McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, December 04, 1884, Image 5

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    The Tribune
Thursday , December 4,1884.
C37TAH loculH under this bond nt the rnto of
lOc. for Hrst insertion , and f.c. per line for ouch
Bubscquont insertion , nnd mime will bo run
until ordered out , tin loss tlino is npocllle < l.
Job work spot cash. Statements will bo pro-
Rented at the end of each mouth.
CONOIlEOATJONAL.-Sundny School tit 10
A. M. every week. Preaching services every
Sunday night at 7.80. M. T. Alm > , every alternate -
r nato Sunday morning at II. M. T. Exceptions
to the above will bo noticed In locnlu.
METHODIST. Servicefi every other Sunday
morning at JO.UO , M. T. , and evening at 8 , M. T.
Sunday School every wock at a.IJO , M. T. Ser
vices held in Opera Hall.
AIM.V IJAim.Er , Pastor.
CATHOLTC.-ServiceB will bo held In the
Opera Hall once every four weeks.
JOSKPII Ct-Eitv , Pufltor.
A. P. & A. .M. McCook Lodge , U. D. , meets
on the 11 rat and third Tuesdays of each month.
T. O. KKES , Sec.G. . L. LAWS , \V. M.
I. 0. G. T. The Independent Order of Good
Templars meet in the Congregational Church
every Tuesday evening.
Local Intelligence.
Graham Flour at City Bakery.
Ketchum We've got 'em you bet.
" '
Pickled pigs feet at the City Bakery.
Try them.
"CONFUSION" at the Opera
Hall , December 8th.
For pure drugs and medicines go to
Metropolitan Drug Store.
J. S. Phillips sells the Ketchum
Wagons the best in the world.
We notice the arrival of a number of
Russian emigrants , this week.
100 new Overcoats just received at
Wilcoz Bros. , at from $5 to $20.
"Cubas" . a long Havana filled cigar ,
for a nickel at Metropolitan Drug Store.
Rev. M. L Custer will preach at the
church , Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
Don't forget the fact that at Metro
politan Drug Store you will receive the
worth of your mon < \y every time.
At the City Bakery you will find the
largest and most dclioious California
pears ever offered for sale in M.cCook.
We hear rumors of a number of new
business enterprises which will be open
ed up in McCook , this fall and next
An excellent quality of sweet Michi
gan cider at City Baker } ' . Also , a car
load of Apples which will be sold cheap
by the bushel.
C. B. & Q. stock was among the very
few that made an advance last week.
The Q. is on about as firm a footing as
any road in the west.
The nicest Maple' Syrup and new
White Clover Comb Honey you oversaw
at "Wilcox Bros. , and New Sorghum on
ly 50 cents pergallon.
FOR SALE. Some choice Timber-
Claims and Deeded lands , to be sold at
once. Enquire of COUIUAX & HELM ,
1st door fiouth of Gov't Land Office.
The new house in the west part of
town is being built by Jacob Thomas ,
who recently arrived from New York
state , and expects henceforth to sojourn
amongst us.
We expect to give a report of our
city schools at an early date. Parents
will doubtless be interested in knowing
how their children are progressing in
their studies.
The official vote of Red Willow coun
ty this year for presidential electors is
907 , and for regent of the university
933. Representing a population of
a.bout-ijSOO. Population in 1880 was
A. new skating rink is being built on
the corner opposite Colvin House , by
-.Charlie Fisher. Sam. Ashmorc and Ed.
Laycock. The building will be 50x90 ,
and it is expected to be finished by Sat
urday a week.
The railroad boys seem to think that
the Akron Eating House management
takes the entire bakery at wholesale
Tates , when the other Eating Houses
along the line wouldn't be entitled to
an oyster cracker.
Although still in her second year of
existence , our city has outstripped ev
ery town in the Republican Yalley west
of Red Cloud , and even Red Cloud will
have to look out for her laurels Mc
Cook is destined shortly to wear them.
A low sad wail coinop , with the gen
tle breezes , from the eastern part of the
state floating , by reason of the cheap
ness ef corn. Price has been ranging
from lOc. to loc. the past week. Here
corn brings from 25c. to 30c. and very
little is brought to market at these
We can beat the Jews on Flannels ,
Hoods , and all Dry Goods , etc.
( Persons indebted to us will
please call at our office and set"
tic their accounts before ( Decent *
her 3ist , 188/1. All over dtie
Notes held by vis on January
ist , 1885 , will beput in our
lawyers hands for collection.
Ml parlies having accounts
against its will please present
them for payment at once.
Frees & Hocknell ,
Mrs. Jackson Tubbs met with a very
painful accident , Tuesday , while striv
ing to get out of the way of a vicious
cow. In her haste , she fell , spraining
her ankle and bruising herself consid-
erablj' .
Buy your Christmas candy at the City
Bakery , where a consignment of cur
iously designed and handsomely deco
rated candies has just been opened.
The finest , by all odds , ever brought into
McCook. Call and see. for yourself.
McCook ought to he a money order
postoffice , and in view of the fact of
the great convenience the postal note
affords the public , it seems preposterous
that no steps have been taken to make
this a money order office , by its patrons.
Who will prepare and circulate the nec
essary petition ?
Thanksgiving was quietly observed in
our town , almost all of the stores wore
closed in the afternoon , and our citi
zens all repaired to their respective
lioines and indulged in the conventional
turkey dinner , with cranberry sauce ,
scolloped oysters , and other toothsome
dishes to accompany.
We noticed the look of more than
ordinary serenity on J. II. Yarger's
countenance , last week , but knew not the
whenceness until advised that the where-
? ore ot that smile serene was a recent
edition of the persuasive gender who
made her debut into their household
ast Sunday a week.
Mr. I. 11. B. Arnold , whose illustra
ted lectures on-Egypt , Palestine , Rome
nnd Greece , were among the most at
tractive features of the Nebraska State
Sunday School Assembly , will givea
course in this place soon. Watcli for
dates and other particulars. His pict
ures arc magnificent.
An exchange inquires : "How many
of our fair ladies are mathematicians
enough to add moral courage to beauty ;
subtract envy from friendship ; multi-
) ly amiable accomplishments by sweet-
icss of temper ; divide time by socia-
rility and economy and reduce scandal
to its lowest denomination. "
- Into whose eager mouth will the
lostoffice plum drop , is a question fre
quently propounded to us , in a varietv
of forms of expression. Editor Bishop
gives his straw , but while the woods is
? ull of prominent applicants for the
office , we feel inadequate to the inter
rogatory. "Many are called , but few
chosen. ' '
It seems to be the prevailing opinion
that the recent deaths that have occur-
ed among stock arc the result of feed-
ng too much on dry corn stalks and
smut , and that insufficient water makes
the effects worse and fatal results more
certain. Our stockmen may do well to
; ive this matter attention , and thereby
save their stock.
Young men , shun the dram shop and
gaming table as you would a pestilence.
[ write not in anger or to criticise , but
from the fullness of a heart that has
'elt the bitter effects of both. History
ifts its warning voice and sad exper-
ence proves that nought of good , but
much of misery follows indulgence in
either. Jcxius Jn.
Who will represent the Magic City
it the World's Fair , that opens at New
Jrleans on the 15th day of this month.
The fare from points like Omaha , Lin
coln and Kansas City , is but a trifle
over § 20. All who have the time and
neans should take advantage of the
ow railroad faie , and see the Crescent
Uity in its holiday attire in winter.
"Cheney Frank , " a graduate of Dr.
Baggs , the most notorious confidence
man of his time , has been one of those
attracted to this Mecca of the gambling
iratcrnity , the past two weeks. Our
nforniation , coming from one who has
cnown this individual in times past to
lis sorrow , is to the effect that no
all-around-man be scared
: ougher - - can
up in these parts. ' Forewarned , fore-
t -i t V
For the best Plour in town call at
< k *
City Bakery.
Business men , now is the time to
advertise for the Holiday trado. '
Manager Bragg is engaged this week
in putting on a 40 ft. addition to his
rink , and expects to have it completed
by Saturday.
Despite all our denials there arc a
number of papers in adjoining towns
and counties that are industriously cir
culating the false statement that a cat
tle disease is epidemic in Bed Willow
county. We repeat , sirs , with increas
ed emphasis , that no disease exists to
any extent among cattle in this county ,
and don't forget it.
We clip the following from the State
Journal's personals. There are many
in our city who will be glad to hear that
Alex. Stewart is able to be out even
on crutches : Alex. Stewart , the engi
neer who was seriously injured in the
Ilubbell disaster , is in the city , walking
on crutches. He has had a serious
time , but feels thankful that he got
out of so frightful an accident with no
worse injury.
Gosper County Citizen : Mr. Frank
Everest from McCook , has been in this
part of the county buying cattle , after
purchasing.150 head he returned to his
home. lie is a jolly good fellow and
we will miss those bright smiles for
some time , but he intends to return
some day in the near future. * * *
A. A. Whyte sold 58 head of his cattle
to H. T. Church of Frontier county ,
who took them away Saturday.
The number of intoxicated men , who
staggered around through our streets ,
Monday , is a misfortune and disgrace
to any town. It does seem as though
the flood gates of intemperance had
been thrown wide open in our midst ,
and it does not require a prophetic eye
to look into the future and see the re
sult. This is a well-spring of consola
tion : "The mills of God grind slowly ,
but they grind exceeding small ; though
with patience stands He grinding , "With
exactness grinda He all. " v
There is some talk of organizing a
telephone company at Norton , connect
ing Edmond , Logan , and as far east as
Kirwin , and west to Oberlin , and thence
to McCook , Neb. It would be a grand
scheme , and after it was once put in
operation , we would wonder how we
could get along without it as long as we
did. Col. Chapman offers to take $500
stock , and possibly $1,000. Norton has
the capital , and it would be a paying
investment. Let us call a meeting and
talk the matter up. Norton ( Kas. )
What a conflagration a small fire
kindleth sometimes. Two neighbors
in South McCook had a little misun
derstanding concerning the ownership
of an innocent old hen , last week , and
during the continuance of the misun
derstanding , the innocent female spec
imen of the featherly tribe came to a
sad and untimely end. This action led
to a further misunderstanding between
the ladies of the respective houses ,
wlrish it seemed would require the in
tervention of a justice to settle , had not
John Farley assumed the roll of the
peace maker , and by his exertions and
proposition to pay all costs , had the
case dismissed. Never carry such small
matters into court , brethren , you can't
afford it.
A young man by the name of Good
rich who has been around town for the
last two or three weeks , on a high lone
some , and during this lonesome time ,
in which he has been indulging highly ,
lias been borrowing various suras from
different people. One evening last week
lie approached a party who had already
made him a loan of about $15 , and ask
ed for the loan of his overcoat for the
evening. The party approached , feeling
that , such cheek ought to be rewarded ,
handed over the coat to the suppliant ,
who forth with engages in a game of
poker and puts the overcoat "in soak. ' '
After this escapade the young man
made himself less numerous on our
streets , taking a vacation at Culbertson
and Benkelman for a season. Wednes
day afternoon the young man took the
train at Culbertson for eaatern parts ,
and the Judge , who was still warm over
the loss of his coat , was promptly on
hand at the depot with Constable McCormick -
Cormick , and the overcoat soaker was
arrested , and on his paying for the coat
and all costs he was discharged. He
may consider himself lucky that the
matter was dismissed at that juncture.
A number of our confiding boys are out
of pocket in various sums. The young
man is smooth very and borrowed in
all some $200 or $300 , how much was
refunded we know not.
J. T. Morris of Stockvillo was in town ,
on real estate business , Monday.
Dr. . T. D. Pollock one of our solid
, men on the Beaver , made THE TRIBUNE
a short call , Saturday.
C. A. Frederick of Council Bluffs ,
largely interested in town property made
a business trip to town , the first of the
Ed. Ellridge of Culbertson was in
town , Friday and Saturday , looking af
ter a bunch of 15 head of cattle that
were estra } * .
Mr. and Mrs. A. McG. Robb enter
tained a number of our young people at
their residence , Wednesday evening , in
their usual happy manner.
Editor Packard of the Sterling. Colo. ,
News , was in town , Tuesday , looking
into the prospects of McCook for a
jounalistio venture. We are not advis
ed as to his decision.
W. P. Saunders of Omaha , special
agent Phenix Insurance Co. of Brook
lyn , and brother A. Y. S. Saunders ,
clerk of the District Court of Gage
county , were in McCook , the first part
of this week , looking for claims.
Mr. , and Mrs. Clothier returned to
their home in Mt. Holly , New Jersey ,
Sunday morning. It will be remember
ed that Mrs. Clothier met with a serious
accident up on the Willow , some time
since , whereby she received a badly
fractured limb. Every arrangement for
comfort was made by Mr. Clothier , a
state room being secured from this point
through to Philadelphia. These esti
mable people were visiting at the Stokes
& Troth ranch until the accident , and
since then occupied quarters in town.
We understand from an entirely reli
able source that a faro bank is in full
operation in our town , and that the
game ( styled prox in the nomenclature
of the profession , ) is a regular skin
game to ensnare suckers and ' -'snaps , "
as we heard one of these individuals re
mark a game in which the dealer is
sure of winning and the sucker is equal
ly certain of losing. Citizens of Mc
Cook think you'not that it is about time
that the almighty arm of the law were
brought to bear on the violators of its
dignity. We can at least secure an
abatement if not' an entire riddance.
Gambling has assumed an importance
altogether out of proportion to our
town , and by reason of the lact that so
far they have enjoyed entire immunity
from the law , many notorious parties
Prom Denver and other like resorts of
that fraternity , where the climate is
now too warm for their comfort , have
3een attracted here. This matter ought
to be taken in hand and dealt with as it
richly deserves.
The Commercial House , Isaac IIo-
back , proprietor , is rapidly nearing com
pletion , and will in a few da's be ready
For the accommodation of the public.
This house will fill a long felt need.
While the restaurants have been amply
numerous to feed everybody , the lodg
ing facilities have been entirely inade
quate. The Commercial House contains
sixteen sleeping rooms , and the usual
office , dining room and kitchen , and will
be finished throughout substantially
and well.
The McCook Dramatic Company
will present the latest London and
New York Success , "CONFUSION , "
at the Opera Hall , Monday evening ,
December 8th.
Just arrived , a.t the City Bakery , a
car-load of the Cream and Fancy brands
of Grand Island Flour. Also , a supply
of corn meal.
For musical instruments and music
go to Metropolitan Drug Store.
Talley Grange School.
Report of attendance , deportment and
examinations for the fall term of 1SS4 :
The Valley Grange school closed
November 21st. The Driftwood school
will commence the first Monday in
January , 1885. Let the scholars all
coine in the first day of school.
'Quarter section of land , timher and
water , 3 miles , and a 37-acre parcel ,
% miles from McCook. Eoth deeded.
Call on or address , EATOX Buos. ,
27 McCook , Xeb.
S232S822.AZ : THE
Chicago General Store ,
* Mrn
JPfusft , cii Vefvet
B Ji s !
Accordeons , f Concertinas !
Jewelry , Chains , Rings , Lockets , Pins ,
We will guarantee the wear and quality , and cheaper than
can be bonght elsewhe e in McCook.
( DECEMBER 23th , 1884 ,
Hats , Feathers , Plumes ,
Jfo Extra Charge for Trimming Hats at THE CHICAGO
Toy Horses , Bells , Drums , Carts , Elephants ,
Pianos , Books , Brittania and China Tea Setts ,
And many other articles , too numerous to mention here. It
will pay you to examine my GOODS before purchas
ing elsewhere. Come and lie convinced
that you you can do better at
The Chicago General Store
Cloaks a ! the Chicago ienerai Store
are actually given away when compared in quality ,
elegance and prices with what other dealers
ask for their garments. Come and be
convinced and see for yourself.