THE TRIBUNE. F. M. & E. M. K1MMKLI , , Pub . McCOOK , : : : : NEB I ? NEBBASKA. f There were ft08 arrests In Omaha during Sep tember. In the state exhibit at New Orleans will be u genuine sod house. The contract has been let for building school house at Valentine. Junhita has one skating rink in full bias . nnd another building , 30x100 feet The Republican valley district fair nssocia tion has been organized at Superior. The broomcorn crop in Adams county 1 said to bo immense , and ail harvested. The work of canvabsing for a new city dlree tory for Lincoln is about to commence. The literary people of Fairbury are about U organize a "Chautauqua Reading Circle. " Hastings has organized a ericket club which played Its first game a few days ago. The Red Cloud creamery made 70,000 pound of butter during the year preceding Oct. 1 1884. 1884.There There is talk of a college being establlshet at Alma by one of the leading religious de nominations. A team of horses were stolen on the streets of Blair a few days ago. They were recovered but the thief escaped. The wild grape crop is large this year along the Missouri river , and the fruitis being gath ered by the wagon load. A company has been formed in Omaha for the purpose of introducing a cable line of street cars in that city. Gov. Dawes has issued a proclamation offer ing a state reward for apprehension of the Nance county murderers. Martin Murry , a laborer , fell from a heavily loaded wagon near Valentine recently , when he was run over and instantly killed. The farmers are not inclined to sell much of their wheat at the present prices , but are keeping a sharp look-out for an advance. There is a large number of siok hogs In Adams county. One man has buried eleven , and at last accounts had 200 on the sick list. The commission house of G. D. Thayer , of Omaha , made an assignment a few days ago. Liabilities exceed the assets by several thous and. and.The The Chicago nndNorthwestern railroad will probably run trains direct to Omaha by way of Blair and the bridge at Missouri Valley junction. The Pierce Times says the farmers average their corn crop at 50 bushels. Some will go under that , but there are plenty of fields that will average GO and 65. The work of digging trenches for the Lin coln water works is now in progress. It is proposed to employ about one hundred trench diggers till the job is completed. The citizens league of Omaha propose to stop base ball playing on Sunday , and to that .end they have caused the arrest of the Union Pacific and Evansville , ( Ind. ) clubs. Cheyenne county has 281,020 acres of school land , which is more than is embraced within the limits of any other one county in thestate. Sioux comes next with 23C.640 acres. Mr. Heine , an old soldier , and for fourteen years doorkeeper of the Nebraska senate , fell inaneple ctieflton the streets of Lincoln a cw days ago and expired in one hour. The recent fire at Alma is supposed to have been caused by sojpe one throwing a. lighted Differ Stub in the hay in Shaffer's livery barn. Itwccn i5-000 and f ° i000 The loss is : : ; " ' n Congregationalists - ' JSot" ? ho General Association of gregationalists will convene at Norfolk. Wednesday evening , Oct. 22 , and wiil continue- in session through the following Sunday. The son of ex-Mayor Boyd , of Omaha , at tempted to ride a stray horse which some boys had captured , and now he is having a lone some time in the house with a badly broken A family 6t' Austrians , consisting of man , \vife and two children , on their way to Da kota , were at Omaha , a few days ago , dead broke , and unable to proceed urther without help. One thousand dollars will go to the nearest relative of Mr. Sheldon , the fireman who was killed in the Union Pacific accidcntonthe Sth. Brotherhood of Locomotive He was a member of the comotive Firemen. A breach of promise case of considerable in terest and importance is about to occupy the attention of the Douglas county districtcourt. Gossipers are on the qui viyc for something "rich , rare and racy. " It is rumored that Sioux county will" be split up into three counties at an early date , with Chadron as the county seat of the north ern slice. Rush Creek of the eastern , and Fort Jlobinson of the western. The Adams county fair opened with a good attendance. The display of fruits , vegetables and corn , as well as the exhibit of horses , cat tle , sheep and hogs , was such as cannot be beaten in any county or state. A man who has been in attendance at the Illinois state fair for the post five years , says he has never seen any vegetables on exhibi tion there that would compare with those at the Antelope county fair held last week. Ho/r cholera seems to be on the increase. The following is recommended as a preven tive : Equal parts of salts , sulphur , copperas wood or cob ashes , and salt , thoroughly mixed. Put in a trough where the hogs can run to it. Mr. Winspear , a grocer of Omaha , is out $100 by the manipulations of a broad-daylight thief. He went into the store and , makinghis way to the safe , snatched the money drawer " containing $100 , ran out , making good his es cape with the wealth but throwing the drawer aside. During the prevalence of a heavy storm at Ashland , lightning struck the large barn of Mr. Thompson , and in a few moments the entire structure was consumed. Fortunately a heavy rain was falling and there was but little wind ; otherwise a most calamitous con flagration must have occurred. Jim Mulhausen and Pete Boren , of Omaha , fought a prize fight in an old barn a few miles in the coutry on the road to Bellevue. Everything the . There thing was conducted on square. was no money up , the fight being for revenge. though both participants Boren was the best man , pants were severely punished. A man named Minick , who was at Howe station a few days ago , had his buggy top cut to pieces by a tramp. Mr. Minick was at Amos called and asked for Hughes' , when the tramp being told to wait a short dinner , and upon to the barn he mad and going time he got , proceeded to use his knife freely on the bug- If top , supposing it belonged to Mr. Hughes. Nuckolls county , had to dea Mr. Danks , of two-year-old steer. The bovine witb an unruly - dcadashforDanks , and that gentleman „ to dodge or decide which not being given time horn of the dilemma he would take , siezcd both of them and lit ostrodle the animal's neck and head , and was thus carried some dis tance before hcTound himself none the worse for his rapid ride. Union Pacific earnings in August over the entire system , $2,430,000 , a decrease from. Au gust last year of $47,000. There Is a decrease of 5275,000 In the expenses , however , which makes tlio net earnings $228,000 larger than in August , 1683. The surplus earnings reported are $1,328,000. The earnings for the eight months to August 31st were $15,871,000. an in crease over the same period in 1683 of 52,060- 000. 000.Tho The editor of the Woman's Tribune , Mrs. Colby , wishes to collect statistics concerning the Journalistic work of women west of the Mississippi river , for the use of the committee on Journalism of A. A. W. tfhe statistics of Nebraska will also be used for another pur pose , viz : as furnishing- part of the exhibit of Nebraska Woman's Work at the New Orleans exposition. Postollice changes In Nebraska during the week ending. October 4 : Established Earl , Frontier county , Henry C. Wiant , post-master ; Ormo , Nanca county , Henry E. Knapp , post master ; Riverside , Holt county , EvanderC. Beeman , postmaster ; South Omaha , Douglas county , William G. Sloane , postmaster. Post masters appointed Clear Spring , Antelope county , Charles H. Webb ; Dixon , ' Butler county , Harvey L. Vanhise. A railroad company has been organized in Harlan county for the construction and main tenance of a railroad from Alma , Harlan county , south to the southern boundary line , and filed its articles of incorporation with the secretary of state , October 2. The principal place of business is to bo located at Alma , Harlan county , in this state , and the meetings of the board of directors is to be held at Phil- llpsburg , Kansas. The capital stock is $230- 000. * The dedication of Clarke Hall , at Bellevue , Sarpy county , took place on the Oth. When the hall was built , the bones of a number of Omaha Indians were exhumed , having been burled a generation ago on the sightly spot which had been chosen in later years for the college. These had been carefully preserved , nnd were relnterrcd on the college grounds , under the direction of Chief Fontanclle , the ceremonies being conducted by Rev. Mr. Hamilton. The grand lodge of Good Templars , in ses sion at Lincoln , elected the following oflicers for the ensuing year : G. W. C. F. , Frank J Sibley ; G. W. C. J. , E. Hopper ; G. G. W. V.T. , Anna M. Saunders ; G. W. C. , Frank G. Odell ; superintendent of the juvenile temple , Mrs. Belle Bigclow ; G. W. secretary , T. E. Wilson ; W. treasurer , Lyman Elwood. Reports show the finances in better condition than ever. Increase of membership for the year ,000. New lodges , 43. Total membership i,3C3. The York Times records an accident which terminated fatally. As Mr. A. J. Oinincr , aged forty-nine , living near Waco , was mowing with one of the old-fashioned rear-cut mowing machines ; his horses for some reason started to run , when it is supposed the machine ran into a hole and brew Mr. Ommer off. He was caught in the sickle , one arm was cut off , both both bones being severed , both hands were badly lacerated and one thigh torn consider ably. He was also injured Internally. He died at 7 o'clock the same evening. The county commissioners of Douglas coun ty have issued an election proclamation , the purport of which s explained by the follow ing extract : "Shall the county of Douglas * by its board of county commissioners , be au thorized to sell the old court house site at Sixteeath and Farnam streets , being lots five (5)'and ( ) six (6) ( ) in biock one hundred and eigh teen (118) ( ) in the city of Omaha in Douglas county , Nebraska , and appropriate the pro ceeds derived therqfrom to grade the grounds and erect retaining walls and steps for new court house. " The Grand Island Times says that on last Sunday Herman Shields made a bet of § 10 With John 3Iayle and one or two others that he could w * tk UP to Jake Carter's place , six * > m'u'11 a * l sfirun ! miles north of Blair , ' tnat o'clock p. m. and haul Moyle's old bilg" - lie uses for delivering goods and around town , down to Blair before , the same evening. The money was pu up and Herman go a breast strap and s'6me traces of a harness and started out. A lot of sports , in buggies and on horsebatik accoiti- panicd him , and many more went Out Id meet the crowd on their approach t9 tlio Usty. t Herman came polling in , dragging the buggy , about 0 o'clock , and both won and earned the S10 > , Nebraska at Xew Orleans. Omaha Dispatch. Ex-Governor Furnas arrived in this city last evening from New Orleans , where he bus been engaged in his labors as Nebraska commis sioner for the exposition. He has been making a tour through the southeastern counties , pre paratory to obtaining a full and exhaustive exhibit from each county in the state. Gov ernor Furnas intends to completely fill the 10,000 feet set apart for Nebraska exhibits. The various agricultural products will be rep resented , and there will be in addition a Ne braska fine art department , a dairy department - ment and other departments representing Nebraska's interests. An unique feature will be the Nebraska sod house. Enough sod will . be shipped from this state to make a sod coti tape , about eight by ten feet. Its background will be a gallery of pictures and cuts of the many beautiful buildings in this state. Mr. Furnas Teels proud , and justly so , of the success with which his efforts , so far , have been met. All indications point to a grand and complete representation at the cotton ex position in the Crescent Ciiy of the great and growing state of Nebraska. A Tragedy In JSaunders County , Ne braska. Special Dispatch from Fremont , Oct. 4. Many of our citizens were some what excited this morning over a rumor that a tragedv had been enacted in Saunders county , and that the officers were close upon the track of the murderer somewhere near Fremont. Thurs day afternoon a man by the name of Moran and another named James Anders became en gaged in an altercation at a saloon in the town of Ashland , after which Moran was followed to his home. He WOP followed by Anders , who came up unperceived by Moran , just as the latter was in the act of stooping down to take his little girl in his arms , and shot him in the bak near the shoulder with a revolver , being so close that the child's clothing was burned by the powder. In the excitement that followed Anders made his escape , and left that part of the country with a pair of horsesand an old wag on. The sheriff of Saunders county was sum moned , and taking up the trail of the mur derer followed him to Wahoo and thence toward Fremont. He came into the city and secured the services of Robert Greeg , who went'with him down upon the island , where the man was found , and captured by Gregg , with the assistance of a double-barreled shot gun. Anders was coming across the island in his flight some time during .the night , when he stuck in the mud with his rig and was un- able to get through. Early this mornlng he came to town on norsebiick and hired a to assist him through. He was thus delayed and was still upon the island when the oflicers overtook him and made the arrest. He was first brought to the city , and soon afterward the sheriff started with him for Wahoo. In Ander's wagon was found , among some personal effects , a thirty-two calibre Smith & Wesson revolver , one chamber of which was At the time the officer loft Ashland the wounded man was in a very precarious con dition , being partially paralyzed. It is thought his wound will prove fatal. The excitement in that part of the county is.dcscribed as in tense , and the prisoner is liable to receive - severe vere treatment if the people here get 'hold ' of him. Ji BRIEFLY TOLD. McCullough , the actor , is said tohavo'be- como demented. 4 Both the Gould cables between Europe and America are broken. ' - Fire in the Ohio wall paper company , at Cin cinnati , caused a loss , of $10,000. West Virginia is having very hot weather , and is suffering greatly from drought. St. Patrick's Catholic church , at St. Paul , Minn. , was burned , the loss being $35,000. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers hold the next -annual convention at New Or leans. The loss bv the Cleveland lumber fire is estimated at $125,000 , the insurance being $190,000. The imports of specie at the port of New York , for the week ending the 4th , were ? 3C3,000 , Burglars robbed four business places at Perry , N. Y. , securing about $48,000 in bonds and cash. John Baker , of Augusta , Me. , was. arrested for the murder of Mrs. Tuck. He confessed to having committed the crime. ' ! During a democratic meeting : it Clinton , Ohio , a cannon exploded , killing Lewis Baker and terribly mangling two others. General William A. Throop , of the firm of Lapham & Throop , Detroit , a well known citi zen and politician , shot himself and will die. The fish commissioner of Pennsylvania will establish at Erie a hatchery capable of turn ing into the lake half a million white fish an nually. At Atlanta , Ga. , Mrs. Gery Davis was shot dead while standing in her doorway. Her uncle and a woman named Fade were ar rested. Eight horses at Vincennus , la. , are reported afllicted with glanders. The state veterina rian has been notified and is expected to in vestigate. The gathering at the Northampton , Mass. , camp ground to celebrate the centennial of the Independence of American Methodism numbered about 10,000 persons. Samuel Wannaker , of Youngstown , Ohio , against whom twenty-five indictments for forgery have been found , is guarded at his farm house by sheriff's deputies. The late Augusta M. Huntinprton , of Cincin nati , bequeathed § 300,000 to Bishop Whipple , of Minnesota , to expend at Faribault on me morial buildings and their endowment. Near Marysville , Mo. , a bridge collapsed under a freight train laden with hogs , nearly all of which were drowned. The engineer was killed and the brakeman and fireman badly injured. George Dolling recently caught a young rat in a mine at Honesdale , Pa. , and made a pet of it. The animal repaid the kindness by biting its benefactor with such severity as to cause his death. By the giving way of a temporary bulkhead at the Niagara elevator , Buffalo , Thomas Dal ly j was smothered to death by being buried in grain , and two or three other men Vere seri ously injured. The Fort Pitt iron and steelworks of PittsT * burg ' , which has been.closed the past three months on account of lack of orders , has re sumed in all departments , giving employment to several hundred men. h Canadian Pacific officials and the Japanese steamship company are negotiating for a line o of steamers between China , Japan and British * Columbia , and if established freight for Lon g don and Liverpool will be carried over the s Canadian Pacific road. s d The United States marshal has sworn in five g hundred deputies for service in Cincinnati on election day. Over a thousand democrats have organized to guard their interests at the polls and if any attempt at Iraud is discov ered trouble is feared. A special train on the Panhandle road , car rying Hendricks , collided with a hand-car near Wheeling , killing a boy twelve years old and a trackman , "Plumed Knights" were also on the train , but none were injured. The acci- lent was caused by a heavy fog. CAPITAL The reduction of-the flUbllp debt during Sep tember < is S1,300,0X ( > . Mrs. Belva Ltrffcfaood left Washington on the 10th for (7c\tiiand , Louisville and Lexing- ton. ton.Frato Frato Hatton has been designated by the pfe's'iOlent to act as postmaster-general for ten Says. ' All reports from Connecticut indicate that an immense interest is felt in the pending P campaign on account of the tariff question. P The matter of chief importance treated of by Mr. Nimmo , of the bureau of statistics , in ? his annual report , is the enormous magnitude of our internal commerce. It is shown that the value of the products of the various in dustries of the United States is seven times the total value of our foreign commerce. T he civil service examination of applicants for ( service in the departments at Washington will be held in Chicago October 30th. Appli cations for this examination must be sent to the civil service commission at Washington. A similar examination is proposed tit St. Louis October30th. Applicants for special examina tion for the postollice will be examined at the same time. Inquiry at the department of state failed to elicit either a confirmation or denial of the lispatch to the London Times that United States Minister John Russell Young had ar rived at Tien Tsin , and , acting under instruc : tions from Washington , had informed Li ; Hung Chang thai the French governmenthad requested the mediation of the United States government. Touching the distinctions between trades- , . marks and labels. Commissioner of Patents , , Butterworth has decided that the popular lonstruction of the statute is that the subject matter of the application for a label shall be PIrs that which may "be properly claimed as a label rsw ind not merely the subject matter for atrade- it li : mark. but the statute does not mean to imply w . that if certain subject matter is found incapa wc ; ble of registration as a. lable , for It may not tl : be a description of the 'quality or nature of tlw joods and therefore fail to constitute a label. P' ' 01 tlC CHIMINAI/ . C ( bi biai "There is no clue yet to the miscreant who ired into the passenger train on an Indiana road a few nights ago. The Kcw York custom house examiner eized forty-one large'diamonds found in the tl ; mails of the steamer Brittanica. tlT The officers investigating the recent theft T ( in bonds from the Equitable safety- leposit vaults , Boston , have recovered $6,000 jecreted by Stevens before his flight. .At Lacket's camp , near Atlanta , Go. , F M. ' Faulkner , a white convict , jumped into the iver nnd attempted to escape. He was shot ind killed by a negro covict by the name of ' Jackson. A Woodstock (111.special ( ) says the trial of las. Lacey for the murder of Alderman James Gaynor In Chicago about six months ago , con cluded on the 4th , and resulted In a verdict of guilty , llxlng the death penalty. At Tamworth , Ontario , contractors on a railroad attempted to transfer eomo Italians to'aqotherportlon of the road. They refused to go until paid all wages due them. A riot ensued In which several were killed. The supreme court of Indianapolis has re fused to respite Charles W. Butler , condemn ed to hang for wife murder , on the ground that it has not power to interfere in such cases , the governor having declined to Inter fere. The Cincinnati district court has ordered a stay of proceedings in the case of Joseph Palmer , to be executed for murder. This is following the ruling of the recent decision of thcsupreme court , which makes itlmperativo that all proceedings in error must be first passed upon by the district court before going to the supreme ceurt. Wash Fletcher , colored , was hanged at Paducah - ucah , Ky. , lor the murder of Amanda Jack son , In August , 18S3. The murdered woman was the mother of Fletcher's mistress. Ho became enraged at the daughter and attacked hqsr. The mother was killed in defending her daughter. Thousands of people , mostly col ored , witnessed the execution. Fletcher ad dressed the crowd in a loud , firm voice , but in a rambling , incoherent way for an hour. POLITICAL NOTES. Thomas A. Hendricks was in Wheeling on he 4th , where u great political demonstration took place. "Last year the republican plurality In Penn sylvania was 17,075 on the republican candi date who ran lowest on the ticket. Hon. J. G.Blaine spent last Sunday in Bcl- laire , Ohio. He will remain in that state over this week and will make several speeches. The democratic committee of the Sixth Illi nois district has named E. W. Blaisdell , of Rockford , as candidate lor congress , vice Thomas Butterworth , declined. The democratic committee of the Sixth Il linois congressional district has named W. E. Blaisdell , of Rockford , as candidate for con gress , vice Thomas Butterworth declined. The New York Tunes says a gentleman con versing with Roscoe Conkling after the demo cratic demonstration in Now York , reports him as expressing pleasure at the success of the meeting. The liquor party in Ohio is completely crush ed ' by the signal defeats in Stanstead and Sim- coo counties. The feeling is growing that if the Scott act was submitted it would be car ried by a large majority. The democratic congressional committee has issued a card addressed to ex-democratic employes of the government requesting them to send their addresses to democratic commit tee headquarters , so that correspondence may be opened with a view to ascertaining the rea sons for their dismissal from government em ployment. General Grant was asked to serve as a re publican elector in place of Rev. Dr. Derrick , but he absolutely declined. He told the mem ber who asked him that he was out of politics. A member of the state committee said : "Yes , we asked General Grant to serve tis an elec tor , and he refused. He said he did not wish to come into public life again , especially this year. $ * Major W. F. Haskell , of Westerville , Me. , having addressed letters to the committees of of the democratic and republican parties on the question of fuller pensions and less strin gent laws for the allowance of claims , has is sued a call to his fellow-comrades of the As sociation < of Union Soldiers to meet at In dianapolis , Ind. , on October 21 , to hear the an swers to his letter and take united action. General Butler , on his way from OilCiy to Pittsburg , was met by a crowd of 2,000 persons with a brass band and military salute. He ivas driven to the base ball grounds , where an 5 immense crowd awaited him. His arrival was the signal for great cheering , and after order a ivas restored he spoke for half an hour , assail ing the stiifldurd Oil Company. At Franklin i.OOO people were gat'uered at the depot to neet the train. Butler was escorted to a phit- term in the public square , where he spoke fif teen minutes. t Chief Supervisor Sherman , of the Chicago listrict , in making up his list of supervisors 3f elections to serve on November 11 , chose in the second congressional district one repub lican and one independent democrat or Fin- jrty man for each voting precinct. An ap peal from this action was taken on behalf of , the democratic party before Judge Blodgett , jf the federal court. The judge quoted the t law , which provides that the two supervisors for each polling place shall be of "different aolitical parties , " and held that the plain in ference was they should be of the leading political parties. He therefore ruled that the list of supervisors must be made up exclu- ively from the republicans and democrats. FOREIGN NOTES. The Austrian government has threatened to retaliate against the porte unless the latter fulfills the terms of the treaty relating to the junction of the Turkish & Austro Servian rail road. Captain Tournier , who negotiated the Tien rsin treaty , fought a duel with Henry Roche- fort , on account of an editorial written by the atter criticizing it. Both combatants were rounded slightly. Col. Kitchener telegraphs that a rumor is prevalent at AmboKal that the rebels have Mptured three Europeans with their drago- nan. If the report is true the prisoners prob- ibly are Col. Stewart , Power , correspondentof he London Times , and M. Herbin , French onsul at Khartoum. Thus there is some hope hat the lives of these three will be spared. A. Jiad Slate of Affairs. The affairs of Newcomb , Buchanan &Co. , of Louisville , are now apparently in a worse con- lition than ever. The assignee is without " noney to carry out the trust , and the plan proposed by some of the largest creditors to " aise some "by a system of charges on the vhisky in the warehouses owned by the cred- tors is so strongly objected to that it is not ikely to be adopted. In this event the estate to .rill probably be forced into the chancery ourt. which will make a final settlement of he thing verv far in the future , and be more ostly than if the creditor's plan of assessment vas adopted. In any case , it now appears nn- xssibte for the creditors to obtain the whisky which they have claims without it costing hem heavily. Another letter has been re vived from George Buchanan , proving eyond doubt that he and Anrtrew Buchanan ire in Windsor. Canada , opposite Detroit. Like an Old Creaky Window Shutter , That is the way a man's rheumatic joints sometimes are. Hinges old , rusty tl : ind worn , and badly need oiling. The rouble is in the blood. A man who is f any account is worth repairing. The repairing can be done by means of " Brown's Iron Bitters. That enriches ind purifies the blood , drives out the lains , and works complete restoration. Inm rhousands testify to it from happy ex InT perience. Mr. C. H. Htmtely , 918 T Sbrth Sixteenth street , St. Louis , says : 'I used Brown's Iron Bitters for rheu- n' ' natisrn , general debility and prostra- . ion , with the best results. " ir ; A BIDE TO DEATH. A Terrible Accident on the Union Pactflo * Xcar Elkhorn Station. About nine o'clock on the morning of the Bib-Union Paclflo freight train. No. 0 , was sent west In two sections , both under running or ders to Grand Island. The second section , consisting of thlrty-thrco empty freight cars , was manned by George Chamberlain , en gineer ; George Sheldon , fireman ; G. B. Miller , conductor , and two brakemcn. At Elkhorn they were twenty-three minutes behind time , but knowing he had the right of way , Miller ordered his engineer to go ahead , and they started for Waterloo. About half a mile west of Elkhorn station is n sharp curve running through a deep cut. As they entered this cut , going at a twelve mlle gait- Miller saw a light engine coining down on thorn at about the same speed. Ho jumped Into the tender and made a leap for the ditch , 'andlng ' on a pile of rails , and badly bruising his left leg. which wns injured in a pmah-up some lime iigo. Chamberlain reversed Ills engine , but before either he or Sheldon could got out of the way the crash came , and they were both caught by the tender which "buckled" up on the cab and imprisoned them. Both men were so firmly wedged In the wreck that it was impos sible to move them , and they lived out nearly an hour of terrible agony , bciug literally scalded and rousted to death. The jar of the collision throw the furnace door open , and they were unabloto move away from the intense heat , while at the sumo time scalding hot water poured on them from thebroken , pipes. To one of the brakemen - men who was trying to rescue him , Sheldon said , "For God's sake , got mo out of here : " and then realizing that It was impossible , added : "It's no use , boys , I've got to die. " A cushion was put un der his back and ho straightened up and bore his sufferings without n murmur , until death cuinc , an hour later. Chamberlain was con scious to the last , and tried hard to direct the work of the men who were attempting to "jack-up" the tender and release him. Ilo spoke of the stream of hot water running on his legs'and made an effort to close tho'valve , but could not reach it. James Lowery. who was running the light engine , jumped off and escaped unhurt. Richard Norrls , his fireman , was horribly mangled , having his left log completely crushed , his right leg broken In two places , and his left arm broken above the elbow. Dr. Cyrus Baldwin , who chanced to be at Elkhorn - horn at the time , attended to Morris , and trot him stinted on the train for Omaha. At Pa- pillion he was met by Dr. Mercer and other Union Pacific officials , who took him to St. Josephls hospital , where he died later In the day.All All the actors In the sad drama are young men and belong In Omtiha. Jumes Lowery , on whom the chief responsibility rests , is about 30 years of age. About two years ngo Lowery lost a portion of one loot in a railway accident on the Union Pacific. Richard Norris , Lowery's fireman , who died at St. JosepV's hospital , was 28 years old. Ho was married only three weeks ago , and his death has nearly crazed his young wife. George L. Chamberlain , the engineer of No. 0. leaves a wife and two small children. Chamberlain was one of the best known men on the road , and , like Lowery , was skillful and competent in his calling. He was for a long time on the "bridge" run between Omaha and Council Bluffs. George Sheldon , the fireman who died at his post with Chamberlain , wns also a man on the sunny side of 30. Sheldon was unmarried. Georpro B. Miller , the conductor of No. 5 . who so luckily escaped from the wreck , is all right with the exception of a bad bunch on his left knee. INVESTIGATION AND VERDICT. The coroner's jury charged with the duty of Inquiring into the causes which led to the deaths of Engineer Chamberlain and Fireman Sheldon completed their task on the ! ) th. When the taking of the evidence was finished the jury retired , and ha-1 a long struggle over the verdict. Three members wanted to hold Lowery responsible for the disaster , and the other three thought there were other attaches of the road who should be censured. Finally they agreed upon the following verdict : George W. Shelden nnd George L. Chamber lain came to their death on the Sth day of October , 1S84 , near Elkhorn station , on the Union Pacific railway , from bodily injuries re ceived by burning and scalding in the wreck caused by a collision between engine No. 8 , U. P. railway , and engine No. 2 , O. & R. V. railway , at the above time and _ place , and do further find that the said accident was caused by the carelessness of J. W. Lowery , engineer of engine No. 2 , O. & II. V. railway , in not ob serving signals carried by first section of train No. ! ) on the U. P. railway on said < Iate at Waterloo , their meeting point. It is further found that there are palliating circumstances in the case in two facts : First , that the order received at Valley station from the train dis patcher at Omaha was not thoroughly under stood ; and second , that tiie engineer of the meeting train at Waterloo omitted to give no tice of his carrying signals in accordance with custom that has become an unwritten but most beneficial law. .7. M. L.v INS , Foreman. D. F. McKENXA , F. J. MCSHANE , W. II. KENT. G. A. NOITE , J. W. MEAD. LAST OF THE LETTE&S. 'j * Eelny That of 3It : J > fiittef. , the Prohibition Candidate. I William Danicls > nominated for vice presi n dent on the prohibition ticket , in his letter of I c acceptance , says : The necessity for the pro c hibition of the liquor traffic is based upon the \ well-established and conceded facts that this c traflic is the producing cause of a large part of all the crime , poverty , insanity , suicides t and diseases that exist in the land ; that it is t- the great disturber of public peace , as well as the destroyer of domestic peace and happi ness ; that it renders life , liberty and property insecure , and imposes upon the community heavy burdens of taxation , without equiva lent or consent , upon the prouml of its lejriti- mate tendency , being the produce of idleness , vice and debauchery , and to create nuisances. The supreme court of the United States and the highest courts of the state have decided that laws entirely prohibiting it are constitu tional. That idleness , vice and debauchery , being cankers on the body politic , endanger ing its very life , there must of necessity be an inherent power in it to remove it in order to prevent its own destruction. In such decis \ ions as these the highest courts have also held that these laws are for the protection of to- ciety and not for the regulation or control of the conduct of the individual , and hence in no sense partaking of the character of sumptu ary laws , as they are so often falsely and knowingly styled by the liquor leagues and politicians of one of thegrcni political parties , nnd that neither are they restrictive of per sonal liberty , except in so far as they re strain the individual from inflicting injury on others or on society. In all such cases public safety must be supreme. The writer discusses at much length the prowth and extent ot the prohibitory sentiment , jvhich he claims bus not been properly util- ized. _ He states that the demoralization from drink is on the increase , and that unfaithful , officialsif ail to enforce the law _ regulating the I ( sale of liquor. He says the policy of both the national government and the preat majority Psi Qf states is that of licencing and fostering this sin traffic. To chanpe this policy , anfl the govern sit ment policy especially , is the imperative duty t : ( of the hour , and to effect it requires the ud ngencyof a political organization or party- d just as other great reforms necessitated like A. support for their accomplishment. It , there fore , becomes a national political issue ot" su if preme importance , nnd cannot be relegate : ! states alone , at the bidding of any political matter how disturbing ; this element may be to the parties or poli ticians. Both the existing political parties op posed , or Ignored , this great issue , and their y jandidates for president and vice president ) lid likewise. Necessity , conscience , loyalty to j n Sod and humanitytherefore , compel us to as sume the position we have assumed. Lastly , 01 the movement offers a grand opportunity for 01 burying forever the sad memories and bitter ir iiatred of the war , and uniting the best ele irT ments of the Christian and moral people li : throughout the land against the worst , and in ir m organization that will know no north , si outh , east or west , its great purpose being ir he protection of the home against the irei saloons. P ! ai FIRED OUT. ir In "oininissioner 1'ccJ ; Summarily Jicmarrs stPi Clerk. PiUl Ul Edward Hcaly , chief clerk in the bureau of Ulfl abor statistics at Albany , New York , was re- In noved from office by Commissioner Peck. Che reason assigned by Peck for the action is hat his subordinate violated his oath of office ind has l > cen puilty of malfeasance in office , - in his telegraph- in he latter chai-jre consisting aih ng some forty-six messages and charging- the h ic < anietothc department. Ilealy indignantly se denies the charge and will demand an Investi gation. Healy's friends claim that ho recent ly presided at a Butler meotiiiK- against the ndvlco of Commissioner Peck. The following is the letter of dismissal : You are hereby notified that on and after this date your sen-ices will not bo required In this department. Under ordinary o'rcum- Htanccs I should feel wllllnpr , and , indeed. Jus tified in allowing you to resign , but conscious iw I am , not only of your base nnd unwarrant able treachery to mo personally , but of your utter luck of manhood , decency and honor in the performance of your sworn .duty , 1 tun impelled by the sense of my official oath to re move you for gross and dishonest' practices , nnd to denounce you as unworthy the con fidence of any man. CiiAitbKS F. PECK , Commissioner of Labor Statistics. _ " 3 * O - ' ' THE REAL Furntral the Supposed Murderer of the Per- deal Family Tlio Jteail Body of Jialrd Found. A special from Fullcrton , Nob. , dated the th , gives some additional particulars con cerning the murders in Nanco county. The bodv of Balrd , the sjpposod murderer , has been found , nnd now the finger of circum stantial evidence points to Furnival , the only missing one of the party , ns the real criminal. Following Is the dispatch to the Omaha Herald : The news reached mo Saturday evening just ns my message was being transmitted , that the body of George Furnlval had been found Inn pond of water. It turns out upon closer inspection to be the body of Baird , the man who was living with Pcrclval. and upon whom , up to the time of the identification of his dead body , the suspicion seemed to rest that ho was the person who had committed the crime. The identification would seem to be complete , as the clothes upon the body were recognized as those that had been pur chased in Fullcrton by those who sold them to Baird , although at the coroner's examination some of his neighbors would not say that it was Bnlrd's remains. They were , however , positive that the remains were hot thqs'o of Furnival. Diligent and thorough Kcnrch wns kept up all day yesterday ( Sunday ) for the body of Furnival , as no one could'bcUcve that ho was capable of committing such a crime. Ho has always borne an exemplary character , was exact in all his dealings , prompt in payment , gentlemanly in his manners , and .kind heart ed and sympathetic in his nature. He possess ed a farm of ICO acres , mostly paid for , and liad few expenses nnd was of good habits. Besides all this , there is an entire absence of motive. He had always been on good terms with Mr. Mairo , with whom he lived. They- "batchctl" together. Notwithstanding all this , there are those who have investigated the whole affair from the beginning up to the present time who are forced to theconcluslon that George Furnival s the man who committed this horrid mur der. The circumstances against him are that 10 is absent and that his absence Is unaccounted - * ed for. The note upon the table wns referred 1o yesterday , wherein ho said ho was going uniting with "Betsy , " or Mr. Malre. His Win chester rifle has since been found , wrapped in n coat and placed beneath the mattress of hie bed. bed.At At 4 o'clock Monday afternoon a man by the name of Bird called to collect some money , and urnlval told him that Mnlro had gone to liilIertonwithMrPercival. The examination of the wound of Baird showed that ho was shot in the head with buck and chicken shot. Mr. Furnivnl's sholvun was found loaded with just that kind of a load , the buck shot being put in the cartridge on top of the fine shot. These and other circumstances make a rather strong case agafnst Furnlval , nnd unless ho shall be found dead , will have a tendency to ripen into conviction. The evi dence seems to be strong that the shotgun used was that of Furnival. If that is the case it would preclude suspicion resting upon any outside parties , for if any other persons had pone there for a wholesale slaughter , they would undoubtedly have taken their tools with them. .These people , or the most of them , were ac customed to receive remittances from Eng land , Mr. Malr receiving regularly , at stated intervals , drafts for $ lnot ) . He was looking for such a draft the Saturday before he was killed. A registered letter reached this office last Thursday evening for him. supposed to be that remittance. Harry Percival was first cousin to Lord Edperton , and his wife was a daughter of an Episcopalian minister , living in Minnesota , who is now here. To say that this tragedy has cast consterna tion , sadness and gloom over this entire coun try is but a feeble expression of the feeling existing here. All the victims were known bv everyone in this place , where they did all their business. They were all young. Fin-ni val is not over 23. They were living to enjoy life as gentlemen farmers , always peaceful , always kind , always generous , and how it has happened in this peaceful , thrifty , prosper ous country is a mystery beyond comprehen sion. The following proclamation has been issued by County Clerk McClelland , by order of the county commissioners : A reward ot $1,000 Is offered by Nance coun ty. Neb. , for the apprehension nnd conviction of the murderer or murderers of Harry Pcrcl val , his wife and infant child. Hugh Mair and II. A. G. Baird. who were killed nt their resi dences twelve miles west of Fullerton , in Is ance county , Neb. , on or about September * Description of party who has for some time past lived with the persons murde'red , but who is now missing : An Englishman about 21 years of age , 5 feet 8 inches in height , sharp ly formed features , sandy hair , fair , florid complexion , face somewhat freckled ; walks erect , pleasant and smiling countenance ; weighs 140 pounds ; a noticeable English ac cent. and has tattooed upon one of his arms an anchor. The Governor of Nebraska has telegraphed , that he will issue a proclamation for an addi tional reward , as authorized by law. In the Interest of > or. _ At the session of the fedcnttionTor trades and labor unions in Chicago resolutions to secure u showing of the numerical and finan cial strength of the labor organizations ot the country were tabled , as likely to furnish em ployers with valuable inlormation. The com mittee on standing orders reported favorably on alarpenumberof subjects for incorpora tion in the platform of that body , and they \vcrelaidasidepending its completion. The resolution for the establishment of intelli gence offices undei thedirection of the unions in various cities was adopted. The question of the abolition of child labor was discussed and referred to a committee. The reso lution for the appointment of a committee to mediate between the warringciparmakers' unions was adopted. On the subject of recom mending a man for chief of the bureau of labor statistics , the convention was unable to iipree. It wsis decided that , instead of a union nf building- trades , trades leagued be formed throughout the country. A resolution asking congress to pass the Foran bill , for the better protection of life and labor on the lakes , waa- passed. A resolution , setting apart the firs Monday in each year as a national working * man's holiday , passed. A portion of the platForm - Form of the body was then read by the secre tary. It declared for a unification of all or ganizations in a federation to assist in case of strikes or lockouts. For a legislative com mittee to supervise and reflate all strikes , o levy an assessment of two cents \veekly on ill members , with power to increase to three lollars. This was referred to a committee . resolution asking congress to take early iction ou the bill prohibiting the importation foreign labor was adopted. An Unfortunate Year for Lumber Men. A Wasau ( Wis. ) dispatch says : The present -ear has been the most unfortunate for lum- er men during the last decade. Low water the spring left many logs in the woods , but f late there has been no complaint for want f water. Since September 1st over fourteen riches of high water on the level has fallen. Lhe result has been tnat the Wisconsin ri\-er las been at a Hood. Logs have been swept nto the woods , booms carried away , lumber ubinenred. and business interrupted Dur- ng the last two weeks it has rained nearly very day. Lumber could not dry out nor shipment ? be made. All the mills in this citv ire idie.the hiph water preventing theas = ort- np of logs. The Boom company has probably icen the heaviest loser. A strinp of bootn- ticks nearly seven miles long has been di < = - laced and carried away , and boom-sticks ire jammed among the lodgs in hopeless con- usion. The lo s along the river , counting oss of time with injury to propertv , i over 230,000 , and the end if- not yet. ' A man never appreciates how useful old llannel shirt may become until has had a meal of fried tripe at a . easitle hotel. Fall Jiiver Advance.