , 1885 f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg-
ster or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
March 20th , ISM , viz : Charles Schlutsmcier ,
[ ) . S. 243 , for the southwest quarter section 17 ,
: ownship 2 north , range 28 west. He namqs
the following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
and , viz : William Dubarko , Ernst Fuller ,
Ernst Neuinan and A. B. Fuller , all of Indiun-
jla. Neb. 36 G. L. LAWS , Register.
February 2d. IS&j.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
nimed settlers have filed notice of their inten-
ion to make final proof in support of their
claims , and that said proofs will be made be-
'ore Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on
Friday. March 2th ) , 1885 , viz :
Jacob C. Fouts , Homestead 20SO , for the
southeast quarter of section IK ) , township 2
iorth , range 28 west.
Viz : Franklin Weaver , Homestead No. 2023 ,
'or the southeast qunrler of section 32 , town-
jliip i north , range 28 west.
Q'hey name the following witnesses to prove
heir continuous residence upon , and ctiltiva-
ion of , said land , viz : James C. Lalfcrty.
Inhn Tolman , Fleming M. Graham and Hurl-
jurt A. Graham , all of Danbur. ? . Neb.
36. G. L. LAWS , Register.
February 17th , 11-85. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of his claim ,
ind that said proof will be made belore Reg-
stcr or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
\pril 3d , 1&55 , viz : James C. Kane. Home-
iteiul Entry 424 , for the south yt southeast H
lection 30 , and north Ji northeast section 31 ,
ownship 4 north , range 2 ! ) west. He names
: he following witnesses to prove his continu-
ius residence upon , and cultivation of. said
and , viz : John Unzicker , John Farrell , Al-
rred Carter and Matthew J. Hoffe , all of .Mc-
: ookNeb. 38 G.L. LAWS. Register.
February 18th , 1885. )
Notice is hereby given that the following-
mmcd settler has filed notice of her intention
o make final proof in support of her claim . , -
ind that said proof will be made before 'is1
er or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday .
IpriUth , 1885 , viz : Lillian M. Boyle , who ill- J
id D.S. 304 , for the south southeast } $ north-
'ast ' 4 southeast H section 0 and northeast li
outhwest J section 10 , township , north of
angeSOwest. She names the following wit-
icsses to prove her continuous residence
ipon.-and cultivation of , said land , viz : Wil- ,
iam Dovle. Peiry A. Yeast. William T. Mam-
tton and Stephen Bowles , all of Box Elder ,
ioli. 38 G. L : LAWS , Register.
February 18th. 18A5. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
aracd settler has filed notice of his intention
j make final proof in support of his claim ,
nd that said proof will be made before Rcgis-
3r or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Tuesday ,
> pril 7th , 1885 , viz : George W. Foster , Home-
tead Entry ] : w , for the northeast quarter of
jction 9 , township 3 , north of range 30 west.
Ie names the following witnesses to prove
is continuous residence upon , and cultiva- f
: on of. said land , viz : L B. Stiles , William '
oggs. Philip Weick and George Bowman , all
F McCook , Nebraska.
38 & . L. LAWS , Register.
E *
* !
" STORE ! "
* * * ri ?
In Gil
We have on hand an Immense and Elegant line of
Woolen Goods , Cloaks , Clothing and Overcoats
that we will close out at their
To make room for our Spring Stock.
A Large Stock at Astonishingly Low ( Prices. I
In this department we have an unusually large and fine
i ?
selection , and we will sell them at bed-rock prices.
( Drop in and examine these CLOCKS and
get a handsome garment very cheap.
Hill H ji S
At such low figures that everybody should take advantage
of the fact. Call in and see them , and our goods
f 1 < ;
and prices will sitrely induce you to buy. jft
We have the Largest and Most Complete assortment
ever opened out in McCook.
'I '
' !
CHAS , NOBLE , Manager.