McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 16, 1884, Image 5

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    The Tribune
_ _ Thursday , October 10,1884.
Indicates that your Bubscriptlon to TUB
x TmnUNK has expired , and that an luvitu-
I tiou to renew the same la extended.
All loculK under thin heading lOc. a line for
each Insertion , and Biuno Inserted until order
ed discontinued , unless time is specified. Dills
payublo monthly.
CONGREGATIONAL. Sunday School at 10
A. M. every week. Preaching services ex-ory
Sunday nljtht at 7.30. M. T. AlKo , every alter
nate Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exceptions
to the above will be policed in locals.
METHODIST. Services every oilier Sunday
inch-Hint ? at IO.HO , M. T. , and cvenlnjr at 8 , M. T.
Sunday School every week ut3. : ) , il. T. Ser
vices held in Opera Hull. .
_ iKX HAUTLKY. i'artor.
CATHOLIC. Services will be held In the
Opera Hull once every four weeks.
_ _ JOSEPH CfrEitY. Pastor.
I. O. G. T. The Independent Order of Good
Templars meet in the CoiiKrcatloiml Church
every Tuesday evening.
Local Intelligence.
Graham Flour at City Bakery.
The latest at the Jewelry Store.
Toilet sets at Metropolitan Drug Store
Ketchum We've got 'em you bet.
Xylonite combs at Metropolitan Drug I '
Store. |
Pickled pigs feet at the City Bakery. I
Try them.
For the best Flour in town call at
City Bakery.
China Dolls , from lOc. to § 2 , at Met
ropolitan Drug Store.
Lytle Bros , have just received a car
load of Bain wagons.
Prescriptions accurately compounded
at Metropolitan Drug Store.
J. S. Phillips sells the Ketchum
Wagons the best in the world.
Sabbath School'will bo held at the
Opera Hall on Sunday next at 10 a. in.
For anything you need in fancy China
ware call at Metropolitan Drug Store.
Five car-loads of household goods and
stock arrived from the east , ' Sunday
Go to Lytle Bros , for two-seat Spring
Wagons , and Half-Spring Democrat
Smoke "Morales , " a book rolled
Havana filled cigar for lOc. at Metropolitan -
politan Drug Store.
The Ladies Union will meet Thurs
day , October 23d. at Mrs. C. F. Bab-
cock's , at the usual time.
Hair brushes , nail brushes , tooth
brushes and infants hair brushes at
Metropolitan Drug Store.
If you want a Heating Stove for your
school houses , adapted for cither wood
or coal , go to Lytle Bros.
Don't forget the fact that at Metro
politan Drug Store you will receive the
worth of your money every time.
The entertainment of the Sabbath
school for Friday evening of this week
is indefinitely postponed owing to re
-The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
residence of Mrs. J. B. Meserve , Tues
day , October 21st , at 3 o'clock , moun
tain time.
When you order Baking Powder , try
Leis' German Baking Powder. Give it
a trial and you will use no other. Sold
by G. H. Rogers.
The City Bakery has just received
the finest line of Candies ever brought
to McCook. Remember this andy \ >
there for your candies.
The Jewqlry Store is the only place
to buy reliable goods. Everything is
guaranteed and sold at prices as low as
any house in the business.
Just arrived , at the- City Bakery , a
car-load of the Cream and Fancy brands
of Grand Island Flour. Also , a supply
of white bolted corn meal.
Three "schooners" from South Park.
Colorado , passed through here , enroute
to Osborne , Kansas , Saturday. They
were a tired , dusty company of travelers.
That shipment of ttereford heifers
that arrived at- this station , -last week ,
was made by a Mr. Belles of Wisconsin.
Armstrong Bros , of the Driftwood will
winter them.
The four lots adjoining him on the
east have been purchasrd by Receiver
Babcock , and the house occupied by
Prof. Stephenon ha.s been moved from
its .old Vring to the recently ac
quired land. Mr. Babcock will add a
stable and otherwise improve and beau
tify his handsome property.
For sale one Baby Carriage , inquire
at 3Ictropolitan D.rt\g Store ,
For pure drugs and medicines go to
Metropolitan Drug Stcnj.
' Invitations arc out for a social hop
at the Opera Hall. OH W cdnesday even
ing , October 22d.
The MeCook "Dramatic Company in
"Our Bonrdinpj House. " Monday even
ing , October 20th. Reserved'scats arc
now on sale at the Citizens Bank.
Twenty-two car-loads of steers , ship
ped fror.1 Bcnkolman , by Brush and
McGill ; n , passed through , Sunday even
ing. Twenty-four car-loads from the
same shipping point went through , Fri
I Roadmaster Dauchy is having a , rcsi-
| 24 ft. square , with kitchen addi
tion , erected on the hill north of M. A.
Spalding's homo. This makes the third
residence now being Iniilt on that hand
some location.
Among the young men who have re
cently come into this county , with means
and vim , we mention J. P. Squire. Mr.
Squire has a place on Driftwood , that he
is fixing up comfortably , and upon which
is running some cattle.
A handsome writing desk , having n
high back containing the cards of many
of our business men , has been put in
the B. & M. Eating House office , the
work bears the name of J. H. Harrison
& Co. , of Hastings , artists.
A meeting of the County Central
Committee is called to meet at Indian-
ola , Saturday , October 18th. Important
business will come up for the consider
ation of the committee , and a full at
tendance is earnestly desired.
The Fanny Davenport combination
passed through this station , west bound ,
Sunday. Such a , rare aggregation of
curiosities as the one to be seen on the
platform , and in the B. & M. lunoh
room , is unusual even to the bucolic
.We direct the attention of the ladies
of our city to the fact that the family
of J. W. Ho well is in urgent need of
their kind ministration. We ieel assur
ed that to state the fact will call forth
immediate action. The case is sad and
most urgent.
Lytle Bros , have just received the
most complete assortment of Heating
Stoves ever brought into Red Willow
County ; including the latest styles of
Base Burners. A complete assortment
of Soft Coal Burners. Wood Heating
Stoves of all descriptions.
The 47 cattle company's outfit drove
a bunch of yearling steers recently pur
chased by that company , up to their
ranch west of here , Sunday. The sup
ply of steers being less than the demand ,
fancy prices arc being asked and receiv
ed for that desirable stock.
The new billiard hall opened up by
W. M. Lewis on Main avenue , is a fine
and complete establishment in its entire
equipment. The hall is furnished with
new tables and the latest in the way of
patent racks and the like. It would do
our more pretentious cities proud.
Many a sweet little babe has gone to
the grave by breathing unhealthy air ,
exhaled by its parents. The use of Bak
ing Powder containing ammonia gen
erates such air. Lois' German Baking
Powder contains no ammonia or other
injurious substance. Sold by C. H.
A sad and fatal accident occurred
neai Trenton , Tuesday evening , in which
Frank Kridelbaugh , a young man in the
bridge service , had both legs cut off ,
which resulted in death , the same even
ing. No. 84 was carrying some timber
for a bridge near Trenton , and the young
man , who was on the freight , started to
go from the train into the caboose , where
his tools were , and in so doing slipped
and fell between the cars , with the re
sult above mentioned. The victim of this
sad affair is a brother of the agent at
Orleans , and had been married but two
weeks , Wednesday. His remains were
taken to Prescott , Iowa , on Wednesday.
McCook is putting on metropolitan
airs and we are delighted that it is able
to do so. It has some of the finest build
ings in the state and soon will have a
"city cooler , ' ' a place where the over
heated may go in and cool off. The
land office is doing a rushing business ,
and long before the land office is open a
crowd of land suckers may be seen
thronging the doorway leading to that
Mecca of the land-hungry. Parties , says
the Tribune , having claims cannot ex
ercise too much care concerning them
as contests an ; being instituted "where-
ever there is a rfhow * > f" successfully
prosecuting tbt > * same.- Hastings Ga
Tube Paints , full line , at Metropoli
tan Drug Store.
Ex-U. S. Senator , Thos. W. Tipton ,
Capt. J. H. Stickle Mr. Laird's oppo
nent for Congress from this district
and Hon. Senator Rohr , the Antimonopoly -
nopoly candidate for State Senator from
this district , will address the multitudes'
at the Opera House on next Tuesday
evening , the 21st inst. Go and hear
what they have to save.
The roller skating rink opened up on
West Dennison Street , last Saturday
.evening , as announced , and has been a
gaatifying source of healthful exercise
and pleasurable amusement to many
during the past week. The floor is of
hard maple and makes an excellent ,
smooth surface , over which the skates
arc inclined to roll faster than the skat
ers are disposed to go. The Manager
L. Bragg , has secured the services of
an expert skater , who will appear at the
rink , and give an exhibition on Satur
day evening. If you desire to see some
fine roller skating , don't miss this oppor
The report of the McCook Land
Office for the quarter commencing July
1st and ending September 30th , makes
a fine showing for this office. C8G
homestead entries , comprehending 108-
787.32 acres of land , 707 timber cul
ture entries , disposing of 111,543.96
acres of the public domain , were taken ,
and 339 pre-emption filings , 35 home
stead filings , and 48 final home proofs
were made. This office has from its
establishment made the maximum fees ,
contrary to the expectations of many ,
and the rush continues. At the pres
ent rate of entry , it will not require
many months to absorb all the available
government land in this part of the
One or two of our subscribers , who
are annoyed by parties borrowing their
paper before they have perused it them
selves , have been importuning us to give
the matter some attention. The follow
ing fable comes to mind and strikes us
as being peculiarly apropos : "One day
a traveller was overtaken in the woods
by a big thunderstorm and for want of
a better shelter crawled into a hollow
log. But the rain soaked and swelled
the log and naturally enough the hole
in the log became smaller , squeezing the
man in so tightly he could not extricate
himself. He tried frantically to get
out , but in vain. He cried for help , but
none came. He then began to think
over his past life. The first horrid re-
membranee that came to him in his crit
ical condition was that he had never tak
en his county paper , and had got the
news by borrowing the paper from his
neighbor. This made him feel so little
that he slipped out of the log without a
bit of trouble. The next time he went
to town he subscribed for the county
paper and paid for it in advance. "
The public schools opened up on
Monday morning , in our elegant new
school house , with Prof. Stephenson as
principal , Miss Alice Murphy ) teacher
of the intermediate department , and
Miss Jennie Jamison , in the primary
room. The first part of the week was
necessarily absorbed in arranging and
classifying , and putting the different
departments in working order. The at
tendance at the out-start is considerably
larger than the highest number enrolled
last year , and will be largely augmented
during the coming week. Just here
allow us to make this suggestion to
parents : It will be a great assistance
to the teachers and advantageous to the
children to commence going to school
at the start and not wait until consid
erable progress has been made by the
prompt ones. It is not easy to make
up lost time. Now , a few words con
cerning our new building , etc. We can
truthfully claim for our structure that
it is one of the neatest , best-arranged
and most artistic school buildings west
of Hastings. The building contains 3
rooms , 2 on the first floor , and 1 on the
second , with a recitation room opening
into the same. The rooms on the first
floor , as above , are provided with cloak
rooms , are well-lighted , convenient and
cosy. The principal's room is one of
the best adapted audience rooms in the
town. The building reflects great credit
on its contractor , J. F. Collins , and
upon S. W. Johnson , who designed it ;
and we do not question but that the
tax-payers , school board and building
committee are remembered by the chil
dren , who spent last winter in the
church building , in their devotions.
The public schools have entered upon
what , with all the advantages enjoyed ,
ought to be , and doubtless will be a
successful session.
lOc. will buy an American dog at
Metropolitan Drug Store.
John Delay of Culbertaon , an old
time cattle man , waa in town on busi
ness , Monday.
W. H. McCartney and J. W. Maikcu ,
two of Indianola's heavy business men ,
i were in town , Monday.
Mrs. Will Hawksworth is entertain
ing herjsister-in-law. Miss Hawksworth ,
and a fiiend , Miss Vollbehr.
B. F. Olcott has moved in from his
homestead , and is living in one of A. J.
Pate's houses , south of the school house.
Miss Ada Medlyn , who has been vis
iting Mrs. Thos. Campbell ior a number
of weeks , has returned to her home in
Mrs. Joseph Menard returned the first
of the week , from Chicago , where she
has been for the past two weeks , pur
chasing goods.
Lewis Fellwock of Fairbury , 111. , and
Edwin Hull of Buckley , 111. , went cast
on No. 2 , Wednesday morning , after a
two week's visit in McCook.
Chas. Madder of Galva , 111. , who has
been visiting Bert , Thompson , started
on his return home , Monday. He will
spend a sliort time at Arapahoe.
William Fruin left , Saturday , for
Chatsworth , 111. , where he will devote
some three or four weeks in settling up
some business matters , and working up
an immigration to this place.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rogers of Al-
wood , Kansas , have been spending some
time in town , this week , the guests of
the B. & M. Eating House. Mr. Rog-
crs is engaged in stock raising.
Receiver Babcock now draws the ribbons
bens on the Spalding mare , recently
purchased by him from M. A. The
horse makes a splendid family animal- ,
and is one of the best movers in this
J. M. Edmiston of Lincoln , state
agent of the Union Central Life Ins.
Co. of Cincinnati , 0. , and Dr. Thurston ,
of Columbus , Neb. , with the same com
pany , have been in town , the past week
or ten days , in the interests of the com
pany they represent. They wrote a
number of fine risks while here.
George Chenery , formerly with Mr.
Hayden , who has been away a number
of months , arranging some business
matters in England , and traveling on the
c'ontincnt , returned to his old stamping
grounds , last Thursday. George has
many friends here who were glad to
welcome his return to the "land of the
free , etc. "
The cheapest and best selected stock
of Dry Goods , Millinery , Hats and Caps ,
Boots and Shoes , Clothing , Carpets and
Groceries , to be found west of Omaha
and Lincoln , at prices that can't be beat.
Splendid prints , 20 yds for $1.00 ; fine
Dress Goods , from 5c. up ; Crash Tow
eling , 5c. and upward ; fine LinenTowls ,
lOc. and better ; Handkerchiefs , 3c ,
better ones at 5 and lOcts. In Ladies'
Corsets we defy competition. Ladies'
Cloaks , from $2.50 up to $75.00 ; Otto
man Silk , Brocade , Reps and Seal Plush
Cloaks at astonishingly low prices. Let.
every one that visits or lives in McCook
visit the Chicago Store before purchas
ing their Winter Goods and be convinc
ed that ihe above named store is first
class and true in all respects in weights
and in yards. We shall continue for
sixty days to give a .bonus of ten yards
of Calico to every cash purchaser of
ten dollars worth of goods , outside of
groceries. Jos. MEXARD.
The Dramatic Company of our town
has been for some days rehearsing and
getting in readiness to put on the boards ,
"Our Boarding House , " and they will
present that laughable comedy before
the citizens of McCook and vicinity ,
next Monday evening , October 20th.
The company has generously decided
to donate the proceeds of the evening's t
entertainment to our band boys , who
are raising a fund for the purchase of a
new lot of Conn instruments , of which
they are in need. It is confidently ex
pected that our citizens will turn out
and fill the hall , thus encouraging the ' j.
efforts of the Dramatic Company , and ' c
materially assisting the band boys to
ward the ultimate accomplishment of
their purpose.
For Sale.
A house in South McCook. Has 3
room's and a brick basement. Address '
J. G. Eaton , McCook , Neb. 18. , *
Clocks ! Clocks ! \ }
A new lot of clocks at the Jewelry ,
Store , from $2.00 up. All'warranted
perfect time keepers. :
. That is all right , but let us not forget
to burn our fire guards , and that soon.
Mrs. Frank Fuel has gone cast of
Arapahoe to help care for her sister ,
who is dangerously ill with typhoid
One more pioneer land mark almost
obliterated. N. Burtless has been add
ing to and othcrwiso improving his
house ; greatly improving it in appear
ance as well as in comfort and conven
Mr. and Mrs. Wheaton and their
daughter , Mrs. George Gowing , were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burtless , last
week. Mrs. W. started , Monday , for
Auburn , N. Y. , where she will spend
the winter.
The Yailton Sunday School , in appre
ciation of services rendered them by
Mr. G. B. Nettleton , planned for him a
surprise , last Thursday P. M. , which
was as complete as it was agreeable , in
the form of a picnic visit and the pre
sentation of a silver cup. Forty-two
persons in all assembled , among whom
were Elders Dungan , Johnson and
Bartley. A prominent and palatable
table decoration was a cake by Mrs. C.
C. Newman with "G. B. N. " ( in frosting )
on a raised centre , surrounded by "Tail-
ton , S. S. " Mr. Nettleton with untir
ing energy and perseverance has done
more real hard work in the interests of
Sabbath Schools than any other man in
Red Willow county , and it is with pleas
ure that we chronicle this public ac
knowledgement of his usefulness.
Three inches of snow fell , Tuesday
J. W. Dyer has been a guest at Mrs.
Braughs a few days.
Mrs. J. S. Braughand family are
making preparations for moving to
North Platte , next Monday.
V. Wilber is building u house on his
claim near the head of the Willow and
will move his family there soon.
Miss Mary Haller and Miss Lucy
Braugh intend to start to Los Angeles ,
California , soon. On their way they
will visit relatives in Kansas.
P. 0. Cramer from Osburn has been
helping E. N. Keeler for some time.
He has delivered three discourses while
here. He intends returning home Sat
Dick Tate is rushing business in the
way of making improvements on his
place near Lake View. He is having a
house erected and a well dug by Mr.
McConncll of McCook. PIIILO.
Valley Grange School.
Monthly statement of attendance ,
deportment and examination for the
month of September , 1884 :
All persons interested in the success
of the Democratic and Anti-monopoly
tickets at the approaching election , are
requested to meet at the law office of
Thos. Colfer at 7 o'clock , P. M. , moun
tain time , on Saturday , the 18th inst ,
to make preliminary arrangements for
the grand democratic and anti-republi
can rally to be held in McCook on the
evening of the 21 st inst. A full atten
dance is requested. COMMITTEE.
For SO Days
Will sell Ash Extension Tables for
$1.00 per foot , Kitchen Safes for $50 ,
Carpets 35c. per yd , Windmills way
down , Sewing Machines cheap for cash.
A large and complete stock of Furni
ture 15 per cent , cheaper than can be
sold by any other dealer.
J. S. PHILLIPS , Indianola , Neb.
Save Your Eyes.
Eye protector's at the Jewelry store.
Also , spectacles of all kinds : Smoked ,
blue and green glasses , shooting-specs ,
Wood Wanted.
I want 50 cords of wood at my brick
yard , immediately. Good prices paid.
MeCook , Oct. 2. H. P. KELLY.
Leis' German Baking Powder con
tains no alum , ammonia or phosphates ,
is pure and healthy , and is sold by C. ,
II. Rogers.
White and black mustard seed and
celery seed at Metropolitan Drug Store.
Attention ! Stock Men.
E. P. Savage , Superintendent of the
Agricultural College Farm at Lincoln ,
has agreed ( with the assistance of the
stock men throughout the states , ) to
gather and compile the stock statistics
of the state for publication in the cata- '
loguc to be issued by this state at the
World's Industrial and Cotton Centen
nial. This being a matter of interest to
the whole country , it is earnestly re
quested that every ranchman or stock
breeder residing in the state , owning
stock within or without the state , send
to him his P. 0. address , number and
kind of stock , particularly all thorough
breds or registered stock , number of fat
stock for sale this year , number of acres
used for range , where located and kinds
of grass , also any other items that will
tend to give our stock interests a good
"send off. " These are statistics that can
be had only thus personally , and it is
really hoped the above assistance will
be rendered him , and ifjt is , he agrees
to place our stock interest where it be
longs "to the front. "
For musical instruments and music
go to Metropolitan Drug Store.
However things may scem , no evil
thing succeeds , and no good thing is a
failure. Wrong may flourish as the
green bay tree for the nonce , but the fi
nale is inevitably disastrous and terrible.
Right may be trampled under foot and
appear for the time to have succumbed
to satanic influences and powers , but in
the end she will soar aloft triumphant.
Cheap sponges for school children at
Metropolitan Drug Store.
The fate of one of our presidential
candidates is a sad one but not to be
compared with the fate of Baking Pow
der manufacturers who have had their
Powder on the market the past decade.
Leis' German Baking Powder receives
the indorsement of every consumer who
uses it and is fast becoming the leading
Baking Powder. Sold by C. H. Rogers.
"Cubas. " a long Havana filled cigar ,
ibr a nickel at Metropolitan Drug Store.
A Bargain.
Timber Entry and Homestead Entry ,
adjoining , 10 miles from McCook. 12
acres Timber , 135 acres fenced. A
rare bargain , good only for a few days.
Cochran & Helm , 1st door south Land
Hanging lamps and hand lamps at
Metropolitan Drug Store.
Locals under this tieaa nc. a line f9r each
insertion. Hills jwyuble monthly.
J. E. Berger is agent for the Western
Cottage Organ , which he will sell cheap
for cash or on long time. 4.
H. W. Pike started a Lumber Yard
in McC'ook , Neb. , January , 1884 , and
las conic to stay. Full assortment of
dumber , Sash , Doors , Lime and Build-
ng Material , sold at close prices' , con
sidering the freight.
The new law against adulteration , if
enforced , will drive out four-fifths of
the Baking Powder manufacturers. De-
Liands welcome such a lav. , as it is a free
advertisement of the purity of their
Chemical Baking Powder. Sold by Hayden -
den & Co.
Blank Deeds , Real Estate Mortgages.
Jeases , Bills of Sale , Bond for Deed ,
Quit Claim Deeds , Contracts for Build-
ng , Mortgage Deeds , Release of Mort
gage , Official Bonds , Soldiers Discharge ,
Petition for License , Notes , Receipts , TIIK TitiBUNK office.
I am now prepared to offer Flour and
Feed in exchange for Wheat , and
im also prepared to buy grain to ship.
July 5 , ' 84-Gm. CLAHK WARD.
R. S. Cooley's Bulletin Board.
One quarter deeded land. ( I miles from
own. Price. $ G40 cash.
One quarter deeded land , 1 1 miles
'roin town. Price , ? G40 cash.
One quarter deeded land , timber and
vater , G miles from town. Price , 1) )
One quarter deeded land. 2 miles
'rom town , timber and water. Price ,
$1.200 cash.
Houses and lots in McCook to ? ell
4 houses and lots in West McCook. 3
louses and lots in South McCook. One
ncre of land , with good house. Ajl cheap.
FOR SALK. A complete outfit for a
retail grocery store. Also , will lease
'or a term of years a splendid location
'or a country .store in the Beaver Val-
ey. Address R. S. COOLKV , McCook.
Many other bargains to offer. ( Jail
on R. S. Coolcy , Real Estate Agent ,
1st door south of U. S. Land Office.