McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 30, 1884, Image 1
McGooK WEEKLY TRIB VOLUME III. MeOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , OCTOBER 3O , 1884. DUMBER 22. j t BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCook , Nebraska. Q. L. LAWS , Berfiter. C. F. BABCOCZ , Beccher. Om-cu Houiis : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. J. E. COCHRAN , ATTORNEY AT LAW , , BED WILLOW COTOT7 , KEB. Practice in any Courts of the state and Kan sas , and the frovernmeiit Land Oflico of this District , and before the Lund Department at Washington. Satisfaction guaranteed , and terms reasonable. OlQce 1st door south of the Q. S. Laud OOice. M8. JENNINGS & STARBUCK , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , McCooK , - - NEBRASKA. "Will Rive special attention to tlie practice of law , and making collections. t Offlcc Secondblecknorth of depot , 2 doom north Green's drug store. 2-JJ2. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County Keeps certified plats of nil lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention jrivcH to all such business. Correspondence solicited. ! i-22. E. C. TOWNE , LAND AGENT , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , Docsa'General Land Business In the Mc COOK LAND DISTRICT , NEBHASKA , and also in the OBERLIN LAND DISTRICT , KANSAS. S. H. COLVIN , Notary Public & Justice "nl Peace. Pension papers carefully filled out and col lections promptly attended to. Office , 2d door east of THE TRIBUNE office. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Gralzato Hoilctl Depiitaest University Wcostor. Office at Metropolitan Drug : Store , where he can be found when not professionally enfap- ed. Residence , corner of Jefferson and .Mad ison streets. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. "Office at Churchill House. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. [ OFFICE AT B. & H. FHARMACT , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. A. T. GATEWOOD , SURGEON DENTIST. [ OFFICE AT McCOOK HOTEL. ] "Preservation af the teeth & specialty. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Jobbing TV 111 recel\ prompt attention at my shop on Dennlson St. , opposite McCook Mouse. Flans and specifications furnished If desired. C. L. NETTLETON , Superintendent Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Indianola on the third Satxrday of every month , commencing at 9 o'clock , A. Jr. 25-tf. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooK , - NEBRASKA. J3 A11 work guaranteed. Give mo a call. WILLIAM McINTYRE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work-warranted. All material furnished If desired. Work done on short notice. HINMAN & CO. , Painters , Cramers , Paper Hangers McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA , f5 ? De8lgns furnished for Celling Decorations , either In paper or Fresco Painting. NEW BARBER SHOP. JACKSON TUBES Has opened up a Barber Shop on "West Dennlson Street , JlcCook , Neb. , where he Is able to do Shating , Hair Dressing , etc. , at all times. Ladles and child ren's n ir dressing a specialty. Call and become acquainted. JACKSOX TUBBS. A. C. TOWNE , REAL ESTATE AGENT. MCCOOK , - Hat for sale Deeded Lands , Timber Claims and Homesteads. Alto , will locate parties on Go ; em inent Land. wanted for The Lh cs of all the ' APCWTQ Presidents of the U. S. The , H il I IV I llarPest , handsomest best book liVonia Veer sold for less than tw ice our ! price. The fastest selling book In America. Immense \ profits to agents. All Intelligent people want it. Any one can become a successful agent. Terms free I UALLETT BOOK CO. , Portland , Maine. 2-35. J "PIONEER STORE ! " We have just received our Fall Stock of Ladies' ' and Misses' ' Cloaks , Gents' ' and Youth's Clothing , THE LINE We have the Largest and Most Complete assortment ever opened out in McCook. In tliis department we are offering tlie following bargains. ONE DOLLAB will buy 12 pounds of Granulated Sugar $1.00 ' 13 pounds of extra "C" Sugar $1.00 20 bars of White Russian Soap $1.00 6 pounds of Arbuckle Coffee $1.00 16 yards of Good Muslin $1.00 20 yards of Prints $1.00 Highest Market Price paid for Produce. HAYDEN % , CO. CHAS. NOBLE , Manager. THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK DOES A GENERAL BUSINESS Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe , C022ESPOSDEKTS : J. W. DOLAN , President. First National Bank , Lincoln , Neb. V. FRANKLIN , Vice President. Chase National Bank , New York. W. F. WALLACE , Cashier. CHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR Power , Simplicity , Durability. Estimates made of Mill and Pump complete upon application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSB , This minis a "solid wheel" and the best self-regulator made. The "VVoodmanse Xo. 6. Pump Is the best single acting force pump In the market. "Will work In wells from 10 to 200 feet la depth , and has back attachments to force water Into elevated tanks. Can be used by hand or windmill. Parties contemplating the erection of a Windmill Bill consult their "best Interests by calling at my Homestead , lj $ miles iiortnwcst of McCook , or at B. Johnston's , 5 miles southeast , and ex amine the.worklng of the "Woodmansc. W. M. IRWIN , Agent , Woodmanse Windmill Co. . Freeport , 111. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington , D .0. , Oct. 26 , ' 84. In a former letter I referred to the starving condition of the Piegan In dians , whose reliance for subsistence has depended entirely on the Govern ment. There are no less than four thousand five hundred of these unfor tunate creatures , for whose care and comfort Congress appropriated last year $40,000 , or less than two cents per day for each Indian ! Their res ervation is entirely non-productive so far as game is concerned , and the Government has never attempted the encouragement of this particular tribe to arts of husbandry. The Indian De partment cannot and ought not. to be held responsible for the terrible con dition of these Indians , except for its adherence to a rule which limits the agent to furnishing supplies for each week to one fifty second part of the amount of subsistence for a full year. One can readily imagine then , the actual suffering that these people ; have already endured , when four thousand human beings were com pelled to subsist on an allowance of food as limited as that of the Greeley party in its most desperate strait. And now with our Treasury bursting with money and the granaries of the country groaning under the magnifi cent crops of the past season , it has been determined to keep these poor people during the approaching winter on half rations ! It is no wonder that the Piegan considers his own civili zation superior to ours. The "Conscience Fund" of the Treasury is a matter that is worthy of I a little study. It is a fund composed ' of small amounts generally , and large amounts rarely. In fact it is a mat ter of surprise that so many con sciences should be disturbed by so ! < small a sum of money that their owners - j ers have euchred the Government out t' of , and so few that large stealings < havebecn { able to make an impression j upon. The back pay salary grab , 11 believe , was not credited to the con-1 science fund , and rightly so , because ! it was the fear of results rather than , remorse which prompted its return to ' the Treasury. The records of the j Treasury fail to show that any of the gigantic plunderers of the Government - ! ment have ever exhibited remorse of | onscience enough to cover a cent of | their "boodle" in the Treasury , but' ' here is a poor crank of a chap taking the pains to send a one cent stamp to make up the postage that he thought , lie had swindled the Government out of , when in fact the Government had never forwarded his letter at all. Yes terday S89 was received from an in dividual down South who had become converted , and desired to remove this ' $89 burden from his soul. A Chica go man , forgetting that nobcdy had ever gotten into Heaven from Chica go , thought that he might squeeze through by returning the $2 he had wronged Uncle Sam ont of in a whis key deal. The largest sum that has ever been credited to the conscience fund was $1,100 from a Salem ( Mass. . ) postmaster away back in days gone by , but even in this case the Govern ment declared that his accounts were corre.ct , and his money was returned to him. I see that the lobby has already ) commenced to rally at the hotels , | with Congress six weeks off and the Presidential election yet to come. Some of these third house chaps have an office in view , some are in the in terest of some sort of a Government orab , but a good majority are for ex tra appropriations for public build ings in different portions of the coun try , and have simply come on in ad vance of Congress to enlist the good offices of the heads of departments. Here is a fellow from a one-horse town in Florida who has got a § 150- 000 appropriation , but he wants a quarter of a million. Little Nevada , wtih scarce population enough to en title her to a Congressman , wants a i $100,000 post office building for one of its towns that never had and never ' will have 4,000 people. Proctor | Knott's Duluth has had $125,000 , j and wants more for a post office , when I the town is going backwards with twice the celerity that it ever came' forward. As a matter of absolute business , three-quarters of the public buildings that were authorized to be constructed at the last Congress were entirely unnecessary , but they fur nished magnificent opportunities for corner-lot owners to rake in fortunes , and building contractors to quarter themselves on the Treasury for an in definite period. Dem PKDKO. j THE BESSEMER HEATER. H 0 s > i i sO O 9 4R R o 8 H ( D tel 02 o Call at LaTOURETTE'S AND SEE THAT AMGNIFICENT Hard Coal Base Burner THAT HE IS GIVING AWAY TO PURCHASERS OF HEATING STOVES ! Every Purchaser of a HEATER receives a , ticket for the drawing , which takes place JANUARY 25th , 1885. Party drawing the stove and not wishing to take it * will receive $30 in cash. Don't fail to call and see it. W. 0. Three Doors North of the Chicago Store. LY -GENERAL DEALERS IN- I faff H U Koa' y flEBtitttT Bni\iaHflSBa aB Agricultural implements and Barb Wi're , HEADQUARTERS FOR The Celebrated Bain Wagon The Best "VVagon in tlie Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly and Ueatly Executed. Corner Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. . . , . . . . . L. L. JOHNSON M. D. M. A. Sl'ALUIXU. METROPOLITAN D'RUG STORE ! Everything ( Except iquor ) Usually Kept in a First-Class Drug Store. _ WE ALSO HANDLE SEWING MACHINES. s LI McCOOK NEBRASKA , -I