THE TBIBUNE. F. M. & E. 31. KianiKLI , , PubH. McCOOK , : : : : NEB NEBRASKA. Grcclcy county Is going to fund 810,000 of ita Indebtedness. Work Is progressing on a $12,000 school building at Omaha. A gigantic squash raised near Kiverton , this Ettttc , weighs IBS pounds. * Seventy-three immigrant wagons passed through Oxford last week. Printers employed on the Omaha Bee went out on a strike last Sunday. A colony of one hundred persons will locate in Pierce county next spring. Four hundred books have arrived for the public library at Grand Island. T. H. Head , living south of Alma , has a flno bearing peach orchard of GOO trees. Atlanta is the name of a now station on the cut-off between Holdrcdgo and Oxford. The broomcorn crop in Adams county is said to bo immense , and all harvested. At Valentine on the 27th a brakeman named * Bruce was run over by a car and lost a leg. The new settlers in the upper country are hauling their winter supplies from Valentine. The railroad conipany is considering the matter of building new stock yards at Wisncr. The docket for the October term of the Douglas county district court contains CCO cases. A subscription paper is being circulated at North Loup to raise funds for building n church. Mrs. Hoops , of Ncmaha county , aged 75 , died suddenly while making preparation to attend church. Grand Island has passed an ordinance pro hibiting hitching posts In the business portion of the city. Omaha police made "a raid on the colored gambling dens and lugged sixteen players to the lock-up. Anti-monopolists of the UOth senatorial dis trict have nominated D. S. Parkhurstfor the state senate. Harry Ingalls , formerly of Beatrice , was ar rested and brought back to Nebraska on the charge of bigamy. Loup City is looking for a boom. Town lots to the number of 150 are to bo sold at auction on November 15th. A foreigner cannot vote in Nebraska unless he takes out his declaration papers thirty days before the election. A large prairie fire swept over the table lands north of Valentine last week. No clam- age reported thus far. Wm. Rhlnegans , a former resident of Adams county , was drowned in Grand river , Colorado rado , week before last. The remains of a boy baby , supposed to have been stlllrborn , wore taken from the river at Omaha a few' days ago. Rain somewhat interfered with the attendance - dance nt the Gage county fair , but In the mat ter of exhibits it was a great success. John G. Gray , the Genoa editor , has recov ered from his eelf-inflictcd wound , nnd has de parted for his father's homo in Iowa. NearLaPorte , a few days since , Miss Julia Thompson had a leg broken by the overturn ing of a buggy in which she was riding. Benjamin F. Cobb , ex-police judge of Lin coln , Is in straitened financial circumstances and creditors are jumping on him from all sides. Nebraska has no soft corn this year , and if the cereal is gathered in season and properly housed it will command the highest ruling prices. The young girl who was some time ago as saulted by the Mexican fiend is still very low , with-chances rather against her final re covery. ? The Presbyterian society at Hubbell re cently dedicated their new church building. It is a sightly edifice and was erected at a cost of § 2,300. At Hampton a little boy named Boyce , with out authority , was engaged in chopping pumpkins , when he cut off the ends of two of his fingers. Scarlet fever is attacking so many children * in the neighborhoods east of Doniphan that some of the schools have been temporarily suspended. Omaha is clamoring for more girls to do housework. Good housekeepers marry so fast that it is difficult to keep the market for hired girls supplied. Alvin McGuir , who broke jail in Lancaster county last December , has been captured and will be compelled to serve out an uncomplet ed term of sixty days. The Woman's Christian Temperance unions of the state are going to secure a mammoth petition to present to the next legislature , asking for prohibition. Capt. Foster , an Omaha sporting man , won 54,000 in a gambling house in that city last week , breaking the institution and compelling the manager to close up. J. M. Stout and James McNcal , of Doniphan , got into a difficulty which terminated in the former getting a jaw broken in two places and the latter a closed optic. A German at Lincoln named Vogt.took a dose of strychnine and passed on to the other world , where wine and women will not again upset his mental equilibrium. Perry Dutton , a youth In jail at Valentine for horse stealing , cut his way out with a pocket knife. He was recaptured and isnow confined in the jail at West Point. Charles Nelson , a young Dane working for a gardener near Omaha , was found dead in bed one morning last week. Physicians pro nounced it congestion of the heart. The Falls City News thinks twelve hundred and fifty dollars is a rather expensive lesson for the two citizens of that place who tackled a confidence game on the circus grounds. Attendants at the state fair from Grand Island and vicinity presented Union Pacific Conductor Wlnkleman with a lantern for being the most popular ticket-puncher on the road. Lamberton Leaton publicly announces to the people of Kearney county that his wife has deserted him after only two months of : wedded bliss. She ran away with an ex-law yer of Minden. Herbert Fester , of Buffalo county , a son of [ George Fester , was killed a few days ago. The boy was herding cattle on a pony and the pony ran over a calf , throwing the boy off and killing him Instantly. : A Swede named Zoegen , who arrived at Grand Island recently with his family from the cast , suffered the loss of about S30 on the : to the machinations train. He fell a victim monte man. : three-card of the festive The Gazette-Journal advocates the construc tion of water-works at Hastings. It suggests that by damning the PIntte river at Kearney a thirteen foot head could be obtained which would furnish water for all practical pur poses. Some time ago Andrew Richmond , of Alma * offered a premium of $5 for tbo tallest etaUf of corn raised in Harlkn county. J. D. Steven son , living south of Alma , took the premium with a stalk that measured 10 feet 2 inches in length. Series A of the Grand Island building and loan association has been running about two * years and eight months three hundred and thirteen shares have been sold on loans made of $200 each , amountlngto $60,400 , mostly used in putting up buildings. At Kcncsaw a boy aged thirteen and n girl nine stole a buggy from one man and a horse from another and started on a westward tour. They were traced to Axtcll , where the prop erty had been abandoned , but the young mis creants were not overhauled. Thomas Molacck , of Colfax county , accom panied by his wife , started for Schuylcr with a load of hogs. One of the hogs jumped from the wagon and frightened the team into run ning away. Mr. M. had nn arm broken and his wife was so badly injured that her life is despaired of. Perry Dutton , the juvenile horse thief , says the Valentine Reporter , waived examination before Judge Warren's court last Thursday , and was held In the sum of ? 300 to appear at the next term of the district court. Failing to give the required bonds ho was remanded to the county jail for sale keeping. The Presbytery of Hastings which recently met in Edgar heard reports showinggreatma- tcrlal prosperity. Churches are building in many fields. A longing and expectant desire for u great revival during the coming wintea was universal. The next stated meeting will bo held at Minden on the fourth Tuesday of April. Herman Manzcr , a resident of Adams county , went to Hastings , and from the street corners proclaimed that some months ago he had seen Jesus Christ , and that ho had told him that no rain should fall until the people believed as he taught. He was taken in charge , adjudged insane and sent to the asylum at Lincoln. ThoIInadilla Optic says that Dr. Swisher and Rev. J. H. Embree have had excellent success with their bees this season. The col onial increase has been satisfactory and they have been taking a fine quality of honey from their hives. The doctor says he put a new swarm in a hive and in ten days they had it filled with honey. This was during the last of August. Mrs. Briggs , the wife of a hard-working brick mason of Lincoln , got mashed on an other fellow , nud the other day "lit out , " tak ing their baby , the only child , and stripping the house of furniture. Briggs don't care about the woman's return , but he wants it understood that he is going to get the child and don't you forget it ? " The editor of the Woman's Tribune , Mrs. Colby , wishes to collect statistics concerning the journalistic work of women west of the Mississippi river , for the use of the committee on ' journalism of A. A. W. The statistics of Nebraska will also be used for another pur pose , viz : as furnishing part of the exhibit of Nebraska Woman's Work at the New Orleans exposition. Laird , who has been running a saloon at Duubar , and another fellow named Osborne , the other night woke up Dunbar thoroughly. They flourished their pistols , broke into the saloon owned by Thomas Wymond and helped - ed themselves to drinks , attempted with the persuasive power of a pistol to make Neihaus 1 open his saloon , and if reports are true com mittcd a number of other deeds. A man by the name of Peter Johnson , a Swede , was instantly killed between Cedar Rapids and Dublin , in Boone county. He was on his way to town with a load of hay , when his tepm became frightened at some passing Indians and ran away , throwing him to the ground. The heavily-loaded wagon passed Dver him , killing him instantly. He leaves a wife and a large family of children in indi- ent circumstances. An Appeal to the friends of Education in. Sebraslia. Ex-Governor Furnas , commissioner for this state at the New Orleans exposition , has kind ly invited the ladies to occupy a portion of the space devoted to the interests of Nebras ka , and the state organization through me ap peals to you to meet most heartily that invi tation. Ladies , I need not tell you that the educa tional dcpartmenc is ore of the greatest im portance. The most intelligent visitors who are seeking homes will make choice according to the merit in this display. Will you let our beloved young stite come up in the rear , or will you assist in placing her where she belongs in the front rank ? Arc you aware that we have the smallest per cent of illiterate population ? This fact alone , it occurs to me , is enough to inspire us to redouble our efforts to convince the world that this is the state in which to locate. Let us give evidence at New Orleans of our devo'ion to learning. Have you photographs of the school build ings of your city or district ? Have you plans and specifications of heating and ventilating that are superior ? Have you well written re ports of any kind that are' the work of your pupils ? Have you map drawings or free hu d drawings ? Have you any kindergarten work in yonr school ? Will any mother or teacher write us an article that will interest , or have you a paper already written that you can send , or if you think of anything will you address Superin tendent W.V. . W. Jones at Lincoln or myself . ntTecumseh ? " The time for reception of articles will close 1 : November 15. Specimens of work to bo packed can be sent to Omaha or Lincoln. FASNIE J. EBUIGHT , Superintendent of Educational Department of Woman's Work for Exposition nt New Orleans. Io ica Proh ib itlon ists. The state prohibition convention pursuant to a call signed by sixty citizens of Iowa was held in Marshalltown on the 2d. Charles Hutchinson , of Mahaska county , was perman ent chairman ; E. B. Howard , of Marshall county , secretary. A. W. Hall , of Page coun ty , and D. Blanchard , of Chicago , addressed the convention , urging it to put a ticket in the Bold headed by St. John and Daniels. The fol lowing electors at large were nominated : Tames Boone. of Van Buren county ; Joseph Steere , of Cedar ; GeorgeHeaton , of Jefferson ; James Townsend , of Cedar ; H. M. Woodford , of Bremen W. K. Monley. of Fayette ; Nathan Brown , of Linn ; Charles Hutchison , of Mahas ka ; E. J. Grinnell , of Guthrie ; Joseph Reed , Pager James Syth , of Fremont ; Wm. Lewis , 3f Story and M. M. Gilchrise , of Cla3' . An ex- scutive committee of three were instructed to sonfer with the American executive commit tee and make a state and congressional nom ination. They are to report in about ten days , rhe work of the convention was harmonious throughout. The electoral ticket as complete s ontains the names of seven prohibitionists , ind six of the thirteen electors were nominat ed at Washington , la. , five weeks ago by the American ultra prohibition and anti-secret jarty. : The Revolution Dying Out. ? Advices from Lima state the revolution is ; ipparently drawing to a close. The ill suc- ess which attended General Carcere's attack m Lima served to dampen the ardor of the evolutionists and strengthen the Iglesias government. The number killed on that oc- oslon was about 150 on both sides. A great noral effect was caused throughout the coun- ry by the government's success. BRIEFLY TOLD. McCullough , the actor , is Bald to have be come demented. The world is ten million years old , according to the Duke of Argyle. Tennyson's now work consists of one long dramatic poem , subject , "Bucket. " West Virginia is having very hot weather , and is suffering greatly from drought. The strike among the miners along the Monongahola river , is practically at an end. The loss bv the Cleveland lumber flro is estimated at $125,000 , the insurance being § 100,000. Dalr , the murderer of Alderman Gnynor , of Chicago , was found guilty and sentenced to bo hanged. The Buffalo glucose company shipped two train loads of corn to Chicago and realized a profit of 10 cents a bushel. John Baker , of Augusta , Me. , was arrested for the murder of Mrs. Tuck. Ho confessed to having committed the crime. Edward Morgan , whose father is a well known resident of DCS Moincs , Iowa , fell from a window at Lafayette , Ind. , and was killed. General William A. Throop , of the firm of Lapham & Throop , Detroit , a well known citi zen and politician , shot himself and will die. Daniel W. Fuller , an Advcntlst cxhortor of Chestcrlleld , Michigan , grew weary of waiting for golden slippers , and hanged himself in his barn. Mrs. Barbara Becht , of Louisville , arose from her bed to hunt for a cat. Her clothes took fire from a candle , and she was burnet to death. The Exchange National bank of Cincinnat has gone into voluntary liquidation , and its interests will unite with the Cincinnati Na tionul bank. Andrew J. Cooper and other Chicagoans have incorporated at Springfield a companj with a capital of § 1,000,000 to operate a gold mine in Michigan. Chicago capitalists are said to be arranging to build n railroad from Monroe , Louisiana , t < Pine Bluff , Arkansas , a distance of 150 miles through the cotton belt. Walter Wesfier , twelve years of age , was in stantly killed on the Rock Island road west of DCS Moinea. In getting out of the way of the Fort Dodge train ho stepped in front of a moving train on another road. The sentence of Clifford W. Richardson , of Ohio , convicted of murder and sentenced to hang Sept. 26th , and reprieved to Oct. 28th has been committed to imprisonment for life by Gov. Hoadley , of that stale. The Merritt wrecking company has succeed ed in raising the Tailapoosa sufficiently to re move her two miles toward Edgartown har bor. She will be taken in a few days to where she can be temporarily repaired. ' The local freight agents of the eastbound trunk lines , at a meeting at Chicago , decided to restore full tariff rates to seaboard points , which are on the basis of 25 cents on rain and 30 cents on provisions from Chicago to New York. An inspection of the Canadian Pacific road has recently been made by the chief engineer of government lines. He reports that a force of 5,000 men are at work on each side of the Selkirk mountains , and that track will be laid to the Pacific ocean by next spring at the latest. Sixty-three barrels of beer , the entire stock of Schneider Bros. ' brewery at Cedar Rapids , Iowa , was turned out upon the ground , they preferring to have that done than to have the suit against them for selling beer continued. Their kegs were returned and they will take them to their Ohio brewery. The largest cattle sale even made in Lafay ette , Ind. , has just been consummated. Messrs. srs. Fowler and Vannatta sold to W. H. Mon roe , of Boston , through his agent John Enoch , of West Liberty , O. , 1,000 head of fat cattle for § 70,000 cash , an average of § 70 a head. Thcy wcre shipped east over the Lake Erie and Western road. At Charleston , West Vu. , during the demo cratic demonstration , John Minley , in a drunken fit , began shooting in the crowd. Charles Slaughter , colored , was shot just above the heart , and Albert McCormick , white , was shot in the neck. Both victims were taken into a drug store , where Slaughter died in five minutes. A call signed by J. T. Dorigine , vice presi dent of the National Association of American Inventors , has been issued to inventors of Illinois , urgently requesting them to assemble in state convention at Chicago , October 23 , 24 and 25 , for the purpose of forming a thorough Drganization and electing delegates to the convention of the national association , to be held at Buffalo , > n January. The outlook is reported to be very favorable Cor fall and winter business at the south. Although the cotton crop will be less than was expected a month ago , owing to the ilrouth , there will be larger crops of corn , ivhcat and fruits than for some years. The south nil ! not be obliged to purchase so much breadstuffs from the west as heretofore , the lifferencc as compared with last year being estimated at fifty million dollars. CAPITAL BRIEFS. The reduction of the public debt during-Sep tember is § 1,300,000. Commodore Thomas Tillibrown , comman der of the New York navy yard , died sudden ly of heart disease on the 27th. The president has appointed J. W. Patrick , 3f Oswego , Kansas , Indian agent of the Pot- tawattamie and Great Nemaha agency in Kansas. Acting Postmaster General Hatton has is sued an order that on and after October 1 all postoffices of the first class and their stations or branch offices shall be kept open to the public for the issue and payment of moncy- arders and for the receipt of matter intended Cor registration and the delivery of registered matter until G o'clock every day , except Sun- Jays and legal holidays. At the session of the South American com mission there were present the United States minister to Mexico , Phillip H. Morgan and John Roache. Roach said theorizing was well enough but facts were needed. Railroads , he thought , made this country what it is , and if ive carry on trade with Brazil we must have jrcat facilities. Sailing vessels were nothing. IVe must have vast steamers to carry freight The majority report of the Springer com mittee on United States marshals' accounts made public. It is signed by the democrat- c members of the committee , and says : "As eng as those who poses the powers to ap point these officers have no appreciation of hc true dignity of the public service , and re gard the offices only as rewards to be bestow- d on their most unscrupulous political allies , here is not much reason to hope for any a jrcat improvement in the character of our ippointed officials. " CRIMINAL. Darn-in X. Gardner , for nine years police clerk of Cleveland , Ohio , phot his wife and then shot himself. A blacksmith , who leaves a wife and six children , hanged himself In a democratic wig warn at Fort Wayne , Ind. James and Frank Homer and James Murray have been arrested in St. Louis on the charge of burglarizing several Wabash depots in Illinois. Burglars entered the store of Michae' Bros. , ewlers , Grcenpolnt , L. I. , broke open a safe and took $10,000 in jewelry , watches and etc. The police have no clue to the robbers. The officers Investigating the recent theft of $20COO in bonds from the Equitable safety- deposit vaults , Boston , have recovered $0,000 secreted by Stevens before his flight. Detective McLochlln , of Boston , arrived at St. Louis in search of Miss Clara L. Hutchin son , who eloped with a married man named Wilbur McEntire , of that city. He found them registered at the Southern hotel as Murdock and wife. They agreed to return to Boston with him. Rev. Frank B. Sleeper , pastor of the Baptist church of Guardian , Mass. , was arraigned before Judge Field , of that town , on the charge of assault , preferred by Mrs. Ellen Holt. The offense is alleged to have been committed in June , 1882. Intense excitement exists in the town on account of the social standing of the parties. In the woods , just be3'ond the corparation limits of Dallas , Texas , the dead bodies of n man and woman were discovered side by side and still warm. She was about 18 and wore a diamond broach and dressed with exquisite taste. He was a few years her senior. Be tween them lay a revolver with two chambers empty. Near by was a note in a clear , bold hand : "As wo cannot be united in life we will bo in death. George Faustrlckand Annie Maulor. " There is no further clue to their identity. POLITICAL NOTES. Gov. Hcndricks has gone on a visit to the Louisville exposition. Colorado democrats nominated Alva Adams , of Pueblo , for governor. Information has reached DCS Moines that a St. John electoral ticket will be placed In the Held. Jaincs A. Fox , mayor of Cambridge , has been renominated for congress by the repub licans of the Fifth Massachusetts district. The greenbackcrs who refused to fuse met at Lansing , Michigan , and indorsed the seven greenback electors already chosen and added six more. Governor Cleveland visited Buffalo , his old home , on the 2d , where he met with a formid able demonstration in his honor. He made a brief speech with much reference to politics. Pennsylvania greenbackers nominated for congressman-at-large N. L. Atwood , of Vcnan- go county. Elcctors-at-large , Thomas Arm strong , of Pittsburg ; Samuel Calvin , of Blair , and Wm. Wilhelm , of Schuylkill. Ex-Governor Hendricks arrived at Louis ville as a guest of the southern exposition. Twenty thousand people welcomed him on the grounds in the evening , when he made a short and appropriate speech without touching politics. General Butler , Thomas F. Gradyand Col. Blanton Duncan , of Kentucky , addressed a labor meeting at Albany , N. Y. An organized mob of employes od the new capitol took pos session and endeavored to break up the meet ing. They procured eggs and hurled them at Grady during his address. Eggs not forcing Grady to retire he was then allowed to con tinue his address. The Delaware republican state convention was held on the 30th. Tlfe platform accepts the national platform ; commends Elaine's letter of acceptance ; declares the nomination of Elaine the result of a spontaneous demand of the party ; upholds the temperance alii- nnco committee for the introduction of the local option plank rejected by the committee on resolutions. Anthony Higgins was nomi nated for corgress. FOBEIGN NOTES. Sir Eveloy Baring has sent a dispatch to the government that Gordon , after bombarding Berber , effected nn entry and recaptured the place. The rebels and hostile inhabitants fled when the bombardment ceased. The Pall Mall Gazette says it is believed in official circles in London that the attitude of Germany toward France in the Chinese diffi culty is exercising a disquieting influence upon the French cabinet. The council of the Roman Catholic arch bishops and bishops at Dublin decided to con fide to Irish mempers.of parliament the ques tions to be submitted to the government upon university education , and the grievances of nuns employed as school teachers. At a meeting of the French cabinet council , Prime Minister Ferry assured his colleagues that the occupation of Kelung by Admiral C Courbet would finish French operations in China. He stated that he had reason to be lieve that peace would soon follow the event. h : Intelligence is received of a terrible burn [ cane in Ireland , on the" llth of September. s' Accounts thus far received show nineteen trading vessels and sixty fishing boats were vn est and vessels . n thirty-two destroyed. The most appalling feature of the storm was the tif terrible loss of life. B Advices from Durban state that Transvaal ti : government has assumed a more conciliatory jj attitude toward England. President Kruger jjh explained to Valkrpdt that he had not asked n Germany for protection , but only for .sup port. Protection would only be necessary in case Transvaal became involved in war. : A dispatch to Router's Telegram company , : from Cairo , says the recall of General Wolse- , - : ley is denied on official authority. The dis patch also states the khedive received a tele ! gram informing him that Berber had been i recaptured from the rebels , who , upon evacua : tion , succeeded in removing their resources. ) Advices from Adelliade , South Australia , state that the Duke of Manchester has started on his return to England. He received a re- a markable farewell ovation during his travels , c fhe party in the northern territory was at- n tl ackcd by blacks and some of the party kill ii ed. The duke himself narrowly escaped. Par iitl tla ies started in pursuit of the blacks to avenge tln he deaths of those killed. h it ite Cutting Rates to Omaha. e Chicago dispatch : Representatives of the roads interested In the passenger business to ; iissouri river points met on the 30th to con sider the matter of 1,000-mile tickets , which , it : s claimed , have been issued by the Rock sland road in considerable numbers in pay ment for advertising and printing at rates which have enabled the recipient' ! to dispose of them to scalpers , thus in effect cutting rates. As the Rock Island refused to call in hese tickets , lines interested agreed to make cut in the rates to Omaha and Kansas City ol o-morrow. The amount of the cut will be ft governed by circumstances. The regular rate fte ; < s § 14.50. It is anticipated § 9.75 will be the ate for to-morrow night. a .s : The tree of knowledge is not the re ree of life. [ Byron. reai GOV. ST. JOHN. Hit Letter Accepting lite Prohibition Aomf- tlon for President , The following is St. John's letter of accept ance : OLATIIB , Ks. , September 20. Hon. Samuel Dickie. Chairman of Committee , Etc. My Dear Sir : In form.-illy accepting the nomina tion for president , tendered to mo by the na tional prohibition convention at Pittsburg , Pa. , July 23 , 1684 , I take the opportunity testate state that while the honor was neither sought nor desired by me , yet It Is greatly appre ciated , bestowed as it was by a convention composed of delegates who In point of moral worth and mental ability were fully equal , if not superior , to any political convention that ever assembled In this country. The war for the union is over ; the rebellion has been crushed ; African slavery abolished ; the old issues have passed away , and with them should go old prejudices and sectional Ft rife. To-day the products of the north and south float In friendly relations in the same channels and under the same ting , and every toction of our country acknowledging allegiance to the same government. There never was a tlmo when our people could better afford to , and when It was more Important that they should , stop and think than now. With manufac tories shutting down , banks breaking , mer chants failing In business , securities unset tled , western wheat selling tit the home mar ket for forty-seven cents per bushel , ami lui n- drcds of thousands of industrious mechanics and laboring- men who are willing to work but can get nothing to do , it seems to me that the time has ccmie , for the people arc the source of all political power , to call u halt and stop and think , for there must bo a reason for this condition of tilings. The little time and space the old parties can spare , after dealing out tlio full measure of personal abuse and vllliflca- tlon that each seem to think the other merits. Is mainly devoted to a discussion of the tariff question , ignoring all matters that relate to the moral elevation of the people. I am of the opinion that the manufacturer who , by reason of a depressed condition ol business , has been compelled to make nn assignment for the benefit of his creditors will not find relief in the agitation of that question now ; nor will the average farmer bccoino very enthusiastic over the discussion , with his wheat not worth as much in the bin as it cost him to produce it. The amount received by the government for duties on imports is less than § 200,001 ) ,00i ) annually. There ate about 175,000 retail dealers in intoxicating liquors in the United States , each of whom pays to our govern ment $25 , In consideration of which sum they are permitted to carry on their business for a term of twelve months' . When weadd to this the amount paid by the distillers , brew ers and wholesale dealers , wo find that the In terest of the government in the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors Is about ? 80.- 000,000 annually. This traffic , sanctioned as it is by the laws of the country , costs the people , at a low estimate , one thousand million dollars lars per year , not to speak of the destroyed homes , debauched manhood , poveity , heart aches , crime and corrtiptlon it produces. This disgraceful business should be surprefseil a d the enormous sum of money that under the present system is worse than thrown nwny , saved to the people , and thus a protection would be given to the industries oC this coun try that would cnablcu- successfully to throw our doors open wide to the competition of the world. The republican and democratic par ties favor n continuance of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as ubcvcitigo. while the prohibition party demands that it shall be forever surpresscd. Thus an Issue is presented to the people in which is involved the protection of every home in the land. It Is not a mere local issue , citiicr , but it Is a na tional as well as a practical question , upon which a larce and respectable body of the cit izens against whose convictions party dis cipline is powerless have decided to vote , and they will not be found halting between two opinions touching this matter , but will work and pray and vote against this great evil until it is driven from our hind , nev r to return. The jrovernment Is simply a reflex of the individuals composing it. If we want an honest , sober government we must have an honest , sober people ; but we can never have nn honest , sober people so long as the govern ment sanctions that which makes its citi/.ctis dishonest , drunken and corrupt. The decla ration of principles , which I heartily endorse , as set forth in the platform of the prohibition party is entitled to the thoughtful considera tion and earnest support of all good citizens , without regard to locality or former political affiliation. Our country needs an administrn- that will rise above mere partisan considera tions and in the selection of public official1 ? make honesty , sobriety and efficiency , and not service to party , the test. It should be conducted , not in the interest of any particu lar section , party , race or color , but in the in terest of the whole people. To accomplish this , all good citizens should promptly step to the front and bo counted for the right. This is no time for dodging. Moral cowardice will never win and surely never deserves a victo ry. Then , let us look to G-d for His guidance and fearlessly and faithfully do our whole du ty , never doubting that he will take care ol the result. Very truly , your friend. JOHN P. ST. JOHN. A CORDIAL RECEPTION. Tendered by the Citizens of Buffalo to the Democratic Presidential Ifotninee. Governor Cleveland , the democratic nom inee for president , made a visit to Buffalo on r the 2d , and was cordially received by people iE ii af all political opinions. He was welcomed to E the city by Hon. Henry Martin , president of B ' the Merchants' and Traveler's bank , in a d dJ speech occupying about fifteen minutes in J lelivery , to which Gov. Cleveland replied as Follows : FKLT..OW CITIZENS T can hardly tell the people n ple of Buffalo how I rejoice to-night , and how r zrateful I am for this demonstration of the r Confidence and esteem of my friends and fel low citizens. I have resided among you and v in this city , where all my success in private J iife has been achieved , lor nearly thirty years. f Fo-night I come to you after the longest ab E sence that has occurred in that time , and yet t ivithiii the few weeks that have passed since E saw you last , an event has happened of su O preme importance to me , and that places me e ivithiii the nation's gaze. The honor it has S Lirouglit to me 1 ask my fellow-townsmen to share , while I acknowledge with n grateful n ieart all that they in past have done for me. b Applause. ] But two short years tro you n stood steadily by my side in every ellort of fic nine as chief executive of our city , to ad- fitl rance its interest and welfare. Whatever I tlV ivas able to accomplish of value to this com tlb munity was largely due to your stronjr ami in b EIF EIP F tatc. and I assure you that in its administra- , ion I have received no greater encourage Vn ment than the approval of my friend1) at Va lome. What I have seen and heard to-nicrht a jas touched me deeply. It tells me that EItl ny neighbors are still my friends , and tlu issures me that I have not been altogether un u successful in my efforts to deserve their con- Idenee and attachment. In years to como I c hall deem ms'sclf not far wrong if I still re- Cl ain their good opinion , and if surrounding tl arcs and perplexities bring but anxiety and vexation -exation , I shall find solace and comfort in P hc memory of the days spent here , and in d ecalling the kindness of my Buffalo friends , rt lut other friends are here to-night , and to all tl ivho tender me their kindly welcome I extend heartfelt prceting , as citizens with me of he greatest commonwealth in the sisterhood f states , and one immensely Interested in the general weal. Because I love my state and ' icr people I cannot refrain from reminding rou that she should be in the van of every novement which promises safer and better : idministration of the general government , so jloseiy related to her prosperity and great- icss [ applauscr , and let me leave you with he thought that your safety lies in impress- ng upon the endeavor of those entrusted with he guardianship of your rights and interests pure , patriotic and exacting popular senti- nent. The character of a government can lardly rise higher than the source from which springs. And the integrity and faithful- less of public servants are not apt to be rreater than the people demand. [ Great sheering. ] Governor Cleveland having finished , the rand procession passed in review before him : ind his guests to Niagara Square , where they lispersed. As column after column passed heers loud and long were given. After the jrocesslon had passed an informal reception vas tendered the governor , many ladies and : epresentative men of the city tendering him heir congratulations. : ; More than a thousand different kinds apples are growing on the university arm at Champaign , 111. Who sunpos- d there were so many ? Love thy wife and cherish her as long IE thou livesl. Flattery is better than oughness and will make her contented nd diligent P. Hotep. - THE SCHOOL FUNDS. An Able and Important Opinion by Judtica of the Hfebraaita S i > reme Court. Lincoln Journal. In the matter of Investment of the permanent school funds of this state. After consideration and consultation concerning - corning the questions Involved , the following1 communication was addressed : To the Honorable , the Supreme Court of Ncbranka : " We , the undersigned members of the board of educational lands and funds , would respectfully represent that a doubt exists In regard to the construction of section 0 , article 8 , of the constitution , and section 21) of an act entitled "An act to amend nn act entitled nn act to provide for the registry. . sale , leasing and general management or nil lands and funds set apart for educational pur- noses , and for the investment of funds nrls- fnp from the sale of such lands. " be njr arti cle 1 , chapter 80. compiled statues. "Also to- repcnl article 3 of said chapter 80. Approved February 24 , IfcSJ. " And If not Inconsistent with the duties of your honorable court. In order to further the proper execution of the law , wo would respectfully solicit an opinion upon the following questions : First Can the board of educational lands and funds , under the said section of the i con stitution and law. Invest the principal of tlio permanent school fund in the United States throe < : per cent bonds ? If so. can they pay a premium therefor from the temporary school fund ? Or will the board in paying- Bitch premium bo compelled to draw from the pcrimmcnt school fund thon-for ? Second-Can the board In purchasing a. high rate of Interest registered county bonds detach - tach coupons therefrom so that thf remaining- coupons will net the state slxfi ( ) per cent from the date of purchase to maturity ? Thiid Have the bouiil after purchasing- United States three (3) ( ) per cent bonds for the permanent school fund , the power under the law , to soil or convert such bonds into 11 high , rate of Interest registered county bonds ? Respectfully .submitted , A. G. KUNDAM , . Com. P. L. nud B. E. P. HOOOE.V. Secy , of State. ISAAC I'OWEHS. Atty. GcnI. JAMIS : W. DAWKS. Governor. Members of the board of educational lands and funds. Treasurer P. D. Sturdcvant , . dissenting. Upon presentation to the honorable suprema court of the questions above written , it was- Einrgestcd by the judges thereof , that the at torney general appear with snch legal propo sitions. as ho might deem fit , and that the board of educational hinds and funds , might file with said court the facts concerning , and reasons which called for action of the court , . whereupon the following communication was prepared and presented , to-wlt : To the Honorable the Supreme Court of Ne braska : We , the undersigned members of the board of educational lands and funds of Nebraska , having Joined in n request to your honorable court to answer certain questions heretofore submitted , with reference to the Investment of the permanent school funds of this state , bog leave to subm't ' for vour Information mation the following state of facts , and con clusions leading to the submission of the aforementioned questions to your honorable court : . It appears from Information filed with said board , by the Etatc treasurer , whose duty It is- to apprise the Eald board of theamount of the permanent school fund on hand , and unin vested , at its monthly meeting on the second Tuesday of each month ; that since about March , 1882 , there has been accumulating in the treasury money belonging to said perma nent school fund in excess of the amount the board of educational lands nnd funds have been able to Invest in securities offered It. That n November 30 , ISS- , there was a sur plus of permanent pchool funds amounting to- $13f > ,87.'i.51. It further appears that , though the said board have endeavored to invest said permanent funds in such securities as they could approve , there is now on hand , nnd un invested , the sum of about $188,000 ; being n gain over Investment of ? . " > 0,0r,0 In one year. . From the business of the lain ! department In , the past , we are able to judjrc thatdurlnp tho- next three months there will be received by the state treasurer a large sum belonging to- said permanent school fund , estimated by those competent to know at from 873,000 to- $100,000. And we further represent , that. In our opin ion , wo shall be unable to invest the said amounts In registered county bonds of this state , bearing six per cent interest. We believe that the accumulation of such a large sum of money In the state treasury. bearinsr no interest to the temporary school- fund , is of sufficient necessity to warrant us in propounding- questions heretofore sub mitted to your honorable court. And we tir- peni ly request a consideration upon your part , : htit possibly mny enable us to invest said "unds that the school fund shall derive every benefit possible. At the rcqucstof members of this board the attorney general will appear In person , or in writing , with such legal propositions as ho- may deem proper. proper.Respectfully submitted. A. G. KENDALL ProsMont Board Educational Lauds and Funds. E. P. RonnE Secretary Board Educational Lands and Funds. Answering the foregoing questions the- honorable supreme court replied us follows : To the Honorable Board of Educational Lands and funds : GENTLEMEN : Deeming nn answer to the questions , propounded by you in your com munication of the 13th inst. , respecting the investment of permanent school funds of this Btnte , not inconsistent with our duties , we submit the following : To the first question , taking them in the or der in which they are put , we answer that you are clearly in authority , under the sec tions of the constitution and statute to which you refer , to invest those funds in United states 3 per cent bonds if you docm it advis able to do so. The doubt you mention of your- right to Invest in these 3 per cent bonds was prompted , very likely , by the low rate of in terest which thev bear , together with the proviso vise In section 29 of the act of February 24 , J83 , relative to investments in "hljrh rate in terest bonds" of counties which cannot bo made so as to net "a lower rate of Interest than C per cent per annum. " But thi re- strlct'on extends at most only to the purchase of county bonds , and evidently has no refer ence whatever to investments in United States nnd state securities. As to the payment of premium : ? , if Uicy bo necessary in the purchase of United States bonds , these must be made out of the perma nent school fund , for there is no authority for making them out of any other. The only cases in which premiums can be paid out ot the temporary school fund , are thos'e of in vestments , in "high rate of interest" county bondP , as provided in the above mentioned section , and even these , but for this special provision , would have to be made out of the permanent fund. The payment of a prcm'um in makinjr an investment when the market value of the security purchased justifies and requires it , is a legitimate use of the money as n part of the investment , and does In no- sense violate the constitutional provision that this fund "shall remain forever Inviolate and andiminished. " Investments of this fund In any of the se- juritics : permitted by the constitution , wheth er at their par value , or above or below it , al though made m the reasonable hope of an ad- rance in their market value , and a consequent rain , must necessarily be nt the hazard of a lepreclating and consequent loss. Within the restriction of the constitution , which limits ihcse Investments to United States bonds , the tbe 3udement or To the second question we answer no. hilo so far as we now see , a purchase or 'high rate of interest" county bonds. In the node siiggested by the question , might pro- luce substantially the Eame result as would hat designated by the statute , it is different- md where the legislature in precise terms mve specified the means by which to reach a Icsired end , whose means should be used By islnjrthe means provided , there is absolute safety of action ; while In adopting and usinir- my other there Is not. The mode of payimr- jremiums required in the purchase of this- jort of bonds , the statute provides , must bo Eom1t etmporary * , school fund , and this be followed. To the third Question we answer , no. The- mthority given by the statute to the board Is imply to direct Investments of the money on land In certain specified securities , not to hanse investments when once made from one- ecurity to another. If the legislature had ntcncled that such change might be made loubtlcss the power to make them would mve been clearly expressed , and not left to a- orced construction of the statute. Where lowevcr , securities In which Invcstments- mvo been made mature and the money is re- I. urned to the fund , it Is then within the con- . rol of the board for reinvestment. Very respectfully , GEORQB B. LAKE , Chief Justice Cobb and Maxwell , J. J. . concur ; < The credit system has its drawbacks- business , but in truly good newspa- icrs it is highly approved. It is a wise- taragraph that knows its owafather. . -Springfield Union. h