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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1884)
i McOooK WEEKLY TRIBUNE VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 13 , 1884. NUMBER 24. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE MeCook , Nebraska. 0. L. LAWS , Eegister. C. r. BABCOCZ , Bocelysr OFFICE Houns : From 0 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. J. E. COOHRAN , ATTORNEY AT LAW , KcCOOS , 2ED WILLOW COTOT ? , NEB. Practice In any Courts of the state and Kun sas , and the government Land Office of this District , and before the Land Department a Washington. Satisfaction guaranteed , and terms reasonable. Office 1st door south of the U. S. Land Office. 2-28. JENNINGS & STARBUOK , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. McCooK , NEBRASKA. "Will Rive special attention to the practice of law and making collections. S3T Offlce Sccoadblocknorth of depot , 2 doors nortl Greea'i drug store. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of all lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence solicited. 2-22 E. 0. TOWNE , LAND AGENT , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , Does a General Land Business in the Mc COOK LAND DISTUICT , NEBRASKA , and also in the OBERLIN LAND DISTRICT , KANSAS. S. H. COLVIN , Notary Public & Justice Peace. Pension papers carefully filled out and col lections promptly attended to. Office , 2d door east of THE TRIBUNE office. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Graiutt Heilcal Eepirtaent Enbeisity Wcsrter. Office at Metropolitan Drug Store , "where he can be found when not professionally enjfafr- cd. Residence , corner of Jefferson and Mad ison streets. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND -SURGEON , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. "Office at Churchill House. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. | A. T. GATEWOOD , SURGEON DENTIST. | [ OFFICE AT McCOOK HOTEL. ] l5 ? Preservatien ® f the teeth a specialty. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Ji > bblng will receive prompt attention at my shop ou I lennison St. , opposite McC < x > k House. Flans and spec locations furnished If desired. C. L. NETTLETON , Superintendent Public Instruction Tojochers' Examinations at Indianola on the third Saturday of every month , commencing at9i > * clockA.M. 25-tf. W. M. SANDERSON , HJOSE ( AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooK , - NEBRASKA. 535 TA11 werk guaranteed. Give me a call. WILLIAM McINTYRE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. "Work done on short notice. HINMAN & CO. , Painters , Cramers , Paper Hangers McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA , famished for Celling Decorations , either In paper or Fresco Painting. NEW BARBEK SHOP. JACKSON TUBES Has opened tip a Barber Shop on "West Dennlson Street , MeCook , Ucb. , where he Is able to do Sharing , Hair Dressing , etc. , at " all times. Ladies and child ren's Tialr dressing * specialty. Call and become acquainted. JACKSOK TUBES. A. C. TOWNE , HEAL ESTATE AGENT. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. Has for sale Deeded Lands , Timber Claims and Homesteads. Also , -will locate parties on Govern ment Land. k wanted for The Llres of all the 'Presidents of the TJ. S. The AGENTS largest , handsomest best .book F oversold for less than twice our price. The fastest selling book In America. Immense profits to agents. All Intelligent people want it. Any one cac become a successful agent. Terms free. HALLETT BOOK CO. , Portland , Maine. t-35. Girand "PIONEER STORE ! " We have just received our Fall Stock of Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks ; Gents' and Youth's ' Clothing , THE LINE We have the Largest and Most Complete assortment ever opened out in MeCook. * * k j | * * * VWWir * * jrt lururkJv In this department we are offering the following bargains. ONE DOLLAR will buy 12 pounds of Granulated Sugar $1.00 13 pounds of extra "C" Sugar $1.00 20 bars of White Russian Soap $1.00 6 pounds of Arbuckle Coffee $1.00 16 yards of Good Muslin $1.00 20 yards of Prints $1.00 vw&&x4x * * * xxjivn&P&jtn0rvrtr0c Perfection Flour $2 per cwt. Highest Market Price paid for Produce. HAYDEN & CO. CHAS. NOBLE , Manager. THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe , COSBESPOHDEOTS : J. W. DOLAN , President. First National Bank , Lincoln. Neb. V. FRANKLIN. Vice President. Chase National Bank , New Tork. W. F. WALLACE , Cashier. CHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALED FOR Power , Simplicity , Durability. Estimates made of Mill and Pump complete npon application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSE , . This mill Is a "solid wheel" and the best self-regulator made. The Woodmanse Xo. G. Pump Is the best single acting force pump In the market. Will work in wells from 10 to 200 feet la depth , and has back attachments to force water Into elevated tanks. Can be used by hand or windmill. Parties contemplating the erection of a Windmill will consult their best interests by calling at my Homestead , 1H miles northwest of MeCook , or at B. Johnston's , 5 miles southeast , and ex amine the working of the TVoodmansc. W. M. IRWIN , Agent , Woodmanse Windmill Co , , Preeport , HI. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington , D. C. , Nov. 9 , ' 84. The Congressional Cemetery at Washington is called so simply be cause there are no Congressman bur ied there. It is a beautiful plat of ground in which there are a lot of stumpy , dwarfy pieces of granite boulders erected , with the names of deceased Congressmen chiseled out upon one side , and the date left blank in those cases where the biog rapher was * to indolent to look it up. William Wirt and a few of the prom inent figures in the army and naval service have actually been buried here , and doubtless their remains still lie here , but generally speaking it is not a place for permanent interment. Henry Clay was buried here , but Ken tucky demanded that the bones of her son should nourish her own soil , and as soon as the monument had been erected over his grave his remains were exhumed and taken to Lexing ton. Anson Burlingame was also bur ied here for a while , and so was Pres ton S. Brooks whom Burlingame had chalenged to mortal combat for a diffi culty growing out of Brooks' assault upon Mr. Sumner. In fact one can read the events making up the Con gressional history of the past forty years by the inscriptions upon these rough , and uncouth blocks. Here we read pf Henry Winter Davis , cf Rob ert Kantoul , of Thad. Stevens , of Tris- tam Burgess and an army of others whose public career has done much toward shaping the destinies of our jreat country and this great people , and live over again the epoch in which they enacted their several parts. One of the most remarkable of the memor ial stones here is the monument erect ed to the memory of twenty-three fbung girls who were instantaneous- y hurled to eternity by the arsenal explosion in 1864. The names of these' girls are all inscribed upon the sides of the shaft which is inclosed in a small plat of ground , and which on each recurring Decoration Day is fill ed with choicest floral gifts of the rel atives and friends as well as the gen eral public. * At the commencement of every new administration it seems to have be- ome the custom , if not the necessity , to have the White House thoroughly renovated , which here means entirely repainted. The mansion has been standing about eighty years and therefore involves the assumption that its woodwork is covered with not ess than 240 coats of white paint. Since Mr. Arthur's three years' of occupancy many radical changes ! lave been made in the interior of the house , the walls of all the rooms laving been subjected to the test of every possible hue , and every congruous and incongruous style of carpets and furniture. The chan deliers in the East Room , costing $5,000 each , have this season been reburnished at a cost of $1,500 more , while those in the Blue Room have md a rubbing up that took $2,500 to iquidate , because the whole business lad to be transported to Philadelphia where the friction is more artistic. All in all the White House is a tre mendous bill of expense , and the sen timent is beginning to be pretty free- y distributed among ouir public men that the President should be permit ted to live a peaceful , quiet and pri vate life , just like other folks , and not be compelled to keep open house : or the reception of a continuous stream of boors and bores from all parts of the country and everywhere n Christendom besides. Let us hope that the President to be selected by the American people to-day , whoever le is , may make the primal move for the change. DOM PEDRO. IT'S no use to cry over spilt milk. The homely old proverb has a great deal of virtue in it , and while we have used it for the benefit of others many lines , yet we never appreciated the grace of it at half its true value. It s no use to try to scrape up wasted luid , but , to him * who patiently waits , the cow will come in flow again. Topics. THE BESSEMER HEATER. CQg ni g 4 95 02 $ 02 gO 02O gO H CD Call at LaTOURETTE'S AND SEE THAT MAGNIFICENT Hard Coal'Base Burner T THAT HE IS GIVING AWAY TO PURCHASERS OF HEATING STOVES ! Every Purchaser of a HEATER receives a ticket for the drawing , which takes place JANUARY 25th , 1885. Party drawing the stove and not wishing to take ita will receive $30 in cash. Don't fail to call and see it. W. 0. LaTOURETTE. Three Doors North of the Chicago Store. LYTLE BROS. , -GENERAL DEALERS IX- HARDWARE , STOVES AND TINWARE , Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire , HEADQUARTERS FOR The Celebrated Bain Wagon The Best Wagon in the Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly and Neatly Executed. Corner Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. . . , . . . . . L. L. JOHXSOK M. D. M. A. SI'ALWXG. METROPOLITAN DURG STORE ! Everything ( Except Liquor ) Usually Kept in a First-Class Drug Store. WE ALSO PIANOS * & ORGANS. SEWING MACHINE ! JOHNSON & SPALDING , McCOOK , NEBRASKA.