McOooE WEEKLY t VOLUME III. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 4 , 1884. NUMBER 27. ' ' * BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ft = = = = = = = = = = I UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE * " ? * McCook , Nebraska. a. I > . LAW3 , Setfstn. 0. T. BASCOC2 , SicclTcr. ' , . Omcr. HOURS : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and f 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. J. E. COCHIIAN , ATTORNEY AT LAW , KoCOOS , ES5 WILL07T COUNT ? , 1TSB. Practice In a y Courts of tlib state and Kan sas , and the government Land Office of this District , and before the Land Department at Wuflhington. Satisfaction jnmr.intoed , and terms reasonable. Office 1st door south of the D. S. Land Office. 3-28. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY STJRVEYOE , Red Wilfcto County Keeps cartlflcd pints of nil lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention jrivcw to all such business. Correspondence solicited. 2-22. S. H. OOLVIN , f Notary Public & J ustice Peace. * f rension papers carefully filled out nnd col lections promptly attended to. Office , "d door east of Tin : TUIUUNE oJllce. F . L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , I' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , f Office nt Metropolitan Druy Store , where bo C - * can be found when not profeHsionnlly origan- > V ed. Kesidonce , corner of Jeirorson nnd Jjad- j' Ison streets. Dn. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. : Churchill House. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHAUMACV , ] McCOOK , - " - NEBRASKA. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. . - NEBRASKA. Jobbing * lil receive prompt attention at my shop on Dennlson St. , opposite McCook House. Plans and , , specifications furnished If dcclrrd. Superintendent Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Inclhmola on the third Satarduy of every month , cornmonchifr at 3 o'clock. A. M. 25-tf. W. 31. SANDERSON. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooic , - NEBRASKA. C * "A11 work gnarrtnteed. Give me u call. WILLIAM McTNTYKB , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF UONG EXPERIENCE. . All work warranted. All material furnished ir desired. Work done on short notice. illNMAX & CO. , Painters , Grainers , Paper Hangers McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA. furnished for Cdllng Decorations , either In paper r Krcfco I'nlmlnR. NEW BAKBEE SHOP. JACKSON TUBES Hoi opened up a Barber Shop on West flennlson Street , McCook. Kelt. , where hes able to io Sha\Inr. ; Hair Dressing , etc. , at all tlmen. Ladles aud chlM- ren's hair dressing a specialty , ( 'all and hrcomc acquainted. JACKSON TUIiUS. A. C. TOWXE , REAL ESTATE AGENT. McCOOK. - XKBIJASKA. v Hoi for sale Deeded Lands , Timber Claims and ' Homesteads. Also , will locate parties on Govern ment Land. Eeliable Firms. Messra. S. L. Green nnd .Tohn = on & Cp Idlns are always reliable and try to secure the best of c\ cry thing for their patrons Thev now Jm e bought n large qunntltyof BEGGS * CJIKRUV < OL'GH SYKUP , and arc always nlllln ? nnd ready to recommend it to every one In need of a preparation for coughs , cold * , asthma , bronchltN and consumption , a they know of no other remedy that Is gaming such a wMe reputa tion. Sample bottles free. k wanted for The Lh e of allthe 'Presidents of the IT. S. The \larse.t. Iinmtatiiitsr- best book * cer sold for les * than twice our price. The faste t selling book In America. Immense profitn to ajrcnt . AH Intelligent people wAnt It. Any one can become a auccoKrfuI agent. Term * free 1IALLETT I5OOK. CO. , J'orrUnd. Maine. 2-35. Wonderful ! . TTf da not \novr of ony ntedlcltio thAt lias saaed ! an equal popularity. In uch a short time , for the Initau : JTlief of tousIiR and porene s In the IUHK > , : t < BEGOS * CHEUKV ' OfGH aTKL'P. It U mild and pleasant to ts\c snd will nut injure tha most delicate : * . ' infant. Parap'c ' boitlcs free a : S. L. Green's and * Johnson & i-pndln"\ ) . jn week at home. 15 outfit tree. I'ay ab- .solutfly ure. N'oiink. Capital uot rcuulr- J ed. Header. If you want buslnes- ; which "person * of either sex , yoasfJ or old , can nuke great pay all the time they work , with ab iliuu certainty , wrltr for particulars to II. IiALLKTT 4. CO. PorlUnd , Mntac. * 'i-ari Our Opinion. Xft r nrllic ? numberless prcparaticns are con- rlncrd thst BXOGS * THOPIPAL OIL , it uncQualrd. Tor pain. cuts , hrulsrs. rheumatUm. frost bites , ciI- ! "liltlns. etc. . I : if warranted by S. L. Green and John- * a tt Spalding. GRAND SLAUGHTER j ! j "PIONEER STORE ! We have just received our Fall Stock of i i Ladies' ' and Misses' Cloaks , Gent's ' and Youth's ' Clothing , THE LINE BOOTS < aN SHOES We have the Largest and Most Complete assortment ever opened out in McCook In tliis department we are offering tlie following bargains. OTE DOLLAR will buy 12 pounds of Granulated Sugar . $1.00 13 pounds of extra "C" Sugar. . , . $1.00 50 bars of White Russian Soap . $1.00 6 pounds of Arbuclde Coffee . $1.00 16 yards of Good Muslin . $1.00 20 yards of Prints . : . $1.00 Perfection Hour $2percwt. _ _ . Highest Market Price paid for Produce. CHAS. NOBLE , Manager. THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK -DOES A GENERAL- Cclloctions made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-llesident.s. Money to loan on Panning Lands. Tillage and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Gale to and from Europe , COS223P01TDE1TT3 : J. IV. DOLAX , President. first National Hank , Lincoln. Xcb. V. Fit AX KLIN. Vice President. Chase National Hank. Xc\v York. ' .V. F. WALLACE. Cashier. , [ j CHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALED FOR Power , Simplicity , Durability. Ksttm-Ueb in.ulc of 5IIJ1 and I'uiup complete upou application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMiNSE , This niJJll' a " > 1M whcrl" and Hie bc t eK-rrj.'iiRtor ! raa.lf. TIe : \ViHilniaiise Xo. 6. Tiiinii I * the 1 > e t Mn la aet'ng force pump In tlie inirkct.VJ11 : work In wull frum 10 to 2uO fct-t In sleptli , nint. . liaek t attaeJunent ! . to fi/rce - tcr Into clutatcd linkCjn be iireU liy hand ! or wlndciill. Parties contemplates tl.u crfi-ti ! of Windmill T ; ! ! ! roi'sult their bot-Interest * br cxllinv > at my Humc tc4ii. l { mile * nortiinr.t of JIcCooU , or tl . Johni-ton's - , 5 tullecouthcmI , nd ci- amhic tlm v.-orSlni ; of the Wooilmanso. W. M. IRVv IN , Agent , Woodmanse Windmill Co , . Freeport , HI. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington , D. C. , Nov. 30 , ' 81. Political economists have gone into the mathematics of the Pension Office and find that we shall be paying pen sions with a good deal of alacrity seventy years hence. Tlie war has been over for twenty years , but the retrogression of the pension roll has been anything but in keeping with the natural decrease of that large class of our population. In fact few ( lie , and none .allow themselves to miss the quarterly pay day. Since 1861 , a little more than a million claims have been filed with the Pen sion Office , of which just about one- half have already been allowed , and last year wo went into an outlay of ! fifty seven millions of dollars to meet' the pension demand , though it should be said that thirty thousand of these last year's pensioners were back pay claimants under the arrears act. The actual increase of the pension roll was nineteen thousand and seventy-eight , and the regular steady augmentation is and has been about one thousand five hundred new claimants per month. The whole number of pen sioners who are actually in receipt of pensions is not so large as has often been stated , the aggregate being 322,756 , which includes the widows , children , relatives , navy invalids , fcc. , to say nothing of the survivors of the old wars and their widows. Wo have paid out almost seven lufndred millions of dollars for pen sions since 1861 , a sum that makes the Congressmen who had a hand in passing the first pension act stand aghast. At the time of the passage of that act no one dreamed that a mil lion of men would be called to arms within the next year , or within the next ten years , and the highest esti mate then given for pension claims that the Government would be called upon to meet in the future was ten million dollars per annum. Yet we have in one year paid a Jiundred mil lion dollars and do not seem to have the effects of it then or since. Our sVj'plus revenue is enormous , and wo are paying oil' the national debt more rapidly , economists say , than we ought to , and we , eem to be willing to stand it , for neither of the great political parties have ventured to commit themselves to any disturbance of the pension laws. The female population of the Capi tal is in a state of effervescence over the question of President Cleveland's selection of the \Vhito House mis tress. Yet I hardly imagine that the present members of the social class at Washington have any business to i concern themselves about an incom ing administration toward which few _ " of" them have any affection. This i social business in "Washington. like i that in other large cities , runs in a rut , and every attempt to get out of it , results in capsizing the vehicle. Mr. Cleveland has a married sister at Cleveland , Mrs. Bacon , another mar ried sister now living at the Govern or's residence at Albany , Mrs. ITo t. and a maiden sister , Elizabeth Cleveland - land , who is said to be not only i thoroughly accomplished , but is an > earnest instructress in the accom plishments. So that there may be no unnecessary alarm lost the White House may not be furnished with its' proper mistress. POM Pjnio. i : _ - _ = | < B February 28,1882 , when an * art was passed authorizing the coinage - | age of the silver dollar , the governj j inent has purchased J44ij(5 , ( ( > ,242 j ounces of silver , which represent- over six thousand tons of this metal. For this there were expended nearly ยง 1-17,000.000 , and from it were coin ed nearly ] S > .000,000 standard dollars lars , the net profit to the iroverninenl being within a fraction of * 21,000,000 , after deducting all expenses of coin age. Of the entire number of these dollars only 42,000,000 are in circu lation , the remainder being stored in the vaults of the treasury. PARIS , being perplexed over the1 question whether or not to allow t women to practice medicine , has jip pealed to that infallible oracle. Tic- tor Hugo , to determine it. Ho le- To lock up women or to irive them liberty ? That is thfi dilemma. 1 am thinking. The lockcd-up w < mybtcry. Tin ; 1'reevomaii - ! : ) . Therefore J presfe your royal hand.1' ] * Tun r.ris-'oncrs in tlic iieiiittMitia\ ' i t * * at .foiiot wore ; ivcn an cxira diniK-r ! on Tiianksgivinjr. It mpiiiwl 1,700' pounds of turkry anil thirty lii > h > ! s of potatoes 10 feoil tin' rascals. Whether jiruyers were .said hy the motlev gang before the feast commenced - \ monced , deponent saith not. j THE BESSEMER HEATER. fl \ I O 5 I S ? I 02 I'fe ! M i8 ! Q Gall \ at ETTE'S AND SEE THAT MAGNIFICENT Hard Coal Base Burner THAT HE IS GIVING AWAY TO PURCHASERS OF Every Purchaser of a HEATER receives a , ticket for the drawing , which takes place JANUARY 25th , 1885. Party drawing the stove and not wishing to take it * will receive $30 in cash. Don't fail to opJl and see it. Three Doors North of the Chicago Store. Have Just Opened up a New Line of i , , re We Have a Tin Shop in Connection , and will do General Job Work in i llii WE MANUFACTURE LUDWICK'S : Lam jror Beth \Vhclesue cind Retail. Call and Examine Our Stock , We Will Sell You QOOD GOODS for the Cash. West Dennison Street , McCOOK , NEB ,