McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, February 05, 1885, Image 7

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Information Received by
the Navy Department Exploration *
to toe made.
Washington Cor. Philadelphia Times.
The success which has attended
archojological researches within the
( past few decades has thrown much
light upon the traditional accounts of
the gorgeous civilizations of the ancient
world. The explorations of Layard
and Botta among the ruins of Ninevah ,
' .the writings of Rawlinson and Hincka
. upon the sacred hieroglyphics of the
priests of Egypt and the cuneiform
characters of the Persians and Assy
rians had drawn toward the plains of
Asia Minor the attention of the anti
quarians of Europe when the living
generation of men whs thrilled by the
discovery of the trilingual inscriptions
of the famous Rosetta stone , which
gave to the modern world the key to
the mysteries of ancient life and lore.
The more recent labors of Schlieman ,
upon the shores of the Hellespont ,
among the buried ruins of ancient
Troas" , and the revelations of the Runic
\v \ characters of the ancient Norsemen ,
have intensified this search after the
records of lost peoples and their his
tory. In our own hemisphere the
study of the tablets and temples of
Mexico , Yucatan , and Guatemala , and
the more recent discoveries of cliff
sculptures in the United States , have
emphasized the accepted belief of an
identity of civilization among the peoples
ples who left the record of their exis
tence and their arts in the monuments
and palaces on the banks of the ftile
and the Euphrates and the table lands
of Mexico and Central America and the
plains of North America.
The rich treasures of ancient nations
are about to gain fresh accessions from
a source in itself even more mysterious
than the sculptured stones of Egypt ,
Asia Minor , or Central America. An
official communication received at the
nayy department announces the discov
ery on Rapanni or Easter island , on the
charts in longitude 110 west and lati
tude 27south , buried in the depths of the
vast wilderness of waters of the South
Pacific , of col oss il statues and images
rudely carved in stone. This remarka
ble find of archaeological remains on a
small island hundreds of miles away
from any continent puzzles the learned
scientists of the Smithsonian institution
and the National museum. Professor
Baird says on the subject : "In the pres
ent advanced state of ethnological
science these monuments are of the"
highest importance. They will throw
light on the somewhatmysterious man
ner in which this island received its
population. "
The discoverers of these remarkable
remains of a prehistoric and an ad
vanced people in a part of the world
synonymous with cannabalism and sav
age life were the officers of the German
gun-boat Hyena , while on a trip from
v alparaiso to the Samoan islands. The
commander of this vessel , while thus
cruising in the South Pacific , subse
r quently received orders from his gov
ernment to visit Easter island , and to
secure these specimens. The accounts
received by our government indicate
that the vessel remained at the island
"but a few days , but during that time
the German officers made a considera
ble collection and copious notes. The
results of their preliminary labors have
been embraced in a pamphlet , which is
reported at the Smithsonian institution
to contain a large amount of valuable
information. The German government ,
it is understood , are making prepara
tions to send an expedition to Easter
island without a moment's delay , with
a corps of scientists and engineers to
sketch the island , survey the ground ,
and to make plans and sections of the
prehistoric buildings and ruins.
Our government has also taken steps
to secure some of these valuable re
mains for its own large and valuable
orinthological collections representing
the pre-historic and known races of this.
hemisphere. Instructions have already1
been sent to Admeral Uphsor , in command - .
mand of the South Pacific squadron , to
send one of his vessels on * cruise in
the direction of Easter Island and to
make such explorations , collections and
reports as he may think important in
interests of his government. It is un
derstood that the government of France
is also turning its attention to this is
land with a view to the establishment
of a protectorate.
It is reported in the account given by
the German vessel that the island ,
which is small , is strewn with large
stone images and sculptured tablets.
The Smithsonian has offered $1 each
for pre-historic skulls with the lower
jaw. The few people , of Polynesian ex
traction , who inhabit the island , know
nothing about the sculptured remains
found in then midst , and even tradition
gives no account of a people living there '
when their ancestors arrived. The
study of these remains will add another
valuable page to ethnological research.
The establishment of a connecting link
between these remains and those of
America , Asia Minor , and Egypt would
indeed add to the mysteries of the pre
historic world.
The Weather.
Lieut Charles W. McKim. Portland ,
Ky. , states : "For twenty years I suf
fered with rheumatism. During the
bad weather my suffering was terrible.
I was about to give up. Some one
suggested the application of St Jacobs
Oil. I tried it and its relief was rapid.
In half an hour I could stand up. I no
longer suffer with the pains. "
A little girl suffering with the mumps de
clares she "felt as though a headache had
slipped down into her neck. "
An exchange asks : "Will the coming woman
work ? " That will depend upon how lazy her
husband is.
Brown's BronchialTroches for Coughs
and Colds : "There Is nothing to be compared
with them. " Sen. 0. J ) . Walking , IValton.
Jhd , . _
An oil well driller Is always running hi
business intoJheground. _
A TDOT nnuninSanLnIsPark > C ° Home- -
ft ifltiij nunUj stead , pre-emption , tree
Claims. Farming by irrigation , safest system.
No drouth , no floods. Canal completed. Water
ready. Crops absolutely sure tirst reason.
Home market. Surrounded by free grazing
ranges. For full information address ,
COLORADO LOAN & TBUST Co. , Denver , Colo.
In Trinity church. Boston , toll trees were *
placed in the chancel and auditorium to give *
the effect of woods at Christmas time. ,
Remarkable Statement of Personal
Danger and Providential
The following story which is attract
ing wide attention from the press is so
rerilarkablo that wo cannot excuse our
selves if wo do not lay it before our
readers , even though its length would
ordinarily preclude its admission to our
limited space.
To the Editor Jlochexter ( N. Y. ) Democrat :
Sm On the first day of June , 1881 , I
lay at my residence in this city sur
rounded by my friends and waiting for
death. Heaven only knows the agony
I then endured , for words can never de
scribe it And yet , if a few years previ
ous any one had told mo that 1 was to
bo bronght so low , and by so terrible a
disease , I should have scoffed at the
idea. I had always been uncommonly
strong and healthy , and weighed over
200 pounds and hardly knew , in my
own experience , what pain or sickiess
were. Very many people who will
read this statement realize at times that
they are unusually tired and cannot
account for it. They feel dull pains in
various parts of the body and do not
understand it. Or they are exceedingly
hungry one day and entirely without
appetite the next. This was just the
way I felt when the relentless malady
which had fastened itself upon me first
began. Still I thought nothing of it ;
that probably I had taken a cold which
would soon pass away. Shortly after
this I noticed a heavy , and at times
neuralgic , pain in one side of my head ,
but as it would come one day and be
gone the next , I paid little attention
to it. Then my stomach would
get out of order and my food often
failed to digest , causing at times great
inconvenience. Yet , even as a pnysi-
cian , I did not think that these things
meant anything serious. I fancied I
was suffering from malaria and doc
tored myself accordingly. But I got
no better. I next noticed a peculiar
color and odor about- the fluids I was
passing also that there were large
quantities one day and very little the
next , and that a persistent froth and
scum appeared upon the surface , and a
sediment settled. And yet I did not
realize my danger , for , indeed , seeing
these symptoms continually , I finally
became accustomed to them , and my
suspicion was wholly disarmed by the
fact that I had no pain in the affected
organs or in the vicinity. Whylshould
have been so blind 1 cannot under
I consulted the best medical skill in
the land. I visited all the famed min
eral springs in America and traveled
from Maine to California. Still 1 grew
worse. No two physicians agreed as
to tuy malady. One said I was trou
bled with spinal irritation ; another ,
dyspepsia ; another , heart disease ; an
other , general debility ; another , con
gestion of the base of the brain ; and
so on through a long list of common
diseases , the symptoms of many of
which I really had. In this way sev
eral years passed , during which time I
was steadily growing worse. My con
dition had really become pitiable. The
slight symptoms I at first experienced
were developed into terrible and con
stant disorders. My weight had been
reduced from 207 to 130 pounds. My
life was a burden to myself and friends.
I could retain no food on my stomach ,
and' lived wholly by injections. 1 was
a living mass of pain. My pulse was
uncontrollable. In my agony I fre
quently fell to the floor and clutched
the carpet , and prayed for death. Mor
phine had little or no effect in deaden
ing the pain. For six days and nights
I had the death-premonitory hiccoughs
constantly. My water was filled with
tube-casts and albumen. I was strug
gling .with Bright's disease of the kid
neys in its last stages !
While suffering thus I received a call
from my pastor , the Rev. Dr. Foote ,
at that time rector of St. Paul Episco
pal Church , of this city. I felt that it
was our last interview , but in the
course of conversation Dr. Foote de
tailed to me the many remarkable cures
of cases like my own which had come
under his observation , by means of a
remedy , which he urged me to try. As
a practicing physician and a graduate
of the schools , I derided the idea of
any medicine outside the regular chan
nels being in the least beneficial. So
solicitious , however , was Dr. Foote ,
that I finally promised I would waive
my prejudice. I began its use on the
first day of June , 1881 , and took it
according to directions. At first it
sickened me ; but this I thought was a
good sign for one in my debilitated
condition. I continued to take it ; the
sickening sensation departed and I was
finally able to retain food upon my
stomach. In a few days I noticed a de
cided change for the better , as also did
my wife and friends. My hiccoughs
ceased and I experienced less pain than
formerly. I was so rejoiced at this
improved condition that , upon what I
had believed but a few days before was
my dying bed , I vowed , in the presence
of my family and "friend ? , should I re
cover I would both publicly and pri
vately make known this remedy for the
good of humanity , wherver and when
ever I had an opportunity , and this
letter is in fulfillment of that vow. My
improvenip.nt was constant from- that
time , and in less than three months I
had gained 26 pounds in flesh , became
entirely free from pain and I believe I
owe my life and present condition
wholly to Warner's Safe Cure , the rem
edy which I used.
Since my recovery I have thoroughly
re-investigated the subject of kidney
difficulties and Bright's lisease , and
the truths developed are astonishing.
I therefore state , deliberately , and as a
physician , that I believe more than one-
half the deaths which occur in America
are caused by Bright's disease of the
kidneys. Ths may sound like a
rash statement , but I am prepared
to fully verify it. Bright's disease has
no distinctive symptoms of its own ,
( indeed , it often develops without any
pain whatever in the kidneys or their
vicinity , ) but has the symptoms of
nearly every other common complaint.
Hundreds of people die daily , whose
burials are authorized by a physician's
certificate as occurring from "Heart
Disease , " "Apoplexy , " "Paralysis"
" " "Rheumatism "
"Spinal Complaint , ,
"Pneumonia , " and other ecommon
complaints , when in reality it la from
Bright's disease of the kidneys. Few
physicians , and fewer people , realize
the extent of this disease or its danger
ous and insidious nature. It steals into
the system l&e a thief , manifests its
presence if at all by the commonest
symptoms and fastens itself upon the
constitution before the victims is aware
of it It is nearly as hereditary as con
sumption , quite as common and fully
as fatal. Entire families , inheriting it
from their ancestors , have died , and
yet none of the number knew or real
ized the mysterious power which was
removing them. ' Instead of common
symptoms it often shows none what
ever , but brings death suddenly , from
convulsions , apoplexy or heart disease.
As one who has suffered , and knows by
bitter experience what he says , I im
plore every one who reads these words
not to neglect the slightest symptoms
of kidney difficulty. Certain agony
and probable death will be the sure re
sult of such neglect , and no one can
afford to hazard such chances.
I am aware that such an un
qualified statement as this , com
ing from me , known as I am
throughout the entire land as a
practitioner and lecturer , will arouse
the surprise and possible animosity of
the medical profession and astonish all
with whom. I am acquainted , but I
make the foregoing statements based
upon facts which I am prepared to pro
duce and truths which I can substan
tiate to the letter. 'The welfare of
those who may possibly be sufferers
such as I was , is an ample inducement
for me to take the step I have , and if I
can successfully warn others from the
dangerous path in which I once walked ,
I am willing to endure all professional
and personal consequence.
J. B. HENION , M. D.
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , Dec. 30.
"What is laughter ? " asks a chemist. 'It is
the sound that you hear when your hat blows
A sugar dealer may be wealthy , but he
doesn't like to hear people say he has lots of
An Offensive Brcatli
is most distressing , not only to the per
son afflicted if he have any pride.but to
those with whom he comes in contact.
It is a delicate matter to speak of , but
it has parted not only friends but lovers.
Bad breath and catarrh are-inseparable.
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the
worst cases as thousands can testify.
More than 60,000 New Yorkers live at hotels ,
and there are 100.000 strangers in town every
Patti is said to be in bad temper , cross with
everybody except herself and her terriers.
Poor Nicollnlj „
Especially to Women.
"Sweet is revenge especially to
women , " said the gifted , but naughty ,
Lord Byron. Surely he was in bad
humor when he wrote such words. But
there are complaints that only women
suffer , that are carrying numbers of
them down to early'grave. There is
hope for those who suffer , no matter
how sorely or severely , in Dr. R. V.
Pierce's "Favorite Prescription. " Safe
in its action it is a blessing , especially
to women and to men , too. for when
women suffer , the household is askew ;
On Thanksgiving Day every convict at Sing
Sing , N. Y. , was given two cigars , besides a
dinner of chlcken and plum pudding.
A lunch is a kind of a piece meat affair.
Can't is hypocricy as well as bad grammar.
* * * * Organic weakness or loss
of power in either sex , however , in
duced , speedily and permanently cured.
Enclose three letter stamps for book of
particulars. World's Dispensary Medi
cal Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
The present value of wheat is the lowest
ever reported Jay the agricultural department.
A Present to Every Lady.
A 25 cent book on Art Xeedle Work and
Crazy Patchwork , with 100 new stitches and
transferable designs and full instructions for
the work , will .be given to every new sub
scriber to Strawbrid e & Clothier's Fashion
Quarterly. The Fashion Magazine contains
150 large pages with over 1,000 illustrations
each issue , and is the cheapest magazine in the
world. Cut out this notice and mail with 50
cents , the price of a year's subscription , to
Eighth and Market Sts , Phila.
Venison is not dear in Idaho , where it sells
for 2 cents a pound.
French Valentines for 1835.
Just imported. The greatest craze of the
age. For the purpose of introducing these
novelties in this country I will send to every
reader of this paper six valentines , all differ
ent , upon the receipt of 30 cents in silver or
stamps topay postage and cost of importing.
Address Kit Kelvin , P. O. box 226 , Rochester ,
Berlin has 1,037 physicians , or one to every
1,230 inhabitants.
Do You "Want to Bay a Dog ?
Send for Dog Bayers' Guide , 100 pages. En
gravings of all breeds , colored plate , prices
of dogs and where to buy them. Mailed for
15 cents , ASSOCIATED FANCIEKS , 237 South
Eighth street , Philadelphia" .
Utah's mining output forlSSils valued at
§ 5,247,021.44. tf
/ " arbollsalvecnrosltchlnsaand Irritations of
OtheSkia A Scale , Poisons , Bites of Insects , Piles ,
Dicers , < c. Cares Burns and Scalds without a scar.
Small boxes 25c : Iarep75c. Get the genuine. Sold bj
Drugeiste. J. vf. COLE & CO. . Black River Falls. Wii.
A close observer asserts that American
marry British nobles in order to elevate them. k
Farmer's Try It !
Wells , Richardson & Go's. Improved Buttei
Color will .bo found to bo the only oil coloi [
that will not become rancid. Test it and you
will prove it. It will not color the buttei
milk ; it jrives the brightest color of any made ,
and is the strongest and thereiore the cheap
El Mahdi's favorite air The camels art
coming , ohpj
Carbolincs. *
Sorrow and gloom the soul may meet ,
Yet love wrings triumph from defeat ;
And the coarsest hair can still be fine
by using Jfaffic Carboltiie.
Magnolia Balm
is a secret aid to beauty.
Many a lady owes her fresh
ness to tt ; who would rather
not tell ; and you cant tell
When yon visit New York City , via Central
* TVlr . e 0 TA T > < * * MM MA TJ * * _ _ A r *
--saveBaggage Erprcssago and $3 Car
riage Hire , and stop at the Grand Union Hotel ,
opposite said .depot Six hundred elegant
rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars ;
fl and upwards per day. European plan. Ele
vator. Restaurant supplied with the best
Horse-cars , stages and elevated railroad to all
depots. Families can live better for less
money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any
other first-class hotel In the city.
Progressive euchre is making great progress
in its invasion of the southern states.
A CARD. To all who are suffering from
errors and indiscretions of youth , nervous
weakness , early decay , loss of manhood. &c. ,
I will send a receipt that will euro , FJIEE Olf
CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered
by a missionary in South America. Send self-
addressed envelope to REV. JOSEPH T. INMAN ,
Station D , New York.
It is said that Japanese women have never
seen and do not know the use of pins.
THE purest , sweetest and best CoU Liver Oil In the
world , manufactured from frtsh , healthy liver * , upon
tlie sea shore. It in absolutely pure and sweet. Pa
tients who have onrc. taken H prefer It to all others.
- ' . * juit , uuB have dccliird It superior to of the
ui ( W BMSV > * * W * fc * * any V * tUV
other oils In market. .Made by CASW.EL. , UAZZAB
& Co. , New Yurk.
Already there nro twenty-four paupers in
Yellowstone coui.ty , Montana. . .
Forlmimr tics of the Blood talco Allen's
lr ° n ionic llUtuju. All genuine bear the signature
of J. P. Allen , l > rugglst , St. Paul , Minn.
Dog racing promises to be the next popular
craze of some of the large cities.
TVlieii Yon Feel Blue
and your back aches , and your head feels
hcavy.nnd you wako uurofrcsnecl iu Ihomorn-
in ? and your bowels are sluggish or costive ,
you need Kidney-Wore. It Is nature's grunt
remedy and never fulls to relieve all cases of
Diseased Kidlloy , Torpid Liver. Conatipuion ,
Malaria , Piles. Kheumatishi , &c. It operates
simultaneously on the Kidneys , Liver and
Bowels , strengthening1 them and restoring
healthy action. Put up In both dry and
liquid lorm. Sold by all.drujrgifrts.
The man who desires a fast horse thirsts for
The Children's Hcaltli must not be
neglected Colds in the Head and snuflles on
Catarrh and throat and lung affections. Ely's
Cream Balm cures at once. It Is perfectly
safe and is easily applied with the finger. It
also cures Catarrh and Hay Fever , the worst
cases yielding to it in a short time. Sold by
druggists. 50 cents. Ely Bros. , Owego. N. Y.
Chronic Catarrh. The result of 25
years' Catarrh the bridge , or division of my
nose , was about half gone. I obtained a bottle
tle of Ely's Cream Balm ; have used four hot-
ties , applyi up it to the affected parts with a
swab , which has about cured up thu nostrils.
I had previously tried all other remedies on
the market without permanent relief. J. A.
Wood , 98 N. High Street , Columbus , Ohio.
I find Ely's Cream Balm good for Catarrh of
long standing. 51. N. Lasley , 1934 West
Chestnut Street , Louisville , Ky.
A game law Never "call" when you hold a
"royal flush. "
C3 ? Do It at Once. For 10 cents get a
packngo of Diamond Dyes at the druggist's.
They color anything the finest and most < le-
EirtiDlc colors. Weiss. .Richardson & Co. , Bur-
linsrton , Vt. Sample Card , 32 colors , and book
of directions for 2c stamp.
If silence be golden , dumb people ought to
grow rich.
Habitual constipation is not only one of the
most unpleasant , but at the same time one of
the most injurious conditions of the human
system , and is but a forerunner of disease , un
less removed. This is usually accomplished
by the use of purgatives , which for the time
afford relief , but alter their immediate effects
have passed they leave the system in a worse
state than before. To effect a jure it is nec
essary that the remedy used should be one
that not only by its cathartic effect relieves
the bowels , but at the same time acts as a
tonic , so as to restore the organs to a sound ,
healthy condition. This PKICKLY Asn BIT
TERS will do. It removes the cause and re
stores health.
Young ladles who will not marry when they
have a chance Miss It.
Rheumatism , Reuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago- , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
Sore Tli roatSwelIIn iSprain8IJ raises ,
Barns , Scalds , Frost Bites ,
SoUliyDrnjslstsandDealerseverywliere. Fifty Cents a bottle.
Direction * . In 11 Languages.
( Sux is rs to A. TOOELEE A CO. ) Baltimore , Ed. , C. S. A.
Arc unequalled in EXACTING SERVICE.
Used by the Chief
) Mechanician of the
. V. S. Coast Survey :
-by tHe Admiral
command Jnp in the
U. S. Naval Observ
atory , for Astro-
knomicalwork ; and
-by Locomotive
Engineers , Con-
Jductorn and Xtail-
rwaymen. They are
„ _ . _ recojjnlz d at
for all uses in which close
[ time and durability are re
quisites. Sold in principal
I cities and towns by the COM-
_ _ ipANY'.S exclusive Agents
HneleT relew.who rMv a. Vuli Warranty.
VThe Oldest Medicine In the World
probably Dr. Isaao Thompson' ]
Th ! arttcl la a oarofolly prepared phrsician'i
prescription , and baa been in constant ma for noarlj
century , and notwithstanding the many oth
preparations that hare been Introduced Into tht
taarkct. the nla of this article ii constantly Incrcai
Lng. U the directions are folio * ed It will never fall
We particularly Invite the attention of physicians to
te merit * . JOHN .L. TnoitPdojf , Boss & ( Xx , Troy
W . Y.
I have a positive remedy for the above disease ; brlta
use thousands of cases ot the worst kind and of long
standing have been cared. Indeed , FOBtronglamv faith
In Its efficacy , that I wilt send TWO BOTTLES KKEE ,
together wim a VAUJABT.ETREATISE on this dlseasa
to anT sufferer. Give express and P. O.addr ss.
IVa hnnut Vvu.k Wl
Un. r Wr UUk J.ta .
JO In. ft I.IvT. talr
u. irtnpi i
t. A. L.SDITH A CO. , Jiztnti , J-.laJUw , fit.
Man and Beast.
Mustang Liniment is older than
most men , and used more and
more every year.
Itl an established fact that Ilood'i BanaparlUn
has proven on Invaluable remedy In many severe
cases of rheumatism , effecting remarkable cure * by
Its powerful action In correctrng the acidity of the
blood , which Is the came of the disease , and purify-
log nn4 enriching the vital fluid.
It U certainly fair to assume that what Hood' * Sar-
laparllla has done for others It will do for you. There
fore , If you suffer the pains and aches of rheumatism ,
give thliremedy & trial.
"For twenty years I have been afflicted with rheu
matism. Before 1883 I found no relief , but frrew
worse till I was almost helpless , i then bcpm taking
Hood's Sanapttrilla , and It did me more good than all
the other medicines I ever bad. " U. T. BALCOM.
Shirley , Jlass.
"I suffered from what the doctors called muscular
rheumatism. I took Hood's S.trsaparilla and am en
tirely cured. " J. V. A. PcuiMrooT. letter carrier ,
Chicago , 111.
Hood's sarsapariila
Bold by all drujprclstx. II : sis for H Mode only by
C.I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries. Lowell , Moss.
100 Doses One Dollar
By the use of Hot-
tetter' * Stomach Bit-
tew the haggard up *
pcarance of thu
countenance and ital-
lowucss of dyspep
tics are supplanted
by a healthier look ,
and as the food U as
similated , the body
acquires subttmcc.
Appetite Is restored ,
and the nervous sys
tem refreshed with
much needed clum
ber , through the use
of tills medicine ,
which Is also bcncll
clal to persons of n
rhuumutlu tendency ,
and an Inestimable
preventive of fever
and ac'ie. For sale
by all Urufrgltits and
Dealers generally.
The majority of the Ills of tha human
tody arise from a derangement of tht
BUiver , affecting both the stomach and
fcotretf. In orderto effect a cure , it it to remove the cause. Irregu
lar and Sluggish action of the Bowels ,
MeadaehaBlolineo3 at the Stomach , fain
in the Sack and Iiolns , etc. , indicate thai
the lAvvf iy at' fault , and that nature re
quires asalttcnce to cnabls this organ to
throw off impurities.
JPricItly Asli Bitters are especially
tompvunded for this purpose * Xheyare
mild in their action and effective as a I
cure ; arepleasan t to the taste and taken
easily Iry both children and adults , Ta-
Iten according to direction , they are a
aafeandpleasant cure/or 2 > yspepslai
General Debility , Habitual Con *
stipation , Diseased Kidneys ,
etc. , etc.4a 2IlGoclE arifiert7jey
are superior to any other -medicine }
cleansing tlia system thoroughly , and
imparting new lifeandcnergy to the in
valid , It is a medicine and cot en
and take no other. PEICB.S1.0O per Bottle.
Bt. Louis and T nstt Cit7. 2 o.
Morphine Ilfiblt Cnrecl in 1O
to 20 tlays. > opiy till cured.
Dr. . J. STKIMIRXS , Lebanon , Ohio.
W. N. U. , Omaha , 244 8
ay you saw the advertisemcntin tills paper
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whichbyreaKraof its intrinsic merit
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EitiiUl TYPE WRITING here. Eitnatlons for- ,
JJ nisliei Address Valentine Broi. Janesrille. Wit. ,
lUmp ftr nrj rtmUr , * 17SO t j * tr : or. Ho" I
uat > tVultrr. " How tom i iiIiKuttorco tlnc
k Uum JS. llcw to IinHd ebup pooltrj-booju. pra-
* rr r * , lrt eb I Tm.m fc.heBt Uj,4c. Anew
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R. Foil md V. C. Swln. . S"Ue circulars frte.
No Premium Less than $2 , and reliable An , IcKal entirely and
osition , made by
one of the most
KoCiiargeforTlGkeSs popular turalnnd Acricul- Family
Newspapers , the
Capita ! Premium $5,000 oldreliable , solid
Farming World
Capital Premium , $2,000 EACH
10Extra " which for years
"ofJl.OOO 10,000
20 " FOR 3,082 FAVORITES. has always been
, found in the van
60 " flOO 5,000 In the adjolninrr list all are CASH Premiums , ofprogressive
3,000" " r-5 75,000 of which there are ! G,018 of $2 e&ch. three thousand Journalism , and
, rang which must not
80,918 Prem's.tS each , 193,838 ing from that amount to $5,000 a Cash. Premium be confounded
100,000 Cash Premiums for EVJSRY subscriber , none less than $2 , and with any mush
aggregating $300,336. It Costs room publication
Nothing to Subscribe , gotten up to back
some illegal lot
NO BLANK ! as the subscription price will be deducted when tery or other
the Cash Premium is paid and subscription be chance scheme.
gins. There are no Mlankt
Our Business Platform , "WHAT PREMIUM WILL I GET ? "
* Toe ezpanies and earnings of a and find out. Immediately on receipt of your letter , we will send
paper -with 100,000 circulation will with the Art Portfolio a sealed envelope containing an order for
approximate as follows : RE the amount of Cash Premium that will oe due you , and there will
CEIPTS from aavertiiln * . SOO be no suspense or uncertainty.
Inches per lime , at the rate of Ic. &
line per 1,000 of circulation , or Jl a Remember , no Subscription Price Need be Sent ,
line for 100,000 , for 52 iunn , $364- and No Chnrco for Ticketn.
000 ; subscriptions deducted from
face Talue of Cash Premium Or FARMG WORLD ART PORTFOLIO.
ders. JlOO.OOO-toUlt { 436,800. EX .
PENSES Iisuint 100,000 for and richest Art Premium ever offered by any paper , worth any
paper , postage , press-work , etc. , dozen chromes or cheap lithographs. It is % collection of fine
$1,200 per issue. $52.400 : editorial Engraving Reproductions of famous paintings , embracing a wide
work , incidentals , $20.000 total , range of subjects , printed on richly toned cream-laid plate paper ,
32.400. tearing . theipleadidproat witli protecting tissue facing each engraving , the whole protected
OTJ38I.603. with neavy ornamented covers holding the pages with rich silk-
bo Three-fourths aade oat of the of sale this of proflt advertis Trill cord binding. When you receive It , it is complete , ( no frames to buy-
ing space , and advertiter * triU as with other picture premiums ) and your centre-table or library is
pay fl.OO a line timply bccaust the embellished in n manner that a millionaire would respect and
paper has IM.ixjO circulation. If admire. This sumptuous Portfolio nf rare and costly Engravings la
it had but 10,0X1 they would pay for FABMIXCJ WORLD subscribers exclusively , and will be sent to all
but 10 cents a line. Therefore , subscription applicant1) under this offer who send 43 cts. to defray
ererr subscriber , as a pro rata the pro rata cost of advertising , postage , printing , etc. Items not
earner of advertising profits. Is considered in estimates under OiirJJusiness Platform. "
worth to a paper of 100,000 circula
tion 82.81. We propose to keep CONDITIONS There are no
the Sic. as our tfere , and repay to , Blanks and
our snbcribers the S3. In this proportion no charge for Tickets the ques
portion we will bare { 31,000 as tion as to what Cash Premium
profit after ci * ' ° ? back to subscri Order you will get If you apply
bers out of the paper's earning * the being answered at once by the
turn of { 301,000 in Premiums. contents of the Scaled C.ash
This Is a plain statement of 1'rcmium which No Charge for Tickets ,
facts , and involves no necessity of Envelope ,
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ceipts. " and alleged " future draw- which desires the Cash. Premium without sending pro rata charges
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proposed to make division with our production and for advertising money that has no connection
subscribers of an equitable share of with the fund out of which the Cash Premiums will be paid.
the profits which the use of their
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$ L30 ; ten , $1.50 ; all above ten , 45c. each. Remember , the pro rata charges , 4dc. . must besent in every
case. No subscription price need be sent , as that will be deducted from the Cash Premium , for
there are no blanks. A Cash Premium Order for from ? 2 to $5.000 goes with every Portfolio ,
nnornyr j This is business from the word " Go ! " If yon send us your address and 4Sc- charges
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two dollars for there are no blanks. The Cash Premiums paid through any bank , ptfst , or ex
press office. You run no rUk , except of being benefited. Then don't wait , but take advantage
of thlsopportunity now , TO-J1A Y.
V'-SJTelecriipIi instnntlr. ncknowleduine receipt when a Cash Premium Order
for S500 or more is received. Do not tuleeraph when amount is less than S5UO.
Address FARMING % VOllIiD , 121 fc 123 S. Clark St. , CHICAGO. 11,1 , .
Cores th entire sa&Jl * . and irfll keep ysa 6rf in onjatom. .
SoTil rreryrrnen. lllpgrateg catajogot froa. A. J.Tourer. Bortoa.
BUY NORTHERN CROWft V B fc.W\J. % ? 3i
odds the flnest-Flowers Vegetables " "
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100,0000 , Will pay to get new catalogue. JOHN A. SALZER ; i * SZurSttr