McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, December 25, 1884, Image 4

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    The Tribune
F. M , & E. M , KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
THE Alabama legislature has a bill
pending providing that persons carrying
concealed weapons shall wear a badge
with the word ? , "I am armed. " This
does not apply to pocket pistols loaded
with the vintage of ' 49.
KINO LEOPOLD , of Belgium , is con
tributing $400,000 a year to African
missions out of his own private purse.
If Leopold would spend that amount of
money among bis poor and destitute
subjects we venture that the recording
angel would give him more credit in the
heavenly record of good deeds.
IRi i A LETTER from Polk county , Florida ,
says : "I wish you could see the waj
they vote fur president down here. Tak
an old flour barrel , put it with the opci
head down against an old building , make
an aperture in the other and upper heac
for the ballots and let them drag ) on th
ground. Not one solitary republican
vote cast in this whole precinct. "
NEW YORK state cannot complain o
a lack of political excitement this year
No sooner had the presidential count
which occupied everybody's attention ,
been concluded , than the senatorial con
test was begun , and it is warming uj
every day as the session of the legisla
ture approaches. Arthur. Evarts am
Morton are the most prominent candi
dates , but the dark her e may come ii
ahead on the home stretch. Bee.
IT seems to be generally conceded ii
railroad circles that a law reducing : the
c >
rate per mile to three cent ? , will be pass
ed by our next legislature , which meets
on Monday. January 5th. If such a Ian is
becomes a reality , it will reduce the fare
to all points on the B. & 31. west of Mc-
Cook , almost one-half , the present rate
per mile being five cents. Jut what m
will be done with freight rates , the de
ponent saycth not. It is from a reduc
tion in freight rates that the greatest as
benefit to the producer would be derived. in
DURING the past year the agricultur sin
al bureau sent out 3.000,000 packages cei
of seeds , and of these 2,900.000 were
sent out by congressmen. This represents
a package of seeds to every two families
in the country , and those persons who
did not get a package this year should
apply for one next. Of these seed ? 2- ,
800,000 packages were of vegetables , u
500,000 of flowers , 114.000 of tobacco. .
G9,000 wheat. 200,000 corn , 423,000
turnips , 12.000 potatoes , and only one o
package of rye.
THE associated dispatches contain an
interesting account of the transformation - .
i >
tion of an excited poker party into a
"surprise paity"at Atlanta , Ga. . re
cently. The information was given the
police by th.e lady.fiifiid of the wife of i
a prominent man. who was niirhtly loosing - .
' ing heavily. The entire party was bag .
ged by the Chief of Pulioo and his squad r
ai.d lodged in the city prison. Among > if
them was a sheriff , a county judge , two
members of the . legislature , a groom
and a preacher , who were to be the Re
principals in a marriage feast , -the fol
lowing day. Do you twig ? agi
THE Garfield national monument as erg
sociation makes an exceedingly good coi
showing. The fund , which amounts to is
$132,309. is drawing interest at 4 per
cent. Of this sum Ohio contributed hai
$88,490 ; Xcw York people gave S13- ing
4GG : $5.39G came from Illinois , S2.S21 Ac
from Iowa , $1.922 from Montana. $1- got
G10 from Maine. $1,09G from Connecticut pa
icut , $1,342 from New Hampshire. $1.-
915 from Wisconsin , $1,763 from Pennsylvania - Mr.
sylvania and so on down to $9 from Can Mi
ada. It is intcrcs'ting to observe that mi
citizens of Texas gave $ 379. or more tlYi
tlhn ) Massachusetts with S4SO. France
contributes $1.149.
THE bill making Omaha a port of entry -
try was called up by Senator Mandeivon the
yesterday and passed in the senate. We J ,
trust that the representatives from Ne -
braska will use all honorable means to
have the measure passed through the i-iit
lower house during the present scs.-ion tnd
and thus become a law. Not only importers Hip
porters and business men of Omaha , but . r
those of other cities < in Nebraska and in iU
the west will be benefited thereby. This i
being understood by members of congress \
from Nebraska they will , without doubt , < t
do what they consistently can to further
the interests of tho. people. There is no n
valid reason wh } ' the bill should not be '
come a law. and it undoubtedly will.
THE largest cattK ranch in the United
States under one management is tlmtof
Richard King , of Texas. It comprises
upwards of 800,000 acres , all under
fence , and nearly 200,000 head of cattle ,
horses and sheep. This ranch has been
eagerly sought by English , French , and
Dutch capitalists , but the successful
competitor is the United States Land and
Investment company of Now York city ,
who have just concluded a purchase at
$0,300,000 for the entire property. The
company anticipate an annual income of
nearly § 1,500,000 from this souicc , as
the increase of cattle is about 85 per
cent. As an indication of a more settled
condition of financial affaire , the mana
ger says that the company's first mort
gage 5 per cent , bonds are being rapidly
sought at 102 and interest , and that the
feeling now shown by American capital
ists in this class of investment property
is growing daily.
THE season of Christmas , sacred to
the beautiful work of gift-giving , is close
atwi hand. The treasure of lasting good
which it will yield to individuals must
beet commensurate with the good they do
others. Not the getters , but the givers
of gifts draw largest stores of real hap
piness > from the experiences of Christ
mas time. And to those into whose
giving the elements of self denial and
sa most largely enter are the ones
to whom the time yields fullest aifd
truest good. To give to those of one's
own household or to intimate personal |
friends : , is to exercise or express affec
tion. It is a grateful service and pays
well. < But such giving is rarely at the
cost of a genuine sacrifice , and usually
has its partial compensation at least in
gifts received again from those to whom
gifts arc given. To give , not asking nor
expecting return , but rather to give
where any return offering , even of per
sonal thanks , is know to be impossible ,
isbli to realize the very best and most cnno-
bling experience of the Christmas season.
Liberality , but not extravagance , will
probably govern old Santa Glaus as he
makes : his grand annual trip over the
country Wednesday night. Everybody
else should follow his example. .Make
many presents as usual this Christ
mas ; , but don't waste your money. It is
tin souvenir , and not the cost of it , that
should be considered by those who re
ceive. Topics.
last Tlmijlits.
A. v tei-an p'iy ' cum speakinjr on tin
nbjei't - said " the
iecntly : "Judgingof
CiH.u-hts of men by the : words JII.M
Tevi-'iis 10 death , I slionld say it otten
i 'jK iis tbafc a ( lying person givts i o
iu.itioii of thought upou a subj-1 hus been n tavonte topic of a life
.nit * . I have known active biisSuoss
ii-n. \\itii important affairs unattended
, vho d eel with words upon their lips CO
i it ii d.cated absorption in some inci-
t of the moment , generally relating er.
i i ei'viisil comfort. It vras thiu ; sort of ve
it. th th'it Washington Irving dit'd
. ' : 'Well I must arrange my pil- qu
\s f < another weary night ; if this tin
> : , ! ] nly oiid. ' Lofg suffering under SOI
f . fllii tioi.s of a painful disease will
- > vf r . divert the mind of the strong in
e-r Even the philosopher , Bon Frank"
, UHS forced to say , with his las- er
nth , 'A dying man can do nothing.
s\ . ' It is a very common ihing for u
C.M' ' g person to express sympathy with an
u .diints who have been fatigued i > >
> 'iidii < them. Amongthelast word-
Sir WTiltt-r Scott were 'Poor souls , J wi
kjuonou were up all night. ' " wiMi
Better to be Lawyer Tlmu Litigant.
' la it true that the case of Zabriskit1 Ja
ngaiiistVan Eiper is sVttled ? " asked a -01
ieport'-r of lawyer L. 31. Ward , of Pat-
rrson , X. J. This case has been in the tic
conr s for a long time.
; > Yi > 9 , " replied Mr. Ward , "tho case
settled. ( " pr
"And it is said , Mr. Ward , that you son
have come into possession of the farm. " is
"That's so , " replied Mr. Ward , laugh-
. "I've pot the farm , and Garrj the
Ackfrson , of Uackensack , the lawyeron
- other side , has got all the money. I
a mortgage on the farm , and then I 's
paid ; the balance and became the owner. wh
money I paid-went'to Aekersou. ' ' Ale
" nd what have the two farmers got
. Ward ? " CUl
Nothing. When we began the cast ilv
there were two well-off'farmers and tv.o
oor lawyers. Xow there are two 710
M-mers and two well-off lawyers. " Net' Mo.
Yurie Sun.
Millions That Vic Driuk.
Ptalisiics just published show that Ins
quantity of betr brewed in th-
LTi.itcd States during Ih'i last
-.VSI.H tivo hundred and thiit\- T
-itf'it niiUiuu gallons , or twenty-thru
ijul'im gallons more than was mad
li.ring the preceding year. It apjM'ar the ;
their < dnc ) ion bcoii stendil
rapi liy ii.ri-oi.-ing jear by 3 cm dis
iijow of 1SPJJ j-hovv.s an fdv.-nure < cor
p-r cent. over that of 187-3 JJn'
uot good U-mperanc jit'opln to ]
ekly likt ? alarm at tlee lift' '
ci'MjH iptnins show that winktii <
d idi'iii of mult 1 qiirs in Ihe onn.
iif ; < 'n- 'tl 'ii vilii : < " Hiring the drcndi tan
r n 1K70 : inl l.-'RO irom fiffv-livi't
i vill
W. C. T. U.
JOHN ALCOHOL , my foe , John ,
When wo were flrstj acquaint , s
I'll siller in my pockets , John. /
Which nee , ye ken , I want ; . j
I spent it all in treating : , 'John , ,
Because I loved yon so ;
Uut murk yc , how you've treated me , ,
John Alcohol , my foe' -
John Alcohol , my foe , John , .
We've been oivcr lang thegithcr ,
Sac ye maun tak' ae road , John ,
Andlwilltak'anithor ;
For we maun tumble doxtn , John ,
If htnid in hand we fro ;
And I fchall line the bill to piiy ,
John Alcohol , my foe.
John Alcohol , nay foe , John ,
Yc'vc bleur'd out a' my ecu ,
And lighted up my nose , John-
A fiery sign atwccti 1 '
My hands wi' pulsy shake , John ,
Jly locks are like the snow ;
Ye'll surely be the death o * me ,
John Alcohol , my foe.
John Alcohol , my foe , John ,
'Twas love to you I ween ,
That gart me rise sac ear' , John ,
And sit site late at e'en ;
The best o' frlen's maun part , John ;
It grjpvcs me sair , ye know ;
But "we'll ime mair to yon town , " '
John Alcohol , my foe.
John Alcohol , my foe , John ,
Ye've wrought me muckle skaitk ;
And yet to part wi' you , John ,
I own I'm unco'laith ;
But I'll join the temperance ranks , John ,
Yc netfdna say me no ;
It's better late than ne'er do well ,
John Alcohol , my loo.
beautiful and characteristic address to
the members of the -'white ribbon host , "
reviewing the home in its evolutions
through tlie decades , closes with these
words let them touch the profoundest
depths of our conscience :
"In the presence of the American sa
loon the American Home is like a shorn
lamb to which no wind has been tem
pered. Evils by their excesses tend to
their own uirc. and this paramount evil
of our time has stirred that deepest in
stinct , the love ol'mother hearts. This
is a force which in nature contradicts
since in her determination that degener
ate offspring shall survive , the mother ,
in every realm of being , pours out her j
life. Blessed instinct which lends its
ti pathos to the lowest orders of
er , aifd glorifies with ineffable lov-
liness the records of humanity ! I have
no fears for the women of America.
They will never content themselves with
remaining stationary in methods or in
policy , much less sound a retreat in their
splendid warfare against the saloon in
law and the saloon in politics. The tides
of the mother's heart do not change ; we
can count upon them always. The vojce
of Miriam still cji'-ers the brave advance ,
and all along the line we hear the battle
ths cry.Speak un'to * 5hfe "children of
srael , that they go forward. "
EDITOR TIUIH-.VE : The -protracted
meeting being conducted' b'y the Rev.
Mason , assisted by Rev. J. G. Martin , W
the pa.-t week , have been well attended
considering the inclemency of the weath
. It is rcpoi teTl that although lie con '
versions have been made the meeting is ha
quite full of interest and religion * en Ai
thusiasm , and will be continued for tin
some time should the attendance and
interest ) still continue. Shi
J. Eugene Dolph was a pleasant call
at the postoffice. Sunday last. USl
E. Devoe of Lebanon , the efficient gr
and gentlemanly teacher of that school eelI
tin present term , honored the writer
with a visit , last week. Come again , str bu
.Mr. Devoe. son
We learn by way of Ilarvoy Pricer an
the death of a sister of the wife of
James Potter. Esq. , who resides in the
-outheast corner of this county. Par W \
ticulars unknown. bo
I am glad to note that our school is TO ai
progressing < finely and that Mr ? . Thomp Iti Ro
has thiif iar given satisfaction. This tor fet
evidenced by the rapidity with which am
( scholars arc learning. A
There has been some sickness among this
small children , the past week. Among om pu
whom the bright little girl of Uriah chi s <
Moore. Esq. Out we believe all are New
L-oiivalcscent and in a fair way of speed
recovering. by "
C. II. Given. Esq. . of Kansas City. tin- "
. , and a brother of Mrs. C. fl. Eus- littlf
. arrived here last week. His pres- tllai till' !
.nce was quite a surprise to his people nml iviml
had knowledge of "r :
, as no one any
coining until he arrive ; ! . of t
District Court Special Term.
I 1 hereby fix December 30 , 1SS4 , as toN :
time of holding a special term of [
listrict couit in and for lied Willow cut
'ountj * , Nebraska. ing
. . SI.
Dec. G , ISS-k . Judge-
Piano and Organ Music at Metropol-
Drug Store. Up
LOST A gold scarf pin. The pin : . - ( .
in the shape of a dog. The finder
be suitably rewarded by returning
to this office. C
Hand Painted Vases at Metropolitan UJ
THE supposition now ia tlmtDr.
Burchnrd , the alliterative divine , is a
great admirer of Julius Cccsar , from
whose alliterationVeni "
, -Veni , Vidi , Vici ,
he imbibed the requisite inspiration for
the delivery of his , ' -Hum Humanism
and rebellion " Great Cicsar's ghost !
THERE is at least one branch of in-
'dustry ' that is not affected by the gen
eral depression , and that is democratic
slate-making. Bee.
The publishers of Hutledgc's Month
ly offer twelve valuable rewards in their
Monthly for January , among which is
the following :
We will give $20.00 to the person
telling us how many verses there are in
the New Testament Scriptures ( not the
Revised Edition ) by January 1 Oth , 18S3.
Should two or more correct answers be
received , the RKWAKD will be divided.
The money will be forwarded to the
winner January 15th , ISSii. Persons
trying for the reward must send 20 cts.
in . silver ( no postage stamps taken ) with
their answer , for which they will receive
the Monthly for February , in which the
name and address of the winner of the
reward and the correct answer will DP
published , and in which . everal more
valuable rewards will be offered. Ad
NY , Easton , Pa.
Pictorial History , Romance & Philosophy
of Celebrated American Criminals.
Among the announcements of new publica
tions for the present season is one embracing'
the Ti.Uii ! v of American history from the
foundation of tlie republic to thf present day.
American IIMory has In every period boon
distinguished by startling phases. lioldncss
of conception , breadth of plan , eroigy of ex
ecution , tenacity and courage characterize
her annals. These traits are illustrative not
only of her laudable achievements , and of
tlio'-o who advance her civilization lK-r corni
mcrce , sclioK churches her material ,
and intcilet prosperity , but tho.v charac
terize as well thos. ' whose cH'orts have been
lo pull down and destroy. Thnt the latter
constitute n material portion of that history.
one of necctssry : instruction and interest to
every thoi'giitfnl reader and stndent v.-iio
would be info--mol in his country's annals ,
is n fact which t'H will reconui/.e. [ I
"Tho proper study of MAXKID is MA > \ " J
wrote the Poet and Moralist , Alexander Tope.ri j
vTI i (
This woj'k presents inai\ the most complex of : .
all ' stibjr.-t- : , in h.s startling phases , and as u
feature of American history apt hi its scope j
and iJesifc i. it i of absorbing interest. 1 \
Gibbon picturing truly the crimes , eftemi-
naney and lafcciviousiicss of tlie later Roman
Empire Uil'iis pointing out the terrible de !
gene racy of the demagogues of Athcn- , and
Hume pictming the brutal crimes of England
of the l:5th : , 14th and luth centuries , performed
the part of wise teaejiers in warning their
countrymen against simSlar"hipses from , the
straight and narrow paths of honor , honesty
and truth. In a similar spirit ha the author (
of "History. Itomance and Philosophy of
Great American Crimes andCriminals" portrayed
trayed the typical crimes and criminals o the
various orns of our country.
The work is in the main biographical and „ 1
embraces nin < 5nb"ui hers the Crime1 ? and Con
spiracies of John \ . Mnrrell , the great Southwestern - * -
western Land Pirate ; the Gigantic Schemes L'
of Col. .Monroe Edwards , the Napoleon of
Forgers , ete , etc. ; the -Mountain Meadow .
Massacre ; Murders and liurglurics of Itulotr , ati
tin Great Philologist ; the Murder of Dr. atiM
Parkman by Prof. Webster ; the Cunning- Ml
haiiiHtirdellMystery : the Lowery Gaiiy , the wi
Swamp Angels of North Carolina ; the Colt-
Adams Murder ; Hill-Evans Fund in Kentucky PC
tucky ; Career of Cnllen Haker , the Arkansas tus
Desperado ; the Helen Jewett-Frank Kivcrs me
Murder ; lien Thompson , of Texas , the ManSlayer -
Slayer ; the licndcr Family , the Kansas Fiends ;
James and Younger brothers , etc. , ete.
Its pictorial feature is one of more than
usual attraction embracing Hil superb en
gravings : including personal portraits of the
celebrated criminals. nai
It is sold by subscription. The canvassing to
agent for such a work will find the latchstring - isti
string out , and a patronage that v , ill make his 1'el
business assuredly profitable. N. D. Thomp . ' (
A ; Co. , St. Louis , Mo. , and New York City , 8
the enterprising publishers. We advertise prt
them in another column. tiWi
A K ) MCK !
' \MI PuiLosiiiMir of GIUMT
\ f\L\ . , ' "
1.,1'j I.VAI.S. The mo r startling
book < of recent years. Bnnnu : > nir.u. Pir-
TOiiiAii. ItJl Superb Engravings with Person- . n
1'ortraits : of tlie clebrated Criminals. i"'i to
Hoyal Octavo pa os. Low rota il price.5' ' . " ( ) . ' UIK
is a work of ART as well as of thrilling hi < - 1.stt
toric interest. Js bound to produce si - ! ' / ?
found improsMOti. Agents soil it bythethotisA ' C )
ands. A grand chance for canvasser- : . , ' { .
i I/ Jl end lor full pur- \\-.r .
Agents Wanted ! - , ; - . .
is the most salable and prolitaMo book 0
published : or. to save time , send Tr > cents at
once for Canvassing Book , and state your
choice of tow iiMup- ? Address N. TJ. THOMI--
.v : & Co. . Publishers , st. Louis. Missouri , or
York City. X
Are j cu dNiuilK1- ! nJpht : 'n < I broken of jmir rf > = t } I11/
a sick clul.l M'i'eriru. nml i-ryliw v.Itli p.iin of cutj j . er "
tliKjlci'fli ? If ' o.rnd : it once ami stet a l.ut'lf of | * .
' ' " *
i"C'a'lui"-' . ' It will rchcxi ; rlic l ' r ! ;
.U.crcr iii.ii-i'iii'itfly. Ufpi-nd upon it. luotlivr- . ! . le , .
heri' ! K " ' ni iikr : ii' ut it It euros , ujtu.torj aivl j ' lis
Harhoi'.i , rocui.'tt's the stom.u-li ami l > ov.imns : j i : : . on .
colic. .Mift.-is the pttniri'dnci' iill-iip.iiiit : ! < > n. ; " "
Bhi'tort' : 'i l fiicrpy to - > i'cin. t"l. . , ; .
. riusicr's 3is : . - : - ? ir Chilirea Cxt sJ : ; i".i
tli utet'M .m l tii-sf ip'ale iuir-.C' ! > and [ < hiiai' '
tlie ; I'ntU'i' > t.iiJIM ! f.irs.if _ ! hy sill ilniw.-l1
lirouiioiit ! ! . .Lv. . i.ii. I'm-e C5 cent- liottlc.
[ rE'S FAVORITE. . itid
We will se id FURS for : ixnin : YKvti. , . , „
every 'im > wl'o : ? < > : ul.s tis > at once tiie names . , . -
teii * Indies , at j , ind i.
' ' '
two-et s-iaini * tor postage , our handsome. ] , „
Jiitortiiitiins itiui intniotivt" Journal dev .trd , - iiir
Fashions , ranyork. . Deeorat nw. OIOK- | , | t ,
, and otisehold matters. Ue nlar price. Indy
Send todaj.undeciire the next bell
Aiircss COKSiB ; 3U 17-1. Scsia , II. T. L\s
n wt'i'k at Ilium' t" otunt fri'i' . I'ny ab-
ftuliiti-ly Mir < - .N'oiW : . Capiinl not reqitlr-
H b U I * J Ut. * * * . 1 J ' t ullst : I'lisincss ' at . . . . .v. . Ni
V W j-erMins of either sex , } 1111:11 ; or old. tun j | , .m pay nil tlie tune they work , wltli : ilM.lute. to t
ertnliity , write for partloulnr- II. i'ALLKTT < i ; ; ulj
Portland. .MaiKe. "i-ss ten
Came to mv preinisep , one-half mile east of He
tleCook. ( November SJnl. It-M. four head of w m
itock. two cows and two heifer ctilvcs. brand ot.t-
on lelt side. Also , swallow fork of ri ht Met ,
and < iuure erop and underslit of left ear. Join
ai-5t. JK. . CAIiNtY. 23
An Enterpiisicg. Reliable House.
Johnson & Spoldlnc cm alwoys l > c rPllcd upon , not
only to cnrry in stock the best of everything but to
semre tlie A cncy for s ch articles ra liae well-
known merit , and arc popular with the people , thure
by hiMalnlnx tlic reputation of lielnx nlw.iys enter
prising , nuil ever rrltnlilu. IIuvliu i-ecurcd 'lie ' Auen-
cytt.r tlie celebrated Dr. Kltiit's N'ew Dlscuxi-ry tor
onmiinptlon , will tell it on a po.ulihu Kiiiiraniee U
wlli sine ! ) cure nn > and e\fry iillectiDii of
Lungs , and ' lie" ! , and to Hi ow our conlldeiiue , we In
A lie you to c.ill mi < I Kut a liottle Kree.
for workfnc i-copte. Scml 10 cis
HELP ajsr , nml we will iuill : you fn-i * . iroyr.l. .
viilllihliilililil : | liOX of p CKM thnt Will
put you Iu tinwuy of mnklni ; niort-
money in : > lew ilu > f llrin ) oti mur toiilii !
lit nny liuslnos. t'aplttil not rriiilreil. | You r.iu Ihc
ut litiiie nnil work In Kjiuri : Unit ; only , or nil the time
All of i'O Ii hrxos. of nil ii f-i. KrniMly siiecr.-sfnl SO
cts to $3 ciiflly earned every evt-nliiK. Tlnit nil wlio
uuu work may test i Inbuslne ? * . ue m.ikf tills uii *
paralleled oiler : To all wlm nre not well xailMU-d we
will fccnil ! to | uij for iliu trouble of writing us. Full
particular * . ilIrectloiiK , etc. , ki-nt friv. Immense pay
ub.ioliilL'ly Miru lor nil who Marl : il once. Iion't delay.
Address ST1NSOX fe CO. . 1'ortlmid. Maine. 3-.i
An Answer Wanted.
any one brln in a cae of Kidney or Liver
I'ouiplaliit that Klectrlu 1'ltttrs will not r' ' 'illly
cure ? We say they can not. n * thousands of cn es
already permanently cured mid who .ire dally recom
mending Kli-clrle lilllcrs , wlllproxe KrlKlit's IN-
ea e. Diabetes. Weak Hack , or any urinary complaint
quickly ; cured. They purify the blood. reKUlate the
bowels , and net directly on the dNca-ed part" . Ex i-ry
bottle ' ' | Kuanmtccd For s > ale at 50 cents a bottle at
.Metropolitan IJru ; ; Store.
Send us , > etb. im-tatfe , nntl
package of KoiTus of larxenlue , thit : will start yim in
work that will at once l.rln joii In money fustier than
an } thine eh u In Ainerlcu. All about the UU.llUU In
with each boAseiilh wanted e\ cry w here ,
oftliher i > e.of all up.1 * , fur all the time , or spare
time only-to work for us ut their own home * . Fortunes -
tunes for all workersalifoUitely a Mired. Don't del.iy.
H. HAL1.KTT A. CO. , 1'ortlMid. .Maine
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
THE BiST : SAI.VE in the world for < uts. Umtses ,
Sorea , Ulcers , b.ilt Ulteuni. Fever Soles , letter. Chap
ped Hands , chilblains , urns , and all * -kln Eruptions ,
md iwsitlveiy uure.s I'ilcs or no j > .iy rcfjufred. It is
KUiiraniccd to jjne perfect * .it f.icuon. nr money
rriuiided. 1'noe J. cents per boFor ! at
Semi s > i-ctvforp
leieuo fr--e , , \ co-fly Hex of
( -uoiN which xiill help yon to i
I more iiiiii > * y rifilit : twty tlrin
iu > tli.ujr I'ljsin > iiui tvuiM. All > f ci.lHT > e.Mieieuu
'rum nrM hour. ' 1 he Ino-id lo-ul ; o loruinu opens ! > < -
the workers , alisomtclj sure. At once address
. & CO. . AiiKiisru. Maine. 2-35
Wonderful !
We do not know of any mrdicine that ha- >
sn [ popularity , in ata'i a s-hoit tlmr , lor Ihe
"n--lin. ii'llel ol cotilib anil .sorene. s in the Inn , as
ihj ! ( s > * ui.iiv uLii ; avurr. it is mild ami
) ] ca > : int to lake anil will not injuie Iliu must Uelicuic
.iitunt. . K'UHpI * : bottles fiee uj S. L. ( irceifb and
i more money tl.init Piiythinfrel-e by taking
WIN : mi asenci for tlie | HI t.cilm l > o < ik out.
lit Kilmersiifcefd sr.uidlv. Nornfail. .
Terms free. HAU.r.Tf ISOOK t ) . , I'ortl.iml , .Maine.
McCook , .Neb. , Deeeuil er Jilbt. lf" > f. *
by AIISI ! l.aiH'i'ty : i nin > t .loini F. Svartfop
fil ' to comply with iaw ate Timbcr-t'ul-
Hire Entry ' . ' . 'I ' , tl.ited Ninth i'latte. .Nob. , .nine
ith , IbTii. upon the southeast iiianer section ,
" . town-hip I north , nmuv > w e.-t. m U'il-
low county. Nob. , with it view lo th * caiic lla-
tion ( ot said entry ; coiit"stunt alle in r that }
John F. Swartz lias faiieil to eultivat" Iu acres I
of silid tract from June ti , Ib.SJ. up to the present - .
ent time as required by law ; the said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at thiaolKce
on the' th day ol January. is.-r > . at I o'clock ,
P. M. , to icspond and luriii li testimony con
cerning said alleged failure.
. Ci. L. LAWS , Ki-ffister.
McCook , Neb. , December "nd , ISKt.
Complaint having entered at this oilic-e ,
by Henry Ii. Anders against George W. Walt-h I ,
for nbnr.doniiiK- Homestead Entrv IE7.
dated ! May Kith. 18H4 , upon the southwest quar-
ter section o'l , ton iit-hip 1 north.ranf.'O"7 west. ,
in Ked Willow comity. > ebras < ka. with a view ! !
to the cancellation of said entry ; the said
parties ) arc .hereby * summoned to appear at ol
this qllfee oiuthe l.tth'day'of Jnnuary. IXM , at
o'clock , I' . M. , to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged abandonment
' < ' . L. LAWS , Jtefrister.
Cochran & Helm , Att'ys.
" " na
' . S. LAND OFFICE- to
McCook. Neb. . Pept.2.Jd. 1 4. am
Complaint hnviiiff been entered tit this ollicc ter
by Hubert Moore against Frank Sandhofur for Jai
abandoning Ins Homestead Entrv : ; tj : , dated S.
McCook , Nebraska. March 1st. ISM. upon the- Si
boutheast ! quarter .sections * , township 4 north , wc
ninjrelW west , in Hod Willow coiintv. Neb. , tor
with a view to the cancellation of taiii entry ; the
tin said parties re hereby summoned to appear - OU
pear ; at this olhce on the oth diy : of i January. !
ISM , at 1 o'clock , P. respond n ind furnish
testimony coiicerniiiff said alleged abandon
ment. -I' G.LsLAWS , Keyister.
LAND OKFICK AT McCooic. NKH. , ter :
December Oth , 18 > 4. ) " Jar
Notice is hereby iven'that the following- > 74.
named settler has Hied notice of his intention Shi =
make linal pie > of in support of his claim , loll
that said prooi will be made before Hejj- resi
isteror Iteceivcr at McCook. Neb. , on Fridav. vi/
February : ioth , Its'i , viz : Herman Hey. D. S. fus
itJ. tor the south ' : northwest * t and north " - Ind
southwest ' 4 sections , township "north , e
west. He names thi following witnesses to _
prove his continuous residence uponand cul
tivation ; of , said land , vis : Charles Ebert ,
William Dubarko , Fred. Minsinjrcr and Ernst \
Newman , all ol Indiaiiola. Aeb. , , . .
iU t ; . L. LAWS. Hepister. to
LA.M > OFI u-i : AT .McCooK , NKH , i er
December -' , IS"u |
Notice is hereby ivei : that tlie loiiowinjr- .
i js
- s
make linal prool in Mippurt of bjclaiin. ; . < -Jet )
that -.lid pruor will iw iiiail. . c Sort ? ICe r- t j ijp
isteror Kei.-ei.erat ' 'eoi > k. .sen. on I'l-iilay. j iii.r
lanuary . .nth , i.v. ! , viGiltiCrt U. Ncttleton , , tion
S. : fu. lor tlie&ouiti ' Mnli-a-r ' . , -octinii i > ; in
north ' northivii-t 't section Iu. tou n.--liij ) i | r <
lorth. ran e : iO u est. He IKIIIICS the foliou m < c *
.uthe. es to prove his continuous residence.
ipon. and cultivation ot.aid hind , viz : .1.
L' . W. : . Fitch a d .M. ( { . .lohiivm. 1 Mc-
, k , Neb. , and ii. iJarnes , of Vciiton. Neb. Nr
. C . L. LAW ? ! . iiain
LA.M. Orni i : AT T U Cotiu , NKU. , ( IUIi
December bith. IS-I. ) : tcr
Notice is herei.y iriven that the lollowii.jrDeci |
lamed Center hi- : > tiled notice ut tiis intention t ii | < ui
make tinal prool in Mipjiort ot lu > claim , ! .sect
. thatsaiil proof will t.e isi.tde i elore Ho is- j nam
or iJecciver at McCook. Nel > . , on Monday , | font
"ebniary \ "d. K . " > . \ rMelvili L. Lacy , Home- I Oft
ttatl Entr.v ; ti7 ! , lor the Miulhut.'St ( juartor of | Moc
section ' : K , touiit.hip 4 north , ran e 'til w st. all
iiami't.- the following witnc es to piove
continuous lesidence upon , and eultivn-
! of , said land , viz : F.ViK , x. .1. A.
.Viicox , ? . A. Shailcr and Ed-on I'obmett. all
Mctuoi : , Neb.
' C. L. LAWS , Hesristor.
to m
LA.ND orficK IT ' ' ( I'MUK. Ni.n , / and
i tii , l.- t.-r
Notice is herc'iy iven that the followin-- Jam
iaine'1 settler lia.s tiled notice ( 1 hiintcnti'in ; H
make Una ! j-root nr-upp' > rt of his claim , ' la t
that Mud proof will be iiw ! ' l.eioio Kt- - - ; -onti
teor Hecem'i- McCooK. Nob. . 0:1 1'riday , ' ' w
antiary u : > rd. 1 - . " ) . - . u : N'ei.1. . .iobr.-on , 1) . ' ! " < '
7i'ii , lor the MHithonthutt ' -eetion 1 . ti * .it
| north li northwoat ? t sectior. li.township Mtnn
north , ran e.W we-t. He name * , the foliouI'tit. . -
witnesses to prove continuous resij j ' >
lencc upon.and cultivation ft. s.iid land. vis. : \
S. Hover , William L. I'ryf.r. W. H. Hnu-
and Mvioa ' Wil - on , all of "ct'ook.eti. ! . No
( , ' . L. LAV- . Uetri-ter. na
LAND OKI ICK AT Mcf'imx. NKH. , I i elaiir
December "ith. iM. i j lore
Notice j i hereby jriven that tlie loiiowniLiistui :
iiimed settler has" filed notice ot intention Weai
make linal proof in support of his claim. we.-t
thatsi'id proof will bem d Ivlore Ue isranj , ;
or Receiver at McCook. Nel . . -aturday. . ijz
anuary-4th. It" * ' . \iz : Jtnoli Har.-hlieraer. jKri.
loine-tead 1KS7. for the si.ufheu-t fjuarter ol sontl
eetion I'J. township ' { north , i-uit'e' " . west. - L-tion
names i the following witnesser-to prove his ' they
ontinuous residenee HJMJII. and cultivation their
said land , viz : William McQuay , llciijamin tion >
IcQuiiy. Gustave E. Wnllin and Ale\iiider ; r.dini
ohnston. all of McCook. Nob. c\La
U. L. LAWS , Keyiiter. , i ' >
Omen AT Md OOK. NEB. , t
- December 10th , low. \
Votico Is hereby irlvon that the lollowlnff-
na . .Settleffijed notice of U * interiton ,
to make linul proof in support of his cluim.
and thnt said proof will be made "JiH ?
ter or Uccolvor ut McCo k.ob. , . on fci turduj ,
Janii rv 17th , IriM. viz : Charles II. riuc ,
Homestead Entry era , for the > 1 r 'Vcltnq"U'W '
terot ectlon(5. townshp- . north of range # >
S. lie names the followlnjr witnesses to
, and cultivation
prove hia continuous residence upon
tivation of , Mild land , viz : Gilbert > cttlo-
ton. Chester C. Xewman. Gucmio H. btiiruuclc
and Alphenls Starbuck. gl Mg.ogNeJ.
focliriin & Helm , Att'ys.
December luth , 1884. f
Notice is hereby jdven that the followlnfr-
named settler has tiled notice of his intent on
to make linal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Itejf-
isteror Kcceivci nt McCook , Nob. , on i triilny.
.lanuary Ijlth , If.'si. viz : Hurlbert A. Graham ,
I ) . S 7KJ. for the north ' . northwest f * section
1. township I north. iiuiKC.'H ) west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and ci.ltivation of , said
land , viz : .1 nines K. Law t hers , James Law-
there , N. IJurtless and Nathan O. ickwiro ,
all of McCook , Neb.
X S G. L. LAWS. Hcglfitcr.
o tb Octobcr j , , ] g84.
Notice is hereby jjiven that the followin-
namcd settler has Hied notice of her intention
to make tlnal proof in support of her clairu ,
and that said proof will be made before uejflo-
tcror Heceiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
January JUth , 1SJ-5 , viz : Maiy M. UrigKS , D.
S. ) > S1 , tor the northwest quarter of section - ' ,
township 4 north , range ai west. She names
the following witnesses to prove her continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Hiram Thrailkill , Chatham H. Phil
lips , Emerson E. Colcumn and Edward \ \ . \ an
Horn , all ol McCook , Neb.
-8 G. L. LAWS , Keifistcr.
November sath , J884. f
Notice is hereby jriveu that the followiui-
named bet tier has Wed notice of his intention
to make Jlual proorin support of his claim ,
ami that said prool will be in.ide before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Tuesday ,
January 2uth , lbt. % viz : Elsworth U. Dassett ,
D. * , lor the south ii bonthwest ; .t section
_ ' : . ' and cast * northwest } 4 fccction-T , town
ship 6 north , ran -e oU west. He names the
luiiouuitf witnesses to prove his continuous
reMdcnce upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : J ) . J. osbiirn. George Zimmerman , Wil-
limn Vincent and James Campbell , all of Os-
born. Neb. - 7. G. L. LAWS , Register.
November 2Sth , 1SS4. f
Notice is hereby given that the followlnj-
iiiimed settler has tiled notice nf his intention
lo m.ike linal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proot will be made before Reg
ister or Kcceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
January luth , IKS.viz : Jtihn C. Sheriff , D. S.
bM. tor the southwest quarter of section 3U ,
township 1 north , range L"J west. He names
the loiiowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous lesidenie upon , and cultivation of , said
laud , \ iJohn Relph and William Relph of
McCook , Neb..leuben Gorverand Henry Ger-
ver ol btotightou , Neb.
1'7 G. L. LAWS , Register.
November : Mtli , Ib84. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named : bettler has Hied notice ol lierituentioii
to make linal prool iu support of her claim ,
anu : thai said proof will be made before ticgis-
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
January -7th , isK'i iEmily V. Porter ,
Homestead 1aitiyt.O , tor the southwest quar
ter ' section , townslup i north , range -.I west.
He , ' names the loiiowing witnesses to prove
ln continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion or , siiid hind , vi/ : Thomas Seolield , Wil
liam Doyle and Stephen Holies of Hex Elder ,
M- . . , and .Montgoii cry Doyle of Thornburg ,
Neo. L7 G. L. LAWS , Register.
December 1st , 1S64. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler ha * bled notice or his intention
to mane nnai proot in support of his claim ,
aiiiitimtsai'i prool will be made before Regis
ter . or Ueceiver at .xiccook , N'eb. , on Mondav ,
January I'.ith , lea. ) , via : Ferdinand 11. Keller ,
it. s. 7'- , lor the southeast quarter section 14 ,
townships north , range ill west. He names
the , ' toilowinj' witnesses to prove Ins continu
ous residence upon , ami cultivation of , said
land .v , viz : Alice Siirater. Robert Johnston
William . ' McQuay and Henjainin McQuay , all
MCCOOK , i > eo.
jJi _ G. L. LAWS. Register.
November d , lt > 84. ) "
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler lias Hied notice ol his intention
make linal proot in support of his claim ,
and that said proot will be made before Regis
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
January attli. I.-N'I , viz : Thtimas .McQuay , D.
14 , lor the northeast ! t southeast Ki section
; and northwest .t south west f and south
west ' . , northwest Ji and lot ol section 24 ,
township : { north. range > : ? .i west. He names
folloving witnesses to prove his continu
ous ! residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land . ' , viz : 1 J. Marbuck , Jncob Harshberger ,
William Hyatt and Richard Johnston , all of
McCook. Neb. 'M G. L. LA WS , Register.
November Kith , 1S84. f
Notice i < hereby gi\pii that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
make lina ! proof in support of his claim ,
: that said proof will be made before Rcgis-
or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturdav
lanuary "rd , ISM , xiz : Ernest Fuller , D S
. for the southeast quarter section
liip3 north , . ' . - .
] range : west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
esidencL- upon , and cultivation of , said land
iStephen A. Rogers. G. Lloyd Clark. Ru
II inkley and C. Howard Monlton , all of
ndianoia. Nebraska.
| ; _ ( i. L. LAWS. Register.
, . . , , November lUth. lfc84. f
Notice is hereby given that the rollowinir-
lamed settler has tiled notice of her intention
make tinal proof in support of her claim
' that said proof will be made before Jteiris-
or , Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Satuniav
aiiiiary titji , INC viz : Sarah E. McKillip. 1)1
l-i. lor the southwest \ noithwest . north
south\ie-t < 4 and northwest 't southeast
eetion .Ti. towiit-hip t ; north , range HI west i
n.'inethe loiiowing witnesses to prove
e : > : ; tiiinou < re-ideiice
upon , and cnltiva-
ol.sad : Montgomery Dovlo -
aniiici liuynie. H. H. Cooley and Frinii K
ut.-rbai.gii , all ofThornburg. Neb
' _ G L. LAWS. Register.
. . . , November 1Mb , i.ss4 f
Notee : is hereby given that the followitig-
amed settler has llled notice of his -
make linal proot in support of hi"cliirn
that said proot will be made before K
or Receiver at McCook. Neb.
, on Fridav
ecember ajt i. IN * | vis : ( harlcs KnipS'
lomestead 171 . tor the northeast
ctonl township : in rth.range 30 < west" ilo o ?
< tiie loiiowing
prove bis
iintinuoiis resnlence upon , and
< ni l and. viz :
G. L. LAWS. Register.
. , , > vember I'Jth , lbS4 "f
. .t nortwe-t 'Auiii
-nth-a-t t s .ction - township B
- He name- the following
- g Register.
. . . , November 17th. 1SS4 f
Notce is hereby given that the folkVwlL
ett ers have tiled notice or their StM
to make linal "
na proof in sunnortnf ?
ims. and that
sahi l-nuife wI be
Reiter or Receiver . , t McCook m
tnrdav I ) , . ( . ( > nUa-r - - th. l n
eater. Homestead Entry M '
< .
: John W. Toltnan.
Homestead Fn , .
for the r
southwest '
, nortlie-isr i %
ntheact : 4 northwest intl tutl"nnfl ' . r
4. township 1 north.
name the foliowitig itne
continuous reMdence poni !
of. said land , viz : Samuel S
Imiiiul Wychoir. Jacob C. Foutz
Latterty. all of Danbury. NVb n
CJ. L. LAWS , Ilcffister.