The Tribune Thursday , November 2 . 1884. TO OUR ADVERTISERS. 130"All locals under tills head at the rate of lOo. for first Insertion , and Cc. per line for each Subsequent insertion , and same will bo run until ordered out , unless titno IB specified. Job work spot cash. Statements will be pre sented at the and of each month. CONGHEOATIONAL.-Sunday School at JO A. M. every week. Preaching services every Sunday night at 7.80. W. T. Also , every alter- mite Sunday morning : at 11 , M. T. Exceptions to the above will bo noticed in locals. GKOUQK DUNCAN , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every other Sunday morning at 10.80 , M. T. , and evening at B , Jl. T. Sunday School every week at 3.JW , M. T. Ser vices held in Opera Hall. ALLKX BAKTLEY , Pastor. CATHOLTC.-Servlcea will be hold In the Opera Hall once every four weeks. JosKPit OLEKY , Pastor. I. 0. O. T. The Independent Order of Good Templars meet in the Congregational Church every Tuesday evening. VI LOGS ! Intelligence. KETCHUM. Graham Flour at City Bakery. The latest at the Jewelry Store. Ketchum We've got 'em you bet. Shell Oysters at B. & M. Pharmacy. Pickled pigs feet at the City Bakery. Try them. J , S. Phillips sells the Ketchum. Wagons the best in the world. For musical instruments and music go to Metropolitan Drug Store. 100 new Overcoats just received at Wilcox Bros. , at from $5 to $20. The B. & M. Pharmacy is to be light ed by Electric light. First in the city. "Cubas" . a long Havana filled cigar , for a nickel at Metropolitan Drug Store. Step in and deposit $2 with us and take THE TRIBUNE a year as security. 5 Another pleasant home is in course - i of erection in the western part of town. iT iTt The Union Sunday School will meet at the church , next Sunday , at the us ual hour. Rev. Allen Bartley will preach at the Opera Hall , nest , Sunday at 11 o'clock , mountain time. A fine $250 Polled Angus bull has been added by Superintendent Nettle- ton to his graded herd. The Commissioners of Hayes county , | recently organized , will meet on Satur day , the 29th of November. It is reported that Indianola is afflict ed with a more than ordinary bad attack T of the roller skating craze. Don't forget the fact that at Metro politan Drug Store you will receive the worth of your inonpy every time. The Ladies'Union will meet We'dncs- day at Mrs. Stephenson's , at the usual time. MRS. MOODY , Secretary. At the City Bakery you will find the largest and most delirious California pears ever offered for sale in McCook. An excellent quality of sweet Michi gan cider at City Bakery. Also , a car load of Apples which will be sold cheap by the bushel. The nicest Maple Syrup and new White Clover Comb Honey you ever saw at Wilcox Bros. , and New Sorghum on ly 50 cents per gallon. Society girls are informed that "pa f pa" and "mamma'5 are now eonsidered * vulgar. You must call the old man "father" to be in style. The Jewelry Store is the only place to buy reliable goods. Everything is guaranteed and sold at prices as low as any house in the business. A movement is on foot to have a census of our city taken , and a call for a small loan will be made on those in- Y terested in this matter in a few days. Some sneak stole a horse from W. M. Irwin's premises , north of town , recently. The pony was an estray that had been kept by W. M. a number of weeks. is Mrs. Christ.upon whom the operation of amputating a leg at the thigh was performed , last Friday , died 10 o'clock , Saturday night , from the effects of the operation. The building east of THE TRIBUNE office occupied by A. C. Towne as a real estate office , has been purchased by R. S. Cooley. who 'will continue the busi ness at the old stand. Rich cream color is very fashionable for dinner toilets. Rich cream itself , however , \vill continue to. be conspic is uously absent from all dinners at the average hostelrie dinner. The delegates from the Colorado Stock Growers Association to the Na tional Cattlemen's Convention at St. Louis , passed through in their special car , Monday , homeward bound. I For pure drugs and medicines go to Metropolitan Drug Store. Just arrived , at the City Bakery , a car-load of the Cream and Fancy brands of Grand Island Flour. Also , a supply of corn meal. The entertainment which was to have been ] given by our Dramatic Company , this I evening , the 27th inst , has been I postponed ] until next week or the first part ] of the week following. Due notice will be given. We-understand the Stoughton pest- office is to be discontinued. Since the bridge has been put in , this has become the trading point for that section and most of the people are getting their mail at this postoffice. Buy your Christmas candy at the City Bakery , where a consignment of cur iously designed and handsomely deco rated candies has just been opened. The finest , by all odds , ever brought into McCook. Call and see for yourself. By reason of thrc inclement state of the weather , last Friday evening , the temperance lecture , which was to have been delivered by Mrs. Fixen on that occasion , was postponed. Mrs. Fixcn continued on her way to Denver , Fri day night. A bunch of steers , numbering G5 head , was shipped from Culbertson , last Thursday , by Schuyler Braugh. one of the most extensive stock raisers on the Willow. The shipment of cattle from the Red Willow region has been heavy this season. An infant child of E. D. Custer , Den nison street restaurateur , died Sunday morning , and was buried Tuesday after noon. The cause of the child's death is not known , being discovered dead by its its parents upon getting up , Sunday morning. The Davis claims south of the river , and the McQuay and Shaw claims east'n of town , were sold last week ; to whom tand prices received we were unable to ascertain. Claims along any of the water courses or near McCook bringal good figures. The crosswalk ball has been opened by Messrs. Rogers , Lewis , LaTourette and Johnson & Spalding , who have put in a substantial walk from the hardware b to the drug store. A capital move , wMch will amply repay the outlay to these gentlemen. in inC A reward of $200 is offered for the C arrest of Eugene Burdett Fry , alias W. H. McCartney , who is wanted by the isai sheriff of Red Willow county , on the aiv charge of embezzling and horse stealing. v He is 2-i years of age and 5 feet 9 C inches in height. Bee. According to the vote of the towns in the valley at the late election they range in population in the following or in der : Red Cloud , McCook , Alma , Indite anola , Arapahoe , Franklin , Blooming- ton , Orleans , Riverton , Republican City OJ and Oxford. Alma Tribune. w The Ludell ( Kas. ) Settler says : "A n.1 daily mail to McCook is needed. ' ' And . tbe Oberlin ( Kas. ) Ee joins the refrain saying : "As the people all seem to " favor it , and our merchants desire it , the next thing to do is to HAVE it. " Why not 1 If not , why not ? * The "tin-horn" gambler is most num erous in this vicinage at present writ ing , and are industriously plying their trade , without hindrance from the law's minions , in the face of the fact that we have a stringent law in our village against gambling in any and all of its i i of phases. to \Ve are informed that a meeting of < ji the members of the Southwestern Neci braska Stock Association has been call- p ed to meet at Benkelman on Monday , d December 1st. Important business will s engage the attention of the members of g the association , and a large attendance G desired. ai A new town was laid out in Chey enne county , Kas. , last week , on the U south fork of the Republican River , 20 Jo miles south of Benkelman. The town ei proposed was surveyed by W. M. Meo1 Kay , and it is expected that it will be p populated by a colony from Hutchinson , a TCas. , in the spring. up W. C. LaTourette is having a large ! repair shop built onto the rear of his ; ° store , and will add also a shed for ma- " ehinery and wagons. Corrugated iron D1 the material used in the erection of these buildings , which is practically c fire proof , and will doubtless be considerably - - * erably used in the erection of sheds , etc."J T > We can beat the Jews on Flannels , j Hoods , and all Dry Goods , etc. j WILCOX BROS. . tl * > The Board of Trustees at a recent meeting , entertained the application of Lewis Bros , for liquor license , but no definite action has yet been taken. LATER. At a meeting of the Board held Wednesday evening the license was granted. Ludwick & Trowbridgo desire to call the attention of the-people of McCook and vicinity to their fine new stock of furniture now open to their inspection. Call around and seems. We also carry a nice line of stoves and tinwaie. When in need of anything in our line , call and see our stock. A large proportion of the Baking Powder sold is fearfully adulterated. A strictly pure Baking Powder is made of two articles only , viz : Bi. Garb. Soda and Grape Cream Tartar. No other ingredients can be found in DcLand'a Chemical Baking Powder. For sale by Hayden & Co. Messrs. Small and Liddell desire to inform the public that they arc now ready to do all kinds of job work at their new Blacksmith and Wagon Shop ( west of Pike's lumber yard ) . Good Stable for feeding horses in connection. All work warranted to give satisfaction and horses boarded by day or week. The Orleans Sentinel opines that "for every $1,000 the saloons pay the school fund , $3,000 is paid to the saloon keep er. This way it costs the people $4,000 to get $1,000. " And the facts indicate that Bro. Martin is eminently correct in his observation. Have at them , Bro. M. , "The battle is not always to the strong. " H. H. Troth came down from the Willow , Friday , with a small bunch of fine steers for Brewer Bros. , our Dcnni- son street butchers. H. H. experienced considerable annoyance and loss of time at Culbertson , in getting his cattle weighed at the B. & M. scales. The matter : was adjusted and stock weighed after a delay of a few hours. The place to buy goods is of the men who advertise.It is an almost invari able rule that the business man who by printer's ink informs you that he has goods ' to sell and invites you to deal with him , will give4you better bargains for your money than will the one who by his actions says he does not care whether you deal with him or not. The new postal arrangement went into effect , Saturday. This gives MeC Cook excellent mail facilities two mails each way daily. All mail matter now worked between Pacific Junction and this point. From McCook to Den ver < combination postal and smoking cars are used , and only local mail hand led. The new arrangement is most advantageous to the Republican Valley , Our friend Solomon of the Sun , fail- ing to appreciate in its proper and in tended spirit , a kindly suggestion which recently appeared in THE TRIBUNE , has ostracised us from friendly communion with himself , henceforth and forever , * and not being satisfied with this , he has heaped insult upon injury , and rudely lacerated the tenderest tendrils of our heart , by refusing to exchange with our "little 8x12 sheet. " 'Shall the presence of the Sun nevermore give us renewed courage and inspiration we perish. Hence this lachrymose demonstration. We are informed by Mr. Roxby that he has lost 10 more head of cattle , mak ing in all 22 head that have died out of his herd of 72. Also , that others in the neighborhood where his stock are being ' wintered have lost proportionately their herds. Mr. Roxby was unable determine the cause of the sudden $ death of his stock , although he made as careful and thorough examination as possible ( , finding the stomachs of the dead , animals considerably inflamed. He says that death ensues shortly after the first ] symptoms of the disease are appar ent ] , and that the animals become wild and frantic in their movements. . The town of McCook is flourishing.D is a most charming town , beautifully located and brim full of enterprise and energv. The latid office was running over full of applicants for homesteads , pre-emptions ; or timber claims. Quite number of new buildings have gone since spring , some of them substan tial brick structures. We found R. Y. Brown taking out a load of lumber to his homestead up on the Red Willow , but missing' Dr. Harlan , who passed through town with his family , for his claim , which is close by Mr. Brown's. They are located about 12 miles from McCook , in Frontier county. York Republican. All kinds of blanks kept for sale at this office. f * PERSONAL POINTERS. i Miss Braun of Sutton is in town vis iting her fattier. Mies Nettie Black is assisting in the U. S. Land Office. . M. A. Spalding is visfling her parents at Riverton. Mrs. 0. N. Batchelor returned , Sun day noon , from a trip down the road. Mrs. J. F. Kenyon was made the hap py recipient of a handsome upright piano by her husband , last week. Jos. Odwarker of Dorchester , inter ested in McCook vtown property , was in town , Monday , on business. Miss Farnsworth of Chicago is the guest j of the Misses Menard. She will remain 1 some time in our city. Messrs. ) Yelboxn , Purdhara , Lyon and Snavely of the county-scat were in the city on business , Tuesday. R. L. Perry , Hitchcock county's modest and affable clerk , made a short business j trip to our town , Friday. Dr. A. J. Shaw moved his office to Indianola , this morning , where he will jro into partnership with his brother J. S. in the drug business and practice of medicine. J. M. Henderson went to Culloni , 111. , Sunday , after his family. He will be absent about a month. Mr. bf. has claims north of town. W. W. Palmer of Red Oak , Iowa , who was in 'town , some time since , made extensive investments in town property while here , and will return in the spring and open up a hardware and harness establishment. He purchased a busi ness lot in block 21 , and three residence lots in block 3. John Morgan , who has been acting in the capacity of extra agent for some time , went down to Arapahoe , Friday morning , to take charge of that station as regular agent. Arapahoe , by reason of her large express business , is one of the most remunerative stations in the valley. A. H. Reee succeeds Mr. Mor gan as extra agent. J. B. Meserve returned , Monday , from the National Convention of Cattle men held at St. Louis. He reports an extraordinary attendance about 1200 delegates being present irom different parts of this country and Mexico. The convention comprehended with its num bers Governors , Senators , Congressmen , Bishops , physicians , lawyers , and was one of the most representative assem blages ever convoked in 'the west. Chas.L. Schell and Judge Cobbey of Beatrice spent two or three days , the first of this week , in our city and sur rounding country , and were so well pleased with the prospects of McCook that they made considerable invest ments in real estate and town property. Mr. . Crabbey purchased the papers on a timber- claim south of town , and Mr. Schell purchased two lots on the. corner of Macfarland and Dennison streets , where in due time he will erect a bank building in order to be ready to open up business in the spring. The choicest part of the Platte and Beaver creeks' wintei range is destroy ed. From authentic sources we learn that last winter just the portion recent ly burned was filled with cattle in good condition. Brush Lariat. For the best Flour in town call at City Bakery. For SO Days Will sell Ash Extension Tables for $1.00 per foot , Kitchen Safes for $50 , Carpets 35c. per yd , Windmills way down , Sewing Machines cheap for cash. A large and complete stock of Furni ture 15 per .cent , cheap'er than can be sold by any other dealer. J. S. PHILLIPS , Indianola , Neb. Save Your Eyes. . Eye protector's at the Jewelry store. Also , spectacles of all kinds : Smoked , blue and green glasses , shooting-specs , etc. Wilcox Bros- Sell 12 Ibs. Standard Granulated Sugar for § 1. 13 Ibs. Extra < : C" Sugar for § 1. 20 Bars White Russian Soap for $1. FOR SALE. A tree claim , all smooch , very fine. W. M. COLEMAN , 7 miles K. W. of McCook. Clocks I Clocks ! A new lot of clocks at the Jewelry Store , from $2.00 up. All warranted perfect time keepers. INDIANOLA ELEVATOR. I am now prepared to buy Grain to ship. CLARK U'ARD. July 5 , ' 84-6m. S333S322.A27 Chicago General Store. FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. \ HAVE OPENED A VERY FINE LINE OF Pfnsft , Sift & Vefvet USEFUL AS WELL AS ORNAMENTAL * irKkV * * W -0IN s BKDLBSS § VARIETIES , K- Aceordeons S Concertinas ! ELEGANT ONES AT VERY LOW PRICES. 1ST A Jewelry , Chains , Rings , Lockets , Pins , AND FIRST-GLASS LADIES' SETTS. We will guarantee the wear ancj quality , and cheaper than can be bonght elsewhere in McCook. WE ARE STILL SELLING AT COST UJfTIL LECEM BER 2tii , 1884 , Hats , Feathers , Plumes , TIPS AND FLxOWRRS. Jfo Extra Charge for Trimming Hats at THE CHICAGO GENERAL STORE ! * + < t * TOYS ! TOYS ! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. DOLLS ENDLESS VARIETY DOLLS Toy Horses , Beis ! , Drums , Carts , Elephants , Pianos , Books , Brittania and China Tea Setts , BOYS' TOOL GHRSTS , And many other articles , too numerous to mention here. It will pay you to examine my GOODS before purchas ing 'elsewhere. Come and be convinced that you you can do better at The Chicago General Store THAN AT JLNY OTHER STOKE JJf TOWJff Cloaks at the Chicago General Store are actually given away when compared in quality , elegance and prices with what other dealers ask for their garments. Come and be convinced and see for yourself. JOS. MENAED , Prop.