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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1885)
S. M. . ' K. A. METROPOLITAN 3RUG STOR Everything ( Except Liquor ) Usually Kept in a rug Store. ALSO HANDLE-- SBWIMG MACHINE ! McCOOK NEBRASKA. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , ExtractsEtc. . WINES AND LIQUORS Will be sold only in cases of sickness , and then only i on Physician's Prescription. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Nighi. Doctor's Choice , America's Finest Five Cent Cigar. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , LUDWICK&TROWBRIDGE , EA7E JUST OPENED UP A NEW LINE OF FURNITURE ! Stoves % i inware , Japanned % iron Ware , Ii Ws Have a Tin Shop in Connection , and will do General Job Work in Tin , Sheet iron 1Copper Ware. "We Manufacture Ludwick's Patent Reflecting Lamp , For Both Wholesale and Retail. Call and Examine Our Stock. We Will Sell You Good Goods for'the Cash. West Dennison Street , McCOOK , NEB , T T * O T T REEb JL1 PROPRIETORS OF THE PIDI DEALERS IN 'Lumber , Lime , foment , Sasli , Doors , Blinds , HARD AMD SOFT COAL , YARDS AT IcCOOK , , CAMBRIDGE , ARAPAHOE , HD OXFORD. fth si ! im\ \ Superior to any on the. market , betas Heavier , Stronger Built , , and therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only aVsoliitely safe Mill ImlH : and out of Thousands Erected During 12 Tears past , not one has ever blown away and left the Tower sar.dlns. A record no other Mill can show. "We offer to put up any of our PIJMPIXG MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't give satisfaction , will remove Mill at our . , own e.\rensr Al < o Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed MIU , Corn Shelter" . Iron Pump1 ? alih brcescyllnJcrSjJroa Pipe , Tanks. For estimates , catalogues aud prices , apply to G. B. NETTLETOX , McCook , Neb. , .Agea : for Southwestern Xebraska and Northwestern .Kansas. GRAND SLAUGHTER IONE L u 0j2&2 & ; z Immense and Elegant line of Woolen Goods , Cloaks , Clothing'and Overcoat * that we will dose out at their ACTUAL COST JL \ . \ s JL \ / J. JL J / Vy V * v / JL b - ; rooor 0zr Spring Stock. GENT'S ' - AND - YOUTH'S ' * ! Large Stock at Astonishingly Low ( Prices. * i LADIES' * AMD * MISSES1 > In this department we have an unusually large and fin selection , and we will sell tlier.i at bed-rock prices. ( Drop in and examine these CLOCKS and get a handsome garment very cheap. ( S SELLING OU > 3 UJ.j\ ' TSO : < rS nifpupfltT ? 11 i 1 2 11 ij 211 f \ \ 1 & l O s J AiiOO.I.l ± , kJ" 5WC/2- low figures that everybody should take advantage of the fact. Call in and see them , and our goods and prices will surely i'.idv.ce you to buy. IV ZH2 ! ? I.Z1VS7 We have the Largest and Most Complete assortment ever opened out in McCook. . * &e\ 13 pounds of Granulated Sugar . § 1.00 14 pounds of extra "C" Sugar . 1.00 20 bars of White Eussian Soap . § 1.00 6 pounds of Arbuckle Coilee . 81.00 16 yards of Good Muslin . 81.00 20 yards of Prints . § 1.00 Hou r rcwt Highest Market Price paid for Produce. . y CHAS. NOBLE. Man , . . , . . . , , j * . , Nitprn Fiirniiiirp Fin roiuisi nsssiiiyso Liii m CO COm j / . m > c. . / . f. / " "rO > s tf 2 ' /a S H 2 * . * w * 0 H 55 C m = o w J E. BERGER , Propretor , McCCOK , NEB. CHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALED FOR Power , Simplicity Durability. i I : IIBUOS ! m-dic of MM ! and I'ljiuji complo'e upon appld-atlon. ij Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. ' WOODMANSE , 1 liN mill I < : t "s ; id wheil" .1111 tin1 ! 'et < llf-rryilstf ! > r made. Tin- I \ \ < > i-liniiiiMi No. 0. I'liinji i < tln l > e t ci.iyli- > * rlnic tone pump In lln- lii'irki t. \ \ i.i . .ik in f ! 1-frtmi hi IO JIM ) fool in . ! i jMh. ninl Ia.Inn U. a.t.-climenl = 10 f-.ii-i" uatvruii olovauil links. < . n lie u t' < l by hr.u < I 01 v.liahiilli. 5'irti"onniii | > l itl'i ' ihtt oroulun < f n V.iiKiinlllilll i-un-iilf tlu-'r l. t iiiforo i lit < tiliH4 ! ii "H Slmixvioatl. l j inllvM ! % _ j n lir tM nl Mci < ! ! ; . < > r l I : . .1 ln.oii's 3 iiiif ! > siuthoa-t , unit o.X- \V. M. IRWIN , Agent , Woodiuanse Windmill Co. . Free-port , 111. 6TTY BAKERY , iiuuo ! MTiOPJUKTOUS. ; WE ICZ-IEI' Oli HAND BREAD. PiES & CAKES , GiiAHAM BHJ3AD. liJo in r Y\ t r"d < indu6 OHjruSi Lunch ii ) m in fnnnwtinM. vht you can iret lni coffee. c > tc. f * ryv ? * i 5 S 8 5 V Ti A ? if V felt V & V 8 S/- "Ii4'.ic4 * * hiiiigUiiJitoUJflio PURE DRUGS IB BBDLESS VARIETY. ALL THE STAXDAKD Paints , Oils , Vvindow Gla&s till sizes , Cigars and Tobacco. Wall Paper.BcoIxSand Station ery , Rpading1 flatter , Sciiool BoolvR , SlatcP , Poiirils , rj'oilrt Art iclep , Pure Wines and Li- quoi'd , for medical purposes , and in fact everything usually kept in a first-class Drnij Store. Dr QREEN. ' " i.r , . ' , a. , t- : ii fn.-2J.OOO , r. f--V "UC. it * & l V& . anil Kt-"Ol.r , i' a . "IGOKorVOUT.-i : it : . * : ' . tit-.a-S'f re ( irluULCljitRat'i ] .ln.K'il'H M , , ton ! , I. ck of Slifiiirtii. etc. . ll > & is : ; u1" ! .i j with innueiiiutf aiul womlt mil ritilts. . 't t- * . j nnsc.t-ami n ; i\ i * \eel\f i CTV force. El.Im u I tno iuiii'1 aatl siipiJitts lira ! . ! 1'i.wc- . ; it /i J Si2tufleriu ; : Irornil corny. ! . ! ' - ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' 3H"HATTSU'3'lilCr lOKICa'sare'-t.'i'S-ji't f'P str < .T5i.-.i t Mirpo-i ti > tie / . ' ! * : ! I MtTr i"S ! " ; ' ] ' s ' ' 'i..t r * j.pp alt > .i i * \ con.Jtfif ilinsrliai f inlv .uitl il ti tlHi ! r- . t tlieoriffiiui. J ! on trri.eM'yileslr. > . .Kmt ef , Tin.'i rilie OR'AX./.st _ ' V-sr. : l . ur p.ujrc-j toTbel > r Jl. An\ll. ViKOm - on T "I The I . K , - o. , > ! . mi rceelyt of prl-'f * . * . I. . . STOCK DIRECTORY. New U. S. Cattle Ranche Co. , Limited. Stock brand : Circle oil k-lt shonldor.iilso clowlay and a crop und un der hall' crop on left ear , and 11 crop and under bit in tliu rteht. Knneli on tlio Y iJiuuly foiinty , Xobr.t'.kit. HENRY T. CHURCH. c O lorn , Ncl > . Kan e : Ited Willow creek. In S. W. cor ner of Fron tier county , f'attlenranil- o < l O L O" on rijjht fcfilo. Al to , tin over crop on right i _ _ r . ,5 a- _ - - > i-.ii-uiiu inulvr 1 lA . S : MM ? " ' * ' " ! ' ML sii > = . ' - - - SSr J foi ses br.ina- . ct | oil i- ' -.houUi-i. . SPRING CREEK CATu < = CO. vv . . j , . , \ c r. - , i < inVn rS i zS * a3 l "I' Spring PAXTON CATTLE CO. .1. II. MU- vi. . i' . < ilunaycr. T' . o . , : ! < : o' > 'c , \"r-ii. 1C.inch : At X Cari- yoii on the rrenclnnsin i i w r r , county. i ocJt ; : UM > 7t7nnIeft ; 1 MI tin : n ii : Iiip : i id ! . Ml thlTlKllt r : L on left ihoul- miicr-cro ; ltt I' . O. ii'Mrosa f'arrico. -i i-oiin- v. Ni Crri- Stock mJetl as j > ! ovc. Also the lazy ' 01 fis s S - GEORGE J. FREDERIGK. branrl- < ! AJ on the left hip. P.O.a Mrcs < 5 , JOSEPH ALLEN. Kiincli on KM Willow crock , onc-h.tlt mile above Osborn lie > tollice. f .itticliRiml- pcl on rijrht &v ' i'lo aii'l hip W . . . , - * wt yvtv ? / < $ - & % - - & ' - - ' & & * * ' - : - - siia. ± afcs.J.ta rf2 = r = = li-S.&j JOHN F BLACK- FOIJ SALE ' ' " P r o v c l Df - < ! c < ] Farm A. > iy I anu. "iiifinl-r and \ . ' r. Two t.i'n hoiJ- * ' . u 11 h o t h f r - i i.i p r o v t- IffW n'oi'tCo ; ' -c.cnt i't sl - rix.r. , Hg i in-i' tlf t e . > itu. f'l < ' on . . < i nh i f ] { tilViMovr ! > i\ , ' 4' jii 'uiibc . or t i * ' 'Mskit. WI-5 ZAYOEITE. - "i 3 t'l'.l' 1 " > . - . fc : * ! f - ii" , ' iii i ! 'i- ? : t . - .J < iirna ! < ! f.-ut il In * ' . > - ! > ) ' - . . I : ' ; U" . . ' . ili't nitmir , t"uk- c . -i < " - > j--i ! i.i < i'r'jMiiar nrict- ,