sais W" ' * n , f - * . i- . VS. U WEEKLY TRIBUNE > . VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 12 , 1885. NUMBER 87. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. * i _ . _ _ - - - j i - . . _ . . . UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCook , Nebraska. 0. L. LiWS , Sttfiitr. C. 7. BA3COCE , Ejeiirer. Omojs HOURS : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GEO. B. JOHNSTON , PROP. , MACFARCAND STREET. : McCOOK. XEB. A now hotel junt completed , and fitted up with now fnrnituro throughout. Hates rcas- onuble. 3-0. ) COOIIHAN & HELM , ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND GENKRAL AUENTS , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention ; : ! vcn to Law Clues In 11 Jhc Courts of the S.titc anil nil dame * of U. S. Lund IliulneaR traiwcted licforo ( lie ofllcp at McCook. Nebraska , ami ili Interior Pci-armrnt at 'WiuhlDKton , 1 > . C\ Contests a sprclnlty. Will pros ecute claims for FenMouN and claims for Incrcnae of Pensions. Notarial bustnexg done i.iul Innds hnuxht nil sold on rcneunable tenn . ( JP Ofllce 1st door touth of the U 3. Land Utilcc. 3.29 TliOS. GOLFER , ATTORNEY ATLAW. - : - : - . Agent for ihe Lincoln Land Company. Bcr.1 Estate Roujrht and Bold and Collections Made. t Offlco. Opposite Post OHic-e , Mc Cook , Nebraska. PAGE T. FRANCIS. COUNTY SURVEYOR , ' fiea Witlcw Ccut ty Keep ? certified plntn of all Ian. ! * IT the Hitchcock lAtirf district ; ? tItl atlo su n xlvon to nil Hiich mismuM' . .1-8 L. LKE 'JOHXFOX , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & -SURGEON , Ulllco uv Metropolitan I/rag btcrt . v.lit'te he ciin he torrid \vheu nut in ; a - Oil HeRidorscG. corner < il .f L'tlerso : : ; ' . : id iiil- ison r-ir e i ! IF . DR Z. L. KAY. PHYSICIAN AM ) SlRsKON. McCOOK. - - JJK J\SKA. 339 rtflco ; at hurchl ! ! IIouna. DR. A. J. YULhEY. SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. ( OFFICE AT B. & M. PHAIIMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. JOHN F. COLLINS , 'CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NE3RASKA. Jobbing * I1 ! receive prompt attention at my bhop on Dennlson St. , opposite McCook House. Flans and ipeclflcatloas famished If desired. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooK , NEBRASKA. | 3T"AH wsrk guaranteed Give me a call. WILLIAM McINTYREi CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. ADVICE TO MOTHERS , Are you disturbed at night nd broken of jour rest by a lck child fuBerlnB and crying with pin ! of cut- tins teeih ? If so. * end at once nnd pet a bottle of tin. Wisilcw'i Co.ta.B STTBP for ChLareu Teethias- Jw value I * incalculaule. n will relie\c the poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon it. mothers , there Is no ml tzke Bbout it It cures djsewery and diarrhoea , regulates the stomach nnd bu-.velb , cures wind colic , softens the pirns , reduces inflammation. and Kites tone and energy to the whole bjsiem. Uri. tTLsUw't Swtiirs Syisp fcr CMldres ToeiMrs is plrasAnt to the tfute , unu is tl.c pre&cnptlou of one oftheoldekt and km fcmulu nurses and phMcIans In the United States , and Is f--r gale by alt druggUs throuRhout the world. Price 23 cents a bottle. An Answer Wanted- an any one Lrlnf : usa * case of Kidney or t.lver Complahit that Klectric Hitters will not sfecdlly c re ? "We eay they can nut , as thousands of cases already pcimauently cured and who i rc ually recom- mecdlnB Kli-ctrlo Hitters , will pro\ Crlghfb Ills- ea c. Diabetes , vv'eak Back , or jny urinary complaint quickly cured. Thi-j purlfj ihe blouu. regulate the , bov.ein. Atit ! act direcily outiie uiseused partt. . Eiery bottle Ruaraniced tot sa.:1 s > v 50 ceuts a botiU ! > iciropui > kn Oru , ; aiure. ; iteliable i irnia. V ir ? . S L. G. cn atu a 11ri . , re < lr.-n > rrlmtj.c bid sr ; icifctcuie the nest .f i\ery tlitos for tl'Plr r 'roii * ' l.nic buu h. a Jart'C ( ja atlt } of liKUGS * < HEMiV OliOH bViiUI' , and trc * lv-sJs fila. : : .nd ii.-iaj ; u , ! U toe etrj or.c in t. < CJf a prej arson for nm , IIE. CIIRS. Lii.r.ta .1 * i > c. oi.f-umj tun. r.s .hc > kr. . > . it iioo term * uj the < It. t -.t..t. , , tucsi wl tlun ? iipit-- iMitilt * * tree. tvcrk thai x\tl ! t "H-1 ' ring } -u ' ir.uuey fi--ter ! lan an > tl.T. ? cJ c tc All abuut ie f.'uO.tWi IR ptO-CE.o l llt'aiUbOX. AtCni ! < V.IlieaiHIT ) Vim 1C. of eiititr bi-i. ol u > . i.f'.t\i. ii.r ill ! io dnc. iSiufc only , lu vrorSt lur us f. tl.rlr ov R i.utir > > . K..r- turt * fur u" voihcito foiuuij-a.tur ti UJA 4 ucNy. H. hALLKTl AO. . . r" rii Uu. o vj All of cii tofi ea/ily tr nt work ntaj ten : i i.u .nu si. we paralleled oQcr : To all w 1:0 are uut wt-l t.a > isflt.-a u e will Mind $11 l' * > for ' e trutiblu of wrilnr us. Full particulars , direction * , etc. , sriit Irec. liumei.o.piy btolulely kUia for all who Murint UECC. lon't delay. JLadrvu BTlNbON & oU.t Portlnnd. M lm ; . 3-29 Our Opinion. j After nelliDjr namhcrless preparations , re con- ' Tlnced that BEGGS * TKOP1CAL OIL Is nnequaled For pain. cat ; , brnhc * . rbeumntltm , Jrust Mies , chll- bl ln . etc. . It is w rrsnttd by S. L. Green and Jotin- aundry Irons , evels , Ladders. etter ( Boxes , Lead , og Chains , Locks , Lagg Screws , Lines , Lariat ( Pins , Latches. eke eke ( Bows , eke ( Bows , ekes , Ox Yokes , Yokes , Ox Yokes , Yokes , Ox Yokes. able Knives , acks , Tea Wets , ea ( Pots , Kettles , ape Lines , Twine , Toilet Sets , Twine , Tin Trunks , Tongs. ard Cans , oaders Shell , eaders Cattle , * ath Hatchets , Ladles , Lifters , Level Glass. Levels. ' " | Iboivs , J xpansive ( Bits , a nd Gate 'Rodz. If . 44 * / if. . * ft , ' ' J-flJltt \ C'lt'/ / / Everything in ij JilS iifiilS , utter Boivls , rackets , Bits , ill Head lEoxcs , ( Bird Cages , ( Bc'.is , ( Bread l oxcs , Quilt. T | acks , Card , U akes , 'fangs , . - * - 1fsors 'Reamers , 'lic.sf-s , 'R.ii Traps , fRope , ' "Rides , Aods. Hers , peners , Can , x ( Bow Pins , 1 yster Ladles , Ovens , Ovens , Ovens , Oil Cans and Stoves. taples , Spades , kates , Scrapers , Brings , Shelters , ieves , Steel Yards , Scales , Scoops , Shoes , Saws , hand & X cut. OF S. W. NEBEASKA FOE Shelf f Heavy Hardware Stoves and Tinware. Carpenters'and ' Blacksmiths' ' TOOLS I TOOLS I STEEL NAILS OF ALL SIZES. ' - : - - : - Iron , Steel and Wagon Timbers. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. The Only Place in Red Willow County where you can buy one of the World Renowned GOLD COIN looking Stoves and Ranges , AGENTS FOR THE DELEBRATBD BAIN WAGONS AND SPH1KO WAGONS. 13. BOTH IKON AND WOOD. eaJ and Iron Pipe and I'ipe Pitings. . V.ANUFACTURIHG AND REPAIrING OF fin. Sheet Iron and Copper Ware A SPECIALTY. The Boss Place in the West TO BUY HARDWARE FOE SPOT GASH , AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION , And Don't ' You Forget it , " IS AT- LYTLE BROS. , jicCOOK , ( Opposite Citizen's Bank , ) NEB. t ARAPAKO3. 1a s Star Mills Flour. e o ) c t v , WARRANTED TO EE THE a i b a K * " T1- * . tr iT % > ii -l ! M C iiI iiB a ; IlsT b S o d FOR SALE BV- n titi ti a u u i i u. u U ! tib e o P c I IHE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK fin -DOICS A GEXERAL- C' C'P" C'h P" fil ctlont m. f f n ill .ic'TssibJc points. Drafts drawn directly 5' ' the csti of . Tiixes for Non-Reoideiits. c-n principal s I/uropc1. paid - 5'a .Money to loan on Fanning Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. a tt 'o Tickets for Sale to and from Europe , : c : ; b C022ZSP01T2EOT3 : w J. W. ] ) OLAN , President. bh First National Bank , Lincoln. Jfeb. Ch s National Beak , Niw York. \ FRANKLIN , Vica- WASHINGTON LETTER. i _ Washington , D. C. , Feb. 7. * S5. If Mr. Arthur ever had any sincere opinions about the utility of Civil Ser vice Reform , ho has completely aban doned them. His 'appointment of uien to the most important of official posi tions who have neither qualifications nor character , shows that. lie has picked out the men who were subservient in his cause last summer , and one by one doling ing out such rewards as he supposes pitch menials aie entitled to. The last appointment , that of Draper for the Court -of Commissioners of Alabama Claims , is one most eminently unfit. The fact that Drapef expcnded a good deal of time in looking after Arthur's politi cal foi tunes , is the only qualification that the man possesses for this high nnd responsible position. It looks from this standpoint as if the President intended to make room for all his favorites who are not already provided for. 1 have already told you of the remarkable - i able power in society at the Capital that is wielded b } official position , which of itself has become a local aristocr'utio institution. But there is rife among the higher ofiiuiuln a sentiment that is prone to bow down to the shrine of the dollar , and Arthur , like Hayes , and like Grant , is one of the worst cases of this kind uPidiilutiy. From the time of Ar thur's accession , he liaa given the cold shoulder to every public man who is obliged to live within moderate means. Ilo is all the time running after the na bobs , and associates only with thoio who.nffuid to live in luxuriour ease. There was never a President who went abroad uo much as he does , and there was never one ( uiiluas it be Grant. ) who .sought the doom of the wealthy and went hack on those who hud made him. Take the case of Logan whoso services in the GUI field campaign were invalua ble to his party , and who has all along been friendly to the President , and whoso opinion has been freely sought and as frei-ly been given. Mr. Arthur has never condescended to call upon him once , because Logan could not live in a brown stone front , while b'enator Mil ler , with no brains but plenty of money , could command the attendance of the Executive and his official retinue ut any time. I One of the bitterest and in some re spects most disgraceful Senatorial con- tebts ever occurring in any State has just terminated out in Colorado by a triumph for personal and political integ rity. The country at large is not much u-quaiiited with the details of of this iingular local-struggle , but the people f the whole country are deeply interest- id in the election oTproper men to oc- jupy seats iu the U. S. Senate , and in " 1 he suppression of the peculiar methods \hich have often obtained in effecting choice. The notion that any man may my a Feat in the Senate , K > prevalent n recent years , has had two very con- ipicuous set backs in the last few days. ilvarts of New Yoik , and Teller of Col. . re shining examples of the tri oph of iminsand fitness over big bank accounts. Jejjator Hill , the wealthiest man in Col- irado , whose income is over $1,000 per lay , has been for two years past plan- ling and scheming to secure bis own re- urn.Nothing that money or the most 1 itiM.T p lou * manipulation could do has ieen omitted bj him in his efforts to this- nd. During tliih dim ; he has subsidized ir purchased outright thirteen newspa- isrs in different parts of the State , in- ludijig the ' Tribune-Republican" of ) nnver , and these journals hare been rom first , to last his supliant tools , rai.s- epresenting the sentiment of their lo- alilies and vehemently attacking all fho opposed the ambition of their own- r. His fir. t overt act was to apply all iis machinery to defeat the regular Re- candidate for Governor two cars ng'i bucauno his own man was un- uccc ? tjil in seeming < hr nomination '' undertook tu defeat the regulai .indicia tc f < > r slu-iiffof Arapahne Conn- y ( Dt nver , ) because the latter was not Hiii man. In the lute campaign , af- ur debauching the piimaried in a most utrageous manner , he furnished mon- y to defeat at least five Republican andidates for the Legislature , solely ecause if. elected they would not faror is return tu the Senate. DOM PEDSO. O-O TO FOR- Studebaker and Moline W A GiO M S John Deere Plows , STOVES , TINWARE , HARDWARE , Etc. You will save money by writing or call ing for prices before buying. The Lowest Prices .arest Stock In Southwestern Nebraska or Northwestern Kansas. WO DOORS SOUTH OF P. McGOOK , NRBRASKA. "Seven Buckets of Blood" . , XM * * * Jb. Jt i > * * ' OUSE JLJ * FOR STRICTLY CASH I WILL FOE THE NEXT 30 DAYS SELL I I Fitted in Boss Gold or Silver Cases , Now is the time to buy a FINE WATCH. Will nevei3 have an opportunity to buy so xZzeap again. Have in stock Raymond , T&y * 02 * . Wheeler and lower grade oi the ELGIN ind movements vskieh arc giving ths best , * i&tisfaction. Come a-rushiug. j F. L. McCRACKEN , McCook , Neb. ' February 20th , 1885.