McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 09, 1884, Image 7

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Official * of tins Ifew llatcn rottofllce Baffled.
There is trouble in the Now Haven postofflcc.
A Now Haven business man alleges that bis
mail has been robbed , and that letters con *
talning money received at the Now Haven
postofflce have been stolon. Dotcctlvos have
been at wotk on the case , and the postofflco
officials are supposed to have exerted them
selves In the way of special surveillance , but
so far every effort In the line ot investigation
has proved f uti\o \ , and despite the fact that
y\l ° postmaster , tlio chief clerk and other em-
j ycB of the oflico keep an actlvo watch , the
alleged robberies have continued with little
Interruption. The total of the alleged rob
beries in tike a Inrjio Bum. George G. Pawn *
iner , who is the head of the Yale silk works , is
a dealer in the scrap silks so dear to the feral-
nine heart for fancy patchwork. " He and bis
partner were the pioneers in this line and now
control n largo business. Advertising largely
they have secured customers all over the
country , their mail being among the largest
received at the postoffleo In Now Haven * As
the correspondence generally relates to orders
for goods , most of the letters contain money
ranging in amount from a fraction of a dollar
upward. As a rule thwsums are too small to
suggest postofllco money orders or the regis
tration of letters. During the latter part of
August complaints begad to pour in upon the
flrrn from customers at a distance who claim
to have lorwanled money without receiving
! In return any of the goods ordered. So fre
quent became these complaints that Mr.
Pawning made known the fact at the post-
ofllcc. Detectives were employed to look
after certain features of the case , but their
vigilance effected nothing.
It was at first suspected that some perfon
had obtained a duplicate key to Mr. Powmng's
postofllco drawer and was opening it sur
reptitiously. A close watch kept in the post
ofllco lobby upset this theory , tor nobodysave
Pawning opened the box , though the letters
continued to disappear. In the meantime a
new lock was placed upon the drawer , and de
tective work was transferred to another plmso
of the case. For a fortnight the postofllco
authorities have been on the watch without
any result ether than the embarrassment of
discovering thatdcspito their surveillance the
theits continued without Interruption.
Though satisfied that the thefts really were
taking place , all detective expedients have
been equally Ineffectual , until the postofllco
authorities have settled down to the opinion
that either there is no hope of cornering the
rogue , or else that the thefts are from the out-
Eld o.
Chief Clerk Uoyd said his attention had been
called by Mr. Pawning to these alleged irregu
larities some time ago , and that ho had care
fully and persistently investigated every
phase in the case , but as yet had been wholly
unable to find tho'sllghtest evidence of crook
edness upon the part of any man in tbo post
offlco employ. "I can only say this , " said Mr.
Boyd , "that the boxes now in use at the post
ofllco have been in service for BO long as to
have become almostworthlcss. Forten years
they have been steadily in use , and we have
found that many of them are continually get
ting out.of order , and I think there is more
than a bare possibility that thcso losses may
be accounted for in this waj Many of these
boxes have become so defective in thoirlocks ,
etc. , as to have given us trouble with other
parties , but until this instance there has never
been any reason to suspect anv crookedness
upon the inside of the olflcc. We know that
in some instances keys in use at the oflico
have become so worn by long use as to now fit
and unlock a half dozen drawers. " The in
vestigation will be pushed , and inspectors
from Washington are expected.
Estimates of Appropriations Required for
Xheiv Support.
The following are the estimates of the ap
propriations required for the suppo'rt of the
Indians the next fiscal year : Current ex
penses , salaries , etc. , S2oS,500 , present appro
priation , $218,300 ; fulfilling treaties with and
support of Indian tribes , § 3,191,355 , present
appropriation , ? 2,574,419 ; general Incidental
expenses of the Indian service , $181.600. pres
ent appropriation , $111,800 : trust funds $95,170 ,
present appropriation , $ ! > 5,170 ; miscellaneous
supports ) for the benefit of Indians not pro
vided for by treaty ) , $1,132,500 , prcsont appio-
priation , $1,201,500 : miscellaneous $693.200 ,
present appropriation , $518,000 ; Indian schools
51,309,7 1 , present appropriation $9S9,600. To
tal estimated expenditure , $7,238,019 , present
appropriation , $5,7J8.7S9. The report of Inspector
specter Haworth , in charge of Indian schools ,
shows an average attendance of pupils the
last fiscal year of 3,919 at boarding and 1,75'J at
day schools ; total attendance 5,678 , or about
:52 : per cent larger than the preced
ing year , excluding all missionary
schools and pupils placed in the state educa
tional schools. The report shows that there
are 10,000 Indian children old enough to attend
school. At the Cbiloch , I. T. , school 7,000
acres of land have been reserved for the bene
fit of pupils , so they may find homes imme
diately upon finishing their education. Two
new schools are provided for in the estimates
one at Devil's Lake , Dak. , nnd one at Wichi
ta , I. T. and with the expected developments
and enlargements of schools , seven in opera
tion , it is believed that all applicants can be
accommodated. The superintendent recom
mends that Indian pupils who may- hereafter
complete school terms , when of proper age ,
be admitted to the United States citizenship ,
and the same privilege be extended those In
dians who have left their tribes and become
possessed of property. In this connection it
is shown that the number of Indians who
have thus quitted their tribes and became
tax-payers rose from 25.731 in 1870 , to 60,107 in
1880 , un increase of 10,767 during ten years.
The It'ill Which lie 3Tadc TTJiilc in the Arctic
The will of the late Private Charles B.
Henry , of the Greely expedition , who was
shot for stealing provisions , was filed in the
probate court at Chicago on the 3d. It is
written in pencil on a scrap of paper about
the size of a. postal card , torn from a blank
\ised in the navy. It is dated Camp Clay , May
! ) , 18S1 , and is as follpws : "I , Charles li.
Henry , being sound ot" mind and health , do
hereby declare this to be my last will and tes
tament. All my property , pay due , and that
may become due , I bequeath to my parents ,
brother and sisters , now alive , to be equally
divided among them. Wm. Helms , of No. 20
South Water street , Chicago , I appoint as my
executor. Charl s B. Henry , private Fifth
cavalry , United States army. " The will is
witnessed by Lieut. F. N. Kislingbury and
Private J. Bender. A postal card to Sir.
Helms tells of the condition or the command ,
saying seven had already died and the re-
ftmiudcr expected death.
An American Croolt Wanted in Scotland
Joseph Ilaeside , of AVaukegan , 111. , appear :
ed before the United States commissioner at
Chicago , and gave bail to appear for examina
tion on the question of extradition for
forgery. It appears tbeapplicationwas made :
by the Clydesdale association of Scotland ,
charging that Kaeside purchased in thatcoun- :
trv a lot of Clydesdale horses of inferior
breeding , and forged pedigrees containing
more valuable strains of blood , and sold them
in this country to the detriment of the horse
interests there and here. The application
was presented to the state department at
Washington through the British minister ,
and government ollicers were directed to ar ;
rest him and deliver him to the British vice-
consul at Philadelphia. In order to avoid ex
tradition , if possible , Haeside surrendered
Star Route Suits.
A suit in the star-route contract was filed
in Washington on the 29th by the district at
torney to recover $11,901 , with interest from
September 15th , 1880 , from A. H. Brown , who
was a contractor on the route from Monument
ment to Lake Bond , Colorado , between Feb :
ruary , 1879. and June , 18S2. It is charged
M * wn obtained the sum sued for by fraud.
\-P district attorney also entered suit to
/coer $12,000 sureties on the bond of How-
fate , late disbursing officer of the United
States signal corps.
A yew Electric Railroad.
The model of an electric elevated railroad ,
run by a new motor Invented by Dr. W. F.
Adams , of St. Louis , was put in order In the
exposition building in that city. The power
is distributed from a central station , and runs
along a wire laid under the car track , similar
to the cable of a cable road , and gripped in a
similar manner by a wheeled grip which com ]
munlcates the current to a revolving arma
ture set between two magnates under the
body of the car. The armature is on a sleeve ,
which revolves and commnnicates motion to
minor wheels curiously geared Inside the
track wheels , which then In turn revolve ,
check or ro-revolvc , being at the will of the
conductor. Tlio machine appears to bo a suc
cess. The length of the model road Is 250 feet ,
and the car makes u complete circuit every
twenty seconds. A full-sized car of twenty-
five horse power will shortly bo set running in
machinery hall , and this winter it is intended
to have built and in operation an elevated
street railroad , tbo franchise of which is ap
plied for. _
"What a JttlHKlnnIppI Pilot Say * .
Ciipt. D. M. Riggs , who is well known
at New Orleans and along the Missis
sippi river , says , "I have been suffering
from dyspepsia for the past live years ,
and from broken rest , by severe pains in
the bowels and kidnej's. I tried every
medicine reeommended for these dis
eases , without success. At last I used
a bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters , which
proved a perfect success in my case. "
It cures all liver , kidney and malarial
A Jllootly Di-pil in fiance County County ,
JVW . Fottrl'eojtle Xurtlerett.
A special from Fullerton , Neb. , of the 3d ,
says : The most horrible crime In the annals
of the state has Just been unearthed here.
The body of Harry Pcrclval , a farmer living
about ton miles from town , was found near u
buy stack partially eaten by hogs. Two bullet
holes in the skull told the story of his dc-Jth.
In the house the bodies of Porcival's wife and
child were found. Both hart been shot in bed.
Not n living soul was left on the farm. Pcr-
cival's nearest neighbor , a young man whose
name has not yet been learned , was also
found dead in bed , having been shot in the
head , the same as the other v.ctims. Every
thing of value from both houses is missing ,
making it plain that the object of the terrible
quadruple crime was robbery. A man who
had been working forPcrcival is missing , asis
also one who has been helping Percival's mur
dered neighbor. These men have been very
Intimate of late , and it is reasonably certain
that they arc the gully parties. A squad will
be organized to-morrow morning and start in
purtult of them.
A. Would-be lilachtnallcr.
J. O. Harvey , a prominent young business
man of Wilton , Iowa , was arrested in Chicago
and taken to Kockford , Illinois , on a charge
of blackmail. The allegation is that several
months ago he in some way became possessed
of a bundle of love-letters written by Miss.
Larkin , of Rockford , now Mrs. DC Forest ,
wife of a reputable citizen of that place.
There was nothing compromising in the mis
sives , but it is stated Harvey persistently at
tempted to secure § 100 for their return. The
father of the accused Is a clergyman , located
at Wilton , and is well known throughout the
state as a temperance lecturer.
For a cold In the head , there is nothing so good as
Itcmcdy for Catarrh.
FLOUII Wheat per 100 fts 225 © 275
FLOUII Kyo per 100 Ibs 1 40 @ 175
HKAN Per ton 11(10 ( 61150
WHEAT No. 2. 61 } @ 015 *
KAHLKV No. 2 50 © 52
UVE No. 2 40 > © 41
COHN No. 2 mixed 435 $ © 433i
OATS No. 2 25 © 25
HITTTKU Fancy Creamery. . . . 28 © 30
JtUTTEH Choice dairy 14 @ 17
GHAI-ES Per pound 5 © C
EGGS Fresh 19 © 20
ONIONS Per bbl 140 © 175
CHICKENS Per doz , live 2 25 © 250
APPLES Barrels 225 © 250
POTATOES Per bushel 35 © 40
SEEDS Timothy 1 no © 2 00
SEEDS Illuo Grass 175 ® 200
SEEDS Hungarian 115 © 125
HAY Bailed , per ton S 00 © 9 03
WHK T No. 2 Spring 84 © 8554
COHN No.2 63 © IX\y \
OATS Mixed Western 315 * © 33
POHK New Mess 1C 75 © 17 00
FLOUII Winter 475 © 550
FLOUII Spring 375 @ 450
WHEAT Per bushel 80 ® 80J
COHN Per bushel 571/i@ 57J
OATS Per bushel 255 * " © 20 %
POHK ic 00 © 1C 50
LAUD 7 22 > © 725
HOGS Pckg nnd shipp'g 500 © 550
CATTLE Exports C 75 © 730
SHEEP Medium to good 275 © 400
WHEAT No. 2 red 813 © 81&
COHN Per bushel 40VS © 41
OATS Perbushel 25& © 26
CATTLE Exports C 40 © 675
SHEEP Medium 2 50 © 4 00
HOGS Packers 4 50 © 4 90
WIIKAT Per bushel CO'COJi
COHN Per bushel 44 © 45
OATS Per bushel 225 * © 23
CATTLE Exports 6 00 © 6 25
HOGS Medium to good 4 6254 ® 4 C5
SHEEP Fair to good 3 00 ® 8 25
"Not a St. John Man.
Merchant Traveler.
"Mrs. Jones , " said Mrs. Blinkin to
her next door neighbor , "you have the
stubbornest husband I ever saw. "
"You don't say so , " was the quiet
answer. "What's the matter now ? "
"Why he stood in front of my hus
band to-day , and wouldn't budge ,
though he asked him once or twice toile
ilo so. "
"I wasn't my husband. " i
"But I know better. "
"Well , I say it wasn't. I've known
that man for thirty years , and if lie ever
refused to budge when anybody invited
liim to , then he ain't my husband that's
ill. "
Mrs. B. got a slang dictionary to see
ivhat "budge meant.
A Sabbatarian Hen.
Saltlmore American.
Some months ago Mr. George Colton ,
favorably known as a breeder of poul-
: ry of the highest grade , presented to
he young son of a friend a pair of white
Seabright chickens of rare beauty in
ippearance. When taken to their new
lome , near the city boundary , one of
he hens began to lay eggs , and has con-
inued to do so without intermission ,
jxcept on Sundays , up to the present
lay. Every precaution and test has
Deen used to discover if the aforesaid
icn had in anyway labored on the
sabbath dajr , but among the ten or
welve in tne family it is the unanimous
sonviction that she observes the Sab-
jath in every way , as a Sabbatarian
should. Her Jboy'owner contends with
ill seriousness tliat the hen respects the
sabbath. He watches the chicken
louse closely , keeps it under lock and
: ey , and finds an egg in the nest daily
except on Sunday. His wonder is how
Hr. Colton could have so trained his
hicken in youth so that when it be-
same a hen she "did not depart from
t , " and conclndes it is the result of a
food example. He cannot understand
t any other way.
And what of chaussures ? For dressy
oilets , pretty shoes of patent leather ,
ow on the instep , with Hat bows ; the
kloliere shoe for the day time , the boot
if glazed or dull red ; stout boots with
vide square heels for hill-climbing ;
hoes of yellow leather for the sandy
teach ; elegant little slippers for the
Braids of all widths will be very fash-
enable this atutumn.
Young or middle-aged men suffering
from nervous debility , loss of memory ,
Eremature old age , as the result of bad
abits , should send three letter stamps
for illustrated book offering sure means
of cure. Address World's Dispensary
Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y
People now wish more lean pork and
the skilled swine growers should recog
nize this desire and act accordingly
The more high priced pork they can
sell , the more prolit they will realize.
"The of "
Slough Despondency"
in which you are wallowing , on account
of some of those diseases peculiar to
you , madame , and which have robbed
you of the rosy hue of health , and made
life a burden to you , you can easily get
out of it. Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Pre
scription" will free you from all such
troubles , and soon recall the rose-tint of
health to your cheek , and the elasticity
to your step. It is a most pefect specific
for all the weaknesses and irregulari
ties peculiar to your sex. It cures ulceration -
ceration , displacements , "internal
fever , " bearing-down sensations , re
moves the tendency to cancerous affec
tions , and corrects all unnatural dis
charges. By druggists.
Beware how you let words pass for
more than they are worth , and bear in
mind what alteration is sometimes pro
duced in their current value by the
course of time. Southcy.
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures
when ever } ' other so-called remedy
A Fatal Collision.
On the 29th a passenger train from Balti
more for Chicago and a local freight going
east collided sixty-live miles east of Wheeling.
The trains were going at full speed. Six
freight cars and the mail car of the passenger
train were demolished. The killed are Thos.
Turlcy , conductor of the freight , and Thos.
O'Donnell , of Martinsburg , iircman on the
passenger ; George Leonard , engineer , fatally
hurt ; John Smith , engineer , James Adams ,
mail agent , James Sapp , chief clerk of the
mail car , nnd D. W. Boyd , Iircman , areall %
severely injured. The passengers escaped
uninjured. The accident was due to a misun
derstanding of orders by the engineer of the
The new combination of Smart Weed and
Belladonna , as used in Carter's Backache Plas
ters has proved to be one of the best that could
be made. Try one of these popular plasters in
any case of weak or lame baek , backache , rheu
matism , neuralgia , soreness of the chest or
lungs , &c. , and you will be surprised and
pleased by the prompt relief. In bad cases of
chronic dyspepsia , a plaster over the pit of the
stomach stops the pain at once. Ask for Car
ter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache
Plasters. Price 25 cents.
"Pa , I want to gowhaling. " "All right , my
son. " And in a few minutes he was Lusy in
the woodshed with lots of blubber.
A CARD To all who are suffering from
errors and indiscretions of youth , nervous
weakness , early decas' , loss of manhood. &c. .
I will send a receipo that will cure , FREE OP
CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered
by a missionary in South America. Send self-
addressed envelope to REV. JOSEPH T. INMAN ,
Station D , New York.
Henry Villard is said to be worth half a mil
lion , and isjjnly 48 years old.
the Skin & Scalp , Poisons , Bites of Insects , Piles.
Ulcers , &c. Cares Barns and Scnlds without a scar.
Small boxes 25c ; Jnrco75c. Get the genuine. Sold by
Drucsists. J. W. COLE 4 CO. . Black River Falls. Wis.
A stroke of lightning split open a hollow
tree at Shasta , Cal. , revealing a skeleton and
clearing up a murder mystery.
"The best is the cheapest. " This is an old
nda e and the essence of wisdom. The best
medicine , and the only sure cure for diseases
of the liver , kidneys and bladder is the old and
reliable HUNT'S [ Kidnev and Liver ] REMEDY.
Physicians endorse it highly and prescribe it
in their practice.
The Czar of Russia may be Warsaw off than
f he had stayed at home.
Maid of Athens.
What is the difference between this noted
Lady and Carbolinc the great hair producer i
Answer : One is "Maid of Athens , " the other-
is made of Petroleum , both come from Grease.
The emigration of bank cashiers to Canada
ooks like an ex-owed us.
Allen's Iron Tonic Hitters la tlio most
powerful Tonic In the World. AH Rcn-.ilne bear the
; Ignature of J. 1' . Allen , Druggist , St. Paul , Minn.
A justice's pantaloons can hardly be called
> reaches of the peace.
Young Men ! Read This.
THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. ,
> iTcr to send their celebrated ELECTUO VOLTAIC
rial for thirty days , to men ( young or old )
ifllicted with nervous debility , "loss of vitality
ind manhood , aud all kindred troubles. Also
'or rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and
nany other diseases. Complete restoration to
icalth , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No
isk is incurred as thirty clays trial is allowed.
.Yrite them at once for illustrated pamphlet
rce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eighteen steers are being fattened at Shel-
ivyille , Ind. . for a big barbecue. All will be
pitted and roasted at once.
A new hospital with a capacity of fifty beds.
Private rooms for those who desire them.
Ladies in confinement will have every atten-
ion and absolute privacy. All surgical opera-
ions skillfully performed. Experienced
physicians in constant attendance. Rates
cnsonable. For particulars address Central
Hospital , Omaha , Neb.
Sprains , bruises , stiff joints , burns , scalds ,
.nd rheumatism are relieved bv Uncle Sam's
verve and Bone Liniment. Sold by druggists.
Worms cause peevishness , fevers , convul-
ions and frcqucntlv death. A pleasant , safe
nd certain remedy is Dr. JAQUE'S GERMAN
VORM CAKES. Sold by all druggists.
Headaches , constipation , liver complaint ,
lilliousness are cured by that mild , cleansing
emedv " which never produces pain , EILERT'S
) AYL"IGHT LIVER PILLS. Only 25 cents ,
iold by druggists.
An economical man will keep the leather of
lis harness soft and pliable , which preserves
t from cracking or ripping. He always uses
larness Makers-
One-third of all who die in active middle life
re carried off by consumption. The most
requent cause is a neglected cold , cough ,
loarseness , bronchial trouole or asthma , all of
rhich mav be pcrmantlv cured by EILERT
old by druggists.
A farmer's wealth depends on the condition
f his stock. When scraggy and feeble they
re especially liable to distempers , fevers , colds ,
nd all diseases which destroy animals. Thou-
ands ot dollars arc saved annually by that val-
able old stand by , UNCLE SAM'S CONDI-
Restless , fretful , crying children are suffer-
acc and need for their relief Du. WIN-
JHELL'S TEETHING SYRUP , which is use-
ul not only , for all the disorders of teething
afants , but cures coughs , croups , sore throat
olic and cramps of older children , and should
Iwavs be kept in cverv house for emergencies.
nly 25 cents. Sold by all druggists.
"Jtoneh on Corn * . " 15c. Ask for It. Complete
ire , hard or soft corns , worts , buniocs.
It is the successful trapeze performer who
merallv reaches the climb-acts.
When you visit "New York City , via Central
depot , save Baggage Exprcssage and $3 Car
riage Hire , and stop at the Grand Union Ho
tel , opposite said depot Six hundred elegant
rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars ;
$1 and upwards per day. European plan. El
evator. Restaurant supplied with the best.
Horse cars , stages and elevated railroad 'to ' all
depots. Families can live better for less
moncv at the Grand Union Hotel than at any
other first-class hotel in the City.
'There's deal of music In
a good some pee
ple's soles , especially If the soles arc hitherto
Take care of your Liver. A great number of
the diseases to which mankind arc liable arise
from a disordered condition of this organ.
Keek it In a sound and healthy condition and
you can defy disease. THICKLY ASH BITTEUS
arc especially adapted for this purpose , being
composed of drugs which act on the Liver ,
giving It tone and strength to wlthstaud ma
Love levels all rank except in the south , and
there a man is either a major or a colonel just
as long as he pays his liquor bills.
Buchii-TaUm. ' Quick , complete euro , nil
nHOjlngKldnov tiud Urinary D seiiflca. U.
It is estimated that 7,000,000 sermons are
preached to Americans yearly.
If afllictcd with Sore Eves , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eve Water. "Druggists sell it.
The Prince of Wales contemplates making
a tour of Ireland , accompanied by the
"ItoiiRh on Itch" cures humors , erupMons.rlne-
noruj , totter , ga t rhuum. irosted feet , chilblains.
Young ladies at Newport drive about in. dog
carts wearing high silk hats.
Jtfenimiui'B Feptunfzecl ISeef Tonic , the
only preparation of beef containing Its entire nutri
tious properties. It contains blood-making , force-
generating and llfe-sastnlnlns properties ; Invalua
ble for IndlR-nttnii. ly i > ei 'a. nervous pros
tration , mid all forms of senunil debility : also. In all
enfeebled condition" , whether the result of exhaust
ion , nervous prostration , overwork , or acute disease ,
particularly If resulting from pulmonarycomplaints. .
CASWKLL , HAZARD & Co. , proprietors , New York , "
Sold by druggists.
a There has been less amateur coaching in
England this year than formerly. Only two
coaches arc now running out of London.
Jtouirh on Itat- . " mars nut ratsralc . flies ,
roachea , bedbugs , auts , vermin , chlpmunns. 15c.
Two hundred inventions have been accom
plished by women during the past year.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
SoreTliron , S vcllina .Sprnln .nruI ea ,
Burn * . Scald * . Front III lea ,
Bold by DruggiiU and Dealers everywhere. Fifty Centi fcottlt.
Directions la 11 Languages.
( SnMMionto A. VOUELZP.4CO. ) Baltlmorr , lid. , U.S. 1.
-THE %
This medicine , combining Iron with pure
Vegetable tonics , quickly nnd completely
Cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Weakness ,
Impure Blood , iUaloriuChills and Fevers ,
and NenrnlKia.
It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the
Kidneys nnd Liver.
It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
"Women , and all who lead sedentary lives.
It does not injure the teeth , cause headache.or
produce constipation other Iron medicines do.
It enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates
the appetite , aids the assimilation of food , re
lieves Heartburn nnd Belching , and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack of
Energy. &c. , it has no equal.
4ST1 The genuine has above trade mark nnd
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
Bade only I.r IltiOnX CIIF.3IICAL CO. , RILTUIOKE , 3D.
| ,4lflHfc MKfc BHak. a m f rm
Th medorlty of the lllf of the human
fce < Jy arite ffotn a derangement of the :
the stomach and
affecting both
X.lver ,
tcnccl * . In order to effect a cure , it it
mtieatary to remove the cause. Irregular
lar and fi affifh action of the Bowolf.
aeadachc,8ieJcnc3 at the Stomach , Fit. ;
fn the Sack andXointi , etc. , indicate t %
thever3a ,
quires assistance to enable this organ to
throw off impurities.
jprlcfcly Asli Bittera are especially
compounded for thi * purpose. XJteyart
mild in their action , and effective at a
mure ; are pleasant to the taste and taken
easily by both children and adultft 'a-
Iten according to directions , they are o
safe andpleasant cure for Zlyspcpsla ,
General DetolHty , Habitual Con-
tipation , Diseased Kidneys ,
etc. , etc. A a Blood s orlflGr iey
mr * superior to any other medicine ;
eleanslng the system thoroughly , and
imparting now life and energy to the < -
valid , jt < a medicine cm * not oa
tntoslcatinsr beverage.
ma Uke no other. PBIOT. LOOperBa a.
St. tool * and TTiTiriM City. Xfa.
In 10
toUOUayB. Kop. r till Cared.
11 > 1U J. tiT.iilMIK.Sb , Lebanon , Ohio.
Tired All Over
This I tbc way many people cxprrM thnt terrible
feellniroflauxf or , debility and latitude which In of
ten the forerunner of nerloun tlUcnue. It should bo
overcome at all hazard * , und llood'i Samaparllla 1 * the
best medicine forthupnrpoic. It throws off tlio tired
fccllugandKlveg new life and vlKurto'the whole body.
"I bccninemore nnd more Impresucd wlththe cITcc-
ttml qualities of Hood's Sanaparllla. I u e It con-
ntnntly In my family , and believe that the health wo
constantly enjoy In due to Its use. It Is pleasant to
take , and makes otic feel like a new man. " K. K.
DKOM , Editor Wcstvlllc ( Ind. ) Indicator.
"I derived so much benefit from Hood'g Sarimparllla
that I think It has no equal. " Mn. M. A. KXIUHTS ,
Charlestowu , MasH.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold liyall Drtirelsts. si ; six for $3. Made only
by C. I. HOOD & CO. . Lowell , Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
"Kidney-Wort la the most successful remedy
I over used. " Dr. P. C. Ballou. Monkton. Vt.
"Kidney-Wort Is always reliable. "
Dr. n. N. Clark , So. Hero , Vt.
"Kidney-Wort has curedmywlfeofler two years
suffering. " Dr. C. M. Sumracrliu , Sun Hill , Ga.
It has cured -where all else had failed. It Is mild ,
but efficient , CERTAIN IX ITS ACTIOX , but
harmless In all cases.
GTIt cleanses the Blood and Strengthens nnd
elves New Life to all the Important organs of
the body. The natural action of the Kidneys la
restored. The Liver is cleansed of all disease ,
aud the Bowels move freely and healthfully.
In this way the worst diseases are eradicated
frosi the system.
Dry can bo sent by mail.
WfXLS , RICIIARDSOX & CO.Burllngton Vt.
Protection. No such
protective against
chills and fever and
other diseases of a.
malarial type exists
as Hosteller's Stomach
ach Hitters. It re
lieves constipation ,
liver disorders , rlicu-
matl in. Kidney and
bladder nllinciits
with certainty and
promptltuJo. A
clianKLMi * gratifying
take * place In the ap
pearance , a well as
the scn"atlon. of the
wan nnd hajKTd In
valid who ii-cs this
Mandard prumoterur
health and strL-ii th.
For sale liy all
DruKKlsts and Deal
ers generally.
The. above cut represents our SPFCIAL J .oo Belt which
w e guarantee to l > e cheaper , lighter , more ctficti e and dur
able thanTiny Electric Belt in eiisterce. We manufacture
.1 Chain Belt rantin ? In price from $3.50 to $5 co which is
equally as light and effective , but of course inferior to our
SPECIAL in finish.
Constipation. U\spcpsia , I-'emaleWeakness , Los of Sleep ,
and whatever ailment has its orijin in the nenuis system
or defcrthe circulation.
Send for Circulars. *
Box 28O. Omaha , Neb.
L , W. & N" . Oil Tube Colors , me. doz. ; Sible f-\ft. S
lirushes. SC.UH Hristles , . 1'laques , c. Palettes. 350. ;
- - t ; . . . . 70. up - ; . . ' . 5 up ; '
c. yard ;
_ _ _ _ _ . r _ f r rented.
me per cefc. Gold 1'iush Trains. Mouldings , Paintings , En-
; ra ings. Cord and Naiib. PIANOSanJOKC.ANS.fromJz up ;
' . . Drums. I-"Iues. I-ifes ,
1'iolms. 55 ; Guitars. 55 ; ISanjus 53 50 ;
IS2 0 U O B ffZithers. . Sheet Music. * i off printed hit ;
Bui Ul v3 U < W Musu Instiiietnrsfurall Instruments. ; oc.
A. HOSPE , Omaha.
Send 2 ct. Stamp for Catalogue :
I Gerrniin Asthma Cure nccr a- rclirfiu the wortt cises.insures comfort-C
lableelecp ffectacnrc-i-whcreaJlothersfaU. jt
I trial convinces the most tKcptical. Price 5Oc. and f
| Sl.OOofDrnFOstsorbymail. Sample FKEEf
I for stamp. DR.K.SCHIFFMA ? , S.IMnl , Minn I
iOwa r.cilnrss College. Practice
pook-keeixrs as Tcichers : two lead
ing Penmen. Short hanJ. Telegraph-
Ing. 1 : Office ! for Students actud
practice. He-1 location cheap board.
'uition low Journal free. JxKM.tcs & PILCH in. Des -Momea. la
BchtfouehSyrup. Tastcsgood. ;
"set ii time. Sold by drugghta. j
Rellevcd Immediately nnd cnred by
Price t3.00 per bottle or 3 botrjes for
3 delivered. Address Dr. C. MARKT , Manager , Ham-
Iton , Ohio.
pares mei : better for business than any other In-
tltutionlsthe testimony of the commercial world.
'or circulars address
LILLIIJUIDGE & DUNCAN. Davenport , Iowa.
fll niED send stamP forcircu-
I J I E I I li ars showing who is entitled
W 1 U I L. E t
= to pcnsion < bounty , &c. I. C.
& WOOD , 1'cnsion AttiWashington. . D.C.
/ANTED / experienced Book and Bible Agents In
every County. Liberal salaries paid. Address ,
atlng experience , P. O. Box g. g. , SL Loula , Mo.
IOKXTS WASTED for the be t and fastest
* selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced
per cent. NATIONAL PCS. Co , St. Louis , Mo.
'flllNfrMRN Telegraphy and Shorthand Schon\
UUHU lUEiU J'ayinrjKit.iafionKfiuaratird.AraeT-
ail School of Telegraphy & Mhorth'and.MadiPon.\Vin.
\V. X. U. , Omaha , 227 41.
say you saw the advertisement in this paper , i
Words of Wnrnhig nncl Comfort *
"If your are suffering from poor henlth or 5
'languishing on a l > cil of sickness , take cheer . , -
'If you are simply nlllnf , ' , or If you fed
'weak and dispirited ,
'without clcarlv
'Infrwhy , Hop 1Httera
'will surely cure you.
If you arc a minister , and
luivu overtaxed yourself with vour
pastoral duties , or a mother , worn out
with care aud work , or u man of business or
labor , weakened by the strain of your everyday
duties , or a man of letters tolling over your
midnight work , Hop Bitters will most surely
strengthen you.
If you arc suffering from over-eating or
drinking , any Indiscretion or dissipation , or uro
young and growing too fast , as Is often the case ,
"Or If you are In the workshop , on the
'farm , at the desk , anywhere , mid feel
'that your system neetfs cleansing'ton-
'Ing , or htlmulatlng , without Intoxlcat-
'Ing , If you are old ,
'blood thin and Impu.-e , puke
'feeble , nerves unsteady , faculties
'waning , Hop Hitters Is'whnt you need to
'give you new life , health , and vigor. "
If you an * costive , or dyspeptic or suffer
ing from any other of the numerous dis
eases of the itomach or bowels , it Is your
own fault if you remain III. If
you are ua > ting away with any form
of Kidney disease , .stop tempting death tills
moment , and turn for a cure to Hop Hitters.
If you are sick with that terrible sickness.
Nervousness , you will lind a "Halm in ( . .Head"
in Hop Hitters.
If j on arc a fwiucnter , or n rcslilrftt ( if.
J iii.i ! nmtlc dUtrlrf , lurrioadi * yotirHj'B-
Icni -alnst thi ; M'inirj'f of all coiuitrlcH
.Malariii , Kiildciiilc. Itllloux and Intcr-
iiilltuni Fuvt-rs by the usu of Hop lltttcra.
If you have roiiKh. pimply , or sallow skin , bad
breath , Hui | Hitter * will clvu you fair Hkln. rich Mood ,
the nwuctest breath and health. tJUU will bu puld for
a casc they will not cure or help.
A Lady's Wish.
"Oh , how 1 do wish my nkln wax us clrar and of t as
ToiirH."nuliI a lady to her friend. "You can eaMly make
it HO , " aiihwcred thu friend. "How ? " IiKiulml the Ural
"lly using Hop Bitters that makes pure , rich blood
nnd bloomhiK health. It did It forme , us you observe. "
ITI ? Noiie Ki'nulm : without a bunch of green Hop *
on the white label. Sliuuall the vile , poIsunuiiH stutT
with "Hop" or "Hops" ui their name.
Farmcrtoparly ( looking orer 'fctire ) : Losing
flesh , " arc ycr ? and don't sloop o' nights , eh ?
my boy , and you'll soon talk otherwise. I
takes 'em rciilarly. .
They purif 3- the "blood and cure all bil
ious complaints. Perfectly safe to take ,
being purely vegetable.
* * * * # * * * * * * * *
All those painful Complaints
* and Weaknesses so common *
* * * to onr best * * *
* * * * *
Price $1 la liquid , pill or lozrnge farm.
Its purpose is solely for the legitimate healing of
disease and the relief of pain , and that it does all
it claims to do , thousandsof ladles can gladly testify.
It will cure entirely all Ovarian troubles , Inflamm *
tlon and Ulceratlon , Killing and Displacements , or *
consequent Spinal Weakness , and is particularly
adapted to the change of life. * * * * * " *
It removes Kaintness , Flatulency , destroys all cravirg
for stimulant * , and rehevts Wtaknia * of the Stomach ,
It cures Bloating- , Headaches , Nervous 1'rostratioE ,
General Debility , SIeeplesMif , Depression nnd IncU
gestion. That feeling of bearing down , causing pain
and backache. Is always permanently cured \ > y its nw.
Send stamp to Lynn , Mass. , for pamphlet. Letter * ol
Inquiryconfldentiallyanswered. For&aleatdruggltta.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The BUYEBS * GUIDE is issued Sept.
and March , each year : 224 pages , 8x 11 $
inches , with over 3,30 ® illustrations
a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale
prices direct to consumers on all goods for
personal or . ( gCSSacv family use.
Tells how to JJyPlijj & . order , and
gives esact jjjj gi cost of ev-
erythingyou | jl Jj&- use , drink ,
eat , wear , or SfesrgSF have fun
with. These SgSsS invaluable
hooks contain information gleaned from
the markets of the world. AVe will mail
a copy Free to any address upon receipt
of the postage 8 cents. Let us hear
from you. e _ Respectfully ,
-o 2a ( > Wnbaah AYenue , CMeaso.Uir
Well Bering &
Rock Drilling
For Horse or Steam Power
Hundreds of the best men In 30 States
and Territories use it and will have no
other !
Established over 35 years.we have ample
facilities to fill orders promptly , and
to satisfaction of our customers. Cata
logue ritEE. Address _
iOOMJS & KY3IAN . Tiffin. Ohio.
Practice limited to dsseaeea of the
Eye , Ear and Throat.
1503 Fr.rnnm St. . . . . Omaha
O C. CAMPBEM. , Proprietor.
KewHoase. Tpnus.Kperday. 1213 Oooxisa 8C
O3IAIIA , Xt-b.
Rflf * fn ? * ) fin per hour at home. Nbpcddllnsr. No
OUUt III 3 iUU 1mml > uIT. Thes - crt revealed ,
and 15 samples worth tt.O ( for lOc. ( Name this pa
per. ) Address H. E. SLAYTOX , Montpeller. Vt.
- -
3)1311 ) $
_ _ _ _
PoaltlTelT care SICK-HEADACHE. BUlonaneiR , and all LIV2H. and BOWEI Coaplalnw , MT. T T I
BLOOD POISON , and Skin Diseases ( O2TE PILL A DOSE ) . Per female Conplatnt * thei * PlOlm
equal. "I nnd then a valuable Cathartic and Liver PHI. Dr. T. H. Palmer. Kontleollo. TTa. "
"In my pr ctlo I use no other. J. Denniaon , MJ } . , DeWltt. Iowa. " Sold rrrywhnre , cr cni tjr
far fit * * . la Valuable inforzaaiioa 72LKK. X. 8. JOHX8OX * CO , SO