McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, February 05, 1885, Image 4

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    f- * * . .ft r +
and Disbursements of his offlce
Of J.'H. Gnomucn , Jn.-Treasurer of Red Willow County , Nebraska , showing the Receipts
for the six months ending December S\el \ , IBS ! :
WAKUANTS REaisTnHKO.-rYcar 1E83Road. . aW 25 ; year 1881 GeneraU S1434 80 ; Year 1884 Bridge , § 1018 GO ; Year 1881 Road ,
188t General , § 1503 92 ; Year
47 vcar ISM insane. * in < to ; i car JJXM uenerai , 91 ; x . TOTAL , f627 71.
- Bridgeso,8 60 : Year 1834 Itoad ; KJ85 ; and have about § 400 00 on
- fund warrants of 1834. except one for Hoc. not presented ,
S2 ? Slnco January 1st 1 h vo paid all general and insane tund warrants of the year 1884 , and part of the road warrants.
hand in said fund 1 have also paid all the bridge Respectfully , J. H. GOODRICM , Ju. , COUNTY THEASURER.
MCCOOK. NKU. , December 14 , 1884. Th
who have tollowed the.enes or articles ti
the Uepublican Valley , Iromour pen , \\li
uuvo appeal ea in tne coiumnsor
cial biueUe. have douiitless become v
much interestfjd , us we have done , in i
beautuui country.
lied Willow Lounty. the portion of tnc vai
which we wish to uescnoe , is turttier w >
sparsely healed
ana consequently more
those hei etoioro tpoken ot. but jutmiurut
is rapiuly pourim , ' in. All the available u
eminent , laua is taKcn ni ) , ana it will be ui
will show tr
before the farms
years nelds.i
atro by their orchard ? , well-tilled
improved building , „ , , ,
the Colorado 1
j.hls county is tuird east
in the southern tier. It has an area of
Bijuare miles or 400.euU acres. In lbt > U it lui
population of 3,044 , which has increased u
leabt 5uuO at , tins time. The topography
nerally rolling- , some parts ueintr QI
K land e'
' considemble valley
rough , a'herc is
in tne rougher portions. The' uplands
generally considered
The soil is a rich deep alluvial loam , capa
a population as ctense as in mi
of supporting
of the fciaet. It suems pecuhu
portions adapted to this country , absorbing moisti
very rapidly and retaining it with a remai ;
ble tenacity. It is underlaid by light yen
clay and litnestout ; , and is especially adap
to protracted drouth , although during
last tew years the rainfall has been visibly
creasing , and the appearances indicate
abundance for growing purposes , well i
evenly distributed.
A farmer whom we interviewed
following statement of his residence : "li-a
to this country in Ib77. 1 had some * 4uu
money and ? 10u in property. My family c
. I now o
wife and lour children.
Bists of a
clear 163 acres of land , worth , with the
provements thereon , $2,3oO. I own 5 hors
tw head ol cattle. 42 hogs and other prope
worth S2.5UO 1 have over one hundred ac
under cultivation. In 18S2 1 raised 1,100 bu
. In 1883 T rai
and oats.
els of wheat , corn
1.000 bushels of wheat , 520 bushels of bar !
450 bushels of oats and 900 bushels ef co
This year my crops will run fully 15 per cc
more. 1 like the country ; the climate
healthy ; we have good society and excell
schools. 1 lived tor six years in Texas , i
very much prefer Nebraska in soil , chni
and water. " There is often a question arn <
Eastern men as to
If you are a farmer living on rented lai
and implements ; if ;
if you own a team
than in a 1
want to gain more in live years
time in the East , come West !
" If you own a valuable farm from which ;
can barely make a living , sell out and c < j
"West !
If you enly have a team and want ft
work , come where farm labor is in great
mand ; come West !
living in a ren
If you are a mechanic ,
house and working for wages which will b :
ly support you , and -want to own a hoube :
home , come West !
If you are a mert-hant struggling along
an already over-crowded city , eking on
miserable existence , with scarcely a hope
better prospects , you will tlnd splendid op
ings of almost any kind of business along
Republican Valley. Com West !
to im
capitalist and desire
If you are a
twenty per cent.
your meney to pay you
annum , the lands in Red Willow County <
manufactory at McCook or Indi
do it , or a
ola will do it. Come West !
In fact this is a land rich in magnitlcent
portunity for the poor man to make moi
uv hard work , for the richer men to m :
cnau we move wesit aucro is m i
The emigrants chased it across the Ohio.acr
the Mississippi , across the LaPlatte , and I
mom's exploring expedition put spurs i
their horses' flanks and chased the West fr
the Rocky Mountains to tlie Sierre Nev.i
from California land
'While tbo forty-niners
from their ships on the Pacitic beach took
West in the rear , and the workmen of
Union Pacific and the Northern Pacific i
the Southern Pacific came upon it with tl
Bpades and the giant West has ceased I 1
though many might suppose it might be E
of It. ns of Moses , * Xo man knoweth of it
ulchre to this day , ' I think that the Yosen
Valley is its sarcophagus , with El Capitan
the headstone and Cathedral Roe at the fc
The mi-lions of foreign population tht
yet to cross the sea for America will soon
: .ll the area between the Atlantic and Pac
beaches. "
And there is yet room for many thousand :
the fertile valleys of the Republican i
Plattc. while the eminent divine may be ri
in the main. It will not be during our gei
jition that the West will hold the drawba
of the over-crowded Eat , and the small co
ty we arc writing of to-day can alone supp
ia added population of from lO.OoO to 20.1AW
led Willow County lias no minerals disc
ered. A very fair class of initgnesiuu In
stoneiS found , used for foundationsiiud bu
es , but most of the buildings
ing Burpi
wooden , tb" " lumber being brought
Northern Minu'-sctu and Wisconsin.
The streams V'Uch vuter the county
Republican River , fearer UrecK. Ked W ill <
Beaver tti
Cre kfi c
Coon and Driftwood ;
* ' - ' JS cousic
ishing a fair water-power- -
* trea us. vhiel
able timber found along the
cut for fuel. Most of the ci'lz ns ° ° w <
< lre a J111 * *
for household purposes. There .
ef excellent springs. "
The number of acres of Improved lau. 8 " '
last assessor's report is 14.1ft ! , uniuipf11
land fenced C9.09S. The amount now would
much greater. The average vield ofwim
wheat is 18 bushels to the acre , although tl
year's crop went fully 20 bushels. Corn avi
ages from 40 to 0 bushels , rye 30 to 40 budlie
broom-corn X ton to the ae-re. Seed coi
broom-corn and llax are profitable crops.
The commercial metropolis of the county i :
phenomenal town. The site was chosen wi
good judgment , being near theairoad
pretty , with n liill sightly and attractive f
residences. The entire city , now having
population of 120\ has been built since Jnr
1882 ; the nrchitecture is principally frau
but a good class of buildings ; a tew bri
buildings nre to be seen. Theamountof mo
ey spent in I88i for permanent' improvemcn
will reach fully $100.000. and the prospects f
the coming year nro oven better. A very su
cessful building association is doing busine ;
Educational matters have secured thi
share of attention amid the clatter of rai
improvement' , and a good graded school
four departments and lour teachers is w
supporied. Their school building is qui
pretentious , upon a handsome silw. The v
uation of school property is $7,0 U. Churcli
are coming ; thei e is one built , another abe
finished and still more in coutemplatio
Church property now is valued at § 4.000.
There are lour civic societies , one go
weekly newspaper , a hall 50 by 100 , with sta
and accessories , three hotels , one good bar
stores carrying good lines in all classes of s
able stocks ; excellent , well-stocked lumbi
yards , luruishing building material very re :
onably , and a commercial business , exelusi
of exports , of trom 650.0uO to ? 7UO.OOO
The Holly water system has been introduc
at an original cott of Sou.lWthe capacity I
in ample for a large city. They have bull
reservoir lor purifying the water , and ha
an extra pumping capacity available. The
is no fire organization , but a hook and ladd
equipment. A good volunteer orgamzatic
with fcome drilling , would be found especia
eflicacious in case of a serious conflagratic
Is a question in all localities. The brick-ya
established is doing well This is an excellc
point for a good tlouring mill good wat
privileges , plenty of grain , and a large hoi
and foreign demand. A and syrup i :
too would pay in time a broom manufacto
from the start. A paper mill would yield go
returns. There is an abundance ot good c
straw , plenty of water , and a large-demand 1
paper. Any responsible parties desiring t
cooperation ot McCook's citizens would ti
the encouragement hearty and substantial.
This city has a trade over one hundred mil
north and south. Many cattle ranches not
and west draw their supplies from this cent
This is the headquarters for cattle owners , i
account of school privileges and market i
McCook is not for a day or an hour , but f
all time. Its citizens are of a class that bejie
in rapid advancement , and keep to the fro
with a will. They have laid out a park of t
acres in town and will beautify it extensive !
The reservoir is In the center of the park , a
lountaius can be easily supplied , with watt
The future of the city is assured by the inti
est of the
Which has made this a division point for ti
miual train service , paying off over 1000 e :
plovcs per month , disbursing 3 ,000 or mr
monthly. They hae built a roundhouse of
stalls , repair .hops. &c. This railway syste :
a partol the Chicago , Burlington and Quiiu
has spared no expense to supply this rc-gi
with railway service rarely excelled in ma
of the older States. At the pre-enttimc thf
are in operation by this company over 1 , ;
miles ot lirst-class , well ballasted track , cro
ing the State in all directions , following t
Uepublican and forming means of conimui
cation with all the towns south ot the Plal
River The Uurlingttm route is known as _ t
shortest and quickest line between Chica
and Denver , Ueing the only line under o
management , tedious and unnecessary dela
and transfers at the Missouri i-iveraieentii
ly avoided. McCook is the point of chan
Ironi central to mountain time , and we nc
the peculiarity of a train arriving at 11:45
M. , stopping five minutes for lunch and spec
ing on at lo:50 A. M. . having apparently Ir
hlty-n 'c minutes. It is 2b'J miles trom unml
254 iftiles from Denver.
The Counts' seat of Red Willow County ,
located upon the same railroad , 12 miles ea :
It was selected for the scat of justice. May ;
1873 The ground upon uhich it is local
slopes gently southward toward Republic :
River , skirted with proves west , east and soul
and rich , fertile plains extending northwai
This town was located when the county w
first settled. In 188U it had 233 populatio
now being not less than 700.
It is one of the best towns in the vallc
having exceptionally good stores , but the tra
nearly all held by a few fortunate individua
Aiming the prominent and interesting fei
ures is their good graded school of three t
partmeuts in an excellent frame buildin
their three church editices , their handsor
brick school house , their interesting week
paper , their good hall \ith stage and scenei
their lodves. of A. F. and A. M. and 1. O. O.
well represented , their handsome brick sto
buildings , and their live , energetic people
Among the needs is a good hotel buildin
another bank ( one now has the monopoly ol
handsom * business ) , another large hardwa
house ( there wa * a desire expressed bv ' bin
ness men for this ) , a Houring mill , a'broo
factory , a woolen mill ( a large amount of wo
is exported ) , a creamery and cheese factor
a buggy and wagon factory and other man
facturmg adapted to the demand and localit
The wa cr power is good , and might be su
ccssfully utilized in any manufacturing entc
prise which demanded it. Around the city
Mostly held by those who entered it und
Government laws. There is no more land le
open which is of any account except , perhar
for pasturage , although an occasional reli
quishment may t > c secured yet at reasonab
rates. Over one hundred thousand acres ha-
been patented in this county.
Land ijclls from S050 to 81,200 per quart' '
( one hundred and sixty acres ) , and what ft
improved farms are tor sale re.idilybringt'ro
810 to 12 per UI.TC. There are forty-two scho
districts in the county , with schools in eaci
The indebtedness is only SIJ.OA bonded ui
per cent , and taxes will range from 87 to S
per one hundred and sixty acres.
The funning interests are well diverslflet
that fruit will do well , is unquestionable , hi
xi r Country is too-new yet to have any grei
deveiop/nent. Stock is being largely introdu
ed : waayjcjj.l5earefedand farmers are pu
ne com into kQ3 jn preference to 8 lling
l- - > xv rates , praat jtbp last Assessor's repoi
111 iv. , < jlcre were iii Bed Willow Count ,
( tpril. . > ttlU V . V ! * ! ' * * - * * } * 'V * { > ? i w < UI\ HUKO.tll \nli
J , / ) cattle. \ , hcep. value $ tj048j .J.C9 horsi
? 4f S-V U Wttl bC StiU V Ib0i
nln 1 . . - | T/ioa
ind mules , S.f.iXI. > mi > nt < { urn law
thatasscme5 Jufll
ralimtions thatassc " onmcrty Ju u
; essed valuation of taxal"p
Bounty April. 18S4 , was S377aok
Every attribute of successful eu.
s found here ; good clear water in abun * .
he blue stum is rapidly running the butra.
rniss out , and the tame grasses grow nicel >
This county is not particularly adapted to an
; ingl cnp. out presents a versatility of attri
uites worth more to the farmer who can. b
livtt-sifylng his crops , planting fruit and feed
og stock , bo sure of not only a good Hx-ing
> ut a pcnnanent and over Increasing income
H. &S.
To anxious parents who are stud
ing how to economize on that grc
hem of family expense viz :
Boys' ' Cloth in ,
we announce the following ORE. '
A Heavy Blue Chinchilla , sizi
11 to 18 years ,
Formerly $6 ! : P3ow $
Worth $8 ! : Now $5,5
Worth $5 to $7 : Nc
$3.50 to $4.75.
These goods are in sizes from
to 1G years.
and a visit to ouv store will coi
vince all that this is a Great 0 ]
portunity to procure these gooc
at a BARGAIN. We have ah
made a corresponding reduction i
Mens1 Overcoats.
Furnishing Goo
in great variety , are still bein
sold at astonishingly lott prices.
Zome and see us , one and ;
E. ffi. Brickey & Go.
Block North of Bank , Main A
McCook , Neb. , January 30th. 18
Complaint having been entered at this c
> y John S. C. llee against Charlie .loslin
ibandonlng his Homestead Entry 603. dat
ilcCook. Neb. , May Sth. 18t , upon the m :
rest quarter section 20. township 2. nort
ange 20 west , in Red Willow county , >
I'ltu a view to the cancellation of said en
he said parties are hereby summoned to
tear at this ofiice on the 19th day of Ma
8.\ > . at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and
lish testimony concerning said alleged a
lonment. G. L. LAWS. Kegisti
E. W. LEWIS , Attorney. 3 !
McCook , Neb. , January 30th. IS
Complaint having been entered at this o
> y George W. Coflm against Adam W Jc
or abandoning his Homestead Entry
ated at McCook. Neb. , May Sth. 18S4 , upon
oulhweet quarter of section 21 , townfh
ibrth of range 20 west , in Red Willow cou
leb. , with a view to the cancellation of
ntry ; the said parties are hereby sumnic
ti appear at this office on the lUth da'
larch , 18S5 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond
urnish testimony concerning said allc
bandonment. ' G. I. . LAWS , Registc
E. W. LEWIS , Attorney. 3 (
McCook. Neb. , January 30th. 18 ;
Gpmplaint having been entered at this o
y fieorgp 5T. Collln against Carl D. Ron
ar abandoiinftIjJs Homestead Entry 1
ated at North platte. Jleb. , May 27.1879. u
jo southeast quarter sise t > jb JJstQ vnslli
tb , of range ve west. In Had WjjfoiV coin
J- "fh a view to the cancellation pr i
CD. . \ . . . . -44 parties are hereby siimmo
itry ; thebu. nfllce on the 9th day
' 'hp ' , . ? , * M. , to respond
arch. ISSa , at I o'clock , . . - Raid alle
irnish testimony concerning --late
landonment. G. L. LAWS , Ree.
E. V , . LEWIS , Attornoy. 33.
' - -WtM *
- < # o ' -tr\ < < - ? t ? t''Tw
. . . .
i , & . . . .i r v
' * McCooic , Neo. , January jJth , V
Compl int having been entered at this
byxEdmond Decker URiiinst John Hedlun
afiiindoning his Homestead Entry Ifi87 , i
at North IMatte , Nebraska. "ctober3lst ,
upon the south ! J southwest U section I
north l/3 northwest & of section 23 , towi
1 north of range ,0. In Red Willow coi
Nebraska , with a view to the cancelling
said entry ; thi said parties are hereby
moni'd to appear at this office on the 1011
of February , 1585 , at 9 o'clock. A. M. ,
spoilt ! and lurnish testimony coiiuernint
alleged abandonment. ,
83. C. F. UAI1COCK , Rcceli
January 20th. 1W5.
Notice is hereby given that the follov
named settler bus tiled notice of his Intel
to make Until proof in support of his c
and that said proof will be made before I
ter or Heceiver ut McCook. Neb.on Satu
March 7th. IfcKi. viz : Valentine Doyle.
521 , for tlit- northeast quarter hoction 12 , t
ship -1 north , range 211 west. Ho mime
fQliowing witnesses to prove his coiitin
residence upon , and cultivation of , said
viz : Joshih E. Moore , William Darby
Jacob Long , of Hex Elder , Neb. , and
Sargent , of Indianolu , Neb.
' 35 G. L. LAWS , Kegisi
January 20th , 1885.
Notice Is hereby given that the follov
named settler has , tiled notice of his lute ;
to make tinal proof In support of his c
and that said proof will bu made before 1
tcr or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Moi
March 2d , 185 , vi/ : James E. Powell ,
C53 , for the northwest quarter of scctic
township 4 north , range 31 west. He n
the following witnesses to prov his con
ous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
land , viz : Tovvnseiul Heckwith. Aaron li
hurst , Frank Hozelhurst and W. H. Da
all ot Oulbcrtson , Neb.
31 G. L. LAWS , Regis
January 20th , lst > 5.
Notice is hereby given that the follov
named settler has tiled notice of his inte
to make 11 mil proof in support ol his c
and that said proof will be made before li
ter or Receiver at McCooic , Neb. , on Satu
March 14th. INii. viz : Perry A. Yeast.
13JJ , lor the west ' northeast In of sccti
township 4 north , range : " . . west. He n
the following witnc'bses to prove hiS con
ous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
land , viz : Janice Spaulding , John Ham
Fred. D. Pitney and Montgomery Doyle ,
Box Elder , Nebraska.
31. G. L. LAWS , Rcglsi
January luth , lbS5.
Notice is hereby given that the follov
named settler Iras lilcd notice of his intei
to make Imal proof in support of his c
and that said proof will be made befoi c li
ter and Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Fr
February 1'uth. lyXi. viz : William lircin
( Heir to Estate of Hannah Schuler. Di
Homestead Entry 11515 , Jor the south \ ' n
east \4. \ and north } southc.isr. ' 4 of sectk
township 2 north , nuige 29 west. He n
the following witnesses to prove his co
nous residence upon , and cultivation of.
land , viz : John Calkins and Franklin I' ,
crack of Stoughtpn , Neb. . Henry H. Pie
and George Huggins ot McCook. Neb.
. 33. G. L. LAWS , Regisl
January llili. l&S'i.
Notice is hcrohy given that the follov
named settlers have tiled notice ot their ii
tion to make llnal proof in support ol
claims * , and that s.ud proofs \\iii lie mud
tore Register or Receiver at Mctook. Nel
Monday , February 23d. l65 ! , viz : Levi Dr
Homestead IWJii , lor the northwest quart
section 24. township 3 north , range 3J i
Viz : Lewis F. 1'ate , I ) . S. 11W2. for the s <
east quarter section 24. township 3. nor
ranpe 'M west. They name the following
net cs to prove their coutimiou rosid
upon , and ciiltiva ion oi" , said land , vi/ :
Witnezsses for Levi Drown : Anthony
S. 11. Colvin , Willinm Smith and Lev ! Johi
all of McCotik , Neb. Witnesses for Leu-
Pate : John F. Collins , dward > cCam
Samuel Urown and l uvi Crown , all of Mci
Neb. 33. G. L. LAWS , Regist
d December 2tth , Ib84.
Notice is hereby given than the follow
named settler lias llled notice of hs iutei
to iiiitKii iiual proof iu support ot his cl
and that said proof will be made before l <
ter or Receiver at Mc ( ook. > i'l > . on Fr.
February Oth , Icto. viz : James E.Vinj
Homestead M > 7. tor the southwest quart *
section 1 , township 1 north , range 2 § \
He names the lollowing witnesses to p
his continuous residence upon , and cul
tion of , said land , viz : Mitchell Young. Ji
C. Lallerty , Nicholas Wycoff nd S. S. Gral
all of Dan bury , .Neb.
31 G. L. LAWS , Regist
January 2d , Ibfto.
Notice is hereby given that the lollovv
named settler has tiled notice ot his inter
lo uiuku tin I pi-oof in Mipport ot hi : ? cl
and that said proof will bo made bet -ro R
ter or Heceiver at 'CC'ooU , Neb. , on Satm
February Hth , Ibb5. viz : Alfred Caru-r ,
IbO , tor the southcastquartcr section ; > 2t (
ship ! , north of range .i'.i west. He name !
tollovving witnesses to prove hip contiiu
residence upon , and cultivation of , said 1
viz : John Modrcll , John UnzickcrJam <
Cane and S. D. MeClam , all ol McCook , Nc
3 . G. L. LAWS. Regl
January ( ith , IfeSi.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
munc'i settler has filed notice of his iuteii
to make tinal proof in support of his cl
: md thatbaid pi oof will be made before Ri
ter or Receiver at McCooK , Neb. , on feutur
Feiiruary 14th. ! > < br , viz : Otto E. \ \ agno
S. ! > 45 ! , for the southwest quarter of sectio
township 1 north , range rj west. o mi
tlie tollowing witnesses to provohiscont
aus residence upon , and cultivation of ,
land , viz : James IJ. Fiirnsworth. Charle
L'arl , bidncy Dodge and F. P. Allen , all of
Cook. Neb. IH. G. L. LAWS , Registi
December : ; 5bt. 1& < 4.
Notice is Isereby given that the follow
named settler has tiled notice ot his inten
to make html ptoof in support or Ins cl :
ind that said proof viil be mudn before Ri
tcr or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on S.ttur
February 7th , Itc5. viz : Leonard It. Mile :
5. 101 , tor the northeast quarter ot sectio
township X north , range 'M uest. And J <
than . Kirkman. who made Homosteiui E ;
IK. . December 14th , ISiiJ , is nolihed to ap |
ii said time and place anfl show cause wlij
said Homestead Entry bhouUi not be helil
cancellation. He names the lollowing
nesses to prove his continuous residence u ]
ind cultivation of. said land , viz : Williau
Irwin , Samuel lirown. David iiryan and Fr
Tore , all of cCook , Neb.
31. G L. LAWS. Uugistt
December ! ith , 1881.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
lamed settler has I led notice ot his inten
: o make tinal proof in support of his cl :
ind that said proof will be made bctoro I
ster or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Fri <
February tith. 18S. > . vi/ : Herman lierndt
3. fcXT . for the southeast quarter ot scctioi
ownship 1 north , range XM uest. He im
he following witnesses to prove his cent :
ins residence upon , and cultivation of , :
and , viz : Amos Goodenbergcr. Hutus (
: tr , George Gerver and C. Smith , all of
: ooh , Neb. 31 * G. L. LAWS. Regl tc
February - < 1 , 1 5
Notice is hereby trivcn that the follow !
niiiicd sc-ttler has tiled notice of his intcnl
o make tinal proof in support of his cl :
ind thut naid proof will > 'C made before I
ster or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Frii
.larch . 2Hi. . ! SS5viz : Charles Schlntsmc
) . S. 21t ! , 1'or the southwest quarter sectioi
ownship - north , itinge 8 west. He nai
he following witnesses to prove his con
lous res. deuce upon , and cultivation of. s
und. viz : WilliHin Dubarko. Ernst Ful
Srnjt Nbuman and A. H. Fuller , all of Ind ;
ila. Neb. 5 G. L. LAWS.
February 2d. 18. .5.
Notice is hereby given thsit the follow !
lamed settlers have lilcd notice of their iut
ion to make tinal proof in support of tl
laiins. and that said proofs will be mmle
ore Register or Heceiver at McCook , Neb. .
'ridny. March Dth. 1S85. viz :
Jacob C. Fonts. Homcst'ad SOAt. for
uiitiieast quarter of section 3 5. townshi
orth , range 2 west.
Viz : Franklin M. Weaver. Homestead SI
nr the southeast qu-irter of section ' , toi
l 'j > } north , range S west.
TTtpy niupo ihg fiillowing witnesses to pn
liolr co'ntin ious rL-fidpnca upon , and culti
ion of , said land. vJs : James 0. l iffet
obn Tolman , Fleminir M. Graham unI Hi
urt A , Graham , all of Danbur . Neb.
§ 0. 0 , L. LAWS , Keslstei
We have on hand an Immense and Elegant line of
Woolen Goods , Cloaks , Clothing , and' Overcoat *
[ J
* that we will dose out at their
To make room for our Spring Stock.
A Large Stock at Astonishingly Low Prices.
In this department we have an 'unusually large and ji-ne and we will sell them at bed-rock prices.
op-iri and examine these CLOAKS and
get a handsome garment very cheap.
At such low figures thai everybody should take advantage
of the fact. Call in and see them , and our goods
and prices will surely induce you to buy.
We have tre Latest and Most Complete assortment
ever opened out in McCook.
12 pouiids of Granulated Sugar § 1.00
18 pounds of extra "C" Sugar 81.00
20 bars of White Russian Soap § 1.00
6 pounds of Arbuokle Coffee § 1.00
16 yards of Good Muslin § 1.00
20 yards of Prints Sl.OO
" 'S "V
11 U eaer Jbour a 9
Highest ] \rarket \ Price paid for Produce.
CHAS , NOBLE , Manager.