* * McCooK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 25 , 1884. . NUMBER 30 , BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCook , Nebraska. 0. I. LAV73 , Boettter. C. T. BABor , OKFICI : Honts : From ! i A. M. to IU M. , and 1 to 4 V. M. , mountain time. COCURAX & 11KLM , ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND GKNKIIAL AOKNTS , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and cnrcfiil attention given to Law Cnes In all the CunrtH of tlie Srate mid all 'clasHcs of I * . S. Lnnd lludliiOKS tratikaclcd before the locil oltlcf at McCook. Ni'lmihka , and the Iniurlur Department at WtuhlUKton. 1) . C. ontestsu upcelalty.lll pn > - ccutc clnlniH for IVnM.ms and claim * for Inrrcnsc of PenMen . Xotarl.il laislncHs done i ml lands boturht nnd sold on iciifconaMi ! ILTIII * . J-jT"OlUce 1st door south of the U S. Land Olllcc. it.'J'J PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County Keeps cortitlud plats of sill lamls in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to till such business. Correspondence ' ' . solicited. - - ST "COLYIX , " Notary Public & Justice " „ ' , ; Peace. I'cnsion papers carefully fllled out and col lections promptly attended to. OlliceM ( loot east of Tin : Tit i HUM : ollice. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Olllco nt Metropolitan Dni Store , where lie can be found when not professionally enjpitr od. Kesidcnce , corner ot Jelt'ersou and .nad- ison streets. Dn. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - XEDKASKA. Churchill House. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PIIAU.MACV , ] McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER -i , L * > . McCOOK. - NEBRASKA. Jobbing will receive prompt attention nt my sliop on Dcnnison St. , opposite McCook House. Plans and cpcclficatlons furnished K desired. C. L. NETTLETOX , Superintendent Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations nt Indlsinola on the third SutKrduy of every month , commencing at 9 o'clock. A. M. 5-tf. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooK , - NEBRASKA. H work guaranteed. Give me si call. WILLIAM McIXTYEE. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done oti short notice. NEW BARBER SHOP. JACKSON TUBES Has opened up a Harbor Shop on West Dcnnlson Street , McCook.Neb. . , where lie Is aWc to do Shaving , Hair Dressing , etc. , at all time * . Lailies anil child ren' * halr dressing n specialty. all mid become acquainted. JACKSON TUM5S. A. C. TOWNE , REAL ESTATE AGENT. McCOOK , XEBKASKA. Has for sale Deeded Lnnds. Timber Claims nnd Homesteads. Also , \\ill locate parties on Govcrn- mcut Laud. i wanted for The Lives of all the 'Presidents of tinI" s. The jklargest , linnd omect best book " "ever sold for less than twice oar price. The fastt-H selling huok in Aineilfi Immen-e profits to agents. AH intelligent people want It. Any one can become a successful agon : . Terms free HALLETT HOOK CO. . Portland. .Maine. J-3.- . LADIES' MEDICAL ADVISEE. A Complete Medical Work for Women , hand- ooinely bound in cloth , and illustrated. Tells how to prevent and cure all diseases or the sex , byatreatmentat home. Worth its weight in sold to every lady snU'erin ; ; from any of these diseases. Over 10,000 sold alroadv. Post paid onlv " 50 cents. Postal note or 2-ct stamps. Address"K i:2 . PITS ! SHUTS CO. . Sciii II. 7. Our Opinion. After selling numberless preparations , tre are con vinced thst15KGGS' TltOl'K AL OIL is unequalcd. For pain , cuts , bruises , rheumatism , frost bites , chil blains , etc. . Ills warrantedbj S. L. Green and John son & Spaldtng | for the working class. Send 10 cents Bforpos-fage. and we will mail you free. | : i royal , valuuMc box of i-ample go.ids 'that will put jou in the way of making more money In a few days than you ever thought | > os- slbie at any business Capital not required. We will etnrt you. You can work all the time or in spare time only. The work is universally adopted to both sexes , young and old. You can easily earn from 5u cents to > 3 e\cry e\enlnp That nil who w itvork miy test the business , we irmkc this unpamllelcdnfTcr ; to all who arc not uell Mtl-tK-u uv uill send ? 1 to pay for the trouble of writing u < s. Full particulars , directions. etc , , sent free. Fortunes wilt lie made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address STINSOX & CO. , Portland. Maine. 2-33. Reliable linns. Messrs. S L. Green and Johnson & Spaldlng are always reliable and try to secure the best of every thing for their patrons They now have bought a Urge quamltyof UKGGS' ( 'IIKKKY OUGH SYltCP , and are always willing and ready to recommend it to . every one in need of s preparation for coughs , colds , asthma , bronchitis and consumption , as they know of no other remedy that Is gaining iucb a wide reputa tion. Simple bottles free. GRAND SLAUGHTER We have just received our Fall Stock of. 'hi ' THE LINE We have the Largest and Most Complete assortment c-ver opened out in McCook. Jt C J JL In this department we are offering the following bargains. ONE DOLLAR will buy 13 pounds of Granulated Sugar . § 1.00 14 pounds of extra "C" Sugar . § 1.00 20 bars of White Eussiaii Soap . § 1.00 6 pounds of Arbuckle Coffee . $1.00 16 yards of Good Muslin . $1.00 20 yards of Prints . Sl.OO Perfection Flour$2 per cwt. Highest Market Price paid for Produce. CHAS. NOBLE , Manager. THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK -DOES A GENERAL Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Kesidcnts. Money to loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe , C022ESPOSSSOTS : I j.y. . ] ) OLAN. President. First National Bank , Lincoln , Neb. i Chase National Bank. New York. | A FllAXKLlX , \ ICC-President. CHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALED FOR Power , Simplicity , Durability. Estimates made of Mill and Pump complete upon application. livery Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSE , This mill Is a "solid wheel" and the best self-regulator made. The Woodman = e No. G. Pump is the best bingle acting force pump In the market Will work in wells from 10 to 200 feet lu depth , and has hack attachments to force water into elevated tanks. Can bu us-ed by hand or windmill. Parties contemplating the erection of a Windmill will consult their bust Interests by calling at my Homestead , IK ; miles northwest of MeOxik. or at 1 ! . Johnston's , 5 miles southeast , nnd ei- amlne. the working of the Woodmanse. W. M. IRWIN , Agent , "Woodmanse Windmill Co. . Freeport , HI. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington , D. C. } Dec. 20. 'S4. An addition to the hrnnxu mon strosities with wliich Washington al ready abounds , is to be unveiled in the presence of the public dignitaries at the Capital , next Saturday. It is the fiijuro of Admiral Dupont the he ro of Port Hoyal , but it bears a more striking resemblance to Kobinson Crusoe i'i his best stniro of despair. The Admiral was a fine looking man , and an officer of such consummate courage and thorough ability as to jump from a captaincy to the Admir alty at one bound. Therefore his memory deserves something better than this amateur botch-work. I have been for years pegging away at Con gress and protesting against this squandering of the people's money upon the-inartistic abortions in the similitude of statues that one meets at every street intersection. They have cost the Government all the way from ten thousand dollars to one hun dred and ten thousand each , and after all are nothing but a public eye-sore. They are derided by foreigners , de tested by ourselves , and must defy the merciless criticism of the spirits of those whom they are intended to com- nifmorate if said spirits do conde scend to rfvisit the Capital. The invasion of Washington by the expectant office-holders has already commenced , even after Mr. Cleveland has taken twenty thousand of them by the hand at Albany. The hotels are already more than full , and all the morning and evening trains bring its additional population to make up the half million people who will be hereon the of February on twenty-second day ry to stay until the inauguration and as much longer as they can. Fifty representative citizens of Washing ton , without regard to party affiliations have been selected as a committee to get up an appropriate as well as an elaborate programme of ceremonies for Mr. Cleveland's inauguration. Apropos of the 20 pair of boots that a Wytheville , Va. , cobbler pro- po'jed to present to the President- eh-ct , but which the latter insisted upon paying for , reminds me of the fact that Mr. Perry Davis the origina tor of the celebrated "Pain Killer , " made and presented to Andrew Jack son the pair of boots that the Gener al stood in when he was inaugurated on the fourth of March , 1829. D.ivis studied out his formula for the Pain Killer while at the cordwainer's bench in Fall River , Mass. , and from it left a fortune equal to the deserts of a patent medicine man. In this case of boot presentation , the thought never entered Davis' head that Jackson would give him an office , nor did Jack son entertain the least idea of giving him one , and he did'nt. However , in these more degenerate days it were better that Mr. Cleveland should pay for his boots just as every man does , only he should insist upon not being particularly marked for a victim of extortion. The outlook for the conviction of General Swaim is not so encouraging as it ought to be. 1 should think that nn ordinary court martial would hard ly need any stronger proof of guilt than the miserable pettyfogging that has characterized the defence from the outset. When Swaim was first brought face to face with these charges , he de clined the interference of a military commission to investigate them , and when that commissioi was ordered by the Secretary of War and found a liasis for the charges , he resisted the * court martial that the President was compelled to order to try him , and lipr" he has interposed every possible Dbstacle in the shape of demurrers , rebuttals , surrebuttals , and what not. until his counsel have succeeded in [ retting the court into confusion worse confounded. Swaim , however , should be hustled out of the army anyhow , on general principles. DOM PEDUO. SOJIE men have tact. Said the bridegroom who didn't wish to either affend his bride or die of internal dis turbance : "My dear , this bread looks : lelicious , but it is the first you have jver made. I cannot think of eating it , but will preserve it to show to our children in after years as a sample of Lheir mother's skill and deftness.- IF a man really wants to ascertain if how little importance he ( the Joughty lord of creation ) is , let him iccompany his wife to the dressma kers , about this season of the year. ONE of our western journalists re- narks concerning our health giving lir , in its relation to man : "It kisses md blesses him , but will not obey rim. " Dobbs says the description mswers to his better half exactly THE BESSEMER 'HEATER TE'S AND SEE THAT MAGNIFICENT Hard Coal Base Burner THAT HE IS GIVING AWAY TO PURCHASERS OF HEATING STOVES' m IR AJaL. A JLJLH * J * rJ > JL % * r w JLJK7 Every Purchaser of a HEATER receives a ticket for the drawing , which takes place JANUARY 25th , 1885. Party drawing the stove and not wishing to take its will receive $30 in cash. Don't fail to call and see it. \ W. G. LaTOUBETTE. Two Doors South of the Postoffice. & . . -OEXKKAL DEAI.KI'.S IV- EB BE5BIB > 3 iG0 H Baai&r i * t USsf Bill & Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire , HEADQUARTERS FOR agon The Best Wagon in the Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Cop per ware By Practical and Experienced Workmen. Promptly and Xeatly Executed. Homer Store , Opposite Citizen's JJank , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. ARAPAHOE FfeQfcffl * WARRANTED TO BE THE * o r IN THE MARKET. SALE HAYDEN if CO , AGENTS ; McCOOK , - NEBRASKA.