McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, December 11, 1884, Image 7

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    Tim's Tlianlcsg.Ylng Dinner.
Bloomington Through Hall.
Little Tim did such odd jobs as Iio
could securfj to aid his mother in mak
ing a living for a bumble twain. Their
homo was in a tenement in the great
city of Chicago , and to reach it it was
necessary to go up a flight of stairs in
an alley and then along a long balcony
until you reached another stair , and so
on until you were five stories from the
ground. When you got there you saw
no soft , warm carpets , nor did you ob
serve any pictures or even a lire. The
floor of that dark black room was cold
and bare and the walls and ceiling were
more bare than the lloor , but aside from
a few cheap cooking utensils hanging
on the walls they were as bare as a pious
man's pate. 4
The day before Thanksgiving Tim
had sold some papers , blacked some
boot1 ? , shoveled some snow off some
Tvalks , and when ho went home at even
ing he had a dollar and thirty cents ,
and his mother had earned two dollars
that day , so they put their money to
gether and Tim's mother said God had
been good to them that day , and they
could pay their weekly rent and buy
ton whole bushels of coal and actually
have a fire Thanksgiving evening. Tim
had ideas of his own , however. Ho
had contracts to shovel the snow off the
walks at half a do/en places the next
morning , and know ho would have a
dollar and a half by noon , so he said
to his mother before they retired :
"Mara , don't you eat no dinner be
fore I come home , for you're going ter
be invited out to-morrcr. "
"Tim , I'm afraid you are joking , "
his mother replied.
"No I ain't , mam. Just as sure as I
live you're going to bo invited out to-
morrer. " Then they slept until morn
ing , when Tim arose and went forth in
to the crisp cold air to do his work. Ho
sold enough papers to yield him half a
dollar and "shined" five different men's
boots , and by the time ho had began
shoveling snow he had already earned
a dollar. At eleven o'clock ho had
made two dollars , and at once set out
for home. On the way he stopped where
there was a great crowd , and while
he was looking on one of the roughs ,
who were lighting , iircd a shot from a
small pistol. The bullet lodged in Tim's
breast , but he never said a word , only
turned away and hurried to his mother.
"Tim. Tim , what makes you so
pale ? " she asked , as he ran into the
"Oh , you just think so , mam , " he
replied. "The snow is so white it
makes everybody look pale. There ,
mam , is a dollar 1 made this morning. " '
"Oh , Tim ! you have had a splendid
day , haven't you ? "
"Pretty good , mam , but I've made
another dollar , and I'm goin' ter invite
yeroutter dinner. "
"Well , I will go with you , Tim , but
where will we go ? "
"I've got it a\ 'ged out at one of
the bang-up restt r ats , mam down
to the Boston , ana wo'll ' go down there
and eat a dozen apiece of them whalin'
great big Blue Point oysters , with cel
ery and pickles , and Saratoga chips ,
and everything just as nice as you ever
saw. "
As they went out Tim's mother saw
some drops of blood on the snowy bal
cony , and spoke of it , but Tim only
laughed , and said he guessed it was the
blood of the Thanksgiving turkey they
did not have.
The steaming oysters , nicely brown
ed , with all their accompaniments , were
set before Tim and his mother , and
they eagerly devoured them , but Tim
surreptitiously slipped nearly half of his
into his mother's plate , one at a time ,
while she was admiring the luxurious
surroundings between bites.
"Ain't they good ? " asked Tim.
"Oh , Tim ! I'll never forget this din
ner as long as I live. "
"Well , I'm glad of it mam , for we'll
never eat together no more. "
Why , Tim , what do you mean ? You
are pale. "
"Waiter , here's j'our money , " called
Tim , gasping. "Mam , I mean 1
mean I'm shot. That was my blood on
the landing , mam , but I wanted yer to
have a good Thanksgiving dinner 'fore
you knew it , 'cause I knowed you'
wouldn't eat if I tole yer sooner.
I was pale , mam , and I'm pale .now ,
and my ole boots is a'most full of
blood. "
The little fellow had been braver
than any man on a battle field , and had
kept his word , for he was alive when
noon came , and he invited his mother
out to dinner as he said he would.
They called a surgeon , but it was too
late. Tim was dead when he arrived ,
and gave thanks that night in para
dise. _ _
For Haifa Iiife-time.
Mrs. John Gemmell , Milroy , Miflin
Co. , Pa. , in the Spring of 1864 injured
her spine and partial paralysis ensued !
For nearly twenty years she was unable
to walk. In the 'Spring : of 1883 , she
was advised to use SL Jacobs Oil , the
great conqueror of pain. The first ap
plication gave instantaneous relief.
Before the second bottle was exhausted
she was able to walk and is cured.
To write for all time is the ambition
of every author. The man who origi
nated the series of negro minstrel jokes
is the only one up to to date who has
apparently succeeded in his endeavor.
Boston Globe.
The stand-up shirt collar of the pres
ent day is a deuced bore. It catches
you right under the ears and turns your
hair up until each particular hair on
your head stands on end. These collars
of chronic rectitudes are sure destruction - '
tion for an innate curiosity you.have
nursed for deciphering the reading on
house-top signs.
It is reported that a curious bet was
made on the presidential election in this
city. A young lady agreed to give her
best fellow as many kisses as Cleveland
received electoral votes , provided ho
was elected ; the young man fo have two
a week until the number was exhausted.
He was to give her a present costing as
many dollars as Blaine received electo
ral votes , if he was elected ; the bet to
be paid as soon as the result was offi
cially announced. We presume the ' i
voung lady will begin to-night to pay
her bet It will take two years , ono
week and a half to pay it. Knoxville
Chronicle. I i
\ .
Itoxr a. TOInlftter'a Good. Deed Landed
Slim In an Innane A ylnm Tlio
Story of HIM Eicapc.
To tiic Editor of the Milwaukee Sentinel :
SIR : I have read a good many sto
ries of late concerning the confinement
of sane persons in lunatic asylums , and
I am hereby prompted to relate a bit of
personal experience.
In the year 1855 , while I was scrying
the Methodist Episcopal church in a
New England town , a neighbor's house
took fire. In common with others , I
stood on the edge of the roof , passing
buckets of water , exposed to intense
heat on one side and freezing winds on
the other. I took a fearful cold. For
twenty-live years It worked havoc in
my physical and mental systems. Nev
ertheless , I continued in my ministerial
duties. I preached many a sermon
when suffering intense agony. At cer
tain periods , however , I would bo com
paratively well , and then again , my
head would get heavy , my breathing
labored , my appetite fickle. I would
lose interest in life ; feel sleepy at mid-
da } ' , and wakeful at midnight. My
heart occasionally gave me great con
cern. Not knowing to the contrary , I
attributed this ill feeling to malaria.
But eventually mental strength faded
away , and I was utterly prostrated. I
was cauterized , cupped , blistered , and
treated by many physicians in many
different wayd.
My case was a puzzle as much to my
physicians as to myself. For one of
them at first prescribed for delirium
tremens , and yet I never had tasted in
toxicating liquors. Another said I had
brain disease , another spinal difficulty ,
another nervous prostration , heart dis
ease , etc.
My mind eventually gave away , and
in 1882 I was confined in the Brattle-
bore , Vt. , Insane Asylum for six months.
When I knew where I was , I demanded
instant release. I then made a visit to
Oceanic , N. J. , but I had reckoned too
much on. my strength. I again lost my
reason for a considerable period.
That I was in a desperate condition
is evident. My blood had become in
fected with virus , which inflamed my
brain occasionally and doomed me to
an early death ; for no physician gave
me any hope of cure. I finally found
out what my real disorder was , and un
dertook my own treatment. In a few
months I was restored to such a state
of health as I never expected to enjoy.
That was over three years ago , and my
physical and mental health have re
mained intact to this day.
Last March I came west , and en
gaged in garden farming. In all that
time I have not lost a day's work ; have
apparently enjoyed the most vigorous
health and I expect to live the full term
of life. The remedy I used was war-
ner's safe cure , and if I should live a
thousand years I should never tire of
telling its praises.
You will confess with me , Mr. Edi
tor , that such a change is remarkable.
And you will , also , 1 am sure , agree
with me , when I say that whatever cre
ated such a mental and physical re
storation is deserving the highest praise.
Verv truly yours ,
Dodge's Corners , Wis.
There are undoubtedly thousands
of others who have an experience simi
lar to the above , to whom Mr. Hopkins's
recital will appeal with persuasive
Tlio Trouble Safely Over.
Stomach trouble is serious business
while it lasts ; but what a blessed relief
to have it depart ! Mrs. F. G. Wells , of
19 Atlantic street , Hartford , Conn. ,
writes that she tried Brown's Iron Bit
ters for stomach trouble , and that she
experienced such relief that the trouble
is now entirely over. She recommends
this great iron medicine to all who are
afflicted. It cures liver and kidney
The world is a looking glass , and
gives back to every man the reflection
of his own face. Frown at it and it will
in turn look surly upon you. Laugh at
it and with it and you will find it to be
a jolly , good-natured , most agreeable
"Mamma , " said little Mabel , "ought
the governess to whip me when I didn't
been and gone and done nothing ? "
"No , of course not , my child , " replied
the mother. "Well , then , she gave me
an awful flogging this morning because
I didn't do those awful hateful sums. "
A Bloomington scientist says this is
going to be a very hard winter. He
says that the corn husks are thicker ( or
thinner ) than usual , and that the moss
on the north side of forest trees is heavy
and warm. We were not satisfied with
his prophecy until we found that the
voice of our cat was husky , but now it
is plain to be seen just what is going to
ail the weather. Bloomington Through
" red trimmed with Irish
"Turkey , em
broidery , is the thing for children , "
says a fashion journal. If the children
had anything to say about it their prefer
ence undoubtedly would be for turkey
boiled trimmed with Irish potatoes.
The Judge.
When Greek Meets Greek.
Buffalo Express.
A Buffalo man while in New York re
cently descended from the elevated
road station at Chatham Square. As.
he did so he gazed around for a minute
to get his bearings. A bright , spruce
young man of pleasing appearance
stepped up to him and said : "Why ,
how are you ? It's a Ion" : time since
I've seen you. " The Buffalonian ,
who is a lawyer , sized the young man
up and acknowledged , with about a ton
of ice in his manner , that it was a long
time. "You don't seem to recognize
me , " said the sharper. "No , 1 don't , "
was the reply. "I am with Benedict
Brothers , you know. " "Oh , what is
their business ? " "Dealers in cutlery. "
U"H'm , yes ; well why don't you at
tend to their business ? " The sharper
thought he would , and he did.
MK - - -
A volume has lately been published
on "What to wear. " Now what we
want is a sequel , entitled "How to pro-
cure it. " Boston Post.
"All Men Are liars , "
said David of old. Ho was probably
prompted to make the above remark
after trying some unreliable catarrh
remedy. Had ho been prcmittcd to
live until the present day , and tried
Dr. Sage's Remedy , ho might have had
a better opinion of mankind. Wo claim
thafc no case of catarrh can withstand
the magic effects of this wonderful med
icine. One trial of it will convince you
of its efficacy. By druggists ; fifty
Judge Estes , of Georgia , has abolish-
cd the practice of requiring witnesses
and others to kiss the bible when they
are sworn.
A Prize in the Lottery
which of life is usually unappreciated
until it is lost , perhaps never to return ,
is health. What a priceless boon
it is , and how we ought to cher
ish it , that life may not be
a worthless blank to us. Many of the
diseases that flesh is heir to , and which
make life burdensome , such as con
sumption ( scrofula of the lungs ) and
other scrofulous and blood dieases , find a
complete cure in Dr. R. V. Pierce's
"Golden Medical Discovery" when all
other remedies have failed. Dr. Pierce's
pamplet on consumption mailed for two
stamps. Address , World's Dispensary
Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
Since the development of tree culture
the forests of Europe have increased
from one-sixth to one-fifth of the entire
* * * * Delicate diseases of either
sex , however induced , speedily and per
manently cured. Consultation- .
Book three ( Set. ) stamps. World's
'ispensary ' Medical Association , Buf-
> , N. Y.
An English doctor , who has traveled in this
country , says Americans could live to be one
hundred years old If they would take care of
themselves. '
If afflicted wita Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it.
Motto of the cornet player An high for an
high and a toot for a toot.
PRIVATK DlBoase * and Abase * of Youth and
Manhood Cured quick , lafeand permanent
ly. Cull or irrlto and eet adTlcc. circulars , etc. Con-
itilt free. Dr. N. K. Wood , Sioux CityIowa.
"Man Is man's greatest study , and how to
get ahead of him his most persistent.
' - . . , . 1'oBte , tte
Heniciau'acpt - - .o.oti
only preparation of beef coDUiotac tt * entire nntrl-
tloiu properties. It contains Wood-making , force-
generating and llfe-sngUlnlne pop rtle ; Inralu-
ble for Indication. y * epita. aenrfm * proi-
tratlon , and all forms of coneral deblllly ; J * , U all
enfeebled GancUtlotu. whether the rcantt f
Jon , nerrouf prostration , orerworfe , ot * CW
partlcnlarlyu reiultlnc from pulmonary ww
CASWXLL. lUsxko * Co , proprUwn. Yorlr.
Bold by drucglita.
Rounder says his wife is the light-wait cham
pion. She always stays up till he comes home.
Indian History.
The Indian of falcon glance and Lion bear
ing , theme of touching ballad Is Rene ; but
Petroleum they discoyered. now made Into
Carboline , the National Hair JRestorcr , livu
forever. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
During the dry season , now about to begin ,
50,000 men will be employed on the Panama
Fruit and Garden Lands in Colorado.
In 5 and 10 acre tracts. Low Price. Long
Terms to settlers or non-residents. Address
for particulars , W. E. PABOR , Fruita , Colo.
Women and girls o > ra nearly one-half of the
deposits in the savings banks of iJassaehu-
setts , having to their credit $117.932,399.
3 r b Oil 8 91VO < mrw Itoainffo and IrrttatloM ot
OSoSkia S cilD , PoUoni , Bit * , of Inwcts , ! > ile ,
Ulcon , 4c. Cures Burnn and Scaldawithout a BC r.
Small botci 2oc : Jurce'ZEc. G t thn f nuina. Bold br
UrnaslsU. J.W.OOLE & CO- Black PITBI Fall * . Wia.
The largest railway station in the world has
just been completed at Birmingham , England ,
at a cost of S'2.000,000.
Tested by Time. For Throat Diseases ,
Colds and Coughs , BROWN'S BRONCHIAL
TROCHES have proved their efficacy by a test of
many years. Price 25 cts.
A German botanist has given instances of
the modification of plants by insects so as to
produce new varieties.
g3 ? Well-IJre ii.etl ! People don't wear
flingy or laded tbniffs when the lOc. and guar
anteed Diamond Dye will make them good as
new. They are perfect. Got atdrutrgists and
be economical. Wells , Richardson & Co. , Bur
lington , Vt.
Professor Huxley's daughters are counted
among the prettiest girls in England.
Sprains , bruises , stiff joints , burns , scalds ,
ind rheumatism ore relieved by Uncle Sam's
Nerve and Bone liniment. Sold by druggists.
Worms cause peevishness , fevers , convul
sions and frequently death. A pleasant , safe
and certain remedy is Dr. JAQUE'S GERMAN
WORM CAKES. Sold by-all druggists.
Headaches , constipation , liver complaint ,
billiousness are cured by that mild , cleansing
remedy which never produces pain , ELLERFS
Bold by druggists.
An economical man will keep the leather of
bis harness soft and pliable , which preserves It
from cracking or ripping. He always uses
UNCLE SAif'S HARNESS OIL , Sold by all
Harness Makers.
One-third of all who die in active middle life
ire carried off by consumption. The most fre
quent cause is a neglected cold , coueh , hoarse
ness , bronchial trouble or asthma , all of which
may be permanently cured bv EILERT EX-
Bold by druggists.
A farmer's wealth depends on the condition
af his stock. When scraggy and feeble they
are especially liable to distempers , fevers ,
folds , aud all diseases which destroy animals.
Thousands of dollars are saved annually by
that valuable old stand by , UNCLE SAM'S
Restless , fretful , crying children are suffer-
Inc and need for their relief DB. WIN-
ful not only for all the disorders of teething
infanta , but cures coughs , croups , sore throat ,
colic and cramps of older children , and should
elways be kept in every house for emergencies.
Only 23 cents. Sold by all druggists.
TJaert by the Chief
Mechnnicisn of the
u.S. Coa cSurr y :
by the Admiral
cotniBsmdiiicrin the
TJ. S. Kaval ObsarT-
ntory , for Astro-
nomioalwork ; amd
by X.ocoBitiT
Eairlnecri , Con
ductors and Kail-
all nice IB irkieh close
durability * r reSold -
- - -
Sold In
' 8 xelaiire
a Fall Warranty-
teoklnr profitable employment to write
If or Illustrated Circular and terms of
lAeeacT for this Celebrated Waaher.
[ 3wiichbyrensonof iU intrinsic merit
isiaogtin * mth such wonderful succets
J.WOSTH , , , er ST. LOUIS , HO.
s uab' ,
"When you visit New York City , via Central
depot , save Baggage Exprcssnge and f.'J Carriage -
riago Hire , and stop at the Grand Union Hotel ,
opposite said depot Six hundred elegant
rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars ;
St and upwards per day. European plan. Elo-
vator. Restaurant supplied with the best.
Horse-cars , stages and elevated railroad to all
depots. Families can live better for less
money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any
other firstrclass hotel in the city.
There arc 300,000 known living specimens In
the animal world , of which more than iilne-
tenths are invertebrates.
Allen's Iron Tonic Bittern onrlohei the
Blood. All genuine bear the ' - ; nature of J. 1 * . Allen ,
Druggist , St. Paul. Minn.
A late Investigation shows that Australia
contains 103 species of snakes 35 of them
harmless and 73 venomous.
'Wisely Adopted by Dairymen.
The adoption by most of the prominent
dairymen and farmers of the United States , ot
the Improved Butter Color made by Wells.
Ilichardson & Co. , Burlington , Vt. , Is a proof
of their wisdom in a business point of view.
Nearly all winter butter is colored in order to
make it marketable , and this color IB the best ,
in regard to purity , strength , permanence and
perfection of tint.
Florida will ask of the incoming national ad
ministration the placing of the Pensacola navy
yard upon an active footing.
PRICKLT Asp BITTEHS Is an unfailing epa >
ciflc for all complaints arising from a derange
ment of the functions of the Liver. It purifies
tbe blood nd infuies new life Into the uiTalid.
Pains in the side , general uneacineiB , loss of
appetite , headache , bilious attacks , &c. , &c. ,
are sure indications that a corrective is nosd-
ed. PKICZLT ASH BITTERS Ie especially adapt
ed for these complaints. It arouses a torpid
liver to action and restores it to a healthy con
It is said that Japanese women have nevci
seen and do not know the use of pins.
TVlicn Doctor * Disagree
it will be time enough to doubt the reliability
of Kidney-Wort. Doctors all agree that It is a
most valuable medicine in all disorders of the
Liver , Kidneys and Bowels , and frequently
prescribe it. Dr. P. C , Bailou , of Monkton ,
says : "The past year I have used it more
than ever , and with the best results. It is the
most successful remedy I have ever used. "
Such a recommendation speaks for itself.
Sold by all druggists. See advt.
The heat and mosquitoes at the Danish Sci
entific station in South Greenland are suggest
ive of a tropical climate.
A CAKD. To all who are suffering from
errors and indiscretions of youth , nervous
weakness , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. ,
I will send a receipa that will euro , FHEE OV
CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered
by a miesionary in South America. Send Self-
addressed eiivelo to KEV. JOSEPH T. INMAV ,
Station D , New York.
John Adams lived longer than any othei
president of the United States , reaching the
age of 90.
She exetferlty cftite ttl * effka hutoaet
H from < * Oer nfftm ttt of OM
u tlcmxsl * wd
tyiteosary to remove tfi * ssxue.
t&o XAvsr (3 at fault , nef tfurf nefiur W
mlves eeotatanto 19 etv&lo t&t * 9tyaQ 6a
to S&elr cs * and cffceiivo ue a
car * ; arc pteaeant to tbe tacit GK ta&sa
Jet oscordtny to directions , they era 9
r , ISabittsal Ccs >
etc. , etc.
m KtpwUr t3 esvy other
elseneir.3 Ota eytisst thoroughly ,
( enpsrtiny Ktto Ufa o * energy t ttio te-
Xtta a saccMeino a & cot
31 T838 HI&aiST fS9 PtiSIlT AM
QSdta2 BaeOisz. SBXO3.8LOOlM *
tlam. fererand zue ,
llrer complaint. In-
antlrltr of the kid-
fcjt and bladder ,
constipation and
other crrnnle mala-
4\r * . Hettatter's
Stomach Bitten Is
a tried remedy , to
which the medical
brotherhood bar *
lent their profeisloa-
a 1 tanctlon. and
which at a tonic , al-
teratlT < 5 and house
hold speclne for dli *
orders of the stomach
ach , liter and boir eU
has an unbounded
For talc byDmf
CltU and Dealers , to
whom apply for Hoi-
tetter'i Almanac for
A SUKETUISC ! SemtFrcoto
Anyone. I mannfoctul * and te p
coaitxatly en hand T ry article nied
Bbj the sportlDfffr3teniltTt TTlH wlthj
Kin caaies nf chance. Sand for nan
'mothcircnlar.Addrcas VICBDYDAM.
C * aad 87 Aaa a Strtft , ? T rk Qtj.
Any person who will end us the names of four wide
awake boys or girls in their village and ten Ic. stamps
for postage , we will send free , 26 Imported Embossed
Fnnsre Birthday.Cliristmas.New Year and Easter Cards ,
all different , and a new illustrated 64 pace Holiday
M cants * ,
u TcMbern two
. Sicrt-baad ,
trg. 12 OBaee lor Stalest !
, ,
i. , u L. SMITH A CO. , 4c U , faUUc * , HI.
„ - - . . . . ipfarwiyrlrenUr , "tTSO * jtBrerH < nrI
uKou " gw ottatanacu
J : sth&a95. * - - - . heipr' -
lerre era , enr ekcl r . n 4 btni ] y , I * . A B * *
keck. C-G. Bn > ir . Aoufln * .Xaai > i. Br * der P.
B. Tcwli iad P. ? C.Bwin swine cir oliri frte.
r TELHORAPHT , or 8HORT-HAin > sad
XYPE ff KITING here. Situation * fur-
JJ Bilked. Address Taletin BTM. , Janearille. Wla.
for ts but nd fasten
ceilInrrietorltlBao ) * ad3tl > lM. Prtcci redact *
3 p r cent. UATIOXAJFVB. . Co. , fit. L xli. M .
Morphlae Unblt Cared I 1O
to 20 ilayo. Nopajtill cared.
DB. J. STBMEXI. Lebuon. Ohio.
W. N. U. , Omaha , 236 50.
say you saw the edvertisemuntia this paper
Thrto Peculiarities
The luperlor qualities of Hood'i Sariaparllla are e-
lured bjr tkree peculiarities TZ :
Flrat. The combination of remedial agent * uied.
Second The proportion In which they ro mixed.
Third. The proecu by which the cctlr * medicinal
> ropertlo art secured.
The remit It a medicine of unniual strength , which
iffectfcnrea hlthtrto unknown. Theia peculiarities
ua excluilreiy peculiar to Hood'a Sarsaprllla , and art
Unknown to Others
"In four weeks Heod'iEftaspartlla laade
nan. My head ceased to ache , aad my wholi system
if built up anew , enjoying perfect health. It Is the
leat taedlcln * I erer nieJ , and after trylnj Inert , I
Ind it hai o equal. " I. BAMIMOTOJT , 120 Bank
rtreet , New York City.
"I hari e a troubled wlthjeneral debility , and my
* lood waa aM nt of order. I took Hood'a Sanaparilla
ind am feeling perfectly well. It has been a great
Dtnoflt to me. " FIXLXT A , FIB , Lima , Ohio.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all Druggists. tl ; ilifortS. If aile only by
C. I. HOOD * CO. , Apothecaries , Lewcll , Musi.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
This medicine combining Iron with pure
_ _ _ . _ . . . ,
all ! ntit n11tr nnfl frrnlnt 1
tonics * and f\r\-r\ * V
Yegetable , quickly completely
Curca Pyspopsla , InillBcntlon , U'euknesJtt
Impure Blood , JUaIariaC'hllls and Fevers ,
nd Neuralgia. ,
It Is an unfalllntr remedy for Diseases of the
KIilneyH and J.lver.
It Is invaluable for DIser es peculiar to
Worsen , and all who lend seuentnry lives.
It docs not injure the teeth , cause hcadache.or
produce constipation other Iron medicinti < o.
Itenrlchesand purifies the bloodstimulates
the appetite , aids the assimilation of food , re
lieves Heartburn and Belching , and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack of
Energy , Ac. , it has no equal.
J89- The genuine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
A Gold Watch-
The proprietors of the largest card manufactory In
Connecticut , wishing to introduce their Agent's Sample
Hook into every home at once , make the following lib
eral oifer : The person telling us the longest verse in the
Bible before Jan. 1st , will receive a SOLID GOLD LADT'S
WATCH worth SW. If there be more than one correct
answer the second will receive a fc tern-winding American
Watch ; the third a key-windingSwls * Watch. Each per
son competing must send 25c. with their answer , for
which they will receive 2 LADY'S WATERPROOF UOX.SIMER
C.AHMKNT8 , one pack hidden name. All Knibos cd , Ilinl
Motto and Chromo Visiting Cards with their name neat
ly printed on each , and our New Agents' Samplu Book
and Premium List of about om hundred new gtyles of
Cardii. Address ACME CARD CO. , Ivonyio.v , Cosx.
m FOOTE'8 Original METHODS
Hi n CVCC MaflflXewwithontdoc-
uLU C I LO tonmedicineorgl iaes
DIIDTliDCCurelwHbo ( > "
fl UI I U flU w uncomfortable "c trtug.
I nlrnUulw HOWpainicBBiuu ,
tiCDUnil ? Defcllltj , etc. : 'ci- .
nLnVUUO and rational treatment. '
io-callrd "Incurable.
Dr. E. B. FGOTE , Box 788 , M. Y. CUT. Caircls.
Fine Cards , Inscribed Floral Deiltm , - 3c to 5c each
Fringed Cards , Floral Design , colon ) , - 5c to lOc each
Fringed Cards ( larger ) Floral Design and
Scenery , colors , - - - - lOc to Me each
DD A M P JO beautiful Cards , plain and
in AIM U O fringed , from - J2Kc up to S3 each
Klegant designs , from 5c up to S3 each. Plu h Cases ,
Odor , Toilet , Jewelry , GIo\e , Cuff'and Collar HOTBS
Wisp Broom Holder , from $1 up to 325. Send 2c stamps
for cards. A. IIOSPJE , Omaha.
TTOHrayE per etnt more Groceries at tao OJdE4-
Batle Stera ef
&amcaab bonrtit elstwnerelittesuta. They S
15 lb A 3n-nr for - - - - Sl.Ot
1Cllw Extra O Sugar for - - Sl.OO
I * lb . Granulated Sugrar for - - Sl.CO
16 1-2 IbO. Now Orleans Sugar for Cl.OO
ad otter gsoda ia proportion. Seed for HcotWy
- - - J/B. FBSKCfl * CO. , OMAHA.
To the agent sending in thu
A$300 largest list of subscribers to
Th Omahn Weclcly Re-
PARLOR pablicaa before Jane 1,1835-
ORGAN Sample copy ( with Special
Offers ) FBEK. Address Tlio
Ctcpnbllcan , Omaha , Keb.
I here a pe ltlv nmtt j ftr tb abors dli u ; b r lu
tu tba Mit8ofaMief U want kin * and of fact i
( taodlarbftv * bn oxrixL Imilerd. lOMrcmr I nrfalUi
Imitl O5acTth tIwllI n4TVTO BOTTLES TREK ,
to any I B&rer. v4 esrru > ud F. 0. Xdrxi.
. int. T. . , ! < * Tort.
Lorillard's Climaz Plug
bearing red tin tog ; that LorBlard'i
R o Iienf fine eat ; that Lortllard'g
Kary CHppInrs , nd-th t Lorlllard'a Snnfl * . ar
th * bet aad oheapeat , quality oenzldered 1
& 9ShotGun Revolvers ,
Rifles ,
taaectat Omaha Scbeal Tekerfcpby , I
Neb. Seed for circuW.ff TRh POM.Jfan ST
ui ffJWtfiitts BROAD CLAIM aiteUatH
Erer offered , to th pablio.
New Music BooksJ
ByL.O. Euxaso * . Position AVD Koxxit , Sanoot * .
Anxoxinxs. 3EMi.VAr.iE3 AMD COLLIDES. A book of
ICO large octavo pages , containing El btrmonlxed
tons * of tbe hfthtst character bulb In words an *
music ; also Vocal Exercises and Solfeggios , and di
rections for Vocal Culture. The publishers are coac
fldent that tbls will be a most satisfactory book : . > -
Send DC cents ( the r tall price ) for specimen 0097.
tSJCO per rfoxen.
FOB Coimow Scnoou. Endorsed by Cbrlstta *
Nllsson , Theo. Thomas and others. Any school mnslo
teacher will bo at once captivated by the charming ;
cenial character of the song * , wblcb are SI in number.
Teacher's Kdttlon , 75 cts. , 17JM per dona.
Scholar's KdKIon. 30 cls _ I3.U ) per dozen.
Church S rvlco. By HOWABD M. Dow.
Just tbe book needed by erery cbotr that has short
anthems or sentences to sin ? . A Una collection of n
such places. Highly approved by those who lure x-
amlacdlL. Price S ) cts. ; 17.20 per dozen.
Any bole mailed for retail price.
LYOH & HEALY , Chlcigo.
OLIVER DITSON & CO , , Boston ,
. . LYDtA C. PIHKHAM'8 . .
* . is A roarnvE curtE FOR
All tioe ! palnfnl Complaint *
* anrl Utakiiesscs 10 common
* * * * to our best * * *
_ _ Frltf $1 la llialJ , pill or Intnt * hrm. ,
n furpott < s tolelyfor the ItgUlmate healing of
dlttaand the relief < / pnfn. and that it doe * at ,
tlalmttodo thoutands of'ladlet can gladlytestify. *
It wfll cure entirely all Ovarian troubles , lnflaaiai
tlonand Dlceratlon , Falllne and Displacements , and
consequent Spinal Weakness , and la partlcularlr
adapted to the change of life. * * * " *
It removes Falntncs * . Flatulency , destroys all craving
forstlmulantiandrcliiives WeainossortheHtpraacn.
It cures Bloating , Headaches , hervous ITostratlon ,
Otneral Debility , aienplrawness , Depre ion and IndV
rertlon. That feeling of bearing down , causing ; pain ,
ind Uckache. Is always permanently cured by its UMU
Send stamp to Lynn , MMS. , for pamphlet. Letters ot
inquire eonfldentially answered , for taleatdnyyist * .
The BTrYERS1 GUIDE is issued. Sept.
and March , each year : 224 pages , 8 Jx 11 *
inches , with over 3,30O illustrations
a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale
prices direct to consumers on all goods for
personal or 3335 family use.
Tells how to tfSr lBk order and
gives exact mK | H cost ofer- _
crythingyou wjk JS use > drint ,
eat , wear . , or l8g > - * F Have fun
with. These iStni' H ' invaluable
hooks contain information gleaned from
the markets of the world. "We will mail
a copy Free to any address upon receipt
of the postage 8 centi. Let us hear
from you. fc : Kcspectfully ,
227 t 229 VT b U Avenue , Chlosco. 111.
Kansas City , R3o. 4
Uorlayl lo trs t Circle , Kerroax * a4
"Sptcbl Clict a.9TrJ3tl Wcaiutjn , ( nlybt
' ' 8 < xaaJI > itillrJccj ! cf stxucl poiurfr
Hcrraus Dcbafijr. * ta Cnra tturaer
tecdorn-.onoyrofaaticd. Ciurgca lew.
TTvouisadB ot caA cared. JCzperleaca
ijlmpofUEt , All EioUcloei ruij fa
BJC. o memirr er lejraUca jnaM *
clnacsed. Ko drteatloa from bs * .
_ _ am. Patleala U dlitinca tretad 'bf
toner aaaexpreu. B-.cdlciae lent ererjrwher * fr o froa
* i3eorbreakat . BfatsyoarcaM cad lend ffrtenat.
JonwllaUon fre and coaf-denttel. p r nalir or by let-
ter. A BOOK for fc ra ceze * nu tntcdantM > ale4
ETtry CltUtnm we ir.iit tit Ittl
folki aCbrliUu Ficicirt. TlUTur
we bmre oocthix | . nice acd prett/ .
To introduce our goadi in eTtry hoaie
we will tend to any bor cr ) 'I free
orcbarrr > If 70 * will und ! Ce. ( or
poitice , c. , 3 pretty Bolls with
bHitiful lift-like fntur lt.retty cuiU
ind bice ejei or b ri uid dirk eyn ,
aad wardrobe of 21 Dreixt. HaU. Ac ;
one elegant filt'boond floral Aato *
rripi Album illutrated with fclrdl ,
ftnu. tcrollt , 4r. , re I TPT Chrlit-
Spinal MI < iea' % Vii . . . . 75
Spinal Corset , 2 00
Spinal Ifuraing Corcot , X 25
Spinal Alxlomfnn.1 Corset. J2 75
Kecommended by leading physicians , adivcrcd.
frea xnvrrtiera in the XT. S. on receipt of price. .
Satisfaction guaranteed. Lady Agents "Wanted
TbepnblUaertof the Cnpltcl City Homo Cnent , the well know * ni tra > d and
Family Majulne , naie the following liberal offer Tor the holiday * : The perioa tallrnif
citbeIonE tTeru la the Bible befer J naary lit , wiU reeeim a bolld 6oid , Ladj'a
Hantlne Caved SwUa Wntcli worth $ W. If there b more thaa one correct aoi
thewcond will recelre aa el g nt btriu.winding Gentleman's Wiitcli ;
the third , a leywiadlaiEnzll h Watch. Eacn inoo noit tend 36 eenu
with their aoiwer for which thev will receive FREE , poitpaid , three months'
ub.trintlon to " JIOMlf GUEST"and aa Elesant I. dj' Work
Bor with their nntne beantifnlly itencilied on the cover. Each bar cnntalsi
3 Silver Tinted Thimble. 1 pnctaee Fnncr Work Kcedlra. C
cle nnt Fruit Knpklna , 1 packajrc Embroidery r-Ilk m orted
eolorn , 1 pnckare 811k Ulooka for I'atchnrork , 2 Chrittmao
C'ard , ahrw YeorCnrdu , 1 torcly Klrthdny Cnrd , sadl copy
of "Ladlen * Fancy Work Guide , " coataicm ; illostr.tlonj a = d dexrip-
UCEI of all the lateii d Icn la fancy work. The rfjcHr prire of the aboTe
articlei li $1.55 , bet to thoteiraocczply with the atiovereqclremtnts we wflliecd
Publ'ra Home Guest , Hartford , Conn ,
ETerrone can now own n. PERFECT 7IBIXBZPEH. IttaKO HCSBC8 or cheap toj-.bnta
reliable teller of the time of day la a Handsome Silrcr KicUe Hunting Cat % and fully
warranted. CUeap - B _ Br"IBB watches are poor
a A 11 o
timekeeper * , bus fflEanM Avlf V onrWaf rburrean
be relied upon. We VL-aB wa Ell " " i * * WW * * rB * wast 10C.9CQ new
readersfcronr pawa t , obuln
them we make thi special o3er : Tor * O tt * . ( or 38-2e utAEins ) we will tend oar familr
story paper , entitled ILLUSTRATES LK8CRX KOCE for S JIOSTM8 a * trial and CITB FSKZ
our Waterburr Timekeeper in an KLBO1KT GOL AID TELTtT IfTTHL CIS I. ForlCcextra.
ire will send aFlne Plated Watch Chain with a Ker Charm. For a club of threa and Jl.W
we will teait 3 enbcrlption . and 3 timekeeper * as premium. Moner refunded t not
as described. Address LJCUUK8 HOUR FOB'S CO. , F1C1FIC BLOCK , CEJUfcO , IU.