McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, February 05, 1885, Image 5

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    1 *
, J locals under tll. | . hf ad nt Use rate (
c. tor flrntluportlou. nnd CP. per lliu foreac
" loKcqucntliiKertlon , nnd same will ho ru
until ordered out. unless time la eiicciflci
Job work spot cimh. Statements will bo nn
sontcd at tlio end of each month.
CONGHEGATIOXAL.-Pumlny School at ]
A. ji. every week Preaehliur services cx-cr
Sunday nluht at 7.30. M. T. Also , ox-cry alto
mite Sunday niornlutr at 11. M. T. Rxcciition
to the above will bo noticed In locals.
OKOHOH ln ; c.vK , Pastor.
METHODIST -ServfcoP every Sunday at 1
A. 51. nnd 7:30 P. M. . mountain time. Simrla
gphool ut 8 P. w. The sorrlci'fl and Sunda
Rchool xvlll he bold for the future In the sohor
house. All are cordially Inrltpd. Peats fret
] ? . J. H.M.L , Pastor.
CATHOLIC Ferrlces will be held in th
Opera Hull once every four weeks.
A. F. & A. M. McCook T.odjro , C
D. . meets on tbo flrst and third Tues
S days o each month.
G. L. LAWg , W. M.
T. G. I EES , Secretary.
B. & M. R. R. Time Table.
No.ti 7:10 , A. M. I No. 40 . .5:40 , P. M
No.J ! ! 1:00 , P. M. | No. 1 0:35 , P. M
53 r"Eiistbonnd trains run on Central Time
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers
* CH.IS. UKLS , A ent.
Local Intelligence.
lioadtnastci Highland came upon 39
Boston Brown Bread at the City Bak
ery constantly.
Two span of nnues for sale at Dun-
bar & .Newton's livery and leed stable.
The Teachers Meeting convenes ii
the School House , Friday afternoon ai
iJ o'clock.
The Commercial House , Isaac JIo-
back , proprietor , has been purchased by
H. C. Kider.
A supply ol' fresh candy at the Cit\
Bakery. Tony has the cream of the
candy trade.
The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs
Dinigau , Friday afternoon , from three ;
to four , mountain time.
The members of the Methodist church
indulged in a pleasant social at the resi
dence of J. U. Yargor , Fiiday evening.
Any parties wanting bieakiug done
on their claims , can have the same con
tracted for at Dunbar & Newton's livery
Just arrived , at the City "Bakery , a
car-load of the ( . 'ream and Fancy brands
of Grand Island Flour. Also , a supply
of corn meal.
An excellent quality of sweet Michi
gan ci/ler at City Bakery. Also , a car
load of Apples which will be sold cheap
by the bushel.
If you want a suit of cloth * cut and
made in first class s-tyli , call nn il. A.
Cole , first door wst of B. & M. Pharm
acy , McCook , Neb.
We direct ihe attention of the pub
lic to the advertisement of Spanogie &
Binker , dealers in implements , etc. , ap
pearing in this issue.
Two car-loads of emigrants , princi
pally foreigners , disembarked at this
station , Friday. They were all bound
for Rawlins county. Kansas.
"Disrespect-able parties of unquestion
I able character" is good , but the allega
tion in ail its severity falls with a most
deadly force on the King's English.
The Palace Rink is now under the
sole management and proprietorship oi
Charlie Fisher , he having nurr-hased the
interests of Sam Ashmore and Ed Lay-
cock. Monday.
' -
'We call your attention to the change
in the church notice of our Methodist
brethren at the head of these columns.
Hereafter all their services will be held
in the
The skating IIIIK on West Dennison
street was re-opened , Tuesday evening ,
under the manageuifiit of Charlie Ilincs.
Quiie a crowd honored the opening oc
casion with their presence.
Atwood Citizen : Mr. and Mrs
Botchkiss are visiting the Mathes family
* * . A. Wilson
ily at McCook. .M.
and James McKnight have been at
McCook. this week , on legal business.
Donavin's Original Tennessccans will
be in McCook on the.flth day of March ,
with their old Miig rs. and a-supi-rb
band and orchestra , which has been ad
ded to the company the present season.
" We have just received a car load of
that Grand Island Flour that has been
such a great favorite with the , people
of McCook. and we are felling it at a
sweeping reduction of 50 cents ptr
I hundred on all grades. We have also
reduced the price on bread , and we now
sive four loaves for 25 cents. Pies , 10
ocuts a piece. Pnonsx BROS.
We arc requested to call the attw
tion of the patrons of William Warrc
to the fact that he has returned to h
shop and is prepared to do all work i
his line with his old-time dispatch an
in the best workman-like manner.
The Juvenile band phiyed at the rinl
Monday evening. Afterwards the
gave Curt. Hoge , one of their numbei
who has been seriously ill for soni
time , a serenade. The little fellow
\vill also play at-thevElla June Mead
entertainment , to-night.
Mr. and Mrs. LaTonrefcte mourn th
death of their only .child , a bright , swec
little girl baby of four months. The lil
tic one was carried away by an att ic
of double pneumonia. The funeral tool
place , Wednesday. They have the sin
cere sympathy of many friends in thei
sad aifiction.
Thursday night and about the hou
of eleven was the time , and the corner
of' Main and Dennison streets the seen
of bacchanalian orgies of a very nois
character. One would have natural ]
concluded that old Stcntor himself' wa
trying to yell himself hoarse were no
the voices recognized as others.
Weld county. Colorado , which adjoin
Dunday county on the west , is greatl ;
agitated over the contemplated divisioi
of that county into two or threi
counties. It looks to a man up a trei
somewhat like this : B. & .M.-versus U.
P. We prophesy that old Weld will re
main intact for some little time yet.
AM exchange icmarks with tearfu
eyes : "Another objectionable featun
of modern tendencies is the effoittosub
stituteprogressive euchre , " with it :
noisj-and confusing rattle of chat , foi
the quiet , sedate and thoroughly enjoy
able , old-fashioned whist. " Whist anc
euchre are both at discount in this com
munity when compared with poker.
Spanogle & llinker have leased the
old Babcock lumber yard on corner ol
Main and Dennison streets , and will open
out a line of agricultural implements ,
etc. , in the near future. Both gentle
men are from Bed Cloud , Mr. Hmkei
being count } * surveyor of Webster coun
ty. The yard is undergoing the neces
sary changes to accommodate their
The body of Miss Graham , who died
oi pulmonarvt complaint at Tienton ,
last Thursday afternoon , was taken to
Wisconsin , Friday morning , in charge
of Dr. Graham , a brother of the de-
L-eased. The young lady came out from
Wisconsin , about three months since ,
with the expectation of recehing some
benefit from this climate. ' She is a
bister of Mrs. Bu-h of Trenton.
We have received from Crete Nur
series , Crete , braska , their catalogue
giving a very complete list of stock suit-
edo Nebraska. This firm has large
experimental orchards and small fruit
plantations in which they test every
thing they offer , and their aim is to send
out only such varieties as can be relied
on to give success. The advantages of
dealing with a home nurse-y of estab
lished reputation must commend itself
to every one.
As to numbeis , like the birds of spring
time , doth the bashful commercial tour
ist make his appearance amongst us
once more. And as the twittering birds
are harbingers of coming spring , so are
the drummers heralds of better times
of confidence restored in the commer
cial woi Id of an easing up of purse
strings. The silver lining is beginning
to appear from behind the dark clouds
of depression , stagnation and of confi
d'nce destroyed.
From one of the cow-boys of the range
we ascertain the fact that Col. E. D.
Webster has disposed of his cattle ,
horses , ranch and appurtenances to the
Kilpatrick Bros. , the wealthy railroad
contractors of the state of Beatrice. The
Webster ranch is situated at the head
Df the celebrated Stinking Water creek
and contains one of the finest springs in
this country , in addition to being in the
be-t range region of this part of the
state. Our information is to the effect
that $75.000 was paid for the cattle , and
$15,000 for the horses and ranch.
An extra , made up of three private
coaches of prominent C B. & Q. official ? ,
pulled into the station , Saturday noon ,
and remained until the following morn
ing , when they continued their journey
to Denver. From this point the gentle
men of the brass collars will wend their
way down to New Mexico and returning
north will take in the World's Fair at
New Orleans. While here , the party
inspected the round house , water works ,
etc. , at this point. President Perkins
and As.sistapt General manager Bol-
dredge were among the party.
f t i - l * -y.
Dare Hill , one of the oldest and mo *
popular engineers on the B. & M. whoa
run is between this city and McCook
with headquarters the latter place
and who i familiarly known among th
boys here as { Dave' ' has concluded t
no longer "go it alone. " Last Mbnda
afternoon at the hour of two o'clock o
thereabouts , at the residence of Ja ?
Walling , in the city of Hastings , iinde
the ministration of Kev. Eingland , wa
united in the holy bonds of wedlock
with Mis Maggie Reid of this city.
The bride is a sister of Mrs. .Tame
Walling and has resided in Hastings fo
a number .of years past , where she hasi
large circle of friends , who will rejoic <
with her in the bright promises thatthi
future now holds out , and the hope tha
they may be realized in their fullest ex
tent. To these the NEBRASKA * addi
its congratulations and best wishes , foi
the happiness and prosperity of both
They go at once to McCook to reside
where they will be at home to thei :
numerous friends. Nebraskan.
Contractor Collins'is busily engagec
in putting down sidewalks. He will laj
about 825 fpeton Main Avenue , and 40 (
fact on Dennison street. A petitior
has been filed with the clerk asking foi
a sidewalk along both sides of Denni
son street from Main Avenue to easl
side of Marshall street. This Mdewalli
is badly needed , and will doubtless bt
ordered built at the first meeting oj
Rev. Harrison closed his labors in
the Congregational church , Wednesday
evening , with a most excellent and man :
ly presentation of the claims of the Gos
pel. It is to be regreted that the inter
est shown was so slight that Rev. Har-
lison left for more appreciative fields of
labor , to-day.
G. L. Lawsxf .the McCook land
office , came down to vitit his old friends
on Sunday and returned home on Monday -
day morning. Mr. Laws says he expects
to pack his grip as soon as Gabriel
blows his harp. rOrleans Press.
We have in > tock a full line of aora-
mercial stationery , also some invitation
cards , rejrret cards and envelopes , call
ing cards , etc. We do the neatest work-
in Red Willow county. Call and we will
convince you oj1 that fact.
One of the results of the revival in
Indianola is a notice , by Palmer Way ,
to the effect that , in the future , no goods
will be delivered or sold at his store on
Sunday. A manly move in the right
The work of veneering the Opera Hall
with brick was commenced last Satur-
iay. This will add immensely to the
appearance of the buildingand will make
it the most imposing structure in our
R. F. Loumis left some specimens of
Learning Seed Corn at this office , Wed
nesday. This corn is said to be a uper-
ior article. Mr. Loomis is selling it at
? 1 per bushel.
Eck. Street , his brother , and Mr.
Grown of Nebraska City , are visiting
3ur city , looking after land. Eck. is a
Wyoming cowboy , but the territory is
too slow for him.
A handsome selection of Valentines
it the Metropolitan Drug Store. A full
line of comic and other valentines on
iiand. Call around and see them.
There will be a meeting of the wool
irowers of Red Willow county at Indi-
uiola on Saturday , February 28th.
Bemember the Ella June Meade en
tertainment at the Opera Hall , to-night ,
F:30 : mountain time.
Mrs. C. H. Reed , who has been quite
seriously ill for some time , is now iui-
For the best Flour in town call at
3ity Bakery.
As we are going out of the
Dlothing trade we offer our
sntire stock of Clothing at
Actual Cost. We mean
Dusiness ; and if you are af-
: er Bargains come in soon.
We have just received a
arge stock of the Bradley
& Metealf Celebrated Boots
and Shoes in all styles and
grades and invite all to
some and see.
Consumers will please call and pay
iheir water tax for the presen quarter ,
ill arrears must be , paid or- water will.
) e shut off. FRED. S. HARRIS ,
$ * * *
Dave Baum came down from th
ranch , Friday.
Robert Bush of Trenton made a shoi
stay in town , Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hawksworth came i
from the east on 39 , Saturday.
C. Cornwall's family arrived fror
Michigan , last Friday evening.
Mrs. C. A. Frederick arrived in tow
from Council Bluffs , Sunday noon.
W. J. McGillin , manager of the T
C outfit , spent the first of the week ii
Dr. P. Boyle and W. M. Lewis mad
a short trip to Culbertson , Tuesday-af
S. F. Solomon of the Sun made a fly
ing business trip to the-metropolis , Sat
urday evening.
Ella J une Meade' arrived on 39 , to
day , and is being entertained by Mr. am
Mrs. G. L. Laws.
B. M. Frees of Chicago , of the fjrn
of Frees & Hocknell , was in town , th <
first of the week.
Commissioner Crabtree and Colone
Suavely of Indianola , had business ii
McCook , Saturday.
Frank Vore of the store house force
was present at the masquerade at Can *
bridge rink , Friday evening.
Jessie Ashton , one of our substantial
men from the Beaver , brought a load
of hogs up to town , Friday.
Representative Hocknell came home
from Lincoln , Friday , remaining with
his family until Monday morning.
E. W. Lewis of Cambridge was in
town , Friday , on land business , which ,
he informs us. is "looking up" some.
Ed. Wilson and George Rankin came
across from Atwood , ' Friday evening.
From here they returned to the Circle
Jerome the dude , was an eastbound
pilgrim , on 40 , Friday. Whither bound ,
be knew not. He was drunk to inco-
Frank Hudson took a trip down to
Arapahoe , Saturday , where he was form-
3rly with R. J. Finch , returning home
in Sunday.
Messrs. Arthur Allen and Davis of
Jbe'rlin , and L. D. LeRoy of Atchison ,
vere visitors in McCook , the latter part
) f the past week.
Harry Ryan , with F. L. McCracken ,
s recuperating on his father's claim ,
oiith of Indianola. He went down
Saturday , and will remain some time.
R. C. Gushing , Fitzgerald's ( the
vealthy contractor ) head man , passed
hrough McCook , Tuesday , for Colora-
lo. The indications are good for a rail-
oad boom in the Centennial State , this
Ales. Stewart and Mr. Runnels , son
if the gentlemen who contracted this
> art of the B. & M. , arrived in town ,
Tuesday noon. The Hubbell accident ,
Fe fear , has ended Mr. S.'s days as an
: ngmeer.
Prof. Borin of the Oberlin Eye was
n town , Friday and Saturday , and hon-
ired these headquarters with a visit ,
i'riday night. The Prof , canvassed our
own in the interest of his paper with
onsiderable success.
R. 0. Philips of the Lincoln Land Co.
ras in town , Sunday , on business con-
ected with the water works , etc. Some
if the results of his visit are already
pparent. The question now asked is :
Flash your permit , neighbor. "
Fred. Webster arrived in town from
Jew York City on Friday last. We
.nderstand that Fred , will quit the busi-
ess of cow-punching , E. D. Webster
aving disposed of his ranch , stock , etc. ,
a the Kilpatrick Bros , of Beatrice.
Billy Hagerman. one of the best cow
oys on the range , came down to town ,
Thursday last. He had just completed
n extensive ride over the range north-
rest of this place , and reports the loss
s being light and cattle in fine shape.
Fred. Boehner , late of the Arapahoe
'ioneer , made ti visit to McCook , Sat-
rday , in the interest of the Arapahoe
ork packing establishment of that
lace , in which he-is interested. Fred ,
lakes a superlative commercial tourist.
Dr. Willcy returned from his visit to
owa , on 39 , Saturday. He reports
eep snow , intense cold and hard times
j that state , and returns to Nebraska
etter pleased with the state of his
doption than over. Sub rosa , doctor ,
re are sort of wedded to Nebraska
A. J.VanBuakirk of Beukeltaan ca !
cd at this office , Tuesday , and renewe
hi * faith in THE TRIBUNE. Mr. Van I
reports histock in excellent conditioi
due in a considerable degree to the fat
that they are receiving the beat of CJM
and plenty of food.
J. B. Meserve returned this nioruinf
from a meeting of the Stuck Associatio
of S. W. Nebraska , which met at Bci
kelman , Wednesday. The busines
which engaged the attention of of thos
present ( and the attendance was rathe
smali ) was the round-up , emigration. et <
James Ellison of Kcnesaw , uncle o
Harry Ellison , with W. B. Haydm
was in town , Friday and Saturday o
last WCCK. Mr. Ellison informs us tha
he will move his herd of blooded stocl
out to a ranch in Frontier coujity in tin
spring. We welcome Mr. Ellison ti
this section.
Rev. P. Van Fleet of Fairbury , Cha ] ,
lain of the House of Representatives 01
our present Legislature , paid this plac <
a flying business trip on Saturday last
in the interest of an acquaintance wht
has been wronged out of some land hi
recently located in this vicinity. Ai
investigation will follow.
County Clerk Elect Dyer of Hayes
county was in town , Wednesday and , ai
usual , made THE TUIBUNK a pleasam
call. Mr. Dyer informs us that Count }
Judge Coons refuses to qualify , a.d as-
commissioners are sworn in by that ofli
cial , there is a sort of dead-lock in tht
proceedings of IJayes county for tin
present. These things , with a red-hoi
county-seat fight on their hands , section ,
al strife and consequent
makes life quite stirring in that counts
in embryo. But such is usually tin
Commissioiiers' Proceedings.
ludiuuolu , Neb. . Jan. 3) ) , 1& & . f
Board of county commissioners or Itcd WT.-
low county met pursuant to adjournment ol
January E.'d.'l8 . Prcbcut , J. Ailing ton ,
1 L. Green and Henry Crabtree , commiseion.
ars , G. D. Cramor , county clerk , and .1. H.
Boodricb , county ireaburer. Proceedings ol
last session rad and approved.
Ou motion , the clerk was instructed to order
& 0 necessary blanks for taking : the census.
Ko.U > PETITION George E.Talbott and otb-
jrs petition for establishing public road :
Commencing ut the southeast corner of gee-
lion seven ( T ) , town , 3 , north of range SO west ,
running tbeucc duo north on section lines to
; bc northeast corner of section beven ( T ; ,
; own. 4 , north ot range 3D west , and terminal-
ng thereat.
On motion petition of George E. Talbott and
Hhors was granted , provided the county shall
)0 at no expense for right of way , survey or
> tber expense in establishment of said road.
On motion bond of James Hctherington , as-
lessor Indianola precinct , was approved.
On motion bond of William H. Smith , over-
eer road district No. 21 , was approved.
On motion bill ofV. . K. Lynch , trausporta-
ion of pauper , was allowed on general fund
881 and warrant drawn for 81,50.
J. H. Everist , overseer road district No. 1T
aade annual settlement with board.
On motion board assessed lot 9 , sec. 24 , town.
, range 2S , owned by A. A. Calkins , at S10.
On motion board assessed the S.V. . % of sec-
ion 3 , town. 3 , range 27 , owned by H. C. Car
er , at 160.00.
On motion the clerk was instructed to enter
aid lands on the tax list for lb < ? 4.
The board having examined the books and
ccounts of J. H. Goodrich as county treasur-
r , a settlement was made with him on the
asis of the following statement ( see statc-
icnt on fourth page ) .
On motion board adjourned to March 21st ,
? 85. C. D. CiiAMEit , County Clerk.
Valuable House and Lot for Sale.
Situated on corner of Madison and
) ennison streets , one one-5-tory frame
) welling House , with M rooms , all well
nished , hall , 2 closets , 1 pantry , and
ellar , three porches. Good well of ex-
ellent water , large coal house , etc.
rard well fenced , shade trees , fruit
rees , grape vines , rose-bushes , etc. . all
re growing. Also , furniture and hotiFe-
old goods in said house Will sell
ouse furnished if desired. A first-class
pright piano for sale cheap. For terms
nd particulars , call on or address
36. McCook. Neb.
THE Omaha Daily Republican , Hast-
igs Daily Gazette-Journal , Beatrice
laily Express have all gone to join
losey in his mid-winter campaign
gainst the country journalists. Our
rring brothers have gotten into very
nenviable society our prayers will
till ascend in their behalf that they
lay see the error of their way.
A BILL has been introduced in the
egislature reducing the railroarl fare
> three cents per mile , and providing
jat travelers may carry 150 pounds of
aggage free uf charge.
PER notices , we observe that they are
reparing to caucus in Decatur county.
Usually after the caucus they eliminate
ne syllable and suffix another , then it
sails ' - . "
THE Brush Lariat has finally ( and
ery properly ) adopted the "patent in-
! de" system. "Just like all of them , "
tro. Holmes.
To buy for cash , 6 to Iff good frost-
milch cows , 4 to 7 ycar old , with their
: alvos. ' Also , 1200 to 300 bushels good
corn on ear or shelled. Apply to or ad-
Ircss W0. . Moony , with Freetr &
Hncknell , McCook , Nebraska.
Quarter section of land , timber and
water , 34- miles , and n 37-acro parcel ,
} miles from McCook. Both deeded ;
Call on or address , EATON Bnos. ,
27 - McCook , Neb.
A good second-hand White Sewing
Machine. Will sell cheap. Apply .to
34. Mus. J. A. LEE.
Seed Wheat.
California White Spring Wheat atl
per bushel. Inquiie at Hulcr & Mc-
i'herson's land office , McCook , Neb.
Locals under this lieau no. a line for each
iisertlon. Hilly payable monthly.
R. S. Cooley's Hulletin Hoard.
One quarter deeded laidG , miles from
town. Price , $ IMU cash.
One quarter deeded land , 11 miles
. row town. Price , 8U40 cash.
One quarter deeded land , timber and
.vater , U miles I rum town. Price , $ ! )00. )
One quarter deeded land , 2 miles
rom town , timber and water. Price ,
and lots in McCnok to sell
I houses and lots in WestMcCook. . 3
iiouses and lots in South McCnok. One
ere of land , with good house. All cheap.
FOR SALE. A complete outfit for a
i-ctail grocery store. Also , will lease
nir a term ot years a splendid location
f T a country store in the Beaver Val-
.ey. Address K. S. COOLKY , MuCouk.
Many other bargains to offer , ( 'all
n 11. S. Cooley , Heal Estate Agent ,
Two door. * East of TRIBUNE office.
11. W. Pike started a lumber Yard
in McLook , Neb. , .January , 1884 , and
nas come to stay. Full assortment of
Lumber , Sa h. Doors , Lime and Build
ing Material , sold at close prices , con
sidering the freiht. *
Came to my residence. / mile northwest of
Box Elder 1 * . O. , January 3d. lb > 5. one steer
jalf ; over-drop on right ear ; under-crop on
letc ear. No other marks or brands distin
guishable. JK-5 X.J.CHIIY8USIC.
NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partner-
ship existing between L. L. Jobubon anil M./\ .
Spaldiiig , doing- business under the style of
JoUiihoii & sjpaldinjr , has this day been dissolv
ed by mutual consent , n. A. ripalding continu
ing the business. Jlr. Spalding assumes all
louts of the nrm and collects all accounts duo
; he same. L L. JOHNSON.
McCook. Neb. . February 3. 18 .
In the District Court of the ath Judicial Dis-
: rict held in and for Ited Willow county , > eb. :
Cora lien. Plaintiff. J ! .
Notcc to non.
A'illiam Bell/Defendant. ) rC3ldnt Deft.
INT : You arc hereby notifled that on the 7th
lay of January. Ifcea. Cora Hell tiled a petition
Lgainbt you in the District Court of Ked WH
OM : county , Nebraska , the object and prayer
if which ate to obtain a divorce from you on * *
he grounds :
FiiibT. That you bclnjr of sufficient ability
0 provide feuitable maintenance for her have
Tossly , wantonly and cruelly ret used and
teglected so to do.
SECOND. That you have wilfully abandoned
he Plaintiff without good cause for the term
f two years last past.
You are required to answer saiJ petition in
r before .Monday , the i&l day of February.
bJJ5 , or said petition will be taken as true and
udgment rendered against jou as therein
rayed for. COKA BELL.
By Jennings & Starbuck , Her Attorneys * .
AKE VOU MADE uiiecrulilu liy liuueanuu. tm-
1 pat lun , Ulezlness. Los of Appetite , Ye'low Skin t
lilluli's Vitultzer Is n positive Cure.
FOK DYSPEPSIA auU LUer complaint , jou have a
In.ed Ktiaraniee on e\t-ry bottle uf stiliolf a Vital-
er It inner lalln to cure.
THE Kev. Geo. II 'I haycr. of Bourbon , Jnil . sayg :
Both uij gelf and wife owe our lives to SHILOUS
WHY WILL YOU court wlicahlloli s Cure will
; \ e immediate relief. Price 10 cts. , 50 ets. and $1 .
> r Catarrh , Diphtheria : inil Canker Moutb.
A NASAL 1X.IE TOU fri-e vrlth each bottle nt
Ditch's < atarrh Kemeily. Price 50 cents.
SHILOH'S UIIE v.-ll immediately relie\e i roup ,
'liooplng cough and Bror.chltK
"HACKMEThUK" it lastii.paad fraprant perfume.
rice 25 and 5 ) cents.
Sold by S L. Green drusrtcM. McCooic. Neb.
if-jr corklnR people. Send 10 cts po t-
ajjf. and we will ma ! ! you frec.i ruynl.
valuable bample l.ox of Koods tlinr. win
put you In tilt- way of making mort
oney in a few days than you e t-r thought pos.ilhie
, any builnest. . Capital no' required. Tou can Hxe
hume and work m.pare time oniy , or all tie time.
II of lioih sexes , of .ill aje # . grandly j : lce sful 50
8 ti $5 ea iIy oanied every veiling. Th it all who
ant ivorkmaj test the bu ! ne. i. we make ihU un-
iraltcled oder : To all vrho arc nut well satlsHt-d we
III send It to | s > for Hie trouble of writing u * . Full
trtlcular * . dlrertloui , etc. . srnt free. Immeiibc pay
isolately Mjrc t r nil r.ho tart at once. Don't demy.
.idress . S TlNbOX & VO. . Portland , Main" . 3-29
An Enterpasiiig , Eeliable House.
J ohnsui.V | < adlii4 ! c.m ilwaja lie relied upon , not
iy to carry In stock the best of e\erythnK. ! but to
cure tlie Asrncy for such articles as have well
lown merit , and are popular with the people , there-
sustaining the reputation of Iielng always enter-
isiui ; amieier reliable. Having scoured : he Acett-
l--r the cele.'iratej Ur. Kind's Xew DIacuvcry for
: > iieumj > ! ( on , will sell It on H po ltl\e caarantee. It
Ml surely cure any and c\cry artetllon of 'ibroat.
ings , and hest , and to sho.v ocr co ndence. we lu
te jou to call an-1 get a Tviil Bottle Free.
Buclden's Arnica Salve.
THE BEST SALVE la the worM for uts. BrnfsCT ,
> ro , Cicero SaltKlieum. FeerSrc3. . Tetter. Chap-
1 Hands. Chilblain . orn- , and all -Mn Eniptloas ,
id po-Itlvely cures 1'iles or nt > pay rcinsred. It h
laranteed to ghe perfect fatl f lon , or n-ocey
funded. IMceJo cents per box. For cale at
"Wonderful !
We do not know of any medicine tliai * . ? &I&tn3
i e ual popularity. In cnch a i > hott > Ct % for the
stsui relief of couglts and sorencsiSi theInncs , as
EGGS' OHEKUY OUCH aYl rt It U wild and
easant to take and will nut Injure the most ilellraie
fatit. Simple bottles Jree at S. L. Green's an4
ituuon & Spalcla ! ' .
3 - *
C t- -S"/ * . ft * > > li' V1