McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, November 27, 1884, Image 7

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A CaH on the Ftunily ofHeut. Orcely.
A pleasant call on Lieut. Greely nnd
family at the house of a relative has be-
ffuiled the darkness of au autumn storm
The gentleman , so famous , was sitting
as restfully at a window overlooking
Summer street as if his eyes had never
been darkened by the polar nicht. : Mrs
Greely , the "Henrietta' " for whom the
explorer named his new glacier in Grin-
nell Land , is a lady of tall and graceful
mien , with black eyes and raven hair.
Her voice is musical and low , as is that
of her husband when ho discourses in
an informal way on the scenes of tlio
high latitudes. Their little girls , An
toinette and Adola , adorn this home
picture of the reunited family. His ex
planation of the spiral motion of the
"midnight sun" solved a problem that
3.3 imagination could not * picture , nor the
artist hand of Bradford trace , in his
paintings of polar regions. Jn speak
ing of the colors that adorn the long
day , ho described the appearance ol
the glacier and the snowlields , when in
Nature's rarest moments she strcwj
them with colors of every gem and
jewel. Sometimes the snow scenes are
lit by "diamond dust" when the air
seems filled with powdered gold , lit by
rainbows. The grandest effects of the
aurora borealis oolong to the more
southern regions of the arctic lands.
fe * Not always can these brilliant lights
cheer the forlorn band , but Fancy will
often picture a shrine where Nature
lights the cyrstal day and the slowly
varying seasons with these strong hues.
The -midnight sun will seem to light the
transparent polar day , moving along
above the horizon line , mounting
slowly with spiral motion , higher and
higher to the zenith of the polar
.day. In the same strange procession
wo shall see , aided by the enraptured
imagination , the march of the stars , not
rising a'nd setting as from our own skies ,
but circling around the northern hea
vens , mounting slowly through the lin
gering hours , till they reach the noon of
the polar night.
Silence , eternal silence reigns alone
In cold , cold splendor on that solemn shore !
No chanting bil'ows break with sounding roar ,
No windi in wild ceolian measures moan
To wake the echoes of that.frozcn zone.
The phantom birds that haunt the sunless day
Wave their white wings , and songless fly
away ,
Awed by the splendor of that shining throne
Where iar-off seas unknown breath not their
[ Julia Noyes Stickney in the Boston
Company Miops.
Mr. M. Shoffner , Postmaster and
Justice of the Pence , Company Shops ,
Alaraance Co. , N. C. , writes he has
used St Jacobs Oil for rheumatism ,
cuts , swelled ankles and knees , pains in
the back and sore throat. One or two
applications in each case has always
cured , and he believes the great German
Remedy is the best in the world. "As
long as I can get it , " he adds , "I never
intend to be without it. "
Women and Flowers.
Boston Traveller.
Nearly all women love flowers , and
there is something so delicate , so much
unsaid yet suggested in flowers that the
* simple gift of one is always appreciated
by a woman not to speak of the differ
ent sentiments that are associated with
different kinds of flowers. It is very
interesting to note how differently people
ple regard flowers. Why , I can tell
almost the moment a woman enters
whether she is fond of them. "Women
who love flowers always have sweet
faces , soft ways and gentle dispositions.
One of that kind rarely asks for the
fashionable flower because it is fashion
able. She loves flowers for their own
sake , and consequently she is almost
sure to call for her favorites , whether
in fashion or not. The woman who
cares for flowers simply because they
are fashionable is generally one of the
cold , haughty , airy kind. She will look
around critically , seize some flower and
pull it out of a bunch , sometimes break
ing off a leaf or catching one of its
thorns * in another rose , tearing the
petals. * That's the differences you see.
The other lady handles them with a
Ifc-A gentle caressing touch almost as if they
were human.
I Had a Dreadfal Congh ,
and raised a considerable amount of
blood and matter ; besides , I was very
thin , and so weak I could scarcely go
about the house. This was the case of
a man with consumption arising from
liver complaint. , He recovered his
Eft i health completely by the use of Dr.
& Piercc's "Goldeu Medical Discovery. "
Thousands of others bear similar testi-
An interesting experiment in pisciculture
has been made in the Thames. Seven thou
sand flounders were taken from the tidal wa
ters and deposited in batches between Tedding-
ton and Hampton Court.
For tbe Ladies.
Laughter is the > poor man's plaster ,
Making every burden light ;
Turning sadness into gladness ,
Darkest hour to May dawn , bright.
'Tis the deepest and the cheapest
Cure for ills of this description ,
But for those that woman's heir to ,
Use Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription. "
Cures all weaknesses and irregularities ,
"bearing down" sensations , "internal
fever , " moating , displacements , inflam
mation , morning sickness and tendency
to cancerous disease. Price reduced to
one doilar. . By druggists.
A Portugese physician reports that he has
cured seven cases of hydrophobia by simply
rubbing garlic Into the -wound and giving the
patient a decoction of garlic to drink for sev
eral days.
* * * * Delicate diseases , affecting
male or female , however induced , speed
ily and permanently cured. Illustrated
book three letter stamps * Consultation
free. "World's Dispensary Medical As
sociation , Buffalo , N. Y.
The owner of Trinity Triangle , a small
. square in Boston which was always supposed -
posed to belong to the city , but was
lately ascertained to have an owner , has
offered it for sale for SIS.O The city
will probably purchase
Fruit and Garden Lands in Colorado.
In 5 and 10 acre tracts. Low Price. Long
Terms to settlers or non-rcsiilents. Address
for particulars , W. E. PABOR , Fraita , Colo.
The largest nugget of gold ever found in Sis-
layon county , California , was worth a trifle
over $3,200. Two others , worth about § 3,000
each , have alst-been discovered.
Tlio lW > - tory ofa Deadly Attack Solved ,
by a Newspaper Paragraph *
Boston Herald.
"How * are Americans liked in
Enland ? "
And Mr. B. F. Larrabec , of 42 Ches
ter square , ox-director of the New York
& Boston Despatch Express Company ,
who has recently returned from , a con
siderable residence in London.answered :
"If they have geed recommendations
and behave themselves they are wol
treated , but they will , Jiko the English
people , any way , when acquaintance
ripens into confidence. "
"How do the English compare with
Americana ? "
"The finest looking men in the world
can be seen on pleasant days of the
London season , promenadingPiccadilly.
The English ladies , however , are neith
er so neat in appearance nor so grace
ful of form and movement as the Amer-
cans , but they seem to enjoy more ro
bust health. "
"Are English people longer lived than
our people ? "
"I don't know. I have not fully in
vestigated. But I remember once hear
ing read a newspaper paragraph en
titled 'Why do Englishmen Live Longer
than Americans1 That paragraph , by
the way , orioe solved a great mystery
for me. "
"Ah , indeed , another 'tribute to the
power of the press1 ? " suggested the re
. "Yes , if you so please to call it. In
1879 , when" ! was residing at the Com
monwealth hotel , in this city , I had oc
casion to do some business in Washing
ton street. When I got to the corner oJ
Franklin , I seemed to feel a blow in the
breast and foil to the pavement like a
dead man. When I recovered con
sciousness I was taken to my hotel. I
first thought perhaps some enemy had
struck me , but my physicians assured
me that such could not be the case and
advised strictest quiet. For six long
weeks I was unable to lie down. I was
violently ill , and my physicians said I
would probably never walk the streets
of Boston again. I did not want to die ,
but who can expect to live when all
doctors say he cannot ? " And Mr. Lar-
rabe smiled , sarcastically , and express
ed himself very freely concerning the
number of common disorders which
are controlled by remedies which physi
cians will not employ.
"But how about that paragraph ? "
" .Yes , yes. When I was obliged to
sit up in bed day and night for fear of
suffocation , and hourly expected death ,
my nurse begged the privilege of read
ing that paragraph to me. I refused
him at first but he persisted. It des
cribed my condition so exactly , thatfor
the first time I began to realize what
had prostrated me. I was filled with a
strange hope. I at once dismissed my
physicians and immediately began
Warner's safe cure. In a few months
I was restored to perfect health , not
withstanding mine was one of the worst
possible cases of briglit's disease of the
kidneys , which all my physicians and
I had the best specialists in Boston ,
said was incurable. I tell you , when a
man gets into the desperate condition I
was in , he doesn't forget what rescues
him. "
"But'were the effects permanent ? "
"That was five years ago , " said Mr.
Larrabee , "and for thirty years 1 have
not been so well as during the past live
years. If I had known what I do now ,
I would have checked the matter long
ago , for it was in my system for years ,
revealing itself in my blood , by frequent
attacks of chills , jaundice , vertigo ,
typhoid fever , nervousness , wakeful
nights , etc. , etc. I took over forty bottles
tles beforelgot up , and over one hundred
and fifty before I was well. I have com
mended that treatment in thousands of
cases of general debility , kidney and
liver disorders , etc. , and have never
heard ill concerning it. I bank on it. "
"Speaking of paragraphs , how do
English papers compare with American ,
in this particular ? "
"Well , they have fewer witty para
graphs , but the smaller papers , like the
Pall Mall Gazette , St. James Gazette ,
and Truth , abound in sharp , incisive
paragraphs without wit. In general ,
American papers make the most of
news , the London papers make the
most of oninfnn "
A CARD. To all who are suffering' from
errors and indiscretions of youth , nervoui
weakness , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. ,
I will send a receipo that will cure , FREE OP
CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered
by a missionary in South America. Send self-
addressed envelope to REV. JOSEPH T. Inuur ,
Station D , Now York.
A lump of coal weighing nine tons has been
; ent from Birmingham , Ala. , to the New Or
leans exposition. It is claimed to be the larg
est single piece ever mined.
C. V. Majors , Esq. , of Rolla , Mo. , writes :
"I take pleasure in adding my testimony to
that of hundreds of others , as to the efficacy
of PnicKLY ASH BITTERS. I have not only
sold it here and in Arkansas , but have used it
myself , and as a regulator of the stomach and
bowels , I do not think there is anything better.
Its action on the bowels is free , without caus
ing any griping or pain whatever.
A young lady Is said to be "of age" only
when she Tsjnarried.
If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
[ Thompson's Eye Water. "Druggists sell it.
Lieut. A. M. Greely has been presented with
in elegant silver service by the Greely testimonial
menial committee.
ref Oy > eii l. . - < u i c . . it , impression Of
spirits and General Debility , In their variotu forms :
* . * > u a preventive against Fever and Ajroe , and
uthur Intermittent Fevers.-the 'Ferro-Pho pho-
mted Elixir of Callcaya , " made byCasweU ,
Hazard & Oo. , New York , and sold by all druggists. Is
the boat tonic ; and for patients recovering from
nrer or other sickness. It baa no equal.
Frog's legs sell at 35 cents a pound in New
If Success be the true test of merit , it Is
i settled fact that " -ffroiwt's Bronchial
Troches" have no equal for the prompt relief
) f Coughs , Colds , and Throat troubles. Sold
inly in oozes. Price 25 cts.
Journalists In India are excused from jury
luty. _
aoiia t/'oiuiori.
Every one likes to take solid comfort and it
may be enjoyed by everyone who keeps Kid
ney-Wort in the house and takes a few doses
at the first s > mptoms of an attack of Majaria ,
Rheumatism. Billiousness , Jaundice or any
affection of the Liver. Kidneys or Bowels. It
is a purely vegetable compound of roots ,
leave * and berries known to have special value
In kidney troubles. Added to these are reme
dies acting directly on the Liver and Bowels.
It removes the cause of disease and fortifies
the system against now attacks.
Pine needle pillows are the last whim of ner-
rous invalids. They are said to he very quiet
ing and productive of sleep.
Whca yon visit New York City , ri Central
depotjavc Baggage Exprcssage and 13 Cor
dage Hire , and stop at the Grand Union Ho
tel , opposite said depot Six hundred elegant
fooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars ;
f 1 and upwards per day. European plan. El
evator. Restaurant Supplied with the boat
Horse care ; stages and elevated railroad to all
depots. Families can live better for lcs
money at the Grand Union Hotel than at .any
other Crst-class hotel In the City.
Ostrich eggs are worth $10 each In Califor
nia. When an ostrich belongs to a poor man
It has to content Itself with a cobblestone for a
Every nervous person should try Carter1"
Little NERVE Pills. They are made specially
for nervous and dyspeptic men and women ,
and are just the medicine needed by all persons
who , from any cause , do not sleep well , or who
fail to get proper strength from their food.
Cases or weak stomach , indigestion , dyspepsia ,
nervous and sick headache , &c. , readily yield
to the use of the Little Nerve Pills , particular-
Ij If combined with Carter's Little Liver Pills.
In vials at 25 cents.
There are 500 pieces in the $15,000 set of
chma used In the white house.
Oily Gammon.
A nick-name to law
- given a smooth-talking
yer. . But there is no Gammon about Carbo-
liiic , the great Petroleum Hair Kenewer. It
vlll do Its vrork.
Oregon complains of hard times and boasts
of "gentlemanly , sober cowboys. "
P KIVATK Dlncnscs and Abuses of youth and
Manhood Cured quick , mifo and iicrmuiuint-
Jy. Call or write and ect advice , circulars , etc. Con
sult free , Dr. > . K. Wood , Sioux City , Iowa.
Nearly 2,000 watches arc made daily in New
C -JPrctty aa a Picture. Twenty-four
beautiful colors of the Diamond Dyes , for
Silk , Wool , Cotton , &c. , lOc. each. A child can
use with perfect success. Gctat once at your
drugfrlsts. Wells , Richardson & Co. , Burling
ton , Vt.
Rhode Island Is now the only state with two
"For heaven's sake , what are you do
ing , Mr. Schneidervrow ? " exclaimed the
leader of the orchestra to the second
violin : "you're not keeping time at all ;
count the beats , man , count the beats. "
Mr. Schneidervrow dropped his bow ,
looked over the audience of deadheads
and exclaimed in despair , "It vas im-
Eossible ! ' ' He had misapprehended the
jader's meaning. Boston Transcript
Allen's Iron Tonic Hitters stirs up the tor
pid liver to'action , and knocks Dyspepsia higher
than a kite. All genuine bear the signature of J. P.
Allen , Druggist , St. Paul , Minn.
The model of Abraham Lincoln's apparatus
for lifting vessels over shoals , which is now in
the patent office in Washington , is to be in the
patent office exhibit In theNew Orleans expo
Colo's Carbollsalve Instantly relieves the
pain of Burns and Scalds and never leaves a Scar.
It Is the best falve In the world for general family
use. 25c and 7oc. At druggists or by mall.
J. W. COLE & CO. , Black River Falls , "WIs.
A "paint mine" has been discovered in Cor-
intli , Me.
Dytpepiia , General Dalility
Jaundice , Habitual Constipa
tion , Idver Complaint , Sick
Headache , Diseased Kid-
nejn , to. , Etc.
It oontatBB onlv the Forest Drags , snurag
which may bs enumerated PSZCZL7 ASS BASX
ASD 8X211X3 , HAOT21SS , BOCEU , DIHSA , Xto ,
It cleanses the system Ihoroughlj- , and ss s
Is ) Unegualed.
It Is not an Intoxicating beverage , nor CM
It be used as such , by reason of its Cathartl *
Sole Proprietors ,
Thli medicine , combining Iron with pure
Tegetable tonics , quickly and completely
Cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Weakneo ,
Impure Blood , DIolarIaCkUIs and Fevers ,
and Neuralffia.
It Is an unralllner remedy for Diseases of the
Kidneys and Lfrer.
It Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women , and all who lead sedentary lives.
It does not injure the teeth , cause headache.or
produoo constipation other Iron medicines do.
It enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates
the appetite , aids the assimilation of food , re
lieves Heartburn and Belching , and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude , Lack of
Energy , fec. . It has no equal. ' .
43- The genuine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no oth r.
E * < * Mir br BBOWX CKXHICU co , BAUOTOU , KB.
A 8UIIETIII.VGX Sent J > eoto
Anyone. I mannfacture and keen
constantly on hand every article me <
Bin frames of chance. Bond fnr m m
BOthcIrcnlar.Jlddrfti VJCBUYDAM.
05 aad CJ Auua Stmt , tt w Turk tltj
Catarrh in ihe Head
Orlglnatcc in scrofulous taint in the blood. Hence
the proper method by which to euro cntnrrh , Is to
PURIFY THE BLOOD. Its many dlBSRrccftblc * ymp *
toms ; and the danger of dcrcloplng Into bronchitis or
that terribly fetal disease , consumption , arc entirely
removed by Hood's SarsaparHla , whtcfc euros catarrh
by purifying the blood and also tones np the system
BO < greatly improves the general health of those whs
take It.
Cared by Hood's Sarsnparllln.
"For many years , beginning so far back I don't rc-
mernbor when. I had the catarrh In my head. It con
sisted of an excessive flow fium my nose , rlnjilngand
bunting noltca In mv cars , and pains on thu top of
my head. The hawking and splttlnir were most ex-
cccalvc In the morning , when the back part of my.
toncue would be thick with a white fur. and there
would be a bad taste In my mouth. My hearing was
affected In my left cor. rive years ago I begun to
uei ! Hood's SarsaparHla. I was helped right away ;
but I continued to use It until I was cared. My gen
eral health has been good crer stuce the catarrh left
me. " E. H. CAULFIEI D , Lowell.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists. II ; six for 5. 'Made only by
C.I. HOOD & Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
Hosteller's Stomach
ach Bitters Is a fina
blood depurent , a ra
tional cathartic , and
a superb anti-bilious
specific. It rallies the
falling energies of
the debilitated , and
checks premature
decay. Fever and
ague , billons remit
tent , dyspepsia and
bowel complaints are
among the evils
which It entirely re
moves. In tropical
countries , where the
liver and bowels are
organs most unfavor
ably affected by the
combined Influence
of climate , diet' and
water , It Is a very
necessary safeguard.
For sale by all Drug
gists and dealers
JtnttnegumlleiUn EXACTING BSJLV1QM
tT ed by th * Chief
_ _ _ Mechanician of tb <
S XT. 8. Coast 8urr r i the Admiral
commanding : la th *
TJ. S. Naval Observ
atory , for Attr-
nomlcal work : sn4
by X.oeomotlv
Engineers , Coa-
Idnctora and Rail
way men. Thejr r
reoocnlxcd at
, _ _ > r all aces Inwhich oloat
time and dnrmbllity are re
quisites. Sold In principal
. . .rHcltles and towns by the COK-
El h 00 VJI PANY'8 exclusive Agent *
O Ulm J w lnwhosTlve a Fall Warraatyt
, > * . n IN
A series of grapliically
illustrated papers on the
great battles of the Civil
War , written by generals
high in command upon both
sides ( including Generals
Grant , Longstreet , McClel-
lan , Beauregard , Hill , Pope ,
Rosecrans , Admiral Porter ,
and many others ) , is begun
in the November number
AZINE with an article on
The aim is to present
interesting personal ex
periences , with full
and accurate illustra
tions. Accompanying papers on " Recollec-
tiohs-.of a , Private " will add value to a series
which the conductors of THE CENTURY be
lieve to be the most important ever under
taken by them. In the December number
is a fine portrait of General Grant , and an
article on
This number also contains a capital short
story by Mark Twain , and many other feat
ures. In an early issue will appear the paper
on "SHILOH , " by Gen. GRANT.
Begin subscriptions -with November , and get
first chapters of Howells's new novel of an
American business man. Price $4.00 a year ,
3 ? cents a number. THE CENTURY Co. N. Y.
New Music Books.
ICO large octavo pages , containing 82 harmonized
songs of the highest character lioth in words and
music ; also Vocal Exercises and Solfeggios , and di
rections for Vocal Culture. The publishers are con
fident that this will be a most satisfactory book.
Send GO cents ( the retail price ) for specimen copy.
C6.U ) per dozen.
For. COMMONSCHOOLS. . Endorsed by Christine
Nllsson , Theo. Thomas and others. Any school music
teacher will be at once captivated by the charming ,
genial character of the songs , which are 81 in number.
Teacher's Edition , 75 cts. , $7.20 per dozen.
Scholar's Edition , SO cts. , f 3.00 per dozen.
Church Service. By HOWARD M. Dow.
Just the book needed by every choir that has short
anthems or sentences to sins. A line collection of 79
such pieces. Highly approved by those who have ex
amined It. Price SO cts. ; 87.20 per dozen.
Any bok mailed for retail price.
LYQH & HEALY , Chicago ,
OLIVER DiTSON & GO , , Bos'on ,
- oud jo idiaoa J u 'g - fl.otr ; trt ojoq tre eoaj
8103 Smrsrajn
oo e toxo&
I hare a posltlre nmedyfnrtbe abore dlseiue ; br 1U
use thnaaanUBOfcuesnl th worst kind and of long
Btundlnchnre been cared. Imletd , no Btroneln myfultti
la Its efficacyHint I will send TWO BOTTLES J'BBE ,
togetherwltn a YALUABI.ETBEATISE on thli dlseuo
to any sufferer. Glre express and P. O. nddr. 11.
Hit. T. A. SLOCini , HI Pearl St. , New Tork.
Lorillard's Glinms Flng
bearing a red tin tag ; that Lorillard's
K se JLenf fine cut ; that Lorlllard'a
Vavy ClippIncH , and that Lorillard's Snuffs , are
Jie best and cheapest , quality considered ?
who wish to learn
ID IOIS steam send your engineering name ,
_ and 10 cents to
E. KEPPY , Engineer , Bridgeport , Conn.
L TYPE WRITING here. Bitnatjons fnr-
nished. Address Valentine Bros. . Jancsrille. Wis.
W. N. U. , Omaha , 234 48.
say you saw the advertisement in this paper.
IngeoaU Vrnikeepyoudiytnanyttona. BolJerojuhcro. Illustrated ThenewPOMMEL6LICKERj Catalogue &ce. A. J.Tnwrf. Cotton. perfectrii- 3ut.
Now supplied , at a Bmall additional ; co3t , with
The latest edition has 30OO moro Words in its
vocabulary than nro found in nny other Am. DIct'y
and nearly 3 times the number of Engravings.
G. & C. MERRIAM & CO. , Pub'rs.SpringfipW. Mass.
S3ShotCun Revolvers.
If ? Rifles !
_ . . - 'OrettWeiUrtf * .
'Vatakyue fret. - OonWork , PltUburghJ
. x'.A
- *
'it . '
111 Minted in He BROAD CLAIM offiemat
Ever offered to the public *
Everybody who sends as directed gels a present worth from 20 cents to $500.
The proprietor of the ILLINOIS AOltlCULTUJtlST being desirous of having the already
well known and popular papermoro widely circulated and Introduced Into houses where Itlsiiotal-i
ready Known , has determined to throw off all pront this year , and In addition nno a portion of his capl-
talfortltOBoio purpose oflncreasInBthe circulation to lOU.uou copies. After deciding to more ex
tensively advertise than over before the following plan has been adopted by us :
Pf l * * 5f& OPtntQ iYowllH-ntcryournameonoursubscrlptlon book and mall.tho IXJMT >
, Tr , . , , IU3 * 1J * AGRlCUl/rUJSlMT regularly to you a inoutKn on trial L
and Immediately send a numbered Receipt , which will entitle the holder to one of the following prci-1
ents. If any one desires two receiptsthey [ will be sent for fl. aad their subscription will bo entered up f
six months. Thla offer In good only tlllJanuaryl , 1SBJ. '
! List © f Presents to E © Given
10 V. S. ( lovcmmcnt Bonds of JSOO . S5.003 1 Pony Dinton. . * "
10 U. 8. Greenbacks of $300 . 6,000 I.OCO Pocket Silver Fruit KnlTcaV.V.V.V.V.V.V" lT6:5 I
39 U. 8. OrecnbwkaorSlOO . l.oou 1,000 Cent's 1'ockct Knives I.OCO
1 UlcUclplatcdCnlumbiaBlcyclo . 150 1,000 U. B. arrcnbncka of SI each i.OCO
J Uran'lSauaro I'iano . goo 10 Gents' Gold Watches , Eiiglfeh Movement 800 I
T Cirand Cabinet Orffan . 200 10 lJulien' " 8001
1 TJireopeatltockuway . 200 20 BOTH' Silver " American ICO
1 ailverlMnnti'Scrvlco . . . JOO * - 8 Solitaire Diamond Finger King * 100
5 Top llusnrte" . l.COO 3 Patent HarvcFtera l.MO I
20 U. S. Orccnbarkaof SMcocli . 1.000 2,000 Elejrnnt Art Gems i.OCO
1 1000 Autograph Albums , $ i each . 2.COO 6 Haw Mlkl'arlor Suit Kurnltttrp l.GQO
I i : Vlllaso Carts 200 l. 0 Gold Finger Kings. Ladles'IJrcaatl'ins ,
Gents'ScarfPlns , Lockets. Fans nnd Chains , nnd 92,421 other presents , valued from 20 cents to IT.
makes a grand nszregatlon Of lOO.imo presents , thus guaranteeing a present to each anil every new sub
scriber who semis us 50 cuuts. All of the above presents will bo awarded In a fair and Impartial man-
J nor. Presents will be sent ; to any part of tbo United States or Canada. Tbo CO cents which you send I
i us la tliu regular price f oj'threo months' subscription , and therefore wo charge uoi hlng for t ho present.
lOurprofltwi Ibejnyourfuturepatron3geandthelncreasednitewewlllgctforour dvcrtliilngi < pace- . '
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Your Subscription ctnvo of vour friends to Jolnymibrcuttlne--
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aumbcr of new subscriptions to 100,000 , so we would advise all our friends to forward sunscrfpttonB at nn
I early < late. ns ; Ini no cnse will they be received later than January 1 , 1SB5. TUB ILKIXUIH Is the best and ablest edited paper in the country and already Ims a cfrcula-
J tlpn of 20,000 copies , anocaly rcaulrea 80.000 more to get the desired number itcontalhaelgllt pagcK.
I Read You Can How 500 GOLD WATCHES FREE !
In mnklntf np tlio above list of 83O.OOO In JTr entrno
decided to reserve $3,000 to be divided cqualljr among the first 500
Get Tills subscribers received. If youscndSUccntsvou will bo entitled , fo
P"o receipt good for one iirecciif , nr.dff yourlctterla among-
Elegant the nrstSOU received you will be cntltlcilto this beautiful watclt-
Ve will print In full In the Fcbruarylssue of the JI-KIXOIH
A KIClir.'ruitIST the names and addresses of the winners
Gold Waicfi of tlio GOO Oold IVatcho. This offer la bonafldc and will IK ; I
? n'lIIJt0JLho Ip er. Send nowr. don't wait. The ILLIXOIH
For 5Oc. A. < .ltICUX.TURIST la so well established , having already
SO.ttOSubscrlbers , and Is bucked by ample capital , i
BO that everyone of our subscribe may be tare of 1
gettlngwlmt we prnmltf. Indeed wo could not I
ofToril otherwise wit h a paper that has already tc.- \
cured 2J.OU ) subscribers on its merit. Undoubtedly - i
ly some who read this new departure will think an I
olTertoglve a\vay 3)O01n ) presents Isinof t unrca I
eonnble and unprofitable ; but let us say to all sticli f
persons that It coeta anywhere from (2S.OCO to $ inv
000 to secure a large circulation to a paper. Wo
knowef ajubllfihcrthatspcnttSO.OCOInone'weelc
In giving away free copies nnd advertising his paI I
pcr.and the moncywaswcllsnent.forltsccured I
tor him an established circulation that paid good
Interest on the Investment. Publlahlngnowadays
must either be done on an extensive scale ornot at
all. Itcostajustnsmuclifortnatfer. and just as
much for Illustrations , electrotypes , editorial serv
ices , rent and for Betting up the type for a paper
of looclrcnlattonasltdoesforapapcrwlihcuxao
circulation. On small editions , each one of the I
above Items Bwcllsthecostofa slajlc papcralarm- I
Ingly.but on very largo editions the expense is
spread over EO many papers thai it is almost en-I
tlrely lost ; thus you can tee that large profits can [
be made only by doing a large buslnr s. Thli Is
what wepronose doing with the JLUAOIS
Wewiileend a printed list of the Awards Free , and all
. , . . _ Presents will be forwarded to Holders of Kecelpts as they
may direct. Onr Old Patron * nnd Subscribers , whom we number by the thousands , should at
once go to work and help us to Increase our list , by thlsjrrand and ccnerous offer.
fimV n Hanfo Secures the ILLINOIS AGKICUl/ruiSIST three mtraths. and onerc-
viiiw wu MBlliacclptgoodforoneprcsent. Onenumberofthepaper Is worth double the sub
script loTiurtce. At to reliability vtrefer those who do not knows tn any Sank or Mercantile Agency.
ry-REMEMBER thcip are Freient * to our Sabicrlbera clven to them absolute
ly Free. ( S-Cent Pottage Stamp * taken. Money In sums of SI orlessmarbeBcntlnan ord
inary letter at our risk : larger sums should be sent by Registered Letter or Postal > ote , and addressed
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