The Tribune * 4 Thursday , November 20,1884. TO OUR ADVERTISERS. f3TA\l \ locals under this head at the rnto of lOc. for ilrflt Insertion , and Co. porllnuforcnch HUbsoquont Insertion , nnd euuio will bo run until ordered out , unions time Is Bpecilled. Job work spot cash. Statements will bo pre- Hontcd at the end of each month. CONGBEQATIONAL.-Sunday School at 10 A. M. every week. Preaching services every tiundny night at 7.30. M. T. Also , every alter nate Sunday morning ut 1 ] , M. T. Exceptions to the above will bo noticed in locals. GKOJIOK UnuGAN , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every other Sunday morning nt 10.UO , M. T. , and evening at 8 , M. T. Sunday School evert' week at 3.80 , M. T. Ser vices held in Opera Hall. AI.TKN DAiiTLEr , Pastor. CATHOLlC.-ScrvIccs will be held Jn the Opera Hall once every four weeks. JnsEi'ii C&EHY , Pastor. I. O. G. T. The Independent Order of Good Templars meet in the Congregational Church every Tuesday evening. * Local Intelligence. KETCHUM. Graham Flour at City Bakery. The latest at the Jewelry Store. Ketchum We've got 'em you bet. Toilet sets at Metropolitan Drug Store Pickled pigs feet at the City Bakery. Try them. J Tube Paints , full line , at Metropolitan - ; tan Drug Store. A full line of hand corn shelters at Lytle Bros. China Dolls , from lOc. to $2 , at Met ropolitan Dru Store. Four car-load of steers went through , east-bound , Sunday afternoon. J. S. Phillips sells the Ketchum Wagons the best in the world. For musical instruments and music go to Metropolitan Drug Store. 100 new Overcoats just received at Wilcox Bros. , at from § 5 to $20. The building boom continues , and still there are those wanting houses. "Cubas" . a long Havana filled cigar , for a nickel at Metropolitan Drug Store. Roadmaster Dauchy moved into his cosy little residence on the hill , Tuesday. The Union Sunday School will meet as usual in the Opera Hall , Sunday , at 10 o'clock. Blankets , Horse Blankets , Buffalo llobes , Bed Comforters and Feathers , at the Chicago Store. Thanksgiving Day , Thursday , Novem ber 27th. Turkeys are going up a few limbs higher nightly. L-r Hair brushes , nail brushes , tooth brushes and infants hair brushes at Metropolitan Drug Store. We call your attention to the adver tisement of our new furniture store , appearing on our first page. Don't forget the fact that at Metro politan Drug Store you will receive the worth of your money every time. A temperance meeting will be held in the Opera Hall , Sunday evening , to which all are cordially invited. Turn out. Go to Lytle Bros , and buy a Gold \ , Coin Base Burner , guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or your money re funded. ' 'I' ' ' - ' - ! - Mr. Brewer , proprietor of the West Dennison street meat market , and fam ily , moved into the Batchelor house , Wednesday. An excellent quality of sweet Michi gan cider at City Bakery. Also , a car load of Apples which will be sold cheap by the bushel. J. J. Dunbar has a fend mill in oper ation , and will do grinding for cash oren on shares. Also , all kinds of feed for sale at his stable. r The nicest Maple Syrup and new White Clover Comb Honey you ever saw at Wilcor Bros. , and New Sorghum on ly 50 cents -per gallon. The City Bakery has just received , the finest line of Candies ever brought to McCook. Remember this and go there for your candies. The Jewelry Store is the only place to buy reliable goods. Everything is guaranteed and sold at prices as low as any house in the business. The best is the cheapest. Judging by the number of wagons Lytle Bros , are sending out lately , the "Bain wagon" is the best in the market , fcx Another 24 ft. square residence by H. C. Rider in the western part of town is nearing completion. Still that resi dence part of McCook booms. Gentle snow threw her while mantle qf purity over this vicinage , during Monday and the following night. Old Sol soon dissipated the beautiful em blem. Just arrived , at the City Bakery , a car-load of the Cream and Fancy brands of Grand Island Flour. Also , a supply of corn meal. "Confusion" is the name of the play that our Dramatic Company will put on the boards , Thanksgiving evening , No vember 27th. Remember the date. An immense stock of Gros Grain 0 Silk in Blacks and oil the new shades at 55o. per yard and up , at the Chicago General Store. J. MENARD , Prop. Now that Mr. LaTourettc has laid his pavement , let the spaces on each side be similarly dealt with , and the appearance and convenience of things will be greatly improved. H. W. Pike has'been adding another building to his lumber yard , and fitting up rooms adjoining his office to occupy as a residence , this winter. He is mak ing quite snug and comfortable winter quarters. The work onIsaac Hoback's boarding house on Macfarland street is progress ing finely. The building is two stories high , and will accommodate quite a number of lodgers and boarders when completed. Don't fail to read the business notices contained in THE TRIBUNE every week. Keep yourself posted as to the bargains our business men have to offer , and it will pay you every time when you come to make your purchases. George Chenery injurc'd his left foot quite severely , last Saturday , while en gaged in putting apples down into the cellar. His foot hold slipping , the bar rel came down on his foot with more than a "tender pressure. " ' Our city seems to be pretty well pro vided for in the way of restaurants. We have seven or eight of those insti tutions in our midst , besides the two hotels. What we most need is lodging places , and they are in demand. A large line of Dress Flannels , Dress Plaid and Jersey Cloth in all the latest shades and lowest prices , at the Chicago General Store. Examine our stock while it is complete. J. MENARD , Proprietor. Mr. LaTourette expects to occupy his new tore room the first of the month. W. C. is putting in box shelving and will have a handsome and convenient store room. A solid 10-ft. pavement was laid in front of his building , Wednesday. We are requested to announce the meeting of the W. C. T. U. at the resi dence of Mrs. W. 0. Moody , to-morrow ( Friday ) afternoon at 3 o'clock , M. T. Also , to extend an invitation to the ladies of McCook , who are not members of the union , to be present. Our city and surrounding country received a visit from a large party of Illinois farmers and business men , last week , and during their stay our hotel and livery men were kept busy. We are informed that the party came prin cipally from Springfield. " Occasionally land notices are sent to this office through the medium of the mail , with no provision made for the publication fees. Now , if these notices do not appear you will know the reason. All such notices must be paid for in advance to insure their publication. The members of the McCook Dra matic Company are now rehearsing "Confusion , " which they will present to our people on Thanksgiving evening , November 27th. The play is highly spoken of , and our citizens may expect a fine rendition of it by our home talent. We can imagine of no more convinc ing argument in favor of temperance than the mute appeals made to every honest heart in our city , almost daily. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating. " So , the blasting effects of li quor is the most potent argument against its use. Claims are being entered largely in Hayes county , just now. A prominent land man informed us , the other day , that scores of entries were being made in that county every week , and that the most desirable of the land would , 'ere long , at the present rapid rate of entry , be taken. The recent disastrous prairie fire on the range north of here originated in a man burning a fire-guard and allowing the fire to get away from him without making the necessary effort to control the fla'mes. We understand that the Red Willow Cattle Co.'s range was largely destroyed. We can beat the Jews on Flannels , Hoods , and all Dry Goods , etc. WILCOX BEOS. In my Carpet Department I show a large and elegant line of Velvet Brussels sols , Body Brussels , Tapestry , Ingrain , Hemp , Rugs , Oil Cloth and Matting , at prices as low as can be found in any market. J. MENARD , Proprietor , Chicago General Store. Coal sieves for sale at Lytlo Bros. Previous to the snow fall , extensive prairie fires were reported west of here. Commencing on the Bobtail the fire reached the Republican , burning east and west. The burnt district is 50 miles in length. Fires were raging on the Driftwood also. The snow came at an opportune moment. Hanging lamps and hand lamps at Metropolitan Drug Store. Messrs. Small and Liddell desire to inform the public that they are now ready to do all kinds of job .work at their new Blacksmith and Wagon Shop ( west of Pike's lumber yard ) . Good Stable for feeding horses in connection , All work warranted to give satisfaction and horses boarded by day or week. Zylonite combs at Metropolitan Drug Store. An immense prairie fire raged on the range about 15 or 20 miles north of McCook , last week , destroying a strip of winter range about 12 miles wide and 70 miles long. The fire burned as far east as the Willow , aud was only finally controlled by the almost superhuman efforts of a number of cattlemen who fonght the devouring element day and night , until the same was ultimately extinguished. For the best Flour in town call at City Bakerj\ We have heard it reported that cattle in Red Willow county , Nebraska , are affected with some unknown fatal mala dy and quite a serious loss had resulted. One paity is said to have lost 12 head in one night Oberlin Herald. Pretty nearly 0. K. Bro. Henshaw , but the 12 head you refer to died over in Gosper county , but were owned by a McCook man. We know of no cattle disease in this county. Prescriptions accurately compounded at Metropolitan Drug Store. Betting has two distinct aspects. For instance , quite a different feeling agi tates a man's soul , when , in the super induced heat of a political campaign , he bravely wagers his "good money , " than that which agitates him when he , by reason of betting on the wrong man bands over the stakes to his more suc cessful and now jubilant co-better. But , all levity aside , the principle is wrong , and its effects are not good. Jubilee Twist Plug Smokiag Tobacco at Metropolitan Drug Store. Mrs. Laura G. Fisen of the Minnesota seta W. C. T. U. will speak in Menard's Hall , Friday evening , ' November 21st. A most cordial invitation is extended to all to be present and hear this lady on the vital question of temperance. Witness the following comment : "Mrs. Fixen is full to overflowing with intelligence , and possesses charms of manner and graces of conversation well calculated to make her a valuable auxiliary to any cause. St. Paul Pioneer neer Press. For pure drugs and medicines go to Metropolitan Drug Store. Ira Jones , a Medicine stock-raiser , spent two or three days of last week in town , an important witness in a number of land cases before the local depart ment. Mr. Jones reports the farmers of his neighborhood as being pestered by multitudinous geese and crane. These birds come down from the Platte in vast numbers , and occupy the Medi cine and other streams of that section , not forgetting either to pay due respect to all adjacent corn fields , etc. He re ports that one man killed 65 geese in one day. 0 ! ye Nimrods ! For anything you need in fancy China ware call at Metropolitan Drug Store. The manager of the rink informs us that he has disposed of a half interest in the skating rink to a commercial j man and that extensive changes and repairs will be made to the rink build ing. It is intended to add 40 feet to the length of the rink , making the en tire length 100 feet. A ladies' waiting ! room will be partitioned off , and a railing - { ing put around the room separating the | skaters from the spectators. The posts will be removed and the roof supported by iron girders. Material for the 40 ft. addition is here , and the work will go on at once. Keep warm by buying those heavy' all wool Flannels of Ii I J. MENARD , Proprietor , Chicago General Store. i PERSONAL POINTERS. Lizzie Kirsch is visiting her sister , Mrs. Frank Reed. Mrs. T. S. Bosley is entertaining a friend from the east. Editor Bishop and J. W. Maiken were in town on business , Tuesday. Judge Ashmore of the county-scat made a short visit in our city , Wednes day. Mrs. G. L. Laws is entertaining some friends who arrived from the east , Sunday. Isaac LeDioyt , ye local editor on the Hastings Gazette-Journal was in town , Saturday. Mrs. A. E. Lytle and the young heir- apparent , spent Sunday in Culbertson , with Mrs. Lytle's parents. E. C. Wheaton , S. Wilberand a num ber of other Carrico people were in town , the first of the week. W. A. Hill , A. J. VanBuskirk and J. C. VanBuskirk , all of Benkelman , made the magic city a visit , Tuesday. J. G. Good of Falls City , largely in terested in cattle on the Driftwood , was circulating around town , Wednesday. A. J. Brent of Bondvillc took cars at this station , Monday morning , for Ellison , 111. , where he purposes spend ing the winter. J. B. Meserve went to St. Louis , Saturday morning , as a delegate to the National Convention of Stockmen , now in session in that city. Tom O'Rourke , hostler at the round house , recently returned from a trip to the mountains , left the first of the week on a visit to his home in Ohio. W. J. McKillip and Mort. Doyle , Hayes county stockmen , made us a pleasant call , Wednesday. They report the ravages of extensive prairie fires. Henry A. Pope of the agent's office , took No. 2 , Thursday morning , for his home in Wadsworth , a suburb of Chica go , where he was called by the serious illness of a brother. Mr. Bohen , commercial man for an Omaha tobacco house , has purchased a half interest in the skating rink , and many improvements are promised , which will make the rink one of the * best in the state. In coming to McCook , last week , to summon a physician to the bedside of Lysander J. Roberts , ( notice of whose sad and untimely death was given in last week's TRIBUNE , ) a cowboy rode a bron cho pony the entire distance , 45 miles in 2 hours and 45 minutes. This won derful exploit almost equals that of our highly esteemed and gentlemanly con temporary whose effulgent literary beams illuminate the every line of The Culbertson Sun. Only the finale was of a different character. In the case in hand the broncho made the same trip the following day , while in the case of our friend Solomon , the magnificent mule that he assayed to drive 125 miles in 24 hours , died on the home stretch. Excuse us , but we must repeat those words of fire , "the age of the average ass is one hundred years , " and thou , Solomon , dear fellow , did cut that mule off from the enjoyment of at least 86 years of unalloyed bliss and happiness. Feed For Sale. I have 300 tons of hay , mostly millet ; 50 tons of straw and unthroshed wheat ; 1500 acres of range ; 1 mile of river front , 2 miles of creek , well skirted with timber ; good well and windmill. Will sell the feed and privilege of ranch. Address me at Indiauola or call at the ranch 6 miles east of Indianola. A. BARTLEY. Clothing ! Clothing ! By buying a heavy stock of Clothing and Overcoats in July and paying spot cash I was enabled to get a discount of 10 per cent , which I propose to give my customers the advantage of , and to re duce my stock , I will give a discount of 10 of on all cash sales in Clothing until December 1st. Jos. MENARD , Prop. , Chicago General Store. For 3O Days Will sell Ash Extension Tables for $1.00 per foot , Kitchen Safes for $50 , Carpets 35c. per yd , Windmills way down , Sewing Machines cheap for cash. A large and complete stock of Furni ture 15 per cent , cheaper than can be sold by any other dealer. J. S. PHILLIPS , Indianola , Neb. Take Notice ! I will sell at Cost until December 1st all my Millinery Goods , consisting of Fancy Feather Tips , Plumes , Flowers , Ornaments , Hats , Bonnets and Ladies' Caps , ( all hats trimmed free of charge ) at the Chicago General Store. J. MENARD , Proprietor. Democratic Demonstration. Our bourbon brethren , who have bocti out in this cold , unfriendly world , feed ing on the husks of defeat for the past quarter of a century , at last have occas ion for rejoicing and ratification , and due advantage of that fact was taken , Wednesday evening. Considerable prep aration had bepn made in the way of torches , transparencies , and the like , and after the evening shades had gath ered and thickened over the land , the procession was formed on the corner of Main Avenue and Dcnnison street , and headed by the band moved out Dcnnison street to Macfarland , thence returning to Main , whence they proceeded along Dennison to Madison. Traversing the avenue as far north as Dakota street , the procession crossed the lust named street to Main avenue , down which they marched to a large bon fire , that had been previously prepared on the prairie on the former site of the old band stand , the flames of which mounted merrily heavenward , had the effect of producing more warmth and consequent enthusi asm than had hitherto pervaded the ranks. At this juncture the assembly insist ed upon having some speeches , and Mr. Golfer was the first to respond to the demand. Mr. Golfer made a short , but felisitous address , pregnant with satis faction ana thankfulness at the victory they were celebrating. At this point , in response to the prophetic vision , Judge Lucas came over from Macedonia to help the speech-makers. The Judge was in a superinduced mental state that spawned nought else but panegyric , and selecting railroads as the object of his affections , this Demosthenes from Lili- put-land , opened his mouth and spake a highly encomiastic railroad speech. Our venerable friend Judge Hunter next assumed the stump and gave utter ance to the sublime feelings of satisfac tion and peace that now dwelt down in the innermost recesses of his soul. The Judge had been devout in his prayers for Democratic victory for lo ! these many , years , and the smile of satisfac tion that gointillated over his counte- hantfl was a benediction to his brethren present. Finally a little bald-headed rooster from Massachusetts flapped his wings and mounted the dry goods box , abdia tOttes in tensely tragic proclaimed : "Behold a curiosity a real , live Yan kee od a Democrat. " After this pre lude , Mr. Bull executed some of the most mirth-provoking antics , with an occasional audible remark , over enjoyed on these western prairies outside ol a minstrel show. The effect was that the llull audience was conVulsed. Witha few remarks by Messrs. Golfer and Hunter , thanking the Republicans for their gentlemanly tieatmcnt , the crowd dispersed for refreshments. LITTLE ONES. Headmaster Phelan cut quite a dash , as marshal , on his broncho charger. That bon-fire wag immenw , and the productions on the anvil were large" . The jollification was orderly and good- natured , but lacked the old-time bour bon enthusiasm. The transparencies were numerous and contained some strange devices , one or two , in fact , that were not credita ble to the Democracy. That reference to Maria and the kid was not in good taste , at least. About 11 o'clock two other proces sions , containing probably a score each within their ranks , might have been seen wending their tortuous courses from the different fountains of enthusiasm. Xo music , unheralded and full to over flowing. Hie ! Smoke "Morales , * " a book rolled Havana filled cigar for lOc. at Metro politan Drug Store. R. S. Cooley's Bulletin Board. One quarter deeded land , 6 miles from town. Price , § 6-10 cash. One quarter deeded land , 11 miles from town. Price , $040 cash. One quarter deeded land , timber and water , G miles from town. Price , $900. One quarter deeded land , 2 miles from town , timber and water. Price , $1,200 cash. Houses and lots in McCook to sell 4 houses and lots in West McCook. 3 houses and lots in South McCook. One acre of land , with good house. All cheap. FOR SALE. A complete outfit for a retail grocery store. Also , will lease for a term of years a splendid location for a country store in the Beaver Val ley. Address 11. S. COOLEY , McCook. Man } ' other bargains to offer. Call on B. S. Cooley , Real Estate Agent , 1st door south of U. S. Land Office. AGAIN ! / wish to say to the public that I have a scheme by which any one can Strike it ( Rich. All enterprising firms are continually looking after some" thing new in the way ofadver * * tising , and the papers of to-day are full of advertising schemes , etc. , and in order to keep pace with the moving , have decided to GIVE AWAY an elegant STEM WIND WATSH , a Keystone Coin , beautifully engraved , with a full 15 Ruby Jeweled Movement , ( Pat. ( Regulator = later , ( Pat. ( Pinion ( Dust ( Bands , &c. , of the Elgin make , and guaranteed to be an accurate time piece. Valued at $40. Alsoyour choice of any ar = tide or articles to the value of $15.00. 6ALL AND INSPECT THE / have now the finest line of Jewelry to be seen in the West. All goods are new and fresh. JVo snide Jewelry in stock. Every thing marked way down. ( People needing anything in my line will save dollars by buying of the only reliable Jewelry Store , and of one who knows what kind of goods he is selling. Over 50 new patterns in Ladies' and Gents' Vest Chain. 0LOGKS i SILVERWARE In JJew ( Designs. * nrr rrrrr rtrw WATGHES AND JEWELRY In Solid Gold aud Solid Silver. extra charge for En = graving. All kinds of ( Repair = ing done. R L. McCRACKEN , Jeweler , : NEBRASKA. BUSINESS POINTERS. Locals under this heaa nc. a line for each insertion. Bills payable monthly. J. E. Berger is agent for the Western Cottage Organ , which he will sell cheap for cash or on long time. 4. H. W. Pike started a Lumber Yard in McL'ook , Neb. , January , 1884 , and has come to stay. Full assortment of Lumber , Sash , Doors , Lime and Build ing Material , sold at close prices , con sidering the freight. Blank Deeds , Real Estate Mortgages , Leases , Bills of Sale , Bond for Deed , Quit Claim Deeds , Contracts for Build ing , Mortgage Deeds , Release of Mort gage , Official Bonds , Soldiers Discharge , Petition for Licence , Notes , Receipts , THE TRIBUNE office. Wanted ! 300 ladies of McCook and Red Wil low and adjoining counties to buy Cloaks at from § 2.50 to $75.00. Chicago General Store , Jos. MENARD , Proprietor. $100.00 Reward ! To any one finding a larger stock and lower prices in the Republican Valley than can be found at the Chicago Gen eral Store. Jos. MENARD , Prop. Clocks ! Clocks ! A new lot of clocks at the Jewelry Store , from $2.00 up. All warranted perfect time keepers. INDIANOLA ELEVATOR. I am now prepared to buy Grain to ship. CLARK WARD. July 5 , " 84-Cm. THE HOUSEWIFE'S FAVOEITE. We will send FREE for ONE ENTIRE YEAR , to every lady who sends us at once the names often married ladies , at the same address , and 12 two-ct. stamps for postage , our handsome , entertaining and instructive Journal devoted to Fashions , Fancy Work , Decorating , Cook ing , and Household matters. Regular price , $1. Send to-day , and secure the next number. AiiiKS BOHSSTi : J0721TAL. ITszii , K. 7. LADIES' MEDICAL ADVISEE. A Complete Medical Workf or Women , hand somely bound in cloth , and illustrated. Tells how to prevent and cure all diseases-of the sex , by a treatment at homo. Worth its weight in gold to every lady suffering from any of these dL eases. Over 10,000 gold already. Post paid only . " > 0 cents. Postal note or 3-ct. stamps. isiww nswsauTs : ; . , Hs = ia , JT. T.