McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, January 15, 1885, Image 5

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    The Tribune
_ .
- - - -
Thursday , January
l locals under thl head at the rate of
loo. for flrHt insertion , and Be. per line for each
subsequent insertion , and name will he run
Vni" ° lere l nut. unless time is specified.
Job work spot cash Statements will be pro-
eontcd nt Hie end of each month.
"CONGREGATIONAL. Sunday School at 10
A. M. every wcok. Preaching services every
Sunday night at 7.30. M. T. Also , every alter
nate Snndny morning at II. M. T. Exceptions
to the above will bo noticed in locals.
METHODIST. Services every other Sunday
morning at 10.30. M. T. , and evening at 8. M. T.
Sunday School every week uta.IW , M. T. Ser
vices held In Opera Hall.
AtrKS . . .
_ _ _ BAim.r.r , Pastor.
CATHOLIC. PervlceB will be hold In the
Opera Hall once ever four weeks.
CIMHV , Pastor.
A. F. & A. -MeCook Lodge , U.
D. , meets on the 11 rat and third Tues
days of each month.
G. L. LAWS. W. M.
T. G. i EKS , Secretary.
I. O. G. T. The Independent Order of Hood
Templars meet in the Congregational Church
cvcfy Tuesday evening.
B. & M. R. R. Time Table.
No. a . 7:10 , A. M. | No. 40 . . .5:40. P. M.
No. 39 . 1:00. P.M. I No. 1 . J:85 , P. M
E # Eustlound trains run ou Central Time ,
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight traiuB do not carry passengers
CIIAB. KKbS , AgCllt.
Local Intelligence.
Kctchuni We've got 'cm you bet. i
For the best Flour in town call at
City Bakery.
Dunbar & Newton keep good work
teams to let by the day.
Catholic services at the Opera House
on Sunday at the usual hour. j
J. S. Phillips sells the Ketchum
Wagons the best in the world.
100 new Overcoats just received at
Wilcox Bros. , at fiom § 5 to $20.
Car-load of Choice Michigan Salt at
Passenger train No. 39 pulled into
this station one hour and a half late ,
Friday. ;
Four good work teams for sale at
Dunbar & Newton's lively and feed
Tuesday evening marked the advent
of the paj ! car on her monthly visit to
the railroad bos.
A Mason & Ilamblin iiigaii has been
ordered for use in the Grammar depart-
in cut of the public schools. j
Car load of Holler Process Flour
from Superior Mills at from SUc. to
$1.50 per sack. WILCOX Buos.
Any person wishing to invest about
$1,500 in a good paying business will
please call at thih office for information.
At the City Bakery you will find the
largest and most delicious California
pears'ever offered for sale in Mel ook.
Stockmen from the Willow were pret
ty well represented in town. Friday.
Proof making drawing quite a number
A sidewalk from Main to McDowell
streets on the south side ot Dennison
street has been ordered built. See adv '
elsewhere. :
An excellent quality .f sweet * Michigan - -
gan cider at City Bakery. Also , a car
load of Apples which will be sold cheap
Jay the bushel. i
Just arrived , at the City Bakery , a
car-load of the Cream and Fa"ncy brands
of Grand Island Flour. Also , a supply
of corn meal.
The expectation that , with the openIng -
Ing of spring , another heavy emigration
will set in Republican Valley-ward is
generally entertained.
The nicest Maple Syrup and new
White Clover Comb Honey you oversaw
at Wilcox Bros. , and New Sorghum on
ly 50 cents per gallon.
If } 'ou want to drive a good bargain j
when you want a Heating Stoves , go to i
Lytle Bros. , where you can purchase a
heater from $3.00 up to $40.00.
We have it from Mr. Farle } ' that he
lost five co\\s and four calves during the
late ' 'tantrum. " The loss was among
stock that were being fed right along.
The familiar face of Howard Manning ,
of MeCook , beamed in on us New Year
morning. Howard came to see. us
all of course. Republican City Topic.
LOST Between Wilcox Bros' , store
and Wui. CrockfordV residence in West
MeCook , a'lady's purse , containing a
amount of money. Finder plaase re
turn to this office.
J. D. Newton of Wallace , Kansas ,
will mo\e part of his Jierd of brood
wares and a thoroughbred Cleveland
Bay stallion to 'McCook soon. The
stallion will stand at Dunbar & New-
fcra's barn the coming season.
WE don't all apprehend things
through the -ame glasses : Bill Nyc
has it "that the mills of the gods grind
plowly , but they most generally got tlierc
with both feet. " With both heels up ,
he might have added.
We have it that the Lincoln Land
Co. contemplates making more improve
ments to their water works in the spring.
A brick engine house and more tanks
on the hill. The tanks will be put up
usoon as the weather will permit.
Tf theie is anyone on the fair bosom
of this footstool who needs the commis
eration of a Deity , it is the ill-natured
crank , who constantly assays to give ex
pression to would-be witticisms at the
expense of the feelings of others.
The following persons became mem
bers of the Congregational Church , last
Sunday morning : Mrs. Men ill , Mr. and
Mrs. Hoot. Mr. and Mrs. Moody , by let
ter ; and Mrs. Lee , Nellie Lee and Lau
ra Ferguson , by profession of faith.
All the boys who arc not railroad men1
are quite unanimous in the opinion that
the most noticeable improvement in.the
Eating House under the new manage
ment is in the prices. The boys can't
stand the raise and are scattering to
the four wind * .
D. Guernsey lost 20 head of calves ,
one night , during the late cold snap , by
smothering. The little fellows huddled
together too closely , with the above re
sult A gentlcman-at Alma is feeding
the'bunch which n'umbers about 500.
They were shipped in from Michigan.
Good fortune , like misfortune , fre
quently turns the recipient's brain , and
evil results follow. 'Such'has been the
case with our townsman. ? tanta Holla ,
who recently received a bequest from
his native Poland. Stantaj in the in
tensity of his ratification" , came near
being a candidate for celestial honors
climbing the goUen stairs. Another
monument. ,
This country seems to be thoroughly
saturated with ambition. Why even
jack rabbits are wont to dispute as to
speed with the inonarchs of the road.
Jack holds his own for about three
quarters of a mile , when the driver
opens the throttle a little wider , and
the fleet quadruped goes the way of all
the ambitious. !
Rumors of brick blocks and river
bridges and grist mills and additions to
bo laid out and vacant places to be open
ed up and sundry and numerous im
provi'mrnt.s to be made and machine
shops to be projected and things like
tire current. The $100,000 improve
ments of the past year will truly be a'
jrop in the bucket ; in comparison with
the proposed and projected t
D. P. Rogers of Foit Worth , Texas ,
who sold burses in McCook , last season ,
will ship a choice lot of Texan mares
and mare colts , one and two years old.
to MeCook , early in the spring. All
the above stock are .from Texan mares
and well breed burses. All parties who
purchased horses from Mr. Rogers , last1
year , were pleased with his horses and
lie will have no trouble in disposing of
liis bunch in the spring
Eighteen thousand dollars have been
paid into the County Treasury within
the past two w 'eks. The opinion prevails - )
vails most generally that the act making
taxes payable January 1st is working
a great hardship to tax-payers , espec
ially as two year's taxes are made pay
able at once. Eighteen thousand dollars
lars would make quite an item to our
merchants in this county at this im
portant juncture.
The number of letters of inquiry re
ceived by our local land officials has
increased ten-fold during the past few
ivceks. And we might add just here
Lhat , current comment to the contrary ,
there are fully two million acres of
.jove.nment land subject to entry ic this
iistrict. Though nn t of the desirable
land in this county has been entered.
Hitchcock , Dundy. Chase , Ha es and
Frontier counties , afford many acres
subject to entry. Red Willow also con-
rains many claims that are con testable.
The present facilities for handling
jtock are entirely inadequate and put us
it a great disadvantage when compared
tvith provisions made for thisimportant
ntcrestatother and much smaller towns.
Fhe present yard ouirht to be enlarged
ind scales put in , so that the stockmen
) ii the Wijlow whi sells a small bunch
f beeves of our butchers will
lot be compelled , to drtvo to Culbertson
: o have tli'em weighed and driven to this
loint. Enlarged stock yards would bo
i great acquisition and advantage to our
Reek candy , Moses' cough candy , Ly
ons worm confections , arnica tooth soap ,
chlorate potash , , globules , " glebe pills ,
atomizer * , Espeys' cream balm , tooth
brushes , nail brushes , hair brushes ,
paint brushes , etc. , at Metropolitan
Drug Store.
We have just received a carload of
that Grand Island Flour that has been
such a great favorite with the people
of MeCook , and we are selling it at a
sweeping reduction of f > 0 cents per
hundred on all grades. We have also
reduced the price on bread , and we now
give four loaves for 25 cents. Pies , 10
cents a piece. PROBST BROS.
Messrs Rider , Leland and Dunbar
have petitioned the Board of Trustees
to order vacated , as by law. provided , the
alley running north and south through
Block 30 , of which they are owners.
The matter is now in the hands of the
committee on streets and alleys , who
will in all probability report favorably.
This will give an additional 20-foot lot
on Dennison street.
A "Blue Book" is
private now pub
lished which gives the names of all Ne
braska citizens holding United States
offices , together with their salaries , ex
pirations of commissions and also lists
of salaries in all government departs
nients at Washington , classification of
clerks , civil service rules , applications
for appointments , and all about public
offices : md how to obtain them. Send !
50 cent * to Col. Geo. E. Earlie. 1427 F
street , room * 4 , Washington , D. C.
( Washington correspondent .Omaha
Herald . '
' . ,
0.--C of the important actions ; taken
by the. Colorado Stock" * Association at
" "
their recent Meeting , h Jd in Denver ,
was the forming of.a higher scale of
prices to govern tin- amount owners are
to receive for stock , in th-ir different
grade * ; , killed along the line of railroads.
The scale was incorporated in a bill ,
which will doubtle.-s become a law in
Colorado at the next sitting of the leg-
isl.-iturc. This will be advantageous to
our stockgrowers , who are members of
this association. The B & M. people
aie sati.-fied as the advance in s-cale
prices is only in a just ratio with the ad
vance in the price of cattle since the
h t scale was formed.
The people of MeCook will have the
pleasure of hearing Ella June Meade ,
the elocutionist , sometime early in Feb
ruary. Prof. Webster is arranging to
have her here about that time , and oth
er attractions will follow shall the re
ceipts warrant it The fund from these
entertainments will be expended in get
ting an organ aiid in purchasing appa
ratus for the public school. Wejrivean
indorsement from the St. Louis Repub
lican : A large audience assembled at
Pickwick theater , last evening , to wit
ness the entertainment given by the
Knights of Honor. The program .was
made up almost entirely by Ella June
Meade , and it is said to have taken all
by storm. She has a voice capable of
producing almost any desin.d effect.
e give below a few interrogations
Irom Rosecrans & Son that are self-
explanatory :
ED. TRIBUNE : Can 3'ou inform us
why the contract for furnishing mater
ial ; md building sidewalks was allowed j
to the highest bidder , Mr. J. F. Collins ,
lor 75c. per lineal foot , when Rosecrans
& Son's bid was but 70c. , and when they
stood ready to give reference ? and bonds
should they be required 1 What was
the object in advertising lor bids ? Why
should tax-payers be compelled to pay
5c. more per foot than is ne'cessary to
construct said sidewalks t It would
have been officially correct had the dif
ference between the highest and lowest
bids been taken , but we are not certain
that tax-payers will accept this view of
the question. ROSECRANS & SON ,
Contractors and Builders.
The masquerade carnival at the Pal
ace rink , Friday evening , called togeth
er a crowded hou e , both the skating
arena and the space devoted to specta
tors being uncnm.fort.ibly full-occupied.
Between 50 and 75 couples were on the
floo-ancl ju'dging from the receipts of the
evening , there must have been between
two and three hundred spectators pres
ent. Costumes varied widely inelegance
mid character , from the beautiful white
fairies to the homely sons of Ham. The
air was icdolent with mirth and fun
sometimes rather hilarious , as one cir
cumstance seemed to be funnier than
another , but with a few exceptions , all
was in good humor and in good taste.
The only thing that could have added
to the pleasure of a most enjoyable even
ing , is music ! A few of the young men
were a little forgetful in some of tluir
gyrations , which were intended to be
humorous , -but happily no evil results
followed. The management- to be
congratulated on thesucces of their ini
tial carnival ,
EDiron TmiiD.s'E : The cold weather and
enow drifts of tlio past few dnysbnvc seriously
Interfered with our malls ; week before hist
wo received but one mull.
) Our school Is progressing llnely nnd nil eeotn
well satisfied with Mrs. Thompson's teaching ,
j Hov. Ton-no of MeCook 1ms b-cn holding n
1 series of meetings here. He closed his labors
for the time , lust Sunday evening. And next
will bo Rev. Mcccham of Wilson vlllc , who will
prcuch to us in the near future , time not
known to the writer. Rev. Muson will preach
regularly every three weeks. His next ap
pointment will be two weeks from last Sunday.
The M. E. Quarterly Conference for this Dis
trict will bo held at the Dunbury school hquso
on the Fourth Saturday and Sunday of this
January. The Presiding Elder is expected to
bo in attendance.
| An attempt is being made to make the Ly
ceum again interesting. Wo took in the Danbury -
bury Lyceum , last Saturday night. Found a
full house full to the utmost. The exercises
were good. Program complete. The singing
and the music by Johnson's string band hard
to beat.
On last Thursday evening , at the residence
of B. F. Dradbury , Esq. , a number of our al
ways cheerful and happy people assembled
fora good time. The singing by Mrs. C. H.
Smith. Miss Dradbury , Mrs. Townlcy and Mr.
Dcvoe , with Mrs. Smith as organist , was good ;
and there being lots of it , was appreciated.
Mrs. Bradbury's is the place to go to have u
way up time.
We learn indirectly that some parties east
of this place l.'i or i0 ! miles have lost heavily
in cattle by their dying in the last storm.
Cattle should have shelter and feed in such
weather :
Judson Remington hud u valuable colt bad
ly injured by a wire fence. Its entire recov
ery is quite doubtful.
A very line horse belonging to Mr. B. Lolm
has been quite sick. Mr. L. lost a horse not
long since worth about $150.
Hamburgh , Jan. 12 , ' 65. BEAVEU.
McCoOK , January nth , 16S5.
The undersigned. Members of the McCook
Lodge , U. D. , A. F. & A. M. , desire to express
to you our appreciation of your worth as citi
zens and Iriends : and as Members of this
Lodge to extend to you our thanks for your
kindness , zeal and generosity in opening your
house and kindly caring for our guests on the
occasion of our first festival. December 23th ,
1884 , recognizing that to your efforts were
largely due the pleasure and success of that
Commending you both to the kind offices of
all good people everywhere , we are in behalf
of the Members of this Lodge , your friends ,
G. L..L.YWS , W. M. , S. L. GHEEN , S.v. . ,
Z. L. KAY , Trcas. . W.V. . FISIIEI : , J. W. ,
T. G. Rees , Sec. , A. J. WILLEV. S. D. ,
A. M. KELLY , J. D. , JOHN Roxiir , Tyler.
The death of Mrs. G.V. . Daniels ,
which occurred at the residence of her
husband , Sunday afternoon , is surround
ed with some of the most touching and
pathetic scenes imaginable. Life and
death , hope and despair , hung so long
in the balance , that when the final dis
solution approached , the parting offend
fond hu.-band and loving wife was most
sad and affecting. Mr. Daniels left
with the remains , Monday morning , for
Hamburg , Iowa , whither the father of
the deceased had proceeded him , one
Jay , to make arrangements forplacing
the remains in their last resting place
on earth. The sincerest sympathy of
many friends is extended to the bereav
ed husband in his sad affliction.
Some people don't know how to take
care of cattle. About six weeks ago.
we took a weak calf out of the herd ,
placed it in a warm stable , and fed it up
in fine shape. The other night it died
from pure grief , thinking of the hard
time the calves outside were having.
Ludcll Settler.
For 3O Days
Will sell Ash Extension Tables for
51.00 per foot , Kitchen Safes for $50 ,
( Jarpets 35c. per yd. Windmills way
flown , Sewing Machines cheap for cash.
A large and complete stock "of Furni
ture 15 per cent , cheaper than can be
sold by any other dealer.
J. S. PHILLIPS , Indianola , Neb.
Tribune Job Department.
We take especial pride in our job
facilities , and now have in .stock a full
line of stationery of all kinds. Ball
programs , invitations , etc. And with
lew type , presses , cutter , etc. , we are
prepared to do good work. Giveus a
Card of Thanks.
We desire to return our thanks to
\Ie \ srs. frank Harris. Fred Harris ,
jeorge Chenery , W. E. Fry , Chas. Fish-
M- and F. L. McCraelcen for kindness
ihown us in our late affliction.
Quarter section of land , timber and
tvater , 34- miles , and a 37-acre parcel ,
I miles from McCook. Both deeded.
Uall on or address , EATON BROS. ,
27 McCook , Neb.
Koonis for Rent
I have a number of furnished rooms
n the Churchill House for rent. Call
it Colvin House. S. II. COLVIN.
Apples ! Apples !
I have a fine lot of assorted winter
ipples for sale at very reasonable fig-
ires. 5 > H. COLVIN.
Wilcox Bros. Still
13 Ibs. Standard Granulated Sugar
Extra "C" for $1.
; or $1. Ulbs. Sugar
20 fi&ra Wbift llusjbiau Soap for i *
Senator Dolau cumc up to MeCook ,
Sheriff Wclborn was around among
the boys , Saturday.
Dr. A. J. Shaw came up to town ,
Friday , returning home on 40.
Mrs. Jos. Menard ia enr * > rtaining her
father , P. F. llofinot of Chicago.
Mrs. David Bryan went to Red Cloud
on a visit-Saturday , returning on Tues
II. Byron has gone to Indianola ,
where he will open up a stock of Jew
Mrs. .L. B.'Stiles and sister , Miss
Builly , came in from the east on 39 ,
Representative Ilockncll spent Sun
day at home. lie returned to Lincoln ,
Monday morning.
Mort. Doyle , W. J. McKillip and
others from the Willow were in town ,
Friday , on land business.
Ed. Lawton of Culbertson , one of the
old-time cattlemen of the valley , was in |
town on business , Friday.
Tom Teas , Tndianola's singing black
smith , was among the many county-seat
people in town , Saturday.
John Gordon came up from Arapahoe -
hoe , Friday evening , to take in the mas
querade at the Palace rink.
James Lyon was in town , Tuesday.
lie was .on his way down from the range ,
and reports cattle in good condition.
Attorney Robinson of Bloomington
came up to town , Friday , and spent a
number of days in our thriving burg.
Messrs. Brickey & Co. of C res ton , Io
wa , have rented the old band hall , and
will stock the sainc with clothing , etc. ,
next week.
J. C. Arbuckle , who recently moved
into his handsome residence on the hill ,
dropped in and subscribed to THE TRI-
BtfXE , Wednesday.
J. B. Meserve returned from a meet
ing of the Colorado Stock Association ,
held at Denver , the latter part of last
week , Sunday evening.
Uncle Jake Haigler and . /ohn / Mc-
Evoy were in town , Sunday. Mr Haig
ler leave ? , shortlj * . for the south , where
he has extensive stock interests.
Jas. M. Morris of Bcnkclman was in
town , Monday. James will shortly rote
to New Orleans , and thence to Arizona ,
where he will invest and sojourn.
Miss Carrie Ash more came up to at
tend the masquerade , Friday evening.
She remained in town a few days , the
guest of her cousin , Nellie Fisher.
Co. Com. E. J. Allington made a visit
to the metropolis , Satuixhry , the first in
months. He noted the great improve
ment made in our town since his last
Mikn Sullivan returned from an ex
tended visit in Pennsylvania , Monday
night , and reports himself as ha\inghad
i most enjoyable visit in the old Key
stone state.
Commissioner Green was absent the
5rst of the week in attendance at a meet
ing of the county commissioners , who
ivere engaged in settling with the
Preasurer , etc.
Representative llocknell came home
jn No. 1 , Wednesday night , in response
to an impoitant telegram. An heir ap
parent now graces the Ilocknel1 mansion.
Usual weight , 10 pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. McCartney , Mi-'scs Shaw ,
Ashmorc and Calvin. .1. W. Maiken ,
I ) . II. Shaw , Thus. 'Crumbangh. A. A.
Prelim , Miv Yandelinder and others rcp-
cented Indianola at the masquerade ,
Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders , who have
iresided over the B. & M. Eating House
since its opening , left for Kearney , the
alter part of last week. We expect to
icar that John is back in the hotel
jusiness before long.
W. II. Hayden made bis accustomed
pilgrimage to McCook , Saturday. Mr.
Harden is considering the advisability
if adding thirty feet to his s-tore build
ing , occupying the entire lot , to make
room for his immense stock.
Mr. Beresford from Iowa has been in
; own , all week , with the view of locat-
ng here in the practice of law. He has ,
ifter thoroughly looking into the tuat-
.er , decided to remain and be one of us.
We welcome him to our coterie of pro
fessional men.
The old skating rink building is being
m tbao f6r strife
110KSLKH Sunday morning , January
"llth , 1885 , at the residence of her
husband , in South McCook , Mrs ,
Dora Hoesler , wife of Carl Rocaler ,
aged GO years and 7 days.
DANIELS At the residence of her
husband in McCook , Neb. , January
] lth , 1885 , Mrs. Angie Daniels , wife
of G. W. Daniels.
Mrs. Daniels was the daughter of 8. P. Bock-
stead of Hamburgh , Iowa , and was born July
10th , 1KB1.
She was married to Mr. G. W. Daniels No
vember 13th , INsl. This is the short and sim
ple annals of a brier , but beautiful lifo :
In the morning , when the duw was on the
heather , the lark was In the sky chanting a
hymn of praise and promise , and the breezes'
balmy breath si : opt backward from her placid
brow those golden locks , and kissed the roses
of blooming health upon her checks , a dark
bhudoiv fell across her pathway , and startled
her from the sweet dream of life and the fond
reverie of hope
She hcurd the voice , clear and distinct , ring
ing out from among the stars , "llko some louo
spirit o'er the plain. " summoning her to the
spirit land , and she meekly answered It with
She ivas a noble worn in. full of all lovoll-
nes-s , and hers was a beautiful character.
Meek and amiable in disposition , tender as a
i liild. and gentle as a dovo.
Her mind was rich in thought and filled with -
lofty aspirations and noble purposes ; brilliant
in wit , yet subdued and fascinating In man
ner ; go that she was the light of home , the life
of her friends and the charm of every circle.
As a wife she was all that heart could wish ,
bestowing tenderly the deep wealth of her
affection upon him she loved and honored.
To him she was wonderfully tender and devo
ted , twining herself bo gracefully around his
kind and noble heart , and so deftly weaving
his affections around her own as to seem the
warp and woof of a single life.
She bore her at'lictions with Christian resig
nation and sublime patience. Not u word of
murmuring ever fell from her lips ; nora look
of impatience bhadowcd her brow , butscrcno
and tniixjuil in deepest suffering , she abided
in faith the final hour. And when the death-
damp wad on her brow and the death-chill
benumbed her body , she called her relatives
to her bed-side , and in Christ-like language ,
spoke of her home in heaven and requested
them to incut her tlierc , and then sbo would
slowly lift her beautiful eyes upon her hus
band and child and thcu pleasantly turn to
her watching friends around her bed-side ,
with her face wreathed in angelic glory , as if
to say , "It is finished ; I have fought a good
fight ; I have finished my course. "
Oh ! it seems too bad it is BO gad that one
so young , so lovely , so promising , should die
so early. And yet there is something charm
ingly beautiful about such a death as this ; it
is a sweet indication of a Christian life and a
glorious triumph of the Christians faith over
death. So let me die the death of the righteous.
She leaves behind her a bright-eyed , fair-
headed little girl of tender years ; bereft of a
fond mother'- watchful love and guardian
care. Oh. Heaven I Guard her little life with
deep solicitude and direct her tender feetinto
the beautiful paths trod by her sainted moth
er ; so shall she escape the ills of earth and
live a charmed life.
Husband , father , sisters , brothers and loved
ones , weep not for Angle ; for with a "crown
on her head and u palm in her hand" she is
safely anchored "in that far away home of
the soul. " Hut strive tin ough the mercies of
Christ "to meet one another again. "
We will furnish THE TRIBUNE and
any of the following publications , one
year , at the rates named below :
and map of U. S . 3.50
TOLEDO BLADE. ( Nasby's i'uper ) . . 2.75
UiluAUO UbKKLY E\VS . 2.75
. 3.50
R. S. Cooley's Bulletin Board.
One quarter deeded landC , miles from
town. Price , SU4U cash.
One quarter deeded land , 11 miles
i'rom town. Price. SU40 cash.
One quarter deeded land , timber and
> ratur. 0 miles from tuwn. Price$900.
One quarter deeded land , 2 miles
? rou ! towu , timber and water. Price ,
? 1,200 cash.
Houses and lots in McCook to sell
I houses and lots in West McCook. 3
louses and lots in South McCook. One
icreof land , with good house. All cheap.
Fou SALE. A complete outfit for a
ctiiil grocery store. Also , will lease
'or a term ot years a splendid location
or a country store in the Beaver Val-
ey. Addiens R. S. CoOLEY , McCook.
Many other bargains to offer. Call
HI R. S. Coolly , Heal Estatu Agent ,
L'wo doors East'of TiUBUNE office.
Locals under this ncaci nc. a Hue for each
liills payable monthly.
All kinds of blauka kept for sale at
his oificu.
H. W.-Pike ftaited a Lumber Yard
n Mct'ook , Neb. . . .January.1SS4 , and
las come to stay. Full assortment of
Lumber. Sa-h ; , Doors , hiuie and Build-
ng Material , sold at close prices , con
sidering the freight.
Blank Deeds , Real E > tate Mortgages ,
Leases , Bills of Sale , Bond for Deed ,
Juit Claim Deeds , Contracts for Build-
ng , Mortiraire Deeds. Release of Mort
gage. Official Bonds. Soldiers Discharge ,
futitiou for License. Notes' , Receipts ,
tr. . at TlIK TlllIlfNE offico.
Wonderful !
We do not fcnovsof nny nu-dlclne that has sained
in cqu il popularity. In ettcb a i-hart time , far the
nutnn. rrllof of rou hc nnd fore-ness In the luns. 8
JEGG8 * rllERRT OUGH JYKUP. It is tnfld afid
lirHMint t < > take itccl Kill not Injun ; tlio most ( ! cIcati3
u s-irapip bottlcrf freti at S. I * Grtd * ? aaj