McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 16, 1884, Image 4

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    The Tribune
F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
JAMES G. DLAINE , of Maine.
JOHN A. LOGAN , of Illinois.
CHAKLES H. DEWEY , of Douglas.
HENttY SPIUCK , of Washington.
11. B. HAKKINGTON , of Gage.
JOHN MACKIN , of Grcclcy.
A. L.BU U.ofHarlun.
JAMES W. DAWES , of Saline County.
H. H. SHEDD , of Saunders County.
C..H. WILLAltD , of Thaycr County.
H. A. BABCOCK , of Valley County.
E. P. HOG GEN , of Lancaster County.
WILLIAM LEESE , of Seword County.
JOSEPH SCOTT , of Buffalo County.
LEAVriT BUHNHAM , of Douglas County.
W. W. W. JONES , of Lancaster Count } ' .
JAMES LAIKD , of Adams County.
W. S. MOHLAN , of Furnas County.
JAMES W. DOLAN , of lied Willow County.
HENRY CRABTREE , of Indianolu.
THE latest from the Ohio electioi
gives the Republican majority at from
10,000 to 15,000. The election wai
attended with the most intense excite
ment and some bloodshed , the vote
polled was the largest fn the history o
S- the Buckeye state , and the result is
I' ' highly gratifying.
JOHN KELLY has shown his devotior
to Stephen G rover by removing the
scalp of "bosom friend" Dorsheimer ,
who has but lately added literary laurels
to his political crown by writing Steph
en Gr.'s biography for the country.
Tammany has nominated another man
to adorn Dorsheimer's seat in congress.
THE Boston bolters , once supposed to
be the most tremendous political orga
nization in the country , are now appeal
ing to the Harvard students to come out
and make a torchlight procession for an
independent meeting. With the Har
vard students and some primary schoo !
children bribed for the occasion they
hope to make considerable of a show
on a dark night.
IN August last a man by the name of
Joe Bogard was hanged at Lonoke , Ark ,
He stepped upon the platform , the noose
was adjusted and the trap was sprung.
For forty minutes , as is the custom in
that state , the condemned man hung
suspended in the air by the neck , and
then being pronounced dead by the at
tending physician , the body was cut
down. Upon the official record it was
recorded that ' 'the vital spark had fled , "
and the sheriff proclaimed that Bogard
was as dead as a door nail. The body
was placed in a wagon and delivered to
relatives. Before reaching home ,
strange as it may seem , Joe uttered a
groan , and upon examination it was dis
covered that he was not dead. The
father of the supposed dead man poured
some whisky down Joe's throat who ,
it seems , always had a hankering after
spirits and by the time the parties
reached home the injured man was able
. to get out of the wagon without help.
Of course Joe's neck was somewhat stiff
and sore , but otherwise he was in toler
able good health. The sheriff , ascer
taining that Joe yet lived , went in
search of him , but he has not yet been
found. Uogard's friends arc now feeing
lawyers to ascertain if a man can be
hanged twice for the same crime. It is
certainly very inconvenient to be hang
ed once , and it docs seem as if Joe :
ought not to be put to further trouble.
THE Hastings Gazette-Journal , after
making a canvass of the newspapers of
the second district , sets down the num
ber of Laird journals at 77. The Stick
le papers at 11.
THE presence of two certain cow
punchers in town reminds us of an inci
dent in which these same two figured.
It happened in Culbertson , Nebraska.
One of the boys drank enough liquor to
elate him to such an extent that he step
ped out in front of the crowd and offer
ed a bottle of whisky to any man who
could whip him. The prize was too great
to be ignored , and a great big strapping
fellow whom they call ' 'Bob" stepped
up to him ard at it they went. It took
Bob a very short time to thump his chal
lenger very successfully. And then the
victim , without a murmur , purchased
the coveted quart and presented it to
the man who had accommodated him.
Brush Lariat.
A LITTLE incident occurred recently
in Kearney county-worth telling , as
showing the exigencies that befall the
farmer , whom we have long been taught
to reverence as the safest and most in
dependent individual on earth. A farm
er , whose wheat had suffered severely
from the weather , drove into Minden
with a load of it for sale. He was ac
companied by his wife , who had a basket
of eggs to dispose of. When they had
finished their business the farmer was
astounded to find that a dozen fresh
eggs commanded just the same money
as a bushel of rejected wheat fifteen
cents. It is a little tough on the son of
toil to find that a hen can knock the
spots off him as a producer of wealth.
THE recent affliction of the great act
or , John McCullough , should and un
doubtedly will be a lesson to other actors
and actresess who are overworked to
meet the demands of their managers and
of the public. The activity of brain and
high tension of nerves required of stars
in order to keep up their reputations ,
hardly earned , will sooner or later cause
lesion and intellectual coNapsc unless
proper precaution and needed rest are
taken. There are certain bounds of en
durance , which if passed , will cause
death or dethrone reason. This is true
of professional men , of all brain work
ers as well as to actors , and heed should
also be taken by them of the lessons of
the hour. Republican.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
INDIANOLA , NEB. , October 6th , 1884.
Hoard of county commissioners inut pursuant to
law. Present. Henry Crabtrec , S. L. Green , com
missioners , and C. D. Cramer , county clerk.
Minuted of last meeting read and approved.
On motion , tlio chalrmuii and clerk were ordered
to execute a warranty deed to Itoliert II. Thomas for
lot No. Iv.cnty-four (24) ( ) In block No. thirty-three (33) (
In the town of Indlanola , UK per contract for carpen
ter work done in 1883 on court house.
On nfctlon , claims were audited and allowed on the
County General Fund , and .clerk ordered to draw
warrants on levy for the year 1834 , as follows :
C.D. Cramer , clerk's salary for quarter ending
September 30 , 18S4 fSO 00
C. L. Xettleton. county superintendent , salary am
expenses quarter ending September 30 , 1SS4.G9 0' '
Isaac Becsom , boarding pauper F. J. Malone , 1
weeks $32 Si
John McDonald , work on county jail , claim of
allowed at $2
On motion , claims were audited and allowed on th
County lload Fund , and county clerk ordered to dra'
warrants on levy for thu year 1884 In payment fo :
land and damage for establishing public road throug
land of Zcrl H. Sherman , claim for damages to lots
and 6 and southeast } \ northwest H and northeast M
fcouthwcst J-i section G , towc. 3 , range 27 ? 170 01
For 3 acres land In lot G 'MO
Total amount claimed $200 QC
allowed at 90
C. A. llotzc , claim for land for right of way 33 fee
wide along cast side of lot 7 , section 6 , town. 3 , ra
27 west $35 l ) (
Estimated cost moving fence 2 51
Total amount claimed $37
allowed at 20
In the matter of the petition of A. P. Day , .Ininc
Hetberlngton , J. H. Goodrich and others , on motion
a public road was established in accordance with th
report of Page T. Francis , the commissioner appoint'
cd to examine the proposed location and other mat'
tcrs contained In said petition , and having reported
in favor of establishing same , and Koyal Back. Klch
olas Colling and Edward Price , the duly appointed
appralbcrs of damages to the lands of Zcri H.-Slier
man and C. A. Hotze , having appraised the damages
sustained by Zerl H. Sherman at f 90 00 and the dam
ages sustained by C. A. Hotze at $20 00 , and all t he-
proceedings required by law having been had and
done , to-wlt :
Commissioner appointed and filed Ills report ;
Legal notice , that objections and clalnu for dam
ages should bu filed as required by law , published
according to law ;
Appraisers appointed to appraise damages and filed
their report ;
Said road was established as follows : Commenc
ing at the fcouthcaBt corner of lot ' - , section 7 , town.
3 , range 27 west , running thence north along the east
line of lots 1 and 2 of section 7 and lot 7 of section G ,
town. 3. range 27 , to the southeast corner of lot 6 ,
section 6 , town. 3 , range 27 , thence northwest on a
straight line from the southeast corner of said lot 6.
section G , to the northwest corner of said lot 6 , section
G , town. 3. range 27 west , tcnrinatlug thereat.
In the matter of the petition of A. P. Day , James
Hcthcrington and others to vacate section line road
commencing at the southwest corner lot 2. section 7 ,
town. 3 , range 27 , running thence north on section
lines between ranges 27 and 28 , and terminating at
the northwest corner lot 6 , section tj , town. 3. ' range
27 , upon consideration of the petition , rauuflsf'rance ,
commissioners' and appraisers' reports notice JiavJi > , r
been published according to law that objections to the
vacation of said road ana claims for damages should
be filed within the time prescribed by law as stated
In Bald notice. On motion , the petition was granted
and the road vacated a petitioned for.
On motion , the claim of C. A , Hotze for 300 dam
ages to the northeast } i section 12 , town , 3 , range 28 ,
by reason of vacating said road , was rejected.
In the matter of the petition of M. A. Spalding ,
CUas. Noble and others. Page T. Francis , the duly
appointed commissioner , reported In favor of estab
lishing the road petitioned for , and , on motion , the
road was established as follows : Commencing at thu
lorthwcbt corner ol section 30 , town. 3 , north of range
ia west , running thccce 'co&t about four miles to the
jorth&ast comer of section yj , ftimc town , and range ;
it station 5 lu section 2'J a deflection pf PPU feet south
s made to cross the cauyoii below tlic or ruuulug
hcucc north 1 mUctothcnorthcastcorncrscctM ' - ! ,
hence north -to station 12 in bcctiou 14 , thcucct'6
Aatto 13 In section 14 , thence cast to stations 14 , 15
ind , 1C In .fviptjira 13 , above town , and rancc , thence
lown a deep pocfcf ; ut the main caayoii , striking the
naln canyon at station I , Ja section IS , town. 3 , range
18 , thence corth to the uortlw/JSf corner of section
:3 , town. 3 , range 28 , terminating tliprpnf ,
On motion , board adjourned to WMl ( itfjnjpy ,
1st , 1851. 0. D. CUAMEif " '
County Clerk.
Ox the 1st inst. the director of the
mint estimated the gold and silver coin
of the United States at $815,000,000.
'Of this amount $558,000,000 was gold ,
$182,000,000 standard silver dollars ,
and $75,000,000 subsidiary silver. The
gain since October 1 , 1883 , has been
$35,000,000 , of which $13,000,000 is
gold. During the year the national treas
ury gained $20,000,000 in gold , while
the outside reduction was $7,500,000.
All kinds of blanks kept for sale at
this office.
Legal Notice.
A. E. Hurgravcs & Bros. , In District
Plaintiffs , Court of
vs. Red AVillow
E.M. Wilson & Walter Hlckling , county.Neb-
Defendants. raska.
resldent Defendant , will take notice that on
the 13th day of September , 1884 , the Plaintiffs
above , A. E. Hargraves & Hros. , filed their
petition in the District Court of Red Willow
County , Nebraska , against the firm of Wilson
and Hickling , of which Defendant is a mem
ber , the object and prayer of which are to ob
tain a judgment on account for goods sold and
delivered to the amount of Two Hundred and
Seventy-Seven and Seventy-Three One Hundredths -
dredths ( $277.73) ) Dollars.
Plaintiffs have caused the following Real
Estate , Lands , and Tenements to be attached
as the property of the Defentdant , Walter
Hickling , viz : Northwest ( J4) ) one-fourth of
Section nine (0) ( ) , Township three (3) ) , range
twenty-nine (20) ( ) west principal meridian ,
which said property is in said State and Coun
ty and sought to be taken by said attachment
and appropriated in payment of said debt.
You are required to answer said action on ? or
before , the 3rd day of November , 1884.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Dated Sept. 25th , 18 4.-17-4t.
Notice of Incorporation.
In compliance with the law of thcdBtutc of
Nebraska , wo hereby give notice that a com
pany has been formed under the style and
name of The Paxton Cattle Co. , its principal
place of business being at Paxton , 111. , with a
branch office at McCook , Neb. , and its purpose
being the buying , selling , breeding and rais
ing of live stock. The amount of Its capital
stock is $100,000 , to be sold at par and iully
paid up. Said Company commenced business
July 14th , 1884 , and continues 20 years. Its in
debtedness shall never exceed % of its paid
up capital. The officers of said company con
sist of a President , Vice President , Secretary ,
Treasurer and General Manager.
184t. Secretary. President.
Lcvi Johnson , Plaintiff , 1 In thoDistr'tCourl
of the 8th Judicial
- vs. } District , In , and for ,
Ked AVillow county ,
Abbie Johnson , Deft , j Nebraska.
To Abbie Johnson , non-resident defendant :
You arc hereby notified that on the 13th day
of September , Ib84 , Lev ! Johnson filed a peti
tion against you in the District Court of Red
Willow county , Nebraska , the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from
you on the ground that you have willfully
abandoned the plaintiff without good cause
for the term of two years last past.
You are required to answer said petition on ,
or before , Monday , the 13th day of October ,
1884. 16-5t. LEVI JOHNSON , Plaintiff.
By Jennings & Starbuck , bis Attorneys.
On my premises , 8. W. M of section 18 , town
ship 3 , rungxj 29 , l'/t miles X. W. of McCook , on
September 10th , one chestnut sorrel mare ,
branded on right thigh X 7. Owner can have
her by proving1 property , paying charges , etc. ,
otherwise she will be disposed of according
to law. 18-5. W. M. IRWIN.
AKE YOU MADE miserable by JndtgpsHon.-'Con-
stlpatlon. Dizziness. Loss of Appetite , Yc'
Shlloh's Vltallzer is a positive Cure.
FOll DYSPEPSIA and Liver complaint , you have a
printed guarantee on every bottle of Shlloh's Vital- ,
Izer. It never falls to cure.
THE Kev. Geo. II. Thaycr , of Bourbon , Ind. , says :
"Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOHS
AVIIY "WILL YOU cough when Shlloh's Cure will
give immediate relief. 1'rlec 10 cts. , SO cts. and $1.
for Catarrh , Diphtheria and Canker Mouth.
A NASAL INJECTOK free with tach bottle ef
Shlloh's Catarrh Kemedy. Price 50 cents.
SHILOH'S CUKE will Immediately relieve Croup ,
Whooping cough and Bronchitis.
"HACKMETACK" nlrt.tlng m ! frS T-'it perfume.
Price 25 and 50 cents.
Sold by S. L. Green , druggist , McCook. Neb.
Wonderful !
1Yc do not know of any medicine that 1ms gained
an r < mal popularity , In such a short time , for the
Instant relief of coughs and'sorencss in the lungs , as
pleasant to take and will not fitjurp thp most delicate
Infant. Simple bottles free ut S. It , ( iron's ami
Johnson & Spaldlng's.
McCooic , Neb , , October 4th , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at tin's flljjpp
by Charles C. Monroe against James M. StuiKOy
for abandoning his Homestead Entry 200.1 ,
dated at North Platte , Neb. , February 20th ,
1880 , upon the southeast northwest 14 and lots
1 , 2 , 3 and 4 of section C , township 1 , nortli of
range 26 wpst , in Red AVillow county. Neb. ,
with a'viewr to tJic cancellation of said entry ;
the said parties tire hereby summoned to ap
pear at this office on the Ifttfi " Atty of Jfpyein-
ber , 1884 , at 11 o'clock , A. M. , to rosiionYf u {
furnish testimony concerning sum alleged
abandonment. 19. G. L. LAWS , Register.
JfcCook , Neb. , October 2nd , 1881.
Complaint hayjnff pgon entered at this office
by Fred Mungingor ftgHns | Jjowis B. March
for failure to comply with Jay'a$40 Jj/nbpr- /
culture entry No. 54 , dated ut JIc(7oos ( , <
July 14th , 1883 , upon the lots 1 , 2 , and i of
section C , township 2 , north of range 28 west ,
in Red AVillow county. Neb. , with a view to
the cancellation of said entry ; contestant
nl\Bglfiff \ f hat said Lewis B. March has failed
to break aity | > .qrt of said tract of land within
the first year' nft P ? nakjjijr said entry as re
quired by law , nor at apf fljiip oinpe to the
present time ; the said purtfcs * u'tt $ Jf'Vl"
summoned to appear at this office on tmi 13rh
day of November , 1884 , at 11 o'clock , A. M. , to
respond and furnish testimony concerning
SflW fljjcgcd failure.
10. - a F. BABCOCK , Receiver.
McCook , Sob. , October 4Ui. I
Complaint huving been entered lit jjijs i . .
by Thomas Golfer against Ira Kiinbnll for
abandoning his homestead entry 2074. dated nt
Xorth Pintle , Xeb. , March 17 , 1880 , upon the
northeast } 4 section 14 , township3 north.rnnge
29 west , in ied Willow county , Xeb. , with n
view to the cancellation of said entry ; the
ftiiul fWrtjpS are hereby summoned-to nppcnr
uttW ontofii } t/jp / 10th dny of Xovember,1884 ,
nt 10 o'clock , A. . . Jt j'psppnd nnd furnish
testimony concerning 04' # Jlfigfl/ Abandon
ment. 19. G. L. "
McCook , Neb. , October Cth. 1881.
Complaint huving been entered at this oflico
by Frank Powell against George L. Swurtz-
welder for failure to ttornpjy wth | law as to
timber-culture entry 657. dutert Worth PJnttPj
Neb. , May 17th , 1879 , upon the southeast quart
ter section 32 , township 2 north , range 27 west ,
in Red AVillov. ' county. Neb. , with a view to
Ihe cancellation of said entry : contestant al
leging that George L. Swartzwclder has failed
[ o break ten acres on said tract up to the pres-
f imp , a d has failed to plant ten acres of
[ -inwji. ti ) trnos. seeds or cuttings since mak <
Ing'fJiiU anL-y ii .v/ / Mil J ° * ! l ° present time , and
lias.fniledTS'bnl //vM / < , * VV midpnl nny timber
Yn'snTd tract since in nlr wfi'S'oriyi'y ' : unj un
tb the present time ; the suM wftfeStifuttA'iL '
by summoned to nppear nt this office On'TOP '
15th dny of November , 1884 , nt 1 o'clock , P. M. ,
o respond nnd furnish testimony concerning
satl alleged failure.
" # G' yL. LAWS , Kcgistcr.
McCook , Neb. , August 12th. 1884.
Complaint having boon entered at this office
by Susan Brlggs against Joseph B. Annan-
trout for abandoning his Homestead Entry
730 , dated Juno Gtb , 1884 , upon the west \'t \ of
northwest \ of section 28 and cast ' /j north
east M of section 20 , in township 2 , north of
range 30 west 0 P. M. , In Red Willow county.
Nob. , with a view to the cancellation of snid
entry ; the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear nt this office on the Oth day of Octo
ber , 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged
abandonment. G. L. LAWS , Register.
Case continued upon affidavit of contestant
to November 17th , 1884 , ut 1 P. M.
20. C. F. BABCOCK , Receiver.
McCook. Neb. . Sept. 13th. 1884.
Complaint having been entered utthis office
by Alfred Carter against Robert L. Hanway
for abandoning his Homestead Entry 204. dat
ed McCook , Neb. , February.5th. 1884. upon the
northeast quarter of section 5. township 'i ,
north of range 2 ! ) west , in Red AVillow county.
Nebraska , with u view to the cancellation of
said entry ; the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 15th day
of November , 1884 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond
spend and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged abandonment.
10. G. L. LAWS , Rogibtcr.
McCook , Neb. , September 20th , 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Page T. Francis against Samuel B. Cherry
for failure to comply with law as to timber-
culture entry 1478 , dated North Platte , Neb. ,
April 27th , 1880 , upon the southwest quarter
section 14 , township 3 nortli , range 20 west , in
Red" AVillow county , Neb. , with n view to tlio
cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleg
ing that Samuel B. Cherry failed during the
year ending April 27,1881 , to break ii acres of
euid land , and failed during the year ending
April 27,1882 , to break "i acres of said mud , and
failed during the year ending April 27 , ISSI , to
plant to forest trees , seeds or cuttings , or to
cultivate , as required by law , any part of said
land ; and failed during the time from April
27,1883 , up to the present time to plant to for
est trees , seeds or cuttings , or to cultivate , as
required by law , any part of said land ; that
said land is now uncultivated und grown up to
weeds ; the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear tit this office on the 18th day of
November , 1884 , at 10 o'clock , A.M. , to respond
und furnish testimony concerning said alleged
failure. 10. G. L. LAAVS , Regibter.
McCook , Neb. , September 30th , 1881.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Thomas E. Thompson against Jonathan 1) .
Austin for abandoning his Homestead Entiy
1814 , dated North Platte , Neb. , December Oth ,
1870 , upon the southeast quarter section 30 ,
township 1 nortli , range 27 west , in Red Willow
county , Neb. , with a view to the cancellation
of said entry ; the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this office on the Stn
day of November ; 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to
respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment.
18. C. F. BABCOI'K , Receiver.
McCook , Neb. , Sept. 23d ,
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Robert Moore againt Frank Sandhofer for
abandoning his Homestead Entry 343 , dated
McCook , Nebraska , March 1st , 1884 , upon the
southeast quarter sect ion 23 , township 4 north ,
range 30 west , in Red AVillow county , Neb. ,
with u view to the cancellation of said entry ;
the said parties lire hereby summoned to ap
pear at this office on the 2. > th day of November ,
1884 , ut 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and t'urnibh
testimony concerning said alleged abandon
ment. 18. ti. L. LAWS , Itegister.
McCook , Neb. , Sept. 15th. 1884.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by John F. Flunnugan ngnlnsc Jackson Gos-
surd for abandoning bis Homestead Entiy 3iO ( ,
dated at McCook , Neb. , March 12th , 1884 , upon
the southeast quarter of section 11 , township
4 north , range 30 west , in Red Willow county.
Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said
entsy ; the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this office on the 5th day of November -
vombor , 1884 , at 10 o'clock * , A.M. , to respond
and furnish testimony concerning said alleg
ed abandonment.
18. G. L. LAWS , Regibter.
t . . . . . October 15th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the t'ollowing-
narapd settler Jms filed notice of his intention
to mukp fl nnlprppf fn suppprj : of his cjniip , and
that paid propf wijl be iiwlo ) bofprp Register
and Receiver nt MoCook , Nob. , pn Saturday ,
November 29th. 1884 , viz : Michael E , Sullivan ,
Homestead Entry 414 , for the northeast quar
ter of section 10 , township 4 , north of range 29
west. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , vi : Stewart E. Hogc ,
John Unzckcr. John Modi el anil William IJnn-
lin , nil of McCook , Neb.
20. G. L. LAAVS , Register.
McCook , Nob. , Qctubur itjih ,
Notice is hereby given that the foO . . . . .
mimed settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and thnt said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Nob. , on Friday ,
November 21,184 , vi/ : John Hourigun. D. S.
592 for the cast 'A northwest \ section 13 , twp.
J } , perth of range 30 west. Ho names the lol-
Ir wjnjr'-yjnp3gtfl { : prove his continuous rcsj-
tlonce upon , njid cultivation of , stiul Juiid , vis :
John F. Colling , Charles E. MpPberson. Hiram
Waldo and Nichols Mom'soy , nil pf McCook ,
Neb. 20. G. L. LAWS , Hogjbter ,
October Oth , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler hns'filed notice of his intention
Jn. make final proof in support of his claim , and
that'jsnid prppt i.vill Jio made b torp Register
or Receiver ar 'iJtChbjr/'Ncb. , ' < m Uiuuoiini. ,
December 2nd. 1884 , vuY TraViS vW lid-iVjiiiiiJftJ
D. S. 077 , for the southeast quarter section 31 ,
township 1 north , range 29 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
Ian ; } , viz : Sidney Dodge , AVilliam Kqlnh and ,
' ' " ' ' ' '
Oervori or Swiffl'lton. isW } .
20. U. L , LAWS , ]
October llth , 1S34. f
Notice is hereby { riven that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
Homestead 1727 , for the northeast quarter erection
? ection S3 , township 1 north , range 2 ! ) we t. :
He names the following witnesses to prove
liis continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , vi/ : William Kelph , R. S.
Cpolny nnd Mills Gregrcy , of McCook. Neb. ,
ifjl'fiiui | , 4. Oi ogroy , nt' Stoughton , Neb. i
! iO. " " 'ft. I..AW . Kr.glclllB.
October 13th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
niuied settler has filed notice of his intention
: o make final proof in support of his claim , and
: ast Ji southeast 1S , section 8 , township 2 north.
aiifre 30 west. He names the following1 wit-
icsses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
ml cultivation of , said land , viz : Louis Pauss :
mi Upgrpr Rariics of Vailton , Neb. , G. U. Net-
( J. L.NijiUiittmof MrCook , Neb.
' '
LANP Of etas AT MCCOOK , NEB. , (
October 14th , ISSl. )
Notice Is hereby piven that the followiiur-
lamcd settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of his claim , and
hat said proof will be made before Register
ir Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
lovember 22d , 1SS4 , viz : Edward Ackcrmnn.
. g. 331 , for the southeast quarter of section
2.towiiSi ) > i jjptth , "njfl-eSO west , He names
lie following witnesses Io JK VC } i i fontinu"j "j
residence and cultivation "ja
us ujion , ol ,
ind. viz : AVilliam Duller. John GdoUcnber- a ,
er. Fred AA'ymaii nnd Tad ICaiifman. all of 1it
IcCook. Neb. 20. G. L. LAWS , itili
I..IXD OFFJOE AT Mc(7o ( K , NEB. , ( . n
OQtObOir'lfttll , 1S 4. f
Notice is hereby given that the following- ]
nmcd settler has filed notice of his intention
i make final proof in support of his claim , and
hat said proof will be made before Register
nd * Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
'ovember 29th , 1884 , viz : Stewart E. Hoge ,
lomestead Entry 403 , for the northwest qunr- nl
? r of section 20 , township 4 , nortli of range 29 th
'cst. lip names the following witnesses to la :
; T , , . „ , ! - .
upon , and cul- an
. . ev
VntfOli j * > * Mi'JJM' * ' f * * it > i .i t' * rj-jjtiii |
ahn Unx.okor , Joiiiv rt > rtrethUlYHIjiiift | liuii1 5no !
n. nil of McCook , Neb. no i
SO. G. L. LAAVS , Register. tic
October nth. 1J < 84. I
Notice in hereby glren thnt the followlnjr-
unmcd settler bus tiled notice of bin intention
toninkofinal proof Inaupportof hlsclalm.nnd
thnt said proof will be mudo before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
November 18th , 1K84 , viz : James AV. McGinn-
nlinu. Homestead SOS. for the S. ! i N. AV. } 4 nnd
AV./- . W. > 4 of section 0 , township 2 north ,
runjro 28 west. Hu names thu following1 wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
nnd cultivation of , snid land , viz : L. U. March ,
W. AV. Fisher , J. H. Meservo and R. K. Oriu-
dell all of McCook , Nob.
111. G. L. LAWS , Register.
October 8th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby ( riven that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proot in support ol'bis claimand
that said proof will be made before Itegister
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Thursday ,
November 20th , 1K84 , viz : Thomns Murphy ,
IJ. S. Olli , for the enbt l't northeast > 44ind east
' , j southeast li section 'J , township" ! , north of
range ItO west. He names the follow inir wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of , said hind , viz : Clark ( ! .
Potter , John Smith , Charles E. McPhersonnnd
Edward McCormick , nil of McCook , Xeb.
11) ) . G. L. LAWS , Register.
October 8th , lh l. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
tomaketlnal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday. No
vember 14th , 1884 , viz : Henry A. Pope , D. S.
597 , for the south JJ northwest ? 4 and north ! :
southwest } .i section 12 , township 4 , north of
rangeliO west. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of. said land , viz : D. K.Swine-
hart , William Friiln , AV. U. Sanders and Mor
timer Richards all of McCook , Xeb.
10. G. L. LAWS , Register.
Octnbcr Oth , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named bettlcr has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , nnd
that snid proof will be mnde before Register
and Receiver nt McCook , Neb. , on TiiCMlny ,
November 18th , 1 < 81 , viz : Nels. Win. Wnllln ,
for the lots 2,8,10 and 11 , section 19 , township
I ! nortli , range 28 west ( i P. M. He names the
following Witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , nnd cultivation of , said land ,
vi/ : Thomas J. Ruggles of McCook , Neb. , and
JoluiF. Helm , Jacob Hnrshbcrgeriuid Gustavo
E. Wallin of Red AVillow , Neb.
19. G. L. LAAVS , Register.
October 2nd , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given thnt the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
tomnkefinal proof in supportof liisclaiin.nnd
that said proof will be mnde before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
November 18th , 1881 , vi/ : Franklin J. Hush-
ong. Homestead 171(5. ! ( for the northeast quar
ter section 21 , township 1 north , range 20 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said laud , viz : James1 Kilpatrick , John
Conner , AVilliam Relph and Ephraim Green ,
all of McCook , Neb.
19. G. L. LAWS , Itegister.
September 23rd. 1884. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to maku final proof in support of her claim , and
that said proof will be inndo be-fore Register
or Receiver at McCook , Nub. , on Thursday ,
November Gth , 1884 , vi/ : Franklin P. Lave-
rack. Homestead 1058 , for the northeast quar
ter section 14 , township 1 , north of range 29
west. He mimes the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : George Fowler ,
John Calkins , AVilliam F. Thorp and Aaron
Colvin , all of Stoughton , Neb.
17. G. L. LAAVS , Register.
September 24th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proot" in support of his claim , anil
{ hat gaiil prpqf wIl | bp nm lp before Re-ristpr
or Receiver nt McCook , Neb. , on Wednesday ,
November 3th , 1884 , viS. . Lizzie Shaw , Pre-
Eniption D. S. No. 475 , for the southwest quar
ter section 34 , township 15 north , range 30 west.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , viz : C. L. Nettlcton , C. AV.
Knceland , JL H. Johnston and C. A. Ncttleton ,
all of McCook , Neb.
17. G. L. LAAVS , Register.
Sjjj.tjjiiiboc 2jti | , llfo'l. f
Notice I : , ty-ruby Vrjveri th'a't tlie' foilpwinjr
mimed settler bus filed notice pf"hig intentipn
totnakoilna ! proof in support of hiticiini\iul ! ; ; \
that said proof will bo imido before Register
and Receiver of the U. S. Land Ollice at MJ-
CoQk , Neb. , on the llth day of November , Ib84 ,
viz : Jerry GriflinD. ( S. ) No. 559 , for the north
east quarter of section II , township : : nortli ,
rnngeoOwcst. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
September 27th , ISdl. f
Notice is hereby given that the followiii"-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be murto bfj'flrn Ijofeisttuv
or Kf 'vprp { An-p , . ) ! . , P J'H. , i > a Tmirsday ,
fifivenjPM' will , 1 4 , vu . ' Eugenic L. uunham
Hpntastdnd Elitfy 171.7 , fol' the northwest i
ol section 7 , township 1 nprth , range 2 WC.M
lip. M. Ho nanics Ihe folnwnffwitUP-oaiit ! !
prove lns enntiniioua ! , ( ( ( . > o unmi , and
ijiiIUvatitin nl , EtUtl ] nrt l. \ if ; Giwge Fowler ,
\ \ . U. Dnnhiun , Newton Fowler nnd Aaron
Colvin , nil of Stoughton , Xcb.
IS. G. C. LAWS. Register
. Scptemlicr 2th. ! ) IbSl , f
iiiiiiij.-u oLiuur u.isuiea noimo or bis intention
to make final proof in support of his claim nnd
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver of U.S. Land Office at McCook.
Neb. , on Xovembcr 15th. 1881 , viz : Anthonv
Cliir , Homestead Entry 1J43 } ov the lui a iiiiil
J ( WW. - ! . h ) uii | lots 1 anli'\V. ( VX. W.
rj oi- section ; ri , tawnship X north , ran-e " !
west. He na-iies the following witnesses to
| m v I 's ' continuous resitloiice upon , and
jultivntioii of , Enid land , vi/ : William Mc-
Mnnigul. Vance McManigal , A. P. Sharp nnd
John Everts , all of McCook. Xeb.
i ? . G. L. LAAVS ,
Septfinber Siitli , 1H-M. f
pttihv irv.u ; Uit : ; ihe folh yritrr
' "
rlias-fllo'd notice of "his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
hat said proof will be made before Register .
ir Receiver nt McCook , Neb. , on Novemher
1.1th. Ifct-'l , viz : Ira J. Miller , D. S. 4.V % tor the
:0iith Vi southeast ' .t section It and west ; .
southwest lt of section 13 , township 4 north' ,
angc 29 west. He names the following wit-
_ _ . . . . . " \
„ - r - .vn -u--i v > V"t "
1 puitivatipii cjf , s'tifd jam } . \ iV : "jjicob LJing * .
nning Ifuggios , William Perby und A. H.
itoynolds , all of Box Elder. Red Willow t-oun-
y. Neb. 1 . G. L. LAWS , RegNter.
October 1st , 1-rl. f tl
Xotice is hereby riven thnt the followinjr- 01
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention 01IJ
o make final proof in support of his claim , and IJ
Ilia said proof will l > e made before Jifiri-te IJK
ir Receiwr at McCouK , Kub. . on Mumln\ .
November 17th , 1SS4 ; viz : Alexander I ) . John- If
ton , D. S. Xo. 33. for the south ' - southeast V. 01
nd south ' ; south\vet iv section ! . township la
nnrth , range 29 west. He names the lollow- M
rifr u Uncles to prove his continuous icsi-
c-ncf upon , imd cultivation of. said ! ; ind. . i/ ; L.
. . ) . Stui hiiuk , IV. W. ioii.j- , William Mef JIMV
nVl licnjuiiifn JIcQuny , nil of Muf ook , Xob. "
! S , ' UL , LAWS. Rwsrister. m
LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , XEB , * a i
October Mb. ISM. ) '
Notice i hereby -riven that the lollowinjr-
iimed settler has filed notice of his intention ht
: > m ike lb"inl proof in support of his claim , and ai
iiat wild proof will be made before Register tic
r Receiver at McCook , Xcb. . on Thurs-diiv ,
' Hi !
ovember 20th. ISM , viAVilliam A. G reen'e , CO
lonu'stonrt 171S. for the west J ; northwest J.t COwi
ml west J , southwnst li ifffiri 11 , tov.-iieMi. wi
north. nuureitfju'-t. 'Ho r.anltj tiltfol'tw -
ij , ' witnesses Jo prove his continuous r'-i- ,
L'bce uiibn , and cultivation of , Aiid land. \ iV :
eorjrp Fowler , Isaac W. Fowler am | .Ipisn C'a >
ins of Stouirhtop , Neb. , and Robert : ? . Coolc-y
l" Mul'upk , ? 'eli ,
18. H. L. LAWS. He-rfcicr. na
Reliable Firms.
Jics'-rs. S. L. Green nnd Johnson & Spaldln ? arc
ivny rollalilo and try to secure the lie t of every H <
Ins for their patrons They now have bought a an
I-KC quantity of IJEGG.s'/IHERIIV COrGIC SVKfP , n
< 1 aic always uilllns nnd ready to rccocmieml It lu inf
cry one In nerd of a preparation for cousin , col'l . doi
, . i.r.ov.-
othbr r'en'.dy tiiat li-jauitps twii if tk 'rtfr
m. Sample- bottles fret1.1 '
LAND Omen AT McCooic , NKU. , t
October 8th. 1884. f
Notice Is huroby Riven thnt the fpllowlng-
named settler hits Hied notice of hlH intention
to iiiiiko Hniil proof In support of lite chum ,
and tliut twiil proof will bo inuilo before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCOOK , NKU. , Tliursdny ,
Nov. 20 , 18SI. viz : Enhrnlm Greene , h (1 1 i4i ,
for tlio west M northerns } * east ii northwest.
Jisec. 11 , twp. 1 north , run go SO west. He
ntiniCB the following witnesses to prove- his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , stild land , viz : George Fowler. Isaac J .
Fowler. John Calkins , of Stoughtoii. Xcb. , and
Robert S. Coolry , tit McCook , Neb.
ID. G. L. LAWS. Kcglater.
October 7th , 1884. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
nanicd settler has Hied notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will bo made before Keglstcror V
Receiver at McCook , Xcb. , on Friday. Novem
ber 21st. 1831. viz : Edmundson M. Williams ,
IX S.II55. for the south "s northeast > i and cast
! i northwest > i of section 10. township 2 north ,
ranpe 80 west. Ho names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of , said land , viz : George J.
Frederick , Joseph S. Newcomb , George New-
comb and G..IJ. Ncttleton. all of McCook , Neb.
1 . G. L. LAWS , Register.
September llth , 1881. f
Notice Is hereby given that the followlng-
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make tinal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Kccclvcr at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
November 1st. 1884 , viz : Nicklas Scv.enker.
Homestead 1027. for the northwest quarter or
section 7 , township : north , range 29 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : Silas H. Colviu. H. Howard
Mitchell , Frank Stocklosand Frank Scvonkcr.
ullofMcCoxk , Neb.
17. G. L. LAWS. Register.
September 22ml , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to makellnal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before the Reg
ister and Receiver of U. S. Land OIHce at Mc
Cook , Neb. , on November 17th. 1884 , viz :
Samuel Wheeler. Homestead Entry 108 , for
the east \i \ of northwest h ami east Yi of south
west } .i ol { section 9 , township : > , north of range
ISO west. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : Christian Hlae- '
holdcr , George Foster. Herman Iteslor and
Frank Ihillancc , all of McCook , Neb. 'ft
17. G. L. LAWS , Register.
September Oth , 1881. f
Notice is hereby given that the following- /
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
tomaketlnal proof in supportof his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
October ISth , 1884 , viz : Fred 1) . Pitney , D. S.
No. 417 , for the southwest J-i southwest } of
section 10 and east ' , northwest } } , northwest
> i northwest1 ! of section 13 , township 4. north ,
range 29 west. He names the following wit
nesses to prove bib continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of , said land , viz : William
Doyle , Alexander Campbell , Stephen Holies
and Charles Turner , all of IJox Elder , Neb.
J5. G. L. LAWS ,
McCyok , Nob. , September 17th ,
Notice is hereby given tliut the followlng-
naiiicd settler has filed notice of his intention
to make Una ! proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Itegister
or Receiver ut McCooic , Neb. , on Saturday ,
October 25th , 1884. viz : Edgar F. Couse , Home
stead l. < 84 , for the northwest quarter section
15 , township Jl north , range 20 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : M. L. Urown , Charles Poyser , Wil
liam Johnson and John Modrell. all of McCook ,
Neb. 1(1 ( _ JjJJLAWS. . Itegister.
McCooic , , Noji. , iiiit t Ufl' t7th. JS .
Notice is hereby given' that the following
njuiiwd pettier has Jilcd notfco of her intention
tpmnkptlnnl prpot in supportwf her claim , and
that said proof will bo made before Itegister or
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , Octo
ber 27th , 189 , viz : Harriet Fryling , Homestead
No. 70 , lor the northwest quarter section 11 ,
township : $ north , range UO west. She names
the following witnesses to prove her continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Daniel Donahue , John J. Dunbar ,
Thomas Murphy and Samuel Shutter , nil of
McCook. Neb. 1(5. ( ( } . L , I-AWS , K.tjMw , V
' ' ; MeCoqlr , Nub. , yupt. 17th. Ib84.
Notice is h.ereby given that the following-
uajnw ] settler * have liicd notice of their inten
tion to make final proof in support of their
claims , and that said proofs will be made be
fore Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on
Friday , October 24th , 1SJI , viz : Edwin Mc-
Candliis , D. S. 491 , for the northwest < iiu\rtn \ { >
; > ; ? v/ri > -
: j"v " "Jes me rouowing wit
nesses to provchfc continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of , niid land , viz : Edward
A an Horn.Edwin , . McCandliss , Mortiaer Rich-
flVJii m | i Hnwlyy Ricluird.ali of.McCook.Neb.
\ i'/ : ] -.dward Van Horn , I ) . S. fI4. for the
southwest quarter section 21 , township 4 north ,
range .M west. He names the following wit-
e M'S to his
prove continuous residence upon ,
ml cultivation of , said land
t - \r * -Mill * ICUlIly viz : William
n. Horace H. Ensterday , Frank Amend
u d hdwin McCandliss. nil of McCook , Neb.
_ " ' : G. L. LAWS. Register.
„ t. . , September 2 ! th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given thnt the followiug-
liUJUjd settler has filed notice of his intention
omukp llnul proof insupportof his claim.and
hat said proof will be made before Register
ir Receiver at McCook , Xeb. , on Saturday ,
sovember ir.tb , lfaS4 , viz : George H. Starbuck ,
) . b.-lSi , lor the southwest quarter of section
, township 2 north , range IJU west. He names
he tollowmg witnesses to jirove his contiii-
IIHIS residence upon , nnd cultivation of , said
! ind , vu : Gilbert IJ. Xettlcton. Charles F.
'ute , A\ alter K. Forsey and Chester O. Ncw-
iinn , all ol McCook , Xeb.
iy- G. L. LAAVS. Register.
, . . . . , McCook , Xeb. , Sept. 17lh , 1884.
notice is hereby given that-the following-
amed settler has filed notice of his intention
n inukc final proof in support of his claim , and
Hit siud proot will lie made before Register or
iVi Ilt-3IcC4k'.XcI- ) - ou Fri < Jar. October
Itli , 1864. viz : Mortimer Richards , . D. S. Xo
.14 , lor the southwest quartcrbection XS , town-
lup 4 nortli , rangew : west. He names the fol-
iwing witnesses to prove his continuous resi-
encc > upon , nnd cultivation of , snid land viz
dwin \ an Horn. Frank Amend , Edmund Mol
uniiiibs uiu Hawley Iclm Is. all of McCook
CO- Vi- G. L. LAWS. Register.
xt - -\IcVook , ' Ncl- ? September 17th , 18S4.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
umed settler has filed notice of his intention
Mt cMMflaI I' 0 ? . jn " 'PPort of his claim ,
. .Mts.Miif t , , -ii i , ,
before Register
" , ' , ' ' 11"ll. ' ijgea west. He names
following witnesses to his
prove contimi-
. „ resi'lcnce. upon , and cultivation of , said
iid , viz : Louis Flints , Roger liurnes , Josenh
ygrtiu and Peter Sswuiison.all of A'ailton.Xeb
] h G. L. LAWS. Register. '
AXlJ l Kr'K'S AT ]
Xotlco is liereV Ven iat'ik ' fouSK-
lined settler luis filed notice of his Intehtton
make final pioot in support of his cla m
id that said proof will be made before itcg-
ter or Receiver ut McCook , Xeb. , on Satur-
iv. Oct. i-itli. 1884 , viz : TbcodoreS. Ro-Iev
.me.-tead . 3.VSO lor the lots and 7 , section l' *
id northeu.h J
* h northwest sm ( lot : { ; 1
.n su. town.hip : ) , iiorthor n e : \vcJt : He
lines the following witnesses to prove his
i''ii im'rt"Sr iidcip ° .V1',0inrt cnJt Va on or
m i.iiui ' : fiulf'ii E. Haldwin , AVilHain IiMk
H > rt'ujbcrtHO , ( ind ( \ . ij. Xt'ffjeion n'mT
L. LAWS. Itogfatcr.
. . , September 30th. 1884. f
. - - ' Is hereby given that the followiriL'-
mi-d settler has filed notice of his mienlian
makefinal proof in supportof his
ntfcaid nroof u-ill ! „ . , , , , , ,1 , . „ . ; "r"111'.1
. . .
iiv iu.iu i ; > ) , ior me west J ; northu-o
I west Y2 southwest > , section 2. t , wnshf
orth , r.mgc :30 : west. He names the folfnw
r witnesses to prpvr * his
continuous >
? f ° P ° a.ntl < 3lUivation of \ 'S-
: r . , saKtlnniT -
ilmni. Mo3liiniw.IAdvt , ! > # : \ n "A'i J
L. LAWS , Uejrister. '