J- f * * f * 't - > _ . , * t * f * McOooK EKLY TRIBUNE VOLUME III. McCOOK. RED WILLOW'COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 19 , 1885. NUMBER 38. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCook , Nebraska. 0. L , LAVS , Beeicter. C. 7. BABCOCZ , Soeobcr Omen Houits : Frotn 9 A. M. to 12 M. . nnd 1 to 4 P. M. , moiintitin times. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GEO. E.B JOHNSTON , PROP. , MAC ? AKLAND STHHET , : McCOOK , A new hotel Just completed , and llttcd up 'TVlth new furniture throughout. Itulcs icus- onnblu. 8-35. COCDRAN & HELM , ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENTS , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and carrful attention jrlen to Law Cases In nil the CourtK of the State nnd nil classes of U. S. Lund Ilustness trani > acted before the local ofiicc nt UcCook. Xcbrnskti , ami ( tic Interior Department nt Washington , I ) . C. Contests a specialty. AV1H pr&J- ccutc claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of Pensions. Notarial business done i.nd lauds bought and sold on rcaxonable terms. ja OHlcc 1st door south of the U. S. Land Ofiicc. 3.29 THOS. COLFEll , ATTOKNEY AT LAW. - : - - : . Agent for the Lincoln Land Company. ' Itcal Rstnte nought and Sold and Col lections Made. 53T-Ollicc. Opposite Post Office , Cook , Nebraska. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY STJRVEYOK , Red Willow County. Keeps cortifled pints of all lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence solicited. : . ' - ! . Du. Z. L. KAY , - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. "OHice at Churchill House. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY. ] ' McCOOK , . - NEBRASKA. JOHN F. COLLINS. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. is-- - Jobbing * IH recehe prompt attention atinyriiop on Dcnnlson St. , opposite McCook House. 1'laus and specifications furnished if desired. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooic , - NEBRASKA. All werk guaranteed. Give ine a call.f i. WILLIAM McINTYRE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA. All work warranted. All material furnished If desired. Work done on short notice. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. An * you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick clilld suffering nnd crjins with pnln of cut- tins teeth V If so. send nt once and get a bottle of Mrs. Wfctlcw'a SootMrg Syrup fr Children TeetHrg. Its % alue is incalculable. Uwill relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it , motbers , there Is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea , regulates the stomach nnd bowels , cures wind colic , softens the gums , reduces inflammation , and trfves tone and energy to the whole system. l ra. TTitsloTf's Sosthfce Syrip to Children Teethes is pleasant to the taste , and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians In the United States , and Is for sale by all druggists v "throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. An Answer Wanted- Pan any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure ? ' We say they can not , as thousands of cascb already peimanently cmed and \tlio are dally recom mending Electric Bitters , ttlllprote. Crlght's Dis ease , Diabetes. Weak Back , or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood , jcgulatethe bowels , and act directly on the diseased pans. E\ cry bottle guaranteed. Tor sale at 30 cents , a bottle at Metropolitan Drug Store. Reliable Firms. Messrs. S. L. Green and M. A. Cpaldlng arc al ways reliable nnd try to secure the best of every thing for their patrons. They now ha\e bought a larce quantltyof BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP , and arc always willing and ready to recommend it to every one In need of a preparation for coughs , colds , asthma , bronchitis and consumption , as they know of no other remedy that is gaining such a wide reputa tion. Sample bottles free. presents gi\en away. $200,000fe ( us o cts. poBtage , and , ' mail you will get free a package of goods of large A alue , that ill s > tart j ou In work that will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America. All about the $200,000 In presents with each bos. Agents vantcd everywhere , of cither sex , of all ages , for all the time , or tpare time only , tovork for us nt their own homes. For tunes for all norkersabsolutely assured. Don't delay. H. HALLETT & CO. , Portland , Maine. 3-29 Eucklen's Arnica Salve. TUE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts. Bruises , Sores Ulcers. Salt llhcum , Fccr Sores , Tetter , Chap ped Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all Skin Eruptions , and positively cures Piles or no pay required. H is guaranteed to ghe perfect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at METROPOITANDRUG STORE. for working rcople. Send 10 etc. post- FflKt'-an1 v e AV | " iiiai1 } ou ftcc-a ro5"iii valuable sample beef KooJ thnt will put } ou in the tvay of making more money In nfewilajs than jou ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. You can live at home and work In spare time only , or all the time. All of both sexes , of all ages , grandly successful. 50 CIB. to ? 5 easily earned c ; cry ut cnlng. That all v , ho want work may tekt the business , we make this un paralleled offer : To all who arc not well satisfied % \ c will send f 1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particular * , directions , etc. , sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure Tor all who start at once. Don't delay. Addre bTlXfcOX & CO. . Portland , Maine. 8-S9 Our Opinion. After felllns numberless preparations , we are con vinced that BEGGb' TKOl'ICAL OIL is uncqualed For pain , cuts , bruises , rheumatism , fro t bites , chit- blalni , etc. , Itil warnntcdby S. L. Green and M. A , " T * 4't3\S T aundry Irons , I evels , Ladders. I1 etter ( Boxes , Lead , - og Chains , Locks , Lagg Screws , Lines , Lariat ( Pins , Latches. eke ( Bows , eke ( Bows , eke ( Bows , ekes , Ox Yokes , Yokes , Ox Yokes , Yokes , Ox Yoke's. able Knives , acks , Tea ( Pots , ea ( Pots , Kettles , ape Lines , Twine , Toilet Sets , Twine , Tin Trunks , Tongs. ard Cans , coders Shell , eaders Cattle , afh Hatchets , Ladles , Lifters , Level Glass , Levels. Ibows , xpansive ( Bits , nd Gate ( Rods , Detractors , Shell , Emery , Cloth , fljaper , Everything in line. ells Belts , utter ( Bowls , rackets , ( Bits , -ill Head ( Boxes , ( Bird Cages , ( Bolts , ( Bread ( Boxes , ( Butts. , Card , Racks , Rings , ingers , Hog ; azors learners , Rasps. Rat Traps , ( RopeRules , ( Rods. "J Hers , I peners , Can , I x ( Bow ( Pins , * yster Ladles , Ovens. , Ovens , Ovens , Oil Cans and Stoves. taples , Spades , kates , Scrapers , \prings \ , Shellers , ieves , Steel Yards , Scales , Scoops , Shoes , Saius , hand & 'X = citt. OF S. W. NEBRASKA FOR Stoves and Tinware. Carpenters'and Blacksmiths' TOOLS ! TOOLS ! STEEL NAILS OF ALL SIZES. ' - : - - : - Iron , Stee ! and Wagon Timbers. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. The Only Place in Eed Willow County where you can buy one of the World Eenowned GOLD COIN Cooking Stoves and Ranges , AGENTS FOR THE SBLBBRITBD BAIN WAGONS AND SPRING WAGONS. BOTH IRON AND WOOD. Lead and Iron Pipe and Pipe Filings. MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin- Sheet Iron and Copper Ware A SPECIALTY. THE , BOSS PLACE | N THE WEST FOR SPOT GASH - : - „ - , AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION , "And Don't You Forget It , " IS AT- LYTLE BROS , 3IcCOOK , ( Opposite Citizen's Bank , ) NEB. Star Mills Flour. WARRANTED TO BE THE J35T FOR SALE BY- THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK -DOES A GENERAL Ccllcctions made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly * on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. * Tickets for Sale to and from Europe , J. W. DOLAN , President. First National Bank , Lincoln , Ncl ) . Chose National Rank , New York. V. FRANKLIN , Vice-President. irs1 WASHINGTON-LETTER. Washington , D. C. , Feb. 14S5. , . , The dedication of the big monument , the ceremonies of which will take place in the Tlall of the House of 1'eprcscnt ; atives on thct21st instant , is exciting a jjood deal of severe comment because of the cxclusiveness of the thing. The "House with its galleries will accommo date about sixteen hundred people , and 'these scats have all been placed at the disposal of members of Congress , who assume that the memory of Washingtor is their own private property. By the present arrangement , therefore , only members of Congress and their invited guests will be able to take in the intel lectual part of the ceremonies. Here ! again the Washingtonian proclivity to rake in the spare dimes protrudes itself , for every conceivable device upon which a figure of the monument can figure , will be peddled upon the street , from the can dy lozenge to the card of ginger-bread with the shape of an elephant bearing the monument on his back. A sad feat ure of this celebration will be the im possibility of the usual pilgrimage to Mount Yernon , unless the weather clerk sliould change his tactics for the occa sion. The liver for some time has been frozen over so that the boat has been compelled to suspend her daily trips to the American 31ecca. As Washington was a Mason in pretty good standing during the last years of his life , the Ma sonic Fraternity of Washington City in conjunction with the lodge at Alexan dria to which he belonged , are to partici pate in the dedication ceremonies wiih the corn , oil and wine emblems that Gen. Washington was so often called upon to administer on like occasions as the Grand Master of the United States. The devices of Washington people for turning an honest penny are both num- grous and ingenous. All along the line fcf Pennsylvania Avenue , through which Mr. * Cleveland's inaugural procession .will pass , the windows have been adver tised for rent at prices ranging from ten to sixty dollars each for the day , while the indefatiguable Yankee has leased a lineal frontage the whole distance from Capitol to the White House , projecting fiom four to ten feet from the building line , upon which stages and platforms are to be erected and seals thereon uti lized at rates , of one to ten dollars for each seat , with a brilliant prospect of a tremendous raise on the price by the 4th of March. All the best rooms at the best hotels were long since snapped up at prices that only a Washington hotel keeper knows how to exact , while all the halls and billiard rooms and restaurants ( and possibly the churches ) will be the temporary abiding place of many of the military organizations that will be un able to secuie other quarters. A regi ment from Philadelphia has already been given leave to bivouac in the corridors of the new State Department , while the famous Seventh llegimcnt would not come at all because of the want of suffi cient room fqr its 980 scions of New York's best aristocracy. About twenty ihousand dollars have thus far been con tributed by the people of Washington to give Mr. Cleveland an unusually good Jrth of March send-off , and the Inaugu ral Ball , for which about twelve thou sand tickets have alvea'dy bfccn soldwill , ; je just a little superior to anything of that particular character yet produced on this continent. The ball room for ; his ocasion is the spacious court of the new Pension Ofiice , and is of sufficient dimensions to allow four thousand people ple to dance to the music of four bands which will be so placed as to be out ot icaring of each other. Mr. Cleveland will open the ball by joining in the open ing quadrille , the music for which has been written expressly for the occasion by a Washington admirer. DOM PEDUO. PROF. Pi'.OGTOU , the astronomer , is a leading authority on whist. He says : sPlay whist of ten , daily if you can , but waste no time over it ; play it in such a way that it interests by calling forth the exercise of skill. A little of such whist goes a long way in relaxing the mind and giving pleasure to the player. I have wiped the cobwebs outof my mind after six or seven hours of application at difficult geometrical work by an hour's good whist. " Studebaker and Moline W A QiON ; S li John Deere Plows , * CULTIVATORS , STOVES , TINWARE , HARDWARE , Etc. You will save money by writing or call ing for prices before buying. The Lowest Prices and Largest Stock In Southwestern Nebraska or Northwestern Kansas. TWO DOORS SOUTH OF P. 0 , McGOOK , NRBRASKA. "Seven Buckets of Blood" T-n _ ; , = , „ , * - 3333 JJ3 FOR STRICTLY CASH I WILL FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS SELL Fitted in Boss Gold or Silver Cases , Now is the time to buy a FINE WATCH. Will never have an opportunity to buy so cheap again. Have in stock Raymond , Tay lor , Wheeler and'lower grade of the ELGIN and movements which are giving the best satisfaction. Gome a-rushing. F. L. McCRACKEN , IVicCook , Neb. * v. "February 20th , 1885.