L. t JOHNSQ M. D. , . . M. A. 8PALDIKO. METROPOLITAN DRUG STOR Everything ( Except Liquor ) Usually Kept in a First-Class Drug Store. ALSO HANDLED PIANOS * > ORGANS. SEWING MACHINES. JOHNSON & SPALDING , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. B . PHARMACY. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF FINE TOILET AKTICLES , Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. WINES AND LIQUORS * .Will be sold only in cases of sickness , and then only on Physician's Prescription. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Night. Doctor's Choice , America's Finest Five Cent Cigar. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , LUDWICK&TROWBRIDGEJ HAVE JUST OPENED TIP A NEW LINE OF FURNITURE ! Stoves % Tinware , Japanned % Iron Ware , We Have a Tin Shop in Connection i , and will do General . Job Work . in Tin , Sheet Iron Copper Ware , We Manufacture Ludwick's Patent Reflecting Lamp , For Both Wholesale and Retail. Call and Examine Our Stock. We Will Sell You Good Goods for the Cash. West Dennison Street , McCOOK , NEB , FREES & HOCKNELL , PROPRIETORS OF THE CHICAGO DEALERS IN Lumber , Lime , Sement , Sasb , Doors , Hinds , HARD AND SOFT COAL. YARDS AT McCOOK , INDMOLA , CAMBRIDGE , ARAPAHOE , AHD OXFORD , m Wind Superior to any on the innrkct , hcinff Heavier , Stroiiscr Built , . ftnd therefore a more Durable Mill. It h tlio only absolutely pnfc Mill built ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 Yean ; past , not one has ever blown away and left the Tovrcr . . smndlnK. A record no other Mill can suow. We offer to put up any of our PUMPING MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS. TRIAL , And If they don't give rat ( A/act Ion. will remove Mill at our . own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challcnse Feed Mills. Corn Shelters. Iron Pmnpa Tvlth brass cylinder * . Iron Pipe , Tanki. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to G. B. NETTLETON , 3TcCook , Neb- , Agent Tor Southwestern 'XtbralskiViBa'Northtvcitcnj Kansaa. GRAND SLAUGHTER "PIONEER " STORE ! * * i k k Vt X't * kknL k 1t * * * Wtfcwrw iri k * We have on hand an Immense and Elegant line of Woolen Goods , Cloaks , Clothing and Overcoat * that.we will close out at their ACTUAL COST ! To make room , for our Spring Stock. . * JrtKjr jr * * * " kJ * - iJTk U * VM. jr * * * fcjViT GENT'S ' - AND - YOUTH'S ' A Large Stock at Astonishingly Low ( Prices. LADIES' AND * MISSES' LADIES' ' - CLOAKS - MISSES' In this department we have an unusually large and fine selection , and we will sell them at bed-rock prices. ( Drop in and examine these CLOAKS .and get a handsome garment very cheap. WE AfRE SELLING OUR HAJtQSOME MIS I m At such low figures that everybody should take advantage of the fact. Call in and see them , and our goods and prices will surely induce you 'to buy. . Xtf4j * jrPi&W'JWWW % THE LINE BOOTS We have the Largest and Most Complete assortment ever opened out in McCook. 13 pounds of Granulated Sugar . 1.00 M pounds of extra "C" Sugar . 81.00 20 bars of White Bussian Soap . $1.00 6 pounds of Arbuckle Coffee . $1.00 16 yards of Good Muslin . " . § 1.00 20 yards of Prints . 81.00 Perfection Flour $ $ per cwt Highest Market Price paid for Produce. CHAS. NOBLE , Manager. .y F. L. MeCRACKEN , , RELIABLE WATCHMAKER - JEWELER. 1 have a complete stock of everything carried by a First-class Exclusive Jewelry Store. MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT , I am now prepared to make RINGS , BANGLES , PINS , BADGES , anclaiiy kind of Emblem Pin , on short notice. I use nothing but 14k. gold. F. L. MeCRACKEN ; McCook , Neb. in imporiiim , W CO r1 i P > m > 30 Q z 5 S 25 > S 3 ± i T * vs aH 2 _ " f - - - C3 C3m m 5 i i O M * : § O C3 3 > J . E. BERGER , Proprietor , McCOOK , NEB. JI0HEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALED FOR Power , Simplicity Durability. Kstimates made of Mill and Pinup complete upon application. Every Mill Warranted. . Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSE , This mill Is : i "solid wheel" and the ! > est elf-reulator made. The WoodmniiM ; No. 0. 1'iinip Is tinliest single aetliiK force pump In the nuirket Will work In wells from lit to Soil feet lu depth , and lias hack att.-.ehments 10 force water Into elevated ianks. Can he used by hand j or windmill. rirtle eontemplatins.the erectttm of a Windmill wtl eoiiMilt their liet Interests hj calling at my Homestead , 1 } mile nortuwe t of McCook. or at ] ; . .l.-lni'-iotrh , 5 nillea southeast , and examine - amine the nrorkinx of tl"-1 Woo'lmaitse. W. M. IRWIN , Agent , Y/counanse "Windmill Co. . Ireeport , 111. JOSEPH ALLEN. Wiilow crock. oiic-lialf mile- ulmveUsliorn Cattle Itntinl- fil on ritrht side and liip its above. . 15.1 FOR PALE in ji r o vc d iH'cdeil F.irin & Iltiy Lund. Tixnl.i-r . and v.-ator. Two lann Iioiist-s. with otlior i m ji r o v e - incut- * , roil v ; i c n r to Xo. 1 sclntol privilcj. c > . Situated on river near iiionHi of Hc creek. . Call on , J. V. lilacn. on ] > ivmisc aildres liiin at Indianola , HATOX BKO < . & CO. i Cattle brand ed on left hi ; * . Also. IJ. 5 , A / and Ti | .mr l * on lelt lit p. j dfd i heaisie ' on left shonli i dor. KanjM' . south of Me- t'ook. I ! . D. . address. Me- , i. X ( b. ! PAXTON CATTLE CO. J. fi. MKPEIJVK. fii-nenil Uitiifh : At ringe 'an- yon on tht > Krtn c h in a n cntinry. Nel > . ? tcek tiKind- § ] ; : . ? - side : 7 on the rifrlit liii > and ; L on the rijrht { Sf.slioiildcf : - j on left shoitl- der aiidX * cm left jaw. Halt"undertrop left j1 car , and s < | U..re-oroy ri ht ear ! P. O. address , McCook , Xel > . Ri B "if 3P Afi M I M 9m. * ccclvc free , a r .tly bov 1 \ \ \ a B ? " * HS which will help you < I 111 to * torn I more monry rljhi u\riv tlun nnylh'inR cbo In tills w rM. All of L-Jrlu-r MX. ? ucie < ! from Jlr.-t hour. The broad road to f.irtuai0111 - ; Iie- forc the workers. al < solutelv sure. At oucc address TKUK & COAucuitn , Maine. 2-35- New U. Si Cattle Ranche Co. , Limited. Stock brand : v - Circle on left * . shoulder , also dewlap and a eiop and un der half crop on Jeffear , and a crop and under bit in the ri ht. Haneh on the - - - Pff Republican. , . Post Oliice g ? address , Max , Dundy county , Nebraska. HENRY T. CHURCH. OsLorn , Neb. 2 an ire : Keel Willow creek , in S. W. cor ner of Fron tier county. tattle brand ed "O L O" on right eide. Al- t-o. nn over crop on ripht ear and under crop on left. Horses brand- SPRIN'G CREEK CATTLE CO. .1. \VKI.HORX. . Vice President and Supt. P. O. fuldress , Indianolu , Nebraska. Rantre : FJe- publican Val ley , east of Dry Creek , and ncurhcad of Spring C r e e k. in Chase county P. O. nd.lrcss at Currico. Hayes coun ty. Nebraska. illow creek above Carri- co. Stock branded as above. Also rim the lazv w brand. GEORGE J. FREDERICK. Ranch : Four miles south west of JIc- Cook. on the Driftwood. Stock brand ed AJ on the left hip. P.O. address. McCook , Xe ! > ,