TheTriburie " _ _ Thursday , October 2il 1884. Indicates that your uubKci-iptlou to Tin : X TmnuM : has expired , and that * an Invita tion to rcnuw the same. Is extended. TO OUR ADVERTISERS. Ml locals tinder this heatlliitfJOc. ti line for each Insertion , and same Inserted until order ed discontinued , unless time is spccHIcd. IMI In payable ! mnntlily. CONnitKGATIONAL.-Siinday School at 10 A. 31. every week. Preaching services everv .Sunday night itt 7.iO. : M. T. Also , every altcr- imto Sunday morning at 11. M. T. Kxecptions to the above will bo noticed in locals. _ OnoitOK DtrxoAx , I'astorl METHODIST. Services every otheFs7ui7la v morning- . Kl.w : , M. T. , and evening at s , 31. T. bunday School every week ati.0 : : ! , .M. T. Ser vices held in Opera Hall. _ _ _ AM.KN HAUTI.KV , I'aMor. CATHOLHJT Services will bc held In the Opera Hull once every four weeks. _ weeks.v. . I'.istor. 1. O. G. T. The independent Older of Good Icniplars meet in the Congregational Church every Tuesday evening. Local Intelligence. KETCH UM. flraham Flour at City Bakery. The latest at the Jewelry Store. Ketchum We've got 'em vou bet. ROOMS FOR UE.NT. Call on S. H. Colvin. For the best Flour in town call at City Bakery. Remember the Jewelry Store sells only warranted goods. J. S. Phillips sells the Ketchum "Wairons the best in the world. Drop in and see the late styles in Jewelry. It costs nothing to look. Extraordinary bargains in remnants of all kinds , at Chicago General Store. We arc informed that another beef round-up will occur on the Frenchman on the 5th inst. $500 reward is offered on the purity of Lcis' German Baking Powder. Sold by C. TJ. loger. ! . Lytle Bros. ' implement shed was pretty well distributed among the neigh bors , Wednesday night. We don't know , but will risk the assertion that dug-outs were in active demand. Wednesday night. We are happy to note that Mrs. W. J. Hills , who has been quite ill for some time , is able to be around again. A large bunch of cattle were shipped from Benkelman , Saturday nighc. and a heavy train from Brush , Sunday. We oft'er our entire stock of Lawns , to close them out , at from 7 to 10 cts. worth 10 to IS cts. Jos. MKXAKD. Hayes Couuty makes a lair showing of cattle , horses , etc. She has over 13,000 head of cattle.and almost 1,000 horses. All kinds of hair work done to order. Langtry Bang ? , Pinafore Waves and Switches done in first-class style at Chicago Store The City Bakery has just received the finest line of Candies ever brought to McCook. Remember this and go there for your candies. The Jewelry Store is the only place to buy reliable goods. Everything is guaranteed and sold at prices a ? low as any house in the business. Just arrived , at the City Bakery , a car-load of the Cream and Fancy brands of Grand Island Flour. Also , a supply of white bolted corn meal. West McCook Laundry is now pre pared to do everything in "its line , shirts , collars and cuffs a specialty. Xo extra charge for putting on polish. FOR SALE First-class millinery and dress-making establishment. Doing good business. Terms easy. For par ticulars , address TIIK TuiurxE. The Catholic people have selected the square northeast of W. 0. Moody's residence for their church site , and will al commence its erection at an earl } ' date. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the residence of Mrs. Geo. Dungan's , Tues day afternoon. October 7th , at o'clock. Mountain time. All are cordially in vited. McCook has some neat residences and we noticed several handsome lawns of blue grass and white clover as rich as any we ever saw anywhere. Fron tier Fabcr. 'The portly pen propeller of the Avap- ahoe Mirror has been sued for libel by Mrs. Emma McCaslin of Beaver City. Emma fixes the modest sum of $3.000 as the damages. The cattle shipment continues , train is loads of Chicago-bound stock arc daily occurrence. The number of stock ship ped is larger than anticipated by cattle ed men themselves. The M. Jtl. Quarterly Conference will take place at Indiunola , Saturday and Sunday , Rev. J' . C. .Johnson , the new Presiding Elder of thj.s district , will be present. The Fail-field Herald says that "Me Cook and Indiaiiolit. in Bed Willow county - ty , contain some of the finest buildings " M the state. McCook is destined to bo a big town at no distant da ) ' . " The following-named land seekers arrived from Chatsworth , 111. , Wednes day : J. F. Smith , W. En trestle , E. E. Bangs , S. M. Harry , M. B. Lewis , I Geo. Halhtm. S. F. PearsonD. W. Bash , 0 B. Larncd , Wallace Wallrieks. 'Ere the elapse of many days this village will have the answer to the im- porlunities of its citizens in the form and under the style of a ' -city cooler. " A building for that purpose is now be ing erected on the vacant land west of Mcnard's buildin Sneeze Root. Soap Bark for extract ing grease from silks , velvets , fine cloth and kid gloves. Ely's Balm for catarrh , colds in head and hay fever , Pure Pine Tar , Pure White Lead in 1 and 2 Ib. cans , Linseed 051 , Japan gold size , new casks aill sixes at B. & M. Pharmacy. "Seventy-six moving wagons , " says the Oxford Register , "passed through this place , last week , for the untried west. When considering the number going through the towns north and south of us , estimates can be formed of the exodus from the eastern states. " Just as inevitably as day follows iiight , do certain courses of action pur sued produce certain 'and like results. If men will persist in becoming inebria ted , and are relieved of their gold , as was the case with one of our citizens , this week , silence is the part of discre tion. Through courtesy of J. W. Dyer we are enabled to give a report from Hayes county , in this issue. Now , who will favor TIIK TIIIIJU.XK with a compilation of the crops , stock and the like of Red Willow county. We w'll take pleasure in putting such a report before our readers. J. D. Rowley , of Weaver precinct , ai came down from McCook , where he is employed by the raihoad company , about ten days ago. ami improved his home stead five miles southeast of town by erecting thereon a good frame house a 12x20. He returned to McCook on Monday. Arapahoe Mirror. Long before the land office doors are open a crowd of land seekers may be seen thronging the doorway leading to e G that Mecca of the land-hungry. Parties having claims cannot exercise too much care concerning them , as contests arc being instituted wherever there is a show of successfully prosecuting the same. S13J 3J The wind has been having a little 3JR 3JE "blow-out , ' ' the past few days. On R Wednesday night that very familiar T element in Nebraska became exuberant U and playful to an uncalled for degree , and Lytle Bros. " implement shed and a number of other structures of minor ; mention wcic blown over and demol V ished. Ill All person.- wanting water service should make application for the same 11) at once , so that the ; vork. can be done 11)S' before fi'oe/.ing weather , as it will save rc expeiifcc to the consumer. The Compa S ny will put in all connecting works from di their own material. dibi diw W. F. WALLACE , biff biT Lincoln Land Co. T It's a fact wherever Leis' German ff Baking Powder has been used , it re in ceives the indorsement of every house wife. This Baking Powder is made from to pure Cream Tartar , and we offer the large reward of 300 as a guarantee of its puriity. It received the highest in- in dorecmcnt at the Great Western Nation tl Fair. Sold by C. II. Rogers. tlN A large audience , composed of people N ple from Arapahoe , Cambridge , Indian- C ( ola and our town , greeted the performers tcki ki ers in Satuulay evening's musical re cital. Some parts of the program , ivh lie which was unfortunately not conspicu cl ously brief were well received ; others gave evidences of having been too hast ily prepared , and consequently were a < rather indifferently rendered. tl The skating rink on West Deniiison street is assuming form rapidly , and will ai soon we ready for the pleasure loving 111 public. The building is as to dimen 111R sions (10x40 ( feet , rather too small for the purpose , but we understand that it the intention to enlarge the rink if " the business assumes proportions justi fying such a course. Properly manag a rink cannot fail of bcini ? well patronized. E TIIK Courier replies to the Bee's attack - f tack on Senator Dolan's record , this week. Such a course , it seems to us , is not necessary and impolitic. The Bee's attitude is well undcrstqod by j thinking voters , and will be treated act \ I cordingly : One who replies seriously j to Rosewater will have his pains for his trouble. Wo arc authorized to announce that the public schools will open on Monday a week , the 13th day of October. The board had hoped to be able to open on the ( u'th inst. , but find that it will be jj impossible so to do. The children can begin ' the task of resurrecting their text books , removing the dust therefrom , preparatory to starting to school on the , 13th. 13th.We We noted the presence of the follow ing people from down the road , at the musical recital , Saturday evening : Dr. and Mrs. Shaw , Mr. and Mrs. Maikcn , Senator and Mrs. Dolan , Treasurer and Mrs. Goodrich , Sheriff and Mrs. Wel- born aid : daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Ileth- erington , Mr. and Mrs. Ward and daughter , Mrs. S. W. llarney and Thos. Teas , Indianola. E. E. Teal , Nora Wcstgate , W. S. Green and JI. If. Ifow- cnstcin , Stockville. Sallie Van Arsdol , | Geitrude Newman and Mr. and Mrs. James John , Cambridge. 3Iiss J. Clute , Mrs. 13. Elliott , Miss Colvin and Messrs. Stewart and Colvin , Arapahoe. The ball given in Mcnard's Hall , Monday evening _ . * , by Stokes & Troth of i the Willow , in honor of eastern friends * now visiting with them , was an * affair to which all present can refer with pleasurable recollections. The gentle men having the dance in charge had invited a large number of friends on the Willow , in McCook , and from Ben kelman , and a jolly , eager lot of danc ers responded. The evening was brac- ing , and as all present were in a "light fantastic" mood , the dancing was en joyed with a keen relish. Lunch was served at the City Bakery and the man ner in which the refreshing coffee , sand- wiches. ct ceteras became non cst is , suggestive of an invigorating climate. The affair was withal a pleasant one , and a happy reflection of the generosity " of Messrs. Stokes & Troth. F T A missionary of the Woman's Christ ian Temperance Union , in the person of Mrs. Cooley of Valparaiso , this state , addressed < a large audience at the Con- gregational Church , Sunday evening , on tlof the work and aims of the W. C. T. U. , ofvi and on the vital question of temperance. vi After her address Mrs. Cooley proceed 01C ed < to organize a local union. A goodly C lj number of signers were received , and the following officers elected : Presi \ dent , Mrs. W. 0. Moody : Vice Presi U dents , Mrs. Geo. Dungan of the Congre fa gational Church , Mrs. Patton of the Methodist , and Mrs. T. ( . Rccs of the ar Episcopal ; Secretary , Mrs. Stevenson ; i Recording Secretary , Mrs. Carl Clark : ill Treasurer , Mrs. J. B. Meserve. This union ] , audit is to be hoped that its num ' bers will at once be largely augmented ] a by the earnest women of McCook , has a , M 2reat work to perfom and doubtless will receive the support and co-operation it merits. . IF anything in the world will make a man ) feel badly , except pinching his fin bi gers ' in the crack of a door , it is a quar rel. No man fails to think less of him self afterwards than he did before ; it II [ degrades him in the eyes of others , and IITi what is worse , tends to blunt his sensi TiTi bilities , and increase his irritability. Tier The fact is that the more peaceably and n1 quietly we get on , the better for our ; neighbors. In nine , cases out of ten , the better course is , if a man cheats you quit dealing with him : if he slanders you take care to live down his slanders. Let such persons alone , for there is noth ing better than this way of dealing with those who injure us. Selected. THE amenities of journalistic life in Nevada are spiced with oirginality. One editor recently declared that his "es teemed contemporary has been known to , ) kiss a child and inoculate it with delir ium tremens. " But upon investigation < was compelled to admit that it was a child recently from the east. ro Sick head-ache arises from eating I. adulterated food , and is brought on by the use of ammonia and alum in Baking Powders. Ask for Leis' German Bak ing Powder. $500 reward offered for ammonia or alum found in Lcis' Ger man Baking Powder. Sold by C. If. . "l Rogers."l The bricklayers are making fair pro- guess on the walls of LaTourette's store. W. C. looks forward eagerly to the time or orP. when he will be able to occubv the same. P. . A choice Timber Claim for sale. Enquire of J. E. Cochran. th PERSONAL POINTERS. H. G. Hills of Michigan is visiting his brother W. J. , of our town. Miss Cline of Benkelman was one of the t merric dancers at Monday night's ball. 1 Mrs. T. S. Boslcy has returned from an extended visit at her sister's in Fair mont , this state. Mrs. G. L. Laws and daughters re turned Irom their visit to Sioux City , ] owa , Wednesday noon. D. W. R. Pcttibonc , agent of the Bankers' Association Insurance Co. , was in town , Tuesday , on business. J. R. Scdgwick , of the Lincoln.111. , Times , arrived in town , Wednesday , in search of land and a location for a newspaper. William Black of the Willow , Ed. Ryan of Culbertson and Mr. McKillip of Cambridge were callers at this oflice , this morning. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Troth , Misses Lucy Braiigh and Etna Kceler. Messrs. Stokes. Tate and others from the Wil low were participants in the dance , Monday night. Postmaster Weiningof Franklin pass ed some time in our sanctum , Tuesday. He has recently been traveling all over this state , and came up to McCook to buy some real estate. Michael Duffy of Friend was in town , between trains Saturday , looking after his landed interests. He has a deeded quarter and a timber claim about 8 miles south of here. T. W. Hughcn of Crcston. Towa , well- known to our first settlers in the capac ity of cashier of Use State Bank , arrived in McCook , Tuesday of last week. He is the i uest of J. B. Mcserve. Reinster Laws returned from Sioux City , Iowa. , Saturday , but as Mrs. Laws and daughters were having such an en joyable time , he is still an inconsolable. , Mr. Laws also visited in Minnesota during his absence. J. C. Kestcrson , D. J. Kestcrson , F. Kestcrson and Mathcw Kesterson of Fairbnry , came up to McCook , Tuesday. ' These gentlemen arc interested in stocks , and made a shipment from Culbertson , Wednesday night. Col. Burch. known to the people of this count } ' as the author of a history Red Willow county , made a ilying visit to McCook , Wednesday. The Col onel is now publishing a magazine in Chicago , devoted to the sheep interests. ' Samuel Tate. Manager of the lied Willow Cattle Co. . was in town. Monthly. Tilde Sam has beaten the lecord , this Fall. lie turned loose 43S steers , last " year , and gathered 4GQ beeves , this fall. ind has 33 more to gather. This looks little dubious , but Manager Tate can Humiliate the doubting mind. ° R. 0. Phillips of the Lincoln Land 'o. was in town a number of days , the . . alter nart of last week , seeing to some . t proposed improvements in the water ivorks system. Another pump and en gine will be put in at once , a building .Tected for the supplies that the compa- ly will cany hereafter J and thiniis jraced up generally. 31 r. and Mrs. C- Clothier of Mt. FIollv. X. J. . were guests at tiic Eatinir ' i * J louse a number of days , last week. I'hcy accompanied Messrs. Stokes & froth up to their ranch on the Willow , fuesday , where they will spend a week ten days. Mr. C. is interested in tock on the above-mentioned stream. to Both Mr. Clothier and lad } ' were agree- ibly disappointed in this country , hav- ng expected to sec a-much rougher and vildcr state of things than they found jxisting here. LOST. A brown leather pocket book , on the oad leading south from McCook. on $ Monday. Finder \\ill be liberally re- C ivarded by returning the same to this frice. | CIIAKLES ALV.E. A For Sale or Rent. A house in South McCook. Has 3 oems and a brick basement. Address G. Eaton. McCook , Neb. 18. "Wood Wanted. F want 50 cords of wood at my brick fard. immediately. Good prices paid. McCook , Oct. ± II. P. KELLV. „ j sold [ ofi'or c' ' laving my mare now my juisgy for sale very cheap. J. B. MESEKVE. The test of the oven is a guarantee V the purity of LeiY German Baking I'owder. Sold by C. H. Rogers. ' 11 All kinds of blanks kept fur sile at He his oflice. SOUTH SIDE , Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stone lluvegone to Kansas on a visit. G. B. Nettleton lost a cow a fev days ago from eating corn. Miss Minnie Boyle of McCook i : teaching in the Brush Creek Schoo District. E. Matson returned , Saturday , Iron the eastern part of the state with a finu drove of cattle. Mrs. Hart of Driftwood postofiiec was taken to McCook , last week , to re ceive medical treatment. Mrs. C. L. Nettleton started , last Wednesday morning , to visit her ol < J home and friends in Wisconsin. If there is an agent for a stump pull ing machine in the county he would do well to call on C. L. Nettleton , about the time he gathers his beets. Mrs. J. G. Eaton's brother and family and Miss Eaton , a sister of the Eaton Bros. ' , who have been visiting friends here and on the Willow will return to Indiana next week. Mr. Benjamin of Western Iowa , who located on the divide south of here last spring , arrived last week , with his family and a car-load of goods , which looks very much as if he meant busi ness. BONDVllLLE. Do not imagine for one moment that Mother's Son is cither dead or dying , for neither is the case. He has only been lost in the labyrinth of thought , as the enormity of his position ( that of city rcpoiter for THE TUHJITXB ) arose before his mind's eye. Before we proceed with the news of the day we wish to tender our sincere thanks to you. Mr. Editor , for your gen erosity is unbounded it far surpasses that of the majority of your profession. WE called for AVOKICKUS. Let your drones come this way and you'll find how soon they'll be stung nigh unto death. We have none such nor wish none. McCook is perfectly welcome to all the box weights. A. J. Brent spent the past week at Danbury. Bondville expects to be well repre sented at the county fair. Rain is greatly needed just now. as 'tis too dry for fall wheat. E'l. Mack's new match buggy team was seen on our streets. Sunday. J. C. Lafferty's latest revision is , ' -A new son makcth a glad father. " Rev. D. S. Morris and family , late of Missouri , arrived , Friday last , to begin the work of the next conference year. We understand that Mr. Armstrong is to teach the school of district No. 31 ; W. 0. Bond No. 10 , the coming winter. Perry Jones is making a noticeable improvement in the way of a neat frame dwelling. Eugene Dutehcr being the workman. ! The Alpha Beta Literary Society meets now Thursday evenings , instead of Saturday. It has been Avell attended and very interesting so far. Messrs. N. Whitescl. Al Griffin , J. A. . Carter. W. 0. Bond and Joseph Junkee took ( in Cambridge , last week. They report a vast improvement in the looks of the country and crops along the way. We were an eye witness to the un earthing of some enormous potatoes > produced in Red Willow &oil many measuring 7 , S , S.I and 9 inches in length , and from 2 to 3.1- inches in diameter. Bondville arises in indignation. Why do not the people of Indianola look af ter the doggeries of that city , or are her authorities asleep to such ? We arc weekly a'nd often daily victimized - listen to the railings and cursings or witness the pugilistic feats and bloody faces of the intoxicated men. This tells the talc of a temperance town. We feel for the future of such. MOTH EII'S Sox. ' For 3O Days Will sell Ash Extension Tables for $1.00 per foot. Kitchen Safes for SoO , Carpets 3.c. per yd. Windmills way down , Sewing Machines cheap for cash. large and complete stock of Furni ai ture 35 per cent , cheaper than can be old by any other dealer. J. S. PHILLIPS , fndianola. Neb. Something New ! At Chicago Store , tinder the Opera Hall. A Calico Dress given away with every $10 worth of Dry Goods. Cloth ing. Millinery or Boots and Shoes pur chased at my store for the next 30 days. All goods marked in plain figures. Jos. .MKXAKD. Some of the new colors found in fall velvets arc nutria , castor , beaver. Colorado rado , niauura. and Havana cigar browns : ew also seal and mink fur shades , hazel , a nut shade , and iron rust browns , vert gris. crcsson , and bronze shades of o green , and coquccot. or poppy aed. HAYES COUNTY. A carefully prepared report of Hayes county for the year 1884 , ( report being completed September 24 , 1SS4 : ) "utter . flaw U.S. Hurley . r > acrcs-UiO bushels. Hreakiiu , ' . IWjHenw. U plowing to ( lute. ) Uonns . ; ; l Cattle . IH.7IH. Corn . UW acres ! ) THI lniHholM' Corn roililur . i ucrvti Itti tons. Carrots . 1 ! ) Inmliols. CulihiiRus . . | ( xxi lu-ail. Foiicc ( wlru ) . 147 mile * . Horsi-.s . . JUT. I III/- , " . . . . . . , , . , * . . . . . . . .I ! 1. Hay ( wild ) . * atj tuns. Mules . 10. .Millet . 174 acres - ' ( > tons. Oats . : c acrcs-Kt'U ImnliclH. Onions . - . . 77 bushels. Potatoes I rlsh. . ! ' . ncrcs lGTlhushels. Parsnips . x > bushels. I Jyc . 10 acres ! HO bushels. Uyul'all ( sown ) . ii acres. Sliec-ii . - . . 1700. Sorghum ( feed ) . 57 acres 281 tons. Sorghum ( lor syrup ) . t ! acres. Turnips . 1170 bushels. Tomatoes . ati bushels. CITI/EXS HAVES COITXTV , NEIJ. : Believing the thinking mind can never- object to facts , I have visited nearly every home in this county and carefully compiled a report of stock , crops , etc. I feel safe in saying that for the most part the report will be found correct. L would thank you individually and collectively for the readiness with which you have responded and assistance giv en to make this a correct compilation. Respectfully submitted. J. W. DVKU. A IH.M and lurid glow has been per ceivable since Saturday evening on the southeast"sky. ! ! . Rut no one need think that the aurora borealis has shifted its quarters or that the world is burning up. It is only the reflection of the red with which Leavenworth was painted when the news came that the soldier's liome was secured. Topics. R. S. Cooley 's Bulletin Board. One quarter deeded land. (5 ( miles from town. Price , $040 cash. One quarter deeded land , 11 miles : 'rom town. Price , $ (140 ( cash. One quarter deeded land , timber and water , ( j miles from town. Price , $900. One quarter deeded land , 2 miles irom town , timber and water. .Price , $1.200 cash. Houses and lots in McCook to sell. 4 houses and lot" in West McCook. 3 louses and lots in South McCook. One icre of land , with good house. All cheap. Foil SALE. A complete outfit for a retail grocery store. Also , will lease or a term of years a splendid location 'or a country store in the Beaver Val- ey. Address R. S. COOLBV. McCook. Many other bargains to offer. Call on R. S. Cooley , Real Estate Agent. 1st door south of V. S. Land Oflice. BUSINESS POINTERS. Local < under thi head "ic. ii line for each n ertion. Hills im.valilo monthly. J. E. Berger is agent for the Western Cottage Organ , which he will sell cheaper or cash or on long time. 4. DeLand's Chemical B.tking Powder s put up in cans only. You are thus rotected from imposition which is the ea.-iest thing in the world with bulk goods. Sold by Ilaydcn & Co. II. W. Pike btartcd a Lumber Yard n MeC'ook. Neb. , January , 1884. and ia. < come totay. . Full assortment of jumber , Sash , Doors , Lime and Build- ng Material , sold at close prices , con- -idering the freight. l.Jank Deeds. Real Estate Mortgages' . je.i-SL's. Bills of Sale. Bond for Deed , Quit Claim Deeds. Contracts for Uuild- nir. Mortuaire _ Deeds. Release of Mort- - * jTagc. Official Bonds. Soldiers Discharge , 'ctition for License. Notes. Receipts , etc. . at THE Tiimrxi : office. IXDIAXOLA L am now prepared to offer Flour and Mill Feed in exchange for Wheat , and am also prepared to buy grain to ship. July ii. ' 84-Gm. CLAKK WARD. PAY UP. We would like to entertain two or hrce hundred of our subscriber.- thcf-e headquarter.- a few minutes each. Many are owing us from one to two years for their paper , and we give such an earnest invitation to call ami ettle by ca.-h or bankable paper. SHEEP FOIl SAI A limited number ( about LOiWheadlorSpaii- sli Merino ewe-s lorale. . TlueIieep are L' mi ! :5 : \ ears old. bred and raided in Webster Co. rom hfoli grade and thoroughbred Wisconsin - . are well grown. Irc-e trom any diseuse mil in the be.-t possible breeding condition : vill shear ! i pound" . Als-o a number of thor oughbred Merino Hams registered in Wi.-con- in and Vermont herd books. A rare chance start u breeding tlock. For further partie- ilars addict CODMAX A : WHITXEY , Guide Rock. XobraskH. II